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Section 2 Vascular topographic syndromes

Caudate nucleus infarcts and hemorrhages

34 Chin-Sang Chung and Louis R. Caplan

Introduction The caudate nucleus controls approach-attachment behav-

ior and affect, ranging from a plain approach to a target to
The basal ganglia (BG) including the caudate nucleus are well
romantic love, and contributes importantly to the posture of
known for their motor functions. They act in concert with the
the body and limbs as well as to the speed and accuracy of
cerebral cortex to harmonize and perform goal-directed,
directed movements [15,16]. In the striatum including the
planned, and motivated behaviors through the motor, cogni-
caudate nucleus, there are at least five parallel, functionally
tive, and limbic circuits [1]. Major studies on caudate nucleus
separate circuits that link the basal ganglia with the motor,
stroke followed the introduction and widespread use of com-
associative, and limbic systems [1]. Each circuit is defined by
puted tomography (CT) scanning. Caudate nucleus vascular
the area of the cerebral cortex that projects to specified regions
lesions, both ischemic and hemorrhagic, rarely involve the
of the striatum, and by the corresponding return thalamocor-
nucleus exclusively but affect neighboring structures like the
tical projection to specified areas of the frontal cortex. The
putamen, internal capsule, and white matter [2–14].
circuits remain more or less separated throughout the basal
ganglia and thalamus, and there are cross-talks between them
Anatomy of the caudate nucleus at various relays therein. Within each circuit, the basal ganglia
execute a similar, common function. They transform the cor-
Functional neuroanatomy: parallel frontal-striatal- tical input into an output signal from the internal nucleus of
thalamic-frontal circuits the globus pallidus (Gpi) and the reticular nucleus of the
The BG nuclei are anatomically and functionally associated substantia nigra (SNr) to the thalamus, directed back to the
with each of the frontal-striatal-thalamic-frontal circuits or cerebral cortex and brainstem. The circuits are defined by their
loops. Ventral regions of the basal ganglia play a key role in source of cortical input and the zones of frontal cortex to
reward and reinforcement and are important in the develop- which their thalamic output is directed [1,2,17,18].
ment of addictive behaviors and habit formation. More cen- Because the caudate nucleus is the principal crossing area
tral basal ganglia areas are involved in cognitive functions, of these circuits, vascular lesions can cause various
such as procedural learning and working memory tasks. In neurological symptoms and signs depending on the involved
addition, the dorsolateral portion of the striatum, caudal to circuits. The five circuits are presented diagramatically in
the anterior commissure, is as active in the control of move- Figure 34.1 and include: (i) the classical motor circuit, defined
ment [15,16]. by projections from the sensorimotor cortex, supplementary
The caudate nucleus assumes the shape of a comet, curving motor area, and arcuate premotor area to the putamen, and by
along the lateral wall of the lateral ventricle. It consists of a thalamic projections from the ventralis lateralis pars oralis and
large head at the front, a narrow dorsal body, and a thin tail, ventralis anterior pars parvocellularis/motor cortex to the sup-
which follows a course passing ventrally along the temporal plementary motor area and precentral cortex; (ii) ocular motor
horn of the ventricle, ending at the amygdala. The inferior part circuit, defined by input from the frontal eye fields (Brod-
of the head of the caudate nucleus is connected to the putamen mann’s area 8), dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (areas 9 and
at the ventral part, at the level of the nucleus accumbens. The 10), and posterior parietal cortex (area 7) to the caudate
demarcation of the caudate nucleus at the level of the body and nucleus, with return thalamocortical projections from the ven-
tail is easy, as it is surrounded medially by the lateral ventricle tralis anterior pars magnocellularis and medialis dorsalis pars
and laterally by the internal capsule. The head of the caudate paralaminaris to the frontal eye fields and supplementary eye
nucleus and the putamen are connected by thin bridges of gray fields; (iii) dorsolateral prefrontal circuit, defined by input
matter (pontes grisei caudatolenticularis). from the dorsal prefrontal convexity (Brodmann’s areas 9

Stroke Syndromes, Third Edition, ed. Louis R. Caplan and Jan van Gijn. Published by Cambridge University Press.
© Cambridge University Press 2012.

