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The project charter has been approved and the core team
members have begun identifying project stakeholders. What
kind of information about stakeholders does stakeholder
analysis identify and relate to the purpose of the project?

a) Requirements, influence, and functional department

b) Interests, requirements, and functional roles
c) Requirements, expectations, and influence
d) Interests, expectations, and influence
You have just been assigned as the project manager for an ongoing project in your company. You
have discovered there is no Project Charter that describes the responsibilities and authorities of the
project manager. When you talked to your project sponsor about the issue, he told you that nobody in
the company even knows what a Project Charter is or what purpose it serves. He also told you that
your company has executed numerous projects in the past without ever using a Project Charter.
However, he asked you to prepare one just in case it is really a necessary project document. Where
should you look for a Project Charter template to update in order to meet your project requirements?

a) Project Business Case

b) Enterprise Environmental Factors
c) Project Statement of Work
d) Organizational Process Assets
During which phase of the project would you suggest using an integrated
change control process?

a) Throughout the Project

b) Initiation
c) Closing
d) Planning
From the point of initiation, why should assumptions be documented?

a) Assumptions limit the project team's options for decision making.

b) Assumptions might prove to be incorrect. The ability to identify these
assumptions allows for baseline adjustments in case of project crisis.
c) Assumption analysis is a key technique of risk identification.
d) In case of schedule or budget overruns, the documentation of
assumptions provides an accountability trail.
You are a newly hired project manager working in the quality division of a large power
generation company. During your first week, your senior manager provided you with a
presentation deck he prepared detailing a proposed project that included a description of
the project, the cost-benefit analysis, a high-level Gantt chart listing activities, and a
summary of potential team members. He recommended that you start working on the
project immediately in order to make a good impression upon the organization. What is the
most appropriate action to take next?

a) Gather a project team from relevant departments and execute the project

b) Procure the needed resources first to achieve the benefits of the project

c) Translate the information provided onto a charter and complete the analysis to finalize the
charter once completed, submit it to sponsor for approval, before beginning any project work.

d) Obtain the funds for the project from the sponsor or senior management and hold a kickoff
In completing the Close Project process, you have created a final project report, transferred
the final product to the ownership of the customer, and dismissed your project team. You
believe that you can now formally close the project. What activity have you forgotten to

a) Obtain approval from the project sponsor

b) Formally acknowledge the success of the team

c) Close the charter document

d) Complete and archive the lessons learned register and all other project documents
A conflict between a member of the contractor's team and a member of the project team
cannot be resolved. The matter is escalated to the project manager. What should the project
manager do first?

a) Discuss the issue face-to-face with the contractor.

b) Phone the contractor.

c) Write a formal contractual letter to the contractor.

d) Email the contractor.

A project manager learns that the customer's resources have not completed the required
training. Since customer resource training is a required project deliverable, this poses a risk
to the timely completion of the project. What should the project manager do?

a) Engage with the project stakeholders to address the risk.

b) Update the risk register and discuss it at the next project status meeting.

c) Assign additional post-implementation support to mitigate the risk.

d) Adjust the project schedule to account for the training delay.

A team member is eager to add new features being considered by the customer to the
project deliverable. Before beginning work on these new features, whose approval is

a) Change control board (CCB)

b) Project manager

c) Project sponsor

d) Subject matter expert (SME)

A project manager finds several inconsistencies between project deliverables and sponsor
expectations. To ensure alignment, what should the project manager develop?

a) Stakeholder engagement plan

b) Risk register

c) Communications management plan

d) Work breakdown structure (WBS)

In your design project, you have missed intermediate milestones. This event triggers
contingency responses that must be implemented as a fallback plan. What project document
includes fallback plans?

a) Risk management plan.

b) Risk register.

c) Risk report.

d) Issue log
In your IT project, when work is accomplished according to contract terms, you verify and
send invoices for external payment to the PMO financial department. You have recently
received a request from a contractor that the invoice issued three months ago has not been
paid yet. Which process involves monitoring payments to the seller?

a) Monitor Procurements.

b) Conduct Procurements.

c) Close Project or Phase.

d) Control Procurements.
The project team has found a significant decrease in the production rate of your project. You
would like to break down the issue to identify the root cause of the problem. What tool or
technique would be the most suitable?

a) Ishikawa Diagram.

b) Root Cause Analysis.

c) Design for X.

d) Control Charts.
With a project nearly complete, the project manager has already performed
procurement closure, shared the final project report, updated the lessons learned
repository, and obtained feedback from the relevant stakeholders. What should the
project manager do next?

a) Provide final payment to the suppliers

b) Send a summary of how the final product achieved the business needs

c) Transfer the completed assembly line to operations

d) Send formal written notice to the vendors that the contracts have been completed
In your Construction project, you have just completed a quality assessment of
expected risks and then you move on to evaluate which data about risks is useful for
risk management. What is your next step?

a) Perform a structured review of project plans and assumptions, both at the total project and
detailed scope levels.

b) Develop checklists to identify risks based on historical information and knowledge that has
been accumulated from previous similar projects.

c) Conduct planning meetings to develop the risk management plan.

d) Conduct interviews to quantify the probability and impact of risks on project activities.
Project kick-off meeting has been completed and team members started to meet each
other and learn about the project. Based on Tuckman ladder model, your team is
in which stage?

a) Forming.

b) Norming.

c) Storming.

d) Meeting.
In your project, cost variance is-$25.000, and Earned Value is $75.000. What is your
cost performance index (CPI)?

a) 1.5

b) 1.33

c) 0.25

d) 0.75
During a multifunctional project's planning phase, the project manager discovers
that insufficient resources are available to produce a software package. The project
manager outsources the production of this software package by signing a service
level agreement (SLA) with a third-party company. What risk response strategy did
the project manager use?

a) Mitigate

b) Transfer

c) Avoid

d) Accept
A project's workload is high and resources are overloaded. When management
decides to outsource some services to keep the project on schedule, what document
should the project manager revise?

a) Communications Management Plan

b) Procurement Management Plan

c) Resource Management Plan

d) Project Organization Chart

A project manager needs to outsource 1,200 resource hours. Due to internal policies,
each provider must understand the requirements. What should the project
manager do to ensure this?

a) Hold a bidder conference with the providers.

b) Conduct direct negotiations with each provider.

c) Send the procurement management plan to each provider.

d) Add the providers to the stakeholder register.

A customer identifies performance issues on a newly implemented product. What
category of cost of quality (COQ) should the project manager have used to estimate
this cost?

a) Prevention Costs.

b) External Failure Costs.

c) Appraisal Costs.

d) Internal Failure Costs.

You, as project manager, will bring together IT experts to learn about their
expectations about your project of a new website. How should you make focus
groups more productive?

a) You should guide the discussion.

b) You should bring a participant observer.

c) You should hire a trained moderator.

d) You should bring Activity Attributes document.

You have been working as engineer for many years in your organization. One year
ago, you were promoted to a project management role and assigned a very large
project. Your team has over 400 team members from around the world. Your
technical background did not prepare you for the work you are doing today. Most of
your team members are virtual. Your current focus is on negotiating for the team
members you already have been working with. In what project management process
group are you currently engaged in?
a) Initiating.

b) Planning.

c) Executing.

d) Monitoring & Controlling.

The Olympics are coming to your hometown. Transportation systems and venues
are going to be upgraded. It has been decided that meeting the schedule is more
important than minimizing cost at this point. Because a delay is unacceptable, we
decide to use Monte Carlo to simulate the schedule. We most likely will run Monte
Carlo simulations on a weekly basis. Which of the following is used as a model in a
schedule risk analysis?

a) Work breakdown structure.

b) Schedule network diagram and duration estimates.

c) Project management plan.

d) Schedule management plan.

