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A research proposal is a document that outlines the scope, objectives, methods, and significance of a

proposed research project. It is usually written to convince a funding agency, academic institution, or
supervisor that the project is worth pursuing and feasible. Here is a possible outline of a research
proposal on the topic you provided:

Title: Exploring factors of PPP models for the delivery of sustainable sanitation infrastructure in Ghana. A
case study of Kumasi Metropolis.

Introduction: This section introduces the background, context, problem statement, research questions,
objectives, and significance of the study. For example:

Background: Sanitation is a key component of sustainable development and human well-being.

However, many developing countries face challenges in providing adequate and affordable sanitation
services to their populations. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), only 22% of Ghana’s
population had access to basic sanitation facilities in 20171. This poses serious health, environmental,
and social risks for the country.

Context: Public-private partnerships (PPPs) are contractual arrangements between public and private
entities to deliver public services or infrastructure. PPPs have been widely used in various sectors, such
as transport, energy, health, and education. PPPs can offer potential benefits for sanitation projects,
such as leveraging private sector expertise, innovation, efficiency, and finance. However, PPPs also entail
challenges and risks, such as complex contractual arrangements, high transaction costs, regulatory
uncertainty, political interference, and social resistance.

Problem statement: Despite the potential of PPPs for sanitation projects, there is limited empirical
evidence on the factors that influence the success or failure of such arrangements in Ghana. Moreover,
there is a lack of systematic analysis on how PPPs can contribute to the achievement of the United
Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially SDG 6: Ensure availability and sustainable
management of water and sanitation for all.

Research questions: The main research question of this study is: What are the factors that affect the
performance of PPP models for the delivery of sustainable sanitation infrastructure in Ghana? The sub-
questions are:

What are the different types and characteristics of PPP models used for sanitation projects in Ghana?

What are the key drivers and barriers for implementing PPPs for sanitation projects in Ghana?

How do PPPs for sanitation projects impact the economic, social, and environmental dimensions of
sustainability in Ghana?
How can PPPs for sanitation projects be improved to enhance their contribution to SDG 6 in Ghana?

Objectives: The main objective of this study is to explore and analyse the factors of PPP models for the
delivery of sustainable sanitation infrastructure in Ghana. The specific objectives are:

To identify and classify the PPP models used for sanitation projects in Ghana.

To examine the motivations and challenges for adopting PPPs for sanitation projects in Ghana.

To assess the outcomes and impacts of PPPs for sanitation projects on sustainability indicators in Ghana.

To propose recommendations and best practices for improving PPPs for sanitation projects in Ghana.

Significance: This study will contribute to the existing literature on PPPs and sustainable development by
providing empirical evidence and insights from a developing country context. It will also inform policy
makers, practitioners, and stakeholders on how to design, implement, and evaluate PPPs for sanitation
projects in Ghana. Furthermore, it will support the achievement of SDG 6 by identifying ways to enhance
the provision and management of sanitation services through PPPs.

Literature review: This section reviews the relevant theoretical and empirical literature on PPPs and
sustainable development. It provides a conceptual framework for analysing PPPs for sanitation projects
in Ghana. For example:

Theoretical literature: This part discusses the main concepts and theories related to PPPs and
sustainable development. It defines what PPPs are, how they are classified, what are their advantages
and disadvantages, and what are their critical success factors. It also defines what sustainable
development is, how it is measured, what are its dimensions and indicators, and how it relates to PPPs.

Empirical literature: This part reviews the existing studies on PPPs and sustainable development in
general and in Ghana specifically. It identifies the gaps and limitations in the current knowledge base. It
also highlights the best practices and lessons learned from other countries and contexts.

Research design: This section describes the methodology and methods used to conduct the study. It
explains how the data will be collected, analysed, and presented. For example:

Methodology: This part states the research paradigm, approach, strategy, and philosophy that guide the
study. It justifies why these choices are suitable for answering the research questions.

Methods: This part details the specific techniques and tools used to collect and analyse data. It specifies
the sources of data (primary or secondary), the sampling method (probability or non-probability), the
sample size (number of cases or respondents), the data collection instruments (questionnaires,
interviews, observations, etc.), the data analysis methods (quantitative or qualitative), and the data
presentation techniques (tables,)
Title: Exploring Factors for Improving Public-Private Partnership Models for Sustainable Sanitation
Infrastructure Delivery in Ghana: A Case Study of Kumasi Metropolis

1. Introduction

Sanitation infrastructure plays a crucial role in promoting public health and ensuring sustainable
development. In developing countries like Ghana, access to adequate sanitation facilities remains a
major challenge. Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) have emerged as a viable approach for delivering
sustainable sanitation infrastructure. This research proposal aims to investigate the factors that can
enhance PPP models for sustainable sanitation infrastructure delivery in Ghana, with a focus on the
Kumasi Metropolis.

2. Research Objectives

The primary objective of this research is to explore the factors that contribute to the improvement of
PPP models for sustainable sanitation infrastructure delivery in Ghana. Specifically, the study aims to:

a) Identify the key factors influencing the success or failure of PPPs in delivering sustainable sanitation

b) Assess the role of stakeholder engagement in PPP projects related to sanitation infrastructure.

c) Evaluate the impact of government policies and regulations on the effectiveness of PPP models.

d) Analyze the financial mechanisms and incentives that can support sustainable sanitation
infrastructure delivery through PPPs.

e) Provide recommendations for enhancing PPP models for sustainable sanitation infrastructure delivery
in the Kumasi Metropolis and beyond.

3. Methodology

To achieve the research objectives, a mixed-methods approach will be adopted. The research will
involve both quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis methods.
a) Quantitative Approach:

- Surveys: A structured questionnaire will be administered to stakeholders involved in PPP projects

related to sanitation infrastructure in the Kumasi Metropolis. The survey will gather data on factors
influencing PPP success, stakeholder engagement, financial mechanisms, and the impact of government

- Statistical Analysis: The collected data will be analyzed using appropriate statistical techniques to
identify patterns and correlations between variables.

b) Qualitative Approach:

- Interviews: Key stakeholders, including government officials, private sector representatives, and
community members, will be interviewed to gain in-depth insights into their experiences with PPPs in
sanitation infrastructure delivery.

- Case Study Analysis: The Kumasi Metropolis will be selected as a case study area, and a detailed
analysis of ongoing or completed PPP projects in the region will be conducted. This will involve
reviewing relevant documents and conducting site visits.

4. Expected Outcomes and Impact

This research intends to contribute to the knowledge base on improving PPP models for sustainable
sanitation infrastructure delivery in Ghana. The findings will provide insights into the key factors that
need to be considered for successful implementation of PPP projects in the sector.

The research outcomes will have practical implications for policymakers, government agencies, private
sector entities, and community members involved in sanitation infrastructure development. The
recommendations derived from this study will help guide decision-making processes, improve
stakeholder collaboration, enhance financial mechanisms, and formulate effective policies and
regulations for PPP models.

5. Timeline

The research is expected to be conducted over a period of 12 months, starting from October 2023 to
September 2024. The timeline includes data collection, analysis, and report writing stages.
6. Conclusion

This research proposal highlights the significance of exploring factors for improving PPP models for
sustainable sanitation infrastructure delivery in Ghana, with a specific focus on the Kumasi Metropolis.
By deepening our understanding of the challenges and opportunities associated with PPPs in the
sanitation sector, this study aims to contribute towards achieving sustainable and inclusive development
goals in Ghana.

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