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Section 2: Vascular topographic syndromes

Dorsolateral Lateral Anterior

Motor Oculomotor prefrontal orbitofrontal cingulate


CAUD dI-CAUD vm-caud

Striatum PUT (b) VS
(h) (h)

Pallidum vI-GPi cdm-Gpi Idm-Gpi mdm-Gin rl-Gpi,VP

cI-SNr vl-SNr rl-SNr rm-SNr rd-SNr

VLo I-VAmc VApc m-VAmc

Thalamus MDpl MDpc Pm-MD
VLm MDmc

Figure 34.1. Basal ganglia-thalamocortical ciruits. Each circuit engages specific regions of the cerebral cortex, striatum, pallidum, substantia nigra, and thalamus.
(From Alexander et al., 1986 [1].) ACA, anterior cingulate area; APA, arcuate premotor area; CAUD, caudate nucleus, [b] body, [h] head; DLC, dorsolateral prefrontal
cortex; EC, entorhinal cortex; FEF, frontal eye fields; GPi, internal segmental of globus pallidus; HC, hippocampal cortex; ITG, inferior temporal gyrus; LOF, lateral
orbitofrontal cortex; MC, motor cortex; MDpl, medialis dorsalis pars paralamellaris; MDmc, medialis dorsalis pars magnocellularis; MDpc, medialis dorsalis pars
parvocellularis; PPC, posterior parietal cortex; PUT, putamen; SC, somatosensory cortex; SMA, supplementary motor area; SNr, substantia nigra pars reticulata; STG,
superior temporal gyrus; VAmc, ventralis anterior pars magnocellularis; VApc, ventralis anterior pars parvocellularis; VLm, mentralis lateralis pars medialis; VLo, ventralis
lateralis pars oralis; VP, ventral pallidum; VS, ventral striatum; cl-, caudolateral; cdm, caudal dorsomedial; dl-, dorsolateral; l-, lateral; ldm-, lateral dorsomedial; m-, medial;
mdm-, medial dorsomedial; pm-, posteromedial; rd-, rostrodorsal; rl-, rostrolateral; rm-, rostromedial; vm-, ventromedial; vl-, ventrolateral.

and 10) to the caudate nucleus, with overlapping projections

from the posterior parietal cortex (area 7) and arcuate pre-
motor area, return thalamic projections from the ventralis
anterior pars parvocellularis and medialis dorsalis pars parvo-
cellularis to the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in and around
the principal sulcus; (iv) lateral orbitofrontal circuit, defined
by input from the lateral orbitofrontal cortex (Brodmann’s
area 10) to the caudate nucleus, overlapping with input from
the auditory and visual association areas from the superior and
inferior temporal gyri, respectively, and return thalamic pro-
jections from ventralis anterior pars magnocellularis and med-
ialis dorsalis pars magnocellularis to the lateral orbitofrontal
cortex; and (v) limbic circuit, defined by input from the
hippocampus, amygdala, and limbic areas of the cerebral
cortex (areas 28 and 35) projecting to the ventral striatum,
where it overlaps with inputs from the anterior cingulate
region (area 24) and widespread sources in the temporal lobe, Figure 34.2. Blood supply to the caudate nucleus. (From Kase and Caplan,
and return thalamic projections from the medialis dorsalis to Intracerebral Hemorrhage. Stoneham, MA: Butterworth Heinemann, 1994, with
the anterior cingulate area and medial orbitofrontal cortex permission.)

gives rise to Heubner’s arteries, a series of two to four vessels

Blood supply to the caudate nucleus that usually arise from the A2 portions of the ACA near the
The caudate nucleus receives its blood supply mainly through junction of the anterior communicating artery and the ACA
the deep penetrators arising from the anterior cerebral arteries [25]. These vessels supply the inferior part of the head of the
(ACAs) and middle cerebral arteries (MCAs) although there caudate nucleus, the adjacent anterior limb of the internal
are individual differences (Figure 34.2) [20–24]. The ACA capsule, and the subfrontal white matter.

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Chapter 34: Caudate nucleus infarcts and hemorrhages

(a) (b) (c)

(d ) (e) (f )

Figure 34.3. Magnetic resonance images showing an infarct limited to the medial caudate nucleus ((a)–(c)) in one patient and a large striatocapsular infarct
involving the left lateral caudate nucleus head and body ((d)–(f)) in another patient (arrows).

