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Concept of practicum

Practicum is a graduate level course that is basically designed to give students supervised
practical knowledge of previously or concurrently studied theory. Practicum can also be called
internships or work placement programs. Practicum course is a properly planned, supervised and
evaluated practice experience that is designed to provide students with practical work
experience. They emphasize the importance of learning by doing and is the avenue where
students can transfer their knowledge to physical work and practice to see for themselves how
the previously or concurrently studied theory works.


 To help students translate into practice in a particular setting the concepts and principles
taught in the classroom.
 The learning opportunities are designed to enable a candidate for a Human kinetic degree
to develop and exhibit a professional level of work performance.
 To provide an opportunity for student to synthesis, integrate and apply practical skills,
knowledge and training learned through courses to gain professional experience in human
 It provide the opportunity to integrates and apply classroom learning in human kinetics
enabling the student to observe and learn from professional in the field.
 It provide the opportunity to honor your skills or gain new experience in different area of


The practicum was a six week program and it was done three times a week; on Mondays,
Wednesdays and Saturdays of every week for those six weeks. I had the opportunity to put most
of what had been and was being taught in the classroom into effective practice, acquire new
knowledge, and improve on previously learned information. I equally gained basic and required
knowledge on how to run a gym while attentively observing the shortcomings of the gym in
every area of importance and necessity.


I did my practicum at Fitness for Life Gym and Entertainment Centre and it is located at
Franco Cricket Pitch in University of Nigeria Nsukka. In this center, asides weight lifting and
weight training exercises carried out inside the main gym building, many other activities are
being done such as table tennis, cricket on the cricket pitch and football on the field.


The fitness center is a small organization where different activities are carried out. There are
five rooms in the fitness centre. There is the reception where the secretary attends to clients.
There is the coach’s office where new clients meet with the coach to discuss their body type,
their desired fitness goals, challenges, work/school schedule, and other factors that will enable
the coach make an effective and well-suited plan individualized for the clients. Then there are
two weight lifting rooms, well equipped with sufficient equipment for weight training. The first
weight lifting room has less of weights and is used for more of bodyweight exercises, massages
and stretches, while the second weight lifting room has more of weights and weight training
equipment. There is also a last room that is mostly used for relaxation. Asides these main rooms,
there is another demarcation with different compartments. These compartments are smaller than
the other rooms and they include both the store and changing area. The gym centre is adequately
equipped with all but one of the equipment in fairly good working condition. However, some of
these equipment could use a change as they are quite old, while others require lubrication and

At the reception, there are options of some edibles sold there like bread, soft drinks, coffee, and
even some sports wears for beginners. The fitness center is organized in the sense of the



 Training Benches.
 Dumbbell Sets.
 Treadmill.
 Stationary Bicycles.
 Barbell Sets.
 Low-Impact.
 Treadmills.
 Elliptical Machine.
 Balance trainers and Resistance Bands.
 Pull-up frame and Bar.
 Adjustable weight Bench.
 Lat pulldown machine.
 Indoor Exercise Bike.
 Jump Ropes.
 Ab Roller.
 Kettlebell.
 Aerobic Mats.
 Leg press.
 Table tennis board.
 Franco Pitch steps.
 Cricket Pitch.


The gym centre is usually open everyday of the week. There are two training sessions per
day; the morning training session and the evening training session. The morning training
session usually begins around 6:30am and runs through to 10:00am. The evening session starts
by 4pm and ends around 7pm. There is also table tennis that serves as an outdoor activity.

Usually, when a new client comes to the gym with the intention of getting fit, maintaining
fitness, increasing their fitness level, or whatever their desire may be, the secretary refers them
to the fitness coach, Coach Mandela. The Coach talks with them, and then drafts a workout
plan for them to follow, based on their fitness goal, body type, individual daily schedule, health
factors and other factors to ensure the programme is well suited for the individual.

