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Current Affairs for CSS 2020 (Volume-IV), Aamir Mahar

Balochistan: A powder keg at a geopolitical crossroads

Author: Dr. James M. Dorsey Published in Modern Diplomacy on March 29, 2019
Balochistan should be oozing with optimism Balochistan’s Chinese-supported port of Gwadar
as Chinese and Saudi investment pours into the takes on added importance as Iran looks to its
troubled Pakistani province. It is not. Instead, Indian-backed port of Chabahar, a mere 70 kilometres
Balochistan, a key node in China’s Belt and up the coast of the Arabian Sea, as a way to blunt the
Road initiative that borders Iran, is gripped by impact of crippling US sanctions.
anger, fear and uncertainty. The sanctions were imposed last year after the Trump
Local residents are hardly awaiting with baited administration withdrew from the 2015 international
breath Pakistani prime minister Imran Khan’s agreement that curbed Iran’s nuclear program.
visit this week for the Gwadar Expo 2019 and Chabahar is the only Iranian port exempted from
ground breaking of several infrastructure and the sanctions in a nod to India. China has invested in
development projects, including an recent years an estimated US$19 billion in Gwadar as
international airport, a power plant, a well as roads and other infrastructure in Balochistan
vocational training institute and a hospital. as part of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor
Against the backdrop of a history of neglect (CPEC). China and Pakistan envision CPEC as a
and underdevelopment, resource-rich crown jewel of Beijing’s infrastructure- and energy
Balochistan struggles with a failing health and driven Belt and Road initiative.
education system, drought, and lack of basic For its part, Saudi Arabia is looking to pump more
infrastructure. than US$10 billion into the building of a refinery in
“The historical lack of investment in basic Gwadar and the development of a gold and copper
economic and social infrastructure in the mine on the Iranian border. The problem is that the
province – except for extraction of natural gas lack of a trickle-down effect has so far served to fuel
for use in other provinces – has resulted in a anger rather than spark a sense of optimism among
low level of economic activity, implying a local Baloch. The Baloch have seen jobs being
narrow tax base and limited fiscal resources to handed out to workers from other parts of Pakistan as
invest in development,” said economist Kaiser well as China, parts of Gwadar being developed into a
Bengali in a recently published study. no-go zone for locals, and fishermen being banned
Beyond looking at Balochistan as a source of from their traditional fishing ponds.
resource wealth, successive governments in In addition, predictions that Balochistan’s indigenous
Islamabad alongside the powerful military population of 70,000 will be dwarfed by an estimated
have viewed the province predominantly two million immigrants from other parts of Pakistan
through the lens of security and law as well as China have reinforced a prevailing sense of
enforcement driven by domestic and uncertainty. Some of that anger and uncertainty has
geopolitical concerns. been channelled into anti-Chinese and anti-Pakistani
Kech, Balochistan’s second most populous nationalist sentiment with intermittent attacks on
region known to be the province’s intellectual Chinese targets as well as militant religious assaults
heartland from which many of its most on Pakistani military, law enforcement and judicial
prominent politicians, scholars, bureaucrats, outposts.
poets, and writers hail, is a case in point. Similarly, Balochistan’s strategic geopolitical position
Access to the internet and 3 and 4G mobile is as much an asset as it is a problem. The Saudi
services was cut off in Kech two years ago for investment coupled with US and Saudi determination
security reasons. It has yet to be re-established. to force Iran to change its regional policies, if not its
Theoretically, all of that could change with regime, have made the province alongside its equally
massive Chinese and Saudi investment as well underdeveloped neighbouring Iranian counterpart
as Balochistan’s increased geopolitical potential battlefields.
significance given that it borders on Iran’s Cross border attacks and suicide bombings have
equally troubled Sistan and Baluchistan added to uncertainty fuelled by statements coming out
province. of Washington and Riyadh as well as reports of funds
from Saudi Arabia flowing into militant anti-Shiite,
Current Affairs for CSS 2020 (Volume-IV), Aamir Mahar
anti-Iranian madrassas or religious to rest of the country,” said former Pakistani
seminaries that dot the Pakistani-Iranian ambassador Assif Durrani who was last posted in
border. Tehran.
The attacks together with the Saudi investment Mr. Durrani’s comments were equally applicable to
and evolving US and Saudi strategy has put the Baloch province of his own country.
strains on Pakistani-Iranian relations with each Returning from a recent visit to Balochistan, Pakistani
side pointing a finger to the other. In the media policy analyst Muhammad Amir Rana described “an
and among policy wonks, the finger pointing environment of fear; the local journalists cannot
often amounts to the kettle calling the pot report much about residents’ issues, not even water
black. supply problems.”
“Fact (is) that there is a problem Mr. Rana expressed hope that Mr. Khan, the prime
in Sistan-o-Balochistan where people are minister, would “help locals retreat from the jaws of
struggling for their political rights in their own uncertainty and fear.”
province. It is a common grudge amongst the To do that, Mr. Khan will have to do more that talk
Baloch population in the Iranian Balochistan the walk and inaugurate projects. He will have to
that they are under-represented in the ensure equitable economic and social policies and
government, bureaucracy and armed forces… address in deed both immediate concerns and
Sectarian divide is another major source of existential fears. He will also have to manage an
friction in the province where overwhelming explosive geopolitical environment despite increasing
majority of Baloch are Sunnis… Poverty economic and financial dependence on key external
amongst the Baloch is the highest if compared players. That could prove to be a tall order.

UN feudalism and outstanding issues

Author: Khalil-ur-Rahman Shaikh Published in Daily Times on August 21, 2018

The United Nations came into being after World unfortunately, due to its decision making system
War II and replaced the League of Nations. Its that is based on feudal principals, they have only
main objective was to keep the world away from served to cause embarrassment in resolving
war, and create a friendly and peaceful global international and regional disputes.
environment. The world body failed to achieve its The United Nations has two major platforms for
objectives due to various reasons, mainly its feudal making decisions on the global disputes. These
structure to decide regional and international include the General Assembly and the Security
disputes, along with other issues. Council. All U.N members participate in the
Feudalism may be defined as a lack of public proceedings of the General Assembly. The Security
authority that is replaced with the writ of the local Council consists of fifteen members i.e. five
lords. To elaborate further, it is the people who use permanent and ten non permanent which are
their collective power to prevail on local and elected for the term of two years. The permanent
individual authorities to enforce only their will. members are the United States, the United
Before proceeding ahead let us examine the Charter Kingdom, Russia, China and France.
of the United Nations. The chapter 1 of the Charter The decision is generally taken based on a simple
provides the Purposes and Principles of the world majority, although each of the five permanent
body. The Purposes includes maintenance of members has the right to veto. The non permanent
international peace and security, to develop members’ right of vote loses its weight before veto
friendly relations among nations, promoting and power of the permanent members.
encouraging respect of human rights and taking After the Second World War, it was the Cold War
other suitable measures to strengthen universal that dominated global affairs between 1945 and
peace etc. To achieve these objectives, the United 1991. It ended with the dissolution of the Soviet
Nations has certain mechanisms, however, Union. The cold war between the United States and
Current Affairs for CSS 2020 (Volume-IV), Aamir Mahar

the Soviet Union divided the world into two main These five feudals have now managed to convince
blocs. This division badly affected the performance the rest of the members of the United Nations to
of the Security Council. When one country viewed seek alliances with them, in order to have some
a resolution against itself or their ally’s interests, semblance of power in the organizations’s decision
it exercised its power of veto. Thus, the resolution making process. Their feudality has rendered the
lost its efficacy. This spirit continues in the post most powerful organ of the world body ineffective.
cold war period. Presently, more than fifteen disputes are pending
Other three permanent countries also exercised on the agenda of the Security Council, including
their respective veto on different occasions. Kashmir and Palestine.
According to a Security Council Report from 2013, There has been a demand for restructuring the
for the period between 1946 and 2013, the five United Nations. A few countries desire to expand
permanent members exercised their veto powers the number of permanent members on the UN
the following number of times: United Kingdom Security Council. If this happens, the feudalistic
with 32, the United States with 77, the Soviet culture within the UN may be further strengthened.
Union with 68 / Russia with 9, China with 8 and The Security Council needs to be democratic in
France with 18. The powers enjoyed by only a few, nature, and the threat of Veto powers needs to be
affects the decision of the entire world body. nullified, so that all decisions are directed towards
They exercised their veto authority in their respective ensuring peace and prosperity for humanity as a
interests or in the interest of their allies, yet large whole, rather than being reserved for a few select
number of other populations suffered greatly. Even powerful nations.
though this power has been used for good as well,
there have been occasions when basic human rights
were ignored in the name of self interest.

Constitution Making in Pakistan and its Interruptions

Author: Anjum Sarfraz Published in Modern Diplomacy on March 10, 2019
Constitution is the supreme law of the land from assassinated on 15 Oct 1951). It proposed bicameral
which all public authorities derive their power. It legislation, lower and upper houses to have equal
sets out the frame work for governance and representation (upper house 60 each and lower 200
exercise of power of the state institutions and each). This also came under criticism, because of
relationship between them. At the time of equal seats of two wings, and Urdu as state language.
independence an interim constitution was adopted Third draft was presented on 5 October 1953, by PM,
by the Constituent Assembly which was modified Muhammad Ali Bogra, which is also known as Bogra
version of India Act 1935. The Objective resolution formula. It compromised on disparity and proposed
which contained guide lines for framing the bicameral legislation. It proposed lower house on the
constitution was approved by the Constitution basis of population total 300 seats (East Bengal165,
Assembly on 12 March 1948. remaining 4 units of West Pak 135). Upper house of
Emphasis was on principles of democracy, freedom, 52 seats, 10 each to 5 constituent units and 2 reserved
equality, tolerance and social justice as enunciated by for women. In the meantime a political development
Islam. Prime Minister (PM),Liaquat Ali Khan headed took place, provincial elections were held in East
the first Basic Principle Committee formed the same wing in March 1954. Muslim League secured only
day for framing the constitution. The committee 10 seats (badly defeated).
submitted first report on 28 Sep, 1950 which was not The assembly passed a bill in September 1954
approved mainly because it gave equal representation which made Governor General (GG) to act on the
to both wings although East wing had more advice of the PM. It was also made mandatory for
population than West and Urdu as the state language. GG to appoint PM a member of assembly who
Second draft was presented on 22 Dec 1952 by PM, enjoys the confidence of majority.GG, Ghulam
Khawaja Nazim ud Din (Liaquat Ali Khan had been Muhammad dissolved the assembly on 24 Oct 1954.
Current Affairs for CSS 2020 (Volume-IV), Aamir Mahar

The Supreme Court headed by Justice Muhammad constitution was declared unlawful. However, no
Munir upheld the decision under the law of action was taken against any one. After the fall of
necessity. However Justice Cornelius wrote note of Dhaka on 16 Dec 1971, East Pakistan became
dissent. New Elections were held on 21 June 1955, Bangladesh. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto became President
to elect 40 members each from both wings.PM, and CMLA on 20 Dec 1971 and continued till 15
Chaudhry Muhammad Ali, took the task of April 1972 when the National Assembly adopted
constitution making. It was passed on 29 Feb 1956 India Act of 1935 with amendments as an interim
to be effective from 23 March 1956. It was mainly constitution. A committee of 25 members was formed
based on government of India Act 1935, to frame constitution and finally the National
parliamentary form of government. The state was Assembly adopted constitution (commonly known as
declared as Islamic Republic of Pakistan. It was constitution of 73) with consensus on 11 April 1973.
unicameral legislation to be elected on the basis of Main features are, parliamentary form of government,
parity between the two provinces. Just after about president head of state and PM head of govt. It has
two years, President Iskander Mirza dissolved the bicameral legislation, lower house to have seats as
assemblies, abrogated constitution and appointed per population and upper house equal seats of the 4
Gen Ayub Khan C in C Army as Chief Martial federating units. According to this constitution, the
Administrator (CMLA) on 7 Oct 1958. federal government shall have control and command
Main reasons announced, were enhancement of of the Armed Forces and supreme command of
corruption in society and constitution unworkable. Armed Forces shall vest in the President. The
On 17 Oct 1958 President Iskander Mirza resigned President shall on the advice of the PM appoint,
in favor of Gen Ayub Khan, later became President Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee (CJSC),
and CMLA. The Supreme Court headed by Justice and services chiefs. The Armed forces shall, under
Muhammad Munir again legitimized the Martial the directions of the Federal Government defend
Law under the law of necessity and Justice Pakistan against external aggression or threat of war,
Cornelius wrote the note of dissent as he did not and, subject to law, act in aid of civil power when
agree that coup could be legally justified. Gen called upon to do so. This constitution was also
Ayub Khan appointed Commission in Feb 60 to abrogated/ held in abeyance twice once on 5 July
frame constitution which was promulgated on 8 1977 by Gen Zia ul Haq and on 12 October 1999 by
June 1962. It had Presidential form of government, Gen Musharraf. In both cases the decisions of Army
federation to have two units, East and West chiefs were not only legalized by the Supreme Court,
Pakistan. There were 40,000 Basic Democracy but also the Military Rulers were authorized to
(BD)members to be elected from each wing. BD amend the constitution.
members were Electoral College for the elections Gen Zia amended the constitution, besides other
of president, members of national and provincial clauses included 58- 2b which gave discretionary
assemblies. Most powers with center. It was a powers to the President to sack the government and
unitary form of government. This constitution did dissolve the assemblies. It is pertinent to mention that
not last very long, because the President became in parliamentary form of government president is
autocratic and less provincial autonomy. head of state and has only his secretariat and no
The agitation started against the President Ayub Khan cabinet to advice. Applying this clause Gen Zia
in late 1968. He handed over powers to C-in C Army, dismissed the government of PM, Muhammad Khan
Gen Agha Muhammad Yahyakhan who proclaimed Junejo (from 23 Mar 1985 to 29 May 1988). Using
Martial Law on 25 March 1969. As per constitution same clause President Ghulam Ishaque khanin the
the Speaker of national assembly should have been first tenure of Benazir Bhutto (from 2 Dec 1988 to
handed over powers. This Martial Law was declared 5 Aug 1990) and later President Farooq Leghari in
usurper by the Supreme Court. Justice, Hamood ur her second tenure (from 19 Oct 1993 to 4 Nov 1996)
Rehman had written in Asma Jilani case (PLD 1972 terminated her governments.
SC 139) that Gen Yahya Khan had no authority to
abrogate constitution of 1962 and impose Martial President Ghulam Ishaque Khan sacked the first
law. This was the first time that abrogating the government of PM, Nawaz Sharif (from 6 Nov 1990
Current Affairs for CSS 2020 (Volume-IV), Aamir Mahar

