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Geography (भूगोल- शा )

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There are total 26 Topics in this chapter.

 Universe  Indian cities on river bank

 Longitude & Latitude  Straits

 Location of India  Passes of India

 India & Neighbours  Projects of India

 Facts about Earth  Rivers & Disputing states

 Islands  Falls of India

 Himalayan Ranges
 Lakes of India

 Hills & Valleys of India

 Plateau in India

 Coastal Plains

 Ocean

 Soil & Agriculture

 Forest

 Rivers of India

 Continents

 Important Information

 Ancient Name of Cities

 Producers of State Wise

 National Parks
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All the Best wishes and pray to Lord Rama for your success.


 The Sun is the Star of Solar
 It comprises 99.86% of all the
mass in the Solar System.
 It produces temperatures
and densities in its core high
enough to sustain nuclear
fusion of Hydrogen into
Helium, making it a main
sequence star.
 It releases an enormous
amount of energy, mostly
radiated into space as
electromagnetics radiation peaking in visible light.
 It has a higher abundance of elements heavier than hydrogen and helium.
 It is known as the father of Solar System.
 The Sun is 13 lakh times bigger than the earth.
 The temperature of Sun at Corona is 6000°c and at centre is 2000000°C.
 Like the earth, Sun also rotates on its axis.

 The Universe contains 1011 galaxies and an
equal number of stars in each.
 Lyman Alpha Blobs: Heavy cluster bodies.
 Andromeda Galaxy: It is also known as
Messier 31 or M31. It is the nearest galaxy to
the milky way.
 The Milky way Galaxy: The Galaxy in which
Solar System exists.It contains around 400 Billion Stars.
 Sirius: It is also known as Dog star. Sirius is the brightest star in the Earth's night sky. It is
observed that the Sirius is gradually moving closer to the Solar System, which would
result it's increased brightness in the next 60000 years.
 Proxima Centauri: It is the closest star to the Sun.
 Super Nova: It was a Primitive Star, which was exploded and Universe created.

 Neutron Star: It is of very small radius typically 30km and very high density. Neutron
stars are thought to form by the gravitational collapse of the remnant of a massive
star after a supernova explosion, provided that the Star is insufficiently massive to
produce a black hole.
 Asteroids: Small Fragments
of the rock and dust that
keep revolving around the
Sun between the orbits of
mars and Jupiter.
 Pulsar: Pulsars May look like
stars that blink on and off,
but these objects are not
actually stars. Pulsar is highly
magnetized rotating neutron star.

 Mercury is the nearest planet to the Sun.
 Revolution period - 88 days.
 Fastest planet in terms of motion.
 It has no satellite.
 There is no chances of life in Mercury because
it is nearest to the Sun, so temperature is very high.

 It is the brightest Planet of entire
Solar System.
 Earth’s Twin Planet.
 Revolution period of Venus is 225
 It's atmosphere contains 97% of
 Hottest planet. Temperature=
 This planet contains clouds made of Sulphuric Acid.
 Venus is also known as Evening and Morning Star.

 Distance from Sun is 14.96 Cr. Km.
 The Earth's surface is covered with water 71.96%.
 Revolution period of Earth is 365 Days and 3/4th of a day.
 Speed of Revolution: 29.8 km/sec
 Polar Radius: 12714 km
 Equatorial Radius: 12756 km
 Rotation Period: 23 hrs: 56
Minutes: 4 Seconds
 Highest point: Mount Everest
(8848.86 meter)
 Deepest Point: Mariana
trench (Pacific ocean-10994

 Light reaches from Sun to Earth in 8 minutes: 18 Seconds.

 Red Planet- Iron oxide found in
Soil imparts Red soil.
 Big deserts founded in its
 Mars atmosphere contains CO2,
NO2 and their inert gases.
 It is second smallest planet in
the Solar System.
 Distance from earth to Mars is
 Weather: Cold
 Distance of Mars from Sun: 142 Million miles
 Distance of Earth from Sun: 93 Million miles
 Demos & Phobos are the two Satellites.

 It is the biggest planet of the Solar System.
 Jupiter's atmosphere contains Methane,
Ammonia andHydrogen.
 Jupiter is eleven times heavier than the
 It contains 79 natural Moons (Earlier 63).
 Temperature: -123°c
 It has a giant red spot.
 It's biggest satellite is Ganymede. And
Ganymede is also the biggest satellite in
Solar System.


 Saturn contains 7 rings

 82 natural moons (Highest).
 Saturn is the second largest Planet
after Jupiter.
 It's largest Satellite is "Titan".
 It is also known as "Galaxy like
 Saturn has the least density in entire
Solar System.
 Temperature: (-178°c)
 Revolution period: 29.5 Years
 It is the last planet which you can see by naked eyes.


 It contains 5 rings around it like Saturn. These

5 Rings -Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Theta and
 It is discovered by William Herschel' in 13th
March, 1781.
 Uranus is mainly made up of gases, with a
solid core of rock and metal.
 Distance from Sun: 2.8 Billions km
 Temp: -214°C

 It is the third largest Planet in Solar System.
 It's primary composition of Hydrogen and Helium is like Jupiter but it contains more
ices such as water, ammonia and Methane.
 It is Green due to high amount of Sulphur.


 Revolution time: 165 Years

 Distance from Sun: 4.95 Billions km
 It is the eighth and farthest known planet from the
 One day on Neptune takes about 16 hours.
 Temperature: -216°C
 It mostly consists Hydrogen, Helium with trace
amount of Methane, water and Ammonia.
 It is the Coldest Planet in Solar System.

 It was discovered in 1930 by Claude Tombaugh. It was considered as 9th planet of
Solar System.
 But since 2006, IAU (International Astronomical Union) Announced that Pluto is a
dwarf planet. According to IAU, a planet must has these three attributes.:
1. Is in orbit around the Sun.
2. Has sufficient mass to assume hydrostatic equilibrium (a nearly round shape).
3. Has cleared the neighbourhood around its orbit.
But Pluto don't has 3" one attribute, So it was declared as Dwarf planet.
 Temperature: -233°C
 Atmosphere: Nitrogen (Mainly) with minor amounts of Methane and Carbon
 There are total 7 Dwarf planets in our Solar System as given below:
o Pluto
o Haumea
o Makemake
o Eris
o Hygiea
o Ceres
o Sadna

Points to be Remembered
1) JUPITER & SATURN : These two largest Planet are Gas giants, being composed mainly of
Hydrogen and Helium.
2) URANUS & NEPTUNE : These two Outermost planets are Ice Giants, being composed with
water, ammonia and Methane.

Number of moons

Planet Moon
Mercury 0
Venus 0
Earth 1
Mars 2
Jupiter 79
Saturn 82
Uranus 27
Neptune 14

Revolution Period of Planets

Planet Period
Mercury 88 Days
Venus 225 Days
Earth 365 Days
Mars 687 Days
Jupiter 12 Years
Saturn 29 Years
Uranus 84 Years
Neptune 165 Years

Solar System Some Facts
Biggest Planet Jupiter

Smallest Planet Mercury

Nearest Planet to Sun Mercury

Farthest Planet from Sun Neptune

Nearest Planet to Earth Venus

Brightest Planet Venus

Brightest star after Sun Sirius

Planet with maximum satellites Saturn

Coldest Planet Neptune

Hottest Planet Venus

Heaviest Planet Jupiter

Red Planet Mars

Biggest Satellite Ganymede

Smallest Satellite Deimos

Blue Planet Earth

Morning/Evening Star Venus

Earth's Twin Venus

Green Planet Uranus

Planet with a big red spot Jupiter

Lord of the Heavens Jupiter

Greatest Diurnal Temperature Mercury

Two satellites of Mars Demos & Phobos

Father of Solar System Sun

Gas Giant Planet Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus & Neptune

Planet has least Density Saturn

The Diameter of Moon ¼ Of the earth

Sister Planet of Earth Venus

Planet is under proper observation of Mars


Planets having ring around it Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus &Neptune

Weight at Moon 1/6 Weight of Earth

Earth Latitude & Longitude
Earth Latitude :
 Imaginary lines drawn parallel to the equator. Measured as an angle whose apex is
at the centre of the earth.
 The equator represents 0° latitude, while the North Pole is 90° N & the South Pole 90°
 23½° N represents Tropic of Cancer while 23%½° S represents Tropic of Capricorn.
 66½° N represents Arctic Circle while 66½° S represents Antarctic Circle.
 There are total 181 latitudes including the equator. Each parallel of latitude is a
circle, but they are not equal.
 The circle becomes smaller toward's the poles. Equator is the 'Greatest Circle' that
can be drawn on the earth's surface.
 The distance between any two parallels of latitude is always equal.
 1 degree lat. = 111km.

Earth Longitude :
 It is the angular distance measured from die centre of the earth. On the globe the
lines of longitude are drawn as a series of semicircles that extend from the North
Pole to the South Pole through the equator. They are also called meridians.
 The distance between any two meridians is not equal.
 At the equator, 1 degree = 111 km. At 30°N or S, it is 96.5 km. It goes on decreasing
this way until it is zero at the poles.
 There are 360 meridians of longitude. The prime meridian is a longitude of 00,
passing through the Royal Observatory at Greenwich near London.
 This meridian is taken by geographers to divide the earth into the eastern & the
western hemispheres.
 Each meridian of longitude is a semi-circle. 180° meridian (International Date Line)
lies exactly opposite to 0° meridian. Such points are called Antipodal Points.
 The earth is divided into 24 longitudinal zones, each being 15° or 1 hour apart in
time (4 minutes / degree).

