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Received: 12 March 2023

| Revised: 3 May 2023

| Accepted: 4 May 2023

DOI: 10.1111/cts.13545


From clinical data management to clinical data science:

Time for a new educational model

Richard F. Ittenbach

Division of Biostatistics and

Epidemiology, Cincinnati Children's Abstract
Hospital, University of Cincinnati The purpose of this article is to propose and provide a blueprint for a graduate-­
College of Medicine, Cincinnati, Ohio,
level curriculum in clinical data science, devoted to the measurement, acquisi-
tion, care, treatment, and inferencing of clinical research data. The curriculum
Correspondence presented here contains a series of five required core courses, five required re-
Richard F. Ittenbach, Division of
Biostatistics and Epidemiology,
search courses, and a list of potential electives. The coursework draws from but
Cincinnati Children's Hospital, does not duplicate content from the foundational areas of biostatistics, clinical
University of Cincinnati College of medicine, biomedical informatics, and regulatory affairs, and may be reproduced
Medicine, Cincinnati, OH 45229-­3039,
USA. by any institution interested in and capable of offering such a program. This new
Email: curriculum in “clinical” data science will prepare students for work in academic,
industry, and government research settings as well as offer a unifying knowledge
base for the profession.

I N T RO DU CT ION and financial institutions.4 Yet, despite the importance

of the role to drug and device development over the past
Clinical data science, like the broader discipline of all data half-­century, and its contributions to public health more
science, integrates tenets of statistics and informatics, but generally, the field has failed to advance beyond that of a
with a specific focus on clinical research. Among the many technical specialty embedded within a much larger clin-
defining moments in the quest to develop new drugs, de- ical research enterprise. Advances to the field thus far
vices, and biologics to improve human health, two stand have all come from outside the discipline, namely bioin-
above the others: passage of the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic formatics and biostatistics, the intellectual homes of the
Act of 1938 and the 1962 Kefauver–­Harris Amendment newly emerging field. As those fields have matured and
which strengthened the Food and Drug Administration's added methods, techniques, software, literature, and new
oversight and enforcement role, requiring manufacturers professionals to the workforce in a systematic way, clini-
to provide safety, effectiveness, and reliability data with cal data management has not. Without the benefit of for-
all new applications.1–­3 The result of this legislation was mal, degree-­granting programs, an established literature
an increased need for strengthened data management ex- base (textbooks, journals, monographs), professionals in
pertise to monitor and manage the flow of data through upper management positions, and policies and practices
the research and development pipeline. Hence, the role of that positively influence the other sciences, the field has
clinical data manager and its most recent analog, clinical remained in an expanding but scientifically dormant,
data scientist, was born. service-­oriented role. Establishing a foothold in other
After 50 years of invaluable service to industry, clinical sectors, most especially the academic and medical com-
data managers' roles and responsibilities have expanded to munities, will be an important evolutionary step for the
other sectors, including academic, professional, scientific, field and the professionals who support it. While there
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited and is not used for commercial purposes.
© 2023 The Author. Clinical and Translational Science published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics.

1340 |
 Clin Transl Sci. 2023;16:1340–1351.

