mA Phychologey Reguler SYLLABUS

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Rani Durgawnti Yistrwavidyalaya' Jabalpur

sernester wise syllabus for Post Graduate

2022 - 2023

q{frgq (q q.)
iTfr Sqffi Me-ror-q,
(i-o mqT 'ftt }-s nqt)
lmnef-dq meTIsii d fr\ 8t-€{ q-€fr qtqe-fiq

\Ashwavidyalaya Jabalpur (M'P)
Colleges Affiliated To Rani Durgawati

s.q.- sa]rT, mq, Efiq w TgQf t+tr

Rani Durgawati Vishwavidyalaya, Jabalpur (M'P' )
Semester wise Syllabus for Post Graduate Classes
(ApProved bY the Board of Studies)
Session z 2022-2023

Class gt.g. t'ttr<-t / M.A.l"Semester

q-nfr-flq / Psychology
PaperTitle €ar<rso qfrqr( / Congnitive Processe-l
Paper szrq / I

SemesterEndExam 40 Marks
CCE l0 Marks
Total Marks 50Marks

wq-fiq 3{qq'q 751 qffird7 q-RrTrq

processing and
Outcome : Students will understand the ways in which human engage in information
apply creativity'
developing knowledge of the basic concepts of Psychology' Practically
Decision making concepts, imagery and cognitivg Tap in daily life'
srfU.rq qfrq-d un nqluq of qfuqT qrrg vrdii vq r+fual-{ cn-r srTqlqTfl TfllfleT 6-l
frETq.Ifl-fi Sr+ qrqT sd-t 1 {fo6 fiq-{ q Vq-iTc-fin"r,
o{ ee-cua, q
trq-{, ffi'fl
Tif,HIG-qt fra or qra-uRo 3r-Jqd'T wr*t t

-/ Particular
and the srudies relating
objective : This course familiarize students with the basic psychological processes
application ares of
to the factors which influence them. It wiU also focus on some important
siqq gs q6,{ffiq tF"I5cq st{q fri€Irf$dt o} eiltqrEH qqtffi6
qfu-qTeit t
qRh-d o€m Vq vq
sfuqrdf o\ sqTB-f, o-{i qrA o-ri"ii riGikf, Gruwrii dr
qlrfl-fr t+
t; q5 q$1ffita d
qEE{"t s'gffi Mt w ?fr s?rrqr srdflr t I

gor$-r sqlrm qq dsmrflo qqlfuflH : qisra qqr t?

{ a1 qR'qTEr \rq
ord&t , qfuqrcii o1 frM q-dfrflq oT v{q qq q-dqn Re{fr,

Cognitive Approach and Cognitive Psychology : What is cognitio?

Definition and scope of
.ogritir. psychology, Properties of cognitive processes Origin and current status of Congnitve
methods of cognitive
Psychology. A brief history of cognitive psychology. Approaches and


Signature of Board of Studies Members

with name and date
gor{-z 3i-qqrq q-E qT : GrtrEIFI6'r G{sf q-q fra}wor(,
rrr"i d d frqf-{o, qq"T]Frfr slcElrq 6l
s-fi-N, sqrq
.."-, trqF t4.rq qtT r{sq \-q Rrqr<' tqH qil dEfi 3TTtI-{ I

T4-sq vq RlE-r<, ftqTfud

unit-2 Attention processes : Meaning and characteristics of attention, Types of Sustained
and theories, Divided attention'
Determinants of attention, selective attention-nature
qo(-s treteTUI qfi[qT( : trf,1fffi-sl-E-5q l_q Fqf{fi,
q?Ilfffi-uT d ugu E-qrrFl qr R{€.rf,' €sq
q-rqft'flm-oa Tiqrtr{ q Pfi{ 3{tt}q-rfi {isrIgr{,
wffi ffiq trsfffi-{ur' r6{t s(qqfi-6-wr'

qfr g-iqfffiTur G q-.qeffq

sreil I
maJor approaches or theories of
Unit-3 Perceptual Process : Perception-Nature and determinants'
processing Picture perccption' Depth
perception. Pattern recognrtion-Bottom-up and Top down
perception, Movement perception and Perceptual defense'
qTqT @-l q-f,€' frfilq t s-RqT
gq'r{-+ qffiqr rq ftici : friilq o-r T{5q \iq s-fi-R, fri-f,{ qq o-ff;ll', Fid-{ {
EM- q.RqT G *ieq, qfrqr Tq 3fltrx' qftqT G w' f,ts"mT tkfr
o-r qf,f,, qRqT ss-q \-q
qTeq G frt.tlTrm I r{5fl" q[q.ET- q€r, sv G e-rie{ Relfr r

Thinking ancl imagination' Role of

unit-4 lmagery and Thinking : Nature and types of thinking,
Image Nature and characteristics - Imagety
language in thinking, Role of images in it",lrt ing.
Destance. Shapes and Relative position'

qor$-s Frrtq-{ or rqsq, Frdq{ sfuqr qq Fpiq-q

' qFtRqq q-.i t+o: YfuI FpfT{ q.&tqT i u-gra m'o'

eifrfrrqm I

proce and Judgement : Algorithms and

Unit-S Decision making. Nature of Decision Making Decision
representativeness, availability and anchoring
heuristics, Major heuristics in decision making

Books Recommended :
outside laboratory' Mumbai ThomsonAsia'
1. Galotti, K.M. (199), Cognitive psychology in and
Pvt. Banglore.
2, Matlin, MargaretW. (1995) Cognitive (III ed). Prism Books
990), The psychology of human cognition'
New York pergamon Press'
5. Hewes Mary B. ( 1
Delhi' oxfor University
Snodgrass, Berger and Haydon (1985). Human
experimental psychology' New
7. q-+fu'sn iTq-S strfl-ffq' d,fi-{Tfiflwq,d.qqf3{Fk,{rsTrtE.dr-fi-flaq_qr{SERl'
- 3rs-q gqTq ftr6' +trdtrm frd

L risTqTffifi q-dfr-$T'q
e. risrqTe-o q-+frsTq - g. 3TE-.f, eqx, 1:U{o.qfiq"mirrErsqqT. fr. ffi t


Signature of Board of Studies Mentbers

with name and date
Rani Durgawati Vishwavidyalaya, Jabalpur (M. P.)
Semester wise Syllabus for Post Graduate Classes
(Approved by the Board of Studies)
Session z 2022'2023

Class gq.q. l'ttg{ / M.A.l"Semester

Subjcct qdrfr-flrq / Psychology
PaperTitle Yiq fr'fDrd Vq v+iMot / Research Methods & Statistics- I

Paper B-ffq /r
SemesterEndExam 40Marks
CCE l0 Marks
Total Marks 50Marks

wqffiq 3Trzrq-q 6.r qffird/q-RuTlq'

Outcome : L Student will gain knowledge about various methods that are employed in field settings'
fr--flTrfi. e}"d oiu.rq-{ qs .Tl*rf{d ftft-q
d ETt d fr|#f
IITqI o-{ {rd"fl I

Z. Stuclents will understand correlation and testing hypothesis with numerical examples.
rTmq s-fltwrf d aqr weririq 1rci vu-oel-+r qfteIur o\ qqg {{d"'n t

fr"-dq.rT / Particular

strq : q6 qr pqmq H oilqftd Grrq{q fr ugm qiq frfNf q{ 3TTEnftd t t vrqrcq 6q1gqfiGl=IT q-ftept
o\ qffiq B-{lgquif d am wq-sTlql-qlwr I

objective: This course deals with research methods that are employed in tield settings. Correlation and
testing hypothesis with numercal examples will be disussed.

g15r{-r qilt1 6T s6q : ffio swrq. rrrffql ; qffi1q1, ftM, vqil-{ I vq*6-fl"Il 3{?i, ilft6-{ur, i*d
\-q ffird I w: siFN \rq s-{-qtr fdderT I q-ltq qRRerfr wq, sIXmq riqeft €'ra t

Unit-l Nature ofResearch : The ScientificApproach, Problem-Definition, Characteristics, Types'

Hypothesis : Meaning, Classification, Sources ind Functions, Variables; types and their control.
S ubj ect, situation al, sequence relevant vari abl es'

gor$-z Il-qffi fiu-6 et qfuffi : sFrmts-q, e{qrq-s, HIeflGFr{, srdiRg ffiwt t

Unit-2 Techniques of data collection : Observation, Questionnaire, Iterview, ContentAnalysis'

gor$-e qpqafq . 3{af, giDN, q-{iqroq-dr, erd nwrrrq-or , qfufif-{ ZE,qI"I sqiD-f,rqT, eEq
q.q g4 ergv z^nfr r+rpj-o-or d ws t

Unit-3 Sampling : Meaning, Types-Probability, Semi Probability, Non Probability Sampling errors,
Null Hypothesis, Type I & Type ll En'or, Level of Significance'


Signature ofBoard of Studies Members

with name and date
qo(-a qEr{ciq : wr*idq d e$n, TUIqa-d .lTWi frE (EqqRIf, Vi erqqRerd'u-em) E-qftn-o \fq
wertiq, 3TifrTo q-ddEitT t

"-gqtko (grouped and ungrouped data)'

Unit-4 Correlation : Types of correlation. Product moment method
Biserial ancl tetra choric correlation, Partial correlation.

go(-s qwqlrTtasid{61gp|oor:{{r{iqftflqd3i-rTflfilsag.M,q.R,em-qTor.rftqq,or{
s-,f-.DT{ s",f q,t qmrq ffiq-dr( VqsqdFrdrf,arrluFl-l I

sample, Testing hypothesis

Significant difference between means : Conelated and uncorrelated
and calculation'
Chi Square, General features of Chlsquare test and its utility

Books Recommended :
Research. New DelhiWiley Eastem'
L Broota, K.D. (1992) Experimental Design in Psychological
2. EdwardsA.K. (1976) Experimental Design in Psychlogical Research,
Research, New Delhi Prentice Hall'
3. Mcguigan, F.J. ( 1990) Experimental Psychology. Methods of
New Delhi-Surjeet Sin, A.K' 0 Manovigyan
4. Kerlinger, F.N, (1973) Foundations of Behavoural Research.
samaj shastra tatha shiksha me shodh vidhiya'
5. Kapil,H.K.kAnusandhanVidhiyan'


Signature of Board of Studies Members

lvith name and date
Rani Durgawati Vshwavidyal aya, Jabalpur (M'P')
Semester wise Syllabus for Post Graduate Classes
(APProved bY the Board of Studies)
Session z 2022'2023

q-frfr-aTq / PsychologY

qqMffirl / Psychopathol ogY-I

Paper Tffq ,/ uI

SemesterEndExam 40Marks
CCE : l0Marks
Total Marks l 50Marks

qqqffq sTqqq - qffird/qRoffi

ofnormal and abnormal behaviour'
outcome : I " Student will gain the knowledge and concept
uT-{ sTrndr qu.r-qTqTq.qil6R
grq gTkt f,{ lrd-rlT
d ETt d I

understand the role of psychological elements

will in the development o1'
Z. Students
PsYchoPhYciological disorders'
ur+q'iniffi"fr4n\ t qq\ffi@ f,.qi tht TFrf,r o\ rrq*rt;

fr--qqrl / Particular

sfqq: q-s qr.dzrfiq 6r st{,q erq{q qii fr{rq fr grq \-q ?ht{rd o}t e-drqr ti ilg t

for diagnosis ofpsychopathological

Objective: This course aims to impartknowledge and skills required
Tiq-atrq, qTqR-fi ffi Or CrfrOqur- 6'
qor$-t HHIa]TFIT \.q ei-flqrqflr : HIqTd[flT Vq emrqfqOr O.I
Tq.\rq 4gtj Tq $ \rq.\rq qqq
classification of Mental
Unit-1 Normality andAbnormality : concept of nofmality and abnormality
Disorders: DSMIV&DSMV
qo(-z r6ffiq qT-sf, q-iyr-
d frqq q-Mffiq d q-{ffio
msf,-qqffi, q-+a-cqf,,
{i5.mrrqfi, qrqqmrerfr Vq eTRiltqrflfi t

models of psychopathology :
Unit-2 Introduction to rnodels of psychopathology : psychosocial
Psychodynamic, Belravioural, Cognitive, Humanistic and

qor$-a ffidi
fr.f,T 6eTut, trt-{uT, sqE{r{
qlrrfi - gfifr qqlq-rf,f,r qlEq-fl
ffi, ffi, ffi
qq fr-q-{ el q-e-+() fr<l
*"de" fffiT ftqfr. 3-f,q 3nqrftq qRE-d frEft 015*,q5H
aeToT .nxur sqz{R
Eft I


