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Hemoglobin estimation is a crucial aspect of
medical diagnostics, providing valuable information
about a person's health status. Traditional methods
of measuring hemoglobin levels often require
invasive procedures, such as blood draws, which will
be uncomfortable for patients and time-consuming
for healthcare providers. The invasive method is an
expensive- process as it involves the reagents for
both the hospital and patients. In this project, we
propose IoT enabled non-invasive approach to
Hemoglobin measurement. The project involves the
use of both hardware and software components. The
Hemoglobin is measured at the tip of finger, the
LED’s at the wavelength of 670nm and 940nm are
used as a light source. The transmitted light is
detected by the OPT 101 photodetector and data is
collected through ESP8266 and shows the output in
LCD display, which is also interfaced with PC system
or any other IoT system. We have used novel
approach to hemoglobin estimation using Internet of
Things (IoT) technology. By leveraging IoT devices
and sensors, we have developed a non-invasive
method that can accurately measure hemoglobin
levels in real-time without the need for blood
samples. Real time monitoring and infection free
operation can be achieved through non- invasive
method. It measures the hemoglobin level
continuously for the people in rural and urban

In Today’s world scenario, Anemia is a major
worldwide public health issue. A condition when the
amount of hemoglobin drops below normal is called
anemia, and when it exceed normal is called
polycythemia. According to the World Health
organisation (WHO), around 1.6 billion people which
is about 30 percent of the total population are
suffering from anemia. Pregnant women, Preschool
children and Teenagers are a part of this vulnerable
group of anemia. Iron-deficiency anemia is the most
common type of malnutrition is ranked as the eighth
leading cause of disease in young women in
developing countries. Hemoglobin is the main
component of red blood cell which is used to
transport oxygen from the lungs to the other tissues
in body, exchange oxygen with carbon dioxide, and
then transporting carbon dioxide back to the lungs
to exchange it for oxygen .Hemoglobin contains four
protein molecules called globulin chains. In every
globulin chain, there is important central structure
called the heme molecule. Heme molecule contains
iron that is responsible to transporting oxygen and
carbon dioxide and make red color in blood. Reliable
indicators for anemia is the concentration of
hemoglobin in blood. Hemoglobin is usually
measured by using invasive methods such as
cyanmethemoglobin or automated hematology
analyzer. These methods gave very accurate and
reliable result, but have some disadvantages which
are expensive, high infection risk, and when blood
sample is far away from the laboratory it will need
more time to transport the sample and can causes
delay on the measurement result. The non-invasive
methods became popular alternative for hemoglobin
measurement because it require no blood sample, no
scars, minimum infection risk, patient can be
monitored in real time, and portable in size . One of
the non-invasive method to measure hemoglobin
concentration that is widely used is optical
technique, using the principle of transmission
spectroscopy and Beer Lambert Law to analyze the
concentration of hemoglobin in blood. In general,
spectroscopy requires the transmission of near-
infrared light to the tissue, and it measures the
transmitted light. The intensity of the transmitted
light depends on the properties of the exposed tissue
and blood hemoglobin concentration. To cancel the
static properties of tissue, such as tissue thickness,
normally, two wavelengths of light sources are used,
which are in the visible and near-infrared range. The
method is called the photoplethysmography method
(PPG). PPG is the method used for measuring the
transmission or reflection of light through the blood
volume for observing the pulsatile changes of blood
volume in the microvascular bed of the tissue. This
non-invasive optical measurement method is based
on radiation of visible and infrared light at the
ranges of 660 and 940 nm, respectively. The detector
detects the transmitted light through the finger. To
achieve the mathematical conversion from the
detected light intensity at different wavelengths to
hemoglobin concentration, the modified Beer–
Lambert law is used and further improved by
readjusting the outcome respective to the result from
the cyanmethemoglobin method. This paper
presents a noninvasive hemoglobin concentration
monitoring method using the optical sensor by
studying the light absorbance of hemoglobin at the
wavelengths of 670 and 940 nm, and subsequently
using the modified Beer–Lambert law to calculate
the relative hemoglobin concentration. The Hb value
is displayed in the LCD display and for the real time
monitoring of the hemoglobin the value is also
displayed in the webpage.
The LED driver circuit is used as a power supply for
the LEDs and it can protect LEDs from voltage or
current fluctuations as any changes in voltage can
cause change in the current being supplied to the
LEDs. So the LED driver circuit can provide the
LEDs with the electricity they need to function and
perform at their best. Then the light from the LEDs
with different wavelength of 670nm and 940nm are
passed through the finger. The light was absorbed
by the haemoglobin in the blood and the remaining
light is transmitted. Then the transmitted light is
captured by the OPT101 photodiode which has a
built in transimpedance amplifier which encounters
leakage current errors and noise pick-up. The signal
was transferred to the ESP8266 microcontroller for
processing of signals. The ESP8266 microcontroller
has analogy to digital converter which converts
analog signal into the digital values and it has a
built in Wi-Fi module. After the conversion process,
the result is calibrated by comparing it with the
invasive method and the Hb value is displayed in the
LCD display. And also it can be viewed through
Thingspeak webpage which is connected by using
the wifi module in microntroller. The thingspeak
webpage helps for real time monitoring of
Existing System
Currently a number of methods are available for
measuring hemoglobin. There are invasive and non-
invasive methods for assessing hemoglobin level in
one’s blood. The non-invasive methods are pallor
test and optical method. The pallor test is done by
verifying the colour of the lips, tongue, palms and
the areas under the finger nails. The paleness of the
areas examined may be able to identify a person to
suffer from anemia with a certain probability. So
severe level of anemia only detected and the mild or
moderate level of anemia may be undetected. In this
method the result is highly subjective and the result
vary as per the viewing angle of the observer. The
another method for measuring hemoglobin is optical
method. The optical property of hemoglobin products
can be used for measuring hemoglobin non-
invasively. In optical method the different
transmission, absorption and reflection levels of light
at different wavelengths by hemoglobin products are
considered. Recently, there are many devices are
available for measuring hemoglobin level in the
blood. Some of the prominent devices are
 Haemospect by MBR optical system
 Pronto 7, by Masimo Corporation
 Radical-7, by Masimo Corporation
 NBM 200 by Or Sense Limited, Israel
The optical method is existing but not commercially
available because of it’s reliability and accuracy.
The Hb level reduction in blood is undesirable. The
reduction may be due to deficiency of iron, folic acid
and Vitamin B12. Of these iron deficiency is the
most prevalent. The condition of reduced Hb level in
blood is called anemia. Depending on the level of
anemia in one’s blood one can be classified as
normal, mildly anemic, moderately anemic or
severely anemic. The world health organization
(WHO) defines the Hemoglobin concentration ranges
(gm/dl) for different ages for different levels of
Age Mild Moderat Severe
6-59 months 10-10.9 7-9.9 <7 shown
5-11 years 11-11.4 8-10.9 <8
12-14 years 11-11.9 8-10.9 <8
Female >14 years 11-11.9 8-10.9 <8
Male >14 years 11-12.9 8-10.9 <8