Method of payment

Time Mornings Evenings

Daily ₦300 ₦500

Weekly ₦2,000 ₦2,000

Monthly ₦4,000 ₦4,000

3 Months ₦10,000 ₦10,000

6 Months ₦30,000 ₦30,000

Yearly ₦50,000 ₦50,000

There are other plans too, like the personal trainings and the home training plans which are meal plans

Exercise activity Amount (₦)

Body massage with body stretch ₦3,000

Machine with manual massage oil ₦5,000

Home trainings with meal plan ₦5,000

Personal Programme ₦8,000

One on one training ₦10,000

Executive training with breakfast ₦15,000

Payment is usually made either to the secretary in cash or to the Bank account.


Week 1

I was signed in to the morning sessions for my practicum. I started on the 3rd of March. I got to
my practicum centre by 6:00am of the first day. I met with the fitness coach, Coach Mandela
since the secretary was yet to arrive at the time. I had met with him the previous week, along
with my colleagues to submit our practicum posting letter and explain to him the reason we were
at his gym. He welcomed us warmly, introduced himself to us as Coach Mandela and asked for
our names as well. He'd then explained to us the basic things we needed to know before we
resumed, and told us the time to report at the centre everyday of our practicum. So w hen I
arrived the centre on the first day of my practicum, it was already a familiar meeting. First, I
cleaned the place and workout equipment. After that, the coach put me up for some workout. He
said that to be a good and efficient fitness coach, it's very important to look the part and
understand each workout properly, as well as the equipment so that one can efficiently coach and
instruct their clients. He stressed on the fact that it's impossible for one to give what they don't

The first week was basically introductory, with the coach explaining the working system of the
gym and the gym equipment.
Week 2

I arrived my practicum centre some minutes past 6:00am. By this time, the secretary had arrived
and I went on to clean the office and equipment before any thing. I saw how the equipment were
scattered around and I put them in order for easier access by the clients. l had already done my
warmup exercise of jogging on arriving the gym. By the time I was done cleaning, some clients
had started to arrive. Then the coach gave out instructions to every person, some people he
paired up for certain workouts, most others were individual. Few of the clients were
inappropriately dressed, some wore slippers, some wore really tight and uncomfortable clothing
that restricted the easy flexion and extension of the muscles, easy movement of the joints, and
other body parts, while some others wore slides and street slippers. I had to correct and educate
them on the appropriate clothings to put on when coming to the gym, and why it's important to
be properly dressed for workout. I ended my work for the day at about 9:30am.

Week 3

I arrived at around 6:00am and went on to clean the equipment, most of which were really dusty.
Next, I arranged the gym equipment and set the place in order, in preparation for the clients'
arrival. After that, I did my warmup and then continued with the workout routine that had been
mapped out for me by the fitness coach, Coach Mandela. Not long after I was done, clients
started to arrive and I attended to them when and where necessary. In as much as I'd corrected
some of the clients on the proper dressing the previous week, some of them wore inappropriate
clothing and footwear. The guys were most especially used to wearing slides or street slippers. I
still corrected and reminded them that dressing inappropriately exposes and puts them at a higher
risk of sustaining injuries.

On the Saturday of this week, we were preparing to go to the Stadium for some aerobic exercise,
as is the usual thing for Saturdays, but the coach then informed us of the Power Oil No-More-
Excuses Fitness Walk that was taking place at Freedom Square that Saturday morning. So we got
ready, picked up some of the equipment needed like the speaker used to play music and keep
people motivated and in good spirits, and other aerobic equipment, and we left for Freedom
Square in a truck. The fitness exercise was mainly meant to sensitize students who had become
used to, and comfortable with inactivity and redundancy. It was targeted at remiding students all
over the campus of the importance of being fit and maintaining fitness. On getting there, we
helped to setup the equipment and made sure they were ready to function, before the whole event
kicked off proper. It was a really good event as it involved a lot of activities asides the aerobics.
There was dance competition, during which prizes were awarded to the winners, there was the
aerobics fitness testing competition that was done on some machines like the electric treadmill,
the bike cycling, etc. By the time the Fitness event ended, most people were tired and exhausted.
I felt quite tired as well, but it was such a pleasant feeling to see people come out in their
numbers and work for their fitness and wellbeing. I left quite late that day, after helping in
clearing up the place and returning the equipment back to the gym.