Signatureof Board of Studies Members

nith name and date
Panic disorders' Phobic disorders' Obsessive
Unit-3 Anxiety Disorders sysmtoms causes treatment
and PTSD (earthquake' storm etc & life
compulsive disorder, Generalized Anxiety disorders

gm-r{-+ .urd qr-6q e-€iligr qfiN 6erq tnrrur

ffi - G sqqx t tqqq, q-i fretrr YrerY
ffi, 6qr<N \d M'q-{rc{fr ftqft;
causes treatment Hypochondrias' Pain
Unit-4 Somatoform Disorders Introduction types symptoms
& dissociative disorder'
clisorders, body dyrnorphis disorcler, conversion

gor{-s q-drBko-or qdtrfi ffi, rildq q-frBfr 1 {+ffIr ffi- vn{r6 ffi facrE ffi
E5fiqfrofr I

Schizophrenia, clelusional disorder, Brief

psychotic disorder Mood disorders Manic episode'
Depressive episode, B ipolar afl'ective disorder'

Books Recommended :
F.G. (E.D.) (1984) Comprehensive Handbook
of psychopathology'
AdamsH.E. & Sutkar
NewYark, PlenumPress.
2. BussA.H. (1986) PsychopathologY, London : WileY'

Coleman J.Cl. (1988) Abnormal Psychology & Modern Life'

4. Friendman & KaPlan Text book of PsYchiatry.

5. Kisker Disorganized Personal itY.

6. Maslow&Mittleman Principlei ofAbnormal P sychology'

Cameron Person ality Devel opment & Psychopathology'
L VermaS.K. (1988) Mental illness and treatment'
New Delhi Sage '
9. J. Pandey Psychology in Iniia : The state of the art (Vo' III)


Signature of Board of Studies Members

with name and date
Rani Durgawati Vshwavidyalaya, Jabalpur (M.P. )
Semester wise Syllabus for Post Graduate Classes
(Approved by the Board of Studies)
Session z 2022-2023

Class yq.q. l'ti{d{ / M.A.l-'semester

Subject q-itfu-am / Psychology
PaperTitle qrq-q fu6R1 61ffio qR{pq
Lif-e Span DeveloPment-l
Paper qgQf / iv
SemesterEndExam 40 Marks
CCE 10Marks
Total Marks 50Marks

qTqwFq sTsqtH or qffird/q'RoTlq

outcome : 1 . This papcr acquaints the students with the principles of development the theories of life
span development.
q5q?+ oTsw6 d w-{1 B{T ffmrs d frqq 1rq ftr€idi qRh-f, d-i St t

2. Theresearch student also leams different techniques of research nrethodology in the

field oflitb span develoPment.
.i*.ff s-r req q-, d w4q i\ uStum
qff frtsq n-6ffi t
.fr qRfr-a rt-ot t t

fuqinT / Particular

, 1. q-s qrd.?mq 6.rB'ieq qrq-q ffi6-r,s o1ffio GttIEIT{ulT qfr qTTfiT{r nerq cF--Gr
strq I

2. Yi-fffUdf o\ er-guum 3rfkf,6q ftHd EE-{i fr wsrim B t

Objective : L The Course aims at developing understandi4g ofthe concept of life span development'
2. It also helps research scholars in designing their research.

96(-r s-qfr, ft'6rs d frqq slti k€T<, 5qt a f+tqn+rs t

Unit-l Nature, Principles and theories ofDevelopment,Issues and Controversies.

$F-r{-z qqrtr{q{r q qrilr+{ur- Gref ftqiTfi gqTfr--d q,-{i qrd ol*b'q qqFI, dqr q{q{r q qmq{ul oT
qgs, tivr q{q{r cI qklrflq d fiq qt'itl t

Unit-2 Heredity and Environment Meaning. Determinants, effects and relative importance of Heridiry
and Environment. Re lation between Heredity and Environment.


Signature of Board of Studies Members

with name and date
gor$-s fr-6-s d e1tqq-{ d
frBd oT-q-d}ztr{
- qrsqtnero, s-q}rrrq-fi, er5sura orgtd o
qfr-frB-flrq-fi ein:qrrqFdtn 3rylqTq I

Unit-3 Methods of str,rdying development. Observational, Correlational, and Experimental
fr-fiT-s rrEG, q{q, qrsq $i qlam ERes
qor$-+ tR-o q frtqrflf, I

Unit-4 physical and Motor Developnrent : Importance, Stages and Patterns, Child and health'

gor{-s q1q1 fr-fil-s- uqfr e Rr-{r<, ft-fl-{i el ci-{*uri, qr"n d rfiqrT A eiil{.
qilqT ft-4trs d furfufi,
qlEr of g'qdFror t

Unit-S Language Development , Nature and theories, Stages of Development, Speech-fonns
communication, Determinants of Language development Utility of Language.

Books Recommended :
l. Crain M. (1950) Theories ofDevelopment, New Jersy Prentice Hall.
HurlockE.G. ( 1986) Development Psychology (6th Edition), NewDelhi Ta'.'
psychology. A comarative view point (Revised) Boston
3. Hetherington M.E. & park R.D. (lggg), child
5. BerkLauraE.ChildDevelopment(Phi)
6. ShafferDavid R. Devlopmental, Psychology childhoodAdolences (Brod "'
7. Dr. D.N. Shrivastava & Preeti Verma - Ba[ Manovigyan : Bal Vikas


Signature ofBoard of Studies Members

with name and date
Rani Durgawati Vishwavidyalaya, Jabalpur (M'P')
Semester wise Syllabus for Post Graduate Classes
(Approved by the Board of Studies)
Session z 2022'2023

6eTI / Class Tq.\. t"ttgq / M.A.l"Semestcr

fr Ttt / Subject qfrfuf,I-{ / PsychologY
fr Iqrrf,EoT fr lfi qTd-'rTFrfi

Title of Subject GrouP PracticalWork

qc;rqr 6qi6 lr,ft+t€qd ft\
PaperNo. For all Semester

erHqrdZi=ofrq-f, sFrqrd
Compulsory/OPtional : Compulsory
3TDE-dq 3fm so+sosffiddrqt'ir
Max. Marks : 100

frq-iv'r / Particular

qr,tFrfi oTd q"qtT nen qftwr
qfrerT fr rd\
o\ o-srqr qrn TT r qfreil-fffii o) qt srdrFrfi ord, lTdIFrfi
q,1 d-q-qT sq{-ffi
o,riii r q-.tfi 6-r f@r6q 50 3ffiifr d.Tr I q6 qfu-fl qFlq th€{ d art#fi I 3rfi} d frqTw{
elSr+xE}fr t r- --_ _-.:,! L_
be conducted Students will be given
Total five practicals which include experiments and tests will
Marks distribution scheme will be as give
two practicals in the examination for evaluation of 50 matks each.

Grtf,Ro1cqro-{/Sessional ' - 10

qlBorzviva - 10

qrq)ft"tr wt / Conductioin - 30

qfrelur gYTNI;l / of Experiment ofTest.


Signature ofBoard of Studies Members

with name and date
Rani Durgawati Vishwavidyalaya, Jabalpur
Semester wise Syllabus for Post Graduate
(Approveil by the Board of Studies)

Session :2022-2023

MA - Semster
Practical - I
(1) Drawaman
(2) Word association
(3) Sentence ComPletion
(4) sPM / CPM
(s) WAIS

Assignment Long exPt / SurveY


Signature of Board of Studies Meutbers

with name and date
Jab alpur (M' P')
Rani Durgaw ati Vishwavidyalaya'
Graduate Classes
Semester wise Syllabus for Ppst
(APProved bY the Board of Studies)

Session z 2022'2023

MA - Semster
Practical - II

Attention (a) Selective attocution

(b) Divided attcution

Prcception - (a) DePth PercePtion

(b) PatternRecognition
(C) PercePtual Deference

Images Size andlmage

Decision - Fratning effect


Signature ofBoard of Studies Members

with name and date
(M'P' )
Rani Durgawati Vishwavidyalay a, Jab alpur
Semester wise Syllabus for Post Graduate
(Approved bY the Board of Studies)
Session z 2022-2023

gq.\. III* l)t-€q / M.A.II". Semester
q-nfr-An / PsYchologY
PaperTitle {ifl-qlrqfi qM -II /Co gnitive Processes-I I
gzr\ / I

SemesterEndExam 40 Marks

CCE 10 Marks

TotalMarks 50Marks

wq-mq 3lq'{q oi processes like memory and concepts,
Ot'ttcome : Student gain practical knowledge abor,rt cognitive
Student develop knowledge about memory
ind .oniepts and their use in day to day life '

FrqT?fi rismrirfi rffi:fr dt tTn qu ffi#_'qER'

qIqT flq o( {rdTi I trm*1
qgfr qq €rfu_o *.il d} fuffi qrK 6r tfr-fi fiq-{ d sr6l sqq}q cfr-d-i t

frewT / Particular

process of concept tbrmation and metnory'

objective : This course aitns to develop unclerstancling of the
models of memory and rneta memory'
g" ffi qR d rie-{q FHfuT s'E qT qfi r{q-fl 6-{qr ffiT r

sfaq - *T
goi-$-r qfr_q.a_fiqft_qRqrlTqfivnys*1qft:yTq3lr511lft-.fia&ToT,
o{n-=t* frftd, 3rq-R, eeroq, Affio r1fr-q-nrt I

rnemories Ineasures and empirical i-eatures'

unit-l Memory : Sensory Memory : lconic ancl Echoic
co<les. Lon g term memory : Kinds.
Short term niemory : meth<ldolo gy; size,
garm 6f
qlsq, Tiflltt-{ d mq qlsrT, e_.flftrT
ffi{ o gqfdlfq]-cqfi,
q+r$-z qfr d qN'q-Tiffiqr, \rdfrt-{q
3{siTf, qgfr HSq,
G sfrqTflfi ffidte
oT q.I{rII<l{ ffif,
riq].q-{ E.qIfi |
: Tulvings
Moc1el and levels of processing model
Unit-2 Memory Models : structure, Atkinson Shiffrin
Moclet, Mcclellands PDP approaoh'
Episoclic, Sernantic anti procedural memory
qls'q vq iflrf,
Grefurd goq-sfitqr( qq \{{€rfl, 3{*rra qfr d qrsq-aflq gErTI
{Tfr -
€qqcTqrsq I

and structure' Models of semantic memoly'
Unit-3 Semantic Mernory: Nature, Methodology
comparison model and network model'


