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Eur. Phys. J.

Plus (2023) 138:1148

Regular Article

Standing wave solutions for the Free Maxwell Equations in Vacuum with azimuthal
symmetry in cylindrical coordinates

D. A. Pérez-Carlos1,a , A. Gutiérrez-Rodríguez1,b , A. Espinoza-Garrido2,c

1 Unidad Académica de Física, Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas, Av. Solidaridad s/n, Apartado Postal C-580, 98060 Zacatecas, Zacatecas, Mexico
2 Unidad Académica de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Luz y la Materia, Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas, Circuito Marie Curie S/N, Parque de Ciencia y
Tecnología QUANTUM Ciudad del Conocimiento, 98160 Zacatecas, Zacatecas, Mexico

Received: 1 October 2023 / Accepted: 6 December 2023

© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Società Italiana di Fisica and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2023

Abstract The aim of this paper is to get analytical solutions for the Free Maxwell Equations in Vacuum, using a cylindrical coordinate
system, considering axial symmetry. The solutions represent steady-state electromagnetic field configurations in the form of closed
magnetic surfaces where the magnetic field is time-dependent and tangential on these surfaces, and there is no electric field on
them, and each of these closed surfaces includes a ring-like configuration of time-dependent electric field and tangential to the ring,
without magnetic field on them. We analyse the temporal variation of the energy density together with the Poynting vector field,
which describes the electromagnetic energy flow. We conclude that these configurations behave as standing wave solutions.

1 Introduction

The present article continues the works published in [1, 2] where the Free Maxwell Equations in Vacuum (FMEV) were solved
in spherical coordinates. Here, we will use cylindrical coordinates to treat the same problem, as before we will consider axial
symmetry, and we will analyse the behaviour of the Poynting vector field flow and the temporal behavior of the energy density. As
in our previous works, we expect to find standing wave solutions for the electromagnetic field.
The FMEV are
∇ · E  0, (1)
1 ∂B
∇ ×E − , (2)
c ∂t
∇ · B  0, (3)
1 ∂E
∇ ×B . (4)
c ∂t
For the solution of the equations, we use the method of separation of variables. We propose
E(r, t)  e(r)ψ(t) and B(r, t)  b(r)χ(t), (5)

where ψ(t) and χ(t) are functions of time, e(r) is a polar vector and b(r) is an axial one.1
Substituting (5) in the FMEV system (1)–(4), we get
∇ · e  0, (6)
∇ × e  b, (7)
∇ · b  0, (8)
∇ × b  e, (9)

1 A polar vector changes its sign under the coordinate inversion transformation, but an axial one does not change.

a e-mail: (corresponding author)

b e-mail:
c e-mail:

0123456789().: V,-vol 123

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ψ  + ω2 ψ  0, (10)

χ  + ω2 χ  0. (11)
We have the solutions for Eqs. (10) and (11) as
ψ(t)  A sin (ωt) and χ(t)  A cos (ωt), (12)
where A is an arbitrary constant, which for the sake of simplicity we choose equal to unity. If we denote k  ω/c, then the equations
for e and b are as follows
∇ × e  kb and ∇ × b  ke, (13)
for the rotational of the spatial parts of the electric and magnetic fields.
To solve Eqs. (13), we can add the two equations to get
∇ × a  ka, (14)
a(r)  e(r) + b(r), (15)
then we will split the vector a(r) into their polar and axial parts by means of
e(r)  [a(r) − a(−r)], (16)
b(r)  [a(r) + a(−r)]. (17)
Eqs. (16) and (17) will be used to deduct the spatial parts of E(r, t) and B(r, t).
Linearity in Eq. (14) is guaranteed by k being a constant. This constant has units of cm −1 . We can find this equation in plasma
physics, astrophysics [3, 4], and hydrodynamics [5, 6]. The former is known as the force-free magnetic field equation, whereas the
latter is known as the Trkalian equation.