The WHO (2015) has, in its 2015 report estimated

the global prevalence of anemia by regions and
population groups as of 2011. It is found that
women and children are the most affected. The
proportion of women and children is highest in the
Africa region where 62.3% of Child population (84
million), 37.8% of non-pregnant women (70 million),
and 46.3% of pregnant women (9 million) are
anemic. Comparatively, in South East Asia, the
proportion of people with anemia is lower. In
Southeast Asia, 48.7% of pregnant women (11.5
million), 41.5% of non-pregnant women (190
million), and 53.8% of preschool children (96.7
million) suffer from anemia. The main reasons
behind such an alarming situation of prevalence of
anemia can be poverty, inadequate diet, certain
diseases such as thalessemia and leukemia,
pregnancy and lactation and poor access to medical
Anemia, either mild or moderate or severe, is not a
disease. It is a health condition requiring immediate
attention and correction. Otherwise, it may lead to
far-reaching consequences resulting in adverse effect
on the health of the individual. The consequences
may be physical productivity losses in adults and
impairments of learning and motor activities in
children. Anemia can also cause reduction in levels
of energy and productivity and impairment of
immune system. Since adolescent girls have a higher
requirement of iron due to blood loss during
menstruation, they are more prone to being anemic.
If these girls in their late teens enter motherhood
with anemia, as found in developing countries, they
will be exposed to a number of risks associated with
pregnancy and child birth. It is estimated that
globally, 29.4% of women in reproductive age are
anemic. This figure rises to a level of 38.2% for
pregnant women.
Anemia during Pregnancy is with dreaded
consequences. This is mainly because the problem of
anemia not only affects the mother who is anemic
but also the child. Anemia in pregnancy may result
in situations such as stillbirths, maternal mortality,
infant mortality and /or babies with low birth
weights (WHO report 2006). In fact maternal
mortality rate is still high in many developing
countries. Currently, as per the report by WHO, it is
estimated that 300,000 women die during pregnancy
or childbirth worldwide in a year. Population Action
International says that that the probability of dying
during pregnancy or childbirth is 33 times greater in
third world countries than in the developed
countries. However, timely identification and
treatment of anemia goes a long way in providing
relief from unwarranted complications. Anemia in
adolescent Pregnancy is considered more serious
than the anemia in pregnancy in women who have
crossed adolescence.
Anemia in pregnancy can be successfully managed
through accurate and acceptable methods of
determining anemia, evaluating its severity and
closely monitoring the patient’s response to
treatment. Mild anemic condition, if identified and
treated in time, is likely to prevent the further
complications. If anemia is severe in pregnancy,
blood transfusion may have to be carried out with
the associated risks. To prevent these complications,
there is a requirement for a system to detect anemia
early enabling a control and management
mechanism to take care of the patients before the
development of complications.

Hemoglobin is an important constituent of blood.

Hemoglobin is the combination of porphyrin known
as heme and the histone known as globin. The heme
contains iron in ferrous state in the porphyrin ring
(Ramakrishnan et al. 1989). Blood consists of red
blood cells which are most of the porphyrins.
Histones are dilute acids which soluble in water.
Globins are examples of histones. The combination
of heme with globin gives hemoglobin (Hb).The
structure of hemoglobin is shown in Figure 1.1
Hemoglobin has a quaternary structure

of many multi-subunit globular proteins. The

quaternary structure is the

Proposed system
In our proposed system,

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