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1. biodiversity /ˌbaɪəʊdaɪˈvɜːsəti/(n): đa dạng sinh học

2. conservation /ˌkɒnsəˈveɪʃn/(n): sự bảo tồn + conservation status /ˈsteɪtəs/: tình trạng bảo tồn

3. endangered species /ɪnˈdeɪndʒəd ˈspiːʃiːz/: chủng loài có nguy cơ bị tuyệt chủng

4. evolution /ˌiːvəˈluːʃn/ (n): sự tiến hóa

5. extinct /ɪkˈstɪŋkt/(a): tuyệt chủng

+ extinction /ɪkˈstɪŋkʃn/(n): sự tuyệt chủng

6. habitat /ˈhæbɪtæt/(n): môi trường sống

7. poach/pəʊtʃ/ (v): săn trộm

8. rhino/ rhinoceros /raɪˈnɒsərəs/(n): hà mã

9. sea turtle /siː ˈtɜːtl/(n): con rùa biển

10. survive /səˈvaɪv/(v): sống sót + survival /səˈvaɪvl/(n): sự sống sót

11. trade /treɪd/ (n): mua bán

12. vulnerable /ˈvʌlnərəbl/(a): dễ bị tổn thương dễ gặp nguy hiểm


1. activate /ˈæktɪveɪt/(v): kích hoạt

2. algorithm /ˈælɡərɪðəm/(n): thuật toán

3. artificial intelligence /ˌɑːtɪfɪʃl ɪnˈtelɪɡəns/(n.phr): trí tuệ nhân tạo

4. automated /ˈɔːtəmeɪtɪd/(a): tự động

5. call for /kɔːl fɔː(r)/(v): kêu gọi

6. cyber-attack /ˈsaɪbərətæk/(n): tấn công mạng

7. exterminate /ɪkˈstɜːmɪneɪt/ (v): tiêu diệt

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8. faraway /ˈfɑːrəweɪ/ (a): xa xôi

9. hacker /ˈhækə(r)/(n): tin tặc

10. implant /ɪmˈplɑːnt/ (v): cấy ghép

11. incredible /ɪnˈkredəbl/ (a): đáng kinh ngạc

12. intervention /ˌɪntəˈvenʃn/(n): sự can thiệp

13. malfunction /ˌmælˈfʌŋkʃn/ (n): sự trục trặc

14. navigation /ˌnævɪˈɡeɪʃn/ (n): sự đi lại trên biển hoặc trên không

15. overpopulation /ˌəʊvəˌpɒpjuˈleɪʃn/(n): sự quá tải dân số

16. resurrect /ˌrezəˈrekt/(v): làm sống lại, phục hồi

17. unbelievable /ˌʌnbɪˈliːvəbl/ (a): khó tin


1. academic /ˌækəˈdemɪk/(a): học thuật, giỏi các môn học thuật

2. administrator/ədˈmɪnɪstreɪtə(r)/ (n): nhân viên hành chính

3. align /əˈlaɪn/(v): tuân theo, phù hợp

4. applicant /ˈæplɪkənt/(n): người nộp đơn xin việc

5. apply /əˈplaɪ/(v): nộp đơn, đệ trình

6. apprentice /əˈprentɪs/(n): thực tập sinh, người học việc

7. approachable /əˈprəʊtʃəbl/(a): dễ gần, dễ tiếp cận

8. articulate /ɑːˈtɪkjuleɪt/(a): hoạt ngôn, nói năng lưu loát

9. barista /bəˈriːstə/ (n): nhân viên làm việc trong quán cà phê

10. candidate /ˈkændɪdət/(n): ứng viên đã qua vòng sơ tuyển

11. cluttered /ˈklʌtəd/(a): lộn xộn, trông rối mắt

12. compassionate /kəmˈpæʃənət/(a): thông cảm, cảm thông

13. colleague /ˈkɒliːɡ/(n): đồng nghiệp

14. covering letter /ˌkʌvərɪŋ ˈletə(r)/: thư xin việc

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15. dealership /ˈdiːləʃɪp/(n): doanh nghiệp, kinh doanh