Your project is expected to run for three consecutive years. Your organization is
introducing earned value management as part of the planning and managing of this
project. The project budget 100.000 $. The budget is consistent across the three years.
You are exactly 18 months into the project. 30 % of the total budget has been spent
and 40 % of the work is complete. Your project is:?

a) Ahead of schedule and over budget.

b) Ahead of schedule and under budget.

c) Behind schedule and over budget.

d) Behind schedule and under budget.

Your project is to build the first green roof on the island. However, the government
have just imposed a new regulation related to collecting rain water that may affect
your project. Based on this government mandate, what should you do first?

a) Meet with your management.

b) Meet with the project sponsor.
c) Evaluate the change request.
d) Make the change since it is government mandated.
A project is initiated based on the approved scope. During implementation of the
project design, a team member states that the product will not meet the
requirements in a particular scenario. Fixing the issue will increase the scope and
costs, and the project will miss the deadline. The project sponsors do not have
additional funding to support the project. What should the project manager do?

a) Perform a risk analysis and update the project sponsor.

b) Conduct the Perform Integrated Change Control process.
c) Correct the issue to satisfy the customer.
d) Inform the customer and negotiate for risk acceptance
A new Coca Cola factory is about to open and you are managing its equipment
installation. Contract negotiations are ongoing, for one critical supplier, you expect
several more weeks will be required for all details to be worked out and the contract
to be signed. However, this will delay the project. While project negotiations
continue, you will most likely send Kirkpatrick a?

a) Purchase order.
b) Request for proposal.
c) Purchase agreement.
d) Letter of agreement.
You are the manager of the design/build of a large manufacturing facility. With your
customer, you have signed a Fixed Price Incentive Fee Contract. You recognize that
in this type of contract the risk is shared between the buyer and the seller. The time
at which your organization picks up all of the financial risk is called the:

a) Contract award.
b) Contract breach.
c) Contract termination.
d) Point of total assumption.
Heavy rains hit your community. Roads are flooded and your project is to manage
the re-construction of a main highway. Due to time constraints, you need a tool that
will help you focus on the most critical issues related to quality. Most likely you will
use a:

a) Cause an effect diagram.

b) Flowchart.
c) Check sheet.
d) Histogram
You and your Agile project team are currently demonstrating a potentially
shippable product increment to you project stakeholders. What Agile meeting are
you conducting?

a) Review Meeting
b) Daily Standup Meeting
c) Retrospective Meeting
d) Deliverables Meeting
Your upcoming project will be the organization's first use of agile, and the sponsor
asks you about tailoring the new methodology. How do you respond?

a) Customizing the methodology upfront will allow us to streamline the adoption

b) Adapting the new methodology will be a good way for the team to learn about
agile practices.
c) The team should become comfortable with the new methodology before we
consider changing it.
d) We should wait to adjust our practices until we see where the team runs into
difficulties applying them
You mention in a meeting that agile teams focus on people rather than processes
and tools. The product owner responds, "I'm confused, what do you mean by that?"
You answer that it means?
a) It is harder to find people and keep them happy than it is to develop processes
and tools.
b) If we get the right people on the team, the processes and tools they are using
won't matter.
c) Having an empowered team is more important for project success than the
processes and tools being used.
d) A project's chances of success are heavily dependent on whether we can get the
best people on the team.
All of the following are considered methods of receiving feedback from Agile
project team members except?

a) Team Evaluation
b) Prototyping
c) Individual Evaluation
d) Process Tailoring
Traditional Project Management uses a Work Breakdown structure to develop
requirements in terms of activities. What type of breakdown structure is used in
Agile to for this purpose?

a) Feature Breakdown Structure

b) Product Breakdown Structure
c) Activity Breakdown Structure
d) Theme Breakdown Structure
A project involves designing and building a factory. The project is already behind
schedule and over budget. Providing for risk management is critical to the project’s
success because the factory that will contain rooms that will house hazardous
chemicals and gases. Since these rooms will be considered high risk areas, Alarm
activation will notify factory personnel to shut down operations and then evacuate
the building. The activation of Alarm as been reached?
a) Risk appetite.
b) Risk tolerance.
c) Risk threshold.
d) Risk workaround
In a cryptocurrency project, there is a high risk that the developed technology can
not be applied to make payments with current phones. Dave, the project manager,
has a response risk strategy planned and money allocated in the cost baseline to face
that situation. How would you call that money allocated?

a) Reserve.
b) Management Reserve.
c) Contingency Reserve.
d) Contingent Response Strategy.
The construction of a new soccer stadium with you as project manager has a quality
defect in some deliveries of floor tiles. It is required that you evaluate how that
would affect the tiling works among others. Which type of graph is the most
suitable to show the relationship between these two variables?

a) Flowchart.
b) Scatter diagrams.
c) Affinity diagram.
d) Matrix
A project is six months into its nine-month projected duration, and the project
manager is reporting that the project is at least three months behind schedule
because certain key stakeholders were resistant to any changes that might occur as
outcomes of the project. What might have been done differently during project
planning to avoid this situation?

a) Better execution of the Manage Stakeholder Engagement process

b) Development of a stakeholder engagement assessment matrix
c) Creation of a comprehensive stakeholder register
d) Establishment of a more robust communications management plan
A project manager is meeting with program manager, to review the decomposed
deliverables for a new product. Program manager reviews the work breakdown
structure and requests it to be arranged in the order the work should be performed.
Is program manager correct saying that the work breakdown structure should be
ordered according to how the work will be performed?

a) Work is decomposed and sequenced in the Define Activities process.

b) The WBS should be ordered the way she wants it to be done.
c) The chronological order of tasks is defined in the Sequence Activities process.
d) When decomposing the work, the order of tasks must be considered.
During a bidder conference, a supplier asks why a section is missing from the
request for quotation (RFQ). The project manager, realizing that an aspect of the
project is indeed missing, becomes nervous and stumbles through a brief reply.
When the seller responses were received, all but five fail to address the missing
section. What is the best course of action?

a) Hold the bidder conference again, and explain the importance of the point that was
initially missed
b) Select from the three vendors that submitted complete proposals
c) Send a revised RFQ to all prospective suppliers and allow them the opportunity to
resubmit their proposals
d) Extend the deadline and allow all of the vendors to resubmit their proposals
You are the project manager for construction of 10 Floor building. As execution is
underway, your project is being plagued with many deviations from scope, schedule
and cost baselines. What process might have prevented these deviations?

a) Risk Identification
b) Implementation of Risk Responses
c) Monitor & Control Project Work
d) Project Cost Management
A scrum master for latest software development project conveys that iterations will
be 3 weeks long. As a new team member in the project, you ask what meeting will
be held?

a) Daily standup meeting

b) Retrospective meeting
c) Iteration Review
d) Sprint or Iteration Planning Meeting
During the direct and manage project work, the PMO has requested for information
on the overall project risks in form of summary information and individual project
risks. Which document contains the requested information?

a) Risk Management Plan

b) Risk Analysis
c) Risk Register
d) Risk Report
PMO has requested to create a standard practice for project managers to support
knowledge management and sharing across projects. You as senior project manager
in the PMO were nominated for this task. What will be the best course of action ?