to 17 Jul 1993) and his second government (from constitution on 19 November 1949 to come into force
17 Feb 1997 to 11 Oct 1999) ended by coup of Gen on 26 January 1950. It has never been abrogated or
Musharraf. The country had remained politically held in abeyance. We have made a lot of experiments
unstable as long as clause 58-2b was part of to frame constitution and to run the government.
constitution. It was finally removed through Infect country has been mostly governed by hit and
18th amendment on8 April 2010. The 71years trials. Need of the hour is a politically stable
history of Pakistan is full of constitutional turmoils. government, with strong and independent pillars of
The country has been governed by 4 constitutions the state, judiciary, legislation, and administration.
(twice India Act 1935, 1956 & 1962), 4 times All institutions of the country are required to be
military rule and 3 times elected governments were strengthened to work strictly in accordance with the
dismissed under clause 58-2b and now 1973 is in constitution, rules, regulations and the oath taken by
vogue. It is pertinent to mention that India got various authorities.
independence with Pakistan in 1947,had adopted

Education System of Pakistan: Issues, Problems and Solutions

Author: Aftab Hussain Published in IPRI on March 2, 2015
It is mandated in the Constitution of Pakistan to and regulations that guide the individual and
provide free and compulsory education to all institutional interactions within the set up are also
children between the ages of 5-16 years and part of the education system.
enhance adult literacy. With the 18th constitutional Education system of Pakistan:
amendment the concurrent list which comprised The education system of Pakistan is comprised of
of 47 subjects was abolished and these subjects, 260,903 institutions and is facilitating 41,018,384
including education, were transferred to federating students with the help of 1,535,461 teachers. The
units as a move towards provincial autonomy. system includes 180,846 public institutions and
The year 2015 is important in the context that it 80,057 private institutions. Hence 31% educational
marks the deadline for the participants of Dakar institutes are run by private sector while 69% are
declaration (Education For All [EFA] commitment) public institutes.
including Pakistan. Education related statistics Analysis of education system in Pakistan:
coupled with Pakistan’s progress regarding Pakistan has expressed its commitment to promote
education targets set in Vision 2030 and Pakistan’s education and literacy in the country by education
lagging behind in achieving EFA targets and its policies at domestic level and getting involved into
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) for international commitments on education. In this
education call for an analysis of the education regard national education policies are the visions
system of Pakistan and to look into the issues and which suggest strategies to increase literacy rate,
problems it is facing so that workable solutions capacity building, and enhance facilities in the
could be recommended. schools and educational institutes. MDGs and EFA
What is Education System? The system of programmes are global commitments of Pakistan
education includes all institutions that are involved in for the promotion of literacy.
delivering formal education (public and private, A review of the education system of Pakistan
for-profit and nonprofit, onsite or virtual instruction) suggests that there has been little change in
and their faculties, students, physical infrastructure, Pakistan’s schools since 2010, when the 18th
resources and rules. In a broader definition the system Amendment enshrined education as a fundamental
also includes the institutions that are directly involved human right in the constitution. Problems of access,
in financing, managing, operating or regulating such quality, infrastructure and inequality of opportunity,
institutions (like government ministries and remain endemic.
regulatory bodies, central testing organizations,
textbook boards and accreditation boards). The rules
Current Affairs for CSS 2020 (Volume-IV), Aamir Mahar

Issues children of ages 5-9 years, 68.5% are enrolled in

A) MDGs and Pakistan: schools, of which 8.2 million or 56% are boys and
Due to the problems in education system of 6.5 million or 44% are girls. Economic Survey of
Pakistan, the country is lagging behind in achieving Pakistan confirms that during the year 2013-14
its MDGs of education. The MDGs have laid down literacy remained much higher in urban areas than
two goals for education sector: in rural areas and higher among males.
Goal 2: The goal 2 of MDGs is to achieve C) Vision 2030
Universal Primary Education (UPE) and by 2015, Vision 2030 of Planning Commission of Pakistan
children everywhere, boys and girls alike, will be looks for an academic environment which promotes
able to complete a full course of primary schooling. the thinking mind. The goal under Vision 2030 is
By the year 2014 the enrolment statistics show an one curriculum and one national examination
increase in the enrolment of students of the age system under state responsibility. The strategies
of 3-16 year while dropout rate decreased. But charted out to achieve the goal included:
the need for increasing enrolment of students (i) Increasing public expenditure on education and
remains high to achieve MDGs target. Punjab is skills generation from 2.7% of GDP to 5% by 2010
leading province wise in net primary enrolment and 7% by 2015.
rate with 62% enrolment. The enrolment rate in (ii) Re-introduce the technical and vocational
Sindh province is 52%, in Khyber Pakhtunkhawa stream in the last two years of secondary schools.
(KPK) 54% and primary enrolment rate in (iii) Gradually increase vocational and technical
Balochistan is 45%. education numbers to 25-30% of all secondary
Goal 3: The goal 3 of MDGs is Promoting Gender enrolment by 2015 and 50 per cent by 2030.
Equality and Women Empowerment. It is aimed at (iv) Enhance the scale and quality of education in
eliminating gender disparity in primary and general and the scale and quality of scientific/
secondary education by 2005 and in all levels of technical education in Pakistan in particular.
education not later than 2015. There is a stark Problems: The issues lead to the comprehension of
disparity between male and female literacy rates. the problems which are faced in the development of
The national literacy rate of male was 71% while education system and promotion of literacy. The
that of female was 48% in 2012-13. Provinces study outlines seven major problems such as:
reported the same gender disparity. Punjab literacy 1) Lack of Proper Planning: Pakistan is a
rate in male was 71% and for females it was 54%. signatory to MDGs and EFA goals. However it
In Sindh literacy rate in male was 72% and female seems that it will not be able to achieve these
47%, in KPK male 70% and females 35%, while international commitments because of financial
in Balochistan male 62% and female 23%. management issues and constraints to achieve the
B) Education for All (EFA) Commitment MDGs and EFA goals.
The EFA goals focus on early childhood care 2) Social constraints: It is important to realize
and education including pre-schooling, universal that the problems which hinder the provision of
primary education and secondary education to education are not just due to issues of management
youth, adult literacy with gender parity and by government but some of them are deeply rooted
quality of education as crosscutting thematic in the social and cultural orientation of the people.
and programme priorities. Overcoming the latter is difficult and would require
EFA Review Report October 2014 outlines that a change in attitude of the people, until then
despite repeated policy commitments, primary universal primary education is difficult to achieve.
education in Pakistan is lagging behind in 3) Gender gap: Major factors that hinder
achieving its target of universal primary education. enrolment rates of girls include poverty, cultural
Currently the primary gross enrolment rate stands constraints, illiteracy of parents and parental
at 85.9% while Pakistan requires increasing it up to concerns about safety and mobility of their
100% by 2015-16 to fulfil EFA goals. Of the daughters. Society’s emphasis on girl’s modesty,
estimated total primary school going 21.4 million protection and early marriages may limit family’s
willingness to send them to school. Enrolment of
Current Affairs for CSS 2020 (Volume-IV), Aamir Mahar

rural girls is 45% lower than that of urban girls; 3. The faculty hiring process is historically known
while for boys the difference is 10% only, to be politicized. It is because of this that the quality
showing that gender gap is an important factor. of teaching suffers and even more so when low
4) Cost of education: The economic cost is higher investments are made in teachers’ training. As a
in private schools, but these are located in richer result teachers are not regular and their time at
settlements only. The paradox is that private school is not as productive as it would be with a
schools are better but not everywhere and well-trained teacher.
government schools ensure equitable access but 4. Inside schools there are challenges which include
do not provide quality education. shortage of teachers, teacher absenteeism, missing
5) War on Terror: Pakistan’s engagement in basic facilities and lack of friendly environment.
war against terrorism also affected the promotion 5. Out of school challenges include shortage of
of literacy campaign. The militants targeted schools schools, distance – especially for females, insecurity,
and students; several educational institutions were poverty, cultural norms, parents are reluctant or
blown up, teachers and students were killed in parents lack awareness.
Balochistan, KPK and FATA. This may have to
contribute not as much as other factors, but this Solutions: There is a need for implementation of
remains an important factor. national education policy and vision 2030 education
6) Funds for Education: Pakistan spends 2.4% goals. An analysis of education policy suggests that at
GDP on education. At national level, 89% the policy level there are several admirable ideas, but
education expenditure comprises of current practically there are some shortcomings also.
expenses such as teachers’ salaries, while only
It may not be possible for the government at the
11% comprises of development expenditure
moment to implement uniform education system in
which is not sufficient to raise quality of education.
the country, but a uniform curriculum can be
7) Technical Education: Sufficient attention has
introduced in educational institutes of the country.
not been paid to the technical and vocational
This will provide equal opportunity to the students
education in Pakistan. The number of technical and
of rural areas to compete with students of urban
vocational training institutes is not sufficient and
areas in the job market.
many are deprived of infrastructure, teachers and
tools for training. The population of a state is one Since majority of Pakistani population resides in rural
of the main elements of its national power. It can areas and the access to education is a major problem
become an asset once it is skilled. Unskilled for them, it seems feasible that a balanced approach
population means more jobless people in the for formal and informal education be adopted.
country, which affects the national development Government as well as non-government sector should
negatively. Therefore, technical education needs work together to promote education in rural areas.
priority handling by the government. The government should take measures to get school
Poverty, law and order situation, natural disasters, buildings vacated which are occupied by feudal lords
budgetary constraints, lack of access, poor quality, of Sindh, Balochistan and Punjab. Efforts should be
equity, and governance have also contributed in made to ensure that proper education is provided
less enrolments. in those schools.
An analysis of the issues and problems suggest The federal government is paying attention to the
that: The official data shows the allocation of vocational and technical training, but it is important
funds for educational projects but there is no to make the already existing vocational and technical
mechanism which ensures the proper expenditure training centres more efficient so that skilled youth
of those funds on education. could be produced.
1. The existing infrastructure is not being properly
utilized in several parts of the country. Since education is a provincial subject, the provincial
2. There are various challenges that include education secretariats need to be strengthened.
expertise, institutional and capacity issues, forging Special policy planning units should be established in
national cohesion, uniform standards for textbook provinces’ education departments for implementation
development, and quality assurance. of educational policies and formulation of new
Current Affairs for CSS 2020 (Volume-IV), Aamir Mahar

