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Thin Solid Films 451 – 452 (2004) 86–92

Electrochemical comparative study of titania (anatase, brookite and rutile)

nanoparticles synthesized in aqueous medium
M. Koelscha, S. Cassaignona,*, C. Ta Thanh Minhb, J.-F. Guillemolesb, J.-P. Joliveta
` Condensee,
Laboratoire Chimie de la Matiere ´ UMR-CNRS 7574, Universite´ P. et M. Curie, 4 place Jussieu, 75252 Paris Cedex 05, France
Laboratoire d’Electrochimie et de Chimie Analytique UMR-CNRS 7575, Ecole Nationale Superieure de Chimie de Paris, 11,
rue Pierre et Marie Curie, 75231 Paris Cedex 05, France


Titanium oxide TiO2 has found extensive use in a great variety of applications among which electrode materials for dye-
sensitized solar cells. The polymorphs of TiO2, rutile, anatase and brookite exhibit specific physical properties, band gap,
electronic surface states. For many applications the size of particles was an important parameter because it determines the surface
to volume ratio, which greatly influences many properties. TiO2 anatase was the most used phase for photovoltaic applications
and brookite seems potentially interesting. Nanometric particles of the three polymorphs were synthesized in aqueous medium in
order to compare the electronic properties of these materials for photovoltaic devices. No significant difference was observed
between the phases by cyclic voltammetry. The surface and consequently the electrode preparation seemed to be the main
parameter. The measurement of double layer capacitance has shown the film activation initially insulating and strong frequency
dependence. After dye sensitization, it has been observed that at low I2 concentration in solution (with a fixed concentration of
Iy), the open circuit voltage (Voc) was independent of this concentration while above a certain threshold for I2, Voc decreased
logarithmically with the iodine concentration.
䊚 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: TiO2; Anatase; Brookite; Rutile; Electrochemistry; Capacitance; Dye-sensitized solar cells; Sensitization

1. Introduction amorphous or to crystalline anatase. The other phases,

rutile or brookite have not been investigated as much.
Much attention has been focused on the use of the Another possibility, very versatile, is to form nanopar-
titanium oxide nanoparticles for various technical appli- ticles in solution by soft chemistry and to deposit them
cations, such as electrochromic material w1x, organic on a substrate afterwards. The three polymorphs of
depollutant on window w2x, dielectrics w3x, lithium-ions TiO2 can be synthesized by thermolysis of TiCl4 or
batteries w4x and dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC) w5x. TiCl3 in aqueous medium and the control of the precip-
In all these devices the photoelectrode is of a thin film itation conditions (acidity, nature of anions, ionic
of nanoparticulate TiO2. The properties of these films strength, titanium concentration, etc.) allows the control
certainly depend on the phase, morphology and prepa- of crystalline structure, size and morphology of particles.
ration method that were used, and it is of interest to Spheroidal nanoanatase w12x, platelets of pure brookite
investigate what kind of surface is the most suitable for with nanometric size w13x and rutile with various shapes
a given application and therefore which is the property (needle, rod or platelets) w14x were obtained. In this
that makes TiO2 so preferred for all these applications. way, it becomes possible to investigate systematically
TiO2 films can be directly synthesized by a wide the influence of phase and morphology of the particles.
variety of techniques such as chemical vapor deposition For DSSC, TiO2 anatase is still considered to be the
w6x, aerosol pyrolysis w7x, electrodeposition w8,9x and best candidate, but recently, the first DSSC using brook-
sol–gel processings w10,11x. Most of them lead to ite as the semiconducting electrode was reported w15x,
*Corresponding author. Tel.: q33-1-44-27-30-45; fax: q33-1-44- with promising results. Owing to the small scale of the
27-47-69. constituents of the thin films, charge carriers in transit
E-mail address: (S. Cassaignon). get frequently close to the surface, implying that the

0040-6090/04/$ - see front matter 䊚 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M. Koelsch et al. / Thin Solid Films 451 – 452 (2004) 86–92 87

Fig. 1. TEM photos of TiO2 nanoparticles: (a) anatase (A9); (b) anatase (Alo) (c1) brookite (B17); (d1) rutile (F9); (e1) rutile (Ru4); (f1)
rutile (Ru5).

