LASER Manual In Ophthalmology-136-138

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LASER Surgery in Glaucoma

23. Anterior Hyaloidotomy
and transcleral
Nuno Lopes
Hospital de Braga (PT)
Hospital Privado de Braga (PT)
Hospital CUF, Porto (PT)

INTRODUCTION • Penetrating keratoplasty;

Aqueous misdirection syndrome (AMS) was first described • Phakic intraocular lens surgery;
in 1869 by Albrecht von Graefe1 and designated malignant • Vitrectomy;
glaucoma, as at that time it was refractory to existing treat- • Intravitreal injection;
ments. The term was used to define the condition of anterior • Miotic therapy.
chamber axial shallowing in the presence of a patent irido- As AMS is a diagnosis of exclusion, treatment should only
tomy, with or without increased intraocular pressure (IOP). be addressed after careful slit lamp examination and ul-
Although the pathophysiology behind this condition is trasonography or optical coherence tomography (OCT).
not yet fully understood, a fundamental mechanism se- The following conditions should be excluded:
ems to lie in a change in the anatomic relationship of • Wound leak;
the lens, ciliary body, and anterior hyaloid face, resulting • Overfiltration;
in aqueous misdirection with increase in vitreous volume • Suprachoroidal hemorrhage;
due to aberrant flow into the posterior segment2. • Pupillary block;
AMS can occur in aphakic, phakic and pseudophakic pa- • Ciliary body edema or rotation;
tients. Visual acuity is usually reduced due to refractive chan- • Annular choroidal detachment.
ges and corneal edema, however, it can be nearly normal3. Medical treatment should be initiated once the definiti-
Risk factors for its development are usually penetrating ve diagnosis is made and involves immediate cycloplegia
glaucoma surgery and narrow angle or shallow anterior and aqueous suppression. Osmotic and anti-inflamma-
chamber preoperatively, making this rare occurrence tory agents are generally used according to need.
more common among women. The goal of the treatment is to decrease aqueous humor
According to the literature, AMS develops in 2% to 4% production, to shrink the vitreous body and to move the
of patients with a history of angle closure glaucoma who iris-lens diaphragm backward3.
have undergone filtration surgery4. Surgical treatment options aim to restore normal aqueous
Time of onset varies from pre-surgery to years after sur- flow and include laser or incisional surgery. Due to their
gery. Postoperative manipulation and late changes of the less invasive profile, Laser procedures when possible are
surgical site are risk factors for late onset AMS. performed first in a step-ladder approach and comprise:
Incidence is small, particularly in open angle glaucoma • Argon/Nd:YAG-KTP Laser Photocoagulation (ALP);
surgery. The Collaborative Initial Glaucoma Treatment • Nd: YAG Q-switch Laser Anterior Hyaloidotomy
Study (CIGTS) reported an incidence of 0.4% amon- (YAG QS-LAH);
gst 465 trabeculectomies5, and more recently, the Tube • Cyclophotocoagulation (CPC).
Versus Trabeculectomy (TVT) study had a 1% incidence
in trabeculectomy patients and a 2.8% incidence after INDICATIONS / CONTRAINDICATIONS
non-valved tube surgeries6. Other procedures have also Laser treatment should be performed as early as possible
been associated with AMS, namely: and is recommended even in cases with apparent medical
• Iridectomy and iridotomy – higher risk after treat- control, due to high risk of relapse after medical treat-
ment of pupillary block; ment is stopped if this is done alone.
• Cataract surgery – very rare; Clear visualization is required for Argon/Nd:YAG-KTP


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23. Anterior Hyaloidotomy and transcleral cyclophotocoagulation

