alkalods pyq pharmacist

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PARMACISTEXAMAT YOUR FINGERTIPS: PHARMACOGNOSY 40. Nerbal medicinest™HstaLom masz {a) Ave Completely safe without any side effects {b) Does not have any effect on the use of modern medicines (0) Can have dangerous interactions with some drugs (a) Doesn't require any further sclentific studies Sk. Wedge shaped area characteristic of tv amnasto12r2y (a) Ipecac rhizome (b) Serpentery rhizome (6) Hydrastis rhizome (€) Aconite root 2, Which Ayurvedic dosage form has no Expiry date IM rsssacstzote {a) Swete parpati — (b) Varti (c) Parpati (d) Vati 53 Which Ayurvedic dosage form became more efficacious with the passage of time remannesesoi, {a) Asava (b) Guggulu (© Tail, (@) Lepa guti 84 Who is regarded as the father of surgery in ancient India ™s¢P!wAasr201) {a) Sushrutha —_(b) Charaka (6) Vasavadatta (4) Dhanvantari 58 The yin and yang theory are related to l6eeserice mea) (a) Chinese system of medicine (b) Russian system of medicine (0) Japanese system of medicine (4) Nepali system of medicine (mae J 1, Which of the following general characteristic is NOT true for alkaloids '\"™5 "svar 2012] (a) Have good alcohol solubility (b) Contain nitrogen in the molecule ( (€) Often exhibit stereoisomerism 2. Alkaloids are naturally occurring compounds which contain _____in their molecules "aenacst2012F 4) (a) Two heterocyclic rings (b) One C-15 side chain on the benzene ring (0 One or more N atoms (2) One or more N atoms originated from amino acids 4 Allare Heterocyclicalkaloids EXCEPT MHA rScrHaMNGSTanExHAAAPSCRIARNACST.2015°2) {a) Nicotine (b) Surychnine —(c) Ergotamine —(@) 4. Which of the following is an example of nonheterocyclic alkaloid (""% "™™rst2072) (a) Morphine (b) Lobelia (© Colhicine (a) Tea 5. Eserine alkaloids consist of which heterocyclic ring fused together !""™mnest2012 rs) (a) Indok and Pyrroke (b) Indolidine and Pyridine (6 Indoline and Pyrrolidine (d) Indolidine and Piperidine GPAT DISCUSSION CENTER: MAKES STUDY EASY. 10. 11, 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Nicotine from tobacco is an alkaloid which is |RERALAPSCPHARMACISE.015,KERM.APSCPUARMACIS:20159-2,AMCPHARMAGIST2022} (a) Oxygen free liquid (b) Semisotia (©) Crystalline (d) Oxygen free solid Dragendorff’s reagentis employed for the identification of !a!stxcatons puannacis- 20101 (a) Carbohydrates (b) (0 Flavonoids —_(d) Proteins Which one is NOT detected by Dragendorff reagent "smarr2010 (a) Vasicine (b) Reserpine (© Piperine (@) Catechin Dragendorff’s reagent does not give positive test with ™swcrmanncs2021 (@) Caffeine (b) Morphine (©) Codeine (a) Emetine What is Wagner's reagent!" "antast2014n rtnncs-20111 (a) Piri acta (Ciskeh AERA (© Ammonia solution (a) P - dimethylaminobenzaldenyde Wagner's test is used to detect the presence of [8 UHsmcrnanmacist-2022| @ Alkaloids (b) Steroids (0) Glycosides _(d) Terpenes Saturated solution of picric acid is ®"s¥crenoesea02 (@) Mayer's reagent (b) Wagner's reagent (@ Dragendorf’s reagent Chemically Mayer's reagentis ®"™%scsr20x rast. 20%3 (b) Potassium bismuth todide (0) Iodine solution (@ Picric acid Hager's reagent is "rsemanuesr2020 (@) Potassium mercuric iodide solution (b) Potassium bismuth iodide solution (0) Iodine and potassium iodide solution Vitali-Morin test is used to identify ("Et sc rusnacisraass, KERALA PSC PHARMACIST-2015 2, srs PuARAGST 2018 YMC PHARACS 202 ssc PARMA (a) Indoke alkaloids (b) Isoquinoline alkaloids (0) Tropane alkaloids (4) Purine alkaloids Belladonna herbs belongs to the chemical class of ™'rws!201) (a) Indole alkaloids (b) Isoquinoline alkaloids (€) Tropane alkaloids (€) Quinazoline alkaloids ‘Atropane alkaloid titarscrnmsast20is. xen) (a)Atropine (b)Reserpine (c) Ergometrine —(d) Diosgenin 1 Which of the following is a purine alkaloid "58 "swuasr201 v3 @ Caffeine (b) Papaverine (©) Morphine (a) Codeine Kurchi is a/an (¢Pansacis:2019) {a) Isoquinoline alkaloid (b) Saponin alkaloid (@) Indoke alkaloid Vincristine is a type of allsaloid "eRALArnanuscisr 0:0) @) Indole (b) Phenanthrene (0) Benzyl isoquinoline (q) Triterpenoid ak 2 23. ah 2. 26. 27. 28, 29, 30. 31. 32. Ey PHARMACIST EXAMAT YOUR FINGERTIPS : PHARMACOGNOSY ‘Aconite belongs to group of Hsscrnansacir 200 (a) Indole alkaloid (b) Quinoline alkaloid (6) Steroidal alkaloid Cokhicum is an example of tesscrmuacsr 2010) {a) Indole alkaloid (b) Quinoline alkaloid (€) Tropane alkaloid Which alkaloid belong to phenanthrene group l'™"uamucst2nz1 (a) Papaverine ——_(b) Noscapine (©) Thebaine (4) Narceine Which of the following alkaloid is pseudo alkaloid "east 2015 (a) Cokhicine (b) Quinine (©) Morphine (@) Aconite ‘The composition of Froehde’s reagent ish" w™1nuwscst2022 (a) Ammonium molybdate + Sulphuric acid (b) Potassium iodide + Sulphuric acid (0) Bismuth iodide + Sulphuric acid (@) Ferric chloride + Sulphuric acid Ergot is an alkaloid produced by Fc nscis20 (@) Ricinus communis (b) Commiphora motmot () Agaricus campestris (a) Claviceps purpurea Ergot contains which type of Alkaloids'™ rassacst2sz0r2) (a) Indole (b) Modified diterpenes (© Purine (@) Isoquinoline Ergotis the scelrotium of trwucsrzoreaenrunsaes209 (a) Fungus Claviceps purpurea (b) Strychnos Nux-vonica (¢) Fungus Claviceps notatum (a) Fungus Penicillium chrysogenum Ergot is produced during 'sicrHannacisr2016) (a) Honeydew stage (b) Sclerotium stage (c) Ascospore stage (d) Sphacelial stage Powdered ergot when treated solution develops strong trimethylamine '*#*14 (a) Magnesium hydroxide (b) Potassium hydroxide (c) Calcium hydroxide (q) Sodium hydroxide Ergotoxine test gives, __colour!statarscriamnnest2021) (a) Deep purple (b) Deep red (Deep blue _(d) Deep gre ‘The water-soluble chemical constituent of ergot is ****-\"™\csr2017KtRALarscrmaRstcist 2821 syPugacst- 2012] (a) Ergowmine (b)Ergowxine (cj Ergometrine (4) Ergosine Full form of LSD ig IM? rannauise 2017 {a) Lysergic acid dimethylamide (b) Lysine acid diester (0) Lysergic acid diester (a) Lysergic acid diethylamide Ton von pinaimrln| era GPATDISCUSSION CENTER: MAKES STUDY EASY 34 Ergotamine is derived from (sw rmamrcst 20 (a) lysergic acid (b) Methysergide (c) Meconic acid (d)Chebulic acid Which is the right reagent for of Ergot alkaloids ™™mest2or rt (@) Van Urk (b) Febling I and 1 (0) Iron-Il-chloride identification (@) Phloroglucinol in hydrochloric acid 36, Vanurk’s Reagent is" rmwwast-2004 (a) P-diethy! amino benzaldehyde (b) P-dimethyl amino benzoic acid (c) P-dimethyl amino nea (@) P-diethyl amino benzoate 37. Oxytocic effect of Ergot is due to MMA rsc ruanwacisrz01, KERALA FS PHAMIRCIS-2045 Fa, gS FUARMAGSTOHENERALA PARAS 2:2) (a) Ergometrine —(b) Ergotamine —_(c) Ergo (d) Ergocryptine 38, Which of the following are oxytocic in action isransucisr-z01.nsscruanMiisr 2018) (a) Ipecac (b) Ergot (© Cinchona (d) Coca leaves 39, Ergotoxine contains #™rmmasrz02n) (a) Ergocryptine (b) Ergocristine _(c) Ergocornine (4) All of these 40. An unpleasant ammoniacal odour is generated in which of the following drug during storage due to humidity BSs0MmansKesT2n (a) Saffron (b) Cinnamon (©) Rhubarb (q) Ergot 41. Reagent used in Ergotoxine test "™™-*rscrmanmacisrzo20) (a) Paramethyl amino benzaldehyde, sulphuric acid and ferric chloride (b) Amino ethyl benzaldehyde, sulphuric acid and ferric chloride (©) Paradimethyl amino benzaklehyde, sulphuric acid and ferric chloride (d) Diethyl amino benzaldehyde, sulphuric acid and ferric chloride 42, Ergotamine nucleus is derived from ™"™evesranzr (a) Ornithine and phenylalanine (b) Tryptophan and phenylalanine (0 Tryptophan and mevalonate (@) 5-Hydroxytyptamine and phenylalanine 43. Presence of plasmodesmata characteristic features of which drug IwsscrnaraAcsr2018 rsscPHARMACIS202] (a) Clove (b) Fennel (¢) Cinchona ——_(d) NUX vomica 44. Prosonce of lignified trichomes is the characteristic micrascopic feature of INcAPIASF215 ERALAPSCARNACT. 2015) {a) Nux-yomica _(b) Digitalis (¢) Datura (@) Cinchona 45. Nuxvomica seeds contain !s¥0Pmucsr2e) (a) Unicellular lignified covering trichomes (b) Unicellular conical covering trichomes (6) Unicellular biseriate head (d) Multicellular unbranched trichomes 46. Chemical constiwent of Nux vomica which is a dog poison (KERALA PSCPHAROACIST 20212, J PHARNACIST2012) (a) Strychnine (b) Vomicine —_—_(c) Brucine (4) Colubrine PHARMACISTEXAM, 7F Glycoside present in Nux vomica I#¥a44rHvwCNr2nK msn NnKVc an ALA RDU marscrunenast2015F2), (a) Strychnine —_(b) Loganin (c) Eegonine (4) Quinovin 48, What is the major alkaloid of Rauwolfia plant M8 ranscsr ar) {a) Cokhicine ——_(b) Caffeine (©) Strychnine —_(d) Reserpine 49. Reserpine, an alkaloid derived from the root of Rauwolfia serpentinai™srissues 5 {@) Can be used to control hyperglycemia (b) Hypnotic, sedative and antihypertensive (0) Can decrease gastrointestinal secretion and motility (@) Has no cardiac effects 50. Whatis synonym of rauwolfia M™m™aroucstan7 armen (a) Henbane (b) Deadly nightshade feat (0) Green hellebore (4) Indian snake root 51. Rauwolfia serpentina is cultivated in which state of India !ss-M#ants:200 (a) Himachal Pradesh (b) Uttarakhand (¢) Madhya Pradesh (@) Uttar Pradesh 52, An example for a drug with antihypertensive action Nc\rHstsAosr20i. Kens sc paraacst 2035 SS ARIS209 92, SSC PHANAI2024 (a) Rhubarb (b) Vasaka (© Liquorice (@ Rauwolfia 53, The botanical name of Sarpagandha is!ststaxcavonerusscst209) (a) Rauwolfia Serpentina (b) Atropine tropicana (0) Plumeria rubra (@) Catharanthus roseus 54, Which of the following drugs acts on the autonomic set vous systeun ™ss2PHmIET 20183) (a) Strychnine (b) Reserpine (c) Camphor —_—() Morphine 55, A naturally occurring sympatholytic is #¢%"%wase2019 (a) Morphine (b) Quinine (Reserpine (4) Strychnine 56. In case of Rauwolfia, which part of the plant is used as medicine!" NM Puansiacisr 2022) (@) Stem () Roots (6) Leaves (4) Seeds 57. Rauwolfia roots are collected from how many year old plants li"scrmoucisr2022 (12 34 (956 (7-8 58. A plant drug which lowers blood pressure! ""™4xwscsst 2012) (a) Vasaka (b) Neem (© Rauwolfia. (a) Tulsi 59. Which one of the following is true about microscopy of Rauwolfia tetraphylla (wpa 9009. (a) Absence of sclereids (b) Non stratified cork (0) Larger xylem vessels (d) All cells are lignified as well as suberized 60. Which of the following plant is source of anticancer drug vinblastine!” 