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Design of economical size of Pumping Main for Raw water

From : JW
To : WTP

Pipe Data
Particulars Details
Dia Class Rate (Rs./m) Thickness
Water requirement (MLD) Material 100 K9 1412.40 6.0
2025 4.690 DI 150 K9 2060.52 6.0
2040 6.220 C- value 200 K9 2676.96 6.3
2055 8.000 140 250 K9 3599.64 6.8
1,998.00 8.97 300 K9 4509.12 7.2
Discharge (MLD) 350 K9 5487.24 7.7
2025 7.035 400 K9 6589.44 8.1
2040 9.330 450 K9 7725.96 8.6
2055 12.000 500 K9 9016.92 9.0

Length of pumping main (m) 30878.00

Static head on pumps (m) 7.920
LSL of starting point(m) 290.120
FSL of discharge point (m) 298.040
Velocity Head (m) 3.00
Total Head (m) 10.920
Design period-Years 30.000
Combined eff. of pumpset 0.700
Cost of pumpset/HP (Rs) 18000
Life of motor/pumpset 15
Energy charges Rs. / KW h 6.5
Pumping Hr. at end of period 16
Rate of interest 10%
Factor of capitalisation 7.61
Pumpset standby % 100
Initial Investment Factor 4.177
Design of most economical size of Pumping main From : JW
To : WTP

S.N. Particulars Stage I StageII

1st 15 Yrs. 2 nd 15 Yrs.
1 Discharge at Start of Period (mld) 7.04 9.33
2 Discharge at the end of period (mld) 9.33 12.00
3 Average discharge (mld) 8.18 10.67
4 Average pumping hours during the period 14.03 14.22
5 Combined efficiency of pumpset 0.70 0.70

Velocity and head loss for different pipe sizes

S.N. Pipe Frictional Headloss Velocity in (m/s) Total static head for length 30878 m. is = 10.92 m
Dia. in m per km. 1 st stage Flow 2 nd stage Flow
mm Stage Stage Stage Stage Frict. Other Total Frict. Other Total
I II I II Losses Losses Losses Losses Losses Losses

1 100 1362.55 2171.57 13.75 17.69 42072.69 4207.27 46279.96 67053.77 6705.38 73759
2 150 189.08 301.35 6.11 7.86 5838.51 583.85 6422.36 9305.18 930.52 10236
3 200 46.57 74.22 3.44 4.42 1437.99 143.80 1581.79 2291.81 229.18 2521
4 250 15.71 25.03 2.20 2.83 484.99 48.50 533.49 772.95 77.30 850
5 300 6.46 10.30 1.53 1.96 199.55 19.96 219.51 318.04 31.80 350
6 350 3.05 4.86 1.12 1.44 94.18 9.42 103.60 150.11 15.01 165
7 400 1.59 2.54 0.86 1.11 49.15 4.91 54.06 78.33 7.83 86
8 450 0.90 1.43 0.68 0.87 27.69 2.77 30.46 44.13 4.41 49
9 500 0.54 0.86 0.55 0.71 16.58 1.66 18.23 26.42 2.64 29

Kilowatts and cost of pumpsets reqd.for different pipesizes and cost of pipes

S.N. Pipe Class Flow at stage 1 : 9.33 Flow at stage 2 : 12.00 Cost of Cost of K.W. Reqd. K.W. Reqd.
Dia. of Total K.W Pump Total KW Pump pipe per 30878 excluding excluding
mm pipe head(m) Reqd.+ cost head(m) Reqd. + cost unit length m length standby standby
H1 100 24129 H2 100 24129 (Rs.) (Rs.) Stage I Stage II
% standby Rs./kW % standby Rs./kW

1 100 K9 46290.88 163369.40 3941889059 73767.06 349398.28 8430521443 1412 43612087 81684.70 174699.1
2 150 K9 6433.28 22704.28 547824539 10243.62 48518.99 1170699564 2061 63624737 11352.14 24259.5
3 200 K9 1592.71 5620.97 135626627 2528.91 11978.20 289018203 2677 82659171 2810.49 5989.1
4 250 K9 544.41 1921.31 46358731 858.17 4064.72 98076335 3600 111149684 960.66 2032.4
5 300 K9 230.43 848.58 20475152 357.76 1694.55 40887158 4509 139232607 424.29 847.3
6 350 K9 114.52 404.17 9752093 173.04 819.59 19775623 5487 169434997 202.09 409.8
7 400 K9 64.98 239.31 5774238 94.08 445.63 10752464 6589 203468728 119.66 222.8
8 450 K9 41.38 146.04 3523834 56.47 267.46 6453526 7726 238562193 73.02 133.7
9 500 K9 29.15 102.89 2482587 36.98 175.16 4226325 9017 278424456 51.44 87.6
Design of most economical size of Pumping main From : JW
To : WTP
Comparative statement of overall cost of pumping for different pipe sizes