16. demonstrate /ˈdemənstreɪt/ (v): thể hiện

17. entrepreneur /ˌɒntrəprəˈnɜː(r)/ (n): nhà doanh nghiệp, người khởi nghiệp

18. potential/pəˈtenʃl/ (a): tiềm năng

19. prioritise /praɪˈɒrətaɪz/ (v): sắp xếp công việc hợp lý, ưu tiên việc quan trọng trước

20. probation /prəˈbeɪʃn/(n): sự thử việc, thời gian thử việc

21. qualification /ˌkwɒlɪfɪˈkeɪʃn/ (n): trình độ chuyên môn bằng cấp

22. recruit /rɪˈkruːt/(v): tuyển dụng

23. relevant /ˈreləvənt/ (a): thích hợp, phù hợp

24. shortlist /ˈʃɔːtlɪst/ (v): sơ tuyển

25. specialise /ˈspeʃəlaɪz/ (v): chuyên về lĩnh vực nào đó

26. tailor /ˈteɪlə(r)/(v): điều chỉnh cho phù hợp

27. trailer /ˈtreɪlə(r)/(n): xe móc, xe kéo

28. tuition /tjuˈɪʃn/ (n): học phí

29. unique /juˈniːk/(a): đặc biệt, khác biệt, độc nhất

30. well-spoken /ˌwel ˈspəʊkən/(a): nói hay, nói với lời lẽ trau chuốt


1. advice /ədˈvaɪs/(n): lời khuyên

2. ambition /æmˈbɪʃn/(n): hoài bão, khát vọng, tham vọng

3. be in touch with: liên lạc với

4. career (n): nghề, nghề nghiệp, sự nghiệp

5. career adviser: người cố vấn nghề nghiệp

6. come up with /tʌtʃ/: tìm thấy/ nảy ra ( ý tưởng/ giải pháp)

7. cut down on: cắt giảm ( biên chế, số lượng)

8. dishwasher /ˈdɪʃwɒʃə(r)/ (n): người rửa bát đĩa, máy rửa bát đĩa
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9. downside /ˈdaʊnsaɪd/(n): mặt trái/ bất lợi

10. drop in on: ghé thăm

11. drop out of: bỏ ( học, nghề,...)

12. fascinating /ˈfæsɪneɪtɪŋ/ (a): có sức hấp dẫn hoặc quyến rũ lớn

13. get on with: sống hòa thuận với

14. get to grips with: bắt đầu giải quyết ( một vấn đề khó)

15. keep up with: theo kịp, đuổi kịp

16. look forward to /ˈfɔːwəd/: chờ đợi, trông đợi

17. mature /məˈtʃʊə(r)/(a): trưởng thành

18. paperwork /ˈpeɪpəwɜːk/(n): công việc giấy tờ, văn phòng

19. pursue /pəˈsjuː/(v): theo đuổi, tiếp tục

20. put up with: chịu đựng

21. rewarding /rɪˈwɔːdɪŋ/ (a): bõ công, đáng công, thỏa đáng

22. run out of : hết, cạn kiệt ( tiền, năng lượng,...)

23. secure /sɪˈkjʊə(r)/(v): giành được, đạt được

24. shadow /ˈʃædəʊ/(v): đi theo quan sát ai, thực hành để học việc

25. tedious/ˈtiːdiəs/ (a): tẻ nhạt, làm mệt mỏi

26. think back on: nhớ lại

27. workforce /ˈwɜːkfɔːs/ (n): lực lượng lao động


1. adequate /ˈædɪkwət/ (a): thỏa đáng, phù hợp

2. e-learning /ˈiː lɜːnɪŋ/(n): hình thức học trực tuyến

3. employable /ɪmˈplɔɪəbl/ (a): có thể được thuê làm việc

4. facilitate /fəˈsɪlɪteɪt/ (v): tạo điều kiện thuận lợi

5. flexibility /ˌfleksəˈbɪləti/(n): tính linh động

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6. genius /ˈdʒiːniəs/ (n): thiên tài