Signature ofBoard of studies Members

with name and date
gor{-+ ri!-.q-q fufq- gqR,r{rBd oq"qo-aHrl \-q F-qq, 3]T3rnfufi frqi{fi vq z.q-q a1 zq6 i"_{r(,
qs.qq (a<rqTfr,cn ,!fi) otr-gqlfr-fi m
rni( gq qmqq-EqrEnurt-Gl-fr G enR r*x
qrs-tr I

Unit-4 Concept tbrmation : Well-cleflned concepts-features and rules; Empirical determinants and
selection strategies. Ill-defined concepts (Natural Categories) : Empirical characteristics and
' models.ExemplarandPrototypemodels.

qo(-s srf$qfr_erDri5Tq, fu€T of +6 q-{ rila{, q-{tEITI Tq v1fr, gk q*J r1fr, rTfr SuR T'f
r{Ersqf,r, lTfr d r{dq fr uqfr o-e I

Unit-S Meta Memory : Meta Cognitioin; Tip of the tongue phenomenon. Mood and mcmory,
Eyewitness testimony, Memory Improvement. Family resemblance, Schemas in relation to

Books Recommended :

1. qc)fr-glc - 3r5uT EqTq ft+6

2. Ti$nrflo m-df - cT 1rT"fr rftqr{f,q, q}-ff-fl-d qiTifr-{l-fi ffi t

3. Galotti, K.M. ( 1999). Cognitive Psychology in and Outside Laboratory, Mumbai ThosmsonAsia'
4. Matlin, Margarerw. (1995). Cognitive (iII e). Prism Books Pvt. Bangalore.
Reed. Stephen K. (1998). Cognitive : Theory and Application (IIIed). Pacific Grove, California :
Brooks /
Cole Publishing ComPanY.
6. Hewes. Mary B. (1990). The Psychology ofHuman Cognition. NewYork : Pergamon Press.
Snodgrass, Berger and Hayclon (1985). Human Experimental Psychlogy. New Delhi : oxtbrd


Signature of Board of Studies Members

with name and date
Rani Durgawati M shwavidyala y a, J ab alpur (M. P. )
Semester wise Syllabus for Post Gradurate Classes
(Approved by the Board of'Studies)
Session z 2022-2023

Class gq.q. il* +*€{ / M.A.II".Semester

Subject qq}frflq / Psychology
PaperTitle qiq fr-Drfr Tq qifu+1 /Research rnethods & Statistics-ll
Paper Bfiq/r
Semester End Exatn 40Marks
CCE 10 Marks
TotalMarks 50Marks

wq-mq 3Tq'{q mr qffinf /q-RuTIq

Outcome: Students will familiarize with various designs of experiment along with statistical
Aqrrf, frR-q qqH 6 31ft-o-e Tq rriMftt qBErqi t qRfu-d tts-d'tt t

fr--q-{q / Particular

stcq, {€ qla.qfiq oT stcq Mtr qi HiM qfrfl#r d eTa{ fr fr.ft-q 3{ft-f,fl1 li

qR-{q ep-q-a;a1} 1

Objective: This course aims at farniliarizing with various designs of expcriments along with statistical

gor$-r 31ft66: trs<nqqr-!-qtlleq-fi afts@ d !-fi-R. 3Tft-f,fl

eT-<Iqd, Grk*E d erq Tq qR€qd, v+{r *1qr+oi{ ft-< u6, qSfto-qf, @l-fr
erfuo-oq t

Unit-1 Experimental Desiglr : Introduction : Types bf Experimental design, Basic Tenninology in

Experimental Design, Advantages and disadvantages of experimental design, Assurnption of
ANOVA, Between Group Randomized block Design'
q-or$-z oT-{6Tq sTft-f,dq : B61r-o, fr-mj-{fi (de-a eu-erclo zqTgq"l), qw qfreToT : vq; ffi, ffi t

Unit-2 Factorial Design : Two Factor, three factor (only conceptual explanation), F-Test-one way and
gor$-e eio: : Tfi 91 q} znrrfi (Rft"}s
lr{6 M)aB{
s-,f olfto-fl, wnu a1-om eftro-q t

Unit-3 Withil Group Design; Single and hvo factors (Rcpeated measures) Latin Square Design, Time
series design.


Signature of Board ot'Studies Members

with name and date
sod-+ I]aE 3TBEn-fl (s-il6{ur iTR_d-) G.m-{ q-$R
q-g qfier"r vq s-qrcrt {ul?II, fft qfreT"r Yq se-q'1

Trrfl, qmm {.rfte{rT qq B-q-d,t q-qril- I

(DRT) and its calculation' sign test

Unit-4 Multiple grop design (with example), Duncans range test
and its calculaltion Mann-whitney-U-TEST and its calculation'

gad-s q-+ffi_fi qilsT t ifro 5i, qfrffifi yiq q 6q-d( d s-5sstT, qilsT qqisf, qq qftt-dra

fr-ss-{r t

in psychological research'
Unit-5 Ethical issues in psychological research, Application of computer
writing research proposal and report'

Books Recommended :
1. Broota, K.D. (1992) ExperimentalDesign inPsychological
Research, NewYork-Halt'
Z. Eclwards,A.K. (1976). ixperimental Design InPsychological
Research, New Delhi- Prentice Ff all.
' Mcguiga, r.J ' ( l 990). Experimental Psychology. Methods of
New Delhi- Surjeet Singh' A'K' ()
4. Kerlinger, F.N. (1973). Foundations of Behavioural Research.
5. I(apil, H.K. Anusandhan Vidhiyan'


Signature of'Board of Studies Members

with name and date
Rani Durgawati Vishwavidyalaya, Jabalpur (M'P')
Semester wise Syllabus for Post Graduate Classes
(Approved bY the Board of Studies)
Session :2022-2023

Class Vq.\. II* t*{rr / M.A.II'" semester

qqth""vTrc / PsychologY
qqW0r+ls-Il /P sychop atho 1o gy -II
Paper rfrq / III

SemesterEndExam 40Marks
CCE l0Marks
TotalMarks 50 Marks

qqqmq 3iqq{ or qffird/qRqq

understanci the role of psychological elements in the development
Outcorne : l. Stu<lents will
PsYchoPhYsol ogical disorders'
Ere-;qffiffift.o"fr.nrt n qqiffio ilnf qi Tfr-6T ol qrqs rrdr) I

2. Sturdentswillleamtoidentifythedifferencebetweenpsy.choticandanxietyciisorders'
o-raqfrffiarnr Yq fuflr ii er<s o-\ qrqri-fl cfuii
ffi t

fr-qwT /,Particular

sr s*q-q q-qMffiq 3rq{q vq fr"-il{ ii gn \d OhTa o)

qa-qr t-+t B
s}rq ' {q q

of psychopathological
Objective: This course airns to i,rpart knowledge and skills required for diagnosis
3i-{q-ql, ezr tnr' qB-qrq' 3a-trR,
god-t qqrtBfi qr qqWRo. ffid-gfl elfd'mT ffi,
qfr-fiqdriqtfr@ I "
allergy eczema, althritis'
Unit-1 Psycho-Physiological Disorders : coronaly heart disease, asthmatic
ulcer, diabets and rnenstrual disorders'
gor$-z qfr11f, frgrdd, qrTrq1f,q ffi, 3il"n fi ffi, qEq dtisfi ffi, 3ilqTq fd-{R, fril fr"{fr I

substance related disorders'

Unit-2 Disorders of Personality, Adjustment disorder, impulse disorder,
eating clisorders. and sleep disorders'
qIqRT-fi qqq lrfiffilT, q-mT, qlqR{-fi g.fid qlelll'r qi qPlfl"r
g-or{-s 6qTUT, oTqui, B-qqlq, t

types and possible training of

Unit-3 Mental Deficiency symptom, causes, tleatment : classification,
mentally defi cient chi ldren.


Signature of Board of Studies Metnbers

with name and date
v5 fr'fr?er'
gor{-+ sqzrN qqR.di - qR"-q gdRTeTUI frfritrT, @3_6R frfrtffr tFt dFnf, frfrttrT'
q'RqT{ frfu-m t

therapy, client centered therapy'

unit-4 Therapies : Introduction : Re-eclucative therapies-behavior
grouP theraPY, familY theraPY'

g,,r{-s ft'fumr- qq}Eft,trT rrrru ftRtffir, d-,n, sqm, qrffis t6 sfrf,-c!-{fi frfr.,trT'
n{fl-6e fr.m-ror, ilfrqa-rra Hfu-mn t

Biofeedback, Existential therapies, Gestalt therapy, Transactional

Books Recommended :
F.G. (E.D.) (1gg4) comprehensive Handbook of psychoparhorogy.
1. AdarnsH.E.&Sutkar :
NewYork; Planum Press.

2. BussA.H. (1986) PsychopathologY, London : WileY'

3. ColemanJ.C. (1988) Abnormal Psychology & ModernLife'

4. Friendman&KaPlan Text book of PsYchiatry

5. Kisker Di sorganized PersonalitY

6. Maslow & Mittlernan Principles ofAbnormal Psycliology

7. Cameron Personality Development & Psychopathology'

8. VennaS.K. (1988) Mentali llness and treatment'

Psychology in India : The state of the art (Vol' III)

9. J.Pandey

10. er6,q fu-q 3Nnqrq'qdfr-alc

11. er"rq fiil-{flq"

12. ffier+< q_dffiqdfrflq


Signature ofBoard of Studies Members

with name and date
Rani Durgawati Vishwavidyalaya, Jabalpur
Semester wise Syllabus for Post Graduate
(Approved bY the Board of Studies)
Session z 2022'2023

Class i)t{fl / M.A.II". Semester

Oq.g. II"o
qfr8""51c / PsychologY
qr+q fuoK{ o fi{a orHfi qRgsq-Il
Life Span DeeloPment-Il
qgsf / rv
SemesterEnd Exam 40 Marks
CCE : l0Marks
TotalMarks : 50 Marks

wqfiq 3lqrr{orqffi&rfrlqRqq emotional

outcome : 1. The study of etui paper acqllaint the students with social
under the broad herding of life span development'
He also gets very vatuuUte intbimation about the
difficulties faced by the adolescent
Z. of resolution ol'their
population and ih. old age population, along will the technical

fr-{{u[ /, Particular
oToETNUTT *1 qrn-fiffi
qilq 6-{fl
strq : gs q .,,5q 6r Ireu s*rq qr;rq fr""f,r-tl, of ffio

of life
objective : 1 . The course aims at impacting
& inforrqgtion Developing understanding of the concept
sPan develoPment'
2. To acquaint the student with the mill stones of development in different areal'

qf,r$-r q
Hr-qTffifi ft-fiT-q- qN-fls erqqeTrti, sTqitr-fi E-fir-{{
d frq1To, qftf,"€ q'r fufi-K{ q 3TTffi

tr rlq, sTrcltriszl d rml{ q q"t{rhf, 6-{i 4r& s-t{m' I

of Sociar Deveropment. Development

unit_l Social Developme't - cr,eria & Stages, Determinants
Developrnent. Self Concept' Kinds of
of personality Role of family and Society in Personality
self concept' Factors influencing self Concept'
qf,d, qFrfi q frqi{fi T$rTrfl-fi q{rqdmq q riirndrF'q-g-d-q r{nrTrfl-fi
eor{-z fr.mT-fl-
sgc-fl, sfr {i}lTrflfifl qjt'r 6T nqHd d-fl t

Emotional maladjustment
unit-2 Emotio,al Development. In-rportance, Norms and Determinants,
Heightened Ernotionality' Regulation of
and Emotional Balalnce, Ernotional Dominance.