a) Build trusting relationship

b) Develop ground rules for project teams
c) Issue a memo to all project managers about the standard practice
d) Facilitate meetings with project team members
Sam has just been hired as project manager of an IT development project. The
project will have dynamic requirements and the activities will be performed once
for a given increment with frequent smaller deliveries. He is discussing with the
project sponsor the most suitable type of life cycle on this case. What should Sam

a) Incremental Life Cycle

b) Predictive Life Cycle
c) Hybrid Life Cycle
d) Iterative Life Cycle
Which of the following is NOT a shared risk reward relationship in procurement?

a) Fixed Price
b) Cost Reimbursable
c) Time & Material
d) Contracts
You, as manager in an agile project, lack of guidelines to develop and set the
direction on the next functionality to be develop your project .Who is the agent
responsible of that in agile projects?

a) Project Coordinator
b) Product Owner
c) Project Manager
d) Functional Manager
One of the new stakeholder enquires which process of project management he
should refer to see the current status of project?

a) Integrated Change Control

b) Integration Management
c) Monitor & Control project Work
d) Planning
During one quality audit conducted by the PMO, one of your colleagues
recommends an improvement of processes and procedures while executing. Before
taking any action, you want to analyze and evaluate yourself the opportunities for
improvement. Which of the following tools are the two most common for quality

a) Salience method and Plan-do-check-act.

b) Data gathering and Six Sigma.
c) Plan-do-check-act and Six Sigma.
d) Data gathering and Salience method.
In the development of a new website, you, the project manager, chose to use an
agile approach. However, many project team members are inexperienced in the use
of that approach. What should you use first for visualization?

a) Kanban Boards.
b) Histograms.
c) Flow Chart.
d) Pie Chart.
Roxy, a project sponsor in an IT development project, would like to have great
results in his project such as fast delivery of features with remarkable quality
standards. What type of leadership style would you recommend him in agile

a) Servant Leader.
b) Autocratic.
c) Laissez Faire.
d) Bureaucratic.
As project manager, you decided to have multitask team members instead of a
dedicated team. Which of the following statements is true?

a) Multitasking slows the progress of the team.

b) Dedicated teams reduces the throughput of the team´s work and impacts the team´s
c) Dedicated teams consumes working memory and people are less likely to remember their
d) People are less likely to make mistakes when they multitask.
In an agile project you manage, the quality of the product increments are poor. What
should you do?

a) I should use test-driven development practices.

b) I should retrospect often and choose improvements.
c) I should increase the flexibility of teams.
d) I should use a kanban board to improve flow.
In your agile project, you as a project manager is afraid the team may be working in
the product in the wrong direction. As a general guideline, how often would you
recommend to demonstrate the working product?

a) Once every 2 days.

b) Once every 2 weeks.
c) Once every month.
d) Once every year.
How should planning be in iteration-based agile projects?

a) There is no planning in agile projects.

b) Agile teams plan just at the beginning of the project.
c) There is only forecasting in iteration-based agile projects.
d) Agile teams do not plan just once in one single chunk.
After several iterations in your project, your team has unclear work assignments.
How would you tackle this problem?

a) Consider kanban boards to see the flow of work.

b) A servant leader can help in this situation.
c) Help sponsors and stakeholders craft a product vision.
d) Consider the technical practices that work for the environment.
What is the most essential practice in agile to help the team learn from previous
work on the product and its process?

a) Iteration.
b) Rebasing.
c) Typing.
d) Retrospective.
Which of the following statements is NOT true related to agile teams?

a) The team limits its estimation to the next few weeks at most.
b) After the team completes work in iteration or flow, the team can replan.
c) Agile create the ability to do more work.
d) Agile is based on working products of demonstrable value to customers.
Accepted Deliverables are from which process?

a) Control Procurements.
b) Closing.
c) Control Scope.
d) Validate Scope.
At the end of the project, the lessons learned register are transferred to which OPA?

a) Manage Project Knowledge.

b) Lessons Learned Repository.
c) Knowledge fairs.
d) Training Documents.
A new airport is being built and you are the project manager. Since the beginning of
the project, your customer has asked for installing the floor tiles of the ground floor
level in a particular way, making an image when looking from upper levels. Which
PMBOK term defines best the cost associated with the extra labour of installing the
tiles that way?

a) Cost of Nonconformance.
b) Labour Costs.
c) Appraisal Costs.
d) Prevention Costs.
A project manager identifies scheduling priority conflicts among local and virtual
team members. The project manager schedules a conference call to manage this
conflict. What conflict resolution technique did the project manager use?

a) Collaborate/problem solve
b) Smooth/accommodate
c) Force/direct
d) Compromise/reconcile
What is performance measurement baseline of a project?

a) Scope & Cost

b) Cost & Schedule
c) Schedule & Cost
d) Scope, Cost & Schedule
A project charter that formally authorized a project was created. The project charter
documented the initial requirements to satisfy stakeholders’ needs and expectations.
How often should the project charter be revised?

a) At the beginning, middle, and end of a project.

b) As changes approved by CCB
c) No Updates required
d) As directed by PMO
Your company has been subcontracted for a waste management project along with 2
more contractor companies. After the project scope was finalized, you developed a
cost estimate of USD $5.5 million. The sponsor reviews your detailed costing sheets,
and he tells you that the maximum allowable budget is USD $5 million. What
should you do?

a) Ask for a reduction in scope.

b) Evaluate ways that can result in cost savings and re-estimate the project.
c) Advise the sponsor that the project cannot be completed within the available
d) Begin the project with the intention of requesting a budget increase at a later
point in time.
Change request has been rejected by Change Control Board (CCB), As a project
manager what you should do next ?

a) Suggest the customer not to request any more changes in future.

b) Workaround the CCB and implement the change as requested by customer.
c) Document the change in the change log.
d) Update the change management plan.
Your program manager has just returned from a class on program/project
management and he is filled with ideas. He wants to understand the terms fast
tracking. You try to explain by stating ?

a) Fast tracking is about overlapping phases/activities on the project.

b) Fast tracking is overlapping activities by adding resources to the critical
c) Fast tracking is about moving resource to an earlier phase of the project.
d) Fast tracking is overlapping phases within project.
Dave is a project manager who manages a global project. He has stakeholders
located in various parts of the globe. Due to the nature of the project, he also has
large volumes of information he needs to share with the recipients. Which of the
following communication methods should he prefer for this purpose?

a) Pull communication.
b) Push communication.
c) Request-based communication.
d) Interactive communication.
A team member volunteered to provide the weekly project status updates to the key
stakeholders. Although the team member was well prepared, the delivery was
lacking, and feedback from the stakeholders suggests that the presentation was not
very engaging. What is the best way for the project manager to address this
situation with the team member?

a) Discuss the issue with the team member

b) Prepare a formal written document
c) Utilize formal verbal communication
d) Send an email to the team member.
You are part of the project team designing a new type of subway car. You have
completed one of the work packages for the braking system; however, you are not
sure what the acceptance criteria are for this particular work package. Where can
you find that information?