Longitude & Time:

 Places that are on the same meridian have the same local (sun) time. Since the
earth makes one complete revolution of 360° in 24 hours, it passes through 15° in
one hour or 1° in 4 minutes.
 The earth rotates from west to east, hence places east of Greenwich see the sun
earlier & gain time whereas places west of Greenwich see the sun later & lose time.
 India, whose longitudinal extent is approx. 30°, has adopted only one time zone,
selecting the 82.5°E for the standard time which is 5 hours & 30 minutes ahead of
GMT (Greenwich Mean Time).

International Date Line:
 It is the 180° meridian running over the Pacific Ocean, deviating at Aleutian Islands,
Fiji, Samoa & Gilbert Islands. It is a zig-zag line
 Travelers crossing the Date Line from West to East (i.e., from Japan to USA) repeat a
day & travellers crossing it from East to West (i.e., from USA to Japan) lose a day.
Because Japan is approx. 14 to 16 hour ahead of USA. For e.g. If one travels from
East towards West (from Japan to USA), the person looses a day, Tuesday 6.00 a.m.
on the other side of the line to Monday 6.00 a.m. on crossing the line into USA.

Important Parallels of Latitude:

 The Tropic of Cancer: It is in the northern hemisphere at an angular distance of 23
1/2⁰ (23°30'N) from the equator.
 The Tropic of Capricorn: It is in the southern hemisphere at an angular distance of 23
1/2° (23°30'S) from the equator.
 The Arctic Circle: It lies at a distance of 66 1/2° (66°30'N) north of the equator.
 The Antarctic Circle: It lies at a distance of 66 1/2° (66°30'S) south of the equator.
There are two solstices each year, called the Summer Solstice & the Winter Solstice.
 Summer Solstice: The day of 21st June when the sun is vertically overhead at the
Tropic of Cancer (23°30'N). Longest day in Northern Hemisphere.
 Winter Solstice: The day of 22nd December when the sun is vertically overhead at
the Tropic of Capricorn (23°30'S). Shortest Day in Northern Hemisphere.

Meridians of Longitude:
 The semi-circles running from pole to pole or from north to south are known as
meridians of longitude & distance between them is measured in degrees of
longitude. Greenwich Meridian or Prime Meridian with a value of 0° longitude serves
as a common base of numbering meridians of longitude lying on either side O of it
east as well as west. There are 360 meridians - including Prime Meridian. Each
degree of a longitude is divided into sixty equal parts, each part is called a minute.
Each minute is again divided into sixty equal parts, each part being called a
 Local Time: Local time of any place is 12 noon when the sun is exactly overhead. It
will vary from the Greenwich time at the rate of four minutes for each degree of
 Greenwich Mean Time: The time at 0° longitude is called Greenwich Mean Time. It is
based on local time of the meridian passing through Greenwich near London.
 Indian Standard Time: It is fixed on the mean of 821/2°E Meridian, a place near
Allahabad. It is 5 1/2hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time.

Important Points
 Countries lies on tropic of cancer :
 N. America : Mexico, Bahamas (2)
 Africa : Western Sahara, Mauritania, Mali, Algeria, Niger, Libya, Egypt (7)
 Asia : Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, India, Bangladesh, China,

 Oceans lies on tropic of cancer : Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean

 Water Bodies lies on tropic of cancer : Gulf of California, Gulf of Mexico, Red Sea
Arabian Sea, Taiwan Strait, Philippine Strait.
 States of India lies on tropic of cancer : Gujarat, M.P, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand,
(8) West Bengal, Tripura, Mizoram, Rajasthan.

 Mahi River in India Crosses tropic of cancer Twice.

 Countries lies on tropic of Capricorn :

 S. America: Chile, Argentina, Paraguay, Brazil (4)
 Africa : Namibia, Botswana, South Africa, Mozambique, Madagascar (5)
 Australia

 Limpopo River Crosses through Tropic of Capricorn Twice.

 Countries lies on Prime Meridian :

 Europe: UK, France, Spain(3)
 Africa: Algeria, Mali, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Togo(5)
 Antarctica: Queen Maud Land.

 Countries lies on Prime Meridian :

 S. America: Ecuador, Columbia, Brazil(3)
 Africa: Sao Tome & Principe, Gabon, Republic of Congo, Democratic
Republic of Congo, Uganda, Kenya, Somalia (7)
 Asia: Maldives, Indonesia, Kiribati (3)

 11 Countries Crosses through Equator of their Land Masses.

 13 Countries Crosses through Equator.

 Intersection of Prime Meridian:

 With Tropic of cancer: Algeria (Africa)
 With Equator: Gulf of Guinea(Atlantic Ocean)
 With Tropic of Capricorn: Atlantic Ocean (opposite Namibia)

 Horse Latitude : 30-35 degrees North & South , having High atmospheric Pressure,
Calm Winds & Little Precipitation.

 Tropic of Cancer, Equator, Tropic of Capricorn all Three Passes through Africa.

 India is located entirely in the northern hemisphere; specifically in the south central
part of the continent of Asia.
 The mainland of India extends between latitudes 8º4'N and 37º6'N Longitudes and
68º7'E & 97 º 25' E. The southern boundary extends up to 6º45'N latitude in the Bay
of Bengal.
 With an area of 3.28 million square km, India is the 7th largest country of the world.
 The six largest countries of the world in decreasing order are Russia, Canada, USA,
China, Brazil, and Australia.
 India accounts for about 2.4 percent of the total geographical area of the world.
 India has a total land boundary of about 15,200 km.
 The coastline of India stretches along the Bay of Bengal in the east and the Arabian
Sea in the west.
 From Gujarat (westernmost) to Arunachal Pradesh (easternmost), there is about 13º
difference; hence, because of this difference, there is a time difference of two
hours between Gujarat and Arunachal Pradesh.
 The sun rises in Arunachal Pradesh about two hours earlier as compared to
Jaisalmer in Rajasthan.
 The maximum length of the mainland from north to south is about 3214 km.
 The maximum length of the mainland from east to west is about 2933 km.
 India's total length of coastline is 6,100km of its mainland and after including
Andaman and Nicobar, and Lakshadweep islands, it is about 7,516 km.
 India's territorial limit further extends towards the sea up to 12 nautical miles (i.e.
about 21.9 km) from the coast.

Indian Standard Meridian

82°30'E Meridian crossing through the Mirzapur city of Uttar Pradesh is taken as
India's Standard Meridian.
Indian Standard Time is ahead of Greenwich (0° or Prime Meridian) Mean Time by 5
hours and 30 minutes.
Tropic of cancer (23°30'N) passes through Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh,
Jharkhand, West Bengal, Tripura, and Mizoram.
The difference in latitudinal extent influences the duration of day and night.
Q) Why there is a time lag of two hours from Gujarat to Arunachal Pradesh?
Ans) There is a time lag of two hours from Gujarat to Arunachal Pradesh because of the
longitudinal extent of India. Gujarat is situated in the extreme west of India Arunachal
Pradesh is situated in the extreme east of India. The Sun rises two hours earlier in Arunachal
Pradesh than Gujarat.

India and Neighbours

 India has total 28 States, 7 Union Territories and 1 National Capital Territory.
 India is bounded by young fold mountains (the Great Himalaya) in the North and
 Throughout the history, India's connections with other parts of the world has been
heavily influenced by waterways and also the mountain passes.
 India shares its (international boundaries with Afghanistan and Pakistan in the North-
West, China, Tibet (China), Nepal, and Bhutan in the North and North-East and
Myanmar and Bangladesh in the East.
 Island countries Sri Lanka and Maldives are India's neighbours across the sea.
 Sri Lanka is an island nation located off the southern coast of India in South Asia
and it is bordered by the Indian Ocean. India and Sri Lanka are separated by a thin
water body called the Palk Strait.
 Maldives is a chain of islands located south-west of Sri Lanka and India in the Indian

India's Extreme Points:

 Northernmost- Indira Col
 Southernmost- Indira point (It is located in Great Nicobar Island. The point was
earlier known as Pygmalion Point and Parsons Point. This was renamed after Indira
Gandhi visited the point in 1984.)
 Easternmost- Kibithu in Arunachal Pradesh
 Westernmost- Ghuar Moti in Kutch district, Gujarat

Neighbouring Countries Sharing Boundaries With States of India

 Pakistan: Punjab, Gujarat, Rajasthan & J&K
 China: Ladakh, Uttarakhand, H.P, Sikkim & Arunachal Pradesh.
 Bangladesh: Assam, Mizoram, Tripura, Meghalaya & West Bengal.
 Nepal: Uttarakhand, U.P, Bihar, West Bengal & Sikkim.
 Bhutan: Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim, Assam, West Bengal.
 Afghanistan: Ladakh (POK region)
 Myanmar: Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Manipur & Mizoram.

Facts about Earth
 The Earth also called Blue Planet. It is the densest of all planets.
 Earth Circumference: 40,232 Kilometers.
 Earth Area: 510 million Square Kilometers
 Average distance from sun: 149 million Kilometers.
 Earth Perihelion: Nearest position of earth to sun. The earth reaches its perihelion on
January 3 every year at a distance of about 147 million-Kilometers.
 Aphelion: Farthest position of earth from sun. The earth reaches its aphelion on July
4, when the earth is at a distance of 152 million Kilometers.
 The shape of the earth is oblate spheroid or oblate ellipsoid (i.e. almost spherical,
flattened a little at the poles with a slight bulge at the centre).
Types of Earth Movements:
1. Rotation or daily movement. 2. Revolution or annual movement.
Earth Rotation:
 Spins on its imaginary axis from west to east in 23 hrs, 56 min & 40.91 sec.
 Rotational velocity at equator is 1667 Kilometers/h & it decreases towards the
poles, where it is zero.
Earth's rotation results in
i. Causation of days & nights.
ii. A difference of one hour between two meridians which are 15° apart.
iii. Change in the direction of wind & ocean currents; Rise & fall of tides everyday.
iv. The longest day in North Hemisphere is June 21, while shortest day is on 22 Dec (Vice-
versa in S.Hemisphere).
v. Days & nights are almost equal at the equator.
Earth Revolution
 It is earth's motion in elliptical orbit around the sun. Earth's average orbital velocity is
29.79 Kilometers/s.
 Takes 365 days, 5 hrs, 48 min & 45.51 sec. It results in one extra day every fourth year

Revolution of the earth results in:

i. Change of seasons
ii. Variation in the lengths of days & nights at different times of the year
iii. Shifting of wind belts.
iv. Determination of latitudes.