8" "™wewast2022] (a) Madagascar Periwinkle (b) Cinchona officinalis (c) Emblica officinalis (d) Rauwolfia ‘at Doan Cw ‘Laken, BLAU, ‘iat Tugeacom | wnnaras, © vivian ST aan NAR MRAM ARC SA UPURIANCRCKbaeed INDORE PUNE| NASI DEL CHABIABRD 61. 62. 63. 65. 66. 67. 69. 70. 1. 72. 73. GPATDISCUSSION CENTER: MAKESSTUDY EASY Which of the following anticancer drug is obtained from plant !5% *arsxasr 2030, (a) Cisplatin (b) Uracil (© Vineristine (4) Tamoxifen Vinca is used for t"™mcrrzai2R (a) Antihypertensive (b) Anticancer (0) Anti gout (d) Antitussive The source of vincristine is #™*r"snAast2019" (a) Punica granatum (b) Ricinus communis (©) Catharanthus roseus (a) Solanum paniculatum Periwinkle is a common name for !truamxaasr- 215 Sma (b) Solanum nigrum (©) Solanum xanthocarpum (a) Embelica officinalis Choose the drug which is used in the treatment of Hodgkin's disease and leukaemia in children astro nanaAcst-2019 (@) Digitalis (b) Linseed (©) Ginger (@) Vinca Family of Ipecac M™uarunocst2n2) (a) Apocynaceae —_(b) Rubiaceae (©) Leguminosae (d) Acanthaceae Emetineis the main ingredient of ®rst} (a) Ipecac (b) Isabgol (©) Pyrethrum (a) Rhubarb Emetin is an alkaloid of ipecacuanha, act as """4x0ust-z09 2,0 ven WENIAL HARMAEIS RB PHAROAISE20199.2, (a) Antiseptic (b) Amoebicide — (c) Antimalarial (4) Antidiarrheal An anti-dysenteric drug from plant origin is "Ps" -20191 (a) Vincristine (b) Ipecacuanha (c) Tolu balsam —_(d) Senna The pharmacological action of Ipecac is by acting as ("F" sesons eHannncier zor, NAIST201962} -2019, FURS PHARMACIST. 2018 MPNHMPHARNACISE:2022) (a) CNS stimulant —(b) Emetic (©) Sedative (a) Hypnotic Cephaeline is the main ingredient of *ssersmuvcs:201 (a) Pterocarpus —_(b) Colchicum (0) Ipecac (d) Punarnava Morphine is present in "stPuanuanisr202t (a) Atropa belladonna (© Ricinus Communis (b) Papaver somniferum (a) Cephaelis ipecacuanha Which are CORRECT from the following statements concerning with Opium [Ry PHARNACIST201201,NCAPHAROIACISE:2015 KERALA PSCPARNACIST-2015, s the dried latex obtained by from unripe capsule of opium poppy incision (b) Opium is the dried juice of the cutting leaves of opium poppy (©) Opium is the dried water extract of the shoot of opium poppy (d) Opium with good quality has 1.5 % morphine content 7h 15. 76. 7. 78. 80. 81. 82. 84, 85. 86. 87. 88. 89, 90, PHARMACIST EXAMAT YOUR FINGERTIPS: PHARMACOGNOSY, Morphine, codeine and thebaine is contained in I®r™srasacesrz0:m) (a) Quassia (b) Kurchi (0) Gelatin (4) Opium Chemical test for opium is done to check the presence of tsiRstAnsrmanacst 2015) (a) Ferulic acid (b) Eugenol (©) Meconie acid (d) Tartaric acid ‘The chemical behaviour of morphine alkaloid is_l!Si¢rnast- 20165 (a) Acidic (b) Basic (c) Neutral (a) Amphoteric Indian Belladonna contains alkaloid (9=9¢rmnnerr aves) (a) Atropine (b) Stychnine —(c) Cephaline (a) Narcotine Indian belladonna is ®!""eMaastz012 v2} {a) Atropa Belladonna (b) Atropa succirubra (¢) Atropa fastusa (@) Atropa acuminata The flowers of Atropa belladonna are coloured Prat rwenuceszrg {a) Red (b) Green (© Purple (@) Yellow Belladonna belongs to the family of "01s maxsacsr201,cscrnawNAcse2016) (a) Solanaceae (b) Piperaceae —_(c) Papavaraceae (d) Rutaceae Anisocytic stomata are present int”S¢rucsr201) (a) Datura (b) Senna > (©) Digitalis (a) Vasaka Which of the Following drug acts as Antispasmodic (ss #sscsr2r22 (a) Aconite (b) Vasaka ( Hyoscyamus (a) Codeine A Chinese tree Camptotheca