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( Understanding the nature of language )


At the end of the discussion, the students are expected to:

a. define language and explain its nature. (remembering)

b. engage in a brainstorming activity to analyze language
situation; and (applying)
d. develop an appreciation for the complexity of language and its
role in communication . (creating)


A. TOPIC : ( Understanding the nature of language )

B. REFERENCES : Linguistic Relativity and the Brain:

Boroditsky, L. (2011). How language shapes thought. Scientific

American, 304(2), 62-65.
Components of Language:

Fromkin, V., Rodman, R., & Hyams, N. (2013). An Introduction to

Language (10th ed.). Cengage Learning.
Case Study Analysis:

Lightbown, P. M., & Spada, N. (2013). How languages are

learned. Oxford University Press.
Brown, H. D. (2007). Principles of Language Learning and
Teaching (5th ed.). Pearson Longman.
MATERIALS : Chalk board, laptop, projector, cartolina strips

C. MATERIALS: Chalk Chalkboard, laptop, TV.



a. Prayer.


c. Checking of attendance and cleanliness of the

d. Spelling (most commonly misspelled words)

Directions: Listen to the teacher pronounce each word and write

down its correct spelling.

1. Maneuver
2. Misspell
3. Renaissance
4. Phonetics
5. Lexicon
6. Homonym
7. Entrepreneur
8. Corps
9. Cupboard



The teacher presents an activity called “Cloze reading of Speech

Organs”. The students silently fill in the blanks with the correct
words that are provided in the box below.

Directions: Fill in the blanks with the correct words that are
provided in the box below.

larynx language lungs trachea nasal cavity

epiglottis oral cavity

Speech organs, crucial for the production of human speech,

encompass a complex array of anatomical structures. The _____
serve as the power source, expelling air through the trachea into
the oral and nasal cavities. The_____, housing the vocal folds,
modulates this airflow to generate sound, while the __________
guards the entrance to the _______ during swallowing to prevent
food and liquids from entering the airway. Further shaping occurs
in the __________, where the tongue, palate, teeth, and lips
manipulate airflow to form distinct sounds and articulate words.
Meanwhile, the ___________ regulates airflow for nasally
resonated sounds. Together, these intricate organs collaborate
seamlessly, enabling the rich diversity of human ___________.

Game: Raise your sign!

In this game, the teacher presents photos of flags

and the unique words of different countries. The flag
should coincide with the word(s). If they coincide, the
students will use the sign language “Yes”. If otherwise,
the students will use the sign “No”.


1. Pre-discussion

The teacher presents the session objectives.

The teacher then presents the activity called “ The
anticipation Guide”. The teacher pulls out 10 phrases from
the topic to be discussed and asks the students if they agree
or disagree with the statements.

1. Read the statements below and decide if you agree or
disagree. Record your prediction in the left hand column.
2. At the end of the lesson, answer the same statements
Record your answers in the right hand column.
3. Compare your early predictions with your final
conclusions. What did you learn?
Before Statements After Reading
1. Language is a complex and
fundamental aspect of human
communication and cognition.

2. In exploring language, it is
somehow essential to delve
into its various components.

3. Morphology is concerned
with the structure of words.

4. Phonology deals with the

sound and meaning of

5. Syntax refers to the

structure of sentences and
the rules that govern how
words are combined to form
meaningful phrases and
6. Semantics deals with the
meaning of words and

7. Pragmatics focuses on the

use of language in social
contexts only.

8. Languages vary
significantly across cultures
and regions due to historical,
geographical, and social

9. Languages do not evolve

over time. The changes in
society, technology, and
culture are not related to this.

10. Language serves as a

vehicle for expressing
thoughts and ideas.

What is language, and how do we use it?

- Discuss the different components of language (e.g., phonology,
morphology, syntax).

Variations Across Cultures and Regions:

- Explore how languages vary across cultures and regions.


Activity: Think - Pair - Share

In this activity, the teacher groups the students in pairs. The

students are given a real-life classroom scenario and each pair is
provided with different questions each to analyze and answer.
The students brainstorm with their partners and present their
output in class.

Directions: Find a pair to brainstorm with. You'll receive a

situation/scenario along with a question. Collaborate with your
partner to brainstorm ideas and then share your combined output.

Scenario: Supporting a New Student's Language Acquisition

Imagine you're a future teacher starting your first year in a diverse

elementary school. Midway through the school year, a new student named
Aisha joins your class. Aisha recently immigrated from Korea and speaks
limited English. You want to ensure she feels welcomed and supported in
your classroom while also facilitating her language acquisition journey.

Pair 1. How would you create a welcoming environment for Aisha in your
classroom, considering her cultural and linguistic background?

Pair 2. How could you modify your instructional approach to accommodate

Aisha's language learning process while ensuring she stays engaged and

Pair 3. How would you communicate with Aisha's family to involve them in
her language learning journey and address any concerns or questions they
may have?

Pair 4. What resources and support systems would you seek out within the
school or community to provide additional assistance to Aisha and enhance
her language acquisition experience?

Pair 5. How would you monitor Aisha's progress in language acquisition

over time and adjust your instructional strategies accordingly to meet her
evolving needs?

Pair 6. Considering the potential challenges Aisha may face as a

newcomer to both the school and the country, how would you provide
emotional and social support to help her integrate into the classroom

Pair 7. How would you promote cultural sensitivity and awareness among
your other students to foster a respectful and inclusive learning
environment for Aisha and her peers from diverse backgrounds?

Pair 8. As a future teacher, how do you envision Aisha's language

acquisition journey contributing to your growth and development as an
educator, and what lessons do you hope to learn from this experience?

Essay writing and dictation

The teacher instructs the students to write a short essay

addressing the query, “What significance does language hold in
the realm of communication, and what relevance does it carry for
you as a future educator? ” and share it with the class.

Directions: Create a brief essay addressing the query, "What

significance does language hold in the realm of communication,
and what relevance does it carry for you as a future educator?"
You will present your essay during class.


The teacher presents again the Anticipation- Reaction Guide

statements and lets the students answer it again for the second
time. The teacher lets the students check and compare and their
answers prior to the discussion and after the discussions.
The teacher asks the students to compare their early predictions
with the final conclusions and ask them “what did you learn?”

Directions: Compare your early predictions with your final

conclusions. What did you learn?
Before Reading Statements After Reading
Agree 1. Language is a complex and Agree
fundamental aspect of human
communication and cognition.

Disagree 2. In exploring language, it is somehow Disagree

essential to delve into its various

Agree 3. Morphology is concerned with the Agree

structure of words.

Disagree 4. Phonology deals with the sound and Disagree

meaning of language.

Agree 5. Syntax refers to the structure of Agree

sentences and the rules that govern
how words are combined to form
meaningful phrases and sentences.

Agree 6. Semantics deals with the meaning of Agree

words and sentences.
Disagree 7. Pragmatics focuses on the use of Disagree
language in social contexts only.

Agree 8. Languages vary significantly across Agree

cultures and regions due to historical,
geographical, and social factors.

Disagree 9. Languages do not evolve over time. Disagree

The changes in society, technology,
and culture are not related to this.

Agree 10. Language serves as a vehicle for Agree

expressing thoughts and ideas.


The teacher conducts a recap of the session objectives as

closure to the class.

Prepared by:

Kharl Temporosa, LPT

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