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Design Statement No. 1.

Dhanwar Population Projection
Arithmetical Incremental Geometrical Graphical Average of
Year Details
Increase Increase Increase projection all Methods
2011 Census 15297 15297 15297 15297 15297
2025 Base Year 23931 24649 21230 42125 27984
2040 Intermediate year 33182 35596 30160 51380 37580
2055 Ultimate year 42432 47505 42848 60635 48355

Design Statement No. 1.2

Water Demand Projection for Dhanwar

Water Total
Institutional One third of
Demand In 15% loss of Water
Projected Demand at Fire Demand
Year Details MLD (As per water due to Deman
Population 10 % at 45 (100√P)
population NRW (MLD) d
lpcd (mld)
135 lpcd) (MLD)

2011 Census 15297 2.0651 0.3098 0.0689 0.216 2.66

2025 Base Year 27984 3.7779 0.5667 0.126 0.216 4.69
2040 Intermediate year 37580 5.0733 0.761 0.1692 0.216 6.22
2055 Ultimate year 48355 6.528 0.9792 0.2176 0.216 7.95
Note : P=Population in Thousands & 1800 l/min for 2 hrs for P upto 50k

Design Statement No. 1.3

Ward Wise Population Projection HH (2025)
Sl. No. Ward Number 2011 2025 2040 2055 2025 HH
1 Ward No. 1 1523 2786 3742 4814 2786 557
2 Ward No. 2 1519 2779 3732 4802 2779 556
3 Ward No. 3 1525 2790 3746 4821 2790 558
4 Ward No. 4 1518 2777 3729 4799 2777 555
5 Ward No. 5 1332 2437 3272 4211 2437 487
6 Ward No. 6 1313 2402 3226 4150 2402 480
7 Ward No. 7 1292 2364 3174 4084 2364 473
8 Ward No. 8 1285 2351 3157 4062 2351 470
9 Ward No. 9 1393 2548 3422 4403 2548 510
10 Ward No. 10 1295 2369 3181 4094 2369 474
11 Ward No. 11 1302 2382 3199 4116 2382 476
Total 15297 27984 37580 48355 27984 5597

Design Statement No. 1.4

DMA Vs Households
S.N. Zone Wise DMA DMA No. Household DMA Wise
1. Zone - I (Water Supplied by Proposed DMA : 1 979
ESR of Capacity 2510 KL) DMA : 2 644
DMA : 3 920
DMA : 4 426
DMA : 5 991
DMA : 6 524
2. Zone - II (Water Supplied by Proposed DMA : 7 362
ESR of Capacity 530 KL) DMA : 8 584
3. Zone - III (Water Supplied by Existing
DMA : 9 167
ESR of Capacity 100 KL)
Total DMA 9 5597
Design Statement No. 1.5

Zonal Projected Population and Water Demand

Zone-1 - Capacity 2510 KL

Sr. No. Ward No. Zone Population Water Demand Institutional Demand Total Gross Demand

2011 2025 2040 2055 2025 2040 2055 2025 2040 2055 2025 2040 2055
1 3 1525 2790 3746 4821 0.3767 0.5058 0.6508 0.0126 0.0169 0.0217 0.4654 0.6182 0.7898
2 4 1518 2777 3729 4799 0.3749 0.5035 0.6478 0.0125 0.0168 0.0216 0.4633 0.6155 0.7862
3 9 1393 2548 3422 4403 0.3441 0.4620 0.5945 0.0115 0.0154 0.0199 0.4269 0.5663 0.7232
4 5 1332 2437 3272 4211 0.3290 0.4418 0.5685 0.0110 0.0148 0.0190 0.4090 0.5425 0.6924
5 6 1313 2402 3226 4150 0.3243 0.4355 0.5604 0.0109 0.0146 0.0187 0.4035 0.5351 0.6828
6 7 1292 2364 3174 4084 0.3191 0.4285 0.5514 0.0107 0.0143 0.0184 0.3973 0.5267 0.6721
7 8 1285 2351 3157 4062 0.3174 0.4262 0.5484 0.0106 0.0143 0.0183 0.3952 0.5241 0.6686
8 10 1295 2369 3181 4094 0.3199 0.4295 0.5527 0.0107 0.0144 0.0185 0.3982 0.5280 0.6737
9 11 1302 2382 3199 4116 0.3216 0.4319 0.5557 0.0108 0.0144 0.0186 0.4003 0.5307 0.6773
Total 12255 22419 30107 38739 3.0270 4.0647 5.2302 0.1013 0.1359 0.1747 3.76 4.99 6.37

Zone-2 - Capacity 530 KL

Sr. No. Ward No. Zone Population Water Demand Institutional Demand Total Gross Demand

2011 2025 2040 2055 2025 2040 2055 2025 2040 2055 2025 2040 2055
1 1 1523 2786 3742 4814 0.3762 0.5052 0.6500 0.0126 0.0169 0.0217 0.4598 0.6124 0.7837
2 2 1063 1945 2611 3360 0.2626 0.3526 0.4537 0.0088 0.0118 0.0152 0.3253 0.4318 0.5515
Total 2586 4731 6353 8175 0.6388 0.8578 1.1037 0.0214 0.0287 0.0369 0.79 1.04 1.34

Zone - 3 - Capacity 100 KL (Existing ESR)

Sr. No. Ward No. Zone Population Water Demand Institutional Demand Total Gross Demand

2011 2025 2040 2055 2025 2040 2055 2025 2040 2055 2025 2040 2055
1 2 456 834 1120 1441 0.1127 0.1513 0.1946 0.0038 0.0051 0.0065 0.1480 0.1936 0.2499
Total 456 834 1120 1441 0.1127 0.1513 0.1946 0.0038 0.0051 0.0065 0.15 0.19 0.25

Grand Total 15297 27984 37580 48355 3.78 5.07 6.53 0.13 0.17 0.22 4.69 6.22 7.95

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