 Extend from 8°N—12° N.
 Consists of 30 small islands, only 10 of which are populated.
 Population consists of moppilis from Kerala.
 Some islands are called Attol because of horseshoe shaped.
 Minicoy islands lie to the extreme south, it is the largest island of


 Extend from 6°39 'N to 13°34 'N.
 Consist of two groups-Andaman Group and Nicobar Group
 They are submerged part of Arakanyoma (Myanmar). It is a mountain range.
 10 channel separates Andaman from Nicobar.
 Little Andaman is separate from Great Andaman by Duncan passage.
 Great Nicobar is the largest island in the group.
 Saddle peak is the highest peak of Andaman and Nicobar island located in
North Andaman.
 Area is prone to earthquakes and tsunamis.
 Port Blair, the capital of Andaman and Nicobar Islands is situated in South
 The barren Island which is India's only active volcano is situated in the east of
Middle Andaman.
 Tribes: Onges, Senthelese, Jarawas, Shompens.
Biggest State Biggest UT

Area- 1st: Rajasthan, 2nd:Madhya Pradesh Area- Ladakh

3rd: Maharashtra, 4th : Uttar Pradesh

Population- Uttar Pradesh Population- New Delhi

Smallest State Smallest UT

Area- Goa Area-Lakshadweep

Population- Sikkim Population- Lakshadweep

1. Trans Himalaya : a) No Life
b) No Agriculture
2. Greater Himalaya : a) Every year Ice present
b) No Life
c) No Agriculture
3. Middle Himalaya : a) Half year Ice present
b) Life (Little Bit)
c) Agriculture Possible
4. Shivalik Himalaya/ Purvanchal Ranges : a)No year Ice present
b) Life (Present)
c) Agriculture Possible

Trans Himalaya
 Karakoram Mountains (Kashmir)
 Zanskar Mountains (Tibet)
 Ladakh Mountains (Ladakh)
 Kailash Mountains (Tibet)

Greater Himalaya (Himadri)

 Nanga Parbat (Kashmir)
 Bander punch Mountains (Uttarakhand)
 Nanda Devi Mountains (Uttarakhand)
 Annapurna Mountains (Nepal)
 Dhaula Giri Mountains (Nepal)
 Makalu Mountains (Tibet, China)
 Mount Everest Mountains (Nepal & Tibet)
 Kanchenjunga Mountains (Border of Sikkim & Tibet)

Middle Himalaya (Lesser Himalaya)

 Peer Panjal Mountains (J&K)
 Dhauladhar Mountains (Himachal Pradesh)
 Mussoorie Mountains (Uttarakhand)
 Mahabharata Mountains (Nepal)
 Nag Tibba Mountains (Uttarakhand)

Important ranges of Lesser Himalayas Region
The Pir Panjal Range Jammu and Kashmir (They are to the
south of Kashmir Vailey)

The Dhaula Dhar Range Himachal Pradesh

The Mussoorie Range and The Nag Tibba Uttarakhand

Mahabharat Lekh Nepal

 Nag Tibba : is the highest Peak in the lesser Himalaya Region of Uttarakhand State.
 Pir Panjal is known to be the Largest Range of the Lower Himalayas.
 Major Crop of the Lower Himalayas is ‘Potatoes’.

Shivalik Range (Outer Himalaya)

Region Name of Shiwaliks
Jammu Region Jamimu Hills

Dafla, Miri Abor and Mishmi Hills Arunachal Pradesh

The Dhang Range, Dundwa Range Uttarakhand

Mikir Assam
Churia Ghat Hills Nepal

Braille Manipur
Mizo Mizoram

Mount Everest
Regional name of Mount Everest Region

Sagarmatha (The Goddess of the Sky) Nepal

Chomlungma (Mother of the World) China (Tibet)

State Passes of Greater Himalayas

Jammu and 1 Burzil Pass

2. Pir Panjal Pass

Himachal Pradesh 1. Bara Lacha La

2. Shipki La [The Hindustan- Tibet Road

connecting Shimla with Gartok in Wastern

Uttarakhand 1. Thaga La
2. Niti Pass
3. Lipu Lekh
Sikkim 1. Nathu La

2 Jlep La [important trade route

connecting Kalimpong (near Darjeeling)
with Lhasa in Tibet, passes through Jelep
La [4.386 m)

China- Myanmar (lies on McMohan Line) Diphu Pass

Important Points to be Remembered

1) Patkoi Bum is the Eastern Range of Himalaya India.
2) Namcha Baruha is the Eastern Range of Himalaya Ranges. (world)
3) K2/ Godwin Austin is the Highest Mountain of India.
4) Kangchenjunga is the Highest Mountain in India.

Important Hills in India
Hills State
Baba Budan Hills Karnataka
Nilgiri Hills Tamil Nadu

Anamalai Hills Tamil Nadu

Anaimudi Hills Kerala

Agastyamalai Hills Tamil Nadu
Cardamom Hills Kerala
Varushnad Hills Tamil Nadu
Nagari Hills Andhra Pradesh

Nallamala Hills Andhra Pradesh

Mahendra Giri Hills Odisha

Palni Hills Tamil Nadu

 Valley- Land between 2 Mountains is called Valley.

Some Important Valleys-

 Between Peer Panjal & Greater Himalaya- Kashmir Valley
 Between Dhauladhar & Greater Himalaya- Kullu Valley
 Between Nagtibba & Greater Himalaya- Kangra Valley
 Between Mahabharat & Greater Himalaya- Kathmandu Valley

Plateau in India
 The Central Highland
 Malwa Plateau
 Bundelkhand
 Baghelkhand
 Chotanagpur Plateau
 The Deccan Plateau
 Deccan Trap
 Western Ghats
 Eastern Ghats
 North-East Extension

Central Highland
 Malwa Plateau
 Lies in Madhya Pradesh b/w Aravali & Vindhyas
 Extension of it is Bundelkhand, Bhaghelkhand & Chota Nagpur Plateau
 Bundelkhand Plateau
 Lies along the borders of UP & MP
 Has been transformed into ravines by extensive erosion activities of river
Chambal & its tributaries
 Chhotanagpur Plateau
 Includes Jharkhand, parts of Chhattisgarh & WB.
 Highest Peak Parasnath
 Famous as Patland plateau & known as Ruhr of India (because it is rich in
many minerals like Iron Ore & also called Mineral Heart Land.
Ruhr is in Germany & has World’s Largest Coalfield (Bituminous Coal)

Deccan Plateau
 Largest plateau in India: Lies to the south of the Narmada River; Shaped as inverted
 Surrounded by Satpura hills, Mahadeo hills, Maikala range, Amarkantak hills and
Rajmahal hills in the north; Western Ghats in the west and the Eastern Ghats in the
 Volcanic in origin, made up of horizontal layers of solidified lava forming trap
structure with step like appearance
 Sedimentary layers are also found in between the layers of solidified lava, making it
inter trapping in structure
 Average elevation of Western Ghats is 900-1600 metres; compared to 600 metres of
Eastern Ghats.
 Slopes towards east and south and descends abruptly towards west making
sahayadri ranges.
 The plateau is suitable for the cultivation of cotton; home to rich mineral resources
& a source to generate hydroelectric power.

 Western Ghats
 Folded parts of Deccan Plateau.
 Also known as Shayadries.
 More Continuous & higher than Eastern Ghats.
 Separated from coast by narrow coastal plains.
 Rich watersheds give birth to large peninsular rivers like Godavari and Krishna.
 Extends from Tapi in North to Kanyakumari in south.


 Eastern Ghats form a discontinuous line of hills Parallel to east coast.

 General altitude is 600 m.
 Width is 190km in north and 75 km is south.
 Its width decreases from north to south because Peninsular Plateau is triangle in
 Mahendragiri is the highest peak is in Odisha.
 It is not a source of any big river.
 It receives less rainfall.
 Hills from north to south-Nallamala- Erralmala- Velikonda- Palkonda -Javadi-
 It is known by different names at different places-
1. Northern circars north of Godavari.
2. Palkonda and Nallamala between Godavari and Palar river.
3. Shevaroy and Javadi as Tamil Nadu hills.

 Extend from Gujarat to Kerala.
 Known by different names at different states-1. Konkan in Gujarat and Goa
2. Kanara in Karnataka.
3. Malabar in Kerala.
 Plains are wider in south and narrower in the north.
 Garsopa falls (Jog falls) on Karnataka coast are highest in India.
 In Kerala, Coast has salt water lakes called lagoons.
 Ashtamudi and Vembanad are important lakes located here.