2 Solution of ∇ × a  ka in cylindrical coordinates

We consider axial symmetry, which means that in cylindrical coordinates, the field components of a are functions of ρ and z, that is,
a(ρ, z)  aρ (ρ, z) êρ + aφ (ρ, z) êφ + az (ρ, z) êz . (18)
We have Eq. (14), which gives us the next three equations
 −kaρ , (19)
∂aρ ∂az
−  kaφ , (20)
∂z ∂ρ

∂(ρaφ )
 kρaz . (21)
After substituting Eqs. (19) and (21) into Eq. (20), we obtain
∂ 2 aφ ∂aφ 2 ∂ aφ
ρ2 + ρ + (k ρ
2 2
− 1)a φ + ρ  0. (22)
∂ρ 2 ∂ρ ∂z 2
We propose aφ (ρ, z)  η(ρ)ζ (z) to separate Eq. (22) into two ordinary differential equations, namely,
d 2η dη
ρ2 2
+ρ + [(k 2 − ν 2 )ρ 2 − 1]η  0, (23)
dρ dρ
d 2ζ
+ ν 2 ζ  0, (24)
dz 2

where ν 2 is the constant of separation. Equation (23) is the Bessel equation of the first kind with argument k 2 − ν 2 ρ, and order
1. While Eq. (24) is the simple harmonic oscillator equation. The solution of Eq. (23) is
η(ρ)  k J1 k 2 − ν 2 ρ . (25)

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On the other hand, the solution for Eq. (24) is

ζ (z)  A sin νz + B cos νz, (26)
where A and B are arbitrary constants. Therefore, the solution for aφ is given by
aφ (ρ, z)  k J1 (ξρ)(A sin νz + B cos νz), (27)

where ξ  k 2 − ν 2 . If Eq. (27) is substituted into Eqs. (19) and (21), we get aρ and az
aρ (ρ, z)  ν J1 (ξρ)(−A cos νz + B sin νz), (28)

az (ρ, z)  ξ J0 (ξρ)(A sin νz + B cos νz). (29)

We have used the next property for Bessel functions to get az
d ν
[x Jν (x)]  x ν Jν−1 (x).
Therefore, the general solution for a(ρ, z) given by (18) is
a(ρ, z)  ν J1 (ξρ)(B sin νz − A cos νz) êρ
+ k J1 (ξρ)(A sin νz + B cos νz) êφ
+ ξ J0 (ξρ)(A sin νz + B cos νz) êz . (30)

2.1 Parity analysis

We need to study the behaviour of the components of the vectors e(r) and b(r) under the coordinate inversion transformation (x, y,
z) → (−x, −y, −z).

ρ  x 2 + y2, (31)
cos φ   , (32)
x 2 + y2
sin φ   . (33)
x 2 + y2
The unit vectors êρ , êφ and êz in Cartesian coordinates are
êρ  cos φ î + sin φ ĵ, (34)

êφ  − sin φ î + cos φ ĵ, (35)

êz  k̂. (36)

By analysing unit vectors (34)–(36) through Eqs. (31)–(33) we have that under inversion transformation êρ → −êρ , êφ → −êφ
and êz → êz .
Moreover, the Bessel functions do not change signs under the inversion transformation, nor does the cosine function, only the
sine changes sign. J0 (ξρ) → J0 (ξρ), J1 (ξρ) → J1 (ξρ), cos νz → cos νz and sin νz → − sin νz.
We use Eqs. (16) and (17) to get e(r) and b(r), namely
e(r)  −ν A J1 (ξρ) cos νz êρ + k B J1 (ξρ) cos νz êφ + ξ A J0 (ξρ) sin νz êz , (37)
b(r)  ν B J1 (ξρ) sin νz êρ + k A J1 (ξρ) sin νz êφ + ξ B J0 (ξρ) cos νz êz . (38)
The condition for obtaining electromagnetic standing waves as solutions of the system (1)–(4) is that the dot product between the
spatial components of the electric and magnetic fields must cancel out, that is
e(r) · b(r)  ξ 2 AB J02 (ξρ) + J12 (ξρ) sin νz cos νz  0. (39)
We can see from Eq. (39) that this dot product vanishes in the following cases:
1. ξ  0, and AB   0. This reduces Eq. (23) to the differential equation
d 2η dη
ρ2 +ρ − η  0, (40)
dρ 2 dρ

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whose solution is
η(ρ)  c1 ρ + c2 ρ −1 . (41)
This part of the solution is discarded from this discussion because it diverges at infinity and the origin. See more details of this
solution in “Appendix 1”.
2. A  0, B  1, and ξ   0. In this case, we have
e(r)  k J1 (ξρ) cos νz êφ , (42)
b(r)  ν J1 (ξρ) sin νz êρ + ξ J0 (ξρ) cos νz êz . (43)
3. A  1, B  0, and ξ   0, in this case, we obtain
e(r)  −ν J1 (ξρ) cos νz êρ + ξ J0 (ξρ) sin νz êz , (44)
b(r)  k J1 (ξρ) sin νz êφ . (45)
These solutions are discussed in “Appendix 1” and we discard them as they do not allow for magnetic traps, which is the focus
of this article. Therefore, we retain only the solutions of the first case (42) and (43). The reasons will be clearer after analysing
the first set of solutions for this case. In this way, the fields E(r, t) and B(r, t) are
E(r, t)  k J1 (ξρ) cos νz sin ωt êφ , (46)
B(r, t)  ν J1 (ξρ) sin νz êρ + ξ J0 (ξρ) cos νz êz cos ωt. (47)

