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ESTIMATE FOR THE WORK ‘PERIPHERY DEVELOPMENT OF MAA NIJABANKESWARI TEMPLE, DIGAPAHANDI IN GANJAM. DISTRICT for the Year 2023-24. ‘SUMMARY SI.No.] Description of Works Amount in Rs. [CIVIL WORKS: 1 [Rano BRN 3 TaSBSz0 5 2 — [TEMPLE OFFICEBUTARTROGH raria6'-00 3 ToT a cHANGING Teee344 00 4 [BHOGK SHOPS 95830100, 5 [TEMPLE TRE. 167857040 5 [COMPLETION OF EXISTING TENPLE EWAN 3748397 00 7 [RETAINING WAL 1080355 00 [SIGNAGE 79355.00, 3 [DusTa 7723700 Sub Total Re 12500760.40 B_|PH.WORKS. 12.49¢qa36 1__fintemal & Extemal PH & Saniary work {Add 10% over Civil work) cae Sub Toul Ra] 4298922.00 (C._ [ELECTRICAL WORKS. 1 {internal & External Eletcal wank (AGG 10% over CIO, TERT Sub Toiai Re] “26206103 | D TOTAL = (a+8+<) 15352673.48 [ST 26 E ‘Add Coniigency & Qualiy Control @ 2% on TOTALID) SOR0SST Fs ‘Add Consultancy Charges @ 2% on TOTAL (0 303053.47 @ TOTAL=(DoEWA| 1875676037 H Add GST @ 18% on Total (G)| 78%] aasesen a ‘GRAND TOTAL (G+H) Rs. i 18595360.83 SAY Rs. 18600000.00 In Word :- Rupees One Crores Eighty-six lakhs ‘Only. hs Aasion a sass Ee) Lear v Executive &nj Digapahandi(R&B) Seciton Digapahandi(R&.8) Sub-Division Ss Ganjam (R08) on Techni. fomekloned lor w 5159644. (Reports one ea one by cpve thueand WA Sun dire 4 jou) cos : Ss Chief Constrution Engineer Squihein Circle (RAB) Esha ad ve op) Page ESTIMATE FOR THE WORK :-PERIPHERY DEVELOPMENT OF MAA NIJABANKESWARI TEMPLE, ‘i DIGAPAHANDI IN GANJAM DISTRICT for the Year 2023-24, HARD PAVING saa | Longin | Width | Height T4 |SI. No_ Description of the work ——[Nos_[ tnt, [in wee. [—in ae. | Cvantity | Unity, Repro ren geal cin, ont ete os eG] ‘works upto and including 1.5metre depth and stacking the Soil upto a lead of 100 metre and including \dewalering, removing slush, shoring and strutting (as required), complete as per specification and as, | {directed by the Engineer-In-Charge. 224.000 | 43.200 | [> 267 200_|Gum| 225. ia is Stach ling and watering, all labour 1 ‘and matials complete |i ares oa a es lesa 2° [Filing Foundation and plinth with avelable excavated Earth including lev feel T 179.020 Gum ‘Supplying and fling sand in foundation and over areas including watering, ramming, consolidating and) (ressing, labours, tools, taxes et. all complete as per the specification and direction of Engineer-In- charge "Pathway, Parking. Paving 224.000 Proving and laying plain cement concrete 12 (cement: 2 sand 4 stone agregate 12mm nominal.) | [su at eveing cause foundation and pth ee ncn tena, cao, Seng ee | complete all depth and height. | | teeta Cocca = 2 [x] 190.000 x] 0.180. [x[-os0 =] 5.850 a 1 Total |=! 5.850 (Cum! | 5 Supping © Fig Pe Cas Ks Ste al Sto Sin X 30 1SOn GF wo oHADE OF | ——} ‘spproved MAKE, DESIGN, COLOUR AND SIZE MADE BY Block mating machine. with oot | ‘compaction fed in required pater ete. complete al respect conforming oS 5758 1984 le Y 307.000_| | om iF 307 000~| Nos | 289.65 —| 7661185 Providing & Painting with synthetic enamel paint of approved brand and manufaciure to glve un event a shade as per the instucton of Engineer in-Chaige ala ors and all heights incudng cl ielewre] | labour complete Ker Total _| 1_|x] 307.000 |x]"1.500 |x| 0600. [=| 276.300 | | ae Total_| =| 276.300-| Sn] 156.55] 0525477 ‘Providing and laying 80 mm thick factory made cement concrele interlocking paver block of MdOl +f 7 ‘rade made by block making machine with stomg vibratory compaction of approved size, design & ‘shape, lai in required colour and pattern over and including ‘0mm thick sand per drawing,| | | spectication and direction of Engineer-n-charge | | Pathway, Parking, Paving [4 ]X[1190.000) x] “area [x =] 1120 0007] a 1 |x} 90.000 |x! "2400-1 x Ts 1 i t Total | =| 1236 000 | Sqm’ 60840 | 12,622.40 Assistant Mer olto\e7 txecatve tng \Y7-+ "Tr Digapahandi(R&.B) Seciton ~~ Digapahandi(REB) Sub Division Gaojam (R&B) Divisions + et : + = 1 2 | No Description ofthe work [Nos || intr.) in DIGAPAHANDI IN GANJAM DISTRICT for the Year 2023-24. TEMPLE 0 “Length | Width | Height FFICEIPUJARIROOM | Lona [Wh HO | apuy (unt Earthwork in exeavaion in altypes of sal for sie eveing, foundalion, ps, wrenches and atner civil) | works upto and including 1.5metre depth and stacking the soll upto a lead of 100 metre and) Inc ets TS Ne ator aoe Moreno Foundation mkd. F1 [8 [x|-1500 |x| 1600 [x] 1.500 [=|_ com Foundation mid. £24 [x] 4.200] x! 1.200 [x|1.200 Penphenal brick work of Bd 1 t "Take 100% on Total eeavaton [||| ‘and. dressing, labours, tools, taxes ete. all complete as per the specication and direction of Engineer in-charge undaton mks FA Foundation mkd F1 (Pocket) [Foundation mkd. F2— Foundation mkd_F2 (Pocket) | a oan ale ai Supplying and filing sand in foundation and over areas including watering, ramming, consolidating | [1800 [x] 03160 1500 |x|1.000 T= 116.000 41200 |X) 0.150 200_[x| 1.000. ESTIMATE FOR THE WORK :-PERIPHERY DEVELOPMENT OF MAA NIJABANKESWARI TEMPLE, Page 1¢ 3 “Foundation mkd. Ft 8 {Foundation mkd.F2 |_| x| 1.200 |x| 1.200 |x] 0.100 [=| 0.580 ‘enpherial brick work of Bid 4} x}-39.000 [x|"0.600 [x]-0.100-| =| 1740] Floor poo : 4 [x/-s4.000 1x] "area [x! 0100 [=| 5400_| zs eee eo | [Tota [=| Peripheral brick work of Bld. — X]0.600_ |X! 0.150 |= xX] area |X! 0.600" Total) Filing inside b ‘Providing and laying plan cement conerete 13% (1 cement 9 sand <6 stone agregate 40mm Fhominal size) as leveling course in foundation and pinth etc. including tempering, curing, ‘hutterng ele. complete alldepth and height. i | [4500 [X] 1500 [x] 0.100 [=[ 1.800 | EBA ar: = eras First class Fly ash Brick masonry using bricks of size 23cm. x 11 om. x 8 om. having crushing] ‘strength not less than 75 kg. Per, Sar. Cm. in cement mortar of mix( 1:6) with ordinary Portiand slag} Icement(PSC) and screened & washed sand for mortar after immersing the bricks for 6 (Six) hours in water before use in Foundation & Plinth including splays culting, circular moulding, corbelling,| Ichamfering and similar such type of works, watering and curing etc. including cost, conveyance, Jleading, unloading, royalties and taxes of all materials, cost of all labour, scaffolding, sundries, T&P required for the works etc. complete in al respect as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge. 9.520 —/Cum) 624411 | soa 3 | [4 [x] 290000 [x] 0460 [x| 0.300 + |X| 29.000 |x|0:345 [x] 0.150 1 [x| 0.600 3_ |x] 2.000 |x| 0.600 |x] 0.150 3 |x! 2000-|x| 0300 |x| 0.150 fous io a Te Total L oon eels