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is widespread agreement that the amount, complexity, barriers to accelerate the advancement of science (p. 1662).
speed, and sophistication of research data have increased Moreover, the knowledge and training for today's transla-
exponentially over the years, the workforce's knowledge tional scientists could no longer be achieved “on the job”
base has not evolved like other scientific specialties with as in the past, and what was needed were scientists with
which clinical data managers work. Simply stated, the job a wider range of skills that could reach more broadly and
has changed tremendously but the educational prepara- deeply into the behavioral and biomedical problems of the
tion of those who do it has not. present day. This effort, though, would demand more re-
In many ways, the preparation of today's clinical data sources and more methods than before. In essence, the call
managers/clinical data scientists looks remarkably similar to action challenged the biomedical research community to
to that of decades ago. The education and training pro- create new sciences out of old ones with more rigorous and
grams that do exist tend to fall into a discrete number of more interdisciplinary training than ever before. Clinical
categories such as rebranded statistics or computer sci- and translational science is, at base, an integrative science
ence programs; generic clinical research programs; online bringing together “knowledge to improve the understand-
learning platforms such as Coursera, edX, and Udemy; ing, efficiency, and effectiveness” of all clinical research.6
short courses offered through professional associations Clinical data science fully embodies this spirit but thus far
such as the Drug Information Association and Society for has lacked the rigorous, interdisciplinary education and
Clinical Data Management, two of the strongest advocates training approach needed to realize its potential.
for training within the profession; and employer-­based Given the complexity of clinical research today, the ex-
training programs. Of the programs mentioned here, the pansiveness of the data, clinical data scientists' role in the
most rigorous ones are the rebranded statistics/computer investigative process, and the dearth of formal education
science programs, yet they generally fail to prioritize the and training programs worldwide, the purpose of this ar-
clinical nature of the data. The most typical cases are ticle is to propose and provide a blueprint for a graduate-­
lead employer-­ based training programs delivering level curriculum in clinical data science, devoted to the
brief instructional sessions supported with on-­ the-­
job measurement, acquisition, care, treatment, and infer-
mentorship experiences subordinate to the needs of a spe- encing of clinical research data. This new curriculum in
cific corporation or institution. Missing from this model “clinical” data science will prepare students for work in
is a coherent, formalized, and rigorously derived body of academic, industry, and government research settings as
knowledge, based on theory and practice, which can serve well as offer a unifying knowledge base for the profession.
as the foundation for the knowledge base of this new and This curriculum may be reproduced by any institution in-
emerging field—­clinical data science. terested in and capable of offering such a program.
Clinical data science derives from the term data sci-
ence, a generally amorphous term that means different
things to different people. Among the consistent themes, METHODS
though, is the practice of obtaining meaning from data—­
most often very large amounts of data—­using statistical Population profile
and informatics-­ based methods. Clinical data science
extends this logic to include a focus on clinical, medical, According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,4 there
or biomedical data collected in the interest of advancing were approximately 113,300 clinical data managers and
healthcare. Yet, because clinical medicine and biomedical clinical data scientists working in professional, scientific,
research are highly regulated areas heavily influenced by and technical sectors in 2021. Because clinical data man-
technical and regulatory standards at multiple levels, any agers and clinical data scientists perform highly similar
attempt to understand and advance the discipline must roles across a wide range of settings and given that both oc-
incorporate regulatory knowledge. Broadly interpreted, cupations carry a single federal job code (U.S. Department
clinical data science in the 21st century is not just about of Labor, 15-­2051.02), both professions will be referred to
a specific science or the discoveries within it, but about using the single unifying term, clinical data scientist, for
bringing together the vastly different worlds of biostatis- the remainder of this article.
tics, biomedical informatics, clinical medicine (and its With an expected annual growth rate of 12%, the profes-
clinical operations), and regulatory affairs into a cohesive, sion's future is very bright. Clinical data science is a well-­
scientific whole. paid profession with an average annual salary of $100,910.
In his landmark paper on clinical and translational sci- Time to maturity in the profession is a mere 2–­4 years,
ence, Zerhouni5 indicated that scientific progress is often with 85% of the workforce having only a bachelor's degree
made at the “interface of pre-­existing disciplines” and that (with 5% holding a 2-­year degree). There are no formal
changes were needed to reduce cultural and administrative requirements to enter the profession, which means staff

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come from a wide range of disciplines and backgrounds. gives the curriculum its synergism and allows its return
With little or no availability of relevant, formal, degree-­ on investment to be much more than the sum of its parts,
granting programs dedicated to the scientific treatment something ad hoc classes are not likely to achieve.
of clinical research data, nationally or internationally,
education and training for this group of professionals is
largely nonexistent or at the discretion of an employer. Procedures
The intended audience for this curriculum is broad and
diverse. Because of virtual technologies, students may par- A fundamental requirement of any professional train-
ticipate from anywhere in the world. For example, as of ing program is the presence of a theoretical foundation
March 9, 2023, Clini​calTr​ reported 444,857 stud- on which to structure the courses. Just as theory helps
ies worldwide with 31% recruiting in the U.S. only, 53% scientists explain observable phenomena well enough to
in ­non-­U.S. countries only, and 5% in both the U.S. and be acted upon, a theoretical framework helps with the
non-­U.S. countries (11% locations not provided).7 Hence, transfer of knowledge from instructor to student as well
research staff are needed worldwide to care for the data. as within the field itself. It helps instructors organize the
However, a recent issue of the Journal of the Society for material in a logical, coherent, relational manner, and it
Clinical Data Management reported a desperate need for provides the students with a structure with which to or-
graduate education and training worldwide in academic, ganize the new information. In the case of clinical data
government, industry, and non-­profit settings.8–­12 As most science, with such a short occupational history as well as a
employers in the field today know, students with average scientifically complex knowledge base yet little to no foot-
to strong performance in mathematics through advanced hold in the literature, framing both the knowledge base as
algebra, fundamentals of biology/chemistry, and oral and well as the coursework is not only prudent and practical
written composition can be successful in the field. The but extremely necessary.
proposed program is a graduate program in a biomedical Embedded within any graduate program, especially clin-
science, so the ability to think logically, reason systemati- ical data science, should be the concurrent advancement of
cally, and communicate well with others will be essential both skills and knowledge. Enhanced skills are needed be-
for success in the program. While several of the courses are cause the profession evolved out of a functionalistic model,
cross-­listed at the advanced undergraduate level, a master's one in which a profession's occupational worth was deter-
degree program was selected as most appropriate, rather mined by a company's ability to deliver drugs and devices
than a bachelor's or associate's degree program, because of to market more efficiently. Advanced knowledge is needed
the cognitive demands of the job, the number of scientists because the role is now central to a much more sophisti-
and technical professionals one would work with on a daily cated and technically complex process, and practitioners
basis, and the pragmatics of implementing a self-­contained are expected to interact with professionals from other more
master's degree program. The current salary structure in the technically advanced scientific disciplines. Professionals
field is a much harder sell for many organizations recruiting and thought leaders in the collaborating disciplines now
bachelor's level staff than for master's staff. need the scientific guidance of their clinical data science
colleagues on multiple fronts. Sadly, the current educa-
tional preparation of today's clinical data science profes-
Principal outcome: Curriculum sionals not only lags far behind their research colleagues,
but now jeopardizes the very process it was intended to
For purposes of this article, and as a point of reference help. This new program must offer courses that are as rig-
for readers, a curriculum is defined as a systematically orous as they are impactful to all involved. The sequence
arranged sequence of courses housed within a formal, of steps used in the creation of the proposed curriculum
graduate, degree-­granting program. The ‘program’ then includes development of the following:
is the administrative housing for the curriculum just as
it would be for students wishing to major in accounting, 1. Theoretical framework of the profession's knowledge
aerospace engineering, or agriculture. Most importantly, base and the disciplines from which it derives, namely
while degree programs with the same name may vary biostatistics, biomedical informatics, clinical medicine
from school to school and year to year based on the evolu- (and its associated operations), and regulatory affairs.
tion of knowledge at any given time, the purpose of this 2. Ordered sequence of core courses characterizing the
curriculum in clinical data science is to advance students' new profession's knowledge base.
knowledge and skills in the measurement, acquisition, 3. Research courses that not only support the new knowl-
care, treatment, and inferencing of clinical research data. edge base, but represent the scientific foundation on
It is the systematically arranged part of the program that which the new discipline rests.