acuminata is useful in cancer chemotherapy. The camptothecin present in the plant and useful in treating ovarian cancer is (aus ruatnis-2012) (a) Etoposide (b) Vincristine (c) Paclitaxel —_(d) Topotecan ‘The drug which is used in the prophylaxis of malaria is [MPs rARNACI.2030,.5 AYURVEDIC PHARMACIST 209) (a) Cinnamon —_—_(b) Castor (9 Cove (@) Cinchona Soil nature for Cinchona cultivation is '**™4\4"armacisr-2022) (a) Neutral (b) Basic (0) Acidic () None of the above Which of the following is the substitute of cinchona bark "#44 "s¢P*Amuctsr2020) (a) Cuprea bark —(b) Peruvianbark (¢)Jesuitsbark (4) Ashoka bark Choose the right skeleton for Cinchona alkaloids ®"™wwast207) {a) Cevan (b) Tropane (©) Quinoline (a) Rubanol Quinine is obtained from M*scrumese2n) (2) Cinnamomum — (b) Cinchona (c) Andrographis (a) Strychnus An antimalarial obtained from natural source is "¥r9esr2021 (a) Strychnine (b) Brucine (QReserpine (4) Quinine From which of the following sources Is quinidine obtained [ese esone rusmmncise sou (a) Cinchona bark (b) False cuprea bark (0) Arjuna bark (@) Resna bark GPATDISCUSSION CENTER: MAKESSTUDY EASY 94. Jesuit's barks the synonym of W*serwwmenraven (a) Cinnamon (b) Cinchona (© Kurchi (d) Cascara 97. Colchicum is commonly known as rtwacis:246 (a) Monkshood —_(b) Ma Huang (© Autumn crocus (4) Finger flower 98. Colthicinets used w treat Wramrmeucsraes maiarmmucsrani EMMA] (@) Malaria (b) Gout (©) Migraine (d) Asthma 99. ‘The natural alkaloid used in the treatment of gout is emer") (a) Emetine (b) Colchicine (c) Reserpine (d) Cinchonine 100, Colchicum autumnate belongs w the family "s#s-s19eavHerT 201-1 (a) Liliaceae (b) Rutaceae (c) Moringaceae (d) Rhamnaceae 101.In colour test for alkaloids colchicine with mineral acids gives ____ colour taceuanaase2a {a) Blue (b) Rea (0) Yellow (a) Violet 102. A medicine for respiratory disorders obtained from (a) Cannabis (b) Eucalyptus (c) Ephedra (a) Vinca 103. Ma-Huangis the synonym for!*S¢Pawnsr20g etnias 29) (a) Convolvulus microphyllus (b) Picrorhiza kurroa (© Ephedra sinica (A) Gymnema sylvestre 104. Which of the following is used as a naturally occurring antispasmodic !5s® PHuanmacisr.2019, (a) Papaverine (b) Ephedrine (c) Quinidine _—_(d) Reserpine 108. n coffee seed, caffeine is present asa salt of (ssrwuasr=x (a) Chorogenie acid (b) Lysergic acid (©) Meconic acid (4) Uric acid 106, Pilocarpine is an alkaloid containing nucleus "¥¢ MUN 22, %cMMAUCSTaN9, (a) Pyrazole (b) Imidazoke ——_(c) Oxazoke (4) Pyrrole Re La] } weegichcom weeginalacaie) GaguAiTapaaon | © Wine PHARMACIST EXAMAT YOUR FINGERTIPS: PHARMACOGNOSY, 407, Pilocarpine the alkaloid of Jaborandi folium has !"sxwsasr2012 ra} (a) Antagonist effect of atropine (b) Agonist effect of atropine (c) Sedative effect (d) Diuretic activity 108, Which of the following drugs present in tea leaves and coffee beans bk#Mwncsr 2012 (a) Opium (b) Cocaine {c) Nicotine (d) Caffeine 109, ___ drug is used as CNS Stimulant \xrueamvcsr 2021 (@) Vasaka (b) Coffee (0) Nux vomica —(d) Hyoscyamus 410. What ring is present in Aswagandha IMRBPuARMACISE:2019 2, RROPHARMACIST20099-), (a) Terpenoid alkaloids (b) Terpenoid glycoside (0) Steroidal lactone (d) Steroidal glycosides 111. The crude drug with the Latin name Withania somnifera is (srs eesncsr20181 (a) Brahmi (b) Hyoscyamus —_(c) Aswagandha (4) Ipecac 112. Withanolides are steroidal lactose present in!