Direct penetrating arteries from the ACA (called medial

striate arteries or anterior lenticulostriate arteries by various Caudate nucleus infarcts
authors) supply the anterior portion of the head of the caudate Although there has been little mention of arterial territories
nucleus. The MCA gives rise to medial lenticulostriate arteries involved in patients with caudate nucleus infarcts, the most
that branch from the proximal M1 portion and supply a small commonly involved arteries in these infarcts are the lateral
part of the lateral border of the caudate nucleus head and the lenticulostriate arteries and the anterior lenticulostriate arteries
adjacent internal capsule. [2,4,7–9,14]. Infarcts in the territory of the lateral lenticulostri-
The lateral lenticulostriate arteries branch from the mainstem ate arteries are limited to the MCN, LCN, VCN, anterior limb
MCA or its superior division branch to supply the major portion of the internal capsule, and the putamen. The recurrent artery
of the head of the caudate nucleus, as well as the adjacent internal of Heubner affects the inferior part of the caudate nucleus, the
capsule and the anterior half of the putamen. There is consider- anterior part of the internal capsule, and the nucleus accum-
able overlap between the three arteries supplying the head of the bens [4].
caudate nucleus: the lateral lenticulostriate, anterior lenticulostri- Caudate nucleus infarcts can be divided into several
ate, and Heubner’s recurrent artery [24–26]. Anterior lenticu- groups, according to the anatomical structures involved. In
lostriate arteries supply the lateral caudate nucleus (LCN), medial one study, among 18 patients, infarcts were limited to the
caudate nucleus (MCN), ventral caudate nucleus (VCN), and caudate nucleus in four patients, included the caudate nucleus
part of the anterior limb of the capsule. and the anterior limb of the internal capsule in nine cases, and
Infarcts in the territory of the anterior lenticulostriate arteries affected the caudate nucleus, anterior limb of the internal
yield only slight neuropsychological deficits, while those with capsule, and anterior putamen in five patients [2]. Figure 34.3
infarcts in the territory of the lateral lenticulostriate arteries shows MR images of an infarct limited to the caudate nucleus
present prominent motor and neuropsychological deficits. and a large striatocapsular infarct involving the caudate

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Section 2: Vascular topographic syndromes

Table 34.1. Site of lesions of caudate nucleus infarcts (49 prior reports Table 34.2. Risk factors and vascular mechanisms from combined series
and Illinois series)
Factors Patients and percentagea
Site of lesion Number (percentage)
Hypertension 92 (67%)
CN alone 22 (24%)
Diabetes mellitus 44 (32%)
CN þ anterior limb of IC þ corona 25 (28%)
radiata Large artery lesions 19 (14%)

CN þ anterior limb of IC þ putamen 44 (48%) Cardiac embolic source 18 (13%)

Total 91 Total number of patients 137

CN, caudate nucleus; IC, internal capsule. Some patients had more than one risk factor.
Source: adapted from Caplan & Helgason (1995) [26]. Source: adapted from references [3,4,26].

nucleus head and body. The caudate nucleus can also be Table 34.3. Symptoms and signs in caudate nucleus infarctsa
involved as part of a large striatocapsular infarct, caused by Symptoms and signs Patients and percentage
occlusion of the intracranial internal carotid artery or the
mainstem MCA. Dysarthria or dysphonia 18/21 (86%)
An analysis of the 49 previously reported cases and the 34 Motor weakness 21/21 (100%]
patients studied at the University of Illinois yielded a total of
Behavioral abnormalities 12/21 (57%)
83 patients with 91 caudate nucleus infarcts [26]. In 22
infarcts (24%), CT or MRI showed they were confined to Agitation 6 (3L, 3R)b
the caudate nucleus. The lesions involved the caudate nucleus Abulia 10 (2L, 7R, 1 bilateral)
and the adjacent anterior limb of the internal capsule or
Neglect 2 (2R)
corona radiata in 25 cases (28%). The remainder, 44 infarcts
(48%), involved the caudate nucleus, the anterior limb of the Aphasia 1 (1L)
internal capsule, and the putamen (Table 34.1). Cases available for clinical-neuroimaging correlation = 21; b L, left; R, right.
Source: adapted from reference [26].

