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Pharmacy Technician Part 1

Subject Physiology Time 30min

Q.1 Circle the correct answer in multiple choice.
1. The outermost layer of a cell is called the: a) Nucleus b) Cytoplasm c) Plasma
membrane d) Lysosome
2. The cell component responsible for protein synthesis is the: a) Ribosome b)
Mitochondria c) Golgi apparatus d) Endoplasmic reticulum
3. Which of the following is NOT a zone of the cytoplasm? a) Endoplasmic reticulum b)
Cytosol c) Golgi apparatus d) Nucleus
4. The genetic material of a cell is found in the: a) Cytoplasm b) Plasma membrane c)
Nucleus d) Lysosome
5. The powerhouse of the cell is the: a) Ribosome b) Mitochondria c) Golgi apparatus d)
Endoplasmic reticulum
6. Epithelial tissue that is single-layered is called: a) Stratified epithelium b) Simple
epithelium c) Connective tissue d) Nervous tissue
7. The main function of connective tissue is to: a) Contract and allow movement b)
Provide support and structure c) Transmit nerve impulses d) Secrete hormones
8. Which of the following is NOT a type of connective tissue fiber? a) Collagen b)
Elastic fibers c) Reticular fibers d) Muscle fibers
9. Smooth muscle tissue is found in the: a) Skeleton b) Blood vessels c) Heart d) Brain
10. The tissue responsible for transmitting nerve impulses is: a) Muscle tissue b) Connective
tissue c) Epithelial tissue d) Nervous tissue
11. Bone cells are called: a) Osteocytes b) Chondrocytes c) Fibroblasts d) Myocytes
12. The hard matrix of bone is composed mainly of: a) Collagen b) Calcium phosphate c)
Elastic fibers d) Cartilage
13. Long bones are found in the: a) Skull b) Arms and legs c) Vertebrae d) Ribs
14. Cartilage is an example of a: a) Movable joint b) Fixed joint c) Fibrous joint d)
Synovial joint
15. Synovial joints are freely movable because of the presence of: a) Cartilage b)
Synovial fluid c) Dense connective tissue d) Bone
16. Blood is a: a) Solid tissue b) Fluid tissue c) Connective tissue d) Muscle tissue
17. Red blood cells are also called: a) Leucocytes b) Platelets c) Erythrocytes d) Plasma
18. The main function of red blood cells is to: a) Fight infection b) Carry oxygen c) Help
in clotting d) Transport nutrients
19. The production of red blood cells is stimulated by the hormone: a) Insulin b)
Erythropoietin (EPO) c) Testosterone d) Growth hormone
20. A decrease in red blood cell count is called: a) Leukemia b) Anemia c)
Thrombocytosis d) Neutropenia
Q.2 Attempt any 10 questions to the best of your ability.

1. What is the function of the cytoplasm within a cell?

2. Describe the role of ribosomes in cellular function.
3. Where is the genetic material (DNA) located in a cell?
4. Briefly explain the function of mitochondria in the cell.
5. Differentiate between simple and stratified epithelium.
6. In 3-4 sentences, explain the primary function of connective tissue.
7. Is cartilage considered bone or connective tissue? Why?
8. What tissue carries messages throughout the body?
9. What is the name for mature bone cells?
10. Briefly describe the main component that provides hardness to bones.
11. What allows for free movement in joints like the knee?
12. Categorize blood as a tissue type.
13. What is the alternative name for red blood cells, and what is their function?
14. Which hormone regulates red blood cell production?
15. Briefly define blood composition.

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