ser | Re Fast dass Fly ash Brick masonry using bricks of size 23cm. x 11 em. x 8 em. having crushing Erength ot less than 75 kg Per. Sar. Cm. in cement mortar of mia( 16) with ordinary Poland siag SEmen(PSC) and screened & washed sand for mortar afer immersing the bricks for 6 (Sx) hours eiteter before use in Super stracture including splays cuting, circular mouiding, corbeling, (Gramfering and simiar such type of works, watering and curing etc. inuding cost, conveyance, \aeding, unloading, royalies and taxes ofall materials, cost of al labour, scaffolding, sundries, T&P: required forthe works etc. complete in allrespect as dected by the Engineer-In-Charge | 5502.76 | X]-0.230 [x] 2.700 11.180 x) 0.230 |X] 2.700 6.150. = x/_0.230 [x] 2.700 Piper Mies aan eal [0230 1X10.300 [=| 2.000 | | 0.230 |x! 2.100 740 L ar yx) 0.230 |x] 1.360 [=] -1120 Beal x] 0230 [x] 0.150 [=| -0.330 49 870_(Gum| 5634.10 I | | Total I I i si. Wo ~TEWPL OFFICERUIARI ROOM)“ Teagin Wha tn mu wig Wing homing and laying Reitoreed cement concrete of M26 grade ws per epproved Descraption of the wart, Mos Visigit inm in tate Seng ond drawings having & MnimUM coMpreRRIve Rtrerth (Nn work let) 28 Ky 1 Sepuare con un Center proper position a) Footng Base AY * dna her mining are teal Conducted in accordance wa! 6. 816 using 12 mm 20 mo ire inch hand shed broken granite slone chips and screened nd washed sharp roved quality Wom approved quarry, washed and cleaned ( 20mm size cho ) to be mined in concrete mature wath Portand slag cement (PSC) to. lowerng, laying and compaction concrete by using vibrators, watering and curing (1 28 taatonng then afer daamanting end removing debris from the work ste and: "9 the exposed surtace smooth providing grooves oF beads wherever necessary Including ®t conveyance, loading, unloading, royalties and lax undies. T 8 P required of the work ete. complete in of all materials and cost of ait labours respect as directed by the Engineer-in ‘erpe Bul exchading cost and conveyance of MS. rods or Tor siee! and binding wives and labour charges for straightening, cutting, bending ele. of M.S. rods oF tor slee! tying the grils and placing in Page 20 “kount Quantity nn Rate In Re. Ins. Fa Pedestal a 9) Columns Colup PL acy | Calup 0 Top Lvl | Saeed st z t i t Gum| 1555715 | 6720689 ans ae [3] x1 8800 | x\-0250 1x! 0300-12 140 zi 41x]"4950 |x! 0250-[x1_0.300-1=|~ 1 490. rr ar “Total |= |~3.630_|cum! 858504~| —a0se60 | @)Lniel beam - Ey rl eS 7 250mm wall 2 [x] 9500 |x| 0230 [x ra 376254 ©) Roof Beams. z all RB _ 3_ [x] 9.500 |x} 0250-1x s 4 |x| 4950 |x] 0250_7x s a a 4858715 | s6.47245__| see ¥ ie i ees ae {RCC Siab ‘ ‘Slab area 1 |X| 9500 [x] 4950|x) 0725 [=| 5.800] t Toul_{= {$600 Gum) ‘aisns0 | —“ssz0sa7 | TOTAL RCC ONTY. 25000 Cum! 1 { 7 |Soppljing, straightening, cutng, bending, placing in positon and binding reinforcement steel work| + in RCCirenforced brick works as per drawing and speciicaion including preparation of respective 'bar bending schedule and binding (Binding wire to be used as per the IS code) etc all compiec oe ‘er direction of Engineer in-charge Cold Twisted bars, Thermo- Mechanically rested bars Klum : a) Fooling & Pedestal + [x|-6.880 1x] 106 000 =| 729 260) Column 4 |x [4320 | x/176.000 =| 760.320 i) 4 |x| 3630 | x| 55.000 199.650 5 |x| 0660 | x|123.000 81.180 4_[x] 3630 [x/176.000 638,580 : 4_|x| 5.880 |x] 93.000 =| 546.840 | 2 Total_| =| 2956150. Kg ae Total_|={ 29.560 _[Gnti| 6,896.45 | 262,979.06 | % 5 surfaces in cement plaster 1:6 (1 cement : 6 coarse| ae lc, all complete at allfoors and al heights, [X]10:000 |x X1_3.600_ [=] 72.000 al 4850 |X X73.600 [=| 35.540 x X]1.350. 430 x X|2.100-[= | 740 si Total_| =|10: 430 | Sqm] 169.54) a4 Page 30 Tate ]__ Amount ee ___ TEMPLE OFFICEPUJARTROOW 7] tenath_| Width | —Roignt T [si No [Description of the work Nos | [_inmtr. | intr. | intr, | Qv2ntty, Unit — 9 |16mm cement plaster on infemal smooth side of RCCIbrck surfaces with cement mora ot ma 18 ALgiar™ fe san ncusng necessary Scatoking car al compte tf fas a heigts | intemal wall T P | shop [x] 3000 [x X/2900_[= 152 200 ale 8 |x| 3100 [x X]2900_[=153 940 Saal zi 2 [x] 1.800 |X! x] 2900 [=| 10.440 |_| sal | A15[x} 1.200. [x x/4380 [51-2630 [7 a ~15 |x] 4200 [x x] 2100. |=[-3 760 = ital [Total [=| 110.370 Sqm] 238.63 26,337.59 | %© (6 mm cement plaster on RCC surfaces al calinglsiab soit and olher locations wih cement mocar lot mix 14 (1 cement: «fine sand) incuting necessary seohanne coring etc. all complete at al ___|oors and ali heights. Sib area + [x] 500" [X]_4950 [x ar 025 | E } Total |= | 47 030. Sqm, 18248 “Sle age ti I L 11” Providing ad laying Visited Noor ies 6003600 mm (hickness tobe spected by te manufacture) {st qualty of NITCO, SOMANY, ASIAN, KAJARIA or equivalent approved make, colours & shades| 'aid on 20 mm thick cement mortar 14 (cement: 4coarse sand ) including pointing the Joins with \while cement and matching pigments, etc. complete as per direction of Engineer-In-Charge a all floors and all heights 27-900, 27-900 Shop ae “S_ [XY 3000 |X] 3.100 [xT] am i i { rerar - if I a [ L 12 Proving. and laying Vivied skiing tes 600:600" thm (Wckness to be speched ny wel | manufacturer) 1st qualty conforming to IS. 15622 of NITCO, SOMANY, ASIAN, KAJAMA, or ‘equivalent approved make, colours & shades, excep! white, Wor), gre. me red brown, aid on 12 ‘mim thick cement mortar 1:3 (toement: 3coarse sand ) incding pointing the jams with we ‘Cement and matching pment, etc. compe [32,603.10 ‘per daecton of EC at al foo eat Neg | Soe e700 ia Tx. ih Shop ‘approved by Engineer-In-Charge) for stair case trade, riser, Todet Floor and similar locations wher lever required in horzonta/vertical surfaces of required size of approved shade, colour and texture, | |with moulding edge & approved groove pattern etc. laid over 20mm thick bed of cement mortar 14 (1 coment: 4 coarse sand) with joints treated with white cement mixed with matching pigment,| |epoxy touch ups including rubbing, curing, mouking and polishing to give high gloss finish ec) | ‘complete as per drection of Engineer in-charge. In al foors and al heights | plaster surface #8 per the instruction of Engineer-in-Charge at all elevations including all material & lapou compte eo : i] x [1014307 x 1)x]110370) Xen 1x arabes ete NE eed ae oT] TEMPLE OFFICEIPUJARTROOM |_| Length_| Width] —Herght Si No ‘Description ofthe work Wes [1 tae, [ha ie vate 18 Preparing surface and painting at all height with two or more coats of interior Plastic Erm ision! Rojalo Shyne" of Asian Pains or equvalent of aproved shade a8 per tne irarucons ofthe) ‘manufactures; giving ufo shade etc inal heights of walls etc Including neror wal primer frovsing ecaffoking, caning, curing and supply of oll materials and labour complole ay, por) drawing, design and direction of Architec/Engineer-In-Chargo, | | x [187400] X]_area [| [ =| 487 400 Tretaif= [187 400-1 Internal area 2 [ree ea see ae i 19 Providing and fixing seasoned sal wood work in frames at any locations including doors, windows, ‘cupboard, clerestory and other frames. fixing in position including cost of hinges, MS. flat (20mm x ‘Gmm) hold fasts lugs oF dash fasteners of required dia and length as per drawing / specifica, af all loors and all heights 3_[X] soo [x] 0.125 0152 0150. 