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No.SS.0426619 Hoard of Intermediate & Serondary Lduration, BX yoosr — Sargadher Pakistan) re smo1-s0014 Seewidary Seyaol Geet Supplementary Examination 2012 SCIENCE GROUP Tht isto cortify hat SANA ULLAML Sn = IMAM BAKHSHL Wioue dite of Birth as recordadin tho admission forms 29)0911997 TWENTY NINTH SEPTEMBER, ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND NINETY: SEVEN ofthe BUAKKAR DISTRICT Has passedin XXXNXXXXXX_ the secondary school certificate, examination cendisctod bythe beardin QCTOBER-NOVEMBER 2012 cfteining 632 Hanks, ctf 1080 fas beenplocedin grade “B" MARKS IMPROVED “Ha fas chtainod the following marks in the subjects offered by Him Subject) ein Died Urdu 750 ee English 150 99 islamiyat Compulsory 75 88 Pakistan Studies 75 37 Mathematics 74 Chemistry 150 103 Physics 150 81 Biology 150 79, Declaration Date: 2412/2012 Sreretary tfcte is issued without alteration erasure, No.INT. 0031600 Board of Intermediate & Serandary Hducation, Sargudlya (akistan) Autermodiate Certificate Annual Examination 2014 HUMANITIES: Rot Ne. 527945 Bey NC. 38101-0545869-1 Ths isto contfy hae SANA ULLATL ‘Souef IMAM AKASH ofthe. GOVT. COLLEGE BAKKAR. “Was passedin ONE ATTEMPT, the intirmeite, exination conducted by ths Beant i APRIL-JUNE2014° cbtaining 646 ee ct of 1100 and has boon placedin grade Heh bain etng art te jes food By Whi ‘Sr.No. Subjectts) Marks Maine Obi Tae ce English 200 | 94 lac Education a Bakision Studies : w abe a Yat ara Physical Education 150. peat Computer Selene = 703 pra] CIO IOOIOKIOIIIIIOK 70K 7X ; [Note 9e Roprosonts Practeal Grae Decloration Dates 421912014 ternal Grade ‘Secretary ‘Noe Tis erficat ised witout aeration ras UNIVERSITY OF SARGODHA Roll No. 9318 Registration No, 14-US-29-386 PASS RESULT INTiIMATICN yn Ulla Father's Name Imam Bakhsh Institution (District: Govt.Post Graduate College,Rhalckar The candidate mentioned above is hereby informed that He/Shehas PASSED the B.A Ist Annual Exannation, 2016 held in ay, 2016 obtaining S05 /8¢* marks and has been place? in First division. Marks obtained by him / her = Besar No Subjects be — L. als 1 EnaienCerapataory A 36 | Se TP tain Sastan(Conipulsony a 3 [Palin Sen COMpUSOTT cy 7 Heat e Piyatear eran oo | ae 3] eames | oo 3 [Rabietopiionay we = Total L T Note: “This result card is issued us a notice only.ervors an omissions excepted.An entry confer any Fight o. privilege independently to the great of a pre” Centifcate the Regulations in due course, ‘ering in it does not in its * which will be issued» “ ‘August 30,20 ‘ Shas Result Decl red on AUEUL3. 2016 as Arar ea of Exami.» tons fr Coz. roller Prepared By Computer Celt, Checked F UNIVERSITY OF SARGODHA Serial No. 42316 OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT OF RECORD Imam Bakhsh Name: ‘Sana Ullah Father's Name: Roll No, MA-ENG-Reg-16-29 Registration No. 14-US-29-386 Degree: MA English Session: 2016-2018 Sub Campus: Bhakkar Campus Result Notified Vide No, UOS/CE-(BK/ ENG/MA/18/01) Dated: 25-06-2018 Great poms] Grade | Graue Course Code Title of Course fours Points Semester 1 rg s01 [less Poetry 3 6 an | & fg. $82 [oramat(Gredk tzabethand 3 70 300 | 8 tg. 902 |Feuont 3 0 a0 | 8 ng 504 [poset 3 6 2 | B fra 505s Sas in Etch 3 70 300 | 8 nq. 506 _|teerary rooms & Movements 53 s 20 Le Credit Hours i wa aEs [Semester it tq. 507|Romaote Poetry 3 » ao |e ng 508 [pram (en Century) 3 n 300 | 8 oq 509 pest 3 7 300 | 8 fng.510_|oetcem 3 7 330 | 8+ fra sit rset 3 n 300 |B 9.512__lingtes 3 is az0_| a» Crea Rawr Semester HiT tg. 601 |podem Posty 3 a a0 |e Eng. £02 fovama (1h Cnty) 3 6 2m | 6. ng. 608 [Petar 3 5 330 | Be ng 604 feesowch Mathodclony 3 75 330 | Be fg 605 |amercan Ltertre 3 3 an |e ng. cot [Syletes 5 * so | 6 Crea Hows 8 Semester 1V Drama (2h century) 3 n soo | 8 608 [retort 3 & de toa. 510 ior of Westra Cation 3 B 3m] 8 609 osen ten eoes 3 2 je | fe 614 flonnatve Leste 3 & ae fg sit__ [res reaching of Clana Foegn Language) 3 a io |e