 Coastal strip along with Bay of Bengal is broader as compared to the Western
 Known as Utkal plains in Odisha.
 Chilka lagoon is located in Odisha.
 Kolleru lake lies in Andhra Pradesh.
 Pulicat lake is located here.
 Coromundal Coast is in Tamil Nadu in south.
 It is formed by alluvium brought by rivers.
 Rivers of this coastal plains are longer and less erosine.
 Rivers form deltas.
 This coast is prone to cyclone and floods.
 Ports are lesser than that of Fastern Coast Plains.

 Ocean Currents : Ocean currents are patterns of water movement and patterns
that influence climate zones and weather patterns around the world. They're
primarily driven by winds and by seawater density, although many other factors
including the shape and configuration of the ocean basin they flow through -
influence them.

 Types of Currents
1. Surface Water Current
2. Deep Water Current
 Surface Water Current : Surface currents refer to movement of the top layer of
ocean water - the upper 330 feet or so- primarily driven by wind. The large-scale
circulation of these surface currents roughly mirrors the large-scale circulation of air,
which most simply derives from unequal heating of the planet's surface by the sun.
Currents form rotating systems in the middle of major ocean systems called gyres.
Like the winds controlling them, these surface currents help redistribute heat at a
planetary scale: Generally speaking warm water flows toward the poles and cold
water flows toward the equator.
 Deep Water Current : Deep-water currents describe water movement patterns far
below the ocean's surface and the influence of the wind. Instead of airflow, these
currents primarily arise from variations in the density of seawater, controlled by its
temperature and salt content (salinity). Their movement forms thermohaline
circulation ("thermo" meaning temperature, "haline" meaning salinity) which crosses
ocean basins and links to surface currents in what's called the "global conveyor

Current & Tide
Currents can be distinguished from tides, regular increases and decreases in the level of
the sea surface. As the Earth rotates around the sun and the moon, the gravitational pull
of each celestial body causes ocean levels to be slightly deeper at certain times. This
creates high and low tides twice a day, which occur at different times in different parts of
the world. When the moon, sun, and Earth line up, particularly strong tides ("spring tides")
result that can dramatically affect water levels. The action created by tides can impact
both types of currents by modifying depth levels and water displacement.

Ancient Classification :
 Urvara [fertile]
 Usara [sterile]
Rivers bring minerals with them. And these minerals make alluvial soil fertile.
N- Nitrogen helps plant foliage to grow strong.
P- Phosphorous helps roots and flowers grow and develop.
K- Potassium (Potash) is important for overall plant health.

N- High nitrogen fertilizers will make for quick growth but weaker plants that are more
susceptible to attacks by diseases and pests. Fast, showy growth is not necessarily the best
thing for your plants.

P- Excessive soil phosphorus reduces the plant’s ability to take up required micronutrients,
particularly iron and zinc, even when soil tests show there are adequate amounts of those
nutrients in the soil.

K- Too much potassium can be unhealthy for plants because it affects the way the soil
absorbs other critical nutrients. Lowering soil potassium can also prevent excess
phosphorus from running into the waterways where it can increase growth of algae that
can eventually kill aquatic organisms.

1. Alluvial soil [43%]
2. Red soil [18.5%]
3. Black / regur soil [15%]
4. Arid / desert soil
5. Laterite soil
6. Saline soil
7. Peaty /marshy soil
8. Forest soil
9. Sub-mountain soil
10. Snowfields

 Mostly available soil in India (about 43%)
 Widespread in northern plains and river valleys.
 In peninsular-India, they are mostly found in deltas.
 Area of Alluvial: Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, U.P, Bihar, Chandigarh, Rajasthan, M.P,
West Bengal, Meghalaya, Assam, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala, Goa,
Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Odisha.
 Highly fertile.
 Indus-Ganga-Brahmaputra plain, Narmada- Tapi plain etc are examples.
 They are depositional soil transported and deposited by rivers, streams etc.
 Crops: Wheat, rice, maize, sugarcane, pulses, oilseed etc are cultivated .
 New alluvium is termed as Khadar and old alluvium is termed as bhangar.
 Colour: Light Grey to Ash Grey.
 Texture: Sandy to silty loam or clay.
 Rich in: potash
 Poor in: phosphorous.
 Bhabar, bhangar, khadar and terai are geological divisions of alluvial soils.
 Bhabar region lies along the foot of the Siwaliks from the Indus to the Tista. But Terai
belt lies to the south of Bhabhar and run parallel to it. Bhabhar comprises of pebble-
studded rocks in the shape of porous beds. But Terai is composed of comparatively
finer alluvium and is covered by forest.
 Bhabar: It is found in the foothills of Shivaliks. It is 8 to 16 kms wide.

 Seen mainly in low rainfall area.
 Also known as Omnibus group.
 Porous, friable structure.
 Area: Chhattisgarh, Tripura, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Karnataka,
Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Kerela.
 Absence of kankar (impure calcium carbonate).
 Deficient in: lime, phosphate, manganese, nitrogen, humus and potash.
 Colour: Red because of Ferric oxide. The lower layer is reddish yellow or yellow.
 Texture: Sandy to clay and loamy.
 Crops: Wheat, cotton, pulses, tobacco, oilseeds, potato etc are cultivated.


 Most of the Deccan is occupied by Black soil.
 Area of Black Cotton Soil: M.P, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Karnataka, Telangana, U.P,
Chhattisgarh, Andhra Pradesh.
 Mature soil.
 High water retaining capacity.
 Swells and will become sticky when wet and shrink when dried.
 Self-ploughing is a characteristic of the black soil as it develops wide cracks when
 Rich in: Iron, lime, calcium, potassium, aluminium and magnesium.
 Deficient in: Nitrogen, Phosphorous and organic matter. Colour: Deep black to light
 Texture: Clayey.
 Crops: Cotton, Wheat, Jowar, Linseed, Castor, Sunflower, Virginia, Tobacco &

 Name from Latin word 'Later' which means Brick.
 Become so soft when wet and so hard when dried.
 In the areas of high temperature and high rainfall.
 Area : Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Odisha, Telangana, West Bengal.
 Lime and silica will be leached away from the soil.
 Organic matters of the soil will be removed fast by the bacteria as it is high
temperature and humus will be taken quickly by the trees and other plants. Thus,
humus content is low.
 Rich in: Iron and Aluminium
 Deficient in: Nitrogen, Potash, Potassium, Lime, Humus
 Colour: Red colour due to iron & Aluminium.
 Crops: Rice, Ragi, Sugarcane and Cashew nuts are cultivated mainly.

 Salinity becomes a problem when enough salts accumulate in the root zone to
negatively affect plant growth.


 Seen under Arid and Semi-Arid conditions.
 Area of Arid Soil : Rajasthan, Gujarat
 Deposited mainly by wind activities.
 High salt content.
 Lack of moisture and Humus.
 Kankar or Impure Calcium carbonate content is high which restricts the infiltration
of water.
 Nitrogen is insufficient and Phosphate is normal.
 Texture: Sandy
 Colour: Red to Brown.
 Crops: Barley, Cotton, Wheat, Millets, Maize & Pulses.


 Areas of heavy rainfall and high humidity.
 A large quantity of dead organic matter/humus which makes the soil alkaline.
 Area: Kerala, Odisha, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Bihar, Uttaranchal.
 Heavy soil with black colour.
 Crops: This soil is best for crops like Rice, Oilseeds, Citrus, Tobacco, Sugarcane etc.

 Regions of high rainfall.
 Humus content is less and thus the soil is acidic.

 In the mountain regions of the country.
 Immature soil with low humus and acidic.


 Black - Iron, Aluminium, Humus
 Grey/ Blue Grey- Waterlogged Dry and. Wet
 Greenish- Sulphur
 Red- Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorous

Classification of Vegetation
 Tropical Evergreen and 'Semi Evergreen forests.
 Tropical Deciduous forests.
 Tropical Thorn forests.
 Montane forests.
 Littoral and Swamp forests.

Tropical Evergreen Forests

 Tropical evergreen forests are found in the regions that receive annual precipitation
of over 200 cm and mean annual temperature above 22°C.
 Tropical evergreen forests are found in the western slope of the Western Ghats, hills
of the north eastern region, and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
 In tropical evergreen forests, trees reach great heights, i.e.. up to 60 m or even
above. And, largely these trees do not have fixed time to shed their leaves.
 Major examples of evergreen forests are rosewood, Mahogany, Aini, ebony, etc.

Semi-evergreen Forests

 Semi-evergreen forests are a mixture of evergreen and moist deciduous trees,

found in the regions that receive less precipitation than the evergreen forests.
 Main species of semi evergreen white forests are cedar, hillock, and kail.

Tropical Deciduous Forests

 Tropical Deciduous Forests are the most widespread forests of India and are
popularly as Monsoon Forests.
 Tropical deciduous forests are found in the regions, which receive rainfall between
70 and 200cm.
 Tropical deciduous forests are further categorized as the Moist deciduous forests
and Dry deciduous forest.
 The moist deciduous forests are found in the regions, which record rainfall between
100 and 200 cm.
 The moist deciduous forests are found along the foothills of the Himalayas, eastern
slopes of the Western Ghats, and Odisha.

 Teak, sal, shisham, hurra, mahua, amla, semul, kusum, and sandalwood etc. are the
main species of the moist deciduous forests.
 Dry deciduous forests are found in the regions that receive precipitation between
70 and 100cm.
 As the dry season begins, the trees of deciduous forests shed their leaves
 Tendu, palas, amaltas, bel, khair, axlewood, etc. are the major trees of dry
deciduous forests.

Tropical Thorn Forests

 Tropical thorn forests are found in the areas, which receive rainfall less than 50 cm.
 Tropical thorn forests are found in the areas of south west Punjab Haryana,
Rajasthan, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, and Uttar Pradesh.
 Babool, ber, and wild date: palm, khair, neem, khejri, palas, etc. are the important
species of tropical thorn forests.