S.N. Stage I Stage II Grand Total of

Pipe Cost of Annual Capitld. Capitalised Cost of Annual Capitalised Capitalised Capitalised
dia. Pump energy energy Total cost Pump energy energy Total cost cost for
(mm) set charges charges set charges charges 30
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. years

1 100 3941889059 2719388759 20683887111 24669388258 8430521443 5893816110 44828833930 12749866231 37419254488
2 150 547824539 377927403 2874545873 3485995149 1170699564 818441421 6225130521 1770502921 5256498070
3 200 135626627 93564664 711660270 929946067 289018203 202053948 1536838392 437095552 1367041620
4 250 46358731 31981471 243253615 400762030 98076335 68565614 521515514 148325363 549087392
5 300 20475152 14125182 107437254 267145014 40887158 28584400 217415215 61835535 328980548
6 350 9752093 6727671 51171202 230358292 19775623 13825228 105155785 29907586 260265877
7 400 5774238 3983471 30298594 239541560 10752464 7517096 57175634 16261446 255803007
8 450 3523834 2430985 18490266 260576293 6453526 4511689 34316268 9759964 270336258
9 500 2482587 1712661 13026636 293933679 4226325 2954643 22473250 6391666 300325345

Table above shows that most economical dia. of the main is 400 mm
with total capital cost of Rs. - 255803007
From : JW To : WTP

Water Hammer Calculations & Design of Pumping Main

1. Daily demand : 8 ML

2. Design capacity of main : 12 MLD

3. Length of main : 30878.00 M

4. Velocity head "x" : 3.00 M

5 Lowest point on main : 283.40 M

6. FSL of Discharge Pt. : 298.04 M

7. Static head for

Water Hammer : 14.64 M

Water hammer Head : Cond.1 : (Static+Frictional) Head < Permissible

a.V working pressure
H max----------
= Cond.2 : (Static+Frictional+Hmax)
g AND < Field test pressure
1425 (Static + Frictional)*1.5
Where, a= K (Kg/m2)Bulk Modulus of water 2E+12
(1 + K.d / E.C)
E(Kg/m2) Modulus of elastisity of pipe
(m Class C (mm) a
m) material 2E+10
100 K9 6 31.62
150 K9 6 25.82 g (m/s2) Accelration due to gravity 9.81
200 K9 6.3 22.92
250 K9 6.8 21.30 C (mm) Wall thickness of pipe
300 K9 7.2 20.00
350 K9 7.7 19.15 d(mm) Diameter of pipe
400 K9 8.1 18.38
450 K9 8.6 17.85 V (m/Sec) Normal flow velocity
500 K9 9 17.32
H max(m) a . v / g

S.N. Pipe Velocity H Fr. head 10 % for Total H+ P. work. Press. Including Cond.1 Cond.2
dia. m/s max m. 'y' spl. 'z' x+y+z x+y+z press(m) Surge (m)

1 100 17.61 56.76 66499.7 6649.97 73167 73224.08 640 770 NOT NOT
2 150 7.83 20.62 9248.0 924.80 10190.4 10211.06 640 770 NOT NOT
3 200 4.41 10.30 2281.2 228.12 2526.9 2537.23 620 740 NOT NOT
4 250 2.82 6.13 770.3 77.03 864.9 871.07 540 650 NOT NOT
5 300 1.96 4.00 317.2 31.72 366.6 370.60 490 590 OK OK
6 350 1.44 2.82 149.8 14.98 182.5 185.29 450 540 OK OK
7 400 1.10 2.07 78.3 7.83 103.7 105.79 420 510 OK OK
8 450 0.87 1.59 44.1 4.41 66.2 67.76 400 480 OK OK
9 500 0.71 1.25 26.4 2.64 46.7 47.95 380 460 OK OK

Table above shows that design dia is 400 mm

with total capital cost of Rs. 255803007 /-

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