Stroke mechanisms
In most of the reported patients, a full evaluation, including Clinical features
angiography and cardiac evaluation, was not performed and Caudate nucleus infarctions can cause a variety of clinical
the data are insufficient to define the precise stroke mech- presentations. Behavioral abnormalities including abulia, agita-
anisms of caudate nucleus infarcts. Penetrating-branch dis- tion, and loss of executive abilities are particularly common.
ease has been proposed as a major mechanism because the Dysarthria, dysphonia, and motor weakness, are also common.
caudate nucleus receives its blood supply from deep pene- Although less common, movement disorders like hemichorea,
trating arteries. In fact, risk factors for penetrating-branch ballism, and tremor can occur [26].
disease are prevalent in patients with caudate nucleus
infarcts. However, evaluation of the heart and large arteries Cognitive and behavioral abnormalities
is essential in those without risk factors for penetrating- The most prominent clinical features of caudate nucleus vas-
branch diseases. cular lesions are behavioral and cognitive abnormalities [2,6–
Echocardiography, carotid duplex ultrasound, transcra- 14,27]. Behavioral changes occur as a result of cortical
nial Doppler ultrasound, magnetic resonance angiography dysfunction caused by loss of striatal efferent projections from
(MRA), and computed tomography angiography (CTA) the caudate nucleus, the principal crossing station of basal
are useful non-invasive screening tests for detection of ganglia-thalamocortical loops. Common behavioral features
important occlusive vascular diseases and cardiac sources include reduced activity and slowness, restlessness, hyperactiv-
of emboli. ity, agitation, decreased attention to tasks, and defective recall
The major risk factors for caudate nucleus infarcts [2,9,28]. Neuropsychological tests show abnormalities in
are: hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes mellitus, executive functions, memory, and attention. Deficits do not
previous myocardial infarct, and cigarette smoking [2,4]. correlate with the side of the lesion, but patients with affective
Non-valvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF), myocardial dyskin- abnormalities tend to have the larger infarcts.
esia, cardiac aneurysm with a mural thrombus, syphilis, and Mendez and his colleagues divided spontaneous behavioral
Hodgkin’s lymphoma are also uncommon reported risk symptoms into three groups: (i) apathetic, with decreased
factors. Table 34.2 lists the risk factors and stroke mechanisms spontaneous verbal and motor activities (dorsolateral caudate
from the combined series of prior reports and in those patients nucleus involvement); (ii) disinhibited, inappropriate, and
seen at the University of Illinois [26]. impulsive (small ventromedial lesions in the caudate

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Chapter 34: Caudate nucleus infarcts and hemorrhages