20 Providing, fiting and fixing of ISI markes 38mm thick Flush Door SHutlers conforming to IS . 2202/ (Par) decorative type, core of Block Board construction with frame of fst class hard wood and ‘well matched teak three ply veneering with vertical grains and cross bands and face veneers on| both faces of SHutters of approved design including cost ofall door fitings ete. complet. 3 [xT 120% x x] 2100 [=[ 7.560 ee } | Total [=| 7.560 Sqm] 12,065.41 | 9726250 z ol t | a ae 27 Proving and fang f factory made Fenesia or equvalant UPVC Bidng window Wwhie eo a |aoprovea) complete win U vale=t 1° Win 2k fame resarce sx ening ac hc comprising UPVC mult chambered frame having ball UPVC fle ack ontop and UP, sorh ‘wah wal thickness of 23mm duly reinforced wh Gl secbon 28 min where eve tegoiee ng ‘comers of frame and sash will be fusion welded. After placing12.6mm laminate glass (6mm clear, loughtened +15 pwg laminalerSnm clear glass) Annealed yase the sash eth Seno humane bat foc high wd support uPVC glazing bead, eck, EPOM sosker Bust rae |provdede mctucing mulilck and lers& rope ranage sytem shal be prouded wison ace wl be fixed fo te wal wth TOO long and rm aa Fasteners and ae tao he noe eokcney frame and adjucen ished wal shale filed with weather prot sco seal over Sacked “required size, of approved quality complete in all respect as per approved drawing & direction of the| | Engineer -InChage. Noe Profle Manulactuer & window monciacurer,intataion of scaone ‘mus be done tvough Manuacting company ad then ony Manufacturer wavants accep 3 [Xx] 1200 [x] 7.360 =] 4860. 4 850 | Sqm) 596400] 28,082.24 x = [oral Be Z = peer [ in 22. Providing & Applying priming coat with ready mixed pink or gray primer of approved brand and) anufacure on wood Py work hard and sf wood)as per the sracion of Engineen- Chae a all elevations including allmateral & labour complete 3 [xX] $400 [x] Ri X[023 [=] 3645 | — 7 Total =| 3650 | Sqm] 66.84 243.97 i IE L 23. Providing and fixing M'S gril & Rooling Shuler of required patiems for windowsiverandahs ete. with’ IMS flats, square or round bars etc. including applying a coat of approved steel primer and two or| Imore coats of synthetic enamel paint of approved make & shade, all complete as per drawing & ‘specification, (All steel sections contractor's own supply). ‘KgiSqm vi iil 3_[x] 4200 [x] 27.000 [x] 1.350 [=| 131200 : t Total [=| 131 220 67.08 890224 24 Providing & Painting with synthetic enamel paint of approved brand and manufacture to ove an\ leven shade as per the instruction of Engineer-in-Charge at al foors and all heights inclucing al ‘material & labour complete, 3_[x]_4200 [X]_0500 [xX] 1.350 [=| 2430" 3 [x] 5400 [x] Rm_[x)_ 023 i 5 Total 080 15655 951.82 25 [Providing and laying grading conc. 25mm (avg, thickness) cement concrete of requied frzac ‘stone aggregale of 6 mm nominal size) [TEMPLE OFFICEIPUJARIROOM | T cad TEMPLE OFFIGEIPUGARI ROOM Tanai [With THe TS aeny [una Fae [SL No_ Description of the work Now| | intr. | inMtr. | in mt, | 262mm thick Plain Khandolle stone Skiting & Cladding (sample of Khandolte stone shoud be| approved by Engineern-Charge) for Temple slab and sinlarlocalons were ever required in hhonzonia”vertcal surfaces of required size of approved shade, colour and texture, wih moulding edge & approved groove pattern etc id over 12mm thick bed of cement mortar 13 (1 cement 3 ‘coarse sand) with joints treated with white coment mixed with matching pigment, epoxy touch ups| “including rubbing, curing, moulding and polishing to give high gloss finish etc. complete as per| “direction of Enginger-n-charge. In all floors and all heights Feeney | 7x 291000] x TOTAL Rs. 3 SAYRs. \ Sve 2 [> Digapahandi(R&B) Seciton —— Digapahandi(R&B) Sub-Division ————_Ganjam (R&B) Division 4,311,464.00 = 5 ee 2 [Excavation of founation in hard artwork in excavation in all types of sol for site leveling, foundation, pits, trenches and otter’ ‘ox works upto and including 1 Smetre depth and stacking the sol upto w load of 100 metre and including dewatering, removing slush, shoring and strutting (as requeed), complete oa Foundation med. F1 |x] 1.600 |x| 1500 [x! 1500 [= 16880 | Foundation med F2 IST xT 800-Fx "1.800" 11800-T =~ 16.860" Penphonal ick work of Bid +|x1-32.0001x|-0.600 [x|-0600"t= 11 520-7 {sip px 0 Tx o.800 1 = 0540) Tate =o 45620] {ria OR Toe coats (Granite) leveling the bed not exceeding 1.5m in depth 3f specification approved by the within intial ead of 50m and selling Including dressing and) | s See 660 |Cum 20595420538 {ao ||” 96680 | cum! 2051 is Page 1 of 6 ESTIMATE FOR THE WORK :-PERIPHERY DEVELOPMENT OF MAA NIJABANKESWARI TEMPLE, DIGAPAHANDI IN GANJAM DISTRICT for the ¥. (2023-24, TeMPce KITCHEN | tenath watnHeight unt Rate | Amount 81 No Bescrintion ofthe work ow | | inate. | intr. | in, | Quant | Unit pe 278i | 7 ses sim Hf Carriage of earth by mechanical means with cost ofa 5 km induding cost ofa labour, TAP etc, comp. ee 4 [x] 4620] x vot [ [T= aaa ears ff ola |= _ 45820 [Cum| 27601 12 6a8 78 I Ee Consolidating and dressing, labours, tools, taxe direction of Engineer-in-charge Supphing “and tng sand in foundation and_over area¥ inducing walenng ramming, 8 etc. all complete as per the specification and, ‘Foundation mkd. F1 &_[x] 1.500 [x] 1500 [x] 0150 |=) 1.690. Foundation mka.F2 8 |x| 1.500 |x| 1.500 [X]0.150/= _ 1.690 5_[x| 1500 |x| 1500 [x 13.500, 5_ |X) 1500 | x 13.500 ‘Peripheral brick work of Bid 4_|x|-32.000 X] 0.150 [= — 2680 i ‘Siep i 21x X/0300 [= — 2.160 mae | Filing inside building x] [0600 |= 31.800 ai [_ [tow [= 67.220 1.21382) 87,582.98 Providing and laying plain cement concrete 1:36 (1 cement :3 sand : 