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4. Listing of elective courses from which students may science. To deliver on the promise of creating a systemati-
pursue specific areas of professional interest. cally arranged course of study for students as well as the
5. Listing of pervasive skills to be modeled and empha- profession, the following curriculum is divided into five
sized alongside the academic content. principal components: theoretical framework, required
core courses, required supporting research courses, elec-
Behind each course in the curriculum is a fully devel- tives, and pervasive skills and evaluation. All are detailed
oped syllabus including proposed course title, description, below.
textbook, objectives, weekly schedule of material to be cov-
ered, support systems for students who may need additional
help, outside readings, and evaluation plan. Because this is Theoretical framework
a graduate curriculum intended to familiarize students with
not only the content but process of conducting research, Before any courses can be developed, it is important to
outside readings from the scientific literature are required to know what knowledge needs to be conveyed and, as a re-
supplement the course text. As Tyler13 has noted, the evalua- sult, what courses need to be taught, in what order, and
tion component of a course is as crucial as the content itself. in what proportions. For this, a theoretical framework is
Evaluation provides instructors with important information needed just as a blueprint is needed prior to building a
on each student's progress in a given course as well as the house intended to protect and shelter people. The clini-
program to enable modifications when needed. For this cal data scientist curriculum proposed here will be de-
reason, a combination of evaluation strategies will be used rived from, but not duplicate the knowledge bases of, its
across the curriculum, from tests and quizzes to oral/written four supporting disciplines in equal proportions: biosta-
reports, to instructor observations and portfolios. tistics, biomedical informatics, clinical operations, and
regulatory affairs. It is acknowledged that other factors
often shape the interpretation and implementation of a
Quality assurance discipline's theoretical foundation such as the training re-
quirements of an institution, the expectations of a given
To be sure that the material outlined in the curriculum professional community, and/or the talent available to
contains the knowledge and skills needed by profession- teach courses. In the end, however, it all begins with an
als in the field, and that the material would pass muster organizing framework (see Figure 1). Because of the pro-
with established professionals at local as well as national totypical nature of the program, course numbers and titles
and international levels, a two-­phase quality assurance are designed to be reflective of the scientific content and
plan was used. First, material in the curriculum was sequencing of material and can easily be modified to meet
mapped to core competencies identified by three influ- the needs of specific institutions.
ential organizations responsible for professional growth
and development in the field: the American Medical
Informatics Association,14 Joint Task Force for Clinical
Trial Competency,15,16 and Society for Clinical Data
Management.17 Second, as courses were developed, the
syllabi were shared with two or more local professionals
experienced in the area, then two or more regional/na-
tional experts in the identified area and, finally, a team of
eight international experts from academe, industry, and
government, who served as advisors on the development
of this curriculum. Material was then modified based on
the advisory board's feedback.


