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Form 842 Questions:


How many people are included in this application?

1. Give your details (of the main applicant)

 Family name
 Given names
 Sex
 Date of birth
 Place of birth Town/city
 Country
 Citizenship
 If stateless, write your previous country of citizenship
 Current country ofresidence
 Date you arrived inthis country
 Status in this country
 Relationship status
 Date of marriage
2. Names of other applicant
 their date of birthplace of birth
 and country
 citizenship
 marital status, if married, separated, divorced or widowed provide date and place
 relationship to main applicant

3. Has any person included in this application been mandated as a refugee orregistered with
the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)?

4. Residential address for you (the main applicant) (not postal address). (Please provide full
address – house number, street name, suburb, city country, post code if not house number
and street name then describe location of the house)

5. Contact telephone numbers for main applicant (if available

6. Email address

7. Have you or any other person included in this visa application previously been legally
married, in a de facto relationship or in a customary/traditional/religious marriage that is
not legally recognised? Note: Include partners who you are divorced or separated from or
who are missing or deceased.
 Previous partner’s full name?
 Dates of relationship (from –to)?
 How did the relationship end?
 Names of children from this relationship?
8. Do you or any other person included in this application have children from a previous
marriage / relationship, including customary/traditional marriage? If yes, Do they have
sole custody of any child under 18 years of age who are included in this application?

9. Are there any children included in this application who are not the biological children of
either you (the main applicant) or your partner?
 If yes, give details of each child;
 full name
 date of birth
 relationship to you
 Full name of biological father
 Full name of biological mother
 Whereabouts of biological parents (if deceased or unknown, please state)

10. Do you have a husband, wife, de facto partner or any dependants who normally live with
you but who are not included in this application?
A dependant is a person who is wholly or substantially dependent on you or your partner
for financial, psychological or physical support
If yes, give details and explain why they do not intend to migrate with you as part of this
visa application Family name
 Given names
 Date of birth
 Relationship to you
 Reason they are not applying with you

11. Is any person included in this application physically separated from you (eg. Missing or
living at a separate address/location)?
 If yes, Give details and explain when and where you were last in contact with
 Family name
 Given names
 Date of birth
 Relationship to you
 Last contact – (when, where and how you were separated)
 Full residential address (if know)

12. Relatives of main applicant’s partner parents, siblings and children

 names,
 sex,male
 date of birth,
 relationship status (married, divorced, etc)Married
 place and country of birth
 relationship to main applicant
 country where they are now living
 status in that country

 name
 sex,
 date of birth
 relationship status (married, divorced, etc)
 place and country of birth
 relationship to main applicant,
 country where they are now living,
 status in that country

 name
 sex,
 date of birth
 relationship status (married, divorced, etc)
 place and country of birth,
 relationship to main applicant
 country where they are now living,
 status in that country

 name
 sex,
 date of birth
 relationship status (married, divorced, etc)
 place and country of birth,
 relationship to main applicant
 country where they are now living,
 status in that country

 name,
 sex,
 date of birth
 relationship status (married, divorced, etc) NO
 place and country of birth,
 relationship to main applicant,
 country where they are now living,
 status in that country

 name,
 sex,
 date of birth
 relationship status (married, divorced, etc)
 place and country of birth,
 relationship to main applicant,
 country where they are now living,
 status in that country

Has any person included in this application ever applied for an Australian visa (permanent or
temporary) before?

13. Do you or your partner have any relatives NOT INCLUDED IN THIS VISA
APPLICATION who have current Australian visa applications under consideration?

14. Do any people included in this application have any other relatives residing in Australia?

15. Do any people included in this application have any other past or present links to

16. Has any person included in this application applied to migrate to another country, or
applied for refugee resettlement or asylum in any country?

17. For EACH person included in this application list every address where they have lived
during the last 10 years - Address, what date you started living at this address

18. What is your ethnic group or clan? (for each applicant)

19. What is your religion?

20. Are you a member of political party/group (if any)?

21. What is the name of the country you fear living in or returning to?

22. What date you left your country?

23. Why do you fear living in or returning to the country you listed at question 42? Your
answer should pay special attention to what happened to you, not the general situation in
that country
24. If you have left the country you fear, how did you leave? Legally - give details of your
exit permit or illegally – Describe how you arranged to leave illegally?

25. What do you believe may happen to you, or the people included in your application, if
you were to return to or continue living in that country? You should give full details of
what you think may happen to you and reasons why that would happen
26. Who do you think may harm or mistreat you if you continue living in or go back to that

27. Do you think the authorities of that country can and will protect you if you continue living
in or return to that country? If not, please explain why?

28. Did you travel through, or stay, in any other countries before arriving in the country
where you are now living? Provide details.

29. Has any person included in this application served in a military organisation
(army/airforce/navy) or in a paramilitary organisation?
 If yes provide the following details:
 Country served,
 Name of military/paramilitary organisation,
 Rank in this organisation,
 Dates of membership from to?
 Why did you leave this organisation?

30. Has any person included in this application ever lived in a refugee camp, collective
accommodation centre for refugees or detention centre?
 If yes give details:
 name of camp/centre,
 location,
 who ran the camp/centre,
 dates lived there from –to?
 names of people who lived there?

31. If selected for an interview about your application, will you need an interpreter?
32. Which language?

33. Employment history?

34. Language spoken - main language other languages.

35. How well do you speak English

36. Give details of your education: Highest educational qualification obtained? (eg. School
certificate, electrical certificate, BA, PhD)I Studied Until High School

37. Have you or any other person included in this application, undergone a health
examination for an Australian visa in the last 12 months?

38. Character questions to be answered on separate page form 842.

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