6 stone agregate 40mm) rominal size) as leveling course in foundation and plinth etc. including tempering. curring, shuttering etc. complete all depth and height, Foundation mkd.F+ Ls 0.150 | Foundation mkd. F2 6 [0.150 1 anal Peripheral brick work of Bid. 1 10.150] | Siep 1 0.150 Floor pee 1 0.450 [= Pin protection 1 0.460 Total 6244tt | 11260374 hours in water before use in Foundation & Pll ‘corbeling, chamfering and similar such type of Charge. Fis class Fly ash Brick masonry using bricks of size 23cm. x 11 em. x 8 em. having crushing ‘strength not less than 75 kg. Per. Sqr. Cm. in cement mortar of mix 1:6) wth ordinary Portland ‘slag cement(PSC) and screened & washed sand for mortar after immersing the bricks for 8 (Sx) linth including splays cutting, circular moulding, works, watering and curing ete. including cost, conveyance loading, unloading, royalties and taxes ofall materials, cost of allabour.scatolding, Sundries, TAP required for the works elc. complete in all respect as directed by the Engineer in, Peripherial wall 1_[x] 32.000 [x]_0.460 0150 T= 2210 x 1 [x]32.000 |x]"0.345 [x x 0.150 1.660. 32.000 |X| 0.230, 0.750 5.520 Total 9.390 52,516.02 Page 2 of 6 TEMPLE KITC Tength | Width Height Description of the work Nos) in Mtr, In Mtr. in Mu. 7 Fest class Fly ash Brick masonry using bricks of size 23cm. x 11 om x B om. having crushing strength not teas than 75 kg Par. Sqr. Cm. in coment mortar of mis( 1.6) with ordinary Portland: slag coment(PSC) and screened & washed sand for mortar ater immersing the bricks for 6 (Six)| hours in water before use in Super structure including splays cutting, ecular moulding, ccorbeting, chamfering and similar such type of works, watering and curing etc. including cost, | conveyance, loading, unloading, royalties and taxes of al materials, cost of al labour, scaffolding, ‘sundries, TAP required for the works etc. complete in all respect as directed by the Engineer-in- Quantity Unit Rats __|_Amount in Re. In Re. crags ae “en axis mage ppc ieta {axis 9.660 ‘parapet wall 2210 0560 | { =. ae 0750 | 1.860 Z Zana 13510 Cum| 5631.10 | 7607616 | bu aL jeemmre| (ea 70) 8 Fist dass Fly ash Brick masonry using bricks of size 25cm. x 12 om. x 6 cm, having crushing) strength not less than 75 kg. Per. Sqr. Cm. in cement mortar of mix( 1:4) wih ordinary Portland slag cement(PSC) and screened & washed sand for mortar after immersing the bricks for 6 (Six) [hours in water before use in Super structure including splays cuting, cular moulding, . cotbeling, chamfering and similar such type of works, watering and curing ete including cos conveyance, loading, unioading, royalties and taxes of all materials, cost of al labour, scaffolding, |sundnies, T&P required for he works etc. complete inal respect as directed by the Engineer-in- | Charge. xf ons [x] emer L a L 9 Providing, iting, hoisting and laying Reinforced cement concrete of M-25 grade as per approved {designs and drawings having @ minimum compressive strength (in work tes!) 25 Kg, / Square cm in 15 cm. cubes at 28 days after mixing and test conducted in accordance with LS. 516 using 12, | ‘mm. to 20 mm, size black hard crushed broken granite stone chips and screened and washed, sharp sand for mortar of approved quality from approved quarry, washed and cleaned ( 20mm. size chips not to exceeds 25 % ) 10 be mixed in concrete mixture with Portland. slag cement! (PSC) including hoisting, lowering, laying and compaction concrete by using vibrators, watering, and curing for 28 days, centering and shuttenng then ater dsmanting and removing debris fom) | the worksite and finishing the exposed surface smooth providing grooves or beads wherever, | necessary including cost, conveyance, loading, unloading, royalties and taxes ofall materials and ‘cost ofall labours, sundries, T & P required of the work etc. complete in all respect as directed by | {the Engineer-in-Charge. But excluding cost and conveyance of M.S. rods or Tor steel and binding| Wires and labour charges for straightening, cuting, bending etc. of MS. rods or tor stee| tying the| ‘rls and placing in proper position. 'a) Footing Base. T a | Foundation mkd.F1_——~—S*dY~= |X| (1.800. |X, 1.600 |X| 0450 = 6.080 Foundation mkd. F2 6 |X| 1.700-|x)1.700_[x!-0600 [= 10.400_| Pedestal T les x ct |X| 0600 |x| oe00,x] 03001 0860 || (7 am 4 |x! 0550 |x) 0.700 |X 0.300 0.460 Pe om a Total |= 17.800_| Cum| 7.73349 | 197.656.12 ) Column + Colupto PL LW ci 8_[X|0300_|x/ 0300. x: C2 [x] 0.300[x|0.400 1x. Colupio Top tw. ci 8 |X) 0300 |x) 0300 (x 2 4 1X) 0300_|X/ 0.400 |x 3.300 Total 7555775 | 69,600.18 Plinth Beams. a 4 {x-$350_[x] 0250 [x] 0400 T= 2140 1{x]-2.000 [x|-0.250 1x, 0400 ]= 0200 Faia 31x] 7.000 |x/-0250/x| 0400 T=, 2 100 a 4] x]-3150-[x]0250[x/-0400 [= 0320 Page 3 of FEMALE RTENEN engin [What | Fignt ‘ou | Around 81 No Description atthe work | Won | | intr | init, inane, Quentty_Unit nemo 1 |X] 9.180 |x] 0126 |x! 0150 = 6.060 [ t [Tf total |= 0800 cum! 14,768:20° | 672745 Nols east 1 fl Shale foeriet } ie { [3 |x! 23007} x! 0600 |x [= «140 I 1 Tolal = 4140 Sqm t | 1 1) Roof Beams, 2 a al lax = f oe ~ 1) RCC Siab = ri [eters i a rig Si area |x| s0.000 |x| area[X|~03105 Siab projection outer wall 4_|x|28.600 |x/-0750_[x| 0.125 - aa z B Total TOTAL RCC ONTY. z sme : |Suppiving, straightening, cuting, bending, placing tn position and work in RCCireinforced brick works as per drawing af 3nd specification including “respective bar bending schedule and binding (Binding wire to be used as per the I complete as per direction of Engineerin-charg oars. ie binding reinforcement steel, preparation of IS code) ete. al ¢ Cold Twisted bars, Thermo-Mechanicly rested cE a I a z orl a] Footing & Pedestal 4] 471800 x 106000 | 1b) Column 4 |x| 5.760 | x_176.000. = “inh Beare + [x [4760 [x] $5,000 atin 4px [0590 [x1 128.000/ [jercg 1 fx) 0311 | x] 68.000 5 1) Roof beam + [x]-4760 [x1 176.000" | — 507] = 1g) Roof Slab |x| 8.930 | x 93.000 ag 830.490 T 4] = ola [= 4923 980° K Total |= 49.230 {Qnt| 6,896.45 [437 972:23 ‘11 12mm cement plaster on external RCC/brick surfaces in cement plaster 1:6 (1 cement 6 coarse! sand) incuding necessary scaffolding, curing ee. all complete a floors ana a regis i ‘External wall X] 22900 |X X{ 4000 [= 91600 Deduct door x] 1.200 |x [2.100 -1.260_[ si window & ventilator X| 2.000 |X X | 1350, 4.050 X[1200-1X] XDa3s0 |= "1600 Total |= 64670 Sqm! 16554 | 1435495 i ¥2_| mm cement plaster on intemal smooth side of RCCTvick euraces with