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Trainee’s name
Trainer’s name JUDE MARK M. MAYANG
Organic Agriculture Production NCII

Unit of Competency Prepare composting and raw materials

Date of assessment
Time of assessment
Instructions for assessors
1. Observe the candidate while performing the required tasks for one (1) hour.
2. Describe the assessment activity and the date on which it was undertaken.
3. Place a check in the box to show that the candidate completed each aspect of the
activity to the standard expected in the enterprise.
4. Ask the candidate a selection of questions from the attached list to confirm his/her
underpinning knowledge
5. Place a check in the box to show that the candidate answered the questions
6. Complete the feedback section of the form.

Learning Outcome/Evidence ✓ to show if evidence is demonstrated

During the demonstration of
skills, did the trainee: Yes No Comments

 selected site based on □ □

 prepared site layout based on □ □
 prepared beds in accordance □ □
with production requirements
 gathered materials based on □ □
production requirements and
PNS for organic fertilizer
materials □ □
 prepared raw
following enterprise procedure
and PNS for organic fertilizer
 applied appropriate □ □
composting methods based on
production requirements
 monitored compost based on □ □
PNS indicators of fully
decomposed fertilizer
 checked qualities of harvest □ □
based on PNS indicators of
fully decomposed fertilizer
 carried out Processes of □ □
compost fertilizer based on
production requirements.
 performs record keeping □ □
records keeping according to
enterprise procedure.

The trainee’s demonstration was:

Satisfactory ❑ Not Satisfactory ❑

QUESTIONS Satisfactory
The trainee should answer the following questions: Yes No

How do you prepare the composting?

What are the characteristics of a good composting site?

What are the basic raw materials for composting?

How do you produce vermicast and vermicompost?

What are the raw materials for foliar fertilizer?

How do you process foliar fertilizer?

What are the commonalities and differences between basal and foliar

How do you understand the carbon and nitrogen (C/N) ratio and what it

What are the advantages of an organic fertilizer over a chemical-based


What are the positive contributions can organic fertilizers do to the


How do you protect yourself during the preparation and processing of organic

How do you apply fertilizer to the soil/plant and when?

What makes a fertilizer organic?

How do you preserve the potency of your organic fertilizer?

What are the important elements present in an organic fertilizer?

What are the things to record in the production of organic fertilizer?

How do you plan to implement the Philippine National Standards (PNS) for
organic fertilizer production?

How do you communicate with superiors and co-workers to ensure that

planned activities in production are carried out effectively?

What to comply in the establishment of commercial organic fertilizer

How do you ensure personal safety when handling organic
fertilizers, considering potential hazards and protective
How do you ensure that the production environment for organic
fertilizers meets safety and regulatory standards while
maximizing efficiency and maintaining product quality?


What steps should you take if a batch of organic fertilizer fails to

meet quality standards during production?

What actions should you take if there is unexpected heavy

rainfall during organic fertilizer production?

What steps would you follow if a fire breaks out in the storage
area of organic fertilizers?

What are the key regulatory requirements for labeling organic

fertilizers according to Philippine National Standards (PNS)?

How does the Organic Agriculture Act of 2010 (Republic Act No.
10068) influence organic fertilizer production in the Philippines?
trainee’s underpinning knowledge was:

Satisfactory □ Not Satisfactory □

Feedback to trainee:

trainee’s overall performance was:

Satisfactory □ Not Satisfactory □

How do you prepare the composting?

 Gather and chop raw materials like rice straw, weeds, and grasses.
 Create a compost pile, layering green (nitrogen-rich) and brown (carbon-rich) materials.
 Ensure the pile remains moist and aerated by turning it regularly.
 Monitor temperature and moisture levels to maintain optimal conditions for decomposition.

2. What are the characteristics of a good composting site?

 Good drainage to prevent waterlogging.

 Shade to maintain temperature and moisture levels.
 Accessibility for regular turning and monitoring.
 Away from buildings to avoid odor and pest issues.
 Adequate space for pile expansion and turning.

3. What are the basic raw materials for composting?

 Green materials: fruit and vegetable peelings, grass clippings, fresh leaves.
 Brown materials: dry leaves, straw, twigs, cardboard, sawdust.
 Animal manure (preferably organic).
 Water to maintain moisture levels.

4. How do you produce vermicast and vermicompost?

 Set up a vermiculture bed with bedding material (coconut coir, shredded paper).
 Add composting worms (e.g., Eisenia fetida).
 Feed worms with organic waste (vegetable scraps, fruit peelings).
 Maintain moisture and aeration.
 Harvest vermicast (worm castings) and vermicompost after a few months.

5. What are the raw materials for foliar fertilizer?

 Plant extracts (e.g., banana peel, comfrey).

 Fish emulsion.
 Seaweed extract.
 Molasses or sugar.
 Water.

6. How do you process foliar fertilizer?

 Extract nutrients from raw materials by soaking them in water.

 Strain the liquid to remove solid particles.
 Dilute the extract with water to the desired concentration.
 Store in a cool, dark place until use.

7. What are the commonalities and differences between basal and foliar fertilizers?

 Commonalities: Both provide essential nutrients to plants.