transport and the charge transfer processes are strongly 2. Experimental

related to the electronic surface states. These processes
are then expected to be sensitive to the crystal structure, For the synthesis of solids, a known volume of
size and morphology of the exposed lattice planes as it TiCl4 or TiCl3 was added to a hydrochloric acid solution.
was shown w16,17x, as well as to the band gap and to The acid concentration was adjusted between 0.5 and 5
the flat band potentials w18,19x. mol ly1 or sodium hydroxide has been added to fix the
Solar cell photopotential is especially sensitive to the pH between 1 and 6. These solutions were heated and
nature of the semiconductor surface that determines aged at 60, 100 or 120 8C over 24 h. Rutile, anatase
largely the occurrence of reverse reactions (i.e. recom- and brookite were obtained in various proportions. The
bination). The best actual solar cells work with the I2 y particles were then centrifuged, washed with distilled
Iy (or Br2 yBry) couple w20x, because of a slow kinetics water and peptized with nitric acid to obtain stable sols.
for I2 reduction on SnO2 and specially on TiO2 surfaces The sols were concentrated to get approximately 1
w21x. This process is in competition with the power mol ly1 titanium concentrate solutions. Depending on
the synthesis conditions anatase spherical particles (A9)
generation in the cell that involves fast electron injection
(⭋s5 nm) and (A10) (⭋s9 nm) w13x, needles with a
from dye’s LUMO into TiO2’s conduction band and dye size of 300=15 nm2 (Ru5), rod-like with a size of
cation regeneration by the redox couple w5x. Therefore, 100=15 nm2 (Ru4) and small rods with a size of 15=5
the open circuit voltage of an illuminated cell is a good nm2 rutile nanoparticles (F9) w14x or pure nanometric
measure also of the surface reactivity with respect to brookite platelets (B17) (⭋s9 nm) w12x were obtained
the redox couple measured against that of the adsorbed (Fig. 1). BET measurements were made on TiO2 pow-
dye. ders, for anatase (A9) the specific surface was Ss210
Here we report on the electrochemical behavior in m2 gy1, for brookite (B17) Ss117 m2 gy1 and finally
aqueous solution of several films of TiO2 (anatase, for rutile (Ru4) Ss125 m2 gy1.
brookite and rutile) and the influence of parameters Nanostructured TiO2 electrodes were prepared by
such as the crystalline structure and the morphology on depositing the concentrate sol on a conducting fluorine-
the electrochemical response. Double layer capacitance doped tin oxide (F-SnO2) glass substrate. The sol was
was measured by impedance spectroscopy to complete spread using a glass rod. The films were dried in an
this study and to have an idea of the energetic density oven at 60 8C for a few minutes and sintered for 30
of states (DOS) at the interface. Finally, to compare the min at 450 8C. White films of TiO2 were obtained. It
influence of the different reverse reaction on the Voc, has been verified that the crystalline structure and the
the TiO2 has been sensitized with a dye and the Voc was particle size were kept w18x. The surface was homoge-
measured as a function of the wI2x y wIy x ratio. neous and the films were porous w18x. The thickness
88 M. Koelsch et al. / Thin Solid Films 451 – 452 (2004) 86–92