3 Magnetic geometric loci

To find magnetic surfaces we consider the geometric loci where the electric field E(r, t) vanishes at every point of that surface and
every moment of time, with the additional condition that B(r, t) is not null.
From Eq. (46), we can see that
E(r, t)  0, (48)
is valid only if
aφ (ρ, z)  0, (49)
which is split into the two conditions
J1 (ξρ)  0, (50)

cos νz  0. (51)
Then, Eq. (48) is satisfied if any of Eqs. (50) and (51) is satisfied.
In [6], it is shown that an infinite number of solutions exist for Bessel functions, and the roots are real. The solutions for Eq. (50)
ρi  , (52)
where xi , i  0, 1, 2, 3, . . ., are the roots of the Bessel function of the first kind J1 (x) ordered in an increasing form
0  x0 < x1 < x2 < x3 < · · ·. (53)
The quantities ρi define the radii of the geometrical locations with only a magnetic field, so we call them the radii of magnetic
cylinders. The root x0  0 corresponds to the z-axis and is a degenerate cylinder. The condition (51), is fulfilled if z n  (2n +1)π/2ν,
for n  . . . , −2, −1, 0, 1, 2, . . .. Each value of z n defines a plane parallel to the xy plane, π/ν units apart from each other. There
are infinite planes. If the condition (50) is satisfied, the magnetic field is given by
B(r, t)  ξ J0 (ξρ) cos νz cos ωt êz . (54)
On the other hand, if condition (51) is satisfied, then the magnetic field is given by
B(r, t)  ν J1 (ξρ) sin νz cos ωt êρ . (55)

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It is worth mentioning that the z-axis is also a geometric locus where there is also a magnetic field and is given, in Cartesian
coordinates as
B(0, 0, z, t)  ξ cos νz cos ωt êz , (56)
since J0 (0)  1. This means that the magnetic field oscillates harmonically in the z-axis with an amplitude ξ .

4 Electric geometric loci

Now we want to find the geometric locations where the magnetic field is zero, with the additional condition that the electric field
must not cancel out, that is,
B(r, t)  0, (57)
provided that,
E(r, t)   0.
Equation (57) is split into
J1 (ξρ) sin νz  0, (58)
J0 (ξρ) cos νz  0. (59)
For Eqs. (58) and (59) to be satisfied simultaneously, and because the electric field must not cancel out, we have
J0 (ξ ρ̃)  0, (60)
sin ν z̃  0. (61)
We have that x̃i  ξ ρ̃i , for i  0, 1, 2, 3, . . ., are the roots of the Bessel function of first kind J0 , also ordered in a increasing form
1  x̃0 < x̃1 < x̃2 < · · ·. (62)
Now, ρ̃i for i  0, 1, 2, 3, . . . defines the radii of what we call secondary cylinders, whereas the solutions of condition (61) are
z̃ n  nπ/ν, for n  . . . , −2, −1, 0, 1, 2, . . .. They give us infinite parallel planes called secondary planes. The intersection
between the solutions of Eqs. (60) and (61) are rings. These electric rings define the geometric loci with only an electric field.
Conditions (60) and (61) taken together give us an infinite number of solutions so that we obtain an infinite number of electric
field rings whose radii are ρ̃i , and they are in the planes defined by z̃ n As we already mentioned, the rings arise from the intersection
of the radii of secondary cylinders and the secondary planes.
For the numerical analysis, we have assigned the values of the constants k  5 cm −1 and ν  3 cm −1 . The data from Tables 1
and 2 were used to plot the graphics. All graphics were made in MathematicaTM .
Figure 1 illustrates the magnetic field cylinders concentric to the z-axis, the magnetic axis which is the z-axis itself, and the
magnetic planes parallel to the xy plane which are plotted in cyan colour. The infinite number of solutions implies the existence of an
infinite number of magnetic cylinders and magnetic planes, which are separated by the distance π/3 cm. The values of the radii of
the cylinders and the locations of the magnetic planes are given in Table 1. In Fig. 1, we can also see the electric field rings in yellow
colour. The secondary planes, z̃ n are also separated by the same distance π/3 cm, but now the first secondary plane coincides with
the xy plane. The secondary radii, denoted by ρ̃i , and the locations of the secondary planes, denoted by z̃ i are tabulated in Table 2.

