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Essay and Objective

Name: _________________________________________________________________
Index number: __________________________________________________________
Date: __________________________________________________________________



Write your name and date in ink in the spaces provided above
 This booklet consists of two papers, Paper 2 and paper 1
 Answer paper 2 in your answer booklet and paper 1 in the objective test
answer sheet
 Paper 2 will last 1hour10mins.
 Paper 1 will last 50mins.
 Do not start paper 1 until you are told to do so

@ 2024 EMINENT LINKS Examination Consult

WHATSAPP 0509665737
This paper consists of three parts: Part A - Writing, Part B – Reading (comprehension and summarising) and Part
C- literature. Answer one question only in Part A and all questions in Part B and C.

PART A – WRITING [30marks]

Answer one question only from this part.
Your composition should be about 250 words long.
1. You recently saw a job advert in a newspaper. Write a letter to the managing director of the company applying
for the job and stating at least two reasons why you are the most qualified person for the job.
2. Write an article for publication in your school magazine on the topic; The relationship between parents and
their children should be cordial.
3. Write a story ending with the expression; “since then I have always tried to avoid bad company”

PART B – READING [20marks]

4. Read the following passage carefully and answer all the questions which follow.
Kola’s parents were quite loving and kind. They wanted to bring up their only son well. They worked hard to make
ends meet but provided him and his siblings with all their materials needs. Also, they taught him to respect elders by
never questioning their authority or looking into their eyes when they spoke. It was the height of disrespect to say
an elder was wrong or stand head raised when being addressed by him. Heads must be bowed and nodded in
respectful affirmation of the wisdom emanating from the lips of the elderly. A young person was not expected to be
as knowledgeable as an elder. According to an adage, what an elder sees lying down, the young cannot see from the
top of a tree. An infringement of these rules attracted instant reprimands.
Many people grew up in this atmosphere a few decades ago. The few recalcitrant ones who always broke the rules
paid dearly for it and were labelled rude and incorrigible. Kola wanted to be termed good and well-behaved. He did
all that was expected of him and enjoyed additional affection from his parents and elders. But he paid a price for it –
fear. He was always afraid to express views that could be contrary to those of elders no matter how strongly he felt
about them. The fear grew and spread even to his relationship with his mates. He was afraid of being pronounced
rude or wrong. Gradually, he lost his self- confidence. This affected his speech as he started to stutter and stammer.
The condemnation by his parents and elders, combined with the ridicule of his mates, worsened the matter.
At the end of his secondary school career, Kola realized that his strength was academics. He was among the best
five in his class. He gained admission to a renowned university and applied himself to his studies. Apart from his
textbook, he read novels and biographies and listened to discussions on tropical issues on radio and television. His
lecturer soon recognized his academic prowess and encouraged him. His mates admired and sought after him
especially when given difficult assignments in the courses they had in common. His speech improved, and by the
time he graduated with a second class upper in English Language, he had become a powerful speaker who could
also use eye-contact and body language to sway his audience.
a) In what two ways were young people expected to show respect when an elder spoke?
b) How does the writer show that rules mentioned in the passage are no longer imposed?
c) What two factors gave rise to Kola’s speech problems?
d) State two things that helped Kola to regain his confidence.
e) Contrast Kola’s mates in secondary school with that of his university mates.
f) Explain in your own words, the following expressions in the passage:
i. “…… to make ends meet …..
ii. “…… to be termed good and well behaved.”
g) For each of the following words or phrase, find another word or phrase which means the same and which
can replace it as it is used in passage:
i) infringement;
ii) recalcitrant;
iii) renowned
iv) sway.

h) In one sentence of not more than ten words, state the main idea of the second paragraph.
i) Suggest a suitable title for the passage.
Answer all the questions in this part.
SACKEY J.A. and DARMANI L. (COMP.): The Cockcrow
5. Read the following extract carefully and answer questions a – c.
MERRILL CORNEY: Debbie, Sandy And Pepe
“Look at its beak,” Sandra said, laughing. “It’s so big!”
“It looks like yellow plastic,” giggled Debbie. She
wriggled her finger like a worm and the little creature
snapped harmlessly at her. [Pg.7]
a. Who is referred to as ‘she’ in the extract?
b. What is the point of view of the story?
c. What is the theme of the story?
Read the following extract carefully and answer questions d – f.
How silly man is, laughs the rose
Why should He be black or white
Or green or yellow or even red? [Pg.14]
d. What literary device be found in the first line of the above extract?
e. What is the colour of God?
f. State an appropriate theme for the poem.

Read the following extract carefully and answer questions g – k.