policies whenever needed. The provincial education An effective monitoring system is needed in
departments need to work out financial resources education departments.
required for realising the compliance of Article 25-A. 5. For any system to work it is imperative that
Federal Government should play a supportive role relevant structures are developed. Legislation and
vis-à-vis the provinces for the early compliance of structure should be framed to plan for the promotion
the constitutional obligation laid down in Article of education in the country. After the 18th amendment
25-A. Special grants can be provided to the the education has become a provincial subject,
provinces where the literacy rate is low. therefore, the provinces should form legislations
Pakistan is not the only country which is facing and design educational policies which ensure quality
challenges regarding promotion of literacy and education.
meeting EFA and MDGs commitments. Education 6. Unemployment of educated men and women is a
remains a subject which is paid least attention in major concern for Pakistan. There should be career
the whole South Asian region. UNDP report 2014 counselling of the pupils in schools so that they have
suggests that there has been an improvement in an understanding of job market and they can develop
other elements of human development such as life their skills accordingly.
expectancy, per capita income and human 7. Counselling of parents is required, so that they
development index value (in past 3 years); but there can choose a career for their child which is market
has been no progress in the number of schooling friendly.
years. The expected average for years of schooling 8. There are two approaches to acquiring education:
in 2010 was 10.6 years but the actual average of First, which is being followed by many in Pakistan is
schooling remained 4.7 for all South Asian to get education to earn bread and butter. The second
countries. In the year 2013 the expected average of approach is to get education for the sake of personal
number of years increased to 11.2 but the actual development and learning. This approach is followed
average of years of schooling of South Asian by affluent and economically stable people who send
countries remained 4.7. Regional cooperation their children to private schools and abroad for
mechanism can also be developed to promote education. The problem arises when non-affluent
literacy in South Asian region. Sharing success families send their children to private schools, and
stories, making country-specific modifications and universities. This aspiration for sending children for
their implementation can generate positive results. higher education is wrong, because the country does
not need managers and officers only. There are
Recommendations several other jobs where people are needed. Hence
1. Technical education should be made a part of the mind-set of sending one’s children to university
secondary education. Classes for carpentry, only for becoming officers and managers needs to
electrical, and other technical education must be be changed.
included in the curriculum.
2. Providing economic incentives to the students Conclusion: The reforms required in the education
may encourage the parents to send their children to system of Pakistan cannot be done by the government
school and may help in reducing the dropout ratio. alone, public-private participation and a mix of
3. Local government system is helpful in formal as well as non-formal education can pull out
promoting education and literacy in the country. majority of country’s population from illiteracy.
In local government system the funds for education Similarly, to make the youth of the country an asset,
would be spent on a need basis by the locality. attention should also be paid to vocational and
4. Corruption in education departments is one of technical training.
the factors for the poor literacy in the country.
Current Affairs for CSS 2020 (Volume-IV), Aamir Mahar

Education for growth

Author: Hassan Daud Published in The News on January 30, 2019

Socio-economic development and poverty it is believed that knowledge and the economy are
alleviation are the key focus areas for our closely interconnected. By narrowing down the
government. In the same spirit, the CPEC base causes and realising the long-term impact of such
has been broadened by promoting these sectors disparities, the process of reforming the education
to facilitate residents in terms of employment sector would be more effective.
and exchanges. We cannot expect to improve economic growth
To give practical effect to these plans, China and with an old education system as the increasing
Pakistan will make efforts to carry out vocational disparities would further delay development. Much
training and improve higher-education resources has been said and written about the systemic issues in
to carry out design and R&D activities besides our education sector, with experts viewing it as a
ensuring cooperation in various sectors. The hurdle to sustainable economic growth. In order to
newly-established Joint Working Group (JWG) on cater to the needs of accelerated industrial
Socio-Economic Development has been tasked to development on an immediate basis, we need to
identify and ensure the implementation of pilot reform our curriculum and increase accessibility
projects in education by setting up smart schools to higher technical education.
and knowledge-sharing in faculty development. Following in China’s footsteps, we also need to start
Our Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said that institutions such as a vocational technical college for
we should seek knowledge, even if we have to go the light industry, a petroleum college and a railways
as far as China to gain it. Therefore, we ought to university on the basis of a public-private partnership.
learn from China’s journey to become one of the The National Vocational and Technical Training
world’s most influential economies. The same can Commission (Navtec) also needs to be improved to
be said about China’s robust and evolving maintain its quality and relevance, and must introduce
education system, which is the largest in the world. online courses to provide technical training in rural
As per China’s national statistical yearbook for areas. In the short to mid-term, specialised teacher
2018, over 5,944,950 regular teachers are education programmes in modern technical and
contributing to the most diverse education system vocational areas need to be introduced. The HEC
in the world, with a focus on tertiary education. In must develop professional development centres
the last 20 years, China has been able to build (PDCs) in all HEIs across Pakistan to train faculty
specialised higher-education institutions (HEIs). and students in specific knowledge and skill domains
In order to give education and academia the respect within the spheres of coastal and harbour engineering,
that it deserves, Teachers’ Day has been observed tech textile, aerospace, supply chain, industrial and
on September 10 since 1985. I realised the gap in logistics zone planning, railways, tourism and
our education system when my two children faced urban planning.
enormous challenges in terms of creativity and The youth has been defined as an asset and the
technical knowhow in their Chinese school during educational system is a means to leverage this asset.
my four-year stay in China. If we don’t develop our educational system, we may
Therefore, I believe that as Pakistan embarks on the fail to become the leading economic power, with a
journey of industrial rejuvenation by encouraging promised GDP growth rate of around seven percent.
foreign investment and joint ventures, there is an Our regional competitors have prepared well in
urgent need to reform the education system. This developing human resources. With growing
will enable us to produce human resources that connectivity and Pakistan’s role in the region, we also
are suitable for the envisaged industrial growth. need to capitalise on the increased demand for skilled
There is a growing need for a clear and correct workers in both domestic and international markets,
diagnosis and the importance of education in especially in new technologies. However, this will
economic reforms needs to be re-emphasised as
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require immediate measures at all levels from the technology while developing creativity as well as
government and private sector. cross-cultural understanding and acceptance.
Thousands of years ago, Confucius said that:
“education breeds confidence, confidence breeds
hope, and hope breed peace”. To cultivate hope in
our next generation, we must develop an education
system that is tailored to face the storm of new

Pakistan and China through the lens of CPEC

Author: Maria Ajmal Published in Modern Diplomacy on February 9, 2019

It is generally believed that Pakistan convergence the Baloch are the victim of the state inequalities.
from the United States towards China-the Hopes are being created by the government for the
time-tested and all-weather friend- would not better future of Balochistan whereas the Bolach
only benefit Pakistan but also improve its faltering leaders are censuring the government for not taking
economy. Any antagonistic remarks by the U.S. into confidence regarding the projects carrying out
or India about an ironclad camaraderie are viewed under the canopy of CPEC.
as their efforts to disrupt the relationship which China’s rivalry with any country doesn’t affect its
is “taller than the mountains and deeper than economic ties; its economic policy is based on
the oceans”. peaceful collaboration, coexistence, cooperation
Trade and energy corridor plan of General Pervez and win-win partnership for everyone. In
Musharraf era was officially launched as China 2017-2018 fiscal year, China- Pakistan trade
Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) in 2015. volume was $13.2 billion, whereas India-China
The $62 billion project is being considered an trade was more than $84billion despite the fact that
economic penance and a practical vehicle that they have also disputes over territories. According
would eliminate all disparities and grievances of to World Bank report, Pak- India trade is about $2
Balochistan’s people. China needs to secure its billion which could reach $37 billion. If both these
sea lanes for economic prosperity and its two countries could approach like China vis-à-vis
preponderance on the South China Sea has become trade, it would help to alleviate poverty and bring
a bone of contention between its neighboring economic prosperity. Pakistan’s policy about its
countries; it had to develop an alternative route to relations with India is still dither.
avoid the bottlenecked Strait of Malacca. Thus, to Last year, when Pakistan was placed on ‘grey list’
secure its sea trade, China needs Pakistan to by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), China
materialize CPEC which gives an access to the didn’t vote in support of Pakistan alongside Turkey;
Arabian Sea via Gwadar. Would Pakistan actually although China’s support couldn’t prevent it from
be benefited from an invincible rapport of the placing on ‘grey list’ when Saudi Arabia had
great power pertinent to CPEC? already decided to give up its support to Pakistan.
Gwadar city of Balochistan is the hub of CPEC. In China, Turkish-origin Muslims, Uighurs who are
Mineral rich province is the least developed due to living in Xinjiang, are being persecuted and
the policies by the extractive institutions and the detained in secret “re-education camps”. Almost
failure of the civilian leadership to address the one million people, in eleven millions of Uighur’s
grievances of its compatriots. Due to this there is population, have been detained, according to the
resentment among the Baloch leaders and people United Nations report. With a ban on naming
regarding the distributions of province’s resources. Muslim’s name, restriction to have beards and strict
According to the government officials, CPEC surveillance of Uighurs, China’s communist party
would create jobs for the local population, would is quelling the religious freedom of minority
attract foreign investors and its resources would not population. Xinjiang had a vital role in CPEC;
be exploited by others. It is an indubitable fact that Pakistan didn’t raise this issue with China at any
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level. Does Pakistan not have to adopt a bilateral international fronts comes to Pakistan when it also
approach especially with China? Is Pakistan silence suits to its benefits, but it would lend its moral
on this issue because it is also doing same with support on each and every occasion. Alongside the
its non-Muslims inhabitants? strategic partnership and pro-China stance, Pakistan
Relations between countries, even a developed needs to scrupulously examine the benefits and
country or underdeveloped country, are entirely drawbacks of too much reliance on China and
based on mutual interests. China’s support on ‘secret’ terms and conditions of CPEC.

Why ‘climate change’ just got real?

Author: Kashmala Kakakhel Published in Express Tribune on January 23, 2019
In Katowice, Poland — where the annual climate developing countries, bring the two changes
change conference (COP24) was held in together, and you can imagine a future where
December 2018, there was a big but silent action on climate change becomes a powerful
breakthrough. The biggest achievement of this tool to shape the economic future of countries
year’s conference was the agreement of a global such as Pakistan. Two quick examples.
rulebook on implementing the Paris Agreement. What if economic incentives become tied to action
These rules will, therefore, govern how the world on climate change? Case in point. Our Generalised
is supposed to act collectively in attempting to Scheme of Preferences (GSP) plus status with the
keep global warming under 2oC globally. EU for exports is contingent upon compliance
Two small and seemingly insignificant elements with international conventions such as human
of the rulebook are what will actually shift the rights, labour laws, environment and climate
game for countries like Pakistan. First, the change. Given the significance associated by the
agreement of a set of global reporting standards on EU to climate change, the new reporting
the progress that countries make. Second, the obligations agreed in the rulebook will also have
agreement on a ‘facilitative’ compliance regime. a direct bearing on our GSP status.
Both of these decisions consequently raise the What if borrowing from the multilateral
stakes for countries like Pakistan. development banks becomes tied to climate
First, what is significant is that the reporting change action, and to changes in governance?
standards agreed upon will now be the same for all Ten of them have already signed off an agreement
countries. This includes how countries will report jointly at the climate change conference in
on, measure and verify their emissions cutting December to align their activities with the goals
efforts. The transparency that these reporting of the Paris Agreement. This is not imaginative
standards imply mean it will become harder for thinking, because the world will need some form
countries to wriggle out of their commitments. of leverage to ensure action, and therefore this a
In short, this squeezes the space for those arguing future worth preparing for.
that action on climate change is the responsibility In short, the climate change rulebook agreed upon
of rich countries alone. in Poland makes climate change about much more
Second, the rulebook in principle has agreed to a than just climate change. It ties it in a potentially
compliance regime for countries that do not make significant way to governance, trade and economic
enough progress. While in principle this is meant development. In some ways, this is a good thing,
to be ‘facilitative in nature’, and ‘non-adversarial because it creates an incentive for action. However,
and non-punitive’, it would be naive to expect that it also means significant leverage for the
in practice this will be the case, in particular as the developed countries in economic negotiations
urgency on climate change action continues to with countries such as Pakistan that we should
increase year on year. be prepared for.
Despite some of the negotiated concessions on In Poland, Pakistan created significant leadership
reporting and compliance requirements for space in the climate change ecosystem, getting
Current Affairs for CSS 2020 (Volume-IV), Aamir Mahar

elected to the Vice-Presidentship of the change strategy. Internationally, it implies that we

International Climate Convention, and securing use our leadership position to ensure that the way
seats on five other technical committees. Within the compliance regime is shaped, secures both a
the country, it becomes important for us to gear up future that is climate proof, but defends the
on implementing key aspects of our climate economic interests of countries like Pakistan.