5 Energy density

We have that energy density measured in Gaussian units is

1  2
W  E + B2 , (63)

√ √
where E  E · E and B  B · B are the magnitudes of the electric and magnetic field vectors, respectively.
Equations (46) and (47) are stationary wave solutions, which implies that energy density also behaves as a stationary wave. To
see how energy density behaves we separate the energy density into two parts, one independent of time and another dependent.
W (r, t)  W0 + W0 − [k J1 (ξρ) cos νz]2 cos 2ωt, (64)

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Table 1 Radii of magnetic Radii of magnetic cylinders (cm) Magnetic planes (cm)
cylinders and magnetic planes
ρ0  0 z 0  π/6 z −1  −π/6
ρ1  0.9579 z 1  π/2 z −2  −π/2
ρ2  1.7539 z 2  5π/6 z −3  −5π/6
ρ3  2.2533 z 3  7π/6 z −4  −7π/6
ρ4  3.3309 z 4  3π/2 z −5  −3π/2
ρ5  4.1176 z 5  11π/6 z −6  −11π/6
··· ··· ···

Table 2 Radii of secondary Radii of secondary cylinders (cm) Secondary planes (cm)
cylinders and secondary magnetic
planes ρ̃0  0.6012 z̃ 0  0 z̃ −1  −π/3
ρ̃1  1.3800 z̃ 1  π/3 z̃ −2  −2π/3
ρ̃2  2.1634 z̃ 2  2π/3 z̃ −3  −π
ρ̃3  2.9478 z̃ 3  π z̃ −4  −4π/3
ρ̃4  3.7327 z̃ 4  4π/3 z̃ −5  −5π/3
··· ··· ···

Fig. 1 Magnetic and electric loci.

This plot shows the magnetic axis,
the magnetic cylinders, and the
magnetic planes in cyan colour,
whereas the electric rings are in
yellow. To better visualize the
graph, we do not show a quarter of
the surfaces of the magnetic
cylinders and planes


W0  (k J1 (ξρ) cos νz)2 + (ν J1 (ξρ) sin νz)2 + (ξ J0 (ξρ) cos νz)2 , (65)

is the value around which the energy density oscillates. In Figs. 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 we can see the temporal evolution of energy density
at different instants of time through t  0 to t  τ , the period, in the xz plane, which is the cross-section of the configuration of
the electromagnetic field. Comparing Eqs. (46), (47), and (64), we can see that the period of oscillation of the electromagnetic field
is twice the period of oscillation of the energy density around W0 . To find the geometric locations for which the energy density is
constant, we make the time part of Eq. (64) equal zero. We can see in Fig. 7 that the cross-section of the surfaces where the energy
density remains constant in time, they are shown in blue colour, whereas we can appreciate the cross-section of the rings as yellow
points, and we see the cross-section of the magnetic cylinders, and the magnetic planes in cyan colour. The surfaces of constant
energy density are toroids, obtained by rotating 360◦ the curves in blue colour from Fig. 7 around z-axis.

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Fig. 2 Energy density in the

xz plane at t  0 and t  8τ/8

Fig. 3 Energy density in the

xz plane at t  τ/8 and t  7τ/8

Fig. 4 Energy density in the

xz plane at t  2τ/8 and t  6τ/8

The locations where the energy density remains constant over time are called the energy density nodal surfaces, and they are
nodes of this energy density standing wave. The equation of this nodal energy density surface is
[ν J1 (ξρ) sin νz]2 + [ξ J0 (ξρ) cos νz]2  [k J1 (ξρ) cos νz]2 , (66)

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Fig. 5 Energy density in the

xz plane at t  3τ/8 and t  5τ/8

Fig. 6 Energy density in the

xz plane at t  4τ/8

the graph of the cross-section of those nodal surfaces is shown in Fig. 7. The nodal surface near the origin of the coordinates is
shown in Fig. 8.