Cement mocar af mii =| 156 (1 coment 6 fine sand) including necessary scatioling, curing ete a complete oa tee, and all neg, Internal wall | Fi Kitchen 2 [xl aas0-|x x[ 3200 2 |x] 3450 |X x) 3.200. wash 2 Tx! 1500" x x]3200 2-[x|3.150-[x x13200 ‘Store 2 |x! 3.000 [x X/ 3.200 2 |x) 1.800 [x Xx] 3.200 = D5 [x/-4200 [x X12.100, -1_{x1-0750 [x X/2.100 5) 1.5 [x] 2.000 |X X! 1.350 =1_[x[-1200-[x x11350 73885_| 23.552 78_| 15,331.97 TEMPLE wircneN SL No [Doscri wor 14" Providing. and laying. Viried for manufacturer) 181 quali of NITCO, SOMANY, ASIAN, KAJARIA or equivalent approved make cereus & Shades laid on 20 mm thick cement mortar 1:4 (1cement: 4coarse sand ) including Pointing the joints with white cement and matching pigments, ele. complete as per rection of Engineer-In-Charge at all floors and — Jesh ngth_|_Width_| Height nar. | inte ino, Suantty 300x600 mm (thickness 10 be specified by the all heights, ‘itchen, 1 [xX] 3850] x] 3450 Dx x] 4 [x|"3.000 }x/"1.800 SE Hee _|___ a I ae © Providing and laying Viified skiting tes 600x600 mm (hickness To be specified ‘by the manufacturer) tsi quality conforming to IS: 15622 of NITCO, SOMANY, ASIAN, KAJARIA or [equivalent approved make, colours 12 mm thick cement mortar 1:3 (cement. Scoarse sand)) including pointing the joints vith whit [cement and matching pigments, et & shades, excep! white, Wory, grey, fume red brown, laid on| Complete as per direction of EIC at all floors and all heights. Ti [x] 0150 [=)- 2190 [x] 14600 [XT |X| 9.600 |x} X! 0.150) 1.440 [rota 27719 4636.20 [16 equivalent approved make, colours |20 mm thick cement mortar 1:4 (Icement-4coarse sand) including porting the joints sth white] [cement and matching pigments, ete ‘and ail heights. as tt aa S [owmrmat|7 ae it mn Providing and laying Matte Finish Viifled floor ties 600x600 mm (Ihickness to be cpecifed by, {he manufacturer) 18t quality conforming to IS: 15622 of NITCO, SOMANY. ASIAN, KAJARIA or, & shades, except white, ivory, grey, fume red brown, laid on) ‘complete as per direction of Engineer-In-Charge «i all oors, x] 3150 Te. 4725— Tol [= 4730 “sx6—| [ea Saratrn aes gest enor chane a ‘Providing and fixing 1st quality Ceramic [be spectied by the manufacturer) minimum thickness. 5mm ef NITCO, SOMANY. Retane) \KAJARIA or equivalent approved make in all colours, shades except burgundy, boltie green.) black of size 300x450mm or 300x200mm in skiting and dados over 12 mm thick bed of cement| ‘mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3. coarse sand) and jointing with grey cement slurry @ 3.3 kg per sqm bla es 1 Jazed wall tiles conforming to 1S : 15622 (thickness to) mixed with pigment of matching shade complete as per lors and all heights. Nash area 2100 | 13.230, 2.100 6.300 | 2.100. 16.170 14.490 1.350 4.050 x x x 3450 [Xx] 2.100 x x 1.350 0810 125100, x 4.200 [X|_2.100 Toial [= 43260 ‘Sqm| 939.70 i | Providing and fing 20mm thick Granite sione footing (Sample of Granle sone should be {approved by Engineern-Charge) for stat case ade, ier, Totet Flor and senor lonrene bere ever required m horzontaWvertcal surfaces of requred site of approved shade esc ond texture, win mouking edge & approved groove pater el laid over 20mm tick bed of comey 14(1 cement 4 coarse sand) wih ont rested wath white coment maed wath atc epoxy touch ups ncudng ruding, curng, mouiding and polshing to ge hgh gly el. complete a per drecton of Engineer in-charge Ina floors anda gts X]_8.000 [Xx] 2.100 = 16.800 i x 1 [x] 6.000 |x! 0.300 2400 2 |x} 4'500_1x1~0.300 = 2700 Toial |= _ 21.900 Sqm|_ 2,164.78 47,546.65_} Page 5 of S.No a 2 24 TEMPLE KITCHEN [_]_Lenath | width | —Horghe Description of thework | Now| | in Mtr. | In Mir. | inte U2NUHy | Uni [Edema area X98. 700 |x — T= | 98700 — z 1 6280 laa ale Toit] 1 CChajo orea xD 6280 1X ares] ma Providing and appving white cement based puly of average thick and manufacturer, over the plastered wel be the instruction of Engineer.n-Charge at ‘1mm of approved brand surfaces to prepare the surface even and coat aa all elevations including all material & labour ‘complete. | |ntemal area xT oee70 TXT ares] TT * ea 5707 External area +_[x| 98700 x]~ area 98 700 ‘Ceiling area 1 [x] 75.7401 x] area 75.740 ‘Preparing surface and painting at all height “Royale Shyne" of Asian Paints or equiva lent of approved shade a8 per the instructions of the manufacturers; giving uniform shade et in all heights of walls et. including interior wo peine & Broviing scatfoking, cleaning, curng and supply ofall materials and labour comple eens Sravang, design and direction of ArchitecVEngineetn-Charge. 2: rey 1 [x] 75.740 1x Internal area le 106.980_| Sqm) 85.93 259.110 [Sqm|—7260__|18 {wo of more coats of interior Plastic Emulsion) “Amount In Re. aS Si ae Providing and xing seasoned al wood workin ames at any cupboard, clerestory and oer frames fing in positon including costof hinges Me hay coon x 6mm) hold fats Wugs or dash fasteners of requied da and lenght as nor raving 1) specification, at all oors and all heights, | [Door tae zany 00st | fia 0.046 i 160.410" | Sqm) 938 {Sam| 93.8 cations including doors, windows | oan 100 [Cum 100.5541 Proving, fing and fking of IST markes 35mm thek Flush Door SHutiers conforming to 1S + — 2202 (Part!) decorative type, care of Block Board construction with frame of Wal vices hog ‘wood and well matched teak tree ply veneernng wih verical grains and cross fonds anal ne weneers on both faces of SHutters of approved design including cost of all door fitigs ec ‘complete. conn 1 [x] 2100 T= 2520 = 1.9007 [— __ | 0so inna eT TX — — FE 4.410 [Sqn r) Biers a i i { [Providing and fixing of factory made (NCLIVEKA LTD or equivalent jof colour UPVC siding! Window or openable (approved colour of Frame ) complete with U value=1.9-1.3 Wim 2k/aK, flame resistance, self extinguishing, lead free comprising colour UPVG mul chambered frome ughlened 41.5. pug hurricane bar for high 3_[x] 2000 [x [x] 1350 [= 6100 2 X]1.200 [x x 3.2407 19.340 Proving and ising W'S onl of requred ptims for windowsierancahe el wi Stat, [square or round bars etc. including applying a coat of approved steel primer and two or more! coats of synthetic: enamel pain of approved make &. shade, all compete ae per crowns sPecfation, (All stel sections contractors own supp). 