A New World Era

Author: Suleman Khanzada Published in Daily Times on January 21, 2019
The West is moving towards a new era. Far-Right Perhaps nothing exposes the withering of western
and nationalist forces are steadily gaining support “high moral ground” more than their half-hearted
in Europe with Donald Trump as a poster-child for response to Journalist Jamal Khashoggi’s murder.
the movement. They are present in parliaments The truth is the West was never as liberal and morally
throughout Europe. They have already formed evolved as they believed. There were always
governments in Austria and Hungary. Far-Right undercurrents of “unhealthy nationalism” and
elements have even begun to coordinate Far-Right tendencies beneath the splendor of progress
across boarders. and achievements. We forget it was less than a
The United States and Europe, collectively known century ago that African Americans couldn’t vote.
as ‘The West’, are built on a foundation of common Belgium was committing war crimes in Congo,
values. Their way of life transcends other factors Britain was exploiting India, and Germany was
that unite nations like ethnicity or religion. In the annexing Europe. In fact, at the time, just about
aftermath of WWII, Europe learned the dangers every western nation was earning its rightful place
of ‘hyper-nationalism’, which further encouraged in history’s hall of shame.
it to rally behind a continental culture of Liberté, So it mustn’t come as a surprise that the radical
Equalité, and Fraternité instead. Right is making a comeback in the region. They
But that was then and much has changed since. have formed governments in Austria, Hungary and
In America the liberal wave that finally gave arguable The United States. Italy, Europe’s third
African-Americans their civil rights and other largest economy, is likely to be next.
reforms seems to have lost its momentum. Their Far-Right elements have even begun coordinating
magnanimous spirit that rebuilt war-torn Europe globally. Nigel Farage, the British politician most
with the Marshal Plan and supported the creation credited with inflaming anti-EU hysteria that led to
of United Nations seems to have dwindled. “Brexit”, was a guest in Donald Trump’s rally.
Europe itself set an unprecedented standard of Leader of Italy’s largest Far-Right party and current
diplomatic and economic cooperation by forming Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini just teamed up
the European Union. For the first time in modern with Steve Bannon, a former Trump campaign
history multiple nations willingly adopted open mastermind. Bannon predicts that like The U.S.,
boarders, a common currency, and collective now Europe is “ripe for a tectonic shift.”
institutions. Yet presently the union seems more What exactly that shift will look like remains to be
like an imposition than an achievement. seen. However, the process will be accelerated with
The West is currently at a philosophical crossroads. the next global recession. A CNN poll showed most
They believe in humanitarianism but when thousands American CFO’s believe it will start within a year.
of immigrants escaping catastrophic circumstances Former Finance Minister Sartaj Aziz argues that “The
arrive at their gates they haves second thoughts. They West still has not recovered from the last recession
champion privacy laws but fear of terrorism has them of 2008.” As a result, their ideological foundations
eavesdropping on citizens. They are ardent supporter are unhinged. So the next slump might be enough
of individual freedoms yet hate-crimes and to tip the political atmosphere towards the Right.
xenophobia are rising. Even their commitment to During a recession unemployment rises and
democracy is being contradicted with their continued incomes reduce. Naturally, the frustrated
support for authoritarian leaders around the globe. population will want answers. That will be the
Current Affairs for CSS 2020 (Volume-IV), Aamir Mahar

perfect opportunity for hardliners like France’s The consequences of Mr. Trump’s presidency will be
Marie La Pen to criticize incumbent governments apparent in the long run. But it is clear that he is
and offer their audiences the perfect scapegoats. dividing America, empowering nationalists, and
Immigrants, minorities, and the Brussels-based steering the country towards economic vulnerability
bureaucracy of the EU are the usual suspects. and political instability. European Far-Right leaders,
Far-Right governments have a tendency to break when given the chance, will most likely have a
from international institutions that impede their similarly turbulent rhetoric and policies.
agenda. Rules and regulations of organizations like But there is a silver lining. As the West becomes
the UN, NATO, and European Union could be seen preoccupied with its internal matters, the developing
as obstacles. Instead of collectivism they promote world could find more autonomy to pursue their own
nationalism. Mr. Trump’s mantra of “Make goals. For example, this would be the ideal
America Great Again” and his constant contempt opportunity for Pakistan to increase economic
for the above-mentioned organizations is a typical cooperation with China, Iran, and Russia. For better
sample of what’s to come. or worst, the world as we know it is changing.

Future of ethical journalism

Author: Muhammad Ziauddin Published in Express Tribune on January 19, 2019
It is time to ask what is the future of ethical on migration, identify hate speech, block fake news
journalism in an age when it appears that the and guard against war-mongering and propaganda.
public around the world is falling out with facts, The report notes a growing movement to strengthen
humanity and accountable truth-telling. the craft of journalism and how, in every part of the
Ethics in the News, a report compiled by the world, even where megaphone politics is in power,
Ethical Journalism Network (EJN), has thrown journalists committed to the values of accuracy,
some light on challenges for the media and gives humanity and transparency are doing good work
journalists some key tips on ethical survival and connecting with audiences.
techniques. The report analyses fake news and But more needs to be done to support the media.
how journalism with a public purpose can be The EJN report calls for action to strengthen media
overwhelmed in a do-it-yourself world of professionalism and for new directions in public
communications that has led to a so-called policy: 1) to develop practical and sustainable
post-truth movement in which facts and solutions to the funding crisis facing independent
expert opinion are left on the sidelines of journalism; 2) to support the public purpose of
public discourse. journalism through more investment in public
According to the report, this is a global media crisis. service media; 3) to launch campaigns to combat
Almost all over the world, the question is equally hatred, racism and intolerance; 4) to provide more
relevant. Many countries are said to be on the resources for investigative reporting and ways of
frontline of a catastrophic and ongoing assault on promoting minority voices; 5) to encourage
free expression and a full-scale information war is attachment to ethical values in the management
going on between a number of countries. The report and governance of journalism; 6) to put pressure on
highlights two areas of particular ethical practice social networks and internet companies to accept
that make journalism a cornerstone of reliability and responsibility that as publishers they must monitor
trust: firstly, a tribute to all the whistle-blowers and their news services; 7) to support expanded media
sources who make public interest journalism and information literacy programmes to make people
possible through the eyes of the reporter; and, — including politicians and others in public life —
second, a thoughtful examination of how we use more aware of the need for responsible and tolerant
images to tell stories, focused on refugees. Ethics in communications.
the News also provides tips for journalists on how Aiden White, the moving spirit behind setting up
to stick to the facts, protect sources, report fairly ETJ, has contributed a brainy piece to the report,
excerpts of which follow: “We also look at the role
Current Affairs for CSS 2020 (Volume-IV), Aamir Mahar

of war-mongering media in India with bellicose misinformation as the information market moves
journalists stoking up the prospects of a new online, there is a growing movement to strengthen
conflict between these nuclear states. the craft of journalism.
“The world’s changing culture of communications, “Public trust will only return when people have
driven by the imperial power of internet confidence that powerful institutions — government,
companies and social networks, not only the state, corporate power — are accountable and
encourages users to create personal listening to their concerns… The crisis outlined here
echo-chambers at the expense of information is not just one of professionalism, it is a watershed
pluralism, it has also shredded the market models moment for democracy and requires political will
that used to nourish ethical journalism. to invest in open, connected and pluralist systems
“Many observers inside media are not overly of communication. What is needed are new
optimistic about the future, but although there directions in public policy.
may be more rumour, speculation, fake news and

Why democracy is worth fighting for?

Author: Saad Hafiz Published in Daily Times on January 11, 2019
The democratic system faces multiple threats in secular democracy impede the consolidation of
these volatile times. The clarion cry of the coercive structures. It protects the right of freedom
anti-democrats is that democracy favours the elites of speech and protest without fear or favour.
and has failed the masses that it was intended to Importantly, it instills respect for the practice of
serve. They point to the unfulfilled promises and diverse religious beliefs and disbelief.
the time wasted in the endless debate which gets in To cite a few examples, the rise of German and
the way of the hard work of nation-building. Japanese democracies after WW2 has helped prevent
There is a troubling trend in established liberal the rise of dictators and militarists. The policies of
democracies, that younger voters are impressed glasnost and perestroika inspired reforms of the
by populist leaders and authoritarian solutions. Communist Party in the former Soviet Union.
These angry voters have never lived in a It brought people out of the dark shadows of Gulags
totalitarian one-party state or under a dictatorship. and forced labour camps. In turn, Western secular
If they had, they would understand what Nobel democracies have provided refuge to millions of
Laureate Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn meant when people, fleeing tyranny and oppression, including
he said: “unlimited power in the hands of limited from Muslim majority states. It is ironic though
people always leads to cruelty.” that some former refugees, living under western
freedoms, are still advocates of repressive
Emerging democracies also are facing dangers
Islamic Shariah states.
from arbitrary rule, curtailment of freedom of
expression and rigged elections. Crackdowns under In South Asia, the success of democracy in India
the guise of combating crime and corruption are belies the claim that a country has to be rich to
taking an ominous turn. They end up limiting function as grass-roots democracy. India has a
political choices and impeding the will of the progressive constitution based on the country’s
people. As we know, once a state starts down the secular roots. It serves as a foil against the
path of authoritarianism, it is difficult to change majoritarian bias present in a range of official
course. To quote Professor Steven Levitsky How institutions in India. Moreover, in spite of the blot
Democracies Die: “there is a misguided impression left by the unchecked human rights violations
that authoritarianism can be controlled or tamed.” committed by state forces in Indian Kashmir, Indian
Despite strident criticism, the democratic system democracy has largely protected Muslims and other
remains the best hope for inclusive progress. It is the minorities from an extremist section of the Hindu
sole governance system that can account for majority. In their mind, Hindutva extremists want
competing interests, human frailties, and an unfair revenge for Hindus who lived under hundreds of
world. Furthermore, the checks and balances of a years of Muslim hegemony and misrule.
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India is also a good example of democracy and that a democratic system isn’t delivering is when
leadership working together to liberalise the voters are disaffected with the governments they
economy. As a result, in the last two decades, helped elect. As a result, disgruntled voters tend to
India pulled the second-most number of people in look for extreme solutions on the right and left of
the world out of poverty. And the country also the political spectrum. The polarized political
reported high GDP growth numbers exceeding 7 landscape plays into the hands of populists with
percent annually. The big challenge for India is to divisive agendas and autocrats wielding the gun.
address the disparities between rich and poor. On the flip side, citizens also have a responsibility
To help in achieving this goal, democratic to remain committed to the democratic process.
institutions that can manage people’s expectations Voters must actively challenge their leaders and
and soothe conflict are the best bet. parties to deliver on their electoral promises. We
In contrast, grass-roots democracy didn’t take root must remember that governments and leaders
in Pakistan. The country’s leadership is mostly alone don’t determine the success or failure of
elitist and disconnected from the masses. These democracy. It also has a great deal to do with the
factors hindered Pakistan’s political, economic, actions and aspirations of constituents.
and social development. The low growth and Finally, the building blocks of democracy are unity,
high debt trap that the country finds itself has a courage and hard work. Creating a stable, democratic
great deal to do with flawed priorities that arose system takes time and effort. It is a process that can’t
from anti-democratic governance. Moreover, be done quickly or based on set timelines. It is not
the country’s ethnic and religious minorities an all-or-nothing system and requires the creation of
don’t have the safeguards they could have a political order that is participatory and pluralist.
enjoyed under a progressive constitution. But the example of so many people in so many
It is the core responsibility of democratic different parts of the world being prepared to risk
governments to unite, inspire, and secure their so much to live in a democracy is a testimony to
grass root constituents and electoral base. A sign its enduring appeal.