6 The Poynting vector field

The Poynting vector S  c

4π (E × B) measures the momentum density carried by the electromagnetic field. For the solutions (46)
and (47) is

S(ρ, z, t)  ξ J0 (ξρ)J1 (ξρ) cos2 νz êρ − ν J12 (ξρ) sin νz cos νz êz sin 2ωt. (67)

Eq. (67) shows that the Poynting vector field is a standing wave oscillating around its null value and taking opposite directions over
time. Its period τ is equal to half the period T of oscillation of the electromagnetic field. We have a visual representation of the
spatial distribution of the Poynting vector field in Fig. 9 for the cross-section of the Poynting vector field in the xy plane, and in
Fig. 10 the cross-section of the Poynting vector field in the xz plane, both are plotted for the instant of time t  τ/4. The total linear
momentum inside each trap is null, meaning that there is no energy flow outside each trap. In other words, the electromagnetic
energy is conserved inside each trap.

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Fig. 7 The cross-section of the

nodal surfaces is given in blue
colour, the cross-section of the
magnetic traps is given in cyan
colour, and the cross-section of
electric rings is given by the
yellow points

Fig. 8 Nodal surface near the

origin of coordinates. This graphic
was plotted in the intervals
x ∈ [−0.6, 0.6], y ∈ [−0.6, 0.6],
and z ∈ [0.5, 0.5]

7 The magnetic traps

The magnetic traps we have obtained are formed by two consecutive cylinders intersected by two consecutive planes. In Fig. 11,
we show one of the infinite number of magnetic traps. We see that inside each trap there is one and only one nodal surface, and
one and only one electric ring. As we mentioned above, the energy flow oscillates between the magnetic trap to the electric ring in
half of the period, and the other half it flows from the electric ring to the magnetic trap. We can also see that nodal surfaces remain
constant over time. From these considerations, we can conclude that in each magnetic trap, the electromagnetic field Eqs. (46) and
(47) behaves as individual and autonomous steady electromagnetic perturbations.

8 Conclusions

The method we have established allows us to obtain the solutions to FMEV as the product of two functions, one dependent only on
the spatial coordinates and the other in sinusoidal form with dependence only on the time coordinate.
We have found standing wave solutions for the electromagnetic field. These solutions allow the existence of infinite closed
magnetic field surfaces, formed by concentric cylinders to the z-axis, With a time-dependent magnetic field along the z-axis such
cylinders and magnetic axis are intersected by infinite planes parallel to the plane z  0. Inside each magnetic trap, there is an
electric field in the form of a ring, all these rings are concentric to the z-axis.

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Fig. 9 The Poynting vector field

distribution at time t  τ/4 in the
plane xy. Next to the graph, the
energy density magnitude,
expressed in the colour-scale bar,
is shown. The cyan and yellow
traces are the cross-sections of the
magnetic cylinders and the electric

Fig. 10 The Poynting vector field

distribution at time t  τ/4 in the
plane xz. Vertical cyan lines are
the cross-section of the cylinders,
horizontal cyan lines represent the
cross-section of the magnetic
planes, and yellow dots represent
the cross-section of the electric

Each magnetic trap has the following characteristics:

1. The magnetic traps have the form of a hollow flat washer. The magnetic field is time-dependent and is tangential on the surface
of the trap.
2. There is one and only one electric field inside each trap. The electric field is tangential along the ring and time-dependent.
3. The electromagnetic energy is conserved.
4. The energy density and the electromagnetic energy flow also behave as standing waves.
5. Within each magnetic trap there is one and only one toroidal-shaped energy nodal surface.

The electromagnetic energy oscillates so that in half of the period, the energy flow goes from the magnetic surface to the ring, and
vice versa in the other half of the period.
Our stationary wave solutions are the result of the interference of some electromagnetic waves.
The electric rings obtained in this work are analogous to those obtained by Cameron [7]. Both have monochromatic behavior,
and the electric fields in both solutions vary in the azimuthal direction. We have an infinite number of solutions that describe the
electric rings, in addition, they are different in spatial dependence.
It is worth mentioning that our work complements other studies reported in the literature on the topic of the force-free magnetic
equation [8, 9] and magnetic traps [10, 11]. Furthermore, given that classical electrodynamics is a field that has not yet been fully
explored, it is very pertinent to address this topic, such as the case of the classical equations of electromagnetism [12–14]. We
explore solutions in different coordinate systems and consider different types of symmetries to simplify the exact solutions of these

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Fig. 11 Magnetic trap of height

π/3 cm and width 0.78755 cm,
given by the difference of the two
consecutive cylinders. The radius
of the electric ring is 2.947875
cm. For a better visualization, we
have omitted a quarter of the graph
of the magnetic trap as before

systems of equations. Moreover, the electromagnetic configurations described in this article could be applied as plasma containers
at the limit of low-density plasma.