Signature ofBoard of Studies Members

with name and date
e-o{-s ft-fl-{]. d ft--€l=fl - ffi, M, oM q gRdt gtrmq t

Unit-3 Theories of Developrnent - Piaget, Vygotsky, I(clhiberg and Eric Erickson.

qor$-+ qr6rfi s qR{R - srftqTqo oTFqFil vlRqTkfi lnqtl e frsTi{6, q-d<r, qsrq q s-+d rjeq, PTrAq
qrdirnur q Rrqrfi o1 TR-oT, erfr rjseT"r u ftgstmi'qiil-ffilt q qierrm't d fr\ FTIr6I

Unid-4 Child & Family - Parental Attitude, Family Relationship and Determinants, The influence of
Siblings ancl Sibling relationship, School environment and role of teacher. Over Protection and
Rej eti on Advice for Parents and Gusrdian.

{f,r{-s d emq, frM-pne-Rm qqfffifi, rlqrfu"fi q dtrrrcrrc.mi, ftxf{Tq{ar

q{trncRq q Tqrfiq qfi qq-{qTq (q-6-c)T{rqrq qR-qq t

Unit-S Development during atlolescence :

Characteristics, Physical, Psychlogical Social and
EmotionaI aspects. Hazards of adolescence, Adulthood and Old age (General lntroduction)

Books Recommetrded:

L Crain M. (1950) Theories of Development, New Jersey Prentice Ha1l.

2. Hurlock E.G. (1986). f)evelopment Psycholoty (6th Edition), New Delhi. Tata Mcgrawthill.
3. Herherington M.E. & parl< R.D. ( lggg). Child Psychlogy. A Comparativeview point (Revised) Boston
4, Santrock Y.W . (1997). Life Span Development (7th Edition)

5. BerkLauraE. 0. ChildDevelopment(Phi)
6. Shaffer David R. Developmental. Psychology ChildhoodAdolences (Brock Cole)

7. D.N. Shrivastava & Preeti Verma - Bal Manovigyan : BalVikas Agra (Vinod) Pustak'


Signature of Board ot'Studies Members

with name and date
Rani Durgawati Vishwavidyalaya, Jab alpur (M' P' )

Semester wise Syllabus for Post Graduate Classes

(Approved bY the Board of Studies)

Session :2022-2023

MA - II Semster
Practical - I
' (1) Rorschach
(2) DAS
(3) VSMS Vinelard SocialMaturitY
(4) KCr
(s) SgFB
(6) Emotional intelligence

Assignment Designing & Experirnents


Signature of Board ot'Studies Members

with name and date
Rani Durgawati Vishwavidyataya, Jab alpur (M' P' )

Semester wise Syllabus for Post Graduate Classes

(Approved bY the Board of Studies)

Session :2022-2023

MA - II Semster
Practical - II

(1) Level ofProcessing - Models

(2) CategorY Clusturing
(3) Coding in STM
(4) LTM
(5) CortcePt fortnation
(6) AutobiograPhical Mernory
(1) SetnanticMemory.


Signature ofBoard of Studies Members

with name and date
Rani Durgawati Vshwavidyalaya, Jabalpur (M'P')
Semester wise Syllabus for Post Graduate Classes
(APProved bY the Board of Studies)

Session :2022-2023

qg.q. III'd t-trggi / M.A'III'dSetnester
qqifrflq / PsychologY
qfrf,c'or q-dfrflq-I
Psychology of PersonalitY-I
Paper sqq/I

SemesterEndExam 40Marks
CCE l0Marks
Total Marks 50 Marks

qr-qsmq 3TW'q{ or qffird/q-Rqq

Outcome: 1. Betterunderstandotherpeople'
2. Identifuyourlikesanddislikes'
fr-fllT / Particular

q-r;rq fr-fiT-€ o1ffio qTTmT-er qilq 6-{qT

stsq :
3l-.[tTRUn ?n
ss qr6-ffi-q sT gcq s*rq

psychological strategies to analyse

objective: The course helps the students to understand the diverse
ltty " ' --
., -.A- m
,R* , q.frf,e o-r 11lr-flrq q-q {qsq, @fr+f, d EiYq eqftrfi sqrrTq, g:h-R sqrTq
., I

vnqtiro, qilerfi',

sqrrq "qp-d-f, A f,qi{qr Sh-6 qr tko frqirfi, q-irffio, qqiq-wtq,


qrffinfrqi{o I

Various Theoretical Approachcs to
Unit-1 Introd*ction : Nature and the .on..iffi"*lity,
of Personality - Biological or I

Personality, Type approach, Trait Approach, Determinants

i PhysicalPsychologi.ut. gnrlrunrnental, Sociat Eciucational,
Family cletenrrins' I

Unit-2 ftyct ounotytic Theory : Freud, Adler, Jung'

Unit-3 Neo-FreudianTheory Horney, Erick Fromm, Erickson


Signature ofBoard of Studies Members

with name and date
gor{-+ rlq-Ifrffi olfdrf, frEIm : qfr'o-r fr. Rtcq, ilsgt m 3IBrq, fr+-{i ch-I Eqcfamq{fi
ft'qm r

Unit-4 Social leaming Theory : Julian B. Rotter, Bandura's observational learning, Skinner's
Behavioristic Theory.

Eo(-s iqfrfl-d d R{f,rfl , Frt-a, fta-s Ts ffi BAwr !-RETq qfu-d Rrqrd Tq tfrrr+{ |

Unit-5 Theories ofPersonality : Mischel, Miller & Dollard stimulus-Response theory and Seligrnan.

Books Recommended :

1. Liebert R.M. & Spiegler, M.D. Personality : Shrategies and issues, pacific Grove, California.

2. Hall, C.S. &Linzey,G. (1978) Theories ofpersonality, 3rd ED. NewYord : J. Willey & Sons.
3. Hjelle, L.A. & Zeigler, D.J. (1991). Personality theories:Basic assumption, researclt & application.
Megrawhil l, Intemati oinal book Co.
4. Pervin, L.A. ( 1975) Personlaity, Theory. Assessment and research, NewYork : Willey.

5. ftrqrfr, {qq+n vq flufr, ffqr qdft-flq d rrtq-ffq Tq Sk6nr, q)qrd-frd

(zoor) qar ci-fil<fr t

6. frre ers-oT qqx : qnfr-$Tq d qqsrq \-q sR.Ete., qlfi-dla q-{I-{{fi-{RI I

i. ftrg 3i-sq eqx : e,.k-iq 6-1qffiH, q)-fr-fl-f, E-{rriftfl:H I


Signature of Board of Studies Mentbers

with name and date
Rani Durg awati Vishwav rdy alay a, Jab alpur (M. P. )
Semester wise Syllabus for Post Graduate Classes
(Approved by the Board of Studies)

Session ;2022-2023

Class Vq.{. III'd t+tzq / M.A.III. Semester

Subject /
q-+fr-am Psychology
PaperTitle RTTTrat q-iB-grq-t / S oci al Psychology- I

Paper Bfi-q ,/ tt

SemesterEndExam 40 Marks
CCE 10 Marks
TotalMarks 50 Marks

fr--qR"T / Particular

strq Eq rhff o-r stys Mtr o) erq.rf, tr{t=lT fu - (1) qfurrfl ql-EN qlqifu-fr vo etlqft-fi
rl-E f t e"qTfr-a ei"or tZ (z) frn-q qTntfufi q-q)ffi.F ftrer<} d qs"f t erqrfr-o rl'Kqrc
qi ME--d 6s;IT I G) yrqnq cFqIqT fu fu-q v-ol v+r.qr&-o lrsrwld S vwum tg
Hrqrf\izr-q-rtffifi fl;I ol q-qlT fuqT rm qr*nr t t

Objective: This course aims at enabling students to -'(i)Appreciate how individual behaviour is inflr.rencecl
by social and cultural context (ii) Understand how socal problems can be analyzed in terms of
various social-psychological theories. (iii) Bealise how social Psycliological knowledge can be
used in solving socialproblems.

g.D.r$-r rrqrq q-q)frfln o-T qt q yq &}. rrqm q-q)fu-sTq of B!-qtFrf,T, tfrErRt-fi YBTF, rrflq
qE)ftiTq d ffi{-f, gq-.rq-ffiq, GTfUrTq, frsrir.q-fi q-+M"q!Tr.q-o q-q $-ot RrqT-f, t

Unit-1 Concept ancl Field of social psychology utility of social psychology. Historical backgror.tnd.
Theoretical approaches to social psychology-genetic, learning cognitive, psychoanalytic and
role theory.
go(-z g.qm q-qlETq zF-r Gr.{r t riuirl : ug_m Fo-rr+ d rsq iT vrqro qq)fr"flrq, wflq qEift"flq qft
Unit-2 Relationaship of Social psychology with other disciplines, Social Psychology as a applied
science, Methods of Social psyohology.


Signature ofBoard of Studies Members

with name and date
gor$-s q+mrfu'-6r.r+o ffi \'s fu6ns, rrqrgsqdl-rqfr qs frqirm errrorfcm, qftmTqtfuo
.qcf6N-{q5q Tq frqkfr I

Unit-3 Social Norms Nature and Development, confornity-Nature and determinants, obdience pro-
social behaviour-Nature and determinants..

go(-+ {Tfla o-r o{ef q{fi-fiTrr, lsva{t sil-{ ord, sf,6 6-r MuT, qT6 d Fpiq, qmifu-o rrrff-fi-{nT,
rlqfu.o ri-qtcFpFr, tqe-frCT< G tfrtzfr t

Unit-4 Meaning of group Classification Structure and Function. Group formation, decision making in
Groups, Social facilitation, social loafing,leadership, theories and styles.

gor$-s er;n: ffio 311otq. er<: ffio qftRaTfrlIf, furf-{fi Tq ffim qfcqT, 3151q54r: elef,

ft{€rf, \'q lds5 t

Unit-S Inter personal attraction Interpersonal, situational detenninants and theoretical explanation.
Aggression : Meaning theories and management.

Books Recommended :

I. Baron and Byrne (1998) Social Psychology, New Delhi : Prentice Hall

2. Baron (2001), Sarnajik Manovigyan (9th ed.), New Delhi : Pearson*

3. Feldman, R.s. (1998) Social Psychology, Singapore :McGrawHill.

4. Myers, D.G. ( 1998) Social Psycholoty, Singapore :McGraw Hill.
5. Tripathi, LB ( 1 992) outline of social psychology, Delhi : Motilal Banarasi Das.

