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Complexe Scolaire Bilingue Nal REPUBLIQUE DU CAMEROUN

Bonamoussadi.Bangue REPUBLIC OF CAMEROON

B P: 3712 Douala Paix – Travail - Patrie
Tél. : 242 663 521 Peace - Work- Fatherland Academic Year 2023/2024


Name: _____________________________________________________________


Section A: Instruction: Mark an X on the letter corresponding to the correct answer

1. The software designed to perform a specific task:
a) Synchronous Software c) Application Software
b) Package Software d) System Software

2. Which of the following is not a way of acquiring software?

a) Buying pre-written software c) Downloading public-domain Software
b) Ordering customized software d) duplicating the software

3. OSS stands for:

a) Open System Service c) Open System Software
b) Open Source Software d) Open Synchronized Software

4. Public domain software is usually:

a) System supported c) Community supported
b) Source supported d) Programmer supported

5. The generation based on VLSI microprocessor.

a) 1st c) 3rd
b) 2nd d) 4th

6. ______________ are used for solving complex application such as Global Weather
a) Super Computers c) Mobile computers
b) Public computers d) Hybrid computers
7. A technique that allows more than one program to be ready for execution and provides the
ability to switch from one process to another.
a) Multitasking c) multitasking
b) multiprocessing d) multiprogramming

Section B: Answer all questions using good English

1. Describe the following terms 3 marks


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b) Utility software
c) Robotics
2. Give the full meaning of the following abbreviations. 4 marks
a. PROM _________________________________________________________________
b. EPROM ________________________________________________________________
c. EEPROM _______________________________________________________________
d. ENIAC _________________________________________________________________
3. (a) Distinguish between Simulation and Prototyping? 2 marks
( b) Give two differences between impact and non-impact printer 2 marks
4. Distinguish between the command line interface and graphical user interface. 2 marks
5. Your father bought a computer with a storage capacity of 500GB. The following programs
where install in the hard disk
- Windows 11 =5.8GB
- MS office 2016 =3.66GB
- VLC= 300MB
-Documents =225KB.
- Images= 169MB
a) What is the space that will be left on the hard disk after storing all this files? 3 marks

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b) How many CD’s can be used to store these programs? 2 marks

GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!

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