2.000 Page 6 of 6( TEMPLE KITCHEN [S1.No_ Description of tho work 28 water proof compound as per manu Engineer-In-Charge prior to material [1 [x] $0000 |x] imix 1:2:2(1cement.2sand:2graded stone aggregate of 6 mm nominal size) mixed wih approved facturer’s specification on top of slab including cement slury,| all complete, including the cost of water proofing admixture, which should be approved by the| Procurement by the contractor. 50.000 aif I | 29° [Providing and fixing 25mm thick Ki pigment, epoxy touch ups including finish ete. complete as per direction of Engineer-i {Sqm{— 50.000 | Sqm_ angi] wrath —|—rorgrt as [amor] | uantty [Unt] a ee onan [one 4200 [X|1100 [X| 1350 [= 3564 | | gence pf tae] taste san) sess ra ane = af he aes Joes T Providing and laying grading conc. 25 mm (avg, thickness) cement concrete of required slope of | T mea lee L a: ndolie stone Skiting & Cladding (sample of Khandolite stone should be approved by Engineer-In-Charge) for slope Slab, wall and similar locations, \where ever required in honzontalvertical surfaces of required size of approved shade, colour and texture, with moulding edge & approved groove pattem etc. laid over 12mm thick bes of cement ‘mortar 1'3 (1 cement’ 3 coarse sand) with joins treated with white cement mixed wih matching rubbing, curing, moulding and polishing to give high gloss charge. In all loors and all heights 27.000 ~ 34500 61.500 FE || Assistantb ee [P Digepahandie@s) secton st tea Ganjam (R&B) a!) fi: T —_————eeEe/~ Page 16 ESTIMATE FOR THE WORK :-PERIPHERY DEVELOPMENT OF MAA NIJABANKESWARI TEMPLE, DIGAPAHANDI IN GANJAM DISTRICT for the Year 2023-24. SIONAGES:2Wos Hib olf a Conese eth alg SEE Ga Si No Description ofthe work get inter ia rg nn 1” rowing and ang 20mm Hick Grae sone feaing (ample of Grante sone shoul be approved by Chgnectin hare) for SIGNAGES and. sniar locators where ever requred In horzonalverial Suracs of equted se of approved shade, cou and texte, wth mauing edge & approved groove aterm eo over 20m tek bed of cement motar 14 (1 cement 4 coarse sand) & haaware ngs atoms ated wih white coment med win aching ment epony touch ups nuding rubbing, curing, moulding and polishing to give high gloss finish etc. complete as per direction of Engineer ‘charge. In all floors and all heigh s_[x ooo [xT 600 [xy __~ enero [recta [Sab | eal * Ia ealese 7 Proving ad ing Bom ick Grae sone Skiing (sample of Granite tone should be approved by | Enact inary) for pergheral of SIGNAGESand’imar foeatons where ever requred in| | ronrorislveral sutaces ef fequted slze of approved shade, clo and lex, with approved patter Inolng ee 8 approved poove pall ec lad ovr 12mm ek bed of cement mortar 3 (1 coment 3 coare sand) win fonts rested wih wie cement med win malting pigment, epoxy Touch Ups| Incuding nang” cng. meting end polehng to ge hgh loss frgh el: complete as per drecon of Eogeer'n charge floors ar at heghs | i C150 [X= 0800] [ass I aa Topp Talat] =| “0.900 Sam] 5 754850]| 5.17008 2 [xp 3.000 [xT 3 [Rhandoite stone! grante slone scuptureshturlsiDecoraive preces of required shape & sizes, m all | heignis& floor, fr foundetion! Superstucture! lading! Flooing/Skvting works a8 given Yelow.ineuding| | ‘a necessary materials tke Stone , MS. camps, cowels, Chemicals fr fung, Grout maierais, cement ‘mortar ete ah complete wth propote grouting rubbing gtncing and finishing as per approved drawings, |Specticabons and sirectons of the Engineer In-Charge/Archtect ( (The Agency should take approval of the stone and the final sketch of the work to be executed in accordance with the drawings and| {speciation provided om the concemed Archtect& Engineer.n-charge) iy ]Oressed& Carved Peces in requred ses of Minimum Trikness of 1S0men wih caving wank wia'af |] | depth of 100mm. 2 [xf aso [xT [xq] = 0.810 [Sqm | 60,098 00) 48.676.14_| 4 Proving and fang of Name ler Signage wit approve language - Oriya, Hindi & English of approved | sal Leter szePatiemDesign, Colour & hardware tings complete wih al respect et. as per cesianarawing| ‘instruction of Arctec/Engineern-Charge | “oai0 | [Total |=) 2.000 ljon | saad00 TOTAL Ra:| | Sa aa = : i z as ea ~ 17 igapahandi(R&) Seciton Fecal ele! > digapanan ines) Sub-Divsion Ganjam (R&B) Division Ee fees fo waa —| i IS1.No Dos 1 2 ESTIMATE FOR THE WORK COMPLETION OF EXISTING TENPLE & ription ofthe work Earthwork in excavation in a works upto and including 1.5metre depth and stachi dewatering, removing siish, shoring and strut Peripheral brick work of id. | 4 [| | Nos | “PERIPHERY DEVELOPMI DIGAPAHANDI IN GANJAM DISTRI of 801 for site leveling, foundation, pts, the soll upto a lead of 100 metre and including| red I GANJA ICT for the Y4 "AND Longth_| Width | Height ENT OF MAA NIJABANKESWARI TEMPLE, eae cs twenches and other civil [Take 100% on Tolal Excavation. eae ies I ‘Supplying and fling sand in foundation and ‘and dressing, labours, tools, taxes et. In-charge. ‘over areas including watering, ramming, consolidating all complete as per the specification and direction of Engineer [Peripheral brick work —_[Peripherial wall at Entrance Steps Filing inside bulding Hi a ah Providing and laying plain cement concrete 1:36 (1 cement Nominal size) as leveling course in foundation and plinth etc. including tempering, curring, shuttering lc. complete all depth height. £3 sand : 6 stone agregate 40mm) T Peripheral rick work Floor pec 73,0001 x X_/ 250 000. Tx 1x “0.600 |x] 0.100 area |x| 0.100 50.000 5000 /x! 0.160 xT {15.000 x] 5.000 [ro1s0 “Total — Er First class Fly ash Brick masonry using bricks of size 230m x 11 om. x 8 om. hi ‘strength not less than 75 kg. Per. Sqr. Cm. in cement mortar of mix( 1:6) with ordinary Portland sag ‘Cement(PSC) and screened & washed sand for mortar after immersing te bricks for i water before use in Foundation & Plinth including splays cutting, circular moulding, corbeling, \ watering and curing etc. including cost, conveyance, | ‘materials, cost of all labour, scaffolding, ‘required forthe works etc. complete in all respect as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge. ‘chamfering and similar such type of works, loading, unloading, royalties and taxes of all 9 crusting) 8 (Six) hours in ‘sundries, TAP) XT 13.000 x]_0460 [x] 0300" X|_ 13.000 X]0:345 x] 0.150, X) 13.000, x! 10,000 x/_0.230 [x/0.600 [x{_0.300 ‘0,600 1 1 1 4_ [x] 10.000 2 |x] 50.000 21x. (x{70.600: px] 0.150] x | 0.180, x) 0.4180 9.000, 50.000 x! “0.300 x] 0.150 | 4.500 c Total [=| 19.1107 406,877.64 eae First class Fly ash Brick masonry using bricks of size 23om. x 11 cm. ‘strength not less than 75 kg. Per. Sqr. Cm. in cement mortar of mix( 1:6) \cement(PSC) and screened & washed