6. fre ers"r rrqm q-+R-flq at sqtsr - +fi-frTf, e-flrsfr ql1]

7. g-dqrc m-6q-E - rfinq qdfr-am


Signature of Board of Studies Members

with name and date
Rani Durgawati Vishwavidyalaya, Jabalpur (M.P.)
Semester wise Syllabus for Post Graduate Classes
(Approved by the Board of Studies)

Session t 2022-2023

Class gq.q. IIII'd ttff / M.A.III'. Semester

Subject I-i\frHra ,/ Psychology
PaperTitle frreTr r-dft-an-I / Educational Psychology-I

Paper Efro 7 IIr

SemesterEndExam 40 Marks
CCE l0Marks
TotalMarks 50Marks

qBs-mq sTsqq-q or qffird7qftunq

Outcome :Educational Psychology examines the learning process in tetms of behavioral, cognitive,
social cognitive leaming apploaches.

ft-qqq / Particular

Objective: The course is designed to promote an nnder Standing of the application of psychological
principles in the prbcess ofeducation'

gorg-r frieTr {r}Barl - &i, vq frfffi, Rrry d q-qtfuflq *1 $-or, Rrflr q!)fr--an d si{q,

ffi-fiq Rnm qerqen of qE-€r(, Pren nen frrsT qdft-flm ii er<s t

Unit-l Eclucational Psychology, Meaning, scope and methods, Role of psychology in education,
Objectives of teaching educatinal psychology, Problems of Indian educational system,
Difference between Education and Educational Psychology.
qo(-z Rier6 qfr frM : Pm-o qfi q-q-q-rfrqr frrel-fr 61 qqfr"-fr Tf,l-{flT, ire{ qfi qqTEnr,
3Tq'q'q frtRrmT, qtq?rmq qq \6n-mr qfrBfffi t

Unit-2 Characterisitics of teacher, Professional growth of the teacher. Mental set of the tsacher.
Efficiency in studying, Study guide, Curriculum and Co-curricular activities.
qor$-g reqq Frqtur, fr-'rm, T+f€rt r{lilq-{, {qqreqfiol G ildurr I

Unit-3 Concept fonnation, Thinking. problem solving, Creativity and Reasoning.


Signature of Board of Studies Memtrers

with name and date
go1$-+ o1fti-rqr, fuArsT, er-aq"I, q.urur, s!-f,ET qft"iwr, sTDrtq i fiqT p1[fr-ot t

Unit-4 Motivation:Curiosily, exploration, expectancy, achievementmotivation, Role of Motivation

in learning.

vq-rurq I oe{T s-qqq a1 fr'|ffi. flsRall q{6N

Eor$-s 3{Brq qqtfl{ur, srnqorft orErrq wfqi"T m-r
' o-r qrrrTrll"t, sranril-fud fr_qTeff E-qtS nen qffio sq t ffiq fuileff;
Unit-S Learning environment : maintaining effective learning environment. Classroom management
Techiniques. Handling problem behaviour. Disadvantaged pupil, Bilingual and culturally
diverse students.

Boohs Recommended :

l. EducationalPsychology - LesterD' Crow/Alice Cros

2. Educational Psychology - DavidW. Johnson

3. Educatinal Psychology - KARE Gamison, Albart J. Kingston

4. Educational Psychology - S.S.Mathur

5. Educatinal Psychology - J' Skinner

6. PrciT q-+fuflrl - rtq qutr qqf

7. frieToT 6ETI vs n-fi-ffo - vrm ffi

g. PETr rdfd-am - {iq YTo-f, qr!-g

10. frrerq o?lT - fr.$. qraq'


Signature of Board of Studies Memtrers

with name and date
Rani Durgawati Vishwavidyalaya, Jabalpur (M. P. )
Semester wise Syllabus for Post Graduate Classes
(Approved bY the Board of Studies)

Session :2022-2023

Class \rq.q. ufd qti€T / M.A.III'd Semester

Subject qqlEETq / Psychology
PaperTitle ffi{m q-fr fafl -q 7 g lini c al P sy cho Io gy
Paper qgef / IV

SemesterEnd Exam 40 Marks

CCE, l0Marks
Total Malks 50 Marks

qlqqtrq sTrqqq or qffirdzqRuiiq

outcome : 1. This paper course focuses on the contribrilion of different theoretical approaches of
Psycho PathologY.
4r,fr6'qd" reil?, q-+m ft'arq d ftftq Mfufi sqrrq\ w dko t t

2. To devetop a balanced view ofthe various therapi-es and practical techniques employ-ed.
r;.r{r3ri rq}fufr-6-1fttq Tq Hqtftfi qmfiqi oT 1rfi egfu1 Efu6]IT o-o-oltn
t frftq
o-rqr I

3. To train students in diflerent approaches to counseling and Psycho pathology'
ffi C
g G qdfro& fr-# d Afq-q e-qitu6 \'q q6p'ui fr urxeii
qRTis-d o-{fl I

fr--firT / Particular

gor$-r ffio q-rtg-flq mT tfuflfro qRie{, ffifi q-q}fu.flq d qfrsq, q!)Trqr.q-fi

unit-1 Historical perspective of Clinical Psychology Models of Clinical Psychology : Psychodynarnic,
B etravioural, IntetPersonal.

gzur$-z q-qlpfr',d{frtq or trfier"r, q-q}E"frilcw-fr1"'q qTeil..rn, q-q\Bfrtff-frTq qRETq, qTqfto

Refil or qfrel"r, qmR"-fr tqllq d aeTq I

Unit-2 Examination of psychiatric patient, psychiatric interuiew, psychiatric history and mental
examination. Syrnptoms of psychiatric illness'


Signature of Board of Studies Members

lvith name and date
qd$ s"Effqi B-{rq \Iq tr{ff-fi{ur I cM' f'q'6' qrqq 3ilefr q-fte{"r' q&ft
{f,rg-3 qetft qBitrd - 6-r
s-Eflffimrffiosqqtq t

Unit-3 projective techniques, Origin and classification of projective techniques' Rorschach' TAT'
Draw a person test, Clinical use of Proj ective test'
g,od-+ ffi6 qrq=r : ws'q vq st{q, ffi-o. HTsilcFN, qfrf,-ff, sTtqrf{, q!-{ €efr {{q-{r3rY 6T
r+TfiToT, Tf{flffi \'q r{dqrr t

Unit-4 Clinical assessment : Nature and purpose, Clinical Interview, Case study' Collecting'
processing and cotlmuni catin g assessment'

for{-s q-*Ehrcr ; qfrftI_}qqltTfi, qfu dFnf,, ft'fu-trT' @"'q"6R frfr'ffi' qqER

qffii 3r-{iilfi--m-i'4, g.d'rre qRre{"r t

Unit-S psychotlierapies : Psychoanalytic, Client Centered, Cognitive therapy, Behavioral therapy :

Behavior Modifi cation, Desensitization, Assertive training.

Recomtnended Readings :

tnodern life. Harper collins'

1. Carson, R.C. & Butcher J.N. ( 1992)Abnormal psychology and

2. Heeker, (2003) Introduction to clinical Psychology. Delhi, Pearson.

(4th ed). Eaglewood, Cliffs, N'J'
4. Nietzel, M.t. & Bernstein D.A. (187). Introducting to clinical psychology
Prentic Hall.

J.G. & Sarason B.R. (2005)Abnormal Psychology. Prentice

Hall of India Pvt. Ltd', New Delhi'
5. Sarason

6. 3r5q qqx RTe (zooe)v23fl{ ffifi qq\ft-STq, +ff.cTrf, cqrwfffls t


Signature of Board of Studies Members

with name and date
Rani Durgawati Vishwavidyalaya, Jab alpur (M' P' )
Semester wise Syllabus for Post Graduate Classes
(Approved by the Board of Sttrdies)

Session z 2022'2023

Class gq.q.[I"' friizq / M.A.III" Semester

q-{tfrfln / PsychologY
gTstFrfi o.rd / Practical Work

SemesterEndExam 40Marks
CCE l0Marks
TotalMarks : 50 Marks

fr-{iur / Particular

Trvo Practical of 50 marks each :

1. 11qrq"q fufuT Concept for mation

2. t-e[ qfre{"r Rorschach Ink Blok Test

3. E.q.f. qfrem T.A.T.

4. l6 P.F. 16 P.F.

5. et<:ffio 3ri"mftT Interpersonal Attracti on

6. tllqTfu-fi qql1vq-dl , Social conformity
7. qIqR{-6 {SRe4 MentalHealth
8. !frETE5"rq Prestige Suggestion

e. sTFrq)ileq-fr q-{61-{ - ProsocialBehaviour

10. 3nqtrq-6-flT qfteTUI Aggression Test
11. {{q{qT qr{iqFl Problem Solving
12. qTqfrrfr gfu ,MentalSet
13. qf.fq oil FfqtnT qfteToT f)raw aperson test
"tFR be conducted' Students will be given two
Total f,ve practicals which inclucle experiments and tests wil
practicals inthe examination tbr evaluation of 50 marks each Marks
distribution scheme will be as given below :
Total Marks ! 50
Conduction of ExPeriment or Test 30


Signature of Board of Studies Members

with name and date
Rani Durgawati Vishwavidyalaya, Jabalpur (M'P')
Semester wise Syllabus for Post Graduate Classes
(APProved bY the Board of Studies)

Session :2022-2023

Class qq.q. IV'" tt-€{ / M.A.IV"'semester

q-{ifu-flq / PsychologY
qfrf,-€ 6 1 qdft-fl-q / P sycholo gy of P ers on al ity -I I

Paper sq\/I
SemesterEndExam 40 Marks
CCE 10 Marks
TotalMarks 50 Marks

wqffq sTEfiI{ or qffird/qRq-q

Outcome : 1. Recognize your strength andweaknesses'
2. Knowwhich situations are Ideal foryou'

ft-fllT / Particular

qorg-r q-frfr-flq d r{Eq-{rq , Sc (q frr=.* sTqtcq-fi - Pl-6T,il qa ro ot-f,fuqT rqE,

q]z-q_{-Ek_+r!T Vq dE\t]-q, fi.qs. Rffir q-c1-d gq.E_f,, q{6l{il-(,.lHi@- cs-d 5cq dqTul I

Schools of psychology : Strr.rcturalism wuh<lt & Titcheher,

Functionalism chlcago Schools &
Clerks H. Hull, Behaviorism,
Colambia Schools, Watsons - views & Concepts, B.F. Stainner,
C estalt - Sali ent features onlY'

go(-z Yfrf,rylriq-o s-qTrrrT: 3ffid, dEf, qs slTE-Gq Rro-o t

Unit-2 DispositionalApproaches : Allport's, Cattell's and Eysenck's theories'

gor$-s qFrqfl qrfr R{-€r<, qTqiT}, tq-ci gq qt

Unit-3 HumanisticApproaches : Maslow, Rogers and Murray

E-o(-+ ddfi, rqfu.q o'r HErrflriqo R{€rd,
UT]U{ et dft-{ @'frf,-f, q'T et' fuflR, qfrfl-d d
qlqtfr{ ft-€rf, t frq 6'rrfi sfusq t

theory of perronality' The

Unit-4 George Kelley : A cognitive theory of Petsonality, Kurt Lewin-field
Five Dimensional model or theory of Personality. The five facotrs


Signature of Board of Studies Members

with name and date
E6rt-5 3rtf,Rfi {"il a qTq-{ al qfrfl-f, 3r-g{s : q?FI{, sqst'T Yq ffi' qdfr qfrfu \-q d 3r-5i1fr 3rfl{

Unit-S personality inventories as assessment of disositions. kinds, uses and limitations' Difference
between inventory and projective teclinique'

Recommended Readings :

Grove, California'
L LiebeftR.M. & Spiegler. M.D. Personality : Strategies and issues. Pacific
J' Willey & sons'
2. Hall. C.S. &,Lindze.G. (1978)Theories ofpersonality. 3rdEd. NewYork:
3. Hjelle,L.A.& Zeigler,D.J.(1991).Personalitytheories:basicassumption,research&application'
4. Mcgrawhill,InternationalbookCo'
: Willey'
5. Pervin, L.A. (1975) Personality, theory. Assessment and researchNewYork