The creation and transfer of knowledge has the potential

to change many things: behaviors, skills, perspectives, FIGURE 1 Theoretical framework for a clinical data science
and even lives. And so it is with a degree in clinical data curriculum.

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Core courses Research courses

Established academic disciplines generally have a defined The supporting research courses are crucial in any cur-
knowledge base that not only establishes its content for riculum because they serve to support and strengthen
proficiency, but also defines its boundaries in the broader the knowledge gained in the core courses. They take on
landscape of education and practice. For a degree in clini- an additionally important role in this degree program
cal data science, the core sequence proposed here consists because of their historical significance in giving rise to
of a series of five required, 3-­h graduate-­level courses. The the profession.11,12 The research courses here consist of
first course is a foundations class that introduces students five, 3-­h required classes, the first four of which map di-
to the field of clinical data science, including the history rectly onto one of the four supporting areas of the core
and rationale for the new disciplines, as well as important knowledge base: Introduction to Biostatistics (BSTAT
practices, procedures, supporting areas of science, and 7000), Introduction to Biomedical Informatics (BMIN
standards for good practice (e.g., Good Clinical Practice, 7050), Introduction to Clinical Operations (CDS 7020),
Good Clinical Data Management Practices, International and Regulatory Science I (CDS 7010). While introduc-
Council on Harmonisation), and expectations in perfor- tory in nature, students who have taken them at any
mance (CDS 6010, Science of Clinical Data Management school will quickly attest to the sophistication and de-
[SCDM] I). In this prototype, it will be cross-­listed at both mand of the material. In this case, it is presumed that the
the graduate and undergraduate levels and have the ca- courses will be taught in their home department where
pacity to serve as a foundations course for other programs possible and appropriate. For those universities without
in the institution wishing to have a clinical data science such programs, syllabi can be provided. Offering these
option for their students. four courses, complemented by a 3-­h Clinical Research
The second course is a deep dive into the content, Ethics course (CDS 7030), is essential given that today's
roles, and responsibilities of the profession beginning professionals must often confront and respond to un-
with a discussion of data elements, structures, dictio- anticipated moral and ethical dilemmas that arise from
naries, tools, and platforms, moving from study start-­up their day-­to-­day work.18
through operations to study close-­out, with an introduc- Consistent with the quality assurance protocol noted
tion to data ownership, stewardship, and security (CDS above, all core and research courses were mapped onto the
6020, SCDM II). This course may also be cross-­listed competencies and foundational domains for the three most
at the advanced undergraduate level. The third course prominent professional associations influencing the field
in the sequence would weave together the skills and today: the American Medical Informatics Association,14
knowledge from the first two courses by requiring the Joint Task Force for Clinical Trial Competencies,15,16 and
students to create example documents that they will see Society for Clinical Data Management.17 Astute readers
and use in their professional practice, including a pre- will quickly recognize important practice-­ related dif-
liminary research protocol, its corresponding data man- ferences within the foundational areas that must be ac-
agement plan, electronic case report forms (eCRFs), and knowledged. In the case of biomedical informatics, some
a database that conforms to the aforementioned (CDS students will undoubtedly be more interested in clinical
6030, SCDM III). The fourth course would be a required, (care delivery) as opposed to research, or even molecular
full-­time internship at a leading pharmaceutical, clini- as opposed to nonmolecular. While the emphasis of this
cal research, or academic research organization under curriculum is actually on clinical “research” informatics,
the direction of an experienced clinical data manager/ courses should offer students enough of a working knowl-
scientist (CDS 6040, SCDM IV). In the case of small edge across the subspecialty areas to allow them to sub-
or developing programs without direct access to major specialize where appropriate. The same would be true for
research organizations, or for atypical or hard-­to-­place students wishing to gravitate toward statistics, either bio-
students that are surely to enter the program, having medical, social, or otherwise. And, importantly to the field
back-­up field-­based placement options at the university itself, within the area of clinical operations, some will pre-
or local medical centers offers crucial placement options fer to work within medicine, others nursing, others the al-
when needed. The four research courses will be comple- lied health sciences, and still others laboratory or imaging
mented by a required 3-­h course in Project Management medicine. Again, this curriculum was developed with the
(CDS 6050) to acquaint the students with the impor- general case in mind, and allows institutions the freedom
tance of managing people, projects, timelines, and bud- to adjust their coursework accordingly. See Figure S1 for
gets. See Figure 2 for a listing of example courses in this a subset of the cross-­mapping of courses to professional
curriculum. competencies.