injection of electrons, these charge carriers can be

trapped in a energy level localized under the conduction
band. It has been established that this level corresponded
to the energy level of Ti3q, that is one of the identified
surface states of the titania w18,22x. This cathodic peak
was observed to increase after prolonged oxidation of
the films at anodic potentials above 1 V. At more
negative potential this peak is followed by a second one
at y0.8 V and by another large peak (Efy1.2 V) as
the film was becoming black. For some experiments
(not shown) this large peak could be decomposed into
two distinct peaks nearly located at y1.2 and y1.6 V,
respectively. It has been shown by spectroelectrochem-
Fig. 2. Cyclic voltammetry of anatase (A9), brookite (B17) and rutile istry that these peaks corresponded to the reduction of
(F9) and (Ru5) in H2SO4 pH 3yK2SO4 0.1 M, scan speed 50 the surface Ti4q into Ti3q w23x. Finally, at the most
mV sy1. negative potential, approximately y1.8 V, the reduction
of the solvent takes place. This peak corresponded to
was nearly 10–15 mm for rutile and brookite and thinner the reduction of the Ti4q in the bulk probably accom-
for anatase. panied by insertion of hydrogen in the materials w24,25x.
The electrochemical study was realized in a conven- When the potential was reversed the reoxidation of the
tional three electrodes cell at room temperature, using solvent and of the film was observed. At the most
an EGGyPAR 273A potentiostatygalvanostat. The positive potential, 0.7 V, the electronic surface states,
potential of the working titania electrode (Ss0.125 reduced at y0.5 V, were reoxidized just before the
cm2) was measured vs. a saturated mercurous sulfate solvent. No major differences were observed between
electrode (SME, ESMEs0.658 VySHE). All potentials different films composed of different phases with similar
are reported against this electrode. The auxiliary elec- particle sizes ((A9), (B17) and (F9)) or of same phase
trode was a platinum wire. The electrolyte was an with different morphology ((Ru5) and (F9)) suggesting
aqueous solution of H2SO4 pH 3yK2SO4 0.1 M. The that the phase is not the main parameter influencing the
cell was deoxygenated before and during measurements surface electrochemical behavior, but rather details of
by argon. Impedance spectra were recorded between the film processing: difference between different prepa-
106 and 10y3 Hz using a Perkin Elmer PAR 263A rations of the same phase was just as significant.
potentiostatygalvanostat connected to a Solartron 1260 Possibly the electronic behavior of the outer layer of
frequency response analyzer. The amplitude of the super- the particle is not completely determined by the core
imposed sinusoidal potential signal was 10 mV. structure one, as would be the case if that outer layer
The sensitization of the films was conducted with was somewhat amorphous.
ruthenium 535 (Solaronix) a bipyridile ruthenium deriv-
ative, in dry ethanol for 24 h in the dark. Dark-red films 3.2. Double layer capacitance
were obtained. For the measurement of the Voc as a
function of the wI2x y wIy x ratio in solution, the initial The Nyquist diagram for titania particles at pH 3 (not
electrolyte solution was a KI 0.2 M pH 3 solution in shown) exhibits an evolution of the curves with the
water, and additions of I2 in the cell were followed by potentials. At the less negative potentials where no peak
measuring the Voc vs. the potential of the auxiliary was visible on the cyclic voltammetry a semicircle was
electrode. observed, whereas when the potential corresponded to
the reduction of the electronic surface states a different
3. Results and discussion curve appeared. These curves were well-modelized by a
classical equivalent circuit (the double layer capacitance
3.1. Cyclic voltammetry Cd is in parallel with the polarization resistance Rp
themselves in series with the non-compensated resis-
Fig. 2 shows the reduction of the different films. A tance Re) without taking into account effects of the
very small cathodic peak is apparent approximately diffusion. The values of the double layer capacitance
y0.5 V at pH 3, which increased significantly if a Cd as a function of the potential could be calculated at
second scan going at anodic potential (1 V) was high frequencies. Capacitances have been compared for
performed (not shown). Because of the large specific the three polymorphs of titania in Fig. 3 for three
surface of the nanocrystalline electrodes, the surface frequencies (11.7, 1.08 and 204 Hz). No significant
states show clearly on the electrodes of TiO2. The variation between the different phases was observed.
reduction of a nanocrystalline film of titania entails the However, it was interesting to notice that whatever the
M. Koelsch et al. / Thin Solid Films 451 – 452 (2004) 86–92 89

crystalline phase of titania, an abrupt and strong increase

of the capacitance (for 100–1000 times) is visible at a
potential of y0.8 V corresponding to the reduction of
the surface titanium as it has been seen on cyclic
voltammetry. The capacitance of the doped tin oxide
(F-SnO2) alone has also been reported on the graph,
and it is readily apparent that before the reduction of
the electronic surface states the behavior of titania films
and SnO2 were similar. It can be assumed that the
observed limiting phenomenon corresponds to SnO2.
This result confirms that only a capacitive current was
measured on cyclic voltammetry. The interpretation fol-
lows that proposed earlier by Zaban et al. w26x that as
the film is reduced, it becomes conducting and electro-
chemically active. Initially, only SnO2 (and TiO2 close
to it) can participate in electrochemical reactions, as Fig. 4. Mott–Schottky diagram for thin films of anatase (A9), rutile
attested (i) by the value of the capacitance, close from (Ru4) and rookite (B17).
the Helmoltz capacitance of a flat SnO2 film and (ii)
by the Mott–Schottky type behavior of the capacitance deduced. As can be seen in Fig. 3, all the films display
giving a free carrier concentration in the film corre- the same characteristics in the anodic potential range
sponding to that of tin oxide (f1021) and a flat band giving a strong support to the hypothesis that the film
potential of tin oxide close from y0.8 V (Fig. 4) was are not electrically active in this potential range. By