a) The project management plan

b) The project scope statement
c) The requirements documentation
d) The WBS dictionary.
A corporate restructuring project is in execution. The nature of the project is such
that the job responsibilities of many key stakeholders are being disrupted, which
has caused challenges in keeping the stakeholders engaged in a positive manner.
Which of the following actions is the project manager least likely to perform in this
a) Manage stakeholder expectations through negotiation and communication
b) Develop approaches to involve stakeholders based on their needs, expectations, interests,
and potential impact on the project
c) Address any risks or potential concerns related to stakeholder management and anticipate
future issues that may be raised by stakeholders
d) Engage stakeholders at appropriate project stages to obtain, confirm, or maintain their
continued commitment to the success of the project
Your company took over the management of a project from another company. Your
company hired a number of the employees from the other company. One of these
employees has delivered a document. However, while walking past his desk, you
notice that his computer is displaying a document with the logo of his former
employer. You suspect that some of his work may have been based on
documentation that is the property of the other company. What do you do?
a) Report this to your project stakeholders immediately.
b) Determine if any materials belonging to the other company have been copied.
c) The copyright material is owned by the client, for whom you are working so
this is not a copyright issue.
d) Do nothing. Because the company is now out of business, no one now owns
the copyright on that material
You are leading a project to develop a new web application. Together with your
project team you reprioritize the product backlog, determine velocity for the past
iterations, and adapt your work plans accordingly. Additionally, you facilitate
retrospectives every two weeks. Which of the following processes describes the
work you are performing?

a) Monitor Risks
b) Manage Quality
c) Control Schedule
d) Develop Schedule
As a project manager, you are leading a software development project where the
developers are colocated within rented office space. Writing the code is taking
longer than anticipated, and you have contacted the office facility to ensure the
office will be available for another week. Unfortunately, the office is already booked,
so you need to find another solution. After capturing the problem in the project
documents, what should you do next?
a) Record the issue in the issue log
b) Revise the resource management plan
c) Update the schedule baseline
d) Request additional funds
John is managing a water treatment plant construction project. A new government
has recently been sworn in. During the election campaign, the winning candidate
made a number of commitments regarding environmental control reforms. John is
not sure how the new government and its future policies might affect her project.
This is an example of:

a) Variability risk
b) Mitigated risk
c) Ambiguity risk
d) Opportunity risk
A project manager is leading a process improvement project for factory operation.
Currently, the project manager and the team are performing the Monitor and
Control Project Work process. Which of the following activities might the project
manager and the team conduct during this process?

a) Comparing actual project performance against the project management plan

b) Implementing approved change requests to achieve the project's objectives
c) Analyzing change requests and either approving or rejecting them
d) Gaining formal acceptance of the deliverables by the customer or sponsor
Due to your great success on your last project, you have been assigned to a new
project with a very difficult customer. Based on lessons learned from others, you
recognize that is critical that your project has well-defined acceptance criteria.
Which of the following statements is false in regards to acceptance criteria?

a) Criteria includes performance requirements that must be achieved before acceptance of

project deliverables.
b) Criteria is defined in the project scope
c) The fact that the deliverables meet the acceptance criteria means that customer needs have
been satisfied.
d) Control Quality validates that the customer’s acceptance criteria has been met.
You are the project manager for a railroad construction project. Your sponsor has
asked you for a forecast for the cost of project completion. The project has a total
budget of $80,000 and CPI of .95. The project has spent $25,000 of its budget so far.
How much more money do you plan to spend on the project?

a) $59,210
b) $80,000
c) $84,210
d) $109,210
You are partway through the project, and your team has delivered a preliminary
version of software. You are holding a weekly meeting, when one of the team
members feels that there is a risk that the stakeholder will ask for a change, even
though that change would be out of scope of the current release—and if the
stakeholder requests that change, there is a high probability that the change control
board would approve the change. What is the BEST action to take next?
a) Mitigate the risk by asking a team member to get familiar with the feature of the
software that might be changed
b) Schedule a meeting with the stakeholder to discuss the risk
c) Add the risk to the risk register and gather information about its probability and
d) Add the risk to the issue log and revisit it when there is more information
A project manager is reporting the final status of the closed contract to the
stakeholders. Which form of communication is appropriate?

a) Informal written
b) Informal verbal
c) Formal written
d) Formal verbal
You are managing a project with a total budget of $450,000. According to the
schedule, your team should have completed 45% of the work by now. But at the
latest status meeting, the team only reported that 40% of the work has actually been
completed. The team has spent $165,000 so far on the project. How would you BEST
describe this project?

a) The project is ahead of schedule and within its budget

b) The project is behind schedule and within its budget
c) The project is ahead of schedule and over its budget
d) The project is behind schedule and over its budget
One way the Close Project or Phase process differs from Close Procurement is?

a) Procurement closure involves verification that all work and deliverables are
acceptable, where Close Project or Phase does not
b) Close Project or Phase is only a subset of Close Procurement
c) Procurement closure means verifying that the project is complete or terminated;
Close Project or Phase is the process of tying up all of the activities for every
management process group
d) Procurement closure is performed by the seller; Close Project or Phase is
performed by the buyer
You are managing a software project. During a walkthrough of newly implemented
functionality, your team shows you a new feature that they have added to help
make the workflow in the product easier for your client. The client didn’t ask for the
feature, but it does look like it will make the product easier to use. The team
developed it on their own time because they wanted to make the client happy. You
know this change would never have made it through change control. What is this an
example of?

a) Gold plating
b) Scope creep
c) Alternatives Analysis
d) Schedule Variance
While identifying risks for a new construction project, you discover that a chemical
you are using on your building cannot be applied in rainy conditions. You also learn
that your project will be ready for the chemical application around the time when
most of the rainfall happens in this part of the country. Since the project can’t be
delayed until after the rainy season and you need to make sure the building gets the
chemical coating, you decide that your team will just have to allow enough time in
the schedule for non worked rain days. This is an example of which strategy?
a) Mitigate
b) Exploit
c) Accept
d) Transfer
You are managing a construction project. During your risk identification interviews
you learn that there has been a string of construction site thefts over the past few
months in the area where your will be building your project. The team agrees that
it’s unlikely that people will be able to steal from your site. You decide to monitor
the risk from time to time to be sure that it continues to have a low probability and
impact. Where do you record the risk so that you don’t lose track of it?

a) In a trigger
b) On a watchlist
c) In the Probability and Impact Matrix
d) In the Monte Carlo analysis report
Which of the following is NOT a tool or technique of Estimate Costs?

a) Bottom-up
b) Parametric
c) Cost aggregation
d) Analogous
You’re managing a construction project to install several hundred air conditioner
panels in a new office building. As the team completes each panel, your team’s
quality control inspector measures it and adds the data point to a control chart. You
examine the control chart, and discover that the process is out of control and you
need to take close look at it immediately. Which of the following BEST describes
what you found on the control chart?

a) At least seven consecutive measurements are either above or below the mean
but within the control limits
b) At least one point is inside of the control limits
c) At least seven consecutive measurements are inside of the control limits
d) At least one point is above or below the mean
You are developing the project charter for a new project. Which of the following is
NOT part of the enterprise environmental factors?

a) Lessons learned from previous projects

b) Knowledge of which departments in your company typically work on projects
c) The work authorization system
d) Government and industry standards that affect your project
Your company’s quality assurance department has performed a quality audit on your
project. They have found that your team has implemented something inefficiently,
and that could lead to defects. What’s the NEXT thing that should happen on your

a) You work with the quality department to implement a change to the way your
team does their work
b) You document recommended corrective actions and submit them to the change
control board
c) You add the results of the audit to the lessons learned
d) You meet with the manager of the quality assurance department to figure out
the root cause of the problem
Your client has terminated your project before it is complete. Which of the following
is true?

a) You must stop all work and release the team immediately
b) You must work with the team to document the lessons learned
c) You must keep the team working on the project to give your senior management
time to talk to the client
d) You must update the project management plan to reflect this change
You have just been authorized to manage a new project for your company. Which of
the following BEST describes your first action?