Acknowledgements D. A. P. C. appreciates the post-doctoral stay founded by CONAHCYT. A. G. R. thank SNII (México).

Data Availability Statement All data generated or analysed during this study are included in this published article (Appendix 1).

Appendix 1: Treatment of other solutions for the electromagnetic field in vacuum

Consider case 1 of solutions (37) and (38) of section 2.1, where ξ  0, AB   0. In this case, the vector a(r) is
a(r)  ν(c1 ρ + c2 ρ −1 )(−A cos νz + B sin νz) êρ
+ k(c1 ρ + c2 ρ −1 )(A sin νz + B cos νz) êφ
+ 2c1 ρ(A sin νz + B cos νz) êz . (68)
We use Eqs. (16) and (17) to separate spatial parts of the electric and magnetic fields. We obtain
e(r)  −ν A(c1 ρ + c2 ρ −1 ) cos νz êρ
+ k B(c1 ρ + c2 ρ −1 ) cos νz êφ
+ 2c1 Aρ sin νz êz , (69)
b(r)  ν B(c1 ρ + c2 ρ −1 ) sin νz êρ
+ k A(c1 ρ + c2 ρ −1 ) sin νz êφ
+ 2c1 Bρ cos νz êz . (70)
Because we want the solutions to correspond again to standing waves, we need to apply the condition e(r) · b(r)  0 to these
solutions. We have the two cases A  0 and B  1 or A  1 and B  0. For the former conditions
e(r)  k(c1 ρ + c2 ρ −1 ) cos νz êφ , (71)
b(r)  ν(c1 ρ + c2 ρ −1 ) sin νz êρ + 2c1 ρ cos νz êz . (72)
Therefore, the full solution for this case is
E(r, t)  k(c1 ρ + c2 ρ −1 ) cos νz êφ sin ωt, (73)

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B(r, t)  ν(c1 ρ + c2 ρ −1 ) sin νz êρ + 2c1 ρ cos νz êz cos ωt. (74)
For the last conditions A  1 and B  0 we get
e(r)  −ν(c1 ρ + c2 ρ −1 ) cos νz êρ + 2c1 ρ sin νz êz , (75)
b(r)  k(c1 ρ + c2 ρ −1 ) sin νz êφ . (76)
These results allow us to write the full solution for the second case as
E(r, t)  −ν(c1 ρ + c2 ρ −1 ) cos νz êρ + 2c1 ρ sin νz êz sin ωt, (77)
B(r, t)  k(c1 ρ + c2 ρ −1 ) sin νz cos ωt êφ . (78)
These sets of solutions (73)–(74) and (77)–(78) diverge at the origin of coordinates as well as at infinity.
For the case 3, A  1, B  0, and ξ   0, we have
E(r, t)  −ν J1 (ξρ) cos νz êρ + ξ J0 (ξρ) sin νz êz sin ωt, (79)

B(r, t)  k J1 (ξρ) sin νz cos ωt êφ . (80)

Analogous to the analysis in Sects. 3 and 4, we conclude that in this case, we obtain closed surfaces of the electric field in a hollow
flat washer form, where the electric field is tangential over all the surfaces, and inside of each electric closed surface, there is only
one magnetic field in the form of a ring.
The energy density for the solutions (79) and (80) is
1 2 2
W  W0 − W0 − ν J1 (ξρ) sin2 νz cos 2ωt, (81)

W0  (ν J1 (ξρ) cos νz)2 + (k J1 (ξρ) sin νz)2 + (ξ J0 (ξρ) sin νz)2 . (82)
Bot expressions (81) and (82) are different from the energy density given by Eqs. (64) and (65).
The Poyntig vector field is
S [ν J12 (ξρ) sin νz cos νz êz − ξ J0 (ξρ)J1 (ξρ) sin2 νz êρ ] sin 2ωt. (83)

This expression differs from Eq. (67). Expression (83) implies that the Poynting vector is zero on the electric surfaces and on the
magnetic rings.
Both sets of solutions (46)–(47) and (79)–(80), which are convergent, can be taken, separately or combined, as a basis for
constructing particular solutions of Maxwell’s equations with axial symmetry and convergent at the origin of coordinates and at
infinity. However, the properties of these new solutions depend on the particular problem to be solved.


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