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F I G U R E 2 Proposed clinical data

science curriculum. *Denotes a class
that is cross-­listed at the advanced
undergraduate level. Thesis option may
be elected after the 6-­h requirement is Master of Science Curriculum in
satisfied. Clinical Data Science


Core Courses (15 Hours required)
CDS 6010 Science of Clinical Data Management I: Overview * 3 Credits
RESEARCH CDS 6020 Science of Clinical Data Management II: Roles/Responsibilities * 3 Credits
AREAS CDS 6030 Science of Clinical Data Management III: Programming 3 Credits
CDS 6040 Science of Clinical Data Management IV: Internship 3 Credits
Biomedical CDS 6050 Project Management in Clinical Research * 3 Credits
Research Courses (15 Hours required)
Biostatistics BMIN 7050 Introduction to Biomedical Informatics 3 Credits
BSTAT 7000 Introduction to Biostatistics 3 Credits
Clinical CDS 7010 Regulatory Science I * 3 Credits
Operations CDS 7020 Introduction to Clinical Operations 3 Credits
CDS 7030 Clinical Research Ethics 3 Credits
Affairs Electives (6 Hours Required - select two)
BMIN 7070 Data Science for Biomedical Research 3 Credits
BMIN 7080 Database Management Systems 3 Credits
BMIN 7090 Economics and Cost Analysis * 3 Credits
BSTAT 7060 Principles of Clinical Trials 3 Credits
BSTAT 7080 Introduction to Epidemology 3 Credits
BSTAT 7090 Regression Analysis 3 Credits
BSTAT 8080 3 Credits
CDS 7012 Innovation and Regulatory Science II 3 Credits
CDS 7022 Seminar in Clinical Operations 3 Credits
PHAR 8010 Global Regulatory Science 3 Credits
PHAR 8040 Drug and Medical Device Development 3 Credits

CDS 8000 3 Credits


Elective courses Management Systems (BMIN 7080), or Economics and Cost

Analysis (BMIN 7090). For those entering the program with
Two 3-­h elective courses are required for completion of the an interest in regulatory science, advanced options include
degree. Similar to the research courses, all electives map to Innovation and Regulatory Science II (CDS 7012), Global
one of the four foundational research areas of biostatistics, Regulatory Science (PHAR 8010), or Drug and Medical
biomedical informatics, clinical operations, and regulatory Device Development (PHAR 8040). Students wanting more
affairs. The two elective courses may be taken within a sin- coursework in clinical operations may choose from a series
gle area or from two different areas. For example, within of Seminars in Clinical Operations containing advanced
the biostatistics area, students must first take the required content in such areas as clinical medicine, nursing, the al-
Introduction to Biostatistics course (BSTAT 7000) and then, lied health sciences, or laboratory medicine, as possible ex-
if the student so wishes, may elect to take one or two of the amples (CDS 7022) (see Figure 2).
more advanced biostatistics courses, such as Principles of
Clinical Trials (BSTAT 7060), Introduction to Epidemiology
(BSTAT 7080), or Regression Analysis (BSTAT 7090). Pervasive (soft) skills and
Similarly, for students inclined toward informatics (i.e., evaluation strategies
bioinformatics, medical informatics, or biomedical infor-
matics), advanced options are also available here: Data Employers can quickly identify the knowledge and job-­
Science for Biomedical Research (BMIN 7070), Database related skills needed to be successful in a specific job.

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To that extent, one need only ask a job candidate what DISCUSSION
courses were taken in school or during previous employ-
ment, examine a transcript, review a syllabus, or have the With the size of the digital universe reportedly doubling
applicant submit a work example. Extremely important every 2 years19 and the complexity of the clinical data uni-
but far less prioritized are the pervasive skills (also known verse expanding in a comparable fashion, training today's
as soft-­or people-­skills) that transcend the formal curricu- data scientists for the world of tomorrow remains a daunt-
lum and connect the technical content with day-­to-­day ing task. From paper case report forms of 20 years ago,
practice. Pervasive skills include critical thinking, com- to electronic data capture systems of 10 years ago, to the
munication, leadership, and social skills—­those skills that wireless, continuous data streams of intensive care unit
allow one to work well with others even on a hard day. patients yielding as many as 2000 data points per second
In a world where timelines and competing obligations en- today, the world of clinical data science has changed re-
courage shortcuts, it is the pervasive skills that can make markably over the years.20 Sadly, the educational training
the difference between a smoothly running, professional, of clinical data scientists has not.
and collegial environment, and one that is not. These
types of skills should not only be taught but intentionally
addressed, modeled, and discussed as the content allows Drastically changing landscape
during the course of the semester.
In many college courses, midterms and final examina- If it were simply about the amount and speed of the data,
tions are the default means of evaluation. For other courses the solutions would be more easily imagined. However,
it may be a series of weekly quizzes or a final paper and pre- the entire research landscape in which today's clini-
sentation. In addition to the very traditional quizzes, tests, cal and biomedical research is conducted has changed.
and final examinations, this evaluation plan also includes According to the global clinical research and healthcare
instructor evaluations of students' interactions with others analytics provider IQVIA and their Global Trends in R&D,
as professionals, particularly in the project management clinical trial starts increased by 39% in the past 10 years,
and internship classes. Finally, the curriculum evaluation with phase I, II, and III studies increasing by 14% alone in
plan also includes student portfolios that can house the 2021. And, while Food and Drug Administration (FDA),
students' relevant work examples prior to graduation. The National Institutes of Health (NIH), and Patient Centered
portfolio can include everything from tests to reports to pre- Outcomes Research Institutes (PCORI) budgets have all
sentations to program code and instructor feedback. In this continued to rise over the years, spending tells only part
curriculum, using a combination of evaluation strategies of the story. One may consider PCORI's change in re-
will be emphasized to include tests, quizzes, and opportu- search commitments between 2020 and 2022 as a case
nities for oral and written reports representative of the work in point. PCORI's research commitments increased from
done by clinical data scientists. Not only will some excel in US$187M (approved) in 2020 to US$390M (approved) in
one form of learning over another, but each means of evalu- 2021 to US$500M (planned) in 2022.21,22 As such, today's
ation offers unique information to instructors and program clinical data scientists are now finding themselves man-
administrators on which to base a student's progress in a aging larger and more complex portfolios, with projects
class as well as the program. See Figure 3 for a listing of that are correspondingly larger and more analytically
recommended pervasive skills and evaluation strategies complex. These studies extend well beyond the traditional
mapped to the core and research courses. and compartmentalized phase I, II, and III studies of the