a) Create the work breakdown structure

b) Develop the project management plan
c) Start working on the project charter
d) Figure out who has a stake in the project
Two of your project team members approach you with a conflict that they are
having with each other over the technical approach to their work. One of the two
people is very aggressive, and tries to get you to make a decision quickly. The other
team member is quiet, and seems less willing to talk about the issue. The conflict is
starting to cause delays, and you need to reach a decision quickly. What’s the BEST
approach to solving this conflict?
a) Tell the team members that they need to work this out quickly, because
otherwise the project could face delays
b) Since it’s a technical problem, tell the team members that they should take it to
the functional manager
c) Confront the issue, even though one team member is hesitant
d) Escalate the issue to your manager
You are using a Pareto chart to examine the defects that have been found during an
inspection of your product. Which process are you performing?

a) Perform Quality Assurance

b) Perform Quality Planning
c) Perform Quality Control
d) Verify Scope
Your top team member has performed extremely well, and you want to reward her.
She knows that you don’t have enough money in the budget to give her a bonus, so
she approaches you and requests an extra day off, even though she is out of vacation
days. She asks if she can take one of her sick days, even though the company
doesn’t allow that. Which of the following is correct?
a) You should give her the time off, because McClelland’s Achievement Theory
states that people need achievement, power, and affiliation to be motivated
b) You should give her the time off, because Expectancy Theory says that you need
to give people an expectation of a reward in order to motivate them
c) You should give her the time off, because a Theory Y manager trusts the team
d) You should not give her the time off
Your project team has completed the project work. All of the following must be done
before the project can be closed EXCEPT:

a) Ensure that the schedule baseline has been updated

b) Get formal acceptance of the deliverables from the customer
c) Make sure the scope of the project was completed
d) Verify that the product acceptance criteria have been met
During procurement closure, a procurement audit includes all of the following

a) Reviewing the contract terms to ensure that they have all been met
b) Identifying successes and failures that should be recognized
c) Documenting lessons learned
d) Using the payment system to process consideration as per the terms of the
A project manager is planning the staffing levels that will be needed through the
course of her project. She figures out the number of people that will be needed in
each role over time and displays that information in a chart as part of her staffing
management plan. What is that chart called?

a) Gantt chart
b) RACI matrix
c) Organization chart
d) Resource histogram
Which of the following is NOT found in a project charter?

a) The summary budget

b) High-level requirements
c) Procedures for managing changes to contracts
d) Responsibility and name of the person authorized to manage the project
Who is a risk owner?

a) The person who monitors the watchlist that contains the risk
b) The person who meets with stakeholders to explain the risk
c) The person who makes a risk happen
d) The person who is responsible for the response plan for the risk
Given this portion of the network diagram, what’s the LF of activity F?

a) 10
b) 11
c) 16
d) 17
You are managing an accounting project when a new CFO is hired at your company.
He’ll be affected by all accounting projects in your company. What’s the BEST thing
for you to do?

a) Show him the Project Charter so that he knows that you are in charge of the
b) Work with him to understand the current requirements and determine if he has
new ones to add to the project
c) Keep working on the project and get his feedback when he can review the
finished product
d) Add him to the communications plan
You are conducting a status meeting and monitoring your risk register when you
discover a risk that remains even after you implement all of your response
strategies. What kind of risk is this and what should you do about it?

a) It’s a secondary risk; you don’t need to worry about it

b) It’s a residual risk; you need to plan a response strategy for it
c) It’s a residual risk; you don’t need to plan a response strategy for it because
you’ve already implemented all the risk responses you can plan for
d) It’s a contingency reserve. You should only use it if the first risk occurs
As you are executing your project you are constantly checking your risk register to
be sure that you have planned responses for all of your risks. At one team status
meeting, you find that a lower-priority risk has suddenly become more likely.
Where do you keep information about low-priority risks?

a) Triggers
b) The watchlist
c) Risk Management Plan
d) Qualitative analysis documents
You’re managing a project with a schedule performance index (SPI) of 1.07 and a
cost performance index (CPI) of 0.94. How would you BEST describe this project?

a) The project is ahead of schedule and within its budget

b) The project is behind schedule and within its budget
c) The project is ahead of schedule and over its budget
d) The project is behind schedule and over its budget
There are 17 people on a project. How many lines of communication are there?

a) 136
b) 105
c) 112
d) 68
After a status meeting, one of your team members, John, pulls you aside and tells you that he
was insulted by a comment from another team member. He felt that the comment was racist.
You meet with the team member who made the comment, Suzanne, but she says that the other
team member’s performance has been very poor. She has never made a comment like this before
at the company. You review the records, and see that she is correct—he has consistently
delivered lower-quality work than any other team member. What is the BEST way to handle this
a) At the next team meeting, reprimand John for his poor performance and
Suzanne for the racist comment
b) Get John additional help for his poor performance
c) Reprimand Suzanne in private for her racist comment, and follow any company
policies for reporting racism among employees
d) Suzanne has never had this problem before, so she should be given another
Which of the following helps you identify the root cause of 80% of the defects in your project
using the 80/20 rule?

a) Scatter chart
b) Control chart
c) Cause-and-effect diagram
d) Pareto chart
Joe is an excellent programmer. He was promoted to a role of Project Manager because he
understands technology better than anyone else in the company. Unfortunately, he is having
trouble doing the project management job and his projects are failing. What is this an example

a) Gold plating
b) Halo effect
c) Pre-assignment
d) Ground rules
Which risk analysis tool is used to model your risks on a computer to show random

a) Computerized risk audit

b) Monte Carlo analysis
c) EMV analysis
d) Delphi technique
Which of the following is NOT included in a cost of quality calculation?

a) Team members’ time spent finding and repairing defects

b) Quality managers’ time spent writing quality standards
c) Project managers’ time spent creating the project management plan
d) Team members’ time spent reviewing specifications, plans, and other documents
A project manager on a construction project includes a line item in the budget for insurance
for the equipment and job site. This is an example of:

a) Transference
b) Mitigation
c) Avoidance
d) Acceptance
You are talking to experts and gathering independent estimates for your contract. Which of
the following BEST describes what you are doing?

a) Plan Procurements
b) Conduct Procurements
c) Administer Procurements
d) Close Procurements
Mike is a project manager for an IT technology implementation project. He is using
an Ishikawa diagram to figure out what could cause potential risks on his project. Which
process is he doing?

a) Identify Risks
b) Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis
c) Perform Quality Control
d) Plan Risk Responses
Which of the following is NOT part of the Close Project or Phase process?

a) Making sure that all exit criteria have been met

b) Obtaining formal acceptance of all deliverables from all stakeholders
c) Moving the project’s deliverables to the next phase or into production
d) Writing down lessons learned
Which of the following are valid ways to breakdown the work in a WBS?

a) By risk or quality metric

b) By product feature or unit of work
c) By project phase or project deliverable
d) By charge code or initial estimate
A project manager is running into problems with the team. People are repeatedly running
into trouble over seemingly small problems: who takes notes at meetings, what dress is
appropriate for the office, who people need to notify when they take a day off. The problems
started out small, but as more people run into more problems the situation is rapidly
escalating. This situation is most likely caused by a lack of:

a) Sensitivity training
b) Common courtesy
c) A reward system
d) Ground rules
Which is NOT an input to the Create WBS process?

