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Name of student: Joem Q.

Course and Year: BSED – II
Name of instructor: Mr. Argie Pinanonang
Subject and Section: Language Learning Material Development (LLMD) – A
Schedule: Sat 1:00-4:00pm

Concluding Activity
What language learning materials are you going to use or develop in teaching listening in
the 21st century classroom?

In today’s world, we must be equipped enough to become more adaptive in using

varied technology-mediated tools for a vast learning experience to each student. Language
learning would be a lot meaningful if we incorporate these well-developed aids for a
conducive and healthy 21st century classroom. Students are expected to become eager and
interested in learning new concepts and knowledge if the facilitator will be able to develop
literacy of global-integrated means for discourse. Along with this, it will allow us to save
time, money and effort in a flexible manner. In my perspective, I believe that audio-visual
learning materials will do in making the students motivate, cooperate and engage
positively in enabling a great room for learning and acquiring language effective skills.
These teaching aids includes PowerPoint presentations, documentaries and projectors.
The fast pace of education considers the main focus which is to develop learning
materials essential for a productive and engaging environment for language progression.
An example of audio-visual learning material is PowerPoint presentation. This is
considered ideal and purposeful at all times, where we can include videos, pictures, voice
records and other options vital in shaping a good and knowledgeable content for language
learning. We can also include documentaries that accounts to important details which
integrates all the needed ways to generate concepts to improve acquisition. There are
important notes that is crucial in keeping the objective focused and properly managed.
Lastly, the need of projector is also significant in making all of the above mentioned
materials be presented in a larger scale of display. It projects visually and inch the
presentation creatively and realistically. In this case, the learners will become more
interested and motivated to study and cooperate inside the classroom setting.
As a teacher, I will ensure the importance of the students upon using learning
materials that is globally standardized in educating them effectively. The literacy in
technology-mediated tools must be earned to formulate new ideas in making the learning
more potent to all the learners who yearn for it. The audio-visual learning materials will
gradually more practical and wise in terms of time, money and effort. These learning aids
includes PowerPoint presentation, documentaries and projectors. These language learning
materials certainly motivates and boosts the interests of the students to keep and do better
inside the 21st century classroom.

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