Mountain Forests

 Mountain forests in India are normally classified into two types, i.e. the northern
mountain forests and the southern mountain forests.
 Deciduous forests are found in the foothills of the Himalayas.
 Temperate forests found between an altitude of 1,000 and 2,000m.
 In the higher hill ranges of northeastern India, for example, hilly areas of West
Bengal and Uttaranchal, evergreen broad leaf trees such as oak and chestnut are
 Chir deodar pine, etc. are the important species of temperate forests.
 Between 3,000 and 4,000m. Silver firs, junipers, pines, birch, and rhododendrons, etc.
are found.
 However, at higher altitude, the tundra vegetation is found and major species are
mosses and lichens.
 At a higher altitude, the southern mountain forests largely belong to the temperate
type, which are locally known as 'Sholas in the Nilgiris, Anaimalai, and Palani hills.
 Some of the trees of economic significance include magnolia, laurel, cinchona,
and wattle.

Littoral and Swamp Forests
 India is rich in Littoral and Swamp Forests.
 Chilika Lake (in Odisha) and Keoladeo National Park (in Bharatpur, Rajasthan) are
protected as water-fowl habitats under the Convention of Wetlands of International
Importance (i.e. Ramsar Convention).
 Mangrove grows along the coasts in the salt marshes, tidal creeks, mud flats, and
estuaries; and, it has a number of salt-tolerant species of plants.
 In India, the mangrove forests spread over 6,740 sq. km, which is 7% of the world's
mangrove forests.
 Mangroves are largely found in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands and the
Sunderbans of West Bengal.

India is known as the land of rivers. There are seven major rivers (Indus, Brahmaputra,
Narmada, Tapi, Godavari, Krishna and Mahanadi along with their numerous tributaries
that make up the river system of India.
 Rivers in India can be categorized in many ways out of which some prominent ways
1. Perennial and Non-Perennial River
2. East flowing Vs West flowing Rivers
3. On the basis of their origin

Perennial River - Rivers that flow throughout the year are called perennial river. They
usually originate from mountains. They are also known as Permanent River. Almost all the
rivers originating in the Himalayan region are perennial rivers. They are found in regions
with humid climate where evaporation rates are much lesser than the rainfall. Perennial
rivers include The Ganges and The Yamuna.
Non-Perennial River - Rivers which do not have a constant flow throughout the year are
known as non-perennial rivers. It mainly consists of those rivers which flow only during the
rainy season and usually originate in plateau region. They are also called Periodic Rivers.
These rivers are found in areas with arid climates where evaporation tends to be greater
than precipitation. Examples of Non-perennial river are Godavari,, Krishna, Kaveri, etc
East flowing Vs West flowing river: If the river falls into Bay of Bengal then it is east flowing
river whereas if it drains into Arabian Sea then it is west flowing river.
On the basis of their origin : There are three main sources form which rivers originate and
they are:
1. The Himalaya and the Karakoram ranges.
2. Vindhya and Satpura ranges and Chotanagpur plateau in central India.
3. Sahyadri or Western Ghats in western India.

INDUS River System
 INDUS River : West Flowing River
 Origin: Chemayungdung Glacier
 Length: 3180 Km
 Place: Bokhar Chu Glacier Range: Kailash Range (Home of Lord Shiva)
 Location: Tibet
 Route: Tibet>> India >> Pakistan
 India Entry: Damchauk (J&K)
 India Exit: Chillas (POK)
 Flows Between Ladakh & Zansker Range
 It makes Gorge (V Shape Valley) in POK Region
 Ends – Arabian Sea from Karachi

 Chenab/Chandrabagh : Largest Tributary of INDUS
 Origin: Baralacha pass
 End : Indus
 Length: 960km
 Jhelum:
 Origin: Peer panjal Range (J&K)
 End : Jhang District (Indus)
 Length: 725 Km
 Ravi/ Parushani:
 Origin: Rohtang pass, Chamba (H.P)
 End: Indus
 Length: 720 Km
 Satluz /Shatudri:
 Origin: Mt. Kailash ( Tibet)
 End : Indus
 Length: 1450 Km
 Beas/ Vipasha :
 Origin: Rohtang La pass (H.P)
 End: Indus
 Length: 470 Km

Ganga River System

 GANGA River :
 Origin: Gangotri Glacier (Nanda Devi Mountains)
 Route: Haridwar > Varanasi > Pryagraj > Kanpur > Ghazipur > Patna > Kolkata.
 End: Bay of Bengal
 Length: 2525 km

 Yamuna : Longest Tributary of Ganga
 Origin: Yamnotri Glacier (champasar Range)
 End: Sangam ( Triveni, Prayagraj)
 Length: 1376 Km
 Alaknanda :
 Origin: Sathopant Glacier (Uttarakhand)
 Length: 195 Km
 Gandak / Narayani :
 Origin: Nhubine Glacier (Nepal)
 Length: 814 Km
 Sone :
 Origin: Amarkantak Hills ( M.P)
 Length: 784 Km

 Gomti :
 Origin: Gomat Tal (U.P)
 Length: 475 km
 Kosi :
 Origin: Sunkosi Glacier (Tibet)
 Length: 729 km
 Route: Tibet > Nepal > India
 Meets Ganga at: Kursela (Bihar)
 Ghaghra : Largest Tributary
 Origin: Mansarovar Lake
 Length: 1080 km
 Meets Ganga at: Chapra (Bihar)

Yamuna River System

 The Yamuna River is the largest tributary of the Ganga River.
 Origin- From the Yamunotri glacier, at the Bandarpoonch peak in
 Tributaries - Sindh, Hindon, Betwa Ken, Banas and Chambal.
 The Tons is the largest tributary of the Yamuna.
 Route: The catchment of the river extends to the states of Delhi, Himachal
Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Rajasthan, and Madhya Pradesh.
 End- It meets Ganga at Prayagraj & Ganga finally ends at Bay of Bengal.

 Brahmaputra River : Also called as RED River.
 Origin : Chomayungdung Glacier (Tibet)
 Route: Tibet > India > Bangladesh
 It is called Jamuna in Bangladesh.
 Majuli (Assam) is the biggest River Island in the
world located in Brahmaputra River.
 Length: 2900km
 Length in INDIA : 900 km
 Before flowing into Bay of Bengal it Join Meghna & adopt its name.
 End : Bay of Bengal
 Nyang :
 Origin: China
 Length: 307 km
 Parlung / Yarlung :
 Origin: Tibet
 Length: 284 km
 Largest Tributary
 Kolong :
 Origin: Assam
 Length: 212km

 Lhasa :
 Origin: China (Nyenchen Mountain)
 Length: 440 km
 Rich in Minerals : Gold, Copper, Borax

 Dhansiri :
 Origin: Laisang Peak (Nagaland)
 Length: 352km
 Lohit :
 Origin: Tibet
 Length: 440 km
 Manas :
 Origin: Himalaya
 Length: 400km
 Beki :
 Origin: Bhutan
 Length: 85 km
 Teesta : (India-Nepal issue on Teesta)
 Origin: Tso Lhamo Lake (Sikkim)
 Length: 315 km

 Raidok :
 Origin: Himalaya (Bhutan)
 Via India meets Bangladesh
 Length:370 km
 Kameng :
 Origin: Glacial Lake (Indo-Tibet Border)
 Length: 264 km
 Jaldhaka :
 Origin: Bitang Lake (Sikkim)
 Via Bhutan meets Brahmaputra at Assam.
 Length: 186 km
 Subansiri : Longest Tributary of Brahmaputra
 Origin: Tibet
 Length: 442 km
 Route: Arunachala Pradesh > Assam (Jamurighat- meets with Brahmaputra)

Godavari River System

 Godavari River :
 Origin : Trembakeshwar (Maharashtra)
 Route: Maharashtra > Telangana > Chhattisgarh > Andhra Pradesh > odisha
 Length: 1465 km
 End : Bay of Bengal

 Peinganga :
 Origin: Aurangabad (Maharashtra)
 Length: 675 km
 Meets to another River at : Chandrapur

 Weinganga :
 Origin: Mahadev Hills (M.P)
 Length: 570 km
 Meets to another River at : Chandrapur
 Wardha :
 Origin: satpura Range (M.P)
 Length: 528 km
 Meets to another River at : Chandrapur

 Pranhita : Largest Tributary of Godavari

 Origin: Kautla (Maharashtra)
 Length: 113 km
 Meets to Godavari River at : Chunnar (Telangana)

 Purna :
 Origin: satpura Range (M.P-Betul District)
 Length: 334 km
 Meets to Godavari River at: Kamteshwar (Maharashtra + Telangana Border)
 Purvara :
 Origin: Ahmad Nagar (Maharashtra)
 Length: 208 km
 Meets to Godavari River at: Sholapur (Maharashtra)
 Manzira : Longest Tributary of Godavari
 Origin: Beed District (Maharashtra)
 Length: 725 km
 Route: Maharashtra > Karnataka > Telangana
 Meets to Godavari River at: Telangana (Rural Area)
 Sabri :
 Origin: Sinkaram Hills (Eastern Ghats-Odisha)
 Length: 420 km
 Meets to Godavari River at: Kunavaram (Telangana)
 Indravati :
 Origin: Dandkaranya (Eastern Ghats-Odisha)
 Length:535 km
 Meets to Godavari River at: Bijapur (Chhattisgarh)

Krishna River System

 Krishna River :
 Origin : Mahabaleshwar (Maharashtra)
 Length: 1400 km
 End: Bay of Bengal

 Tunga Bhadra : Largest Tributary of Krishna
 Length: 531 km
 Tunga River :
 Origin: Varah Parvat (Karnataka)
 Meets to Krishna River at : Sagameshwar Village ( Andhra Pradesh)
 Bhadra River :
 Origin: Anant Giri Hills (Karnataka
 Meets to Krishna River at : Koodli District (Karnataka)
 Bhima : Longest Tributary of Krishna
 Origin: Bhimshankar Jyotirling (Maharashtra)
 Length: 860 km
 Meets to Krishna River at : Nivruthi Sangam ( Karnataka Border)
 Ghata Prabha :
 Origin: Sidhudurg (Maharashtra)
 Length: 283 km
 Meets to Krishna River at : Chik Sangam (Begalkut District, Karnataka)

 Malprabha :
 Origin: Belagum District (Karnataka)
 Length: 300 km
 Meets to Krishna River at : Kundal Sangam ( Begalkut District )
 Musi :
 Origin: Anant Giri Hills (Telangana)
 Length: 240 km
 Meets to Krishna River at : Wadabally (Telangana)
 HYDERABAD is situated on Musi River.