sand for mortar after immersing the bricks for 6 (Six) hours in| Circular moulding, corbelling, cost, conveyance, loading, bour, scaffolding, sundries, TAP required| | in all respect as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge. | ‘water before use in Super stracture including and similar such type of works, watering ‘unloading, royalties and taxes of al materials, cost of al la for the works etc. complet splays cutting, ‘and curing etc. including ) with ordinary Portiand slag| I x B cm. having crushing] ‘chamfering| | Parapet 4 X]_ 60.000 |) xX] 0230 x [16 560, 16 560_|Cum| 5631.10 | 93,251.02 'sand) including necessary scaffolding, L ‘12mm cement plaster on external RCC/brick surfaces in. cement plaster 1 ‘curing etc all complete at loors and all heights. | li shame % (1 cement 6 coarse] Extemal wall x 01750 | cra 11x 1.000 Total ‘Sqm 1720688 | 16954] ‘mm cement plaster on intemal smooth side i ‘cement mortar of mix 1.6(1 ‘complete at all floors and al 4.000 60.000 Total |=! 60.000 14,317.80 1 al celling/slab soffit and other locations with cement mortar n ‘scaffolding, curing etc. all complete at all floors, 9 st No Description of the work Providing and fixing 20m thick Gri bby Engineer-in.Charge) for required in horizontal/vertical ‘moulding edge & approved groove ‘cement 4 coarse sand) with joints {ouch ups including rubbing, curing, moulding 'Per direction of Engineer-in-charge. In all COMPLETION OF EXISTING TENPLE & MANO Lengih Width Weight Fate ‘Tonount naar, | “in attr. | in ate, | Overy | Unit in Ra. 5 | =| 280000 "Sqm 182.48 | 45,670.00 an 4 = pene [ee x | -2 | x}50.000 Tx 0.600- 1x7 Save aa —|-6 | x}"50.000_|x)~0.450 |x) i Peripheral skirting 4 |x| 120000 [x|-0:300Tx| ee ne al [ |_| Total a } 10 Providing and fixing 1mm thick Marble stone x [by Engiwern-Charge) for sta case ade, naar Tole! Hor and emisr bemoan eee | required in horzontalvertical surfaces of req moulding edge & approved groove pattern et ‘cement: 4 coarse sand) with joints treated touch ups including rubbing, curing, moulding [per direction of Engineer-in-charge. In with wile cement mixed with matching pigment. epoxy all floors and ali height. ‘looring (sample of Marble stone should be approved ured size of approved shade, colour and texture, wth) | tc laid over 20mm thick bed of cement mortar 1.4 (1 ‘and polishing to give high gloss finish etc. complete as, X]_ 50.000 [x] 1000 [x] 500.000] x1 o00-px1 soap 7150.000_| | Total_|= a 650 000. /Sqm| | 10 [Providing & Appiying priming one coat with Cement primer of approved brand and manufacture on) | Plaster surface as per the instruction of Engineer-In-Charge at ail elevations including all material &| | labour complete, |[Extemal area T x] 522, X[_area_| [522.000 T Internal area —[x1-720.000- xX) area [720 000 | (Ceiling area x] 600,000 |] are 500.000 4742 000 | 16 Providing and applying to outside walls with 199,936.70 _ | [ ‘and manufacture as per specification, ‘material labour complete al IIe {wo or more coais of Anti-Fungal Weather coal water! ‘proofing paint including scaffolding and cleaning the surface before application of approved. colour Instruction of Engineer-In-charge at all elevations including all —Extemal area area Af 522.000 1X [522.000 |] Total 7= 1522 000-| Sqm! 85.95 Imanufacturer, over the plastered wall instruction of Enginees-In-Charge at all = ae Providing and applying white cement based put of average thickness 4 surfaces elevations incioding all material & mm of approved brand and! | | Sutoce even and mouth as per to prepare the labour complete el Intemal area i {720.000 [X] area 720.000 External area 1 | 500.000 |X! area {=1 "500 000 | Total_| =| 1220 000" Samm! 7260 88,572.00 Preparing surface and painting al all height ‘manufacturers; giving uniform shade etc in "Royale Shyne” of Asian Paints or equivalent [providing scaffolding, cleaning, curing and supply ofall materials and labour (design and direction of ArchiteclEngineer-In-Charge, with two or more coats of inierior Plastic Emulsion] of approved shade as per the instructions of the! heights of walls etc. including interior wall primer & ‘complete as per drawing, intemal area i X11220.000| X| “area = 4220.00. I Total_|=11220 000 | Sqm) 93.85) 114,497.00 Providing and ing seasoned sl wood work cupboard, cresory and oer ames. hung all floors and all heights. ‘6mm) hold fasts lugs or dash fasteners of requir 1 in frames at in any ications incudrg doors, window! postion including cost of hinges, MS fat (om a ed ia and lengh as per drwy! specteain a 0125 X]_o07s[= 0.152, — Total 0.150, 100,554.16 | 15,083.12 ‘SHutlers conforming to IS - 2202 on with frame of fist class hard wood and well d cross bands and face veneers on both| COMPLETION OF EXISTING TENPLE & MAND 'S1.No_ Description of the work 4 j_Length_| width | Height Nos. T In Mur Rate T, Le Ute cra Ins. | a Providing & Applying priming coal with rea manufacture on wood /Ply work (hard all elevations including all material & lat a =] 3605 zr 3.650 _|Sqm) 66.64 = ERP re = Sealy E = 22. Providing and fixing M.S gril & Rooling Shuler of required pattems for windowsiverandahs ete ih | MS fats, square or round bars etc. including applying a coat of approved stee! primer and two or crc eals OF synthetic enamel paint of approved make & shade, all complete as per draving & Specification. (All steel sections contractor's own supply), a “gil 3_[x| 1200 [x] 1.350 | =7 131.220 | Total x 24 - ck eu jee || [rome | [ 23. Providing & Painting with synthetic enamel paint of approved brand and manufaciure to give an even, > ‘shade as per the instruction of Engineer-In-Charge at all floors and all heights including all mater & labour compete s a 2 3 [xX] 1200 [X]-0500 [x] 4350 [=> 24907 ll im 3 [x] 5.400 [XT Amt_[x) 023 (esha [02 aca aah y % T Total 6.080 /Sqm) 156.55 951.8 — t a z mal { 24° Providing and laying grading cone. 25mm (avg. thickness) cement concrete of required slope of mix |1:2:2(toement2sand-2graded stone aggregate of § mm nominal size) mixed wilh approved wale roof compound as per manufacturer's specification on top of siab including cement siury. all | complete, including the cost of water proofing admixture, which should be approved by the Engineer | _In-Charge prior to material procurement by the contractor. , | = ae +_[X] 250.000 x | area 250,000] a | | 250 000_| Sqm) 361.96 | leyaee | 3,748,397.06 3,748,397.00 oo Executive Engineer Ganjam (R&B) Division-1 Assistant Engineer pam | Digapahandi(R&8) Seciton | Digapaandi(R&B) Sub-Division | alee ESTIMATE FOR THE WORK “PERIPHERY DEVELOPMENT OF MAA NIJABANKESWARI TEMPLE, DIGAPAHANDT IN GANJAM DISTRICT for the Year 2023-24, Noe |T-Longth {wrath | Heig t ight Que ato | [inate Ine | ine vanity | Uni [nes RETAINING WALL, ISLNo Description of the work i 1) Earthwork in excavation in ail types of soll for Pll and slacking the soll upto a lead of 100 metre and including) 19g and strutting (as required), complete as per specication and as || 250001] 3180 [x] saoo-f=] 10250 2 Rebaring of reinforcement af Témm dla upio the length 200mm and ake da 20mm Fefting the samel—+ rh approved rebarring chemical om HiliFisher, as grouing afr anchowng Ie ferorementces) | complete 28 per the technica specications of the manctaciuet inca acon, labour rertonceneat) | etc. and os drecied by Engineer incharge of ne pros (Som. CIC botide [190] [ [| 100.000~ Nos | 240.00] ~24000.00 =e} 2 fa upto the length 200mm and hole dia 26mm, refiling the same| \wih approved rebarring chemical from Hiti/Fisher, as grouting after anchoring the reinforcement etc ‘complete as per the technical specifications of the manufacturer including all cost, labour, reinforcement elc. and as directed by Engineer-in-charge of the project. Token Oly. Berea (oes st 3 |Rebarring of reinforcement of 20mm di js ee nal ‘4 Supplying and filing sand in foundation and over areas including watering, ramming, consolidating and dressing, labours, tools, taxes ec. all complete as per the specification and direction of Engineersin« | charge. 1 [x] 25.000 =] “siat0 sear Pram om eres rae ale ca ean a 5 [CC (1.356) with 25mm to 40mm size crusher broken metal including al cost, conveyance royally & taxes ete work site as per specification approved by the department & directon of & | © (Cum| caplet zd ; ay te of Grade M-25inciuding all material & labour! {charges and also including shuttering and centring but excluding reinforcement etc. compete as per| [specifications and as directed by Engineer-in-Chi (Base aa RCC Wall-Ground floor 1 950_[x]_040 X13.00 x "Providing MS. reinforcement for RG. work nu . nding and tying te grils and) j plang in positon eluding cos of dng wire 181020 gauge te. complete as Per spacic or and ts creted by Engineer in-charge of he projec. ‘Ground floor io 1 ae | 100:000 Cum | 2960.000-| Ka | RCC wall jeje fk | ferfetoa2 ng zi is | 5146 200 Ka | za TE 51.400 fan 45727753] | t @ |Trealement of Construction joints with high performance joint sealing system for construction | ‘expansion and connection joints as well as for cracks. When fixed fo the joints, allows irregular and high ‘movement in more than one direction, whilst maintaining a high qualiy seal using SIKA| POLYSULPHIDE GUN GRADE system confirming to IS 12116 (Part 1 & 2)-1987, bs 4254-1983 or ‘approved equivalent as per manufacturers specification or as directed by | '30mtr. ofc 1 ‘Nos |X] 3.000 jin 3000 _|Rmt| 1,312.00 | 3,936.00 Be = ee ! i 9 Providing al materials, labour TP for Laying, jointing CPVC (SDR-11) Pipes as per IS-15778. (Data {or Emr.) a8 weep hole at retaining wall 4 || Nos_[X] 0350. Ri 29.400_ [Ril 10427| 3.06554 | ee 7,099,354 ,96 | a 4,099,355.00 iy Ato ee | Ganjam (R&B) Division-1 Ps ESTIMATE FOR THE WORK PERIPHERY DEVELOPMENT OF MAA NIJABANKESWARI TEMPLE, Fa DIGAPAHANDI IN GANJAM DISTRICT for the Year 2023-24. OUSTEIN = )c5 aan _| Length | wiath [Height T Si No_Descripton of the work Tog {|e na—-—yritn_|_ Helge Quantity | Unit In Ra.) In Rs 1 [Eaahwork in excavation nal {pes of sol or ste feveling, foundation, pls, recches aed has Gemstone Se serngr Aang ‘Seeke depth and stacking the aol wpo lad of 100 neve ord reson [acousuy ve crreamee Shoring and strutting (as fequired), complete as per specification and as| fies ea [Take 100% on Toll Excavation | —}-} Rato_| Amount 5 ee nee er eee si [eas 2° Supplying and filing sand in foundation and over areas induding watering, ramming, consoldaling and | Giessng. labours, tools, axes etc. all complete as per the specificalion and direction of EngincerIn- age | bricwori [16 |x| 0900 [x] 0.450 [x] 0150 |= 0972 | Sau as San zoe ae { [Total |=, 0970 [um peers 5 2, alee mah a 2 3 [Providing and laying plain cement concrete 1:36 (1 cement 3 sand : 6 sione agregale 40mm nominal S22) 2s leveling course in foundation and plinth etc. including tempering, curing, shuttering etc. complete all depth and height ‘brickwork 16 |X] 0.800. [X]_ 0480 |X| 0.100 | [ [ |_| Tora = pa L eons [aes ake First class Fly ash Brick masonry using bricks of size 23am. x 11 om. x6 cm: having crushing srengih nol ess than 75 kg. Per Sqe. Cm. in cement mortar of mix( 16) wih ordinary Portland slag cement(PSC) | 2d Screened & washed sand for maria afer mmering the Dicks fr 6 (Sa) hous wae elo use) Foundation & Plinth including splays cutting, circular moulding, corbeling, chamfering and similar such | {ype of works, watering and curing etc, including cost, conveyance, loading, unloading, royalties snd taxes) | ‘of all materials, cost of all labour, scaffolding, sundries, TAP required for the works ete. compicte in all | respect as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge 411) 4088.67 | “4 ae a 4 a brickwork 16_[x] 0800 0908 | a | = 46. |x/0.900 0745 | t | re i 46_[x! 0900 13 2.981 4720 \Cum| 5592.76 | 26,397.83. | '5 [Providing and fixing 16mm thick Khandolte stone Skiring & Cladding (sample of Khandoiite sione should] lbe approved. by Engineerin-Charge) for dustbin and simiar localons where ever readied hl hovzontaWertcal surfaces of required size of approved shade, colour and texture, with movidiny edge © | seproved groove pate ete, Ind over Ym hick bed of cement mertar +3 (1 cement 3 corse sand)) | wih jis treated wih white cement mixed with matching pigment, epory touch ups including rubbing, curing, moulding and poishing to give high gloss fnish ete. compete as per decton of Crareer | \charge. In all floors and all heights. 46 [X]_0900 [x] 0.900 [| 12.960__ ‘Sam | Be Beara "16 |X| 0.900 x) 0250) | 3.600 Sqm a Total_|= —16.560_[Sqm' 1,600.00. 26,496.00 er [Providing and fang in positon sei FRP Frag TAnimalPlane shape dustbin of apparoved design and Imake of Minimum height of 0.85 mitra 0.60mi (Capacity min BOs) designed for accomdating Gry ae |well as well kind of trash in the garden made out of in pure polyester fixing Glass Reinforced plastic (UV| | Resistant fishing) of 2 mm hick with ma fish =

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