Women empowerment reforms

Author: Salman Sufi Published in Dawn Newspaper on January 20, 2019

The obvious is often obscure, it seems. The state implementation mechanisms embedded in
of affairs regarding women’s rights has hardly pro-women laws, while the architects of criminal
ever been a matter of pressing concern for our justice have designed a system to address abuses
masters. Yet ornamented rhetoric has taken over they have never had to face.
grass-root reforms, and our gradual numbing to Take violence against women, for example: a woman
screaming headlines of abuse and assault on the facing abuse has to gear up for battle on multiple
basic dignity of women has reduced most of the fronts. The notion of her seeking support and justice
work to mere table talk. outside the walls of her abode is still frowned upon
Let’s talk basics. One could argue that women’s by society. Her agony doesn’t end here. The poorly-
rights are intrinsically ingrained in the Constitution trained state apparatus she must turn to for protection
— which they are — and hence the matter is still grapples with moral dilemmas surrounding her
adjudicated. Meanwhile, laws to protect and empower circumstances — from her lifestyle to clothes to
women passed in Punjab, Sindh and Balochistan domestic background, all factor into an officer’s
employ ferociously ambitious clauses, which might deliberations on whether to file a report or to send her
make even the most cynical observer hopeful. Yet off with a sermon about preserving the sanctity of the
beneath the overarching landscape painted by these home by keeping silent on ‘trivial’ issues like abuse.
legislative feats, there is an absence of solid On the rare occasion that a case is filed, the burden
foundations. Excepting Punjab, there are no to prove the abuse — without having the tools
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necessary to do so — is on her. Physical abuse from a system designed to follow the beaten path
requires a medico-legal report, but getting to a state and discourage even the slightest course correction.
medical facility in the first place is an uphill battle. To task already stretched departments with
Moreover, the lack of awareness among victims of implementing new agendas and reforms will
the crucial impact timely medico-legal inevitably result in a flawed product for the people.
examinations have on investigations often result in Women development departments in Pakistan are
delayed reporting, and hence critical evidence to no different. They are barely financed with budgets
successfully prosecute perpetrators is lost. to match their ambitions, and thus mostly relegated
From reporting to evidence collection to the trial to planning events for International Women’s Day.
itself, the system disenfranchises the victim every It begs the question: why has a specialised field
step of the way. The survivor service model of the like gender been left to career civil servants who
Violence against Women Centre in Multan are often shifted from one department to another,
addresses this by providing each service — triggering a never-ending reinvention of the wheel?
including police, prosecution, medico-legal To connect with on-ground issues in real time and
facility and rehabilitation — under one roof, by provide genuinely implementable solutions, there is
its all-women team, despite not being allocated a dire need for a specialised cadre for
funds and salaries for months. women-specific development. Though the Punjab
This bias against women embedded in our criminal Women Protection Authority Act, 2017, was
justice system has been irrefutably gauged for introduced keeping such views in mind, it has
decades, but to no recourse. Selective amendments yet to be made functional.
to laws, thrust upon the public when an incident From criminal justice to societal attitudes that hold
arouses national uproar, proves that women’s women’s basic rights and development back, a
empowerment, instead of being crafted through starting point for women empowerment reforms
policy-based structural reform, is curated according must be the careful review and corresponding
to populist sentiment. amendment to policies and implementation
Herein lies another issue. Political parties often mechanisms. Hollow chants of equal rights might
decorate their manifestos with promises of ushering be enough to keep patriarchal policymakers content,
in a new era for the disenfranchised half of but at what cost? How much longer must we
Pakistan’s population, yet rarely have dedicated pretend that our job is done with the collective
teams within their ranks actually working on a sighs we exhale whenever a rape victim is killed
roadmap for implementation. And with no real without justice, or a woman is sexually harassed at
watchdog to keep a politically neutral check on her workplace with no recourse, or a woman
elected governments’ election promises, most simply seeking a divorce is dragged through the
women empowerment reforms never see the light courts with never-ending delay tactics?
of day. For the few that are legislated on, we are It’s time to shrug off this immaculate imitation of a
faced with the eternal question that has haunted just country for women and bring forth real change
most of Pakistan’s development agendas: how will — forging a nation where women are equal
it be implemented, and by whom? participants in the development process rather than
The power to do so rests with the bureaucracy. the subjects of social experiments. Federal and
This reality is in stark contrast to the belief that provincial governments alike should harness their
elected officials have about their roles when they resources to further the groundbreaking work
enter the mammoth legislatures, with their ability already in progress instead of engaging in populist
to boost even the most meagre of egos. There is rhetoric that only serves to strengthen misogyny.
an inevitable clash between what the people’s The revolution is here and to stay, till the last
representatives want versus what they can get from woman standing, and — this time — men should
the state machinery. It is unfair to demand reform stand beside them.
Current Affairs for CSS 2020 (Volume-IV), Aamir Mahar

Water scarcity versus water mismanagement in Pakistan

Author: Sharmin Arif Published in Pakistan Growth Story on December 6, 2018
The water crisis in Pakistan is both a supply and Construction of dams, however, will not address the
a demand side issue with various contributing emergency of dwindling water resources and
factors at play. On achieving statehood in 1947, availability of clean drinking water unless agriculture
the country held 5,300 cubic meters of water per methods are modernized. More than 90 percent of
capita, which has now been reduced to 1000 cubic fresh water is diverted towards agriculture.
meters. Pakistan faces continued clashes with Agriculture in Pakistan relies on inefficient methods
upper riparian India over rights to water from the that over-extract and waste water. Lack of
Indus river. Moreover, a historic lack of political technological advancement in agriculture is
will to consider the repercussions of water scarcity perpetuated by misaligned state incentives for uptake
has led to under investment in water infrastructure of technology and use of more productive seeds.
and sub-optimal pricing of water across all sectors. Farmers find it economically viable to grow
Under pricing and inadequate regulation has water-intensive crops such as sugar cane and rice
created a pervasive culture of irresponsible water and waste water, even though these crops do not
consumption and lack of conservation. However, contribute significantly to the economy.
since the reasons for mismanagement stem from Mr. Arif Nadeem discussed it would be more
several quarters, the solution for optimal utilization financially and environmentally sustainable to import
of water is not straightforward. (instead of over produce) sugar, and shift to
Pakistan’s water scarcity is the result of a value-added crops like sesame seeds with high
combination of factors, including the economic value and comparative advantage. Such
mismanagement of water resources and burgeoning crops not only utilize less water but also generate
population growth. Currently Pakistan’s economy foreign exchange.
is one of the world’s most water-intensive The government should thus redirect farmers towards
economies in terms of cubic meters consumed sustainable agricultural choices through imposition of
per unit of GDP. Further, its water productivity is state regulation for water conservation and correcting
among the lowest, producing 0.13kg of agricultural its pricing. Currently the water price does not reflect
output per cubic meter, while that of the US’s its scarcity. It is instead valued at the cost incurred for
stands at 1.3kg. Low productivity compounded maintaining water infrastructure and extraction borne
by spiraling population growth has meant by the farmer in the form of electricity bills. This
dwindling water quantities available per person. comes down to a paltry PKR 135 canal water charges
For these reasons, the country was declared as per year and PKR 3000 to 5000 per acre watering
water scarce in 2005. charges for electricity.
Panel Discussion:
Dams may not effectively address water scarcity Construction of dams may not ensure an adequate
Constructing dams at upper riparian locations of water supply unless they also address the issue of
the Indus river basin can be considered as a means water losses incurred due to faulty construction of
to evenly control year round water flows going all both reservoirs and distribution infrastructure.
the way down to Sindh. Mr. Leghari emphasized on Distribution network losses amount to 50 to 55
the need to develop a consensus on the Kalabagh million acre feet (MAF) of water every year.
Dam. He further explained that in addition to good Policymakers must bear these points in mind before
returns on investment, the project promises, the construction of proposed Bhasha Dam, that can
contrary to popular belief, 88% share in the potentially store up to 8.5 MAF of water begins. Mr.
additional water storage for all provinces other Leghari added that Pakistan currently stores less than
than Punjab, with Sindh being the major 10% of the water that flows compared to a global
beneficiary. Yet, despite this knowledge, average of 40%.
politicians are unable to find a way forward.
Current Affairs for CSS 2020 (Volume-IV), Aamir Mahar

Water management as a solution to water has proven crucial for conservation of water.
scarcity – Lessons from the Colorado river basin Demand management, through mobilizing extra
Pakistan can learn from the significantly successful cubic meters of water – and not dams – remains
water management strategies deployed in the the cheapest per liter source of water.
Colorado river basin. Dr. Sattar presented the Latest policy response on water mismanagement
findings of her extensive research on the basin in Pakistan: A National Water Policy 2018 has
highlighting lessons for Pakistan. The Colorado been formed, which has determined the key
basin in America is currently undergoing a priorities on which the newly formed water
two-decade drought. Despite this, the US commission, run by Federal Ministers, will
government has managed to increase both its urgently work towards. To this end, a
agriculture productivity by 25 percent and its coordination body has been assembled for tackling
power generation by 30 percent. The US was able the multifarious issues pertaining to water
to do this by building consensus amongst all mismanagement by bringing all stakeholders on
relevant stakeholders for implementing effective board for political ownership. This is a similar
reforms, which is something that the Indus River model which was followed by the US government
System Authority (IRSA) in Pakistan has not for the efficient utilization of water from the
succeeded in doing thus far. Dr. Sattar further Colorado river basin despite the seemingly
shared that Indus river basin has 10 times more unsurmountable challenges they faced. Their
water in the system than the Colorado water institutional coordination included all political and
system and yet Pakistan’s GDP is lagging private sector influencers in the matter from the
massively behind. highest to the lowest echelons relevant for
The broad contours of the solution comprise contributing to the solution. That level of
rationalization of water use, especially for transparency and fervent intention is what needs to
agricultural purposes, which can happen through be replicated in Pakistan for sound implementation
adequate costing of water and will prompt higher of the identified priorities.
productivity per each drop of water. Crop zoning

Shaping Pakistan’s future

Author: Zahid Hussain Published in Dawn Newspaper on March 20, 2019

“Nations fail economically because of extractive scenario. But can this situation be turned around?
institutions. These institutions keep poor countries Where will Pakistan be three decades from now
poor and prevent them from embarking on the path when it crosses the 100-year mark?
of economic growth.” In its landmark report, Pakistan@100: Shaping the
This excerpt from the book Why Nations Fail, a Future, the World Bank projects two scenarios.
seminal work on the subject by two of the world’s One would take Pakistan to a $2 trillion economy
foremost economists, could relate to the Pakistan of by the year 2047, placing the country in the
today. More than seven decades after its formation, middle-income Second World group. This is a
Pakistan remains one of the poorest nations, sliding highly optimistic scenario that requires the country
behind regional countries on almost all social and to achieve sustainably high economic growth rates
economic indicators. for approximately the next three decades.
Although we pride ourselves as being a The second scenario is extremely depressing.
nuclear-armed state, the security of the country is Failing to change the country will cause it to slide
threatened by a failing economy, population further into the abyss of poverty. Pakistan today is
explosion, poverty and environmental degradation. standing at a crossroads and, as the report warns,
A massive youth bulge and a rising uneducated and decisions over the next decade will decide
unskilled population with few prospects of finding Pakistan’s future. It all depends on whether we are
productive employment present a terrifying willing to change the extractive nature of the state
institutions that mainly serve the interests of a
Current Affairs for CSS 2020 (Volume-IV), Aamir Mahar

small ruling elite, and so remove the fetters that relations with neighbours have closed opportunities
prevent the country from embarking on the path for economic cooperation and the expansion of trade.
of economic growth and social progress. Hostile borders and the country’s being a front-line
A major challenge is how to transform a state in the Afghan wars over the last four decades
crumbling institutional structure and address has had huge costs in both economic and social terms.
the key constraints to economic growth. Pakistan The blowback of the conflict in the region has turned
will have to overcome the barriers to structural Pakistan itself into a battlefield. The internal security
transformation that have been stifling its problems have also affected foreign and domestic
development in previous decades. Partial and investments, retarding our economic growth. High
half-hearted reforms cannot take Pakistan out expenditure on defence leaves few resources for
of the current morass. It is not just about economic and human infrastructure development.
economic growth but also the welfare of the Peace could open up massive opportunities for
people that matters. expansion of trade and economic cooperation. A
One of the major reasons for our backwardness, as transition from a national security state to a social
pointed out by the report, has been low investment welfare state is critical to shaping Pakistan’s future.
in developing human capital. Investments in family Increased regional cooperation and connectivity
planning, maternal health and early childhood must be a top priority in order to achieve structural
development are the foundation of human capital transformation and a stronger economy. Higher
accumulation. The empowerment of women is a investment in economic and human development
key component of efforts to increase human capital will also ensure our national security. The traditional
in Pakistan. “A first priority for Pakistan is to make approach of security is becoming increasing
the best use of its greatest asset, its people,” the unsustainable.
report said. Pakistan occupies a pivotal position in what is
Pakistan has one of the highest population growth described by Peter Frankopan, an Oxford professor,
rates in the world, offsetting efforts to improve as a ‘silk road’. According to the author of The New
social indicators. With a 2.4 per cent growth rate, Silk Roads, “We are living in the Asian century
Pakistan’s population has crossed the 208 million already, a time when the movement of global GDP
mark, making it the fifth largest populated country. from developed economies of the West to those of the
It is sitting on a potential demographic disaster with East is taking place at an astonishing scale and at an
more than 60pc of its population under 25 years astonishing speed”. Its geographical position provides
of age. The number of individuals ready for the Pakistan a massive opportunity to transform the
labour market is expanding faster than the total country into a trade and transit hub.
population. Surely CPEC, which is the flagship project of China’s
According to the report, Pakistan’s situation today ambitious One Belt One Road scheme, can open up vast
suggests that it will not be able to generate a economic and connectivity opportunities for Pakistan.
demographic dividend. The inability of the state to Given its geostrategic position, Pakistan has the
productively utilise a large young generation has potential to serve as a nexus for the two routes
already turned the country into a breeding ground envisaged under OBOR — the continental Eurasian
for violent extremism, and could cause further ‘silk road economic belt’ and the Southeast Asian
social dislocation and conflict. ‘maritime silk road’. According to the report, increasing
The fertility rate in Pakistan is far higher than that regional integration within South Asia could cause
in other regional countries. The population growth Pakistan’s economy to expand by 30pc by 2047.
rate must be brought down to 1.4pc to achieve the Stronger regional relations can support Pakistan’s
goal of entering the middle-income group. But economic transformation and security objectives,
there seems no urgency to contain the population increasing its leverage to resolve disputes with its
explosion. neighbours and freeing up resources for public
Regional conflicts have also been a strong factor in investment in economic and human development.
exacerbating Pakistan’s economic woes. Strained
Current Affairs for CSS 2020 (Volume-IV), Aamir Mahar

But that requires a clear strategy for greater could join the other countries as a formidable
integration with other countries in the region. With economic power at the age of 100.
clear policy direction and political will, Pakistan