Pervasive Skills Evaluation Methods

Critical Report
Core Courses Communication Leadership Social Skills Tests Writing Observation Portfolio
CDS 6010 Science of CDM I: Overview
CDS 6020 Science of CDM II: Roles/Responsibilities
CDS 6030 Science of CDM III: Programming
CDS 6040 Science of CDM IV: Internship
CDS 6050 Project Management in Clinical Research

Research Courses
BMIN 7050 Introduction to Biomedical Informatics
BSTAT 7000 Introduction to Biostatistics
CDS 7010 Regulatory Science I
CDS 7020 Introduction to Clinical Operations
CDS 7030 Clinical Research Ethics

FIGURE 3 Pervasive (soft) skills and evaluation methods by course for core and research courses.

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past, to now include everything from basic science to ac- teams, the entire study become vulnerable to mistakes,
tion research to program projects with multiple protocols omissions, and misinterpretations of great clinical and
embedded within them. Adaptive clinical trials are dis- scientific significance.
placing randomized controlled trials while umbrella trials As the research landscape increases in complexity,
now simultaneously contain phase I, II, and II studies all speed, and multidimensionality, the scientists and insti-
within a single protocol. With little to no training in study tutional support systems must strive to keep up.24 Clinical
design, today's clinical data scientists have no real way of data science is no exception—­except that clinical data sci-
interpreting how the data, the designs, or even the studies ence is operating without a consistent and reproducible
relate to one another. knowledge base. Under the current educational model,
When it comes to interacting with the other, related clinical data scientists are underprepared for today's re-
disciplines, the rules of the game have changed as well. search and will soon be vastly unprepared for the science
For example, scaling the data from a classical two-­arm of tomorrow. Their training simply does not compare to
clinical trial is vastly different from that of a larger bas- that of the biostatisticians, informaticians, medical/clin-
ket or umbrella trial, thus requiring a deeper ability to ical staff, and regulatory professionals with whom they
communicate and interact with biostatisticians when it routinely interact. We must prepare today's researchers,
comes to designing, capturing, pulling, authenticating, and our clinical data scientists more specifically, for the
and validating the data. And getting the standards appro- clinical and translational world of tomorrow.6,25 But that
priately aligned between the study documentation and preparation must go beyond knowledge of the data in its
data operations (e.g., Study Protocol, eCase Report Forms, current form; it must also include data's role in science, the
Statistical Analysis Plan, Data Management Plan, Data scientific method, and how the other sciences rely on data
related Standard Operating Procedures), whether one is to solve the problems of today and hope to solve the prob-
adhering to CDISC (Clinical Data Interchange Standards lems of tomorrow. Clinical data scientists must be able to
Consortium), CDASH (Clinical Data Acquisition see the limitations as well as the possibilities of their data
Standards Harmonization), or FHIR (Fast Healthcare and see them through the lenses of their colleagues, the
Interoperability Resources) standards, requires a much biostatisticians, informaticians, and clinical scientists. For
deeper ability to understand and communicate with both this reason, clinical data scientists will be reacquainted
the informatics team and the regulatory team to assure with the scientific method in lecture 1 of course 1 on day
the team is in compliance with the highest ethical and 1 of the program and then build from there.
scientific standards of good clinical practice particularly
when submitting applications to the European Medicines
Agency or the FDA. Similar examples can be found with Strength of a rigorous but
respect to the clinical components of the role whether in flexible curriculum
medicine, nursing, or the allied health sciences.
While the technical components of the role are well Well-­ thought-­out curricula can achieve outcomes that
documented, the professional expectations are much more poorly planned curricula and ad hoc courses cannot. A key
subtle, placing the new professionals under more pres- feature of a strong educational curriculum is that it pro-
sure and more scientific scrutiny than ever before. With vides enough guidance for administrators to have a blue-
bigger portfolios come larger study teams with which to print for success but does not overregulate what goes on in
interact and manage, but there is also increased pressure the classroom.26 First, a curriculum is structured to build
from sponsors and advocacy groups to certify the data and a student's knowledge about a subject from the ground
produce results before they are analytically ready.23 For up, from foundational principles to more complex con-
clinical data scientists, and especially for those with more cepts and ideas. The curriculum and the courses on which
advanced responsibilities, there is an increased need to it is built generally have well-­defined learning objectives
monitor the literature, publish results, and contribute to and prespecified content that allows the students to meet
other submissions—­the list can be endless. It is a vastly those objectives, with stipulated priorities for evaluation
different world from that of only a few decades ago, with for students to know when, how, and to what standards
clinical data science colleagues being forced into roles for they will be held when evaluated. The content of the cur-
which they have not been formally trained or are simply riculum should be as complete as possible without being
not ready. The logical consequence for many will be fail- redundant or excessive, when preparing students for the
ure, burnout, or endless job-­hopping to find the right fit next phase of their education or life.
in an ill-­fitting occupation. When those most entrusted to Given the competitive nature of programs today, and
monitor and care for the data quality cannot keep up or students' access to virtual options worldwide, keeping the
lack the scientific knowledge of their colleagues on study program accessible and financially feasible is a must. The