a) Project Scope Statement

b) Organizational Process Assets
c) Requirements Documentation
d) WBS Dictionary
Which of the following is the correct order of actions that you take during the Closing

a) Get formal acceptance, release the team, write lessons learned, close the contract
b) Write lessons learned, release the team, get formal acceptance, close the contract
c) Get formal acceptance, write lessons learned, release the team, close the contract
d) Get formal acceptance, close the contract, write lessons learned, release the team
You are managing a project with 23 team members and 6 key stakeholders. Two team
members identify a problem. Addressing that problem will require changes to the project
plan and its subsidiary plans. One of the stakeholders previously indicated that any delays
are unacceptable. What should project manager do NEXT?

a) Analyze the impact that the change will have on the work to be done, the
schedule, and the budget
b) Deny the change because any delays are unacceptable
c) Gather consensus among the team that you should make the change before
approaching the stakeholders, so that they can see the team supports making the
d) Make the change to the project plan and subsidiary plans, and ask the team to
implement the change
Which of the following is a defect?

a) A mistake made by a team member on the job

b) A change that the team needs to make in how they do the work
c) A project management plan that does not meet its requirements
d) A change request that’s been rejected by the change control board
As you determine the requirements, constraints, and assumptions for the project you record
them in which document?

a) Project Management Plan

b) Project Scope Statement
c) Project Charter
d) Communications Management Plan
Approved changes are implemented in which process?

a) Direct and Manage Project Execution

b) Monitor and Control Project Work
c) Perform Integrated Change Control
d) Develop Project Management Plan
What are the strategies for dealing with positive risks?

a) Avoid, mitigate, transfer, accept

b) Transfer, mitigate, avoid, exploit
c) Exploit, share, enhance, accept
d) Mitigate, enhance, exploit, accept
A project manager discovers that a project problem has occurred. The problem was never
discussed during risk planning activities or added to the risk register, and it will now cost the
project money. What is the BEST response?

a) Don’t take any action, just accept that there’s a problem that the team did not
plan for
b) Stop all project activity and approach senior management for advice
c) Add the risk to the risk register and gather information about its probability and
d) Use the management reserve to cover the costs of the problem
You are managing a large construction project that’s been broken down into subprojects (or
phases). Each of these subprojects is scheduled to take between three and six months to
complete. At the end of each subproject, you plan to go through the closing processes and
document lessons learned. Which of the following BEST describes what you must do at the
beginning of each subproject or phase?

a) Make sure you don’t involve the team, to avoid introducing too much project
management overhead
b) Identify the stakeholders
c) Use the Earned Value Technique to decide whether or not to finish the project
d) Release all resources from the project and contact sellers to renegotiate all
Which of the following is NOT an output of the Manage Stakeholder Expectations process?

a) Change requests
b) Deliverables
c) Updates to the project management plan
d) Organizational process asset updates
During a status meeting, one of the client's employees asks the project manager for a new
product feature. The project manager is unsure who has the authority to approve this request.
To what document should the project manager first refer?

a) Change management plan

b) Change log
c) Responsible, accountable, consult, and inform (RACI) matrix
d) Organizational process assets
The project team and you are working on the quality management plan. There are two
changes related to quality standards that require a detailed risk analysis. How should you
perform this process?

a) In sequence with other planning processes and analyze risks after Plan Quality
b) In parallel with other planning processes and analyze risks in the meantime.
c) You should focus on analyzing the two risks in the Executing Process Group.
d) You should have focused on analyzing all risks in the Initiating Process Group
What is a recommended method for controlling change within a project?

a) Have only the project manager able to initiate change.

b) Have each change approved or rejected through a formal change control process.
c) Allow each project member ultimate control of changes within their realm of the
project without a review process.
d) Freeze scope and allow absolutely no changes
Which process is concerned with providing forecasts to update current cost information?

a) Monitor and Control Project Work

b) Project Management Information System
c) Close Project or Phase
d) Direct and Manage Project Work
You are beginning a new project. When should you use the Perform Integrated Change
Control process?

a) Throughout the entire project

b) Only when closing out the project
c) Only after the project is completely funded
d) Only after the project scope is clearly defined
Which of these tools and techniques is common to all seven Project Integration Management

a) Meetings
b) Data analysis
c) Data gathering
d) Expert judgement
Which of the following statements correctly define the 100 percent rule for WBS?

a) The project is only considered complete once all requirements defined in the
original scope statements have been completed.
b) The project is only considered complete once all requirements in the last approved
scope baseline have been completed.
c) The final deliverables should fully conform to product requirements; nothing less,
nothing more.
d) The total of the work at the work package level should roll up to the higher levels so
that nothing is left out and no extra work is performed.
Your project management plan results in a project schedule that is too long If the project
network diagram cannot change but you have extra personnel resources, what is the BEST
thing to do?

a) Fast track the project.

b) Level the resources.
c) Crash the project.
d) Monte Carlo analysis.
You are the program level manager with several project activities underway. In the executing
process group, you begin to become concerned about the accuracy of progress reports from
the projects. What would BEST support your opinion that there is a problem?

a) Quality Audits
b) Risk Quantification Reports
c) Regression Analysis
d) Monte Carlo Analysis.
All of the following about communication models is true EXCEPT:

a) Sender encodes his thoughts and sends to receiver.

b) Information is sent by the sender to receiver with the assistance of medium.
c) Receiver acknowledges if he agrees with the information he received.
d) Message is decoded by the receiver into thoughts.
A project has been successfully delivered and the project manager is executing formal closure.
What should the project manager do first?

a) Update the bid documents.

b) Obtain stakeholder acceptance.
c) Reassign the project team.
d) Reallocate the unused funds.
Due to lack of funding, a project is terminated during its initiation phase and the project
manager must close the project. What should the project manager do first?

a) Review the organization's project closure guidelines.

b) Refer to the communications management plan to properly inform all stakeholders.
c) Perform a risk analysis to determine the potential impact of terminating the project.
d) Close all project procurement processes.
As part of tracking a project, a project manager is validating the completion of project scope,
this should be measured against?

a) Requirements traceability matrix

b) The Project Management Plan
c) The Project Charter
d) The Requirements Management Plan.
Which of the following processes is not a part of the Project Scope Management?

a) Create WBS
b) Control Quality
c) Control Scope
d) Collect Requirements.
Which of the following processes is not a part of the Project Scope Management?

a) Create WBS
b) Control Quality
c) Control Scope
d) Collect Requirements.
A process that states how formal validation and acceptance of the completed project
deliverables will be achieved is documented in the?

a) Scope Management plan

b) Procurement Management plan
c) Risk Management plan
d) Communications Management plan
The WBS is a deliverable-oriented hierarchical decomposition of the work the project team
must execute to accomplish the project objectives. This is created as part of?

a) Project Integration Management

b) Project Scope Management
c) Project Procurement Management
d) Project Schedule Management
Which of these is not a component of the scope baseline that is contained in the project
management plan?

a) Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

b) Requirements documentation
c) WBS Dictionary
d) Project Scope Statement
When a project is executed under contract, the contractual provisions will generally be
considered as _____________ for the project.

a) Constraints
b) Exclusions
c) Deliverables
d) Provisions
A Work Breakdown Structure dictionary supports the WBS and is a companion document to
the WBS. Which of the following is not included in the WBS dictionary?

a) List of schedule milestones

b) Resource assigned
c) Agreement Information
d) Code of Account Identifier
After receiving the project charter, a project manager starts to prepare the project
management plan. Since there is no historical information in the project management office
(PMO), what should the project manager do next?

a) Use analogous estimating.

b) Consult subject matter experts (SMEs).
c) Host a kick-off meeting.
d) Ask the project sponsor for input.
Two key stakeholders have different opinions about a project's goals. What should the project
manager do to obtain approval of the project charter?