The real costs of Russiagate (by Stephen Cohen)

Published in RT on March 29, 2019

Its perpetrators, not Putin or Trump, and condemnation of that murderous era. Though
“attacked American democracy.” Russiagate has generated in America some Soviet-like
practices and ruined a number of lives and reputations,
The very few of us who publicly challenged and it is, of course, nothing even remotely comparable to
deplored Russiagate allegations against candidate the Soviet Stalinist experience. By comparison,
and then President Donald Trump from the time therefore, some introspective repentance on the part
they first began to appear in mid-2016 should not of Russiagate perpetuators should not be too much
gloat or rejoice over the US Attorney General’s to ask. But as I foresaw well before the summary
summary of Robert S. Mueller’s key finding: “The of Mueller’s Russia investigation appeared, there is
Special Counsel’s investigation did not find that the unlikely to be much, if any. Too many personal
Trump campaign or anyone associated with it and organizational interests are too deeply invested
in Russiagate.
conspired or coordinated with Russia in its efforts
to influence the 2016 US presidential Not surprisingly, leading perpetrators instead
election.” (On the other hand, those of us immediately met the summary with a torrent of
repeatedly slurred as Trump and/or denials, goal-post shifts, obfuscations, and calls for
Putin “apologists” might feel some vindication.) more Russiagate “investigations.” Joy Reid of
MSNBC, which has been a citadel of Russiagate
allegations along with CNN, even suggested that
But what about the legions of high-ranking
Mueller and Attorney General William Barr were
intelligence officials, politicians, editorial writers,
themselves engaged in “a cover-up.”
television producers, and other opinion-makers,
and their eager media outlets that perpetuated, Contrary to a number of major media outlets,
inflated, and prolonged this unprecedented political from Bloomberg to The Wall Street Journal, nor
scandal in American history - those who did not does Mueller’s exculpatory finding actually
stop short of accusing the president of the United mean that “Russiagate . . . is dead” and indeed
States of being a Kremlin “agent,” “asset,” that “it expired in an instant.”
“puppet,” “Manchurian candidate,” and who Such conclusions reveal a lack of historical and
characterized his conduct and policies political understanding. Nearly three years of
as “treasonous”? (These and other examples are Russiagate’s toxic allegations have entered the
cited in my bookWar with Russia? From Putin and American political-media elite bloodstream and
Ukraine to Trump and Russiagate, and in a they almost certainly will reappear again and again
recent piece by Paul Starobin in City Journal.) Will in one form of another.
they now apologize, as decency requires, or, more
importantly, explain their motives so that we might This is an exceedingly grave danger because the real
understand and avoid another such national costs of Russiagate are not the estimated $25 to $40
trauma? million spent on the Mueller investigation but the
corrosive damage it has already done to the
Shortly after Mikhail Gorbachev became leader of institutions of American democracy - damage done
the Soviet Union, in 1985, he released a banned not by an alleged “Trump-Putin axis” but by
film, Repentance, that explored the underlying Russsigate’s perpetrators themselves. Having
institutional, ideological, and personal dynamics of examined this collateral damage in my recently
Stalinism. The film set off a nation-wide media trial
Current Affairs for CSS 2020 (Volume-IV), Aamir Mahar

published book War with Russia? From Putin and meticulously documented account of that systematic
Ukraine to Trump and Russiagate, I will only note malpractice, concluding that Mueller’s failure to
them here. confirm the media’s Russiagate allegations “is a
death-blow for the reputation of the American news
— Clamorous allegations that the
Kremlin “attacked our elections” and thereby put
Trump in the White House, despite the lack of any Nor, it must be added, was this entirely inadvertent or
evidence, cast doubt on the legitimacy of American accidental. On August 8, 2016, the trend-setting New
elections everywhere - national, state, and local. York Times published on its front page an
If true, or even suspected, how can voters have astonishing editorial manifesto by its media critic.
confidence in the electoral foundations of Asking whether “normal standards” should apply to
American democracy? Persistent demands candidate Trump, he explained that they should
to “secure our elections from hostile powers” -- a not: “You have to throw out the textbook American
politically and financially profitable mania, it journalism has been using for the better part of the
seems- can only further abet and perpetuate past half-century.” Let others decide whether this
declining confidence in the entire electoral process. Times proclamation unleashed the highly selective,
Still more, if some crude Russian social media unbalanced, questionably factual “journalism” that
outputs could so dupe voters, what does this tell us has so degraded Russiagate media or instead the
about what US elites, which originated these publication sought to justify what was already
allegations, really think of those voters, of the underway. In either case, this remarkable - and
American people? ramifying - Times rejection of its own professed
standards should not be forgotten. Almost equally
— Defamatory Russsiagate allegations that Trump
remarkable and lamentable, we learn that even now,
was a “Kremlin puppet”and thus “illegitimate”
after Mueller’s finding is known, top executives of
were aimed at the president but hit the presidency
the Times and other leading Russiagate media outlets,
itself, degrading the institution, bringing it under
including The Washington Post and CNN, “have no
suspicion, casting doubt on its legitimacy. And if
an “agent of a hostile foreign power” could occupy
the White House once, a “Manchurian — For better or worse, America has a two-party
candidate,” why not again? Will Republicans be political system, which means that the Democratic
able to resist making such allegations against a Party is also a foundational institution. Little more
future Democratic president? In any event, Hillary also need be pointed out regarding its self-degrading
Clinton’s failed campaign manager, Robby Mook, role in the Russiagate fraud. Leading members of the
has already told us that there will be a “next time.” party initiated, inflated, and prolonged it. They did
nothing to prevent inquisitors like Representatives
— Mainstream media are, of course, a foundational
Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell from becoming the
institution of American democracy, especially
cable-news face of the party. Or to rein in or
national ones, newspapers and television, with
disassociate the party from the outlandish excesses
immense influence inside the beltway and, in
of “The Resistance.” With very few exceptions,
ramifying synergic ways, throughout the country.
elected and other leading Democrats did nothing to
Their Russiagate media malpractice, as I have
stop - and therefore further abetted - the institutional
termed it, may have been the worst such episode in
damage being done by Russiagate allegations. As for
modern American history. No mainstream media
Mueller’s finding,the party’s virtual network,
did anything to expose, for example, two crucial
MSNBC, remains undeterred. Rachel
and fraudulent Russiagate documents - the
Maddow continues to hype “the underlying reality
so-called Steele Dossier and the January 2017
that Russia did in fact attack us.” By any reasonable
Intelligence Community Assessment - but instead
definition of “attack,” no, it did not, and scarcely any
relied heavily on them for their own narratives.
allegation could be more recklessly warmongering, a
Little more need be said here about this
perception the Democratic Party will for this and
institutional self-degradation. Glenn Greenwald
other Russiagate commissions have to endure, or not.
and a few others followed and exposed it
(When Mueller's full report is published, we will see
throughout, and now Matt Taibbi has given us a
Current Affairs for CSS 2020 (Volume-IV), Aamir Mahar

if he too indulged in this dangerous absurdity. The scarce good news it is that some Russian
A few passages in the summary suggest he officials hope Mueller’s Russiagate exoneration of
might have done so.) Trump will enable the president to resume his
attempts to cooperate with Moscow. The bad
— Finally, but potentially not least, the new Cold
institutional news is that Congress has invited, on
War with Russia has itself become an institution
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s initiative, NATO’s
pervading American political, economic, media,
Secretary General to address it on April 3. That
and cultural life. Russiagate has made it more
figurehead has announced a renewed attempt to bring
dangerous, more fraught with actual war, than the
the former Soviet republic of Georgia into the
Cold War we survived, as I explain in War with
military alliance. The last such attempt led to the
Russia? Recall only that Russiagate allegations
US-Russian proxy war in Georgia in 2008. When it
further demonized “Putin’s Russia,”thwarted
was tried in Ukraine in 2013, it produced the still
Trump’s necessary attempts to “cooperate with
ongoing Ukrainian civil and proxy war.
Russia” as somehow “treasonous,” criminalized
détente thinking and “inappropriate contacts with The editor of The New Yorker, itself an ardent
Russia”—in short, policies and practices that Russiagate publication, asks whether “the moral
previously helped to avert nuclear war. Meanwhile, and material corruption [Trump] has inflicted will be
the Russiagate spectacle has caused many ordinary with us for a long while.” Perhaps. But the
Russians who once admired America to now institutional costs of Russiagate are likely to be
be “derisive and scornful” toward our political life. with us for even longer.

The other form of terrorism

Author: Muhammad Ziauddin Published in Pakistan Observer on April 1, 2019
Pakistan has been ranked fifth by the Global deadliest province was (former) Federally
Terrorism Index (GTI) 2018. We are preceded by Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), which recorded
Iraq (1st), Afghanistan (2nd), Nigeria (3rd), Syria 226 deaths, or 27 per cent of the total. Sindh
(4th) and followed by Somalia (6th), India (7th), province was the third deadliest with 16 per cent of
Yemen (8th), Egypt, (9th) and Philippines (10th). the total terrorism deaths occurring in the region.
The index has been developed by the Institute for Terrorism increased substantially in the FATA
Economics & Peace while measuring the impact of and Sindh regions, with deaths increasing by 117
terrorism. According to GTI 2018 Pakistan in 2017 and 104 per cent respectively in 2017. Deaths in
recorded its lowest number of terror-related deaths the Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa provinces
since 2006. Deaths declined eleven per cent from decreased by 31 and 60 per cent respectively.
2016 to 2017, falling from 957 to 852. Deaths are In May 2018, Pakistani parliament passed a
now 64 per cent lower than the peak year of 2013. constitutional amendment to have the FATA region
Pakistan’s three most active terror groups, absorbed by the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province in
Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), the Khorasan an effort to crack down on the high level of
Chapter of the Islamic State, and Lashkar-i-Jhangvi terrorism in the region. Prime Minister Imran Khan,
were responsible for 67 per cent of all deaths in the newly elected leader of Pakistan, has also
Pakistan in 2017. The TTP and the Khorasan pledged to assist Afghanistan in efforts to stymie
Chapter were both responsible for 233 deaths each, terrorism along its shared border. The year 2017 was
making them the deadliest groups in Pakistan. the deadliest on record for the Khorasan Chapter of
Deaths committed by TTP declined by 17 per cent the Islamic State (ISKP), highlighting the group’s
from 2016, but were offset by increases in deaths by migration into South Asia following military
the Khorasan Chapter, which rose by 50 per cent setbacks in Iraq and Syria. The group committed
and deaths by Lashkar-i-Jhangvi, which rose by 17 over half of its attacks since 2014 in 2017. ISKP
per cent. The most-impacted province was was also responsible for the deadliest terror attack
Balochistan, which recorded 296 terrorism deaths, in Pakistan in 2017, a suicide bombing attack in
or 35 per cent of the total in Pakistan. The next the Sindh Province that resulted in 91 deaths and
Current Affairs for CSS 2020 (Volume-IV), Aamir Mahar