AMA ATA AIDOO: Dilemma Of A Ghost
Speaker X: And since the common slave was away all day
There was no drop in the pot
To cool the parched throat
I am telling you, my sister,
Sometimes we feel you are luckier [Pg.27]
g. Who is Speaker X?
h. Who are referred to as ‘you’ in the extract: “Sometimes we feel you are luckier”?
i. What is the theme of the drama?
j. Who was Speaker X speaking to?

@ 2024 EMINENT LINKS Examination Consult

WHATSAPP 0509665737
Each question is followed by four options lettered A to D. Find out the correct option for each question and shade
in pencil on your answer sheet the answer space which bears the same letter as the option you have chosen. Give
only one answer to each question
From the words or groups of words lettered A to D, choose the one that best completes each of the following
1. It was.....whom they selected. A. tells
A. he telling
B.him C.told
C.his D. will tell
D. himself 8. by now.
2. Advise her to leave the area.....since no one likes her A. ought to be
there. B.may have been
A. as a matter of fact C.needs to be
B.altogether D. has had to be a priority 9. In rules, you should be in class
D. absolutely now.
3. Can you remember the names of all A. to
want to see?
A. who C.with
B.which D. of
C.whoever 10. If Thomas.... ..our leader, no one would
D. whom disobey him.
4. If they had offended her, she......punished them. A. had been
A. had to B.was
C.will have D. were
D. would have 11. ............, I want to thank you all for appointing
5. When they realized that they had a long stay, the me.
soldiers........for the approaching winter. A. To end
A. turned in B.In conclusion
B.put up C.At the end
C.dug in D. Conclusively
D. stayed up 12. We were surprised......her sudden outburst.
6. Scarcely had the teacher left the classroom.........the A. at
bully sneaked away B.with
A. than C.of
B.then D. about
C.when 13. you may be, you cannot buy respect.
D. and A. However
7. I'd rather........Kofi the truth now. B.Though
C.Whatever D. ourselves
D. As 15. Between ........., there is perfect understanding.
14. The new chief has no respect for .......... who A. him and I
supported him. B.he and I
A. we C.him and me D. he and me
Choose from the alternatives lettered A to D the one which is nearest in meaning to the underlined word or
expression in each sentence
16. The memorandum of understanding stipulates B. descended
that the amount should be paid within three months. C. degenerated
A. states D. deteriorated
B. shows 19. Adzo was not daunted by the task ahead.
C. allows A. alarmed
D. witnesses B. haunted
C. discouraged
17. I am afraid my ruling on this matter is
irrevocable. D. dominated
A. unchanging 20. We are prepared to support any ideas which
catch our fancy.
B. severe
A. imagination
C. unchangeable
D. certain
B. desire
C. mood
18. Her popularity has waned.
D. thought
A. declined
In each of the following sentences, a group of words has been underlined. Choose from the alternatives lettered
A to D, the one that best explain the underlined group of words.
21. Timothy laughed in my face when I told B. is under his wife's control.
him I had bought a car. This means that Timothy C. can hardly stay away from her.
A. made fun of me. D. often ties his wife's apron around his neck.
B. smiled broadly. 24. Afolabi is a Nigerian to the backbone. This
C. joked with me. means that he is a Nigeria
D. didn't believe me A. by birth.
22. Whether to go on strike or not is a black B. in some ways.
and white issue. This means that the choice C. by adoption.
A. has its good and bad sides. D. in every way.
B. has been made already. 25. Serwaa dug her own grave when she
C. is quite clear. challenged the chief in public. This means that she
D. is already written down. A. hid herself in a grave after the challenge.
23. Adongo is tied to his wife's apron strings. B. went into hiding after challenging the chief.
This means that he C. offended the chief by digging a grave.
A. loves his wife very much. D. put herself in trouble by challenging the chief.
From the list of words lettered A to D, choose the one that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the
words underlined in each sentence.
26. Akosua took a firm stand on the matter, C.abridged all. D. edited
A. lingering 29. Though it was meant to .......... them, my gift
B.unsure rather angered them.
C.wavering A. soften
D. delaying B.appease
27. In times of crises, it is more sensible to C.reward
be......... than agitated. D. disarm
A. happy 30. Neither your insults nor your..............can
B.calm affect my decision on the matter.
C.confident A. regards
D. quiet B.flatteries
28. Your speech should be......not long- winded. C.compliments
A. simple D. favours
In the following passage, the numbered gaps indicate missing words. Against each number in the list below the
passage, four choices are offered in columns lettered A to D. For each numbered gap, choose from the options
provided for that number, the word that is most suitable to fill the gap
Even after the operation, doctors say Kankam's road to-31-is uncertain, despite his ability to breathe -32-at the
moment. All the same, as his condition has improved slightly, Kankam has begun to 33- to pain. In addition, his
body can now perform -34- functions, even though he is in-35- coma.
31. C. reply
A. health D. revert
B. improvement 34.
C. recovery A.fundamental
D. restoration B. minor
32. C. basic
A. alone D.easy
B. fast 35.
C. unsupported A.deliberate
D. unaided B. induced
33. C. influence
A. respond D.invoked
B. answer
For Questions 36, 37 and 38, choose from the B. bought
alternatives lettered A to D the one which has the
same vowel sound as the word underlined in each C. go
sentence. D. glory
36. It took the boat 3days to sail from Ghana to 37. I feel too dizzy during the raining season.
A. beat
A. board
B. buffet consonant sound as the word underlined in each
C. head
39. The environment was healthy for our child.
D. seer
A. father
38. There is severe drought on the desert during
dry seasons. B. path

