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Paul’s High School

Class – 8
 English
1. Learn all spellings from the “Spelling List” provide to you.
2. Learn the Question-Answers given at the end of the following chapters :
(a) The Lake Isle of Innisfree
(b) The Narayanpur Incident
(c) Melting Ice in Alaska
3. Grammar : (Interactive English Grammar and Composition for Juniors)
(a) Complete Exercise 3 (Page 15)
(b) Complete Exercise 6 (Page 16)
(c) Complete Exercise 5 (Page 76)
(d) Complete Exercise 7 (Page 77)
(e) Complete Exercise 3 (Page 88)
(f) Complete Exercise 3 (Page 93)
4. Writing :
(a) Hannah had stayed at a friend’s house for a week, but she left a briefcase there, which
had several important documents in it. In a letter to her friend, Jeremy Simmons, she asks
him to send her the briefcase as soon as possible.
(b) You are one of the regular visitors to public places such as government libraries and
public parks. You are disappointed to see the unkempt surroundings. Write a letter to the
Deputy Commissioner requesting him to look into the matter.You are P. Ramakrishnan/P.
Parvathi of A-34, Xth Cross, Hardanhalli, Bangalore- 560075.
(c) You are Roopa/Ritesh, the cultural secretary of M.R.V High School, Hyderabad. You have
been asked to inform students of class VII and VIII about the auditions for an Interschool
Dramatics Competition (Juniors). Draft a notice for the students’ Noticeboard with all
necessary details.
(d) As the head of the creative society of your school, you have planned to organize a three-
day workshop on glass painting for the students of class VI to VIII. Write a notice to be put
up on the school notice board inviting students to be a part of the workshop.

 Hindi
(1) स्वाध्माम हे तु ऩाठ- ऩाठ-6 साइकिर िी सवायी (हास्म िथा) रेखि-श्री सुदर्शन जी ।
(2) ऩत्र-रेखन-(औऩचारयि) ग्रीष्भ ऋतु भें फाय-फाय जाने वारी बफजरी से होने वारी िकठनाइमों
िा वर्शन ियते हुए बवद्युत बवबाग िे अधधिायी िो एि धर्िामती ऩत्र धरखखए।
(3) कहन्दी बाषा तथा साकहत्म िे अधूये िामश िो ऩूर्श िीखजए।
(4) धनफंध-रेखन- "र्यीय औय आत्भा िे धरए तोहपा है मोग "- इस फात िो ध्मान भें यखते हुए
भानव जीवन भें मोग िे भहत्व िा वर्शन िीखजए।
(5) वतशनी ताधरिा से प्रधतकदन क्रभर्: दस-दस र्ब्द धरखिय माद िीखजए।
 Maths
Rational numbers Test Yourself ( page no 29) Q1 to 10
Exponents Test yourself ( page no 38) Q 1 to 9
Percent & Percentage Test yourself (page no 93) Q. 2,4,5,7 and 8
Profit, Loss and discount Test yourself (Page no 111) Q. 8,9,10,11 and 12

 Physics
Ch1 Objective type questions Q1 to 4
Ch2 Objective type questions
Q1 to 4 and all the numericals from the example given in the book
 Chemistry
Complete exercises of chapetrs 1, 2 and 3.
Write the symbols of elements and formulas of compounds on the A4 size paper and
remember them.

 Biology

1. Prepare a rose cutting.

2. Prepare the chapters taught.

 History & Civics

1. prepare a project over Parliament mentioning it's history, formation, structure and changes
occured from 1950 to 2024.
2. Complete exercise questions of ch 2 (Growth of Nationalism) and learn.
3. Self study and collect the facts of ch 3(The American war of Independence)

 Geography
1. Mark the countries on the outline map of Asia
2. Mark the physical features on the physical map of Asia
3. Learn and write the country capital of Asia
4. Draw the population pyramid of India and write its characteristics in assignment copy .
5. Complete the work of chapters taught and learn them.

 Computer
1) Learn all the question answer of chapter 1
2) Practice all the flowcharts and algorithms done in the class
3) Learn compilation process of Java, character set of Java, Unicode and ASCII code

 SUPW (Socially Useful Productive Work)

1. Do page no 20 to 24 in book/copy.
2. Make one ice cream stick wall hanging/show piece.

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