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Circuit Analysis 1


Dr. Ali Bou Nassif

Course Objectives
• Ability to apply basic circuit laws and rules.
• Understand and apply circuit theorems.
• Ability to analyze first order transient circuits
• Ability to analyze steady-state sinusoidal circuits.

Basic Concepts
Objectives and outlines:

1.1 Systems of Units.

1.2 Electric Charge.
1.3 Current.
1.4 Voltage.
1.5 Power and Energy.
1.6 Circuit Elements.

Circuit Analysis I
1.1 System of Units (1)
Six basic units
Quantity Basic unit Symbol
Length meter m
Mass kilogram Kg
Time second s
Electric current ampere A
Thermodynamic temperature kelvin K

Luminous intensity candela cd

Circuit Analysis I
1.1 System of Units (2)
The derived units commonly used in electric circuit theory

Circuit Analysis I
1.2 Electric Charges

Charge (q) is an electrical property of the atomic

particles of which matter consists, measured in
coulombs (C).

The charge on one electron (e) is negative and equal in

magnitude to 1.602  10-19 C which is called as
electronic charge.

The coulomb is a large unit for charges. In 1 C of

charge, there are 1/(1.602 × 10-19) = 6.24 × 10+18
electrons. Thus realistic or laboratory values of charges
are on the order of pC, nC or μC
Circuit Analysis I
1.3 Current (1)

Electric current i = dq/dt. The unit of ampere can

be derived as 1 A = 1C/s.

A direct current (dc)

is a current that remains
constant with time.

An alternating current (ac)

is a current that varies sinusoidally
with time.
Circuit Analysis I
1.3 Current (2)
The direction of current flow
– By convention
• Positive current is in the same direction as the
movement of positive charges

• Positive current is in the opposite direction as the

movement of negative charges

1.3 Current (3)

Example 1

A conductor has a constant current of 5 A.

How many electrons pass a fixed point on the

conductor in one minute?

Circuit Analysis I
1.3 Current (4)

300 C/min
 1.87 *10 21
1.602 x10 C/electron

Circuit Analysis I
1.4 Voltage (1)

Circuit Analysis I
1.5 Power and Energy (1)
Power is the time rate of expending or absorbing energy,
measured in watts (W).

Mathematical expression:

Where p is the power ini watts (W) i

w is the energy in joules (J)
+ +
t is the time in seconds

v v

– –

P = +vi p = –vi
absorbing power supplying power

Circuit Analysis I
1.5 Power and Energy (1)
Power is the time rate of expending or absorbing energy,
measured in watts (W).

Mathematical expression:

i i
+ +

v v

– –

P = +vi p = –vi
absorbing power supplying power

Circuit Analysis I
1.5 Power and Energy (2)
If the current enters through the positive terminal of an element
 p = +vi (absorbing)
If the current enters through the negative terminal
 p = −vi (supplying)

absorbing power supplying power

Circuit Analysis I
1.5 Power and Energy (3)
The law of conservation of energy
The algebraic sum of power in a circuit at any instant of time, must
be zero

The total power supplied to the circuit must balance the
total power absorbed

Energy is the capacity to do work, measured in joules (J).

Mathematical expression
t t Energy (w) can be in
w   p dt   vi dt watt-hour (Wh) or jouls.
t0 t0 1 Wh = 3600 J
Circuit Analysis I
Summary of equations
𝑖= (i in A, q in C, t in S)

𝑣= (𝑣 𝑖𝑛 𝑉, 𝑤 𝑖𝑛 𝐽)

𝑃 = 𝑣𝑖 𝑃 𝑖𝑛 𝑊

𝑤 = 𝑃𝑡 (𝑤 𝑖𝑛 𝐽, 𝑃 𝑖𝑛 𝑊, 𝑡 𝑖𝑛 𝑆)

Circuit Analysis I
How much energy does a 100-W electric bulb consume
in ten hours?

W = p * t = 100 * 10 * 3600 = 3600000 = 3.6 MJ (Mega


Another solution:
w = p * t = 100 * 10 = 1000 Wh = 1 KWh

Circuit Analysis I

Circuit Analysis I
+200 w -20 w

C +600 w
-1000 w A
F -140 w

D +360 w

P (supplied) = (-1000) + (-20) + (-140) = -1160 W

P (absorbed) = 200 + 600 + 300 = 1160 W
P (supplied) + P (absorbed) = 0

Circuit Analysis I
Example 3
An energy source forces a constant current of 2 A for 10 s
to flow through a light bulb. If 2.3 kJ is given off in the form
of light and heat energy, calculate the voltage drop across
the bulb.

Circuit Analysis I
1.6 Circuit Elements (1)
• Two types of elements found in electric circuits:
• Passive element is capable of absorbing energy
• resistors, capacitors, and inductors
• Active element is capable of generating energy
• generators, batteries, and operational amplifiers

• There are two kinds of Active sources:

• Independent source: provides a
specified voltage or current that is
independent of other circuit variables

• Dependent source: the source quantity

is controlled by another voltage or
1.6 Circuit Elements (2)
Active Elements Passive Elements

Independent Dependent
sources sources
There are four possible types of dependent sources:
A voltage-controlled voltage source (VCVS).
A current-controlled voltage source (CCVS).
A voltage-controlled current source (VCCS).
Circuit Analysis I
A current-controlled current source (CCCS). 22
1.6 Circuit Elements (3)
Example 4

Obtain the voltage v in the branch shown in the figure below for i2 = 1A.

Circuit Analysis I
1.6 Circuit Elements (4)


Voltage v is the sum of the voltage-independent

10V source and the current-dependent voltage
source vx.

Note that the factor 15 multiplying the control

current carries the units Ω.

Therefore, v = 10 + vx = 10 + 15(1) = 25 V

Circuit Analysis I
1.6 Circuit Elements (5)

Example 5

Calculate the power supplied or absorbed by each element in Fig. 1.15.

Circuit Analysis I
1.6 Circuit Elements (6)


p1 = 20(−5) = −100 W Supplied power

p2 = 12(5) = 60 W Absorbed power
p3 = 8(6) = 48 W Absorbed power
p4 = 8(−0.2I) = 8(−0.2 × 5) = −8 W Supplied power

p1 + p2 + p3 + p4 = −100 + 60 + 48 − 8 = 0 Circuit Analysis I

Chapter Summary
• Current is the rate of charge flow: i = dq/dt
• Voltage is the energy required to move 1 C of charge through an
element: v = dw/dq
• Power is the energy supplied or absorbed per unit time. It is also
the product of voltage and current p = dw/dt = vi
• According to the passive sign convention, power assumes a
positive sign when the current enters the positive polarity of the
voltage across an element.
• An ideal voltage source produces a specific potential difference
across its terminals regardless of what is connected to it.
• An ideal current source produces a specific current through its
terminals regardless of what is connected to it.
• Voltage and current sources can be dependent or independent. A
dependent source is one whose value depends on some other
circuit variable. 27

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