Laser Photocoagulation and Nd:YAG Laser Anterior (Figure 2). If successful, immediate deepening of the an-
Hyaloidotomy (YAG-QS-AH). terior chamber is usually observed. Several sessions may
Ciliary process ALP can be attempted when adequate vi- be needed to achieve complete permeability8-10. We usu-
sualization can be obtained through a wide basal periphe- ally use an Ellex Q-switched Nd-YAG Laser with 1064
ral iridectomy. Relief of ciliolenticular block is thought to nm wavelength.
occur due to thermal shrinkage of the ciliary processes,
but thermal rupture of the anterior hyaloid may also play
a role7. At least two to five ciliary processes should be
accessible for better results.
In aphakic and pseudophakic eyes, laser disruption of the
anterior hyaloid allows for communication bewteen the
posterior and anterior segments and was shown to re-es-
tablish normal dynamics of aqueous humor flow.
When poor visualization contraindicates ALP and
YAG-QS-AH, Cyclophotocoagulation is the only Laser
treatment option available. Due to the potential compli-
cations involved, CPC is usually the final alternative in
patients who refuse incisional surgery. Although its me-
chanism is incompletely understood, CPC is considered to Figure 1. 532 nm Nd:YAG Laser; Three mirror Goldmann lens.
help in the resolution of AMS by inducing the posterior ro-
tation of ciliary processes secondary to coagulative shrinka-
ge3. So, besides reducing the production of aqueous, CPC
may help by eliminating the abnormal anatomical vitre-
ociliary relationship which seems to predispose to AMS.

The procedure should be explained and informed consent
from patient or representative person should be obtained
(not necessarily written consent, follow local rules).
Medical therapy should be maintained.
When corneal edema is present and clear visualization is
needed, topical application of glycerin or hypertonic eye
drops can be helpful. Figure 2. YAG Laser Hyaloidotomy diagram and lens example.
ALP and YLAH are usually performed under topical anes-
thesia (Oxybuprocaine Hydrochloride 0.4%) but for CPC,
peribulbar or retrobulbar anesthesia are the preferred options. Cyclophotocoagulation
In transscleral CPC (Figure 3), the most widespread te-
LASER TECHNIQUE chnique, around 18 diode laser burns are performed over
Argon/Nd:YAG-KTP 270 degrees, avoiding the 3 and 9 o'clock hours. Sparing
Laser treatment can be done directly or with a goniosco- of the superior quadrant can be considered if AMS oc-
py lens (3 mirror Goldmann Lens; Trokel ; Ritch ; Magna curs after superior penetrating glaucoma surgery in order
View ; Latina…). In order to obtain shrinkage of the ci- to allow for a better preservation of filtration. The probe
liary processes, the usual settings are: should be held perpendicularly to the scleral surface, ju-
Spot size: 50-100 μm; xtaposed to the limbus with steady indentation, in order
Power: 100-300 mW; for the laser to be delivered at 1.2 to 1.5 mm from the
Exposure/Duration: 0.1-0.2 sec. limbus11,12. Exposure time is usually set for 2000 ms and
Green 532 nm laser (Figure 1) and 577 nm Yellow laser energy is titrated between 1500 and 2000 mW maintai-
are the more frequent wavelengths used7. ning a sub “popcorn effect” value.
In our experience, transcleral CPC is performed with an
Nd: YAG Q-switch Laser Anterior Hyaloidotomy ARC 810 nm Diode Laser under peribulbar block.
Hyaloidotomy should be performed peripherally in
pseudophakic eyes because, centrally, the capsule and in- POSTLASER CARE AND FOLLOW-UP
traocular lens are obstacles to appropriate intersegment After laser therapy, medical treatment and close follow-
communication. The existence of a broad enough iridec- -up must be continued.
tomy in these cases is therefore of great help. In ALP and YLAH, maintenance of cycloplegia, aqueous
Typically, initial laser energy is set between 3-6 mJ per suppression and anti-inflammatory drops is usually enou-
pulse. Pulse number and energy may be increased accor- gh, however, if CPC is performed, analgesic treatment
ding to tissue response. Laser treatment can be attemp- should be added. Narcotic analgesic combinations such
ted directly, but is best performed with an iridotomy as (paracetamol/phosphate codeine – 500 mg/30 mg) or
(Abraham; Peyman; Mandelkorn…) or gonioscopy lens (paracetamol/ tramadol hydrochloride – 325 mg/37.5


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tive complications of trabeculectomy in the Collaborative