over 250 injuries. foremost, acknowledge the link between resurgent

A couple of weeks ago, we saw another form of far-right nationalism and the casual racism and
terrorism when a far-right extremist killed at least dog-whistle politics that have been creeping back
50 people – including a three-year-old child – into many societies’ public discourse. At Extremely
worshiping at two mosques in the New Zealand city Together, a counter-extremism youth-engagement
of Christchurch. Neither white supremacy, nor initiative convened by the Kofi Annan Foundation,
racially motivated terrorist attacks carried out in its members have been following this trend with
name, are new phenomena. Yet the response to growing concern. Several of the members know
far-right terrorism remains thoroughly insufficient. first-hand what it is like to live through terrorist
According to Bjørn Ihler (The global threat of white attacks. “We also know that, when Trump warns
terror published on March 23, 2019 in the weekly that immigrants will ‘infest’ the US, he is feeding
Newsletter of International Politics and Society) the narrative that some people are sub-human. That
after the New Zealand massacre, US President narrative – also taken up by other leaders, such as
Donald Trump dismissed the threat of white Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro – has real-world
nationalism as a case of ‘a small group of people’ consequences, including the emboldening of
with ‘a very, very serious problem.’ This fits into a extreme actors. It comes as no surprise that Tarrant
broader trend, in which attacks by perpetrators with praised Trump in his manifesto as ‘a symbol of
Muslim backgrounds are immediately classified as renewed white identity and common purpose.’ The
‘acts of terror’ and addressed in a well-resourced response to this intensifying terrorist threat must
and systemic way, while violent attacks perpetrated also reflect the fact that, like Islamist extremism,
in the name of other ideologies are treated as an violent white supremacists are organising across
‘isolated incident.’ But there is nothing isolated borders, becoming increasingly closely connected
about such incidents. According to the Global and eager to amplify one another’s messages. To
Terrorism Index 2018, the death toll from terrorist counter this trend, governments and civil-society
attacks associated with far-right groups or organizations must work to boost coordination and
individuals has been steadily rising since 2014. information-sharing, just as they do in response to
In the United States, right-wing extremists have Islamist terror. “Media also have a role to play. In
carried out far more attacks than Islamists. The order to maximise control over his message of hate
attack in Christchurch was directly inspired by the and its dissemination, Tarrant live-streamed his
2011 far-right terrorist attack in Norway. Indeed, attack on Facebook. But many news organisations
the Christchurch gunman, Brenton Tarrant, claims then posted parts of the video on their own platforms,
to have received the blessing of the perpetrator of arguably spreading the perpetrator’s violent message
the Norway attack, Anders Breivik, who killed for the sake of clicks.
77 people that day. “Rather than make themselves accomplices and
Breivik is far from Tarrant’s only white-supremacist amplifiers of terror, news organisations must stick to
role model. In his rambling ‘manifesto,’ released fact-based reporting that avoids spreading terrorist
just before the attack, Tarrant also mentions other propaganda. A debate may be needed – and should
far-right extremists – such as Dylann Roof, who be welcomed – to help journalists find the right
killed nine African-Americans in a church in balance, so that they provide comprehensive
Charleston, South Carolina, in 2015. All of this goes independent reporting without becoming tools of
against the notion that massacres like the extremists. “Of course, part of the responsibility also
Christchurch shootings are cases of disturbed lies with social-media platforms like Facebook.
individuals – mentally ill ‘lone wolves’ – carrying Today’s digital technologies offer an immediate,
out a one-time attack. These attacks are clearly part high-impact channel through which terrorists can
of a broader pattern, which demands a response on reach a global audience, often in real time. Facebook
par with all other counter-terrorism efforts. Even as and others must take their share of the responsibility
far-right extremism surges, most of the world’s and find ways to prevent their platforms from being
people recognise that there is more that unites us used in this manner. “Even as far-right extremism
than that divides us. Such a response must, first and surges, most of the world’s people recognise that
there is more that unites us than that divides us.
Current Affairs for CSS 2020 (Volume-IV), Aamir Mahar

Effective responses to poverty, climate change, not just territorial borders, but also racial, ethnic, or
epidemics, and much else require cooperation across religious lines.

Deterrence and South Asia

Author: Munawar Mahar Published in The News on March 31, 2019
Adil Ahmed Dar triggered an unintended and state is central to the whole notion of nuclear
unprecedented chain reaction in the history of the deterrence. Nuclear weapons induce psychological
two nuclear-armed states in South Asia. The Indian effect only if an opponent is a rational actor and
air raid deep into Pakistani territory and the reaction wants to continue to exist by thinking through the
by the latter resulted in the first-ever direct air consequences of any act of aggression against an
skirmish between the two nuclear states since the enemy nuclear country. Nukes do not automatically
advent of the nuclear age in the last century. deter outbreak of a military conflict unless a
It is definitely an unprecedented and alarming nuclear-armed state acts rationally due to certainty
development. Arguably, the recent military of mutually assured destruction in case of the armed
adventurism between the two arch-rivals has conflict escalating into a nuclear exchange.
fundamentally challenged the conventional logic The brazen Indian air strike in Balakot is illustrative
of nuclear deterrence. The much-trumpeted of the abandonment of rational behaviour supposed
deterrence value of nukes stands greatly discredited to be induced by nuclear weapons of Pakistan. Thus,
in the context of Pakistan and India whose direct the Indian military planners resorted to the punitive
air clash dangerously defied the cardinal principles air incursion without calculating the cost of
of nuclear deterrence. switching on the conflict escalator that could have
To put into perspective the floundering nuclear led to a nuclear apocalypse. Such irrational
deterrence in South Asia, it is pertinent to revisit the behaviour by a nuclear-armed nation is in conflict
core premises of the concept of nuclear deterrence. with the principle of rationality that lies at the heart
Deterrence means dissuasion by the threat of grave of the deterrence doctrine. The recent Indo-Pakistan
consequences for the aggressor. This implicit and military flare-up has put a big question mark over
mutual understanding ensures mutually assured whether the credibility of the enemy’s nuclear
survival sustained by the fear of mutually assured arsenal and certainty of MAD yield rational
destruction in case of a nuclear exchange between behaviour critical to avert mutual annihilation.
the two nuclear-armed belligerents. In South Asia, the geographical contiguity leaves
It is important to note that deterrence theory is far absolutely no room for any technical glitch or
from being perfect. Since no two nuclear states have human error by either country. Such eventuality will
ever engaged in a direct military confrontation end up in the inadvertent nuclear Armageddon due
involving nuclear weapons, none of the cardinal to the very short response time available to the other
assumptions of the concept has been derived from side for verification of a false nuclear attack alarm
an empirically-tested and proven theory. The that can precipitate nuclear retaliation by the
existing theory is premised on deductive reasoning aggressed country.
rather than inductive logic. Military strategists Most Indo-Pakistan experts attribute the hardening
struggle to establish if a limited war is possible Indian posture towards Islamabad to the upcoming
under a nuclear umbrella. What constitutes a nuclear Indian elections and Pakistan’s alleged patronage of
threshold for a state? How long can nukes sustain Kashmir-centric non-state actors. It is debatable if
rational behaviour? These are the million-dollar Indo-Pakistan ties will be cordial once the Kashmir
questions that remain to be answered by the dispute is peacefully resolved. An analysis of the
deterrence theory that continues to evolve with emerging situation in the region suggests that there
changing dynamics and drivers of nuclear policies is more to the Indian muscular approach than meets
and posture of states with nuclear arsenal. the eye. Its size, military and economy make India
However, what is important to note is that the structurally inclined to establish its predominance
exercise of rational behaviour by a nuclear-armed in South Asia.
Current Affairs for CSS 2020 (Volume-IV), Aamir Mahar

This sense of entitlement long harboured by India pressure which can nudge both the nations to the
stands challenged by Pakistan which continues to negotiating table for amicable resolution of bilateral
persistently checkmate the Indian strategic ambition issues.
of absolute regional hegemony. Being buoyed by its
burgeoning economy and growing military might,
India views itself well-qualified for a great power
status. The BJP government in New Delhi seems to
have decided in principle to sort out its ‘Pakistan
problem’ once for all with the combination of
aggressive military posture and multi-pronged
diplomatic pressure. Seen in this context, the recent
Indian military attack was meant to introduce a
paradigm shift in its perennially antagonistic
equation with Pakistan.
Tellingly, the power transition at global level, is also
adversely affecting the power dynamics in South
Asia. The US bid to enhance India’s military,
diplomatic and technological profile in its strategic
quest to prop up a reluctant India as a formidable
strategic hedge against China, even if inadvertently,
is undermining the fragile strategic balance in the
region. The gap between the conventional power of
the two South Asian rivals is widening as India now
enjoys unprecedented access to cutting-edge
American and European military technology as
reflected by the Indo-US nuclear agreement and the
Rafale jets deal with France. The growing power
asymmetry is bound to further lower Pakistan’s
nuclear threshold in the event of any full-blown
military conflict.
India’s flirtation with the idea of limited military
adventure under the nuclear umbrella is a suicidal
thought after the introduction of tactical nukes in its
military calculus by Islamabad. In case of a nuclear
war in the region, Indians and Pakistanis will be the
first casualty – leaving behind a living hell for the
rest of the world.
The post-Pulwama military developments in the
Subcontinent have pushed both the countries into
uncharted territory by bringing the two closer to the
brink of nuclear war than ever before. The fog of
war may appear to have receded, but the war clouds
will continue to menacingly hover over the skies
in the region.
The international community can no longer be
indifferent to the perennial state of conflict between
the two nuclear states. There is an acute need for a
moral deterrence to be put in place by international
Current Affairs for CSS 2020 (Volume-IV), Aamir Mahar

Islamophobia: Causes and cures

Author: Muhammad Asif Published in Pakistan Observer on March 30, 2019

Islamophobia is defined as; “the fear, hatred of, The brutalities committed by Taliban and ISIS
or prejudice against, Islam or Muslims”. The word, against their opponents in the name of Islam, and the
‘Islamophobia’ has been relatively recent added to outmoded socio-political culture-cum-systems in
the vocabulary of English language. Linguists and vogue in some Muslim countries, portrayed the
social scientists have not yet reached a consensus Muslims as the followers of a religion that is
regarding the universally agreed upon literal or exclusivistic, regressive and unresponsive to change.
connotative meanings of Islamophobia as a word, The increased presence of Muslims in the United
or a concept. Though the use of Islamophobia as a States and Europe is another cause of increased
contrived expression dates back to the early 20th prejudice against the Muslims. Sabine Schiffer, and
century, it surfaced as a neologism in the 1970s. the researcher Constantin Wagner, have outlined
However, it nearly completely disappeared during similarities and differences between Islamophobia
the 1980s and 1990s, most probably due to the role and anti-Semitism. They point out the existence of
played by the Muslim countries, especially Pakistan equivalent notions such as Judaisation/Islamisation”,
and the people of Afghanistan, to dismantle the and metaphors such as “a state within a state” are
(erstwhile) Soviet Union, the archenemy of used in relation to both Jews and Muslims. The
Christian and Jewish world. The term regained differences between Islamophobia and
currency with the publication of a report by the anti-Semitism consist of the nature of the perceived
Runnymede Trust’s Commission on the British threats to the “Christian West”. Muslims are
Muslims and Islamophobia (CBMI) titled, perceived as “inferior” and a visible “external
“Islamophobia: A Challenge for Us All” (1997). threat”, while Jews are perceived as “omnipotent”
The introduction of the term was justified by the and an invisible “internal threat”.
report’s assessment; “anti-Muslim prejudice has The media houses, too are responsible for spreading
grown so considerably and so rapidly in recent Islamophobia. A case study, examining a sample of
years that a new item in the vocabulary is needed”. articles published in the British press from 1994 to
It is difficult to pinpoint the exact causes and 2004, concluded that Muslim viewpoints were
characteristics of Islamophobia. The change in the underrepresented and that issues involving Muslims
policy and approach of the US to the Afghan usually depicted them in a negative light. Such
freedom fighters, who were once glorified as portrayals include the depiction of Islam and
Mujahideen (Holy Warriors) during the Afghan War Muslims as a threat to Western security and values.
served to transform them from the pro-US and West Negative feeling about Islam were also strengthened
militias into terrorist organisations such as Al-Qaeda, by the use of Islamophobia as a campaign tactic
etc. Though 9/11 and terror attacks in Europe, during the 2008 American presidential election by
reportedly carried out by Al-Qaeda and its affiliates the Republican politicians, including Donald Trump,
strengthened anti-Islam and anti-Muslim sentiments who insisted that Barack Obama was secretly a
among the American and European public, Muslim. In the 2016 presidential election, Donald
Islamophobia became a cause of concern for the Trump once again exploited anti-Muslim sentiments
governments of these states after the rise of Taliban as a campaign tactic by suggesting a ban on the
and Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) in entry of Muslims into the US.
Afghanistan and the Middle East respectively, which The emergency meeting of the Organisation of
were perceived as radical Islamic Movements Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Council of Foreign
having the potential of spreading in other Muslim Ministers held on March 22, 2019 in Istanbul
states. In addition to terror attacks and the rise of suggested a strategy to tackle rising Islamophobia.
radical Muslim movements, a number of other The meeting was called to discuss the causes,
factors have triggered the spread of Islamophobia impacts and way forward in the aftermath of the
in the US and Europe. New Zealand terror attacks targeting two mosques in
Current Affairs for CSS 2020 (Volume-IV), Aamir Mahar

Christchurch on March 15, 2019. The communiqué and strategic goals. There have been a marked
issued by the meeting ignored the most important increase in religion-based violence in India during
issue i.e. addressing the rising misconceptions and the last couple of decades. The analysts believe that
apprehensions of the Islamophobes about Islam as a incidents of religious violence are politically
threat to the Western culture. To quell the fears of motivated and a part of the electoral strategy of
the US and the West about Muslims as, “barbaric, political parties which are associated with radical
primitive, sexist, violent, aggressive and supportive Hindu nationalism like the Bharatiya Janata Party.
of terrorism”, the Muslim countries are required to The religious-based hatred and extremism, whether
initiate curative measures, preferably in it be Islamophobia, Jihadi Culture, Hindutva or
collaboration with the affected countries, to Zionist racism, are a global challenge that warrants a
counterbalance the sectarian organisations belonging well-planned and well-coordinated global response
to different Muslim schools of thought, which to eliminate this threat to the world peace. Measures,
are damaging the image of Islam by promoting such as interfaith dialogue, are good initiatives. But,
regressive religious ideologies. as the oft-repeated cliché, “actions speak louder than
Religious prejudice is not confined to a particular words” aptly outlines that practical steps must be
religion or region. The unthoughtful policies of taken. Adoption of an unbiased policy by the UN
political parties in the democratic countries have against the societies that indulge in discrimination
also played a role to transform religious intolerance and violence against religious minorities to achieve
into a global menace to achieve their own political their political or sectarian agenda, may help curb the
religious violence.