nucleus); and (iii) affective symptoms with psychotic features memories. Verbal comprehension and verbal memory deficits
(dorsolateral caudate nucleus involvement; larger and are caused by dysfunction of the corticocaudate connections
more often extend into adjacent structures than in the first [3,4,13]. If a caudate nucleus lesion is very large, patients have
group) [9]. deficits in tasks requiring planning and sequencing, because of
the disconnection of the caudate nucleus from the frontal lobe
Agitation [9]. Global dementia may develop following a bilateral infarc-
Agitation, anxiety, and talkativeness are common and restless- tion of the heads of the caudate nuclei, because the caudate
ness, disinhibition, and confusion are noted. Behavioral hyper- nucleus is an essential component of basal ganglia-thalamo-
activity with restlessness, excitement, agitation, and shouting cortical circuitry and contributes to cognitive functions and
may occur in infarctions of the middle or posteroinferior behavioral processing [33].
temporal lobe and parietooccipital lobes [2,9].
Other cognitive and behavioral dysfunctions
Abulia Rarely, the patients can show motor dysprosody, motor imper-
Patients with caudate nucleus infarcts can present with abulia, sistence in eye-closing, perseveration of hand and arm pos-
which is defined as “apathy, disinterest, flattened affect, and tures, and inappropriate laughing at stroke onset. Some
lack of initiative for usual daily activities.” Abulia is more patients show impairment in frontal lobe testing using the
severe and more persistent in bilateral caudate nucleus infarcts. Stroop test and Luria’s conflicting tasks.
Clinically, the patients show akinesia, characterized by severe
mental and affective stagnation, decreased spontaneous activ- Speech and language disturbances
ity and speech, lack of initiative for action and speech, and Dysarthria
prolonged latency in responding to questions and other stim-
uli. They look like a patient with severe hypothyroidism. Such Dysarthria is another common sign in patients with caudate
akinetic attacks are often prolonged and stereotyped behaviors nucleus vascular lesions. Dysarthria has no side predominance
are common. Patients can also show impulsivity, disinhibition, in caudate nucleus stroke. Interruption of the corticolingual
and violent attacks [3,7]. These features have been described in tracts to the tongue or corticostriatocerebellar loops is respon-
patients with bilateral globus pallidus or putaminal lesions sible for dysarthria because these pathways play crucial roles in
[29,30]. Fisher’s abulic patients had lesions in the frontal lobes uniform speech patterns [2–4,9,34].
and underlying structures or in the thalamus and upper brain- Aphasia
stem [31]. Interruption of the limbofrontal connection is
Left caudate nucleus infarcts can cause minor aphasic abnor-
responsible for abulia.
malities [2]. About half of the patients with a left caudate
Neglect nucleus lesion show minor and transient linguistic deficits
[4]. Different types of aphasia, such as transcortical, nonfluent
Contralateral motor and visuospatial hemineglect develop in
aphasia, characterized by semantic and verbal paraphasias and
a quarter of the patients with a right caudate nucleus lesion,
perseverations without comprehension impairment, may
particularly if the anterior limb of the internal capsule is also
develop after left caudate nucleus vascular lesions [2,3,6–
involved [2–4]. All patients with hemineglect have involve-
14,35]. Global aphasia can also develop by intrahemispheric
ment of MCN, LCN, VCN, and neighboring structures [4].
diaschisis. A large striatocapsular infarct involving the caudate
Motor-exploratory hemineglect can develop from disruption
nucleus, anterior limb of the internal capsule, and putamen
of the frontal-striatal-thalamic-frontal circuit that includes the
can result in word-finding difficulty or hesitancy without
associative frontal cortical areas, striatum, and substantia
severe aphasic abnormalities [27]. In these patients, single-
photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) imaging
Mood changes may show decreased perfusion in the left frontal and temporo-
parietal lobes [4]. Acute disconnection of the linguistic path-
Depression is observed in one-third of patients with caudate
ways between anterior and posterior speech areas, which are
nucleus vascular pathology but with normal cognitive function
connected with the left caudate nucleus, and the anterior limb
[32]. This suggests that the caudate nucleus plays a role in
of the internal capsule may yield a different type of aphasia.
regulation of human mood.

Memory dysfunction Movement disorders

Unilateral lesions may cause impairment of frontal lobe func- The caudate nucleus has inhibitory projections to the lateral
tions and decreased free recall of episodic and semantic items. globus pallidus, which in turn projects to the subthalamic
One-third of patients with left caudate nucleus lesions show nucleus. Loss of inhibitory input to the subthalamic nucleus
verbal amnesia, while patients with right caudate nucleus may provoke abnormal movements. Abnormalities of move-
lesions show visual amnesia. This suggests that the caudate ment and tone can follow acute lesions of either the striate
nucleus plays a role in integration of visual and verbal nuclei or the subthalamic nucleus [36].

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Section 2: Vascular topographic syndromes

Figure 34.4. Computed tomography and mag-

netic resonance images showing caudate nucleus
hematomas. They are located in the head (a) or
in the body (b) of the caudate nucleus. They
usually rupture into the lateral ventricle.

