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Source: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Raag: Dhanasari

Author: Guru Amar Das Ji Ang: 68

rwgu DnwisrI mhlw 3 Gru 4
raag dhhanaasiree mehalaa 3 ghar 4
Raag Dhanaasaree, Third Mehl,
Fourth House:
<> siqgur pRswid ]
ik oa(n)kaar sathigur prasaadh ||
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace
Of The True Guru:
hm BIKk ByKwrI qyry qU inj piq hY dwqw ]
ham bheekhak bhaekhaaree thaerae thoo
nij path hai dhaathaa ||
I am just a poor beggar of Yours; You are
Your Own Lord Master, You are the Great
hohu dYAwl nwmu dyhu mMgq jn kMau sdw rhau rMig
rwqw ]1]
hohu dhaiaal naam dhaehu ma(n)gath jan
ka(n)o sadhaa reho ra(n)g raathaa ||1||
Be Merciful, and bless me, a humble
beggar, with Your Name, so that I may
forever remain imbued with Your Love. ||
hMau bilhwrY jwau swcy qyry nwm ivthu ]
ha(n)o balihaarai jaao saachae thaerae
naam vittahu ||
I am a sacrifice to Your Name, O True Lord.
krx kwrx sBnw kw eyko Avru n dUjw
koeI ]1] rhwau ]
karan kaaran sabhanaa kaa eaeko avar n
dhoojaa koee ||1|| rehaao ||
The One Lord is the Cause of causes; there
is no other at all. ||1||Pause||
bhuqy Pyr pey ikrpn kau Ab ikCu ikrpw kIjY ]
bahuthae faer peae kirapan ko ab kishh
kirapaa keejai ||
I was wretched; I wandered through so
many cycles of reincarnation. Now, Lord,
please bless me with Your Grace.
hohu dieAwl drsnu dyhu Apunw AYsI bKs
krIjY ]2]
hohu dhaeiaal dharasan dhaehu apunaa
aisee bakhas kareejai ||2||
Be merciful, and grant me the Blessed
Vision of Your Darshan; please grant me
such a gift. ||2||
Bniq nwnk Brm pt KUl@y gur prswdI jwinAw ]
bhanath naanak bharam patt khoolhae gur
parasaadhee jaaniaa ||
Prays Nanak, the shutters of doubt have
been opened wide; by Guru s Grace, I have
come to know the Lord.
swcI ilv lwgI hY BIqir siqgur isau mnu
mwinAw ]3]1]9]
saachee liv laagee hai bheethar sathigur sio
man maaniaa ||3||1||9||
I am filled to overflowing with true love;
my mind is pleased and appeased by the
True Guru. ||3||1||9||

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