Fig. 3. Double layer capacitance of thin film of titania in H2SO4 pH 3yK2SO4 0.1 M as a function of the potential. (a) Brookite (B17), (b)
anatase (A9) (c) rutile (Ru4).
90 M. Koelsch et al. / Thin Solid Films 451 – 452 (2004) 86–92

comparison of the SnO2 and titania films it is possible 3.4. Photosensitization

to have an idea of the active surface of the TiO2 films.
Indeed, if one supposes that SnO2 and TiO2 after In the following step, interface energetics was probed
reduction are sufficiently conductive, the capacitances in dye-sensitized cells for different TiO2 phases. More-
correspond essentially to the Helmoltz capacitances, over, various statements can be found in the literature
therefore the ratio of the capacitances of TiO2 and regarding factors affecting the photovoltage (Voc), and
SnO2 gives the ratio of the surfaces. For the brookite, for instance low values of wIyx y wIy 3 x are sometimes
this ratio being approximately 1500, the active surface regarded as preferable.
can be estimated to Sas190 cm2. This result is in Two models have been proposed: (i) that a low value
agreement with the generally accepted value of the of the ratio would tend to increase the interfacial electric
porosity (50%) of a titania thin film of thickness field and therefore increase the photovoltage w28x and
approximately 15 mm and particles size of 5 nm w27x. (ii) that a high value of the ratio increases the energy
Moreover, the charge passed for the film reduction at difference between Eredox and the HOMO of the dye
the y0.8 V wave would correspond roughly to the which would unavoidably hamper the photovoltage by
reduction of all surface Ti atoms. the same amount w29x unless under illumination the
The influence of the frequency has also been studied. HOMO of the dye shifts to higher energies with respect
The increase of the capacitance with the decrease of the to the redox level. Alternatively, one could suggest that
frequency indicates that the capacitance is related to the the photopotential is essentially limited by the recom-
electronic surface states of the titania since these species bination of the electrons injected in TiO2 with either the
have a relatively slow reaction rate: when the frequency dye cation (Dq) or the iodine, and that the dye cation
is too high, the electrochemical reaction cannot take regeneration depends on the Iy concentration. Moreover,
place within a cycle and the capacitance response is one could argue that a fast Dq regeneration, being the
lowered. expression of a quasi equilibrium between the redox
couple with the holes trapped on the Dq specie, this
imposes a shift of the dye and TiO2 levels with respect
3.3. Energetics to Eredox. This model regards high wIyx y wIy3 x as prefer-
able for the Voc. We note first that the expression for
From the experiments above, the interface energetics the redox level with respect to the iodideyiodine con-
can be tentatively inferred. Both capacitance and voltam- centrations is (Eq. (1))
metric measurements suggest that the respective posi-
tions of the SnO2 and TiO2 conduction bands are not kT wIy
3 x
the same before and after surface reduction as the EsE8q Ln y 3 . (1)
2q wI x
charging of the TiO2 induces a shift in its Fermi level.
Fig. 5 presents the energetics diagram. In the ‘oxidized’ Therefore, previous experiments such as in Ref. w30x at
state, as the SnO2 is highly doped (to the point of constant wIyx y wIy
3 x have not been carried out at constant
degeneracy), its conduction band (given by the flat band redox level position but rather for decreasing Eredox.
potential) must be close to the equilibrium Fermi level Experimental results for TiO2 films are reported in
Ef, i.e. at y0.8 V. This is also the position for which Fig. 5, and show a very characteristic behavior: at low
the TiO2 film starts getting reduced, and this level I2 concentrations, Voc is insensitive to iodine, but
corresponding to electronic surface states is therefore decreases strongly after a certain threshold in concentra-
pinning Ef in the oxidized film. Upon reduction elec- tion. Clearly, low wIyx y wIy
3 x are detrimental to Voc, and
tronic surface states are reduced, which causes an Ef the first model is inadequate. A good fit to the experi-
increase with respect to the TiO2 conduction band in mental values can be obtained using the second model,
the particles. Interestingly, during reduction the energet- with some simple assumptions, as explained below. The
ics of the film is ‘scanned’ as all the levels of TiO2 are photopotential of the cell is that for which the generation
being reduced in turn. If the voltammetry is conducted current equals the recombination current, i.e. when
slowly enough, the current is proportional to the number JgensJrec. In such cells, provided the illumination inten-
of states reduced, i.e. to the DOS at the given potential. sity is not too large, generation of photocarriers is
Since the standard hydrogen electrode (SHE) can be proportional to the absorbable photon flux: JgensKF,
placed on the absolute electron energy scale (y4.5 eV where F is the photon flux. The recombination current
with electron in vacuum as reference), the DOS can be can proceed via either of the two paths (Eqs. (2) and
placed on the electron energy scale. If moreover this (3)) (Fig. 6):
scanning is done irrespective of the distance between
the particle and the electrode, the TiO2 DOS can be eyq1y2Iy
3 ´3y2I
inferred directly from either voltammetry or capaci-
tance–voltage measurements. eyqDq´D8 (3)
M. Koelsch et al. / Thin Solid Films 451 – 452 (2004) 86–92 91