Week 4

This week, I resumed for my work on the first day around 6:10am. After cleaning and putting
the entire place in order, as usual, I proceeded to do my workout. On this day being Monday,
two female clients were personally assigned to me to guide and instruct them based on their
individual workout plans. So I took time to put them through, correct them in areas necessary,
and commend them when they performed the activity properly. One of the clients couldn't lock
her knees properly while doing the silent squats workout because she complained of a knee
injury that she was recovering from.

During this week, I couldn't stay up to 10:00am because we had CBT exams so Ieft earlier than
usual, around 9:00am.

Week 5

This was the week with the most intense of work and training for me as we were done with our
exams and lectures were yet to resume. So I resumed really early, nothing later than 6:00am
and carried on with my work. By this time, the intensity of my workout had increased in
accordance with the principle of progression and the principle of overload. There were full body
exercises, upper body exercises including exercises for the chest and the abdominal muscles
and exercises for the arms and back, lower body exercises, aerobic exercises. The specific
activities engaged in are as follows:

 Jumping Jacks.
 Rope skipping.
 Inclined pushups.
 Declined pushups.
 Knee pushups.
 Abdominal crunches (with and without weights) - Cross-arm crunches, long-arm
crunches, reverse crunches, twist crunches.
 Russian twists.
 Mountain climbing.
 Calf raises.
 Planking - Arm planking, elbow planking.
 Cobra Stretches.
 Butt bridge.
 Shoulder stretches.
 Arms circling.
 Arm press.
 Floor triceps dips.
 Triceps steps.
 Alternating hooks.
 Squats (with and without weights) - Deep squats, pile squats, spine-dip squats, silent
squats, open-legs squats, closed-legs squats, jump squats.
 Knee-to-Chest stretches.
 Quad stretches without wall.
 Deadlifts.
 Lunges (with and without weights) - Forward lunges, backward lunges, side lunges.

Week 6

This is the last week of my practicum. I got to the gym as early as 6:00am. Then I went up to
the staircase to do some jogging and jumping after my regular warmup, before I then went
unto the gym and commenced my workout. Through out this week, I was in charge of guiding
and instructing two female clients so I had to be there on time to clean, and finish my own
workout before these clients arrived. By this time, I'd observed that females frequented the
gym more in the mornings than the males.

On the third day of my work during this week, the clients to whom I was assigned complained
of feeling pains in their body. I reminded them that the pains they felt, were the dividend of the
gains their body needed. Then we went on to use the electric body massager to help loosen
their muscles and ease some of the pain.


 Inappropriate dressing.
 Few worn out machines and equipment.
 Inadequate staff.

Inappropriate dressing : The director should ensure that each and every client that signs up at
the gym has the appropriate clothing required. In the case that any client doesn't have the
appropriate wears, it should be made mandatory and included in the requirements for each
day's workout.

Few workout machines and equipment : Old and wornout machines shoukd be replaced with
new ones. In the case where there isn't enough funds to do so, there should be an effective way
of ensuring that every machine is in good-working condition. They should be well checked
regularly for wear and tear, frequent lubrication for movable parts, and proper covering and
cleaning to prevent clogging with dust. Electric equipment should always be disconnected from
the electric plug / socket after use.

Inadequate staff : There should be recruitment of able and capable people who are physically
fit, possess good people relation qualities, and are ready to work. As a fitness trainer/instructor,
it is highly important to keep fit as well.


My experience at Fitness for Life Gym and Entertainment Centre was highly educative and
informative. I had the opportunity to practice everything I'd been taught earlier in the classroom
and nsee how everything works. I got to understand properly, the principles of Physical Fitness
and Fitness Conditioning. It also helped to improve my people-skills because it really involved
dealing and relating with different kinds of people. I got to work on my time management skills
as well. All in all, my experience at the gym was a really great one and I garnered a whole lot of
valuable knowledge.


Being involved in this practicum program, I can say that my objectives for this practicum
programme have been fully achieved on all levels. I had the opportunity to practicalize what had
been taught in the classroom. I was able to find the problems facing the gym with the knowledge
I garnered, as well as recommend possible solutions to fix these problems and challenges. This
program provided me with the opportunity to honor my skills and gain new experience on how to
be an efficient fitness instructor, and how to run and manage a gym. My social skills hace
improved significantly through this practicum as I have interacted with people of diverse

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