Initial Glaucoma Treatment Study (CIGTS). Am J Oph-
thalmol. 2005; 140(1):16-22.
6. Gedde SJ, Herndon LW, Brandt JD et Al. Surgical com-
plications in the Tube Versus Trabeculectomy Study
during the first year of follow-up. Am J Ophthalmol.
2007; 143(1):23-31.
7. Herschler J. Laser shrinkage of the ciliary processes. A
treatment for malignant (ciliary block) glaucoma. Oph-
thalmology. 1980; 87(11):1155-1159.
Figure 3. Cyclophotocoagulation treatment diagram and probe. 8. Little BC. Treatment of aphakic malignant glaucoma us-
On the left image the grey area marks probe placement and the ing Nd:YAG laser posterior capsulotomy. Br J Ophthal-
red dot the laser delivery point. Contiguous probe placement mol. 1994; 78(6):499-501.
should not overlay the previous grey area. 9. Epstein DL, Steinert RF, Puliafito CA. Neodymium-YAG
laser therapy to the anterior hyaloid in aphakic malignant
mg) up to a maximum dosage of q.i.d. usually provide (ciliovitreal block) glaucoma. Am J Ophthalmol. 1984;
good pain relief. Prescription of a steroid and/or antibio- 98(2):137-143.
tic ointment t.i.d. and overnight eye patching also brings 10. Risco JM, Tomey KF, Perkins TW. Laser capsulotomy
comfort to the majority of patients. Follow-up visits are through intraocular lens positioning holes in anterior
usually scheduled in 1-3 days, depending on pre-treat- aqueous misdirection syndrome, case report. Arch Oph-
thalmol. 1989; 107:1569-1989.
ment control and procedure outcome.
11. Stumpf TH, Austin M, Bloom PA, McNaught A, and
Morgan JE. Transscleral cyclodiode laser photocoagula-
tion in the treatment of aqueous misdirection syndrome.
Inflammation and hyphema are common complications to
Ophthalmology. 2008; 115(11):2058-2061.
all the laser procedures described, although usually of no con-
12. Carassa RG, Bettin P, Fiori M, and Brancato R. Treatment
cern. CPC has the increased risk of cystoid macular edema,
of malignant glaucoma with contact transscleral Cyclopho-
phtisis, scleromalacia, staphyloma, conjunctival burn and, al- tocoagulation. Arch Ophthalmol. 1999; 117(5):688-690.
though rarely, can even be implied in the perpetuation of the 13. Hardten DR , Brown JD. Malignant glaucoma after
pathophysiological mechanism of AMS itself11-13. Nd:YAG Cyclophotocoagulation. Ame J Ophthalmol.
1991; 111(2):245-247.
RESULTS 14. Saunders PPR, Douglas GR, Feldman F, Stein RM. Bila-
Prognosis in AMS was traditionally poor. With swifter teral malignant glaucoma. Canadian J Ophthalmol. 1992;
diagnosis and prompt medical and surgical management, 27(1):19-21.
therapeutic outcomes are nowadays better with appro-
priate IOP control being achieved in around 90% of ca-
ses in most series.
Medical therapy and Laser alone are usually successful in
controlling up to 50% of cases, however, lifetime follow-
-up is needed because recurrence risk is higher in eyes not
submitted to incisional surgery.
Despite the usual satisfying efficacy in IOP control, visu-
al acuity reduction is common.
Care should be taken when approaching the fellow eye
in patients who have suffered AMS, due to high risk of
incidence in the fellow eye. In such cases, miotic therapy
should be avoided and if surgery is deemed necessary, cy-
cloplegic and osmotic agents should be used preventively.
Some authors consider prophylactic vitrectomy. In any
case, close postoperative monitoring is crucial14.

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Glaucoms. Arch Ophthalmol. 1869; 15:108-252.
2. Shaffer RN. The role of vitreous detachment in aphakic
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4. Simmons RJ. Malignant glaucoma. Br J Ophthalmol.
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5. Jampel HD, Musch DC, Gillespie BW, et Al. Periopera-


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