*™™"0wcst-201,2019] (a) Kalmegh (b) Dioscorea (©) Ashwagandha (d) Glycyrrhiza 113. Adhatoda vasica is under the chemical class of which alkaloids!” %™ "aacist2022) (a) Quinazoline —(b) Isoquinoline —_(c) Quinoline (d) Indole 114. Vasaka contains _% w/w of vasicine calculated on the dried basis (eana.anscPuanancse 2213] (@o1 (b) 05 (9 04 145, Kurchi bark belongs to familyl™svemunwcst-202 (a) Rubiaceae (B) Apocynaceae (c) Loganiaceae (a) Leguminosae 116. Hog weed is the synonym of XNA rHannacisr2022) (a) Nutmeg (b) Shatavari (c)Gymnema —() Punarnava 117. Indian aconite is a common name for !Si-"wucsT2019 a) Aconitum brachypodum (6) Aconitum chasmanthum (0) Aconitum carmichaelii (@) Aconitum kusnezoffii 118. A crude drug used as cardiotonic ms "anmacisr201g) (a) Dhatura (b) Cinchona (© Ephedra (a) Ergot 119, Which of the following is a respiratory stimulant that acts by reflex action nr ruagnast 2032) (a) Lobeline (b) Caffeine (0) Etimizole (d) Bemegride 120. n the process of extraction, ethanol is used as a solvent for Io"uiswcmwsncst20221 (a) Alkaloids (b) Gums (c) Waxes (a) Sugar 121. Raw opium that has been treated to render it for smoking and that contains about eight percent of morphine is known as e™larscriamnast2020 (a) Poppy straw (b) Hemp (©) Opium residue (d) Prepared opium 122. Rye flour contamination with ergot is identified by the test 01" Nm Puawsnasr2022 (a) Reaction with ferric chloride (b) Reaction with hydrochloric acid (c) Fluorescence (d) Protein precipitation Gna teome Cons Re ba Y seegiinecen vengaannels| TpgaTagailee| € Man Gear SCUSSIONCENT 123, Ergot gives a blue color with alkali imc {a)Tryptphan residue {(b) Indok ring (c) Ergotoxine (q) bysergic aca 124, How to extract the alkaloids in mineral salt form from plant *"™=">" (a) Heating with organic solvent (b) Boiling with ammonium-hydroxide and water {c) Shaking with water containing mineral (d) Boiling with water and lead acetate acid 125. What do you do for getting alkaloids in base from the plant material *S™6e (a) Adding to the powdered drug some mineral acid and water (b) Adding some ammonium-hydroxide and water t the pulverised drug () Making an extract by mineral acid and organic solvent (d) Making an extract with some base and organic solvent (ruses) a 1, Non sugar part of the glycosides are called 'S*U:AT PAAMUNT S095 KHRKLLINS PRARMILANS SLL (a) Aglycone (b) Glycone (6) Glycogen (a) Glycol 2. Which of the following test is used to detection of glycosides "SSNS (a) Benedict's test (b) Borntrager’s reagent test (c) Hager’s Reagent test (d) Glucose tolerance test 3. Borntrager test is carried out for identification of “8S (a) Corticosteroids (b) Quinoline group of druge glycosides (c) Anthraquinone (a) Catecholamine 4. Which is best suited test for the identification of Anthraquinone C-glyeostaies (eenataPnaroners2099) (a) Borntrager’s test (b) Keller Kiliani test (c) Foam test (d) Modified Borntrager’s test Which one of the following is the basic chemical test t Wlontity anthracene glyeosides in Albes!t#0rinuasr2019P2 kesPHARNAST019P 9 (a) Keller Kiliani test (b) Legal test (©) Modified Borntrager test (d) Borntrager test 6. Modified Borntrager’s test are used to identify which type of Anthraquinone glycosides (KERALAPSCPHARNACIS 2015 AERUAPSCPHAANAIS 20503) (a) O-glycosides (J N-glycosides—(c) C-glycosides (x1) S-glyeosides 7. Aloe contain barbaloin which is a" (a) Cglycoside —_(b) S-glycoside ——(c) D-glycaside _(d) H-glyeosidte

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