7. hospitality /ˌhɒspɪˈtæləti/ (n): lòng mến khách

8. initiative /ɪˈnɪʃətɪv/(n): sáng kiến, tính chủ động trong công việc

9. institution /ˌɪnstɪˈtjuːʃn/(n): cơ quan tổ chức

10. interaction /ˌɪntərˈækʃn/(n): sự tương tác

11. lifelong /ˈlaɪflɒŋ/ (a): suốt đời

12. opportunity /ˌɒpəˈtjuːnəti/ (n): cơ hội

13. overwhelming /ˌəʊvəˈwelmɪŋ/ (a): vượt trội

14. pursuit /pəˈsjuːt/(n): sự theo đuổi

15. self-directed /sef-dəˈrektɪd/(a): theo định hướng cá nhân

16. self-motivated /ˌself ˈməʊtɪveɪtɪd/ (a): có động lực cá nhân

17. temptation /tempˈteɪʃn/ (n): sự lôi cuốn

18. ultimate /ˈʌltɪmət/(a): sau cùng, quan trọng nhất

19. voluntarily /ˈvɒləntrəli/ (adv): một cách tự nguyện


Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in
pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 1: A. followed B. exploited C. packaged D. reserved
Question 2: A. literature B. important C. available D. conservation
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the
primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 3: A. methodical B. academic C. compulsory D. commercially
Question 4: A. unfortunately B. agricultural C. university D. representative
Mark the letter A, B C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in
each of the following questions.
Question 5: Electric wires carry current for lighting and outlets designing for household appliances.
A.Electric B. carry current C. lighting D. designing
Question 6: Technology is define as the tools, skills, and methods that are necessary to produce goods.
A. is define B. the tools C. that are D. to produce de
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Question 7: The planet Mercury rotates slow than any other planet except Venus.
A. rotates B. slow C. other planet D. except
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Question 8: Hair fingernails, and toenails ____ from the skin.
A. forming B. forms C. formed D. are formed
Question 9: Paul Samuelson was the first American to won the Nobel Prize in ____.
A. economy B. economic C. economical D. economics
Question 10: It's amazing how Jenny acts as though she and Darren ____ serious problems at the moment.
A. aren't having B. weren't having C. hadn't had D. hadn't been having
Question 11: Drying flowers is the best way ____ them.
A. preserved B. by preserving C. preserve D. to preserve
Question 12: ____ charge for ____ excess luggage is £10 ____ kilo.
A. The; an; a B. The; 0; a C. 0; 0; a D. 0; an; the
Question 13: Everything is ____ you. I cannot make ____ my mind yet.
A. out off/ on B. up to/ up C. away from/ for D. on for/ off
Question 14: Your father is very kind ____ David.
A. with B. to C. for D. of
Question 15: How are you ____ on with your work? - It's Ok.
A. calling B. getting C. laying D. looking
Question 16: Spain has little good farmland and lacks many ____ raw materials.
A. important industry B. industrious and important
C. important industrial D. important industries
Question 17: Professional gardeners appreciate flowers for their ____ gorgeous colors, and pleasant fragrance.
A. attractively shaped B. shape and attract C. shaped attractively D. attractive shapes
Question 18: Jane only makes cakes with the ____ butter.
A. best unsalted Danish B. unsalted best Danish
C. Danish best unsalted D. best Danish unsalted
Question 19: ____ warfare duties primarily to males' was imperative when combat was hand-to-hand. A.
Assigning B. Assigned C. They who assigned D. That they were assigning
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following
Question 20: - Laura: “I have got a couple of questions I would like to ask you.”
- Maria: “____”
A. Of course not, it's not costly. B. Right, fine away. C. What's up? D. Not at all. Question
21: A. Thank you. I couldn't have finished my presentation without your help.
B. ____
A. Forget about it. I didn't mean so. B. I highly appreciate what you did.
C. It doesn't matter anyway. D. Never mind.
Mark the letter A, B, Cor D to indicate the word(s) CLOSET in meaning to the underlined word(s) in
each of the following questions.
Question 22: A wedding is a meaningful event.
A. sad B. sorrowful C. important D. unimportant
Question 23: She was a devoted teacher. She spent most of her time teaching and taking care of her students.
A. polite B. lazy C. honest D. dedicated
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the
underlined part in each of the following questions.
Question 24: Designers could move away from conservative styles and promote the swimsuits that revealed a
body's physical attributes.
A. hid B. distorted C. blocked D. disrupted
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Question 25: Lunar years were inconvenient for agricultural purposes.