 Koyna :
 Origin: Mahabaleshwar (Maharashtra)
 Length: 130 km
 Meets to Krishna River at : Priti Sangam (Maharashtra)

Cauvery / Kaveri River System

 Kaveri River :
 Origin : Talkaveri, Brahmagiri Hills (Karnataka)
 Route: Karnataka > Tamil Nadu
 Length: 800 km
 End: Bay of Bengal

 Bhavani : Largest Tributary of Kaveri
 Origin: Nilgiri Mt. Ranges (Tamil Nādu)
 Length: 215 km
 Meets to Kaveri at : Kooduthurai (Tamil Nādu)
 Amravati : Longest Tributary of Kaveri
 Origin: Mujampatti Valley
 Length: 282 km
 Meets to Kaveri at : Karur District (Tamil Nadu)
 Hemavati :
 Origin: Balur (Chikamanglore - Karnataka)
 Length: 245 km
 Meets to Kaveri at : Krishna Raj Sagar (Karnataka)
 Harangi : Smallest Tributary of Kaveri
 Origin: Pushpa Giri Hills (Karnataka)
 Length: 50 km
 Meets to Kaveri at : Kudigue (Karnataka)
 Kabini :
 Origin: Waynod District (Kerala)
 Length: 240 km
 Meets to Kaveri at : Trimakudalu (Mysore, Karnataka)

 Suvarnawati :
 Origin: Nasur Ghat Hills (Mysore)
 Length: 90 km
 Meets to Kaveri at : Badibagda (Karnataka)
Important Points :
1. Narmada—Longest Westward Flowing River.
2. Brahmaputra – known as Yarlung Tsangpo in Tibet.
3. Ganga known as Padma in Bangladesh.


 It is located mainly in Madhya Pradesh.
 The Narmada River is also known as the Rewa River.
 Origin- From Maikala range near Amarkantak.
 It is a West flowing river.
 Route: It flows through Gujarat, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, and Maharashtra.
 Tributaries of Narmada River- Kolar River, Shakkar River, Dudhi River, Tawa River, and
Hiran River.
 Major Hydro Power Projects in this river Maheshwar Dam, Sardar Sarovar Dam, and
Indira Gandhi Sagar Dam.
 End: At Arabian Sea.


 It is located mainly in Madhya Pradesh.

 Origin-From Multai reserve forest.
 It is a West flowing river.
 Route: It flows through Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Gujarat.
 Tributaries of Tapti River- The Suki, the Gomai, the Arunavati, the Vaghur, the
Amravati, the Purna, the Mona, and the Sipna.
 Major Hydro Power Projects on this river- Kakrapar Dam, Ukai Dam, Girna Dam
 End: At Arabian Sea

Continents of World
Asia Africa N. S. Europe Australia Antarctica
America America

Area 29.9 % 20.2 % 16.3 % 11.9 % 6.7 % 5.2% 8.9%

Highest Mt. Kilimanjaro Mt. Ojesdel Mt. Mt. Mt.

Peak Everest (5895m) Makenly Salado Albrush Kyusku Winson
(8852m) (6190m) (7084m) (5640m) (2228m) (5140m)
Lowest Dead Aasal Death Velds Caspian Ayre Bental
Point Sea Lake Valley Peninsula Sea Lake Trench

Largest Yangtze Nile Missori Amazon Volga Murry ---

River Darling

Smallest Maldives Meoti St. Piere Folkland Vetican Nauru ---

Country Island City

Largest China Alegria Canada Brazil Russia Australia -----


 Continents : Asia> Africa> Europe> N. America> S. America> Australia>Antarctica

Area Wise
 Continents : Asia> Africa> Europe> N. America> S. America> Antarctica> Australia
Population Wise

 Order of Oceans Area, Volume, Depth Wise:

Pacific Ocean > Atlantic Ocean > Indian Ocean > Southern Ocean > Artic Ocean.
 Order of Oceans Coastal Line Wise :

Pacific Ocean > Atlantic Ocean > Indian Ocean > Artic Ocean > Southern Ocean.

World’s Important Tribes
Tribe Place
Bindubu Australia

Negro Africa

Red Indian North America

Barbbar Africa

Bantu Africa

Chukchi Siberia (Russia)

Fin Europe

Beja Africa

Amerind America

Fellah Africa

Ainu Japan

Batwa Africa

Alklauf S. America

Kurd Iran, Iraq, Syria, Qatar & Philippines

Yuma N. America

Nagonda Africa

Laai Myanmar

Maori NewZealand

World’s Highest Peak
Peak Height Location

Mt. Everest 8852m Nepal-Tibet

K2 (Godwin Austin) 8611m India

Kanchenjunga 8586m Nepal-India

Lhotse 8516m Nepal-Tibet

Makalu 8466m Nepal-Tibet

Cho -yu 8201m Nepal-Tibet

Dhaulagiri 8167m Nepal

Mansalu 8163m Nepal

Nanga Parbat 8126m India (J&K)

Annapurna 8091m Nepal

Highest Peak of Ranges
Ranges Continent Highest Peak

Himalaya Asia Mt. Everest

Alpus Middle Europe Mt. Blank

Los Andes S. America Aconcagua

Rocky N. America Mt. Elbert

Ural Asia, Europe Gova Narodnaya

Atlas Africa Jewel Toubkal

Alpesian N. America Mt. Michale

Tienshan Russia (Asia Region) Poveda

Trans. Antarctica Antarctica Winson Massif

Alaska U.S Mt. Makenly

Apinnei Italy Mt. Corno Grand

Seera Medre Mexico Mt. Toipic

Zagros Iran Mt. Zadkoh

Drakensberg Africa Dwanaya Teleneya

Kamchatka Russia Mt. Sopka

Great Dividing Range Australia Mt. Kyousku

Important Lakes
Lake Location Length

Caspian Sea Russia/ Azerbaijan / Iran / 1200 km

Turkmenistan / Kazakhstan
Superior Canada 616 km

Victoria Uganda / Tanjania 310 km

Huron Canada 400 km

Michigan N. America 494 km

Aral Uzbekistan / Kazakhstan 425 km

Tanjayika Tanzania 670 km

Baikal Russia 635 km

Great Bear Canada 375 km

Nyasa Malawi - Tanzania 380 km

Great Slave Canada 480 km

Chad Mexico 650 km

Erie Canada 390 km

Winnipeg Canada 425 km

Ontario Canada 300 km

International Boundaries
Boundary Countries
Red Cliff India – Pakistan

McMohan India – China

Maginot Germany – France

Blue Line Lebanon – Israel

Green Line / Cyprus – Turkey

Attila line
Mannehirem Russia – Finland

Durand Pakistan – Afghanistan

Hindenburg Poland – Germany

17 th Parallel N. Vietnam – S. Vietnam

20th Parallel Sudan – Libya

22nd Parallel Sudan - Egypt

25th Parallel Mauritania - Mali

31st Parallel Iran - Iraq

38th Parallel S. Korea – N. Korea

49th Parallel U.S. - Canada

24th Parallel India – Pakistan (Gujarat)

Seizefired Line France - Germany

Important Thermal Power Plants
Power Plants Location

Mundra Gujarat (Run of kutch)

Sipat Chhattisgarh (Bilaspur)

Talcher Odisha (Angul)

Vindhyachal M.P (Singrauli)

Rihand U.P (Sonbhadra)

Sikka Gujarat (Jamnagar)

Tiroda Maharashtra (Gondia)

Satpura M.P (satpura)

Durgapur West Bengal (Durgapur)

Wanakbori Gujarat (Mahisagar)

Anpara U.P (Sonbhadra)

Korba Chhattisgarh (Korbha)

 Maximum Thermal Power Plants are in – Gujarat.

