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Edging: Meaning, Techniques, and Why You Should Try It

Edging, meaning orgasm control, can make your climaxes more

explosive. Learn how to do it and why it’s worth it here.
By Quinn · March 15, 2024 · 7 min read

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Edging is a trick for powerful, longer-lasting orgasms. It’s a form of orgasm

control that’s exciting to try alone — but it ramps things up with a partner
(consider yourself warned).

Here’s your guide to everything edging — meaning what it is, how to do it,
and why you should.

What is edging?

Edging is sexual stimulation that involves being brought to the brink of

orgasm, either by yourself or by a partner, then deliberately pausing before
you go over the edge. This practice creates suspense and heightened
anticipation, making the eventual climax better, stronger, and more

Unlike orgasm denial, which can take place over days, weeks, or even
months, edging is a shorter-term practice. It requires less restraint than
orgasm denial but still significantly enhances sexual activity.

Edging for men, women, and nonbinary people is a sexual skill that
improves the quality of orgasms. It's fun, versatile, and an excellent way to
spice up both solo and partnered sex.

Edging: Purpose

Edging in sex has a few primary purposes, which vary depending on the
person and whether or not a partner is involved.

While holding back at the very edge might seem daunting, and it can
require some practice to find the will to stop before climax, the benefits of
this type of orgasm are worth it. You’ll experience improved sexual stamina
(which can help close the orgasm gap) and enhanced emotional
connection. Here are four reasons why it's worth trying:

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connection. Here are four reasons why it's worth trying:

• Heightened arousal: Edging amplifies arousal by prolonging the

build-up to orgasm. This intensified state of anticipation makes it even
more intense and sexually satisfying when you finally let go.

• Delayed gratification: Edging can help people with a penis reduce

premature ejaculation by learning to intentionally delay climax. This
can prolong sexual experiences, transforming quick moments into
longer sessions.

• Increased pleasure: The ultimate goal of edging is elevating sexual

pleasure. Whether it's practiced solo or with a partner, edging can lead
to a richer, more fulfilling sexual encounter.

• Deeper connections: It can be hard to trust your partner(s) to bring

you toward climax and deny you finishing. Being able to experience
this with them could deepen your connection(s) and sex life.

Benefits of edging

Having an edging kink can seriously elevate your solo and partnered
sexual experiences. And it isn't just about the big finish. Here's a closer
look at five reasons why edging is a game-changer for your sex life:


Edging is a powerful tool if you find reaching orgasm challenging. This

practice allows individuals to explore their bodies at their own pace,
removing the pressure to climax quickly (or at all). By gradually
approaching the edge of climax and stopping, you figure out how to have
an orgasm according to your needs. This leads to a deeper understanding
of your sexual response, making orgasms more accessible and enjoyable
by yourself and with your partners.

Better orgasms

The build-up, pause, repeat cycle of edging culminates in significantly more

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The build-up, pause, repeat cycle of edging culminates in significantly more

powerful orgasms. The heightened anticipation and prolonged arousal that
lead to these explosive climaxes magnify the physical pleasure in your
body and also contribute to a wilder emotional release — what's not to

Longer sex

As mentioned, edging can help increase sexual stamina. This is true for
people with penises and vaginas, who can use edging to navigate and
control arousal levels, enjoy more extended periods of intercourse, and
even synchronize their orgasms. Lasting longer fosters feelings of
achievement and satisfaction that can boost the quality of your sexual

Better self-awareness

Edging is a fun way to tune into your body and be more mindful. This
approach to sexuality encourages examining your sexual desires, triggers,
and turn-ons. Through learning how to stop and start your own orgasms,
you become better able to communicate your desires and relationship
boundaries to sexual partners.

Less performance anxiety

Performance anxiety can significantly impact your sexual experiences.

Edging combats these nerves, offering a sense of control over your arousal
and climax cycles. If you don't feel confident in the bedroom, learning how
to extend your sexual pleasure through edging can help you enjoy sexual
encounters more. This can be particularly empowering for people suffering
from premature ejaculation.

Better communication and connection

Practicing edging nurtures emotional intimacy and sexual communication in

relationships. This process requires both partners to express their needs
and let the other person know when to pause and keep going. The result is
collaborative and respectful sexual exploration that helps partners bond

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collaborative and respectful sexual exploration that helps partners bond

(and get each other off).

6 edging techniques to try tonight

Before trying edging, engage in your favorite foreplay. This sets the mood
and prepares you and your partner for what's to come. Once you're both
aroused, choose one of these techniques and get to work:

• Start-stop: This straightforward edging method involves stopping all

stimulation when you feel like you're nearing orgasm or ejaculation.
Wait a few moments until the urge to climax subsides, then stimulate
yourself again, and repeat until you can't take it anymore (and don't
forget the lube).

• Grounding: Place a hand over your heart during breaks from

stimulation. This action, often used during vaginal or yoni massage,
helps ground and maintain an emotional and physical connection to
your body during heightened arousal.

• Squeeze: If you're on the verge of orgasm and want to delay it,

squeeze the head of the erection for approximately 30 seconds to
quickly and momentarily reduce arousal. If you or your partner have a
vulva, apply gentle pressure around the clitoral area for a similar

• BDSM: If you and your partner are into BDSM, incorporate edging for
a new twist on dominance and submission play. For those who enjoy
power dynamics, edging can be used as a tool of control; for example,
the dominant partner can restrain the submissive partner and edge
them for hours, or the dominant partner can give the submissive
partner "homework" to practice edging while they masturbate.

• Ballooning: This orgasmic technique involves stopping penis or

clitoral stimulation immediately before you orgasm or ejaculate and
then performing Kegel exercises. It's an excellent way to strengthen
pelvic floor muscles.

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pelvic floor muscles.

• Tantric: During Tantric sex, edging focuses on breathing and energy

flow. To try this edging method, breathe deeply when you stop
stimulation as you approach orgasm, imagining you're drawing orgasm
energy up through your body. Go back to providing direct stimulation
and repeat the process to achieve a full-body orgasm.

Edging is also fun to explore during masturbation, with or without a vibrator.

It helps you learn what brings you pleasure without feeling self-conscious
or worried about your partner(s)’ needs. To switch up your self-love routine,
dedicate five or 10 minutes daily to edging; you might be surprised how
much you learn about your body and how it responds to different stimuli.

Is edging bad for you?

Edging is generally considered a safe practice with no proven physical

risks. Unlike some myths suggest, edging isn't actually linked to or a cause
of delayed ejaculation, sexual dysfunction, or erectile dysfunction. These
conditions have other causes, like medical issues or psychological factors.

That said, individual experiences with arousal and orgasm vary, and for
some people with a vagina, pausing stimulation right before climax might
lead to a loss of arousal entirely. This doesn't mean edging is harmful, but it
does highlight the importance of understanding your sexual response cycle
and what might make you gain or lose arousal or desire.

The key to a positive and erotic edging experience is listening to your body,
recognizing your boundaries, and effectively communicating if you're
edging with a partner. If you encounter negative feelings or find it difficult to
reach orgasm when you want later to, take a break.

Explore edging with Quinn

Quinn's audio erotica takes edging to the next level. This diverse and
inclusive platform, created by women for everyone, offers ethical sexual
content to help you and your partner spice things up in the bedroom. With a

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range of exciting categories to browse, from kink to bondage, dirty talk,

aftercare, and couple, Quinn has just what you need to start, stop, and start

To access thousands of narrated sex stories, guided masturbation

sessions, and playlists, download the Quinn app for iOS or Android.

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