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‘Reinforced Masonry Design 2017 TotW tmeny signe natcomnamar Qi) Session 4 + Paul Uno ETIA Masonry Design Workshop 2017 Notes by Paul Uno 1 of 19 Session 4 — Reinforced Masonry Design Engineering Training Institute Australia - Reinf Masonry Reinforced masonry not mean fl proof wall Cover to reinforcement sometimes compromised fre aso Begn OT Tot eens aegis mena Qi Structural Design of Reinforced Masonry AS3700-2011 48.3 i General Requirements nod ) Plane sections remain plane (ie uniform strain) / ) Strain in outermost fibre does not exceed 0.0035 ©) Depth to NA not to exceed 40% of effective depth > k,d< 040d (note effective depth d in raked joints is to least depth of rake whereas in ironed Joints depth is to face of masonry) 4) Min uniform compressive sttess= 0.85 (1) /" e) Tensile strength of masonry = f) Stress in steel according to stress-strain curves ETIA Masonry Design Workshop 2017 Session 4 — Reinforced Masonry Design Notes by Paul Uno 2 of 18 Engineering Training Institute Australia - ‘Reinforced Masonry Design 2017 5 3 Enorg Pate tal wevatents Qi General Reinforcement Requirements # 8.4.1 + (@) MAIN Reinforcement — 10 resist i Axial Compression ii, Bending iti, Shear iv. Tension + (b) SECONDARY Reinforcement ~ fo resist i. Shrinkage, ii, Temperature iii, Localised Loading ewe) fin Area of Secondary Reinf to not exceet a ‘elnforced Masonry Design 2017 © of 38 tghenig grate Aa omni I) Reinforcement Detailing, Cover, Protection #844 + Minimum Bar Spacing KF — Min ‘clear’ distance between parallel reinforcing bars shall be at least 20 mm (i.e. t0 allow grout to be placed) sthquake regions - Ductility issues) + Close Spacing of Bars (é — Max spacing of 800 mm both horizontally and vertically (and fully grouted) for walls classified as one wall. Otherwise? Clauses #8.5-8.6 fed — Min Area of Reinforcement both horiz and vert (0.13%) + 1A gmx 0.0013 y ‘ww oo@ ETIA Masonry Design Workshop 2017 Notes by Paul Uno 3 of 19 Session 4 ~ Reinforced Masonry Design Engineering Training Institute Australia - Finored Maroy Design 7 To tanens gonna omonn Qi Design for Reinforced Masonry COMPRESSION # efor Moxa Design 247 Tot eames anyone nae wonnacoe Qi Masonry Wall Grout Reinf Steel F, SO4,] f'y-Ay +h. + See next slide for symbols ETIA Masonry Design Workshop 2017 Noes br Pad Unnaaternag Session 4 — Reinforced Masonry Design . Engineering Training institute Australia - wwwetia.netau Tenored Masonry Design 2017 Tot 8 tems anathema Qi) Symbols # 8.5 - Design in Compression + Fy =design compressive force acting on cross section + § = 0.75 Solid or Cored: or Hollow Units (as grout reinforced) +k, =slendermess reduction factor = 1.18 — 0.038, (but < 1) + 5, =Slenderness Ratio (# + F'q = characteristic compressive strength of masonry (# 3.3.2) + Ay = bedded area of masonry cross section (# 4.5.4) +k. = Grout compression factor 2 All masonry ~ (ther than hollow conerete mason) = 1 Hollow concrete masonry units (density > 2000 ke/n?) + fq = design characteristic grout strength (f ‘ $13f'pe «» AS37008 3.5 (6) + fe = characteristic unconfined compr. strength of masonry units +A, = design ross sectional area of grout in reinf masonry 44.5.1) + fg. design yield strength of reinforcement + A, = total cross seetional area of main reinforcement enforced Masonry Design 217 a amano ma Si) eed Main Reinforcement extra