 Biggest Thermal Power Plant in India- Vindhyachal (4760 MW)

Major National Highways
National Highway Route Length

NH 1 Delhi to Amritsar 456 km

NH 2 Delhi to Kolkata 1465 km

NH 3 Agra to Mumbai 1161 km

NH 4 Mumbai to Chennai 1235 km

NH 5 Jharpokhria (Odisha) to Chennai 1533 km

NH 6 Kolkata to Hazira(Gujrat) 1949 km

NH 7 Varanasi to Kanyakumari 2369 km

NH 8 Delhi to Mumbai 2807 km

NH 9 Delhi- Meerut Expressway 82 km

Ancient Name of Cities
Current Name Ancient Name

Prayagraj Allahabad/ Prayagraj

Chennai Madras

Guwahati Gauhati

Kojhikod Kaalikat

Lucknow Lakhnauti

Patna Patliputra

Panji Panjim

Saket Faizabad

Vadodara Baroda

Vishakhapatnam Vijayapatnam

Kanpur Cawnpore

Delhi Indraprastha

Kolkata Culcatta

Ahmadabad Karnavati

Mumbai Bombay

Pune Poona

Ranchi Kishunpur

Varanasi Banaras

Bengaluru Banglore

Top Spices Producer States
Crop Producer State

Saffron Jammu & Kashmir

Black Pepper Kerela

Cardamom Kerela

Ginger Kerela

Cumin Rajasthan

Clove Tamil Nadu

Chili Andhra Pradesh

Turmeric Andhra Pradesh

Coriander Rajasthan

Fenugreek Rajasthan

Garlic Gujrat

Top Fruits Producer States
Fruit Producer State

Mango Uttar Pradesh

Banana Maharashtra

Grapes Maharashtra

Guava Jharkhand

Gooseberry Uttar Pradesh

Papaya Andhra Pradesh

Coconut Kerela

Orange Maharashtra

Apple J&K

lychee Bihar

Pomegranate Maharashtra

Pear Himanchal Pradesh

Cashew Kerela

National Parks
S.No. National Park State Established

1 Papikonda National Park Andhra Pradesh 2008

2 Rajiv Gandhi National Park Andhra Pradesh 2005

3 Sri Venkateswara National Park Andhra Pradesh 1989

4 Kasu Brahmananda Reddy Telangana 1994

National Park
5 Mahavir Harina Vanasthali Telangana 1994
National Park
6 Mrugavani National Park Telangana 1994

7 Namdapha National Park Arunachal Pradesh 1983

8 Mouling National Park Arunachal Pradesh 1986

9 Dibru-Saikhowa National Park Assam 1999

10 Kaziranga National Park Assam 1974

11 Manas National Park Assam 1990

12 Nameri National Park Assam 1998

13 Rajiv Gandhi Orang National Park Assam 1999

14 Valmiki National Park Bihar 1989

15 Indravati National Park Chhattisgarh 1982

16 Kanger Valley National Park Chhattisgarh 1982

17 Guru Ghasi Das (Sanjay) National Chhattisgarh 1981

18 Bhagwan Mahavir (Mollem) Goa 1992
National Park
19 Blackbuck National Park, Gujarat 1976

20 Gir Forest National Park Gujarat 1975

S.No. National Park State Established

21 Marine National Park, Gulf of Kutch Gujarat 1982

22 Vansda National Park Gujarat 1979

23 Kalesar National Park Haryana 2003

24 Sultanpur National Park Haryana 1989

25 Pin Valley National Park Himachal Pradesh 1987

26 Great Himalayan National Park Himachal Pradesh 1984

27 Inderkilla National Park Himachal Pradesh 2010

28 Khirganga National Park Himachal Pradesh 2010

29 Simbalbara National Park Himachal Pradesh 2010

30 Dachigam National Park Jammu and Kashmir 1981

31 Hemis National Park Jammu and Kashmir 1981

32 Kishtwar National Park Jammu and Kashmir 1981

33 Salim Ali National Park Jammu and Kashmir 1992

34 Betla National Park Jharkhand 1986

35 Bandipur National Park Karnataka 1974

36 Bannerghatta National Park Karnataka 1974

37 Kudremukh National Park Karnataka 1987

38 Nagarhole (Rajiv Gandhi) National Karnataka 1988

39 Anshi national park Karnataka 1987

40 Eravikulam National Park Kerala 1978

S.No. National Park State Established

41 Mathikettan Shola National Park Kerala 2003

42 Periyar National Park Kerala 1982

43 Silent Valley National Park Kerala 1984

44 Anamudi Shola National Park Kerala 2003

45 Pambadum Shola National Park Kerala 2003

46 Bandhavgarh National Park Madhya Pradesh 1968

47 Kanha National Park Madhya Pradesh 1955

48 Madhav National Park Madhya Pradesh 1959

49 Mandla Plant Fossils National Park Madhya Pradesh 1983

50 Panna National Park Madhya Pradesh 1981

51 Pench (Priyadarshini) National Park Madhya Pradesh 1975

52 Sanjay National Park Madhya Pradesh 1981

53 Satpura National Park Madhya Pradesh 1981

54 Van Vihar National Park Madhya Pradesh 1979

55 Dinosaur National Park Madhya Pradesh 2010

56 Chandoli National Park Maharashtra 2004

57 Gugamal National Park Maharashtra 1975

58 Navegaon National Park Maharashtra 1975

59 Sanjay Gandhi (Borivilli) National Park Maharashtra 1983

60 Todoba National Park Maharashtra 1955

S.No. National Park State Established

61 Pench National Park Maharashtra 1975

62 Keibul Lamjaa National Park Manipur 1977

63 Balphakram National Park Meghalaya 1985

64 Nokrek National Park Meghalaya 1986

65 Murlen National Park Mizoram 1991

66 Phawngpui Blue Mountain National Mizoram 1992

67 Intanki National Park Nagaland 1993

68 Bhitarkanika National Park Odisha 1988

69 Simlipal National Park Odisha 1980

70 Sariska National Park Rajasthan 1982

71 Ranthambore National Park Rajasthan 1980

72 Mukundra Hills (Darrah) National Park Rajasthan 2006

73 Desert National Park Rajasthan 1992

74 Keolodeo Ghona National Park Rajasthan 1981

75 Khangchendzonga National Park Sikkim 1977

76 Mudumalai National Park Tamil Nadu 1990

77 Mukurthi National Park Tamil Nadu 1990

78 Indira Gandhi (Annamalai) National Tamil Nadu 1989

79 Guindy National Park Tamil Nadu 1976

80 Gulf of Mannar Marine National Park Tamil Nadu 1980

Indian Cities on River Bank
City River State

Gangakhed Godavari Maharashtra

Agra Yamuna Uttar Pradesh

Ahmedabad Sabarmati Gujarat

Allahabad Ganga, Yamuna, Saraswati Uttar Pradesh

Ayodhya Badrinath Saryu Uttar Pradesh

Badrinath Alaknanda Uttarakhand

Kolkata Hooghly West Bengal

Cuttack Mahanadi Odisha

New Delhi Yamuna Delhi

Dibrugarh Brahmaputra Assam

Firozpur Sutlej Punjab

Guwahati Brahmaputra Assam

Haridwar Ganges Uttarakhand

Hyderabad Musi Telangana

Jabalpur Narmada Madhya Pradesh

Kota Chambal Rajasthan

Jammu Tawi J&K

Jaunpur Gomti Uttar Pradesh

Rajahmundry Godavari Andhra Pradesh

Srinagar Jhelum Jammu & Kashmir

City River State

Surat Tapi Gujarat

Varanasi Ganges Uttar Pradesh

Vijayawada Krishna Andhra Pradesh

Mathura Yamuna Uttar Pradesh

Modasa Mazum Gujarat

Mirzapur Ganga Uttar Pradesh

Morbi Mochchu Gujarat

Auraiya Yamuna Uttar Pradesh

Etawah Yamuna Uttar Pradesh

Bangalore Vrishabhavathi Karanataka

Farrukhabad Ganges Uttar Pradesh

Rangpo Teesta Sikkim

Shimoga Tungo River Karnataka

Bhadravathi Bhadra Karnataka

Hospet Tungabhadra Karnataka

Gwalior Chamboi Madhya Pradesh

Gorakhpur Ropti Uttar Pradesh

Lucknow Gomti Uttar Pradesh

Malegaon Girna River Maharashtra

Sombalpur Mahanadi Odisha

City River State

Paton Saraswati Gujarat

Thiruchiropa Kaveri Tamil Nadu

Bharuch Narmada Gujarat

Nashik Godavari Maharashtra

Kolhapur Panchaganon Maharashtra

Kurnool Tungabhadra Andhra Pradesh

Nizamabad Godavari Telangana

Sonali Krishng Maharashtra

Ujjain Shipra Madhya Pradesh

 Longest Straits : Strait of Malacca (800 km) connects the Andaman Sea with the
South China Sea (Pacific Ocean).
 Narrowest Strait: Strait of Bosphorus connecting the Black Sea with the Marmara
 Bering Strait: separates Asia from America.
 Bass Strait: separates Australia from Tasmania.
 Gibraltar Strait: Separates Africa from Europe.

Name Separates Connects

Bering Strait Asia and North America East Siberian Sea with Bering

La Parouse Strait Sakhalin Island & Hokkaido Sea of OKhotsk with Sea of
Island Japan

Tata Strait Eastern Russia and Sakhalin Sea of OKhotsk with Sea of

Korea Strait South Korea and Kyushu (Japan) Yellow Sea with Sea of Japan

Formosa Strait (Taiwan Taiwan & China East China Sea with South
Strait) China Sea

Luzon Strait Taiwan & Luzon (phillippines) South China Sea with Pacific

Makassar Strait Borneo (Kalimantan) & Celebes Celebes Sea with Java Sea
Sundra Strait Java and Sumatra Java Sea with India Ocean

Malacca Strait Malaya Peninsula and Sumatra Java Sea with Bay of Bengal

Strait of Jahore Singapore & Malaysia South China Sea with strait of
Strait of Hormuz UAE and Iran Persian Gulf with Gulf of
Strait of Bosporus Asia and Europe Black Sea with Sea of

Strait of Dardanelles Asia and Europe Sea of Marmara with

Mediterranean Sea

Important Passes of India
 Passes in JAMMU & KASHMIR

 Banihal Pass:
Across the Pir Panjal Range After Jawahar Tunnel (1956) no longer used for road
 Pir Panjal Pass: Also called Pir ki Gali.
 Burzil Pass:
Best-known route connecting Gilgit & Srinagar
Now a conflict territory and partitioned

 Passes in LADAKH
 Zoji La:
Zanskar Range.
Connects Srinagar with Kargil and Leh town
Part of NH1
 Pensi La -Known as the Gateway to Zanskar.