A. useful B. ideal C. proper D. practical
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following
Question 26: "Why don't we go out for drinks?", said Jenny. A.
Jenny recommended why we went out for drinks.
B. Jenny said why they didn't go out for drinks.
C. Jenny suggested going out for drinks.
D. Jenny asked why they didn't go out for drinks.
Question 27: Donald could not help weeping when he heard the bad news. A.
Donald could not stop himself from weeping at the bad news.
B. Donald could not allow himself to sweep at the bad news.
C. Donald could not help himself and so he wept.
D. Donald could not help himself because he was weeping. Question 28: He got over his
illness in three months.
A. It took to get over his illness in three months.
B. It took three months for him to get over his illness.
C. It took him three months to get over his illness.
D. It took three months for his illness to get over.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the
following questions.
Question 29: The coffee was not strong. It didn't keep us awake.
A. The coffee was very strong, but it couldn't keep us awake.
B. The coffee was not strong enough to keep us awake.
C. The coffee was not good enough for us to keep awake.
D. We were kept awake although the coffee was not strong.
Question 30: You don't try to work hard. You will fail in the exam.
A. Unless you don't try to work hard, you will fail in the exam.
B. Unless you try to work hard, you won't fail in the exam.
C. Unless you try to work hard, you will fail in the exam.
D. Unless do you try to work hard, you will fail in the exam.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that
best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.
Royal Residences
Buckingham Palace, Windsor Castle and the Palace of Holyroodhouse are the official (31) ____ of the
Sovereign and as such, serve as both home and office for the Queen, whose personal flag flies (32) ____
her Majesty is in residence.
These buildings are used extensively for State ceremonies and official entertaining and are opened to the
(33) ____ as much as these commitments allow. They are furnished with fine pictures and (34) ____ of
art from the Royal Collection, assembled over four centuries by successive sovereigns. Many of the State
Apartments and rooms at the official residences have been in continuous use since their concept on and
many of the paintings are (35) ____ in the rooms for which they were originally intended.
Question 31: A. venues B. residences C. situations D. occupation
Question 32: A. whatever B. however C. whoever D. whenever
Question 33: A. humans B. public C. peoples D. strangers
Question 34: A. paintings B. statues C. works D. jobs
Question 35: A. created B. explored C. produced D. displayed

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the
questions from 36 to 42
Lớp Tiếng Anh Online - Hoàng Việt Hưng

A number of factors related to the voice reveal the personality of the speaker. The first is the broad area
of communication, which includes imparting information by use of language, communicating with a group or an
individual and specialized communication through performance. A person conveys thoughts and ideas through
choice of words, by a tone of voice that is pleasant or unpleasant, gentle or harsh, by the rhythm that is inherent
within the language itself, and by speech rhythms that are flowing and regular or uneven and hesitant, and finally,
by the pitch and melody of the utterance. When speaking before a group, a person's tone may indicate uncertainty
or fright, confidence or calm. At interpersonal levels, the tone may reflect ideas and feelings over and above
the words chosen, or may believe them. Here the participant's tone can consciously or unconsciously reflect
intuitive sympathy or antipathy, lack of concern or interest, fatigue, anxiety, enthusiasm or excitement, all of
which are usually discernible by the acute listener.