6. ftrqffi, g.{qqT \.q Er-uft, fiqr (zoor) qfrft'5Tq d qqilq \d gftETs dqIf,-ftd\ qel cilfi-rcfr t

7. Rje ersq gq1q q-fiB-s-rq d qrqqTq \-q qft-ilr, df-fr-f,rd I

8. Rre eroor qfrf,f, fl qqtfuflrq I


Signature ofBoard of Studies Members

u'ith name and date
Rani Durgaw ati Vishw avidyala y a, J ab alpur (M' P' )
Semester lvise Sytlabus for Post Gradurate Classes
(APProved bY the Board ol Studies)

Session :2022'2023

gq.q. IV'n tt-€{ / M.A.IV'h Semester
lrrtfr-STq ,/ PsychologY
rTqrq qfrFaAn-II / S o cial P sycho I o gy-II
Paper fffiq ,z tt

Semester End Exatn 40 Marks

CCE l0Marks
TotalMarks 50Marks

fdq-iur / Particular

qfrdrr-d tq-q-6R {{Iqifu-fi Tq qiqft-fr

r*s-q: g{{ oN 6r B.t{q EeT|tr d 3r-d.rd @-{l{T fu - (1)
q-Ed * q.nfr-a daT t? (2) frftr< elqTBro qni5lF6 RrdT-<\ d sfli t
elqlfu-fi eq.{qT3T)
s\ ffiBf, orrT | (e) gg-flN, o-{rqT fu frrs s-6rq q*fu-fi o,qEqreit s rmw-< tg
enlffifi-q-{tffio sFI oT qd"'T fr;-fl qr e-fi-flr t I

how individual bhaviour is influenced

Objective: This course aims at enabling students to - (i) Appreciate
problems can be analyzed in terms of
by social and cultural context. (ii) UnderstrynA no* 13cial
social Psychological knowledge can
various social-psychological theories. (iii)-Realisecl how
be used in solving socialproblems'

w qM-{, 3rFqfu fr-T qlqq, 3lFqfrf,

qffi ol
e-or$-r 3rffi : ws-q vq nf,rd 3{Fqk q'r FHIur
,,Fq, ..-arareq6 ffinTfu-qr< t

Attitude : Nature & Functions Fotmation and change

of attitucle, Measurement of Attitude'
Process of attiturde change, Congnitive dissonance

q-o(-z ea-o:{{f6 qiuirT , qaf, qiDR [siIE o1 qrq vq sqrq witr"6 Tq filTrq FHinT, €frqur w
and E'ffective' Prejudice and
Unit-2 Inter group relation : Prejudice-meaning, types measurement
Discrimination- Fonning, maintaining and reducing


Signature of Board ollstudies Members

with name and date
go,g-a f{fi- qTqrfr-fi sTRf<.o. a trfii-{, ciqqq, aTk, sqdRT qq 3r$-<-{ : Til{ T{
Approval : concept and
Unit-3 Social motive type of social motives. Affiliation, Power, Achievement,
theoretical exPlanation'

go(-a *k q-"qfffi-{ur R-E Frrf,T g'q frrri{fi, qffi

q-.qqfrfi-{ur q d X"il o-r qf,€,
T'iriqq- q-ellT, fr-qrf,-dtfi qt-{] \-q dF+s gq qr{q-{ I xqTnquT fr nftrji t

Unit-4 person perception lmpressiion formation & Determinates, Role of perceivers characteristics ln
person perception, Attribution : Concept, theories - Kelley, Jones &
Davis and Weiner' Errors in


qor{-s sqrq: qfrro \"i 3Tqrfuq,, qqH{trf, rrqN m-rw' \s eTt]l\, 3Eqqrfl-fr rrqx, \JIc q-qR (
fiRqT), ezTlq I

unit-S communication : ver.bal and Noverbal, Effective communication factors & barriesrs,

persuasive Communication, Mass media, propaganda'

Recommended Readings :

1. Baron and Byrne (1998) Social Psychology, New Delhi : Prentice Hall

2. Baron(2001),sarnajikManovigyan. (9thed.)NewDelhi-Pearson.
3. Feldman, R.S. ( 1998) SocialPsychology. Singapo.le : McGraw Hill

5. Tripathi, LB ( I 992) outline of social psychology, DelJri - Motilala Banarasi Das'

6. ftra ers"r lfrrI\JT rnifu-flq qft sqtw fr-fi-f,Ia q-cr{Ift Ers

- t

't. E-Aqrq t'r-drrrq - rrElrq q-frfo-w'ry t


Signature of Board ol'Studies Members

with name and date
Ran i Durgawati Vishwavi dyal aya, Jab alpur (M' P' )
Semester wise Syllabus for Post Graduate Classes
(Approved bY the Board of Studies)

Session z 2022-2023

Class gq.q. IV* t+€( / M.A.IV*semester

qdft-am / Psychology
PaperTitle frren rrfrBrn-Il / EducationalPsychology-ll
Paper [frq / rI
SemesterEndExam 40Marks
CCE l0 Marks
Total Marks 50 Marks

qfdq"m-q 3Tq"q.q *1 qRf,Rrd / q"RuTrq

of yourself and the
Outcome : Leaning more about social Psychology can enrich your understanding
behave in
world around you. By learning more about how people view others, how they
groups and how attitudes are iormed you can gain agfeater appreciation
for how social
relationships infl uence individual ftinctioning
rrq-fl m-r ft-mrq e)-qr r iD\ dr\ ts-i B, q-k qT6 d qq6rq ds zn-iflr c"s-q{qT
"rt't wRl qqifua .n-{i t, qrfli fr qrs
Efrd, di] ffird +dT *, Hlr,fu-n r{eq e-k o\ f<1
Frtfr t

fr-qwT / Prrticular

objective : The course is envisaged that students will develop skills of analysis and synthesis of theoretical
approaches to educatiol and will be able to critically evaluate various applications of
psychology in educational setting' '
go(-r ftren qfrfr-wrq q ffi6 qRieq, @-fl6T-{qrfi, qlqTffio GTfUrq fr{-€r.d (ffi'T) fr-sqq nen
ftfrerqr.Tfi, qqqqtwr, {ar t

social learning
unit-I Theoretical perspectives in educational Psychology Behariouristic theories,
theories - Mocleling and obseryational, sell efficacy, Btuner.

gu[r{-z q-{tB-flq (arT r{emr q-mq fr{qm tifrrd vE sTf}qq gfrnqT rnql 3i-d-q
nsTr q.dq fr"fiTli I

style and Learning'

Unit-2 Cognitive psyotrology and information processing models, cognative
strategies, Language accluisition and reading development'


Signature of Board of Studies Members

with name and date
go(-s qrflfiu frRsrdT vq ftreTr, ntrrrf,I Yq Oen, Bq-f,RT, rtTqTfufi flf fr'hq-Tftfr Vq Rrar, gk d
Rr-qm t

Social class
Unit-3 Human diversity and education, Readiness and class room Achievement,
Differences, poverty-disadvantages and education. Theories ofintelligence'

- €qrEur qq qrsT, yrc go-{r, ffiqrqdT, s.qqx, a}idfusl, fr-flTtff dFna

u-or$-+ Rreror frfy5
oqeffifter"r t

Unit-4 Teaching methods-lecturing and explaining, questioning, apptitude-treatement,

guu'{-s qiq=r oT qmq vq Tflrfic (q[q-6 TiEffi"d f,gl'l slqil-s qqff-( qfre+'T)
*f6-f, X@rf,c vq s-6N,
qfreror H-dlo ere, G qrcqT d q-ftrr I

(Normreferenced and
Unit-S Evaluation of educational assessment, measurement and evaluation
criterion referenced tests) Test-scores, meaning, Types of interpretation'

Recommended Readings :

988). Psychology applied in teaching (5th Ed.) Boston : Hongton

Miffin Co'
1. Behler & Snowman (I

9gg) Atext book of advanced educational Psychology. New

Delhi Amol Publications'
2. Dand pani, A. (I

Crewlard (2nd Ed')

3. DeDeco ( 19g8). The psychology of learning and instruction. Willian

4. Dandekar (I 995) Educational Psychology Mxrnillan'

(2) New Delhi : Sage'
6. Pandey J. ( 1988). Psychology in India . The state of artvol.

7. woolflok,A. (2004) Eclucational Psychology. Singapore : pearson Education'


Signature of Board of Studies Members

with name and date
Rani Durgawati Vishwavidyalaya, Jab alpur (M. P. )
Semester wise Syllabus for Post Graduate Classes
(Approved by the Board of Studies)

Session z 2022-2023

Class et€{ / M.A.IV'"semester

\tq.q. IV*
Subject qqlBslq / Psychology
PaperTitle Organizational B ehaviour
Paper qgd I IV (ffioOptional'A')
Semester End Exatn 40Marks
CCE l0Marks
'fotalMarks 50 Marks

ft--qwT / Particular

Objective: Course clcsigned for the stuclents of human behaviour aims at understanding the behaviour of
individuals along with otlter organizational assets,

qqrr$-r q.iwq, gdffi, qrlz"rre-fi tutran ht tffilzn YE-TR I ETart-d 3{ttrl-{, Q-crftfr
qrsq-q-g6rflfi, qq6g1g.-6\ii qTqTfu6 oritrqq qrs-q I UUTqmr rrq'qq | 3rBTq !R'rrd;l<{ef
G q-rri I -
Unit-1 Challenges facing management, Historical background of OB : Hawthorne studies. Theoretical
frame works: Cognitive, behaviorist and social leaming frame work. Quality management
Learning organizations- meaning and types. ,
qor{-z ffiuor, Tq.s.q Oq ffii g
| fl4frirfl'u-quq I €rt-drl ffionr; T{rrd-{rq6 ffi, ffi W
q-w-Fqlffiqqtirsqqrq t

Unit-2 Diversity : nature and characteristics of diversity. Managing diversity. Ethics in organizations.
Organizational Culture :Nature, creatiug and maintainig culture.

gor$-s 3rft'f{qT : e+ef G eiFN I 3rft-frun d ft-{ra-ffi o-l 3lctrffi-il !-fl-X-rq fr+-qin, rrqd
ftiqra, qi-&-d"d-{ ftrqin.r sIRn=wlT gqa zn{i of viqM t

Unit-3 Motivation : Meaning Type. Theories of motivation; Maslow's hierarchy of'needs, Ilerberg's
thoery, and Porter-Lawler theory. Techniques for enhancing motivation.


