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BHARATANATYAM – Post Diploma Year II

Sunday 10 July 2022, 2.00 pm

Time Allowed: 2 hours. Total Marks: 50

Answer all the questions.
All questions carry equal marks.

1. Classify Rasa and Bhava? Explain in detail.

2. Write a note on Odissi, Kathak and Kuchipudi.

3. How are the Devadasis classified? What were the other names given to Devadasis? Under

whose rule and in which century was the Devadasi system popular?

4. Write short notes on:

a) Varnam, Padam, Tillana

b) Abhinaya Darpana

c) Talam, Dasavatara

d) Sringara Rasa, Hasya Rasa

e) Nayika, Ashtanayika

5. Explain Abhinaya in detail.

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