requirements #8.5 Main reinforcement in direction of axial load shall (@) Must be symmetrically located in the cross section ®) Laterally restrained in both horizontal directions by ties > 6 mm diameter ‘The spacing shall be at centres NOT exceeding (i) least cross sectional dimension of the member, OR sa j tn a0 (i) 400 mm (whichever is fess); AND ex E/E] tie (6) Area of Reinforcement Ay 20.0024 , (ie 0.2%) r T ‘NOTES. + A,gcam exceed 0.04 A , ifthe min bar spacing and grout cover can be achieved, and grout ‘can be placed and compacted around reinforcement) + Ifsteel does not saisfy conditions above then = 0 and design as unreinforced +_if Becentriclty €> 0.05 t then design for combined Compression and Bending ETIA Masonry Design Workshop 2017 Session 4 - Reinforced Masonry Design Engineering Training Institute Australia ~ Notes by Paul Uno 5 of 19 the compressive capacity of a reinforced hollow blockwork wall {comprising 190mm wide x 190 high x 390mm long masonry units) 2.2m high x 2 m wide and is supporting a concrete slab above (+ compact ‘The block wall is located centrally within the building. Blocks are reinforced with 1-N20 bar at 600 mm spacing. Applied LL load = 12 kPa 40m cons | (Gude Product Description (ue MPa Weke _ N7Palle ia 20.01 Full 10 14 90 Feinforced Masonry Design 2017, of Wepre Tomi seiscemeteat Qi Symbols # 8.5 - Design in Compression + F4=design compressive force acting on cross section * $ =0.75 (since reinforced mosonry) + k,=slenderness reduction factor =118-0.03S, (but<1)#a5 where S$, = Slenderness Ratio (# =a,H/k,t oR (0.7/t).v(a,H . aL) = 0.85 x 2200/1.0x 190 oR (0.7/190).v(0.85 x 2200 x 1.0 x 2000) 9.8 of 7.1 (lesserof) 71 lenderness reduction factor = 1.18 - 0.03 S, (but < 1) = 1.18-0.03 (7.1) 0.97 ETIA Masonry Design Workshop 2017 Me Paulas Session 4 — Reinforced Masonry Design eee Engineering Training Institute Australia - ‘enforced Meson Desion 2017 of 38 come rig zara manner Qi ‘Symbols # 8.5 - Design in Compression, A,, = bedded area of masonry cross section (# 4.5.4) =2(30x 1000) = 60,000 mm? * k. = Grout compression factor 1.4 Hollow concrete masonry units (density > 2000 kg/m’) * fe = characteristic unconfined compr. strength of masonry units (see product datasheet 2 slides earlier) =10MPa * fq =design characteristic grout strength (f ‘$1.3 f‘) = usually 20 MPa ... but... $1.3 f,,=1.3x 10 =13 MPa =13MPa Telford Masonry Design 2017 Ta of 3 ymenyfacnynomarhmmiemot Gi) eel eee + fq characteristic compressive strength of masonry (# 3.3.2) ond Table 3.2 where f’ m= Kf’ me Concrete, Face shell, M3: f’ yy =5.1 MPa (Table 3.1) Fork: Masonry unit thick (190mm) / Mortar (10mm) = 19 kyp=13 of my =LBXSA 6 MPa ‘AS3700-2011 Table3.1 - Compressive Strength of Masonry (f‘n») Masonry] Bedding | Morar i ee tae oe Characteristic unconfined f ‘,, (MPa) Compressive Strength 5 [0 15 [20] 25| 30] 40/2 |k,, i 50. Concrete [rut | m3 [31 | ay [5463] 70] 77 | 88 | 99 [14 (re [iva [ae hi [62 [72] 80 | ss flor] n3 [re | > pet | 62 [72] ETIA Masonry Design Workshop 2017 Session 4 - Reinforced Masonry Design Engineering Training Institute Australia — wwwetia net au Notes by Paul Uno 7 of 19 comes anegniansonan wot Qi) ‘elnforced Masonry Design 2017 = De ee aca ad + A, =design cross sectional area of grout in reinf masonry (# 4.5.7) =AG-A, (190 x 1000) — (2 x 30 x 1000) = 190,000- 60,000 130,000 mm? per m. +f, =500 MPa (design yield strength