a) Perform a stakeholder analysis.

b) Negotiate an agreement between the two stakeholders.
c) Ask the project sponsor to resolve the conflict.
d) Settle the project goals during the kick-off meeting.
During the development stage of a project that involves handling sensitive client data, the
compliance manager raises an issue of project non-compliance. What document should the project
manager review first?

a) Statement of work (SOW)

b) Project charter
c) Business case
d) Risk register
Your company was contracted to install 1000 solar panels in Ohio County. There was some
concerns raised by the customer with regards to technical specification were not met and the
buyer opened a claim. The activity of opening this claim is related to?

a) Control Procurements
b) Dispute in Scope of Work
c) Conduct Procurements
d) Plan Procurement Management
Your team is working on a new project and the management has decided to procure new
equipment to assist, This will require training on the new equipment. This training is known
as what?

a) Preventive Costs
b) Rework Costs
c) Cost of quality
d) Cost of Non Conformance
You are working on a construction project in a different country and on a tight schedule. The
city manager informs you that due to a maintenance work, you will need to pay an additional
fee for the detour road that will be used by the project team. What do you do next?

a) Do not pay the fee because it was not included in the budget.
b) Delay the project for a day and resume after the work is complete
c) Pay the fee.
d) Do not pay the fee since this is a bribe to the local city officials.
You are presenting the project quality plan in the stakeholders meeting. One of the
stakeholders asks what the difference is between grade and quality. What is your best

a) A low grade product can have high quality.

b) Quality is the degree which the product fulfills the requirements while grade is
technical characteristics of the product.
c) They are the same
d) A high grade product cannot have low quality.
What is the key benefit of a cost-reimbursable contract?

a) They are often used for staff support or expert support when a precise statement of
work cannot be written.
b) They provide flexibility to redirect a seller when the scope of the project cannot be
defined or there are high risks involved.
c) They can specify costs in a measurable unit such as cost per hour.
d) They provide stability of price for a well defined product within economic
The project manager is trying to compare the various bids received by subcontractors. He
realizes that process of rating each bid has been missed. What step did the planning process
fail to provide?

a) Procurement management plan

b) Source selection analysis
c) Project Charter
d) Make or buy analysis
Which one of the following is not part of requirements required for project?

a) Communication requirements
b) Cost requirements
c) Risk requirements
d) Business requirements
You are comparing the last six weeks of performance data. Its been observed that the project is
running under budget and ahead of schedule. Your team member needs to understand both
the cost performance index (CPI) and the schedule performance index (SPI). Which of the
following would be true regarding the cost performance index (CPI) and the schedule
performance index (SPI) based on what was previously stated?

a) CPI > 1 and SPI < 1

b) CPI < 1 and SPI > 1
c) CPI > 1 and SPI > 1
d) CPI < 1 and SPI < 1
During the weekly risk management meeting, your team is reviewing a high-risk situation.
They realize that the original response will not work as planned if the risk occurs. What
should the next step be?

a) Submit a change request.

b) Engage stakeholders.
c) Change the risk register.
d) Plan a new response.
There is an urgent issue with the distribution of project reports to the stakeholders. The types
of reports requested, their frequency and the individual stakeholders who should receive
which reports are to be determined. The project manager needs to follow the escalation
process to resolve this urgent issue. Where can the project manager find the escalation process
which should be followed to quickly resolve this issue?

a) Stakeholder engagement plan

b) Issue log
c) Lessons learned register
d) Communications management plan
Your project is behind schedule and the decision to contract out some of the work has been
made. In the past you have worked with XYZ Contracting company on smaller projects and
want to use them again. What should be a concern?

a) Contractors qualifications
b) Contractors Selection criteria
c) Bidder conference
d) Make or buy decision
A series of approved changes have been made and your team is making sure that all of the
approved changes are now in place and working as expected. They are engaged in what

a) Process analysis
b) Quality audit
c) Process improvement plan
d) Inspection
Which of the following validates alignment of a project to the strategy and the ongoing
operational work of an organization?

a) Project Charter
b) Operational & Maintenance Manual
c) Project Management plan
d) Quality Management plan
The performance measurement baseline is?

a) Project Management Plan

b) An integrated risk-schedule-quality plan which is for the project work against
which project execution is compared so as to measure and manage performance.
c) An integrated scope-schedule-cost plan which is for the project work against which
project execution is compared so as to measure and manage performance.
d) An integrated cost-schedule-quality plan which is for the project work against
which project execution is compared so as to measure and manage performance.
A project budget which is controlled by the project manager, includes all the funds authorized
to execute the project. The cost baseline is the approved version of the time-phased project
budget that includes?

a) All the contingency reserves and all management reserves

b) Contingency reserves not related to risk and all management reserves
c) Only activity reserves and no risk reserves and no management reserves
d) All the contingency reserves except for all management reserves
In Project Risk Management, the results of the processes: Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis,
Plan Risk Responses, Implement Risk Responses, and Monitor Risks are recorded in which

a) Risk Register
b) Watch List
c) Prompt List
d) Lessons learned register
Which information in the scope baseline is used as an input in Plan Quality Management?

a) Scope baseline documents the accepted time interval being used to measure cost
b) Project scope statement within the Scope baseline provides definition of acceptance
criteria, which may influence, increase or decrease quality costs and project costs
c) Scope baseline provides detailed information on WBS elements
d) Scope baseline provides schedule performance measurements including Start and
finish dates.
Two of the companies bidding on part of the construction project have been asking the similar
questions. Another company has submitted a bid that is 50% lower than what was estimated
for the budget. What should the project manager do next?

a) Look for an independent estimate to reevaluate the budget.

b) Evaluate the bid immediately.
c) Wait until the other companies have submitted their bids and then review them all
according to the source selection criteria.
d) Hold a bidder conference.
During a team quality meeting, it is discovered that some of the parts failed quality control.
These parts were scrapped, and production was stopped. After the root cause of the problem
was discovered, the project manager issued a change order to fix the defective manufacturing
machinery. After this repair is made, the remainder of the parts met the required quality
standards. The repair to the machinery is an example of which?

a) An unauthorized action which is needs to be approved of during the process

Monitor and Control Project Work.
b) A defect repair which is performed during the process Direct and Manage Project
c) A corrective action which is performed during the Direct and Manage Project Work
d) Gold plating, since the parts exceeded the quality standards.
A newly joined team member asks the project manager what is a positive risk?

a) Positive risks are those risks that the team know will happen.
b) Positive risks are rare and don’t normally need to be incorporated into the risk
management plan.
c) Peter is correct, there are no risks are positive.
d) Positive risks are those risks where the project would benefit from an event.
When can a project baseline be changed?

a) When a change request has been approved by the project sponsor.

b) When a change request is submitted.
c) When a change request has been approved through the Perform Integrated Change
Control process.
d) When a change request has been approved by the project manager.
Victor has been instructed to build a fishbone diagram for a quality problem that the project
team has been dealing with. He is not familiar with the term and asks Nancy for assistance.
She tells him that a fishbone diagram is the same thing as a what?

a) Pareto Chart
b) Toranado Diagram
c) Histograms
d) Ishikawa Diagram
Due to regulatory changes, a government agency is now a key stakeholder on a complex
project. The project manager wants to develop an understanding of this new project
stakeholder and any new high-level risks. What should the project manager use?

a) Stakeholder engagement plan

b) Assumption log
c) Meetings
d) Benefits management plan
The new project manager working for the ABC company has been informed by stakeholders
that the new software web interface will be built by the XYZ company, rather than the
software development staff at the ABC company. Which tool and technique was used?

