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You need to include a completed and signed copy of this form when you submit
Assignments 01, 02 and 50 for this module. Assignments without the form will be cancelled
and returned unmarked

The Department of Curriculum and Instructional Studies places specific

emphasis on integrity and ethical behaviour with regard to the preparation of all
written work submitted for academic assessment.

Although your lecturers can provide you with information about reference techniques
and guidelines to avoid plagiarism, you also have a responsibility to fulfil in this
regard. Should you at any time feel unsure about the requirements, you must consult
your lecturers before you submit any assignment.

You are guilty of plagiarism when you extract information from a book, article, web
page or fellow student without acknowledging the source and submit it as your own
work. In truth, you are stealing someone else‟s property. You may not use another
student‟s work. You may not allow anyone to copy or use your work with the
intention to submit it as his/her own.

Students who are guilty of plagiarism will forfeit all credit for the work concerned.
Plagiarism is a serious violation of the University‟s regulations and may lead to

The under-mentioned declaration must accompany written assignments. Your

assignment will be cancelled and returned unmarked if you do not include a
fully completed and signed declaration form.

I (full names): Duminga Mingandja

Student number: 61064122 Module: TPS3704

Declare that…
1. I understand what plagiarism entails and am aware of the University‟s policy in
this regard.
2. I declare that this assignment is my own, original work. Where I used someone
else‟s work, whether a printed source, the internet or any other source, I give the
proper acknowledgement and include a complete reference list.
3. I did not use another current or previous student‟s work, submitting it as my own.
4. I did not allow and will not allow anyone to copy my work with the intention of
submitting it as his or her own work.

Signature: D Mingandja Date: 2024/05/30

Assignment 2B

Watch the YouTube video below on “Decolonising Education” teaching and answer the
questions that follow.

a) Describe how you would define „Decolonising Education” in a South African

perspective by providing practical examples. Be as holistic as possible. Write a
paragraph of about 10 lines. (10)

- Decolosing education in a South African Perspective refers to the process of

challenging and stopping the lingering effects of colonialism in the country‟s
educational system, it involves recognizing and rectifying historical imbalances,
biases, and Eurocentric perspectives that have been ingrained in the curriculum,
pedagogy, and overall educational approach. To achieve this, several practical
examples can be implemented
 Inclusion of indigenous knowledge
 Diverse perspectives
 Language Revitalization
 Critical Thinking and Anti-Bias Education
 Curriculum Decolonization
 Diverse Faculty and staff

b) Use the lesson plan template below to develop a lesson using Africanisation
(Decolonisation) as a strategy in your FET subject specialization. Develop learning
materials such as worksheets, charts, homework activities, remedial and enrichment
exercises which you will attach to the lesson plan.
Planned teaching Lesson
General Information Lesson Aim: (What do you as a teacher
Duration of lesson: 60 mins want to achieve?) To teach/facilitate:

Grade: 11 
Topic: population distribution and density

What will the learners know / be able to do / understand by the end of the lesson? (Start
with: Learners will….)

 be able to understand the distribution (where) people live and the density
(how many) people live in an area.
 Learners will be able to list or mention the factors that influence population
distribution (why).
 Distinguish between population distribution and density
 Give reasons why certain areas attract more or less people

Explain your choice of the teaching strategy you will use.

 Learner centred approach

- This approach can be effective because it involves presenting learners with a real-
world problem or scenario and guiding them to find solution through research ,
analysis, and collaboration.

The Introduction phase (How will you get the learners ready for what you want them to

Get all the learners seated. Begin by asking learners what they understand by the term
“population distribution and density”.

And then define population distribution and density as an increase in the number of
individuals in a population over time.

Explain to them that population growth is influenced by various factors, such as birth rates,
death rates, migration , and government policies.

How long will this take? 10 minutes

Questions you will ask:

 Now do you understand the difference and the concept population distribution and

The main part of the lesson Learner activity (What will the learners do
Activity How long will this take? ………… and say?)
Teacher activity (What will you do and say?)  Learners to work in their groups
 Divide the class into small groups and  Learners to reasearch factors and
assign each group one factor discuss assigned factors affecting
influencing population distribution and population distribution and density.
density (birth rates, death rates,  Learners to present their findings to
migration, or government policies). the class
 In their groups, ill ask them to research
and discuss how their assigned factors
affects population distribution and
 After the discussion, have each group
present their findings to the class.

Questions you will ask:

 What did you learn about on this
The conclusion of the lesson (quick quiz, Learner activity (What will the learners do
class discussion, learners ask each other and say?)
questions etc.)  Learners asks each other question
 Learners ask each other questions of the population control mearsures
How long will it take? 5 minutes 

Questions you will ask:

Please sit in your pairs and ask each other the
possible population control mearsures
Assessment Grid

Assessment Criteria Marks

1. Define what a decolonised education is. 10
2. Prepare a lesson Plan:
Aim 5
Objectives 5
Whole lesson 25
Assessment 10
Enrichment/special needs 10
Homework 10

TOTAL: 100

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