 Differences: Basal fertilizers are applied to the soil, while foliar fertilizers are sprayed on

8. How do you understand the carbon and nitrogen (C/N) ratio and what it means?

 The C/N ratio measures the balance of carbon and nitrogen in compost materials.
 Ideal C/N ratio for composting is around 30:1.
 Proper ratio ensures efficient decomposition and prevents odor issues.

9. What are the advantages of organic fertilizers over chemical-based fertilizers?

 Improve soil structure and fertility.

 Promote microbial activity and biodiversity.
 Reduce chemical runoff and pollution.
 Sustainable and renewable source of nutrients.

10. What positive contributions can organic fertilizers make to the environment?

 Enhance soil health and structure.

 Reduce pollution from chemical runoff.
 Increase biodiversity in soil.
 Mitigate climate change by sequestering carbon in the soil.

11. How do you protect yourself during the preparation and processing of organic

 Wear protective gear (gloves, masks, goggles).

 Ensure good ventilation when handling raw materials.
 Wash hands thoroughly after handling compost or raw materials.
 Follow proper hygiene practices.

12. How do you apply fertilizer to the soil/plant and when?

 Apply basal fertilizers during planting or at the beginning of the growing season.
 Use foliar fertilizers during the growing season for quick nutrient absorption.
 Follow recommended application rates to avoid over-fertilization.

13. What makes a fertilizer organic?

 Derived from natural sources without synthetic chemicals.

 Approved for use in organic farming by certification bodies.
 Enhances soil health and fertility naturally.

14. How do you preserve the potency of your organic fertilizer?

 Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.

 Use airtight containers to prevent moisture and contamination.
 Regularly check for signs of spoilage or degradation.

15. What are the important elements present in organic fertilizer?

 Nitrogen (N)
 Phosphorus (P)
 Potassium (K)
 Micronutrients (e.g., calcium, magnesium, sulfur)

16. What are the things to record in the production of organic fertilizer?

 Types and quantities of raw materials used.

 Dates of each step in the composting process.
 Temperature and moisture levels.
 Harvest dates and quantities of finished fertilizer.
 Application rates and outcomes.

17. How do you plan to implement the Philippine National Standards (PNS) for organic
fertilizer production?

 Follow guidelines for raw materials, processing, and quality parameters.

 Ensure compliance with labeling and packaging requirements.
 Obtain certification from accredited organic certifying bodies.
 Maintain records of production processes and quality checks.

18. How do you communicate with superiors and co-workers to ensure that planned
activities in production are carried out effectively?

 Hold regular meetings to discuss progress and issues.

 Use clear and concise communication methods (emails, memos, verbal instructions).
 Assign specific tasks and responsibilities to team members.
 Encourage feedback and open dialogue to address concerns promptly.

19. What must be complied with in the establishment of commercial organic fertilizer

 Adherence to local and national regulations and standards.

 Obtain necessary permits and certifications.
 Implement proper waste management and environmental protection measures.
 Ensure quality control and regular testing of products.


How do you ensure personal safety when handling organic fertilizers, considering potential
hazards and protective measures?

 Wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves, goggles, and
 Follow recommended handling procedures to minimize exposure to dust, pathogens, and
 Store fertilizers in designated areas away from food and water sources.
 Regularly wash hands and equipment after handling fertilizers to prevent contamination.
 Comply with safety guidelines and training provided by your organization to mitigate risks


How do you ensure that the production environment for organic fertilizers meets safety and
regulatory standards while maximizing efficiency and maintaining product quality?
 Adhere to Philippine National Standards (PNS) for organic fertilizer production.
 Implement rigorous safety protocols and quality control measures.
 Utilize efficient equipment and technologies.
 Minimize environmental impact and promote sustainability practices.


What steps should you take if a batch of organic fertilizer fails to meet quality standards
during production?
 Investigate quality failure root causes (e.g., raw materials, production processes).
Implement corrective actions (e.g., adjust composting conditions, refine mixing ratios) to
rectify issues. Ensure compliance with PNS and regulations, documenting for review and

What actions should you take if there is unexpected heavy rainfall during organic fertilizer
 In case of unexpected heavy rainfall during organic fertilizer production, cover the
composting area to prevent leaching of nutrients and runoff. Ensure proper drainage to
avoid waterlogging, which can impact compost quality.

What steps would you follow if a fire breaks out in the storage area of organic fertilizers?

 If a fire breaks out in the storage area of organic fertilizers, immediately evacuate personnel
to safety, alert emergency services, and use appropriate firefighting equipment. Ensure all
safety protocols are followed to prevent escalation and damage to property and personnel.


What are the key regulatory requirements for labeling organic fertilizers according to
Philippine National Standards (PNS)?
 Organic fertilizers must comply with PNS guidelines for accurate labeling, including nutrient
content, organic percentage, manufacturer information, application instructions, and
certification logos from accredited organic certifying bodies.

How does the Organic Agriculture Act of 2010 (Republic Act No. 10068) influence organic
fertilizer production in the Philippines?
 The Organic Agriculture Act of 2010 promotes the development and implementation of
organic agriculture, outlining standards and practices for organic fertilizer production,
marketing, and certification, thereby supporting sustainable farming practices and
consumer confidence in organic products.

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