 Khardung La :
Ladakh Range - gateway to Shyok and Nubra valleys.
Used to carry supplies to Siachen Glacier.

 Umling La - World's highest motorable pass in Ladakh

Passing through Uminlga top)
Height of over 19,300 feet (Khardung La-2nd highest)
Constructed by Border Roads Organisation (under its Project Himank)

 Passes in LADAKH
 Mintaka Pass - Means 'thousand goats'.
Near trijunction of India-China and Afghanistan border.

 Aghil Pass - Karakoram Range - near K2 peak

 Qara Tag La - Karakoram Range

 Lanak La - Located in the disputed Aksai-Chin area


 Shipki La:
Located on Indo-China border
Passes through Jhelum Gorge
Link between Himachal Pradesh and Tibet region

 Debsa Pass - link between Kullu & Spiti

 Rohtang Pass- link between Kullu, Lahul & Spiti valleys of Himachal Pradesh

 Bara Lacha La - Zanskar Range

Connects Himachal Pradesh with Ladakh
situated along the Leh-Mandi Highway.


 Lipu Lekh :
Near trijunction of India, Tibet and Nepal borders.
Pilgrims use this pass to reach Kailash-Mansarowar.

 Mana Pass - connects Uttarakhand with Tibet.

 Niti Pass - connects Uttarakhand with Tibet region.

 Muling La - situated North of Gangotri.

 Passes in SIKKIM

 Jelep La :
Lies at Sikkim-gives way to Bhutan
Route that connects Lhasa to India
Tista River has created this pass

 Nathu La -situated on India China border.

Important auxiliary route making up the ancient Silk Route
Nathu La connects Sikkim with Tibet region.
This pass was closed after Indo-China war in 1962 but was reopened in 2006.


 Diphu pass - Lies on the trijunction of India, China and Myanmar.

Lies on Macmohan Line.

 Bom Di La - connects Arunachal Pradesh with Lhasa (Tibet)

 Yonggyap pass- on Indo-China border and joins Arunachal Pradesh with Tibet

 Passes in RAJASTHAN

 Goram Ghat–
Located in the Aravali Range
Connects Mewar and Marwar
Connects Udaipur with Sirohi and Jalore

 Haldighati Pass :
Located in the Aravali Range - Connects Rajsamand and Pali.
Historically very significant-famous Battle of Haldighati took place (1576) between
of Mewar (army led by Maharana Pratap) and Mughal emperor Akbar's general
Man Singh of Amer.
Turmeric-coloured yellow soil of the area.


 Asirgarh Pass : Satpura Range

Popularly Known as Dakkani Darwaza or Doorway to the Deccan/ Key to the
Connects North India with Deccan Plateau.
Connects the Narmada and Tapti Valleys.

 Passes in Western Ghats (MAHARASHTRA)

 Thal Ghat : Northern Sahyadri , Links Nasik to Mumbai.

 Bhor Ghat - In Northern Sahyadri & Links Mumbai to Pune

 Passes in Western Ghats (Kerala)

 Pal Ghat : Also called Palakkad Gap

Between Nilgiri and Annamalai hills.
Connects (Kochi) Kerala to (Chennai) Tamil Nadu

 Senkota Pass -
Between the Nagercoil and the Cardamom hills.
Links Thiruvanathpuram (Kerala) and Madurai (Tamil Nadu)

Projects of India

S. Name of the Project Location State Purpose

1. Omkareshwar Narmada River M.P Hydropower &
2. Tapovan-Vishnugarh Alaknanda River U.P Hydroelectricity

3. Pamba Project Pamba River Kerala River

Conservation &
4. Gima Project Gima River Maharahtra Irrigation & River
5. Daman Project River Daman Ganga Gujarat Irrigation & River
6. Farakka Project Ganga West Bengal Irrigation

7. Tehri Project Bhagirathi River Uttarakhand Hydroelectricity

8. Loktak Project Loktak Lake Manipur Hydroelectricity

9. Papanasam Project Thamirabarani River Tamil Nadu Hydroelectricity

10. Rana Pratap Sagar Chambal River Rajasthan Hydroelectricity

11. Pallivasal Project Munnar Abuja River Kerala Hydroelectricity

12. Mettur Project Kaveri River Tamil Nadu Hydroelectricity

13. Mayurakshi Project Mayurakshi River West Bengal Irrigation,

14. Sharda Sahayak Beas River Punjab & Hydroelectricity
15. Sardar Sarovar Project Narmada River Gujarat & M.P Irrigation,
16. Bansagar Project Son River M.P & Irrigation
17. Dul Hasti Project Chenab River J&K Hydroelectricity

18. Salal Project Chenab River J&K Hydroelectricity

19. Theri Dam Ravi River Punjab Irrigation,

20. MalaPrabha Project MalaPrabha River Karanataka Irrigation

S. Name of the Project Location State Purpose
21. Jayakwadi Project Godavari River Maharashtra Irrigation

22. Beas Project Beas River Punjab & Hydroelectricity

23. Nagarjun Project Krishna River Andhra Pradesh Irrigation

24. Pochampad Project River Godavari Andhra Pradesh Irrigation

25. Lower Sileru Project Sileru River Andhra Pradesh Hydroelectricity

26. Kakrapur Project Tapi River Gujarat Irrigation

27. Kothagudem Project Singreni Coal Fields Andhra Pradesh Thermal Power

28. Kosi Project Kosi River Bihar Flood Control,

29. Gandak Project Gandak River U.P & Bihar Irrigation,
30. Dhuvaran Power Kheda District Gujarat Thermal Power
31. Sabarigiri Project Pamba-kakki River Kerala Hydroelectricity

32. Idukki Project Periyar, Cheruthoni, Kerala Hydroelectricity

Idukki River
33. Chambal Project Chambal River Rajasthan, M.P Irrigation

34. Tawa Project Narmada(Tawa) M.P Irrigation

35. Korba Project Near Korba Chhattisgarh Thermal Power
36. Satpura Power Station Patharkada M.P Thermal Power
37. Koyna Project Koyna River Maharashtra Hydroelectricity

38. Nagpur Power Station Koradi, Near Nagpur Maharashtra Thermal Power

39. TungaBhadra Project TungaBhadra River Karanataka, Irrigation,

Andhra Pradesh Hydroelectricity
40. Upper Krishna Project Krishna River Karnataka Irrigation

S. Name of the Project Location State Purpose
41. Sharavathi Project Sharavathi River Karnataka Hydroelectricity

42. Hirakund Project Mahanadi River Odisha Irrigation

43. Bhakra Nangal Project Sutlez River H.P , Punjab & Irrigation,
Harayana Hydroelectricity
44. Rajasthan Canal River Sutlez Rajasthan Irrigation
45. Kundah Project Kundah River Tamil Nadu Hydroelectricity

46. Ramganga Project Chuisot Stream near Uttarakhand Irrigation,

Kalagarh Hydroelectricity
47. Matatila Project Betwa River U.P, M.P Irrigation,
48. Rihand Project Rihand River U.P Irrigation,
49. Damodar Project Damodar River Jharkhand Irrigation,
50. Ukai Project Tapi River Gujarat Irrigation

51. Mahi Project Mahi River Gujarat Irrigation

52. GhataPrabha Project GhataPrabha River Andhra Pradesh, Irrigation

53. Bhima Project Bhima River Maharashtra Irrigation

Hirakud Dam is built across the Mahanadi River, about 15 kilometres from Sambalpur in
the state of Odisha in India. It is the longest earthen dam in the world. Behind the dam
extends a lake, Hirakud Reservoir, 55 km long.

Rivers and Disputing States
River Disputing States

Krishna Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka

Godavari Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha,


Cauvery Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu. Puducherry

Narmada Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra

Mahanadi / mandovi Odisha & Chhattisgarh

Vansadhara Andhra Pradesh and Odisha

Ravi and Beas Punjab and Haryana

Mullaperiyar Kerala and Tamil Nadu

Important Falls in India
Water Fall Height in Meters River Location

Kunchikal falls 455 Varahi Karnataka

Langshiang falls 337 Kynshi Meghalaya

Nohkalikai falls 335 - Meghalaya

Nohshgithiang 315 - Meghalaya

Dudhzagar falls 310 Mandovi Goa

Kynoem fulls 305 - Meghalaya

Meenmutty falls 300 Karimpuzha Kerala

Thalaiyar falls 297 Majjalar Tamil Nadu

Barkana falls 259 Sita Karnataka

Barchipani falls 399 Budhabalanga Orissa

Lakes of India
Wular Lake Jammu & Kashmir Sambhar Rajasthan

Lonar Maharashtra Sukhna Chandigarh

Kolleru Andhra Pradesh Parashuram Kund Arunachal Pradesh

Loktak Manipur Pongong Tso Jammu & Kashmir

Dal Lake Jammu & Kashmir Nakki Lake Rajasthan

Naini Tal Uttarakhand Pushkar Lake Rajasthan

Salt Lake Kolkata Udaipur Lake Rajasthan

Chilka Odisha Upper & Lower Lake Bhopal, MP

Pulicut Andhra Pradesh Nizam Sagar Hydera

Vembanad Kayal Kerala Bhim Tal Uttarakhand

Ashtamudi Kerala Tso Morari J&K


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