A. drown C. they

B. draft D. that

C. should 40. The work was easier for the ten men.

D. tough A. depot
For Questions, 39 and 40, choose from the alternatives B. attack
lettered A to D the one which has the same C. listen
D. cloth

@ 2024 EMINENT LINKS Examination Consult

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1. B 6. C 11. B 16. A 21. A 26. C 31. C 36. C

2. B 7. C 12. A 17. C 22. C 27. B 32. D 37. A
3. D 8. A 13. A 18. A 23. B 28. B 33. A 38. A
4. D 9. C 14. B 19. C 24. D 29. B 34. C 39. A
5. D 10. D 15. C 20. A 25. D 30. B 35. B 40. B

PART A – WRITING [30marks]

1. Paper 2 consist of three parts. Part A, B and C. Candidates are expected to answer three questions in all.
One question from PART A and Questions 4 & 5. If a candidate attempts more than one question from
PART A, mark BOTH and choose the best among the two.
2. The minimum length of each composition should be 250 words. Mark allocation should be distributed as
CONTENT – 10 marks
EXPRESSION – 10 marks
3. If a candidate writes on a topic other than the one given, award zero for Content and mark Expression out
of 5. The allocations for Organization and Mechanical Accuracy remains unchanged.
4. Each error should attract a deduction of half a mark (½). Formal features of letters should have two rings
only counted against the marks for Mechanical Accuracy. Subsequent errors in the formal features should be
underlined only.
5. The candidate is expected to know the basic rules of English Language. These include concord: subject –
verb agreement, noun – pronoun agreement, etc, the use of capital letters and correct spelling of words. The
candidate should also be able to use determiners and prepositions correctly and be capable of constructing
sentences with all their vital components.
i. Each grammatical error
ii. Wrong spelling – the wrong spelling of the same word should be penalized only once.
iii. Faulty construction
iv. Punctuation error and the wrong use of the capital or small letter.
7. Each of these errors should be circled and half a mark deducted up to a total of 5 marks.
PART B – READING [20marks]
 Young people were not to look elders in the face.
 Young people were to bow their heads or nod in support of what elders said.
 Young people were never to say an elder was wrong.
 Young people were to bow their heads when elders spoke.
 Young people should not question the elders
 Young people should not challenge the authority
[1mark each for any two]
b) The writer used the expression “many years ago” [2marks]
c) Fear and loss of self-confidence [2marks]
 Kola read widely or He read biographies
 He listened to discussions on topical issues
 He excelled academically
 His mates in the university admired him
 His lecturers encouraged him
[2marks each for any two]
e) His secondary school mates laughed at him but his university mates admired him [2marks]
i. It means to earn just enough to cater for one’s needs. Or It means to manage to survive [2marks]
ii. It means to behave in a way that adults generally like and think is correct [2marks]
i) infringement; - violation / infraction/ abuse/ breach
ii) recalcitrant; - stubborn/ disobedient
iii) renowned – well-known/ famous/ reputable/ highly rated
iv) sway – move/ persuade/ move/ convince
h) being a good person you need to be self- motivated.
You must able to express yourself in any case
Fear can lead you not to achieve your goals

[10 MARKS]
a. Pepe/ The bird
b. Third person narrative
c. Care, concern and compassion
d. Personification
e. God is colourless/ God is all colours and more
f. Unity and cohesion can be achieved if God is seen as one
g. 2nd Woman
h. Barren/Childless women
i. Cultural clash/ Childlessness
j. 1st Woman

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