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Vice – Primeiro Ministro Autoridade Nacional de

Ministro do Turismo e Ambiente Licenciamento Ambiental,


Ref N : ……../GP-ANLA,I.P / MTA / VI /2024 Dili, 18th June 2024

Mr. Eng. Santino Barreto

Director DNPPD – Ministry of Public Works
Av: 20 de Maio, Dili, Timor – Leste

Subject: Issued of project category

Referring to the revision of Project document (PD) for Rehabilitation of Municipal

Roads Cailaco to Marobo project in Bobonaro Municipality project that submitted to
Autoridade Nacional de Licenciamento Ambiental, Instituto Público (ANLA, I.P.) which the
Ministry of Public Works under National Directorate of Planning, Inspection, Research and
Development (NDPIRD) as the proponent that will establish a road rehabilitation project with
road scale 26 Km.
Through the Internal Committee for Environmental Impact Assessment (ICEIA) has
completed the revision of PD and categorized the project as Category B in the Transport
Sector. This classification reference based on the Decree Law No. 39/2022 first amendment of
Decree Law No. 5/2011 Environmental License, article 4, and paragraph 1, Category B
“includes projects that may cause environmental impacts and which are subject on Initial
Environmental Examination (EAI) that is based on the Environmental Management Plan as
per the provisions of this law”.
Therefore, the proponent must follow category B process, where proponent should
submit a Simplified Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) and an Environmental
Management Plan (EMP) to ANLA in soft and hard copy for review and approval. The
deadline of the submission for SEIS and EMP is one month starting from the date of the issued


Ir. Maximiano M.G de Oliveira

Autoridade Nacional Licenciamento Ambiental, Instituto Público, Instituto Público (ANLA, I.P.)

Copy : Mr. Fransisco Kalbuadi Lay

Vice Prime-Minister
Ministry Coordinator for Economic Affairs and Ministry Tourism and Environment

Endereço do escritório: 30 Andar, Edifiçio Acait, Rua 30 de Agosto, Dili, Timor-Leste

Telemovél: +670 7860 8450, E-mail:

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