Public performance is a manner of communication that is highly specialized with its own techniques for
obtaining effects by voice and /or gesture. The motivation derived from the text, and in the case of singing, the
music, in combination with the performer's skills, personality, and ability to create empathy will determine the
success of artistic, political, or pedagogic communication. Second, the voice gives psychological clues to a
person's self-image, perception of others, and emotional health. Self-image can be indicated by a tone of voice
that is confident, pretentious, shy, aggressive, outgoing, or exuberant, to name only a few personality traits. Also
the sound may give a clue to the facade or mask of that person, for example, a shy person hiding behind an
overconfident front. How a speaker perceives the listener's receptiveness, interest, or sympathy in any given
conversation can drastically alter the tone of presentation, by encouraging or discouraging the speaker. Emotional
health is evidenced in the voice by free and melodic sounds of the happy, by constricted and harsh sound of the
angry, and by dull and lethargic qualities of the depressed.

Question 36: What does the passage mainly discuss?

A. The function of the voice in performance B. Communication styles
C. The connection between voice and personality D. The production of speech
Question 37: What does the author mean by stating that, “At interpersonal levels, tone may reflect ideas and
feelings over and above the words chosen”?
A. Feelings are expressed with different words than ideas are.
B. The tone of voice can carry information beyond the meaning of words.
C. A high tone of voice reflects an emotional communication.
D. Feelings are more difficult to express than ideas.
Question 38: The word "derived” is closest in meaning to ____.
A. discussed B. prepared C. registered D. obtained
Question 39: Why does the author mention “artistic, political, or pedagogic communication”?
A. As examples of public performance. B. As examples of basic styles of communication.
C. To contrast them to singing. D. To introduce the idea of self-image.
Question 40: According to the passage, an exuberant tone of voice mat be an indication of a person's ____.
A. general physical health B. personality
C. ability to communicate D. vocal quality
Question 41: According to the passage, an overconfident front may hide ____.
A. hostility B. shyness C. friendliness D. strength
Question 42: According to the passage, what does a constricted and harsh voice indicate?
A. lethargy B. depression C. boredom D. anger

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the
questions from 43 to 50
U.N. Abandons Treaty to Ban Cloning
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U.N. diplomats abandoned efforts to draft a treaty that would outlaw human cloning. They will likely
settle for a weaker statement, and won't seek a widespread ban, officials said. The debate began when Italy
introduced a document into the U.N. to stop any attempt at cloning human life. The Belgians objected to
the use of the term “human life” in the document, because they feared it would put a stop to all forms of
human cloning.

There is near universal support among the United Nations' 191 members for a ban on reproductive
cloning-creating cloned babies. Many countries have wrestled over whether to allow cloning for stem cell
and other types of research. Indeed, many researchers believe that stem cells could be used to repair nerve
tissue or cure diseases, including Alzheimer's. Stem cells are taken from embryos and cloned, but
extracting these cells kills the embryo. Opponents say that this is equal to murder.

Question 43: What is the main topic of this passage?

A. a disagreement on cloning B. the definition of "life"
C. reasons why cloning should be banned D. the arguments against cloning babies
Question 44: The word "it" in-the text refers to ____.
A. a ban B. an attempt at cloning human life
C. use of the phrase "human life” D. research
Question 45: Which of the following can be inferred from his passage? A.
The production of cloned babies will probably be banned.
B. No one knows what life is or when life begins.
C. Cloning for medical research will probably be banned.
D. Most diseases will be cured through cloning.
Question 46: Why are some countries "wrestling" over whether to ban cloning or not? A.
Because it is a very harmful process.
B. Because they don't want to upset the U.N.
C. Because the issue is morally and legally difficult.
D. Because they want to fight with other countries over cloning. Question 47: The phrase
"universal support” means ____.
A. every country is against the issue B. every country is for the issue
C. there are equal numbers for and against the issue. D. none of the answers Question
48: The word "extracting” in the passage is closest in meaning to ____.
A. growing B. removing C. curing D. killing

(có 2 câu bị bỏ đi do cách ra đề không hợp)

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1.B 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.D 6.A 7.B 8.D 9.D 10.B

11.D 12.B 13.B 14.B 15.B 16.C 17.D 18.A 19.A 20.B

21.D 22.C 23.D 24.A 25.D 26.C 27.A 28.C 29.B 30.C

31.B 32.D 33.B 34.C 35.D 36.C 37.B 38.D 39.A 40.B

41.B 42.D 43.A 44C 45.A 46.C 47.B 48.B

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