Credit Hours 18 ena ‘He/She has completed all the requirements for the award of Degree of MA English, ‘Cumulative Grade Point Average Overall Marks Obtained Tota (Overall Percentage of Marks Obtained: Tota Creat Hours (°) denotes the course repeated 296 1690 /2400 70.41% n ‘This transcript is lssued errors & omissions excepted a6 notice ony. An entry appearing in it does not ies confer any Hight or prvi : fer any Tight ‘or pioge independent to the grant of proper degree, which willbe isued under regulations in due course Prepared acted By aula) ( | Assistant Controller of Examinations, For Controie af Examinations, University of Sargodha “dh Seriat No. 0687772 LLAMA IQBAL OPEN UNIVERSITY, ISLAMABAD . ® TRANSCRIPT “S&S Rolt No Breis05e sonaoe Ragistration No. 1875K032¢8 s Enrollment Semester AUT-2018 Final Soxestor avT-2019 Namo IMAM BAKHSH SHAMS RAAN CYCLE WORKS GADOLA ROAD Tehsil [BHAKKAR District BHAKKAR has successfully completed BACHELOR OF EDUCATION (B.ED 1.5 Year) The detail of passed courses is as under | i | semester Title of Courses — Viaxiaun | obtai Uxor- ae GENERAL METHODS OF TEACHING(PROFESSIONAL) | 300 | 76 | | por ae EDUCATIONAL ASSESSYENT AND EVALUARION 100 | | | | ‘enommssroxary [avr 1e | 960s | Connzcutim Devexonant (eROFESSTONAS) roo | es AUT- 18 8604 RESEARCH METHODS IN EDUCATION 100 m1 | | (PROFESSIONAL) 1 nur 18 | 9605 | SovcATIONAL LEADERSHIP AND YOROLGEMENT roo | oo | {PROFESSIONAL} [aoe 18 | esos | Sttrtenstie ebvcatzox mse comenrze 100 | 66 | ENGAGEMENT | SPR- 19 8607 | TEACHING PRACTICE-I (PROFESSIONAL) 100 75 [Gro ao | sem: | carmrcaz sannaNe aNp REnuEcrIve peactrces | 100 | 66 (PROFESSIONAL) | som ay) eea2 | Eien sotexrrr ro | | Sea 19 | e624 | SECONDARY xDUCATZON roo | 6s gen 19 | 0625 | nGHER EDvcATION x00 | 7m | oie | SE | Ttncnee meecxrso me pxczso te | a nO. 18 | 8608 | TEACHING PRACTICE 2X. (PROFESSIONAL) roo | 62 [REC2S | Site | tetsosover or soocarzor (rommarron ie | te woe is | seo. | Mian Devexomanr axD teawinc (romarros) | 100 | 70 [A712 | Sete | tromsssronanrow mv teacemne (enoressrowan) | 100° | 60 hor 19 | e613 | RESEARCH PROJECT roo | 7 nor 19 | ee1a | SDUCATIONAL STATISTICS (PROFESSIONAL) 100 | ea | | | | | Major Area: Teacher Education Total Credit Hours 54 Result Declared on AUGUST 26, 2020 Date of Tesue SEPTEMBER 11, 2020 in KM Disela ‘This real can transcript is issued provisionally, errs and omissions exce any right or privilege on a eandidate forthe ‘cgial recom ofthe university student ‘Total Marks/Obtained 1800 / 1236 Porcentage/Grade oo / B en was Controller of Examinations 8 notice oly. Any ent appearing in hs ear dos nt, no ceric epetpoma, wich wilted unde ic manasa te ee BOSS EOBS OOS reread FORIM PLY sie THE PAKISTAN CITIZENSHIP ACT, 1954 (II OF 1951) AND RULES MADE THEREUNDER (VIDE RULES 23) CERTIFICATE OF DOMICILE S10, DIO_au paresH—§ Whereas. (In block letters) Has applied fo a certificate of domicile under the Pakistan Citizenship Act 1951 (II of 1851), alleging with respect to himself / herself here is the particulars set out below and has satisfied the undersigned that the condition } laid down in section 17 of the said Act for the grant of a certificate of domicile |\ are fulfilledin the said IMAM BAKHSH ‘i case Now, there in pursuance of the powers conferred by the said Act and the rules made there undersigned hereby grants of the said__ry1.51 BaxNsn 20 2 Name | Signed Signature District Co-ordination Office fo this certificate of domicile in witness where of Ihave hereto subscribed may name this day of IN ESN oe Lt Address in country outside Pakistan. Place Tehsil District Place of Domicile Prov./Admn. (Pakistan) Date of arrival in the place ofdomicile__SmNce prmmm 1) Name of wife or husband N/A WW Married/singlelwidowlwidower. smcun Name of Children And Their Ages N/A Trade or Occupation STUDENT Marks of Identification _A MOLG ON THS REGRT mae ON TH RIGHT SIDE OF Nac! Signature District Co-ordination Officer

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