Movement disorders following caudate nucleus infarcts atheromatous disease, large artery atherothrombosis, or
have been described but not in detail. The abnormal move- embolism, treatment of patients with caudate nucleus
ments usually are contralateral to the lesion and usually occur infarcts depends on the underlying stroke mechanism.
at the time of stroke onset. These abnormal movements have Antiplatelet or anticoagulant agent(s) and management of
been described as ballistic, choreic, or both. Very rarely, move- stroke risk factors are given according to the mechanism of
ment disorders may begin at once in all limbs bilaterally infarction (Table 34.3).
[37,38]. In addition, onset of abnormal movements like dysto-
nia or resting tremor may be delayed for years or decades after Caudate nucleus hemorrhages
caudate nucleus stroke [39].
Caudate nucleus hemorrhages account for approximately 7%
of all intracerebral hemorrhages (ICH) [6] and are caused by
Motor abnormalities rupture of penetrating arteries. Hypertension is the most
Motor abnormality or weakness is noted in about 40% of common and important risk factor [4,5]. Arteriovenous mal-
patients with caudate nucleus infarcts. Weakness develops formations, carotid aneurysms, and diabetes mellitus are other
when a lesion extends into the anterior limb of the internal important causes, but sometimes no responsible cause is found
capsule and putamen, interrupting the striatopontine fibers. [4,6,11,12]. Rarely, moyamoya disease and moya moya-like
Lesions confined to the caudate nucleus do not cause weak- atherosclerotic abnormalities of vessels secondary to hyperten-
ness. Weakness, when present, is usually slight and rarely sion and occlusive intracranial carotid artery disease can cause
leaves any permanent motor disability. In some patients with caudate nucleus hemorrhage [40–45].
dystonia and abnormal movements, weakness may be masked In an international series of striatocapsular hemorrhages,
by involuntary movements and abnormal tone. The frequency 23 patients had caudate nucleus hemorrhage, which involved
of motor involvement has likely been underestimated due to mainly the caudate nucleus head and occasionally the caudate
selection bias. Most patients reported in the literature had nucleus body [5]. The hematomas are small (less than 1 inch in
specific abnormalities such as behavioral disorders or abnor- diameter), always rupture into the anterior horn of the lateral
mal movements [2,4,9,28]. ventricle, and occasionally extend posterolaterally into the
anterior limb of the internal capsule and anterior putamen
Treatment and prognosis (Figure 34.4).
The clinical course of caudate nucleus infarction is so benign
that 60% of patients become independent. Only a few patients Clinical features
with unilateral caudate nucleus infarcts in the territory of the The clinical symptoms and signs of caudate nucleus hemor-
lateral lenticulostriate arteries or the anterior lenticulostriate rhages depend on the lesion size and the neighboring struc-
arteries have slight residual dependency needs. Rarely, patients tures damaged. The most common clinical presentations are
with unilateral caudate nucleus infarcts worsen clinically. headache, nausea, vomiting, and marked meningeal irritation
Those with bilateral caudate nucleus infarcts or large unilateral signs due to rupture of the hematoma into the frontal horn of
infarcts in the territory of the lateral lenticulostriate arteries the lateral ventricle, mimicking subarachnoid hemorrhage
can have significant residual deficits. Patients only rarely die of (SAH) and primary intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH). Most
underlying heart disease rather than of caudate nucleus infarc- patients show no prominent motor, sensory, or visual abnor-
tion itself [4]. malities if the hematoma is limited to the head or body of the
Because caudate nucleus infarcts can develop from caudate nucleus and dissects medially into the ipsilateral ven-
any stroke mechanisms including lipohyalinosis, branch tricle causing IVH and ventricular dilatation on the ipsilateral

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Chapter 34: Caudate nucleus infarcts and hemorrhages

side [5]. When the hematoma is large enough to spread lat- can cause a movement disorder like hemiballism [46].
erally or posterolaterally into the putamen or anterior or A rare case of bilateral caudate nucleus hemorrhages has
posterior limb of the internal capsule, the hemorrhage can been reported [47].
cause motor and neuropsychological deficits, including abulia,
frontal lobe dysfunction, and transient slight motor weakness
that clears within one week [4,5]. These patients usually Treatment and prognosis
remain alert. Disconnection of the corticocaudate tract second- The long-term outcome of caudate nucleus hemorrhage is so
ary to caudate nucleus hemorrhage can cause verbal compre- excellent that more than 80% of patients return to normal
hension and verbal memory deficits [13]. Transcortical motor activities. Less than 20% of patients remain slightly hemipar-
dysphasia can develop in patients with large hematomas but it etic and no patient dies of caudate nucleus hemorrhage itself
improves completely with time. [5]. There is a case report that a patient died of generalized
Neglect, sensory deficit, and eye movement and pupillary cerebral vasospasm following caudate nucleus hemorrhage,
abnormalities are rarely observed and are usually less severe but in whom no abnormality on cerebral angiography was
and transient unless the hematoma spreads across the anter- found [4]. Usually, surgical intervention is not required but
ior limb of the internal capsule [5]. When hematomas emergency extraventricular drainage may be necessary when
spread inferiorly, they may cause Horner’s syndrome, acute severe obstructive hydrocephalus develops. However,
because of thalamic involvement or compression of the permanent bypass surgery like ventriculoperitoneal shunt is
hypothalamus [4]. Rarely, a caudate nucleus hemorrhage indicated only very rarely.

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