of reinforcement) fotal cross sectional area of main reinforcement oA eases Alternatively could have used 20.42 blocks as shown below = 517 mm? perm Tepe Snes ar Spacan a Ende Caras for 2099/9809 oytem $ afr Atha TE Ay fea =0.75x0. as 6 x 60,000 +1.4x BR 130,000 + 500 x s17]100 = 0.73[396 +575 +258] =894 KN per m ETIA Masonry Design Workshop 2017 Notes by Paul Uno 8 of 19 Session 4 — Reinforced Masonry Design Engineering Training Institute Australia - www.etia net au + DL =self weight .200 x 25 = 5.0 kN/m 12 kPa “ Q= 12 x (4.0 x 7.0) = 336 KN over 2m = 168 KN/m. * = 12g + 15g = 1.2 (5.0) + 1.5(168) = 258 KN/m Fy 5 Fey 258 KN /m <894.kN /m_ thus OK ‘Reinforced Masonry Design 2017 tof Sheng Hageman deta meter Qi] Design for Reinforced Masonry BENDING #3.6 ETIA Masonry Design Workshop 2017 ee eats Session 4— Reinforced Masonry Design eer Engineering Training Institute Australia - ‘akforced Masonry Design 27 1 ol fave aan oestme Qi Standard Flexural Theory for Reinforced Concrete Design a asee arene & fe ‘Reinforced Masonry Design 2017 20 of 38 expen Tange as wan —Qip Ri ieee lela Coe italyf lea eke suae scat leah MEMBERS IN BENDING ‘Beam Section ‘Strains Actual Stress Block Equivalent Rectangular Sires Blick ETIA Masonry Design Workshop 2017 Notes by Paul Uno. 10 of 19 Session 4 ~ Reinforced Masonry Design Engineering Training Insitute Australia - era VY OF et Dern d Moment inert erie 5 a Cmabg a= C/ OD Anh) OD 6) id=d-ta a, 2085 ts Mt<$M., where $M... = @T jd = $Awhy (d- 0.50) = PA why [4 0SAefy/ ODT = PA [d= OSA pha BOSS J] ‘0 depth of stress block = Aah [d~ 06h OS b= breadth of member OAyhas dll — O.fpAue If 'ebd)] (f= stress in concrete {d= lever arm between Cond T Tenorced Masonry Devon 2017 To _fpmwag Tangheme anemone Gi 0.6 fy-Acg M, <¢.f,,A,q4|1-——2—= @ SOS Aca (3f',)bd + -M,_ = design bending moment acting on eross section of member + § =0.75 (reinforced members # 4.4); f = yield of steel (N bar = 500 MPa) + Aq =portion of XSA of main tensile reinforcement = LESSER OF: Ay and (0.29/03 "gd /fy) oe esd drain) 4d =effective depth of reinforced masonry member + F'n = characteristic compressive strength ofthe masonry (#3.3.2) b= width of masonry member of Sold rectangular eross section, or = effective width of member in accordance with # 4.5.2 = XSA filly anchored longitudinal reinforcement in tension zone 4 ETIA Masonry Design Workshop 2017 TWeeaen Session 4—Reinforoed Masonry Design -«‘N“¥@8 BY PaulUno 11 of 19 Engineering Training Institute Australia - [Reinforced Masonry Design 2017 2 of 38 eamvagiamshonarzananomnnens Qi CER T=C Auf yy = Why 8 B® Of’. Ag = (Yhydb Of SS y = (0.85 * 0.40 x d x b x 0.85) Xf'./f = 0.29bAf "fy = 0.29 b.d (1.3 fy) /f vy ‘The value of 1.3 1s a conversion from the unconfined compressive siengih of masonry fo an equivalent 1d eylinder strength fc normally used in enforced concrete” ~AS3700 Conmentary 2012 Main reinforcement in direction of bending shall: (a) Bar Spacing @ centres < 2000 mm (b) A,2>100mm? ... within 300 mm of edges of member (©)Mg21.2M,, ... _ (unreinf masonry M cap) ETIA Masonry Design Workshop 2017 ‘Session 4 - Reinforced Masonry Design Le eee Engineering Training Insitute Australia - Ith of Compr + “The width b of the compression face of reinforced masonry in bending| shall be assumed t reyond the line of tensile reinforcement by a distance not excee least of the following:” + (V) Vertical Reinforcement = (a) 400 mm = (b) 2¢,, (ie twice the wall thickness) ~ (€) distance to structural end ofthe masonry (elt + (H) Horizontal Reinforcement Plan — (a) 151, (ie one and half times the wall thickness) ~ (b) distance to horizontal edge of the masonry Reinforced Mesonry Design 2017 2 of 38 Exwng Tang an weeinees Cif Example — Reinf Masonn a TASK Determine the Bending Moment Capacity of a concrete masonry wall comprising 190 mm wide hollow core block work and reinforced using 2N20 bars per core (see diagram below). > Grout = 20 MPa; Mortar = M3; and Masonry concrete block f ‘ue = 15 MPa ETIA Masonry Design Workshop 2017 13 of 19 Session 4 Reinforced Masonry Design ‘NOW BY PaullUno 19 of Engineering Training Institute Australia - ‘Reloforced Masonry Design 2017 B&W egnaig anand omcomniw Qi Compressive Strength of Masonry Wall Fi mak SF me (= Ky ke VF’ ue) =13x6.2 kn=13p Moke = 13 forjoin cess = 8.06 MPa rato of 19 Table 32 AS3700-2011 Table3.1 — Compressive Strength of Masonry (f ‘n») | Masonry] Bedding | Morar Unit Type Cassit Characteristic unconfined f ‘,, (MP) Compressive Strength 1 | | || | 35 | Km o concrete 99 [14 2 ‘Reinforced Masonry Design 2017 25 ot aamweg gman avenmne Qi] ee d = 130 mm (see below) Ag =(O.2913f',bd/fy OR Ast (lesser of) #86 = 0.29 * 1.3 * 8.06 x (2 380) * (130) / 500 = 600 mm? Ast = 310 mm? (1-N20 in tension face) 2 Asd =A st =310 mm? 190 mm Asi ‘used for design purposes - 30mm Tension face Zs 200m (350-20 ba) 30 mm shell thickness ETIA Masonry Design Workshop 2017 Session 4 - Reinforced Masonry Design Engineering Training Institute Australia - Notes by Paul Uno 14 of 19 ‘Reinforced Masonry Design 2017, 28 of 38 Rion Tae atest Mi] 0.6 fra | Me 5 6S due = a ig 0.6 x $00 x 310 Fi (1.3 x8.06) x (2 x380) x 130 My = 0.75 x 500 x 310 «130 1E6 hi =15.11[1- 0.09] = 13.75 kNm enforced Masonry Design 207 Le Pe ieaumoamtcs RUT onetime aciatlle ETIA Masonry Design Workshop 2017 Notes by Paul Uno 15 of 19 Session 4— Reinforced Masonry Design Engineering Training Institute Australia — | | ettoeedtesonry Design 2017 Hof Emir ight Aera ween) nue eee eee Short Term | Long Term Toading | loading En E, (MPa) (MPa) Material 5-30mpa| - |mzandms| 7007’, | 450/’q >aompa | - | maandme4 0004”, CONCRETE - | <1800 | mz ands] 750/7, | 50/7, a - | 21800 | msandme] 100047,, | 50/7 “routed” Concrete or E, z SECT : : Any | 1000f’, | 3507, ARC s00f’,, | 2504’, See example next slide > Teinfrced tony Bein 2057 3 of Beyer agen mms Qi) ‘AS3700-2011 Table3.1 — Compressive Strength of Masonry (f ’my) Masonry | Bedding "| Mortar | Characteristic unconfined f “,- (MPa) Compressive Strength Unit Type Classi 10 | 15 | 20 35 | 43 [49 tfaal sales Clay Fall eae Seer en For Clay (30MPa), Full Bed, M3 Drea UTR Concrete Calcium [ru | m3 faa[ 4a [sales 88 | 99 [aa ate M4 [45] 63 | 7.7 [89 12.7] 14.1 [20% os Lan | os Lien 5) | (196) [aay ETIA Masonry Design Workshop 2017 Notes by Paul Uno 16 of 19 Session 4 — Reinforced Masonry Design Engineering Training Institute Australia - www.elia enforced Masonry Dei 257 2 tpg tg anon wns Grout =20MPa; Mortar=M3; Masonry concrete block f,,= 20 MPa [0.6 f, Ase ae dj1-2Sfa4a_ OM, =O-Ly-Ara [ a sia jm || re SS i ETIA Masonry Design Workshop 2017 Meee Pan ents Session 4 — Reinforced Masonry Design wth Engineering Training Institute Australia - Tafored Maso Dagn 2007 Se amin ianmaanamaaae

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