a) Source Selection Criteria

b) Bidders Qualification
c) Make or Buy Analysis
d) Quality and Cost Based
A change request by a key stakeholder has been rejected by the change control board. The
next action that the project manager needs to take is which of the following?

a) Inform the stakeholder of the outcome.

b) Advise the change control board to document the approval process before the next
c) Ask the change control board for the reason why the change was rejected.
d) Document the result of the change request.
You are the project manager for a construction company with a budget of $300,000 and two
months into the project, you find that there have been several changes in the project and you
re-estimate that the project will cost additional money. If the Earned value to date is $175,000
and the costs incurred are $225,000 calculate the estimate at completion (EAC):?

a) $406,650
b) $385,000
c) $396,960
d) $391,830
The accounting functional manager in your company is asking for financial information about
one of the risks in your project. You instruct your intern to multiply the 10% chance of an
incident occurring by the financial impact of the event, in this case, $8,000. The result of $800
is known as what?

a) Actual Cost
b) Expected Monetary Value
c) Contigency Budget
d) Management Reserve
What term describes an organization's willingness to accept risk?

a) Risk threshold
b) Risk Value
c) Risk Appetitie
d) Risk Register
A project team member who is a risk owner has just confirmed that the risk owner is
responsible, has occurred and he must implement the agreed-upon risk plan. What process
group is this risk owner in, if he will implement his risk response plan?

a) Initiating
b) Planning
c) Monitoring and Controlling
d) Executing

In what process groups should the stakeholder register be updated?

a) Initiating & Planning

b) Monitoring and Controlling
c) Executing
d) All, Except closing
Define Stakeholders?

a) PMO
b) Government Authorities
c) Project Manager & Project Team
d) People, groups, or organizations that could impact or be impacted by a decision,
activity, or outcome of the project.
Janice, a new project manager working on her project, has just been informed by
the project sponsor, to shorten the schedule duration for the least incremental cost
by just adding resources. Which is the best technique for Janice to apply in this

a) Fast Tracking
b) Crashing
c) Resource Leveling
d) Resource Smoothing.
Which of the following is the most used contract and most advantageous to the

a) Firm fixed price

b) Time & Material
c) Cost Reimbursable
d) Purchase Order.
All the following are examples of 'cost of nonconformance' EXCEPT?

a) Liabilities
b) Warranty work
c) Rework
d) Destructive testing loss
Belinda an experienced project manager is training Sally, a new project manager.
They have just completed a project schedule network diagram and there are
several activities with divergence and convergence. Belinda tells Sally, that these
activities with divergence and convergence are?

a) No Concerns
b) At greater Risk
c) Should be on the critical path
d) Will never be on the critical path
In an Agile/Adaptive environment when is risk considered?

a) When selecting the content of each iteration and during each iteration
b) At the beginning of each Agile/Adaptive project
c) At the retrospective for each iteration
d) At the daily scrum
In agile environment, what is “ Daily Scrum”?

a) A brief daily collaboration meeting in which the team reviews the project scope and
determines whether the remaining work can be completed on-time and within
b) A brief daily collaboration meeting in which the team reviews the lessons learned
register, issue log, assumptions log, where the focus will be on the project
constraints of scope, quality, schedule, costs, and resources.
c) A brief daily collaboration meeting in which the team reviews progress from the
previous day and declares intentions for the current day, and highlights any
obstacles encountered or even anticipated.
d) A brief daily collaboration meeting in which the team reviews progress from the
previous day and highlights any obstacles encountered or even anticipated.
Which of the following documents can prevent scope creep?

a) Scope statement
b) Project charter
c) WBS dictionary
d) WBS
You are the Project Manager for a landscape development project. The seller
responsible for earth work went bankrupt and as per agreed upon risk response
strategy, you have appointed another seller. The new seller informed you that,
they will not be able to complete their part of the project in time and cannot meet
the milestone, even using contingency schedule reserves. What should you do
next ?

a) Update the project schedule.

b) Review risk register.
c) Submit a change request.
d) Perform Conduct Procurement process.
All the following statements about the project feasibility study are true, except

a) They can help in project selection and prioritization

b) They can be the first project phase or a separate project
c) They can be used to determine if a project needs to be undertaken or not.
d) They can be used to identify project assumptions and constraints.
Which term is used to describe project deliverables after they have been inspected
and approved by the customer as having met the acceptance criteria?

a) Accepted deliverables
b) Final products or services
c) Document updates
d) Work performance information
The PMO advised you that a critical output of the Close Project process is the
completion and archive of the Lessons Learned register. Why is ensuring that the
register is updated and archived important?

a) To create a means of identifying individuals that can assist in future projects

b) To identify and make easily available improvement ideas that can be used on
comparable projects in the future.
c) The project cannot be formally closed until every output is produced
d) To highlight the largest risks and opportunities that were overcome during the
Which of the following statements defines the primary purpose of the Validate
Scope process?

a) It ensures that the project completes on time and within budget

b) It is concerned with completion of change requests
c) It is concerned with the acceptance of completed project deliverables
d) It is concerned with meeting requirements to deliver business benefits
Your project has identified resource allocation issues that require corrective
actions. A subject matter expert on your team recommends that prompt action
must be taken or there will be an 80% risk that the project will miss a key schedule
milestone. What is the appropriate action to take?

a) Direct all resources to implement the corrective action

b) Create a change request and submit it to the Integrated Control process
c) Contact the project sponsor and gain approval to make the changes
d) Disregard the warning and take no action, continue following the project plan
Your team is using the critical path methodology to help optimize the schedule
efficiency of the required activities. Which of the following options defines a
limitation of the critical path method that must be considered?

a) It is used only for cost estimation purposes

b) It does not consider activity sequences
c) It does not consider activity duration
d) It does not consider resource availability
A member of your team has completed a deliverable and has marked it for review.
While reviewing the deliverable, you notice that it has several mistakes. What is
the next best thing to do?

a) Discuss the issues with the team member

b) Discuss the issues with the team member and his manager
c) Correct the deliverable and perform a quality audit of team member work
d) Put in a change request for the issue to be resolved
After completing the first round of cost estimates, you share the results with a group of
engineers who have experience in completing similar projects. While you hoped that the
engineers would confirm the estimates, you are shocked when they provide you a
lengthy written response detailing multiple issues. These issues highlight fundamental
facts that stand in conflict with what your team used to calculate the costs. What is the
most appropriate action that you should take next?
a) Disregard the response, your team has invested significant effort in creating the costs. Any
changes would potentially cause cost overruns.

b) Submit a change request to modify the cost estimates

c) Add the feedback provided to the assumption log, lessons learned register, and risk register.
Then monitor the actual costs as the project proceeds.

d) Have your team evaluate the response provided against the basis of estimates and
assumption log. Then update each document and recalculate the cost estimates.
Which estimating technique, in which estimates of individual lower-level activities are
aggregated, requires significant resources and time, but can also be very accurate?

a) Analogous estimating

b) Parametric estimating

c) Bottom-up estimating

d) Three-point estimating
To deliver your project faster you have decided to crash multiple critical path activities.
Giving this decision, what action must be taken?

a) Add the details of the decision to the lessons learned register

b) Submit a change request

c) Incorporate the additional cost of resources into the cost estimate

d) Perform a Monte Carlo analysis

What is the lowest level of the WBS at which the cost and activity estimates for the work
can be reliably estimated and managed?

a) Work product

b) Work package

c) Project deliverable

d) Scope baseline

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