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curriculum presented here is a full 36 h; however, admin- of interoperability of resources in healthcare. From the
istrators may opt for a reduced 30-­h curriculum by drop- clinical operations course they will be introduced to basic
ping one of the electives, and opting for three 2-­h research terminology in medicine, nursing, and the applied health
courses in research ethics (CDS 7030), clinical operations sciences needed for eCRFs, database builds, and adverse
(CDS 7020), regulatory science I (CDS 7010), where neces- event reporting. And from the regulatory science course
sary. Yet, whatever form the curriculum takes, the content the students will learn about relationships between data,
must be rigorous enough to be recognized as appropri- risks, informed consent, and the regulations and ethi-
ate by established professionals in the field, yet nimble cal guidelines that influence their day-­to-­day work. The
enough to meet the objectives of the learner. Finally, and courses in this curriculum should be as integrative as
most importantly, a curriculum must be premised upon the program itself. The better prepared the workforce is,
three main factors: the needs of society, the attributes of the better able they will be to understand the causes and
the learner, and a specialized knowledge base worthy of consequences of everyone's actions, and the better able
transmission to others.13 In short, a strong curriculum they will be to focus on what matters most when it comes
should meet the needs of key stakeholders simultaneously, to the quality of the data.
all of which make the educational experience possible.

Sequencing of courses
Unifying knowledge base
Because the courses represent an integration of four very
The clinical data science core courses will draw from but complex disciplines, it is extremely important to sequence
not duplicate information from its four foundational dis- them in a way that maximizes learning for the students
ciplines: biostatistics, biomedical informatics, clinical op- (see Figure 4). This begins with a concept known as ver-
erations, and regulatory affairs. For example, in their core tical articulation in which courses are intentionally con-
courses the students will begin applying information on nected through the teaching and reinforcement of specific
sampling and probability theory from their biostatistics skills and content at subsequent points in the curricu-
course with respect to sample selection, recruiting, reten- lum.26 This would be the case in teaching the roles and
tion, error rates, and auditing of records. From their in- responsibilities of the practicing clinical data scientist
formatics class they will learn the rationale and principles in Science of Clinical Data Management I (CDS 6010)
of user mapping of external sources and the importance through Science of Clinical Data Management IV (CDS

Master of Science in Clinical Data Science Curriculum

Biostatistics Biomedical
BSTAT 7000 Introduction to Biostatistics
BMIN 7050 Introduction to Biomedical Informatics
BSTAT 7060 Principles of Clinical Trials
BSTAT 7080 Introduction to Epidemiology
BMIN 7070 Data Science for Biomedical Research
BSTAT 7090 Regression Analysis
BMIN 7080 Database Management Systems
BMIN 7090 Economics and Cost Analysis

Clinical Data Science Core Courses

CORE COURSES Clinical CDS 6010 Science of Clinical Data Management I: Overview
RESEARCH COURSES Data CDS 6020 Science of Clinical Data Management II: Roles/Responsibilities
CDS 6030 Science of Clinical Data Management III: Programming
ELECTIVE COURSES Science CDS 6040 Science of Clinical Data Management IV: Internship
CDS 6050 Project Management in Clinical Research

Clinical Regulatory
Operations Affairs
Required: Required:
CDS 7020 Introduction to Clinical Operations CDS 7010 Regulatory Science I
Electives: Electives:
CDS 7022 Seminar in Clinical Operations CDS 7012 Innovation and Regulatory Science II
PHAR 8010 Global Regulatory Science
PHAR 8040 Drug and Medical Device Development

32 1

FIGURE 4 Mapping of clinical data science courses onto the theoretical framework.

