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The purpose of this study is to assess the impact of friend-to-friend approach on attitude and
usage of social media among students. This study is being conducted through BSc. Nursing 4th
year, SBDS College of nursing, Aherwan. This questionnaire asks about your personal attitude
regarding social media and usage of social media. Do NOT write your name on this
questionnaire. Your responses will be anonymous and will never be linked to you personally.
Your participation is entirely voluntary. Thank you for your cooperation.

Part 1: Demographic Variable

1. Age group
a. 18-19
b. 20-21
c. 22-23
d. 24-25

2. Gender
a. Male
b. Female
c. Transgender
d. Non-Binary

3. Educational Status
a. ANM
b. GNM
c. BSc Nursing
d. Post Basic BSc

4. Religion
a. Hindu
b. Christian
c. Muslim
d. Sikh

5. Social Class
a. Upper Class
b. Upper-Middle Class
c. Lower-Middle Class
d. Lower Class

6. Marital Status
a. Unmarried
b. Married

c. Divorced
d. Widow

7. Habitat
a. Rural Area
b. Tribal Area
c. Urban Area
d. Any other

8. Occupational status of parents

a. Private Job
b. Government Job
c. Own Business
d. Others

9. Income of family
a. <50,000 per annum
b. 50,000 – 1,00,000 per annum
c. 1,00,000 – 5,00,000 per annum
d. > 5,00,000 per annum

10. Type of family

a. Joint
b. Nuclear
c. Extended
d. Single Parent Family

11. Source of information

a. Peer
b. Family
c. Digital platform
d. Books

12. Year of Course

a. 1st
b. 2nd
c. 3rd
d. 4th

13. Which of the following best describes your living arrangement during the college
a. I live in a residential school or hostel.
b. I commute from home to school.
c. I alternate between living in a hostel and commuting from home.
d. None of the above.

Part 2: Usage Questionnaire

1. How long have you been using social networking sites?

a. < 1 year
b. < 2 years
c. < 3 years
d. > 3 years

2. How many hours per day do you spend on social media?

a. 0-2 hours
b. 2-4 hours
c. 4-6 hours
d. 6-8 hours

3. How many social networking websites do you use?

a. 0-2
b. 3-5
c. 6-8
d. 9-11

4. Which social media platform do you use the most?

a. Instagram
b. Facebook
c. Snapchat
d. Others

5. How often do you check social media notification or updates?

a. Every few minutes
b. Every hour
c. A few times a day
d. Rarely or never

6. How often do you post content on social media?

a. Multiple times a day
b. Once a day
c. A few times a week
d. Rarely or never

7. Why do you use social networks?

a. Socialize and make new friends
b. Remain updated about what is trending
c. Collaborate with fellow students and study
d. As a source of recreation and relaxation

8. How do you handle negative content or interactions on social media?
a. Engage in discussions or debates
b. Ignore and move on
c. Block or unfollow the user
d. Report the content or user

9. How do you manage your privacy settings on social media?

a. Regularly review and update privacy settings
b. Use default settings without changes
c. Don't pay much attention to privacy settings
d. I don't use social media

10. Have you ever encountered misinformation or fake news on social media?
a. Always
b. Frequently
c. Occasionally
d. Never

11. How do you think social media has influenced communication and
a. Improved communication
b. Made communication more superficial
c. Increased connectivity but reduced depth of interaction
d. No significant impact

12. How do you balance your time between social media usage and other
a. I prioritize social media over other activities
b. I allocate specific times for social media use
c. I limit my social media use to certain situations or purposes
d. I rarely use social media

13. How do you feel after spending time on social media?

a. Happy satisfied
b. Neutral
c. Anxious or stressed
d. Depressed or lonely

14. Do you feel a compulsion or urge to check social media frequently?

a. Always
b. Frequently
c. Occasionally
d. Never

15. How often do you trust the information or recommendations shared by your
friends on social media?
a. Always
b. Frequently
c. Occasionally
d. Never

Part 3: Attitude scale
For each of the questions below, circle the response that best characterizes how you feel
about the statement, where: 1 = Strongly Disagree, 2 = Disagree, 3 = Agree, 4 = Strongly

Strongly Disagree Agree Strongly

disagree Agree
1. I find social media platforms to
be highly beneficial for staying
connected with friends and family.
2. I believe that excessive use of
social media can have negative
effects on mental health.
3. I think social media is a
valuable tool for networking and
building professional relationships.
4. I am concerned about the
privacy risks associated with
sharing personal information on
social media.
5. I feel pressured to portray a
perfect image of myself on social
6. I enjoy using social media to
discover new interests and
7. I believe that social media can
be a source of misinformation and
fake news.
8. I think social media plays a
significant role in shaping societal
norms and trends.
9. I am aware of the potential
addictive nature of social media
and try to limit my usage.
10. I believe that social media
platforms should do more to
combat cyber bullying and online
11. I feel social media distracts me
from my daily activities.
12. I think using social networks
helps me in my studies by any
13. I think using social networks
are posing negative effects on my
studies by any means.

Strongly Disagree Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree
14. I think the friends made
through social media are not
15. I think using some kind of
social networking is essential
for today' life.

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