Signature of Board of Studies Members

with name and date
d qa I iq-iq-+f,d q-ffi{
q-o(-a eaE qprfr1, qaE t5r ln-s"rT gq !-m"R r enrJB--fi lilTa_{
zF-t 3TEqq"q,

fia oi ft+-qro, qrerila fr+-qro

X"r fr--qffl, erfl$fFrfi-dl

organization' Leadership :
unit-4 Group Dynamics : nature and Types of groups. Teams in modern
leadership, path-goal theory'
Classical t*dies o1 leadership, trait theories, contingency theory of

guur$-s qrrdq-rErfi qffiq-rqoq qd s-mn r qffi d e-a, qffir q-qffi, d.Id;Irflro fr--fir-{T- E-{fle}q

olrq.5s\rqwBfffi t

Managing change'
Unit-S Organizational Change : Nature and Types of Change. Forces of change
organizational Development. Nature, and techniques of o.D. Interventions'

Recommended Readings :

L Luthans, F. (1995) Organizational Behaviour. Newyork : McGraw Hill.

prentice Hall of India'
2. Robbins, s.P. (1996) Organizational Behaviour' New Delhi,
Prentice Hall of India'
3. Chandan, i.S. ( 1996) Organizational Behaviour' New Delhi :
Publishing House Pvt' Ltd'
4. Chandan, J.S. ( 1980) Organizational Behavior. New Delhi : Vikas


Signature ofBoard of Studies Mentbers

with name and date
Rani Durgawati Vishwavidyalaya, Jabalpur (M'P')
Semester wise Syllabus for Post Gradurate Classes
(Approved by the Board of Studies)

Session :2022'2023

Class qg.g. IV* t+-{il /"'Semester

Subject q-iifu-flq / Psychology
PaperTitle Environmental PsYchologY
Paper / lV (ffifi optional'B')
Semester End Exam 40Marks
CCE l0Marks
Total Marks 50 Marks

fr-qqq / Particular
To discuss the
objective : To highlight the simultaneous mutual interacton of environemt and behavour.
impact of ecological degradation and the need for enltanced awareness

qor$-r qp+q: q-qffl.T qqifrflrl of s-qft \-q frM, tRtrrfurF qR-{Pq, q-qfs-{nT of YiltT
frM f qqffi qnqffm-{ur, {ignnen elltrgM t

Unit-l Introduction:Nature and characteristics of Environmental Psychology Historical Overview
environemental psychology. Research methods in environmental Psychology'
perception, cognition and attitudes'

g-or{-z q-qiq-irTqfift-$Tq d +€-ift-fi Eqrrm : sq}crq, q-qffi'q qrq, ftEq-sftura sqFFI, Bqgzra
\5flqq s-qFFI, qtr6R F-iq sqrTq, tor or *t"R€]*lq sqrrq I

load, Under
Unit-2 Theoretical approach to Envirorunental psychology : Arousal, Environmental
stimulation approach, optimal stimulation, Behaviour constraint. Barker's ecological
gm'$-a qqiq-iufrq !-frq-f, : qrq-ft-fi s{rril 6qrr trm-m fufiB--mT, qir, ilqFq n.eIT qTg s-{Sui t rtls nen
qrdfr qffiq-f, t

heat and air'

Unit-3 Environmental Strees : Natural disaster and technological catastrophe, noise,
pollution" Crowding and Urban strees'

go(-+ tqfrf,rrfl WtKT, WTFIiI eftqjffi 1]qu-i-r Vq tq-{61-{ t

Unit-4 Personalspace,Territoriality,architectureandbehavior.


Signature of Board of Studies Members

with name and date
q-o(-s qqtq-wT riqeTor tg rqeETq t qtrafq, qq-qifl]Jfis zq-dgrq' sqqis-{"fr @-il6l-{ - I

qqffi"qifto-dTvql[g I

behavionr Promoting Pro-

unit-S changig behaviour to save the environment. Provironmental

Recommended Readings :
Psychology (2 nd Ed'). New York : Halt, Rinehart
L Fisher, J.D., Bell, p. Baurn. A. (1984). Environmental
: NewYork: Random House' Mirilla'
B' and Gianfi'anco' S'
2. Holahan, c.J. (1982) Environmental Psychology
( 1995). Environmental Psychology : APsycho-Social'

3. Introduction, London : Sage Publications'

4. Nagar-, D. (2006). Environmental Psychology. New Delhi : concept Publishing
: Sage Publication'
5. Robert, B. ( 1997). Environmental and behaviour :An Intloduction London
behaviour : theoty, research and application' New
6. Stokols, D. (1gg7). perspectives in Enviroment and


Signature ofBoard of Studies Mentbers

with name and date
Rani Durgawati Vi shwavidyal ay a, J ab alpur (M' P' )
Semester wise Syllabus for Post Graduate Classes
(APProved bY the Board of Studies)

Session :2022-2023

Class qq.q. IV* Qt-{fl / M.A.IV"' Semester

q-frfu-flq ,/ Psychology
PaperTitle Psychological Assessment
qgd I IV (ffin optional'C')

SenesterEndExam 40 Marks
CCE 10 Marks
TotalMarks 50 Marks

fr-flnT / Pwticular
psychological assessmenttechniques. To impart skills necessary for
objective : To train students invarious
pu{poses such training, rehabilitation as
selecting and applying different test for diff-erent

q-rtffifi fr$N-al(, qfieTul d stqq ffiTI, qftenpfr of frdN-dI('

gor{-r qfieTor : wwq \rq qR?TrqT, Tq
qqerfi 6-r qq-rq, Mq-or \q AEIflr, treFrW fiFTq I

setting and purpose oftests'

unit-l Nature ofpsychological test :Nature anddefinition, characteristics,
andValidity concepts and types'
Characteristics of exarninee, effects of examiner. Reliability
qq qT{Ffi qfra"r, qrBE-fi q-q 3lalTk6
gor$-z q-ftHrTi d q-frrr , gtr t'q rif,r{ d qfie{q, ffifrflfi
qfreru t

and group test' Verbal and non-

Unit-2 lypes of tests : Test for Intelligence and Cognition : individual
verbal tests.

qo6-a qk-f, qrqq : gm6rw, \d vgw uu-*.fi qfrf,-f, er-5qftd//qr-iTqfr{C oT 6qrot'

sdfi qfieryr, rsr6 sr6{r qfi&rur 1q"6), b.q.A. qrqq oilEft fr--d.rrT qfteTol, mau 1tr t

personality Assessment : History and development. Evaluation freqr"rently used of

unit-3 (Rorschach)' TAT' I)raw a person test'
personality/questionnaires. Projective tests : lnkblot test
Sentence comPletion test'


Signature of Board of Studies Members

with name and date
go(-a frpTE q;r{i{qr d qfieror ' REdi, rreflffifi qq otnfi-ft-fi-dr]t, {ff$i of F:vt'Klf,I, qTqfr-fr
sq {{FIrqnT \?i sIfB-Tq ft--+-art-ro d q-fteTuI t

speech handicaps, learning disabilities'

unit-4 Tests for special population : Tests for infants, motor and
mental sub normality and learning handicapped'

guur{-s *.frf,Tf, s=gq.dr qfieor Tq nftt T qlq"Frfr : d-w

'\' @-'ril-{, ft'{ianT sasf,I, 3{Fr{Fd qTqFrd'

q'fier"r fr i"fto' gi qs flql-ffi-fi q-{to-nI

unit-S personal orientation Tsst and Rating scales : TypesAbehavior,locus of control' Attitude scales'
Ethical Issues and Social Consideration in testing'

Recommended Readings :

2. Freoman, F.S. ( 1978) Theory and practicc of psychology testing oxford.
3. Shalini Bharat (I 996). Family rneasurement in India, Sage : New Delhi'
New Delhi Tata McGrawhill'
4. Sing, A.K. ( 1998). Testing and Measurement in Psychology'

5. Kapil,H.K.(1995).AnusandhanParichay,Agra'
6. Marphy, K. R. & David Soafer, C'O' (1998)

7. PsychologicalTesting,NewJerseyPrenticeHall'


Signature of Board of Studies Members

with name and date
Rani Durgawati Vishwavidyalaya, Jabalpur (M. P. )
Semester wise Syllabus for Post Graduate Classes
(Approved by the Board of Studies)

Session z 2022-2023

Class W.q. IV* t\t'{eq / M.A.IV* Semester

Subjcct qq)fran / Psychology
PaperTitle Applied Soci al PsychologY
Paper qld I IV (ffifioptional'D')

SemesterEnd Exam 40Marks

CCE l0Marks
Total Marks 50Marks

ft-qqnT / Particular

Objective : This course aims at enabling sfudents to :

1. Appriciate how individul behaviour is influenced by social and cultural
2. Realise how social Psychological knowledge canbe used in solving social problems.

qa'r{-r \JT-r-q-cqT ffi .il qq-ffiq ffi.

, q|-{-fl G-ffiEqr Eft a qftqlq rnq ftiiaulqq-qllTfu-fi
Gl-qtq Tq E-wetq 6r +{ I

Unit-l population Growth : Demograpliic Distribmion ol-lndia : consequences of populatior, growthl

psycho-social resistance to birth control and scope of intervention'

fu,T gt : go rnerr S w t qkfl{ ys ftqr6 o-T q{f,f,T

qeT, qtr G aono, svl;ffi G 3T'q
{f,r{-2 qRql-q \rq 6{fle}q A 3ffi{J{,
{sRaq sq-+fi gt, qR-dTun d fr-s-€ Est , ffi-$ri, Trffi"6
qRcT qq-hild,gq I

Gender Issues : changing aspects of family and marriage as institution. Down and
Rcproductive and othcr health issucs; Viloence against Women Causes, psycho-social
consequences and Scope for intervention. Empowerment ofwomen.

E-f,r{-3 3r1qsqTfl6 T{s[rq q-{tftHH : q]T{rfum-ffiwl(-TIfr.qT, qTFI&Iq G era_oqTE t

Unit-3 Applied Social Psychology : Social Problems- Poverty, Child labour, Teruorism.
gor$-+ qtqTfu-o qM-i ol qrrsr, q-ffiinT 5t, e.IqTfu-o a-+4, v+rqrft-m 3lr<tf,q I

Unit-4 problem of-Social change, Population issues. Social Tension, Social Movenrents.


Signature of Board of Studies Members

with name and date
qor$-s qzrtrwt'q eryq d q-iiqlqTfu-fi orsu-t Tq q"R"nq, qqiq-iuT qis&T"r d fr\ q-qi-qmfr-fr evn$q,

T-qrFrf,r $i ffi6 {elrt o't-r{rflu I

Unit-S Environment : Psycho-social causes and consequences of environemtnal degradation; Psycho-

social intervention for the preservation of environment. Concept of territoriality and personal

Books Recommended :

1. Alocock, J.E., Carment, D.W. Sadav, S.W. Collins, J.E. & Green, J.M. (1997). A Test book of social
psychology, Scarborough, Gatario : Prentice Hall/Allyn & Bacon.

