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Breast Cancer Statistics In India

In Every 4 minutes An Indian Woman is Diagnosed Breast
In every 13 minutes One Woman dies of Breast Cancer
17,97,900 Women Diagnosed Brest Cancer in 2020
Cancer Is Killing Not Just Indians But India’s Economy
Page – 3
Heart Diseases Is The No 1 Killer Of Women
Pic - 83 % Doctor Believe Indian Women are Ignorant about
Heart Disease
CVDs not only impact a person physically & Socially but also
economically downgrading overall quality of life
More women (29%) than men (25%) above 45 years in India
are living with a diagnosed cardiovascular condition
Page- 4
Osteoporosis : The Silent Disease
Pic- Over One Crore People suffer from osteoporosis every
year in India
After Menopausal the process of osteoporosis is accelerated
1 out of 3 women between 50 to 60 Years suffers from
Page- 5
Urinary Tract Infections (UTI)
Pic- Approximately 50 to 60 % of women reported to UTI in
their lifetime
UTI is one of most common bacterial infections among women
Most Risk Factor Of UTI is It Leads To Type II diabetes
Followed By CKD
Page -6
New Born And Child Health Of India
2.5 Crore Children take birth each year in India. It is One 5 th
of world’s annual child birth . Every minute one of those
children dies. UNICEF
Nearly 35 Lakh babies in India are born too early
17 Lakh Babies are born with birth defects
10 Lakh new born babies are discharge from special Care
Unites. These babies remain high risk of death.
The first 28 days of a new born baby life is a critical window of
opportunity for prevention & management of new born
Page - 7
Specific Coverage for Women
Pic – 2 No Pre Medical Scanning for Entry
Entry during Pregnancy between 12th Weak to
20th weak
(Age at entry – 18 Years To 75 Years)
For Dependent Children – 91 days to 25 Years
Sum Insured – 5 Lakh,10,15,20,25,50 & One
Additional Coverage For Women
Pic :- Daughter Can Be Continue as a dependent child
if unmarried up to 30 Year
Continuity Benefits before marriage consider for maternity
Premium Term :- 1 Year, 2 Years & 3 Years
Page - 9
Midterm Inclusion Available
Two pic

Newly married spouse & legally adopted Child (intimation

within 45 days)
New Born Baby (Intimation within 90 days)
Page- 10
Room Charges
1 % of Sum Insure OR Maximum Upto Rs.20,000/-
Page – 11
Shared Accommodation
Pic –
Rs.2,000/- Per Day Maximum Seven Days Per Hospitalization
Page- 12
Road Ambulance///Assure page 7
Page – 13
Air Ambulance / Assure page 12
For Sum Insured 10 Lakh & above 10 % Of Sum Insured Per
Page- 14
Pre and Post Hospitalization
Assure Page – 8 60 days and 90 days
Page- 15
Day Care (assure Page 10) Pic change
Page- 16
No Claim Bonus ( assure Page 14) 20 % Not 25
Page 17
Star Mother Special Care
Pic- Hotel Room
Company will Provide One Single Standard AC room to mother
inside hospital if the child is bellow12 and admitted in ICU
If Room is not available in hospital Company will reimburse
Rs.2,500/- for 7 Days (Per Hospitalization) to stay within two
km. to mother in a hotel.
Page – 18
Ayush treatment as per page 15 assure
Page- 19
Bariatric Surgery ( waiting Period 24 Month)
SI – 5 10 15 20 25 50 1 Crore
Amount 2.5 Lakh 5 5 5 5
Page 20
Auto restoration
Pic- Upto 100 % of the Basic SI
Available immediately upon partial/full utilization of SI
Page 21
Rehabilitation And pain Management
Pic- Cover Up to the sub-limit OR 10 % which ever is lesser
Treatment taken at authorize centers
Page -22
Modern Treatment Cover
SI 5 10 15 20 25 50 I Crore
50% 40% 30%
Page 23
Assisted Reproduction Treatment (Assure Page 16)
Pic- Waiting Period 3 Years
Sum Insured 5 10 15 20 25 50 1 Crore
Amount .50 1 L 1.5L 2L 2L 2.5 L 3
Page 24
Ante-Natal Care (Pregnancy Care)
Pic- OPD – Rs. 2,500/- For SI- 5/10/15 L

Rs. 5,000/- For SI- 5/2.5/3 Lakh

Waiting Period 2 Years For SI- 5 L & 10 Lakh
Waiting Period 1 Year For SI – 15 Lakh & Above
Page – 25
Utero Fetal Surgery/Repair (Assure Page -18)
Pic- Open Fetal Surgery
Fetendo Fetal Surgery
Fetal Image-Guided Surgery
EXIT Procedure
Waiting Period 2 Years For 5 lakh & 10 Lakh SI
Waiting Period 1 Year For 15 Lakh and Above SI
Page – 26
Voluntary Sterilization
Pic - Waiting Period 2 Years
Covered Actual
Tubectomy/ Vasctomy
Provided The Insure Person Is married and his/her age is 22
years and above
Page 27
Miscarriage Due To accident (Once In Life Time)
Pic- SI- 5/10/15 Lakh Rs. 25,000/-
SI- 20/25 Lakh Rs. 35,000/-
SI- 50/100 Lakh Rs. 40,000/-

Waiting Period 2 Years for Sum Insured 5 Lakh & 10 Lakh

Waiting Period 1 Years for Sum Insured 15 Lakh & above
Page 28
Delivery Expenses ( assur Page 17)
Pic - Sum Insured 5 Lakh – Rs.25,000/-
Sum Insured 10/15/20 Lakh Rs. 50,000/-
Sum Insured 25/50 Lakh Rs. 75,000/-
Sum Insured I Crore Rs. 1,00,000/-
Waiting Period 2 Years For Sum Insured 5 lakh & 10 Lakh
Waiting Period1 Year For Sum Insured 15 lakh And above
Page 29
Treatment for New Born Baby
Pic – (assure Page 21) Maximum 25 % Basic Sum Insured
Congenital Internal & External Defects Cover Day 1
Cover Up To 100 % Of Sum Insured Subsequent Years
Cover Vaccination Up To 12 Months For Sum Insured 5L & 10L
Rs.2,500/- ( Last Line)
Sum Insured 15 Lakh & Above Rs.3,500/-
Metabolic Screening Payable Once Limit Rs.2,500/-
Page 30
Pediatrician Consolation To Child
Pic- Cover 4 Consultations Per Year
Limit For Consultation Rs.500/-
Payable Up To 12 Years Of age
Page -31
Outpatient Benefits
Pic- Limit For SI 5/10/15 Lakh Rs.2,500/-
Limit for SI 20/25 Lakh Rs. 3,500/-
Limit For SI 50/100 Lakh Rs.5,000/-
Available only For Female Insured
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Lump Sum Cover For Cancer
Pic- Diagnosis Cancer As A First Incidence lump Sum is
Sum Insured of 5/10/15/20 & 25 Lakhs
Individual Sum Insured basis Only
Waiting Period 180 Days
Available only for female insured persons who is aged
between 91 days to 65 years.
Page – 33
Waiting Period
30 days for all illness (Expect Accident)
(Page 27 Of assure) First Two Years (Down)
Pre existing disease 24 month
Page -34
Tax Benefits (page 26 Assure)

Page -35
Document Require
Page 28 assure Cheque
Page 36 page 29 assur
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