11th SAMPLE 3. Trigonometry questions

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TIME: 2 hours MM:70

General Instructions:
(a) All questions are compulsory.

2. Why a point on a rotating wheel cannot be considered as executing S.H.M.?

3. Suppose that the displacement of an object is related to time according to the expression
4. x=B t . What are the dimensions of B?
5. Two bodies m1 and m2 (m1> m2) have equal kinetic energies. Which will have more momentum.
6. A child sits stationary at one end of a long trolley moving uniformly with a speed ‘v’ on a smooth
horizontal floor. If the child gets up and runs about on the trolley in any manner, what is the speed
of Centre of Mass of the (trolley + child) system?
7. Give the location of the centre of mass of a cube of uniform mass density.Does the centre of mass
of a body necessarily lie inside the body?
8. Define degrees of freedom. How many degrees of freedom for a diatomic gas, justify with the
9. A batsman deflects a ball by an angle of 45° without changing its initial speed which is equal to
54 km/h. What is the impulse imparted to the ball? (Mass of the ball is 0.15 kg.)
10. Two inclined frictionless tracks, one gradual and the other steep meet at A from where two stones
are allowed to slide down from rest, one on each track. Will the stones reach the bottom at the
same time ? Will they reach there with same speed ? Explain. Given θ1 = 30°, θ2 = 60° and h = 10
m, what are the speeds and times taken by the two stones ?
11. A block of mass ‘m’ moving at speed ‘v’ collides with another block of mass 2m at rest. The
lighter block comes to rest after the collision. Find the coefficient of restitution.
12. If a man of mass m jumps to the ground from height h and his center of mass moves a distance d
in the time taken by him to hit the ground show that the average force acting on him is (m g h) /d,
assuming his retardation to be constant during his impact with the ground.
13. What is the escape velocity derive its expression by conservation law of energy.
14. Two bodies of masses 100 kg and 1000 kg are at a distance1.00 m apart. Calculate the
gravitational potential and gravitational intensity at the midpoint of the line joining them.
15. A particle of mass 0.40 kg moving initially with constant speed of 10m/s to the north is subject to
a constant force of 8.0 N directed towards south for 30s. Take at that instant, the force is applied
to be t = 0, and the position of the particle at that time to be x = 0, predict its position at t = -5s,
25s, 30s?
16. The blades of a windmill sweep out a circle of area A. (a) If the wind flows at a velocity v
perpendicular to the circle, what is the mass of the air passing through it in time t?(b) What is the
kinetic energy of the air? (c) Assume that the windmill converts 25% of the wind’s energy into
2 –3
electrical energy, and that A = 30 m , v = 36 km/h and the density of air is 1.2 kg m . What is
the electrical power produced?
17. A physical quantity V is given by V=r2h. What will be the maximum percentage error in V if r ,
and h have 3%, and 2%, errors respectively.


18. It is well known that a raindrop falls under the influence of the downward gravitational force and
the opposing resistive force. The latter is known to be proportional to the speed of the drop but is
otherwise undetermined. Consider a drop of mass1.00 g falling from a height 1.00 km. It hits the
ground with a speed of 50.0 m s-1. (a) What is the work done by the gravitational force ? (b)What
is the work done by the unknown resistive force?
19. Derive an expression for time period of v angular projectile .A bullet fired at an angle of 30° with
the horizontal hits the ground 3.0 km away. By adjusting its angle of projection, can one hope to
hit a target 5.0 km away? Assume the muzzle speed to the fixed, and neglect air resistance.
20. Define surface tension .Radius of a soap bubble is increased from R to 2R. Calculate work done in
this process in terms of surface tension.
21. Derive the expression for Gravitational Potential Energy. Three equal masses of m kg each are
fixed at the vertices of an equilateral triangle of side r. Calculate the Gravitational Potential
Energy of the system
22. For the travelling harmonic wave y (x, t) = 2.0 cos 2.0 cos 2π [10t - 0.0080x + 0.35] where x and y
are in cm and t in s. Calculate the phase difference between oscillatory motion of two points
separated by a distance of (a) 4 cm, (b) 0.5 m, (c) λ/2 (d) 3λ/4.
23. Derive the expression for excess pressure of bubble
The pressure inside a small air bubble of radius 0.1mm situated just below the surface of water will be
equal to (Take surface tension of water 70  10 3 Nm 1 and atmospheric pressure  1.013  10 5 Nm  2 )
24. State Bernoulli’s theorem and give the name of the device which is used to find the rate of flow of
a liquid through a horizontal tube. Derive the expression of with the help of suitable diagram
During blood transfusion the needle is inserted in a vein where the gauge pressure is 2000 Pa. At
what height must the blood container be placed so that blood may just enter the vein? ( Use the
density of the whole blood as 1.06 X 103 kg/m3)
25. On a long horizontally moving belt , a child runs to and fro with a speed 9 km h–1 (with respect to
the belt) between his father and mother located 50 m apart on the moving belt. The belt moves
with a speed of 4 km h–1. For an observer on a stationary platform outside, what is the
(a) speed of the child running in the direction of motion of the belt ?.
(b) speed of the child running opposite to the direction of motion of the belt ?
(c) time taken by the child in (a) and (b) ?
Which of the answers alter if motion is viewed by one of the parents?


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