2. Baron, R.A., & Byrne. D. (1998) Social psychology. New Delhi : Prentice Hall.

3. Billing, M. ( 1976). Social psychology and intergroup relations. NY :Academic Press.

4. Pandey, J. 0 Psychology in India - The state ofArt (vol. 30 New Delhi - Sage.)

5. 3rrg-fl{rq 0, ElTllfu-6eq-€r( t


Signature ofBoard of Studies Members

with name and date
Ran i Durgawati M shwavi dyala y a, J abalpur (M' P' )
Semester wise Syllabus for Post Gracluate Classes
(Apptoved by the Board of Studies)

Session z 2022-2023

Class : Tq.{. IV'h t+{an / M.A.IV'n Semester

qdfian Psychology
PaperTitle Psychology and SPort
qgi I IV (ffi6Optional'E')

SemesterEndExam 40Marks
CCE 10 Marks

Total Marks 50Marks

fr-"qqq / Particular
with its
Objective: To frace the development of sports Psychology as an independent discipline
personality and situational
multiclimeusional perspectives. To iclentity the relationship of
the role of psychological
tbctors with pertbrmance on idividual and team events. To discuss

gor{-t d-f, qqttra1.q of fr-ffi frfieror, Tfle{T@r-(, qfteT"r gq !-qtq-; fra sTEq_q-q deIT {{il&Tlrl I fu-f,ffi

d q!ffi-q fr-fiT-s ?h1ei-f,{4fl-( qr@r+{all, 5{ nxnvaren Vq fuqil{rfierT

- t

field study and

Unit-1 Methods of spotts pschology : Observatior-r,lnterview, Tests and experiments'
pre-adolescence and
surveys. Stages of psychomotor cleveloop,il.n, of the Athete Childhood,


go(-z sfrE-f, of TR-fiT: d-a ftqreq t gtrqil ngil3lctEIFI, d.f, fr sEt-f,q Ts 3ffiTq-fi-flr t

andAggression in Sports'
Unit-2 Role of stress :Anxiety and attention in sports performanceArousal
qBm' S{={dq
e6-r{-e 3rfti-{qr : da it 3rft"h{utr d qq}ffifi sTltn-{ I 3l'd:!s 3TFr}qqr 6131ftqfi;
ne{T 6es ftqfq"T- eflt' ftq"K-{,
gqERT 3rft-i-{un gq qfu{qqirq-f,flr t

intrinsic nrolivation
Motivation : Psychological bases of motivation in sports. Enhancing

f'eedback, reintbrcement and goal setting peak performance,
Achievement motivation and

go-r$-+ 6-fril6 der rr{6 dEf d rigmrm-fi \.{ q-{iffio. sTrqm t +i-or sX5 er{Ia, frFrq-dr(

Yq vq-m-r qtirq I

sports : Audience effects

Unit-4 Cognitive and psychological ditnensions of incliviclual ancl team
Individual differences and their causes.

Signature ofBoard of Studies Members

with name and date
qor$-s oITTq, 1'q qc\twtBm oteTd, rl{5 u;rq, eXe
Sa t i-ild q-q riiqq' ffii ot
qtffi6 qrqsreii qi r{'rsm t

leadership and
unit-S Experience; psychomotor and psychological skills' Group pfocesses,
problems ofyour sports-persons'
communication in team sports. Un<ierstanding psychotically

Books Recommended :

I. Aftrold, D.L.U, : Sporls psychology, Natiion, J.R. (1989) Chicago,Nelson-Hall"

Mohan, J. ( 1 996) : Recent advances in sports Psychology - New
Delhi - Friend'O


Signature of Board of Studies Members

with name and date
Rani Durgawati Vishwavidyalaya, Jabalpur (M'P')
Semester wise Syllabus for Post Graduate Classes
(Approved bY the Board of Studies)

Session z 2022-2023

Class : Y{.\. 1Y'h i$Egq 7 M.A.IV* Semester

Subject q-dfrflrl / Psychology
PaperTitle Health Psychology
qgi I IV (t6-frq-6,Optional'F')

SemesterEndExam 40Marks
CCE l0Marks
TotalMarks 50Marks

fr-"qinT / Particular

To acquaint the students rvith the nature and significance of the emergil g area
of health
Psychology within life span perspective' To highlight the importance of
social and
behaviours the
psychological processes in the experience of health and illness. To fours on the
risk factors vis-anis disease prevention and health promotion.

3rdM vq q+rqrfuo, srwfd-r riq*i r {qT{€4 Tift-arc ol

qor$-r Ht{eq rfiEsrq ffi w dT
ffi6 q-rtft.f,rq t r{eq I .q"{6R 3MS, frfq 1rq FNea I

contexts' The
Unit-1 Health psychology - Nature, scope and its interdiscipliary and socio-cultural
mcdicine gender and
relationship of health psychology with clinical psychology bchavioral '
health. e

q-qiffio qfrSq, €I{es qtrfl-{, fi5t1, !ft5q t q\-qr Vq qH

go(-z tsnes d msq f *q rqsseToT

orq{g-C q t

efficacy model'
Unit-2 Models of Health : Bio-psychological model, Health behaviors models, Self
Concept of Yoga & Meditatiott.

go(-a lsnaq s:q=FT yq trr, toerrq I zq{6x utfuq .nx-fi (s_ilf,{ul, 3Mq Vs {qql=I) sNJqfhf,
dFr-fi qqdn. onfl{ E qr sTRIq (Tlq d-qc ffi
WqH t

(e.g. drug) Health

Unit-3 Health promotion and disease prevention Behavioural Risk Factors
use, unsafe
promotion and disease preventionBehavioural Risk Facotrs (e.g. drub and alcohol
sexual behaviour, smoking; diet and sedentary life style')

Signature ofBoard of Studies Members

with name and date
gor{-+ aqI{a{ d Tr{ffifi, f,|{f,qr d sq fr qfrE-f,, Eqfrf,-f, gs {{I-flfufi qqefq E{qnkmT fr6.R,
g.s.H / Tq q{ fr , qt{ie, fisq t

Unit-4 Stress, personality and Social support as psycho-social linkages of health. Cardiovascular
Disorders, AIDS/HIY Diabetes, cancer.

qor$-s €r{e{ fr s-qqq y-q {r-{sur qfr Rerftrd oerT trflrm r q=ilffio srrf}fr nen offiilF{fi-f,T
ts-tlg E-{fl&}q, v+{ar oTref,\ o-r fr-frTrr f,er 3T€R"ar ?Fl(fr @-{6f{ o-l El-s I

Unit-S Conditions/Resources prornoting and maintaining health. Psychological economic and.

Spiritually- Oriented Interventions. Development of healthy habits and reduction of r'rnhealthy

Books Recommended :

1. Aboud, F.E. ( 1998). Health Psychology in Global perspective. Thousand Oaks' CA' Sage.

2. Bishop, G.D. (1994). Health Pshchology : Intergrating Mind and Body Boston. Allyn & Racon.
3. Brannan, L. & Feist, J. (1996). Health Psychology; An Introduction To Behaviour and health.
Groove, CA: Brooks/Cole .

4. Broorne, A.K. & Lleweliyn, S. (1995). Health Psychology. London : Chapman & Hall.

5. Friedman, D.M. ( 1989). Health Psychology. NewYork Prentice - Hall Gathel. R-J' & Baum'

6. A. Frantz, D.S. ( 1989). An Introduction to HealtliPsychology NewYork. McGraw Hill.

7. Mishra, G. (ecl.) (t 999). Psychological perspectives on stress and Health. New Delhi, Concept'


Signature of Board of Studies Members

with name and date
Rani Durgawati Vishwavidyalay a, J abalpur (M. P. )
Semester wise Syllabus tbr Post Graduate Classes
(Approved by the Board of Studies)

Session :2022-2023

Class : Y{.\. lyth fi}g31 / M.A.IV"'semester

Subject q-Sft-am /
PaperTitle Physilogical Psychology
Paper qPt / lY (ffi6, optional'G')
SemesterEndExam 40Marks
CCE l0Marks
TotalMarks 50Marks

fr--qqrT ,/ Particular

Objective The major objective of this course is to cater to knowledge in the area of brain and behaviour.

E-or$-r qq-qqT( f,er yiq qfrlffi I FrgolqT: iirfir ga e-trR;

q-fiTd, qtflq fu-qTFm 3Ttqrq

ftM; s{l-g e?nd o1 frqfrq \'q Sq-{IqTqF--fi. frM t

Unit-l problems and basic research techniques. Neuron : structure and types; tunctions, anatomical
methocls of sturdy; electrical andbiochemial features ofnerve-transmission.

gor$-z rrrg rie : ri{ffTr;tfr-qa oT-rffi d T{nfr 62n l-ffiq ?5-rd 1

Unit-2 Nervols System : Structure; sensory and motor function of the cerebral cortex.
gor{-s qfufr'q dkfiT ria of €{4rT 6ql qord '
Unit-3 Structure and function of the Peripheral nervous system.

goi{-a Et,if;q f,efi q46n : sqf sq-otq f,.n gE, qfr{d de]T crl-q q!-6R d ft\ erql'q t

Unit-4 Hormones and Behaviour : Hormones for energy utilization & growth, stress and sexual

3igrq 6qn q*Eflrc d Mu oTlttr{ : olBqq ft-gfi-q-tf,fiq qRs,iq;

qqrr$-s f,Qn

qRf,q t t1fr q-sriur q,1 qtffi |

Unit-S physiological basis of learning and memory, biochemical and electrophysiological changes
during learning, mechanism ofrnemory storage in the brain.

Books Recommended:
1. Schwartz (1973): Physiological PsychologyAppleton - century crofts.
z. Levinthal, C.F. (1970) : The physioiogical Approach to psychology. Prenticehall. Relevantportion

Signature of Board of Studies Members

with name and date
Rani Durgawati Vishwavidyalaya, Jabalpur (M'P' )

Setnester wise Syllabus for Post Graduate Classes

(Approved bY the Board of Studies)

Session z 2022'2023

IV Semster
Practical - I
(r) T.A.T./C.A.T.
(2) MMPI
(3) WAIS
(4) Bender Gestalt
(5) SentenceComPletionTest
(6) TypeABehaviour '
(7) IntelligenceTest

Assignment Designing & Experiments


Signature ofBoard of Studies Members

with name and date
Rani Durgawati Vi shwavidyalay a, J abalpur (M. P. )

Semester wise Syllabus for Post Graduate Classes

(Approved by the Board of Studies)

Session z 2022-2023

IV - Semster
Practical - II
(l) PersonPerception
(2) CommunicationNewtwork r

(3) Inter Group Relation

(4) AchievementMotivation v
(5) Attribution
(6) Attitude Measurement
(7) Aptitude Test,

Assignment Designing & Experiments


Signature of Board of Studies Members

with name and date
Rani Durgawati Vishwavidyalaya, Jabalpur (M'P)
Semester wise Syllabus tbr Post Graduate Classes
(Approved by the Board of Studies)

Session :2022'2023

Class gq.\. IV'u 1)t"€{ / M.A.IV*semester

Subject qrlfrSTq / Psychology

Research Proj ect Wort< / qilq qM-f,cT znTd

Total Marks 50Marks

/ variables
The Stgdent will plan and execute a research project related to psychological issues / problem

uncler the supervision of taculty. The studentswill present the work tbr evaluation.
frxfi Rrq-o S qTrffiq q e-ctfi fr-flI?ff Am q-*ffi+o qlr{qrcii, 5*, z-t H-q"D-f,
g{fi q"Rq"rdqT fld
q,1 fi-s-qT qqr{ \ililft darT s$61 frqr<-+q fr-sT qd-{Ti r q-r}6 fr--flT?fi gs qfurwqr od or qRt{q dcqrdtq 6g
s-{gf, mtll.r t


Signature of Board of Studies Members

lvith name and date
Rani Durgawati Vishwavidyalay a, I abalpur
P' )
Semester wise Syllabus for Post Graduate
(Approved bY the Board of Studies)

Session ;2022-2023

gq.q. IV'u I)t-{il / M.A.IV"'semester

q-{tB--sTq / PsychologY

PaperTitle Job OrientedProject

TotalMarks l00Marks

issues / problem / variable s

The Stuclent will plan and execute a research project related to psychological
will present the work for evaluation'
under the supervision of faculty. The students
ffi R*rfi d qTr6q q r.n-fi fr-qTrfi s-m
qfrM+o qqsr3ii, Tdi, zt {iqD"f, \rflfi qM-wqT ol-d
srarx neTr sq-f,r frrq,-F,o fuqT
qraT r q-d-tr fr""flTaff gs qM-qcT ord .ur qfrdq{ x@rmc tg
o1 q1q-fl e-rd
u-rgo otn t


Signature of Board of Studies Members

with name and date

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