Future Water Wars

Author: Dr Zeeshan Khan Published in Daily Times on January 16, 2019
Once Benjamin Franklin said,”You will learn the Tensions are rising as shortages intensify, says
worth of water when the well dries.”A new paper Zeitoun, noting simmering water conflicts along the
paints a disturbing picture of a nearby future where Tigris and Brahmaputra, and intra-state conflicts in
people are fighting over access to water. These China’s Yellow Basin and the Basra region of Iraq.
post-apocalyptic-sounding “water wars” could rise Two Pakistani provinces, Punjab and Sindh – the
as a result of climate change and population growth last in the line for the Indus water before it reaches
and could become real soon enough if we don’t the sea – are routinely at odds over water. In Sindh,
take steps to prevent them. many fishers and farmers reliant on the rapidly
The study, which comes from the European declining delta ecosystem have simply given up and
Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC), says fled to cities – water refugees. In Darfur, where
that the effects of climate change will be combined rainfall is down 30 per cent over 40 years,
with an ever-increasing number of people to evaporating water holes and disappearing pasture
trigger intense competition for increasingly scarce helped push farmers and herders into civil war.
resources. This can lead to regional instability The Indus River is the primary source of freshwater
and social unrest. for most of Pakistan. Pakistan is one of the
Future water wars cannot be neglected. fastest-growing nations in the world. It had a
Approximately, eight hundred million people are population of 210million now. The country is
lacking clean drinking water around the globe. grappling with the same sorts of growing pains that
As droughts and crises multiply, academics have its neighbour, India, is experiencing. The year 2025
begun grappling with the darker question of whether has been marked as the year when Pakistan – if it
such shortages will push citizens – and even doesn’t mend its ways soon – will turn from a
countries – into hostile factions of water-rich and “water-stressed” country to a “water-scarce” country
water-poor. By mid-century, some of the world’s But Pakistan has an extraordinary problem looming
most populous, troubled regions are predicted to be on the horizon: water scarcity, which has devastated
dangerously water-scarce, including southern and other countries in the sub-tropics in the past decade,
central Asia, the Middle East and northeast Africa. is now quite real. And a solution to the crisis is not
Current Affairs for CSS 2020 (Volume-IV), Aamir Mahar

entirely within the country’s control. tremendous amount of water that’s not only used,
An IPCC special report on climate change but wasted.”
adaptation says that at least a billion people in Water crisis in Pakistan and overall the world has
sub-tropical regions of the world like Pakistan, become adverse than never before. All this should
India, Yemen, Saudi Arabia and Somalia will face serve as a clarion call to our leaders who are busy
increasing water scarcity. Glacier melting is in power politics and political squabbling. If the
responsible for roughly half of the water flowing incumbent leadership does not build an adequate
in the Indus, making the situation worse. number of small and large dams, the country will
“Given the rapid melting of the Himalayan glaciers face recurrent drought and threatening floods in the
that feed the Indus River… and growing tensions future. Be it climate-change, limited storage
with upriver archenemy India about use of the capacity, trans-boundary dispute or mismanagement
river’s tributaries, it’s unlikely that Pakistani food of water; government entities ostensibly lack
production will long keep pace with the growing co-ordination to tackle issue of water wars.
population,” says Steven Solomon, writer Of Water At the end, construction of reservoirs,using
The Epic Struggle for Wealth, Power, and advanced telemetry, raising height of existing dams
Civilisation. He also tells that the Middle East would to increase capacity, using advanced technologies
be the first region to confront the issue and which e.g. drip farming for water conservation,
actually apparent as of now Yemen, wrote in The strengthening the role of UN with constitutional
New York Times. and international law amendments, national policy
Just as we’ve seen in Yemen-where water riots reviews are a few ways to counter this emergency
ripped the country apart and led to a civil war that with practical futuristic approach.
has destabilized the country in the midst of political
chaos-wealthy, politically connected landowners in
Pakistan have also been accused of siphoning off far
more than their fair share of freshwater in upriver
Punjab. There have been water riots over lack of
water and electricity in Karachi.
“The future looks grim,” Solomon concludes.
Vocabulary for CSS Beginners’
“Eventually, flows of the Indus are expected to 1) Perpetrators (Noun)
decrease as global warming causes the Himalayan Definition: a person who carries out a harmful,
glaciers to retreat, while monsoons will get more illegal, or immoral act
intense. Terrifyingly, Pakistan only has the capacity Synonyms: criminal, offender, felon
to hold 30-day reserve storage of water as a Usage: The perpetrators of this horrific crime
buffer against drought.” must be brought to justice
2) Agonizingly (Adjective)
But experts believe that India’s efforts to dam up
Definition: Causing extreme worry
the Indus could ultimately destroy Pakistan’s
Synonyms: badly, vigorously, severely, arduously
ability to feed its population.
Usage: She went through an agonizing few
If both countries collaborated on a series of giant, weeks waiting for the test results.
large-scale dams that were built to rotate water use 3) Fudging (Verb)
to different regions, tensions could be reduced. Definition: present or deal with (something) in a
More than 700 billion gallons of water are pulled vague or inadequate way, especially so as to
from the Indus River every year to grow this cotton. conceal the truth or mislead.
“Pakistan’s entire economy is driven by the textile Synonyms: evade, dodge, duck, shift, ground about
industry,” says Michael Kugelman, a South Asia Usage: The authorities have fudged the issue.
expert at the Woodrow Wilson International Center 4) Affluent (Adjective)
for Scholars. “The problem with Pakistan’s Definition: (especially of a group or area) having
economy is that most of the major industries use a a great deal of money; wealthy
ton of water-textiles, sugar, wheat-and there’s a
Current Affairs for CSS 2020 (Volume-IV), Aamir Mahar

Synonyms: wealthy, rich, prosperous, opulent Usage: Through the window we watched the
Usage: The affluent societies of the western world, brown sea churning beneath the ship.
5) Anonymize (Verb) 13) Tranche (Noun)
Definition: remove identifying particulars or Definition: a portion of something, especially money
details from (something, especially medical test Synonyms: share, slice, piece
results) for statistical or other purposes. Usage: They released the first tranche of the loan.
Synonyms: testing, analyzing, finding 14) Bandh (Noun)
Usage: We used anonymised data from the Definition: a general strike.
medical research center of Islamabad. Synonyms: gather, group, join, merge, unite
6) Stifle (Verb) Usage: The impact of the bandh would be fatal to
Definition: make (someone) unable to breathe the cloth trade.
properly; suffocate 15) Fomenting (Verb)
Synonyms: suffocate, choke, asphyxiate Definition: instigate or stir up (an undesirable or
Usage: When I got off the plane I was completely violent sentiment or course of action)
stifled by the suffocating heat of Sukkur. Synonyms: instigate, incite, provoke, agitate, excite
7) Augur (Verb) Usage: She accused him of fomenting political unrest.
Definition: (of an event or circumstance) 16) Tailwinds (Noun)
portend a good or bad outcome Definition: a wind blowing in the direction of travel
Synonyms: bode; portend, herald, be a sign of, of a vehicle or aircraft; a wind blowing from behind
be an indication of, be a warning of, warn of Synonyms: Heavy Wind, Cyclone, Wind
Usage: Initial feedback from participants was Usage: America faced Tailwind a month ago.
very positive and augurs well for the future 17) Incentivized (Verb)
of a great event. Definition: motivate or encourage (someone) to do
8) Deception (Noun) something; provide with an incentive
Definition: the action of deceiving someone Synonyms: inducement, reason, stimulus, stimulant
Synonyms: deceit, deceitfulness, duplicity Usage: This is likely to incentivize management
Usage: A person who obtains property under to find savings.
such circumstances will be obtaining property 18) Errand (Noun)
by deception. Definition: a short journey undertaken in order to
9) Dodgy (Adjective) deliver or collect something, especially on someone
Definition: of low quality else's behalf.
Synonyms: second-rate, third-rate, substandard Synonyms: task, job, chore, assignment
Usage: I agree, the pictures are very dodgy. Usage: She asked Ahmed to run an errand for her.
10) Allegation (Noun) 19) Dovish (Adjective)
Definition: a claim or assertion that someone has Definition: Supportive discussion or other peaceful
done something illegal or wrong, typically one solution
made without proof. Synonyms: Peaceful, peaceable, pacific
Synonyms: claim, assertion, declaration, statement Usage: He is a dovish politician who was one of
Usage: He made allegations of corruption against the signers of a model peace treaty.
the administration 20) Euphoria (Noun)
11) Humoured (Verb) Definition: a feeling or state of intense excitement
Definition: comply with the wishes of (someone) and happiness
in order to keep them content, however Synonyms: happiness, joy, joyousness, delight, glee,
unreasonable such wishes might be. excitement, exhilaration
Synonyms: indulge, pander to, yield to, bow to, Usage: In his euphoria, he had become convinced he
cater to, give way to, give in to could defeat them
Usage: She humoured him to prevent trouble. 21) Vandalization (Noun)
12) Churn (Verb) Definition: the act of deliberately destroying or
Definition: move or cause to move about vigorously damaging public or private property.
Synonyms: heave, boil, swirl, toss, seethe, foam Synonyms: emolishing, demolishment, desecrating,
Current Affairs for CSS 2020 (Volume-IV), Aamir Mahar

desecration, destruction, ravage, ravaging 30) Inasmuch (Adverb)

Usage: Due to vandalization in the past, a security Definition: to the extent that; in so far as
system has been installed in the house. Synonyms: Because, Since, While
22) Harangued (Verb) Usage: These provisions apply only inasmuch
Definition: lecture (someone) at length in an as trade between member states is affected.
aggressive and critical manner. 31) Gamut (Noun)
Synonyms: deliver a tirade to, rant at, lecture, hold Definition: the complete range or scope of something
forth to, preach to, pontificate to, sermonize to Synonyms: range, spectrum, span, sweep, area
Usage: He harangued the public on their ignorance Usage: The whole gamut of human emotion.
23) Nuanced (Adjective) 32) Nuances (Noun)
Definition: characterized by subtle shades of Definition: a subtle difference in or shade of meaning,
meaning or expression expression, or sound
Synonyms: fine distinction, subtle Synonyms: fine distinction, subtle distinction/
distinction/difference, shade difference, shade, shading, gradation
Usage: Areesha’s work has gradually grown Usage: He was familiar with the nuances of the
more nuanced. local dialects of Balochistan.
24) Unbridled (Adjective) 33) Stewardship (Noun)
Definition: uncontrolled; unconstrained Definition: the job of supervising or taking care
Synonyms: unrestrained, unconstrained, of something, such as an organization or property.
uncontrolled, uninhibited, unrestricted. Synonyms: control, maintenance, protection
Usage: PPP wants the Supreme Court to take Usage: The PTI government now has full
notice of 'unbridled' NAB powers. stewardship of the economy.
A moment of unbridled ambition 34) Chinks (Noun)
25) Salvo (Noun) Definition: a narrow opening, typically one that
Definition: a simultaneous discharge of artillery admits light.
or other guns in a battle Synonyms: opening, gap, space, hole, aperture
Synonyms: bombardment, cannonade, drumbeat Usage: Light and air enter through chinks in the
Usage: A deafening salvo of shots rang out walls or holes in the roof.
26) Eschew (Verb) 35) Exacerbated (Verb)
Definition: deliberately avoid using; abstain from Definition: make (a problem, bad situation, or
Synonyms: abstain from, refrain from, give up, negative feeling) worse.
forg forswear, shun, renounce Synonyms: aggravate, make
Usage: He appealed to the crowd to eschew violence. worse, worsen, inflame, compound, intensify
27) Knee-Jerk (Adjective) Usage: The exorbitant cost of land in urban areas
Definition: reacting in a readily predictable way only exacerbated the problem
Synonyms: impulse, automatic, involuntary 36) Prune (Verb)
Usage: Labor created Knee-Jerk moment. Definition: reduce the extent of (something) by
28) Clogging (Verb) removing superfluous or unwanted parts.
Definition: block or become blocked with an Synonyms: reduce, cut, cut back, cut down, cut back
accumulation of thick, wet matter on, pare, pare down, slim down
Synonyms: block, obstruct, congest, jam, choke Usage: the workforce was pruned
Usage: The gutters were clogged up with leaves. 37) Enclave (Noun)
29) Chicanery (Noun) Definition: a portion of territory surrounded by
Definition: the use of deception or subterfuge a larger territory whose inhabitants are culturally
to achieve one's purpose or ethnically distinct.
Synonyms: trickery, deception, deceitfulness, Synonyms: territorial dominion, district, territory
duplicity, dishonesty Usage: Hareth Najem fled the militant Islamic
Usage: story lines packed with political chicanery. State group's last enclave in eastern Syria
wounded and alone.

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