Vocs LnC ym q
F (8)
q D K1Nc8)I3 ) qK2Nc8)D ) G

This expression tells us that at low I2 concentration, the

Voc is independent of the I2 concentration while above
a certain threshold for I2, Voc will decrease logarithmi-
cally with the iodine concentration.

4. Conclusion

Nanometric particles of anatase, brookite and rutile

were synthesized in aqueous medium in order to com-
pare the electronic properties of these materials for
photovoltaic devices. No significant difference was
Fig. 5. Energetics diagram for a titania film on F-SnO2 substrate observed between these phases by cyclic voltammetry.
before (a) and after (b) surface reduction with CB: conduction band, The surface and consequently the electrode preparation
VB: valence band and Ef: Fermi level.
seemed to be the main parameter. Although the exposed
faces were not the same, and then the coordination of
the titanium atoms was different (more or less charged
With K1 and K2 being, respectively, the kinetic constant by hydroxylation), the conditions of preparation and
of Eqs. (2) and (3). Therefore, the recombination current especially the deposition of the sol on the substrate were
can be expressed as (Eq. (4)) the determinant factors. Measurement of the double
layer capacitance has allowed to show the film activation
JrecsK1nwIy q
3 x qK2nwD x (4) initially insulating and a strong frequency dependence
proving one more time that it was the electronic surface
where n is the electron concentration in TiO2 and m is states, which were implied. Finally, after dye sensitiza-
the reaction order. From the Fermi distribution, n can tion the Voc has been measured as a function of the
be obtained as (Eq. (5)) concentration of the couple I2 yIy and it has been
observed that at low I2 concentration, the Voc was
ŽEfnyEc. E independent of this concentration while above a certain
nsNc expC F threshold for I2, Voc decreased logarithmically with the
D kT G
iodine concentration showing a change in the dominant
recombination mechanism at a critical concentration of
ŽEfnyEredoxqEredoxyEc8qEc8yEc. E
sNc expC F I2 in the millimolar range.
D kT G

where Nc is the conduction band DOS and Ec its position

(Ec8 is the conduction band position in the dark, the
position of the redox level being taken as a reference)
Efn is the quasi Fermi level of electrons in TiO2 under
illumination. By definition, qVocsEfnyEredox, moreover,
we make the assumption that the conduction band shift
under illumination is proportional to Voc (Eq. (6)):

B1 E
Ec8yEcsC y1FqVoc (6)

Thus, n can be expressed as (Eq. (7))

B qV E
nsNc expC F
(7) Fig. 6. Open circuit voltage of a thin film of anatase (A10), rutile
(Ru4) and brookite (B17) sensitized with ruthenium 535 in solution
Iy 0.2 M pH 3y0-I2-0.01 M: reproducibility and comparison with
and therefore Voc can be expressed as (Eq. (8)) the EPFL anatase.
92 M. Koelsch et al. / Thin Solid Films 451 – 452 (2004) 86–92

Acknowledgments w14x M. Koelsch, S. Cassaignon, J.P. Jolivet, in progress.

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