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6040). The fact that the content is taught in contiguous community will also be an important asset to the pro-
classes at successively deeper levels of sophistication de- gram and serve as valuable resources to the students and
rives from Bruner's concept of a spiral curriculum, a strat- faculty alike. Having one faculty member dedicated to
egy that the American Association for the Advancement internship placements and supervisions and a second
of Science has championed for years regarding scientific faculty member devoted to advocating for international
literacy in K-­12 programs nationwide.27–­29 One would also students is a must. But, even at this staffing level, re-
expect to see this continuity between each research course sources may be constrained and will need to grow as
and its subsequent elective, among others. The same inter- student recruitment and retention grows. Having a sup-
relatedness may also be applied to courses taken alongside portive institutional administrator to advocate within
one another, referred to as horizontal articulation, when the administrative hierarchy is an absolute necessity.
familiarizing students with database development in CDS But, in the end, there is no substitute for having faculty
6020, its applications to artificial intelligence and machine who can serve as good teachers, writers, mentors, and
learning in BMIN 7050, and its impact on human subjects role models for the students and developing profession-
protections in CDS 7010, content covered in the required als. For the program to be successful teaching students
research courses. for academe, industry, and government, having liaisons
at each of the aforementioned settings is essential.
When it comes to programmatic enhancements that
Multilayered instruction propel the program to the highest levels possible, the
program must have assets that fledgling programs do
Planned connections among courses, whether vertical or not. Two characteristics define this type of program:
horizontal, constitute only part of the curriculum's con- first, is a multifactored delivery mechanism for the
nective tissue. Because students enter a given class with curriculum, one that includes a traditional brick-­and-­
very different backgrounds and knowledge sets, instruc- mortar presence, the ability to deliver courses virtually
tors must be cognizant of the need to reach students at to remain competitive with today's best e-­learning pro-
different levels using multiple layers of instruction when grams, and a strong asynchronous component to reach
teaching technically complex material. In their synthe- students who simply cannot make it to campus as is the
sis of 228 meta-­analyses of learning in the classroom, case with many national or international students. The
Hattie and Donoghue have organized the transmittal of challenge of course will be to find a way to have equal
information into three levels: surface learning (empha- rigor across all three platforms. A second characteristic
sis on skill development), deep learning (emphasis on of a market-­leading program is the presence of a tran-
formal, discipline-­specific learning), and transfer learn- sition process for a program's new graduates. That is, a
ing (emphasis on complex problem solving).30 Consistent program that informally supports its students following
with employer-­based, continuing education seminars and graduation as they acclimate to the new world of sci-
modules, most education and training models thus far entific practice. Such a program can also offer potential
have been focused on routinized skill development more employers a resource for help, guidance, and support, as
so than deep or transfer learning, the types of learning they begin to open their doors to the newly developing
needed for critical thinking and complex problem solv- professionals.
ing that rely on relationships among related knowledge
bases. By bringing together principles and content from
their various classes, the students develop the ability to CONC LUSIONS
analyze, synthesize, and apply principles and content
learned in the classroom to new and unfamiliar problems The purpose of this article was to propose and provide a
encountered in the field. blueprint for a graduate-­level curriculum in clinical data
Having a curriculum on paper as a blueprint for suc- science, devoted to the measurement, acquisition, care,
cess is only the first step. For the implementation to be treatment, and inferencing of clinical research data. This
successful, the curriculum must be housed within a new “clinical” data science curriculum will prepare stu-
strong academic unit, with strong and visionary faculty dents for work in academic, industry, and government re-
to make the curriculum come alive. In the initial stages, search settings and may be reproduced by any institution
program administrators may wish to start with five to interested in and capable of offering such a program.
seven full-­time faculty members who can teach courses, Among the notable strengths of the model are a formal
advise students, and advocate for the program (e.g., bud- sanctioning of the profession among academic medical
gets, floor space, recruiting, resources, general public centers at the national and international levels; a program
relations). Part-­time/adjunct faculty members from the that is built upon principles of sound educational theory

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and practice; content that is mapped to core competencies of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, Cincinnati Children's
of professional societies; and coursework that serves as Hospital.
the knowledge base for the new discipline that is based
upon the established disciplines of biostatistics, biomedi- CONFLICT OF INTEREST STATEMENT
cal informatics, clinical operations, and regulatory affairs. The author has declared no competing interests for this work.
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