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Healthy Seminar

“Healthy And Nutritious Food

For Children Aged 6-9 Years Old“

Public Speaking
Healthy Seminar

“Healthy And Nutritious Food For Children Aged 6-9 Years Old“

Group 6

1. Putri Angelina
2. Dwi Putri Anggraini
3. Ika Setiawati
4. Sarima Agustinauli
5. Usnul Hotimah

Sarima (MC) : Ladies and gentlemen, when we are about to start this seminar“ Healthy
and nutrition food for children aged 6-9 years old". Thank you to all the
audience who have attended.
Good morning everyone. Respectable Mam Youna. Honorable Ms. Dwi
and Ms. Putri. Respectable all participant of this seminar.
First of all, let’s thank the Almighty God. Who has given us some
merciesand blessings so that we can attend this agenda without any
troubles and obstacles.
I would like to introduce myself. I'm Sarima Agustinauli, will be your
master ceremony this morning.
Welcome to today’s seminar, “ Healthy and nutrition food for children
aged 6-9 years old".
We would like to thank everyone here for making time to attend this
remarkable seminar.
Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, let’s open this seminar
ceremony by reciting basmallah.
Next agenda would be a welcoming speech. Allow us to invite Miss

Ika (Opener) : Good morning to the audience who have attended on this day. Thank you
for your time to attend this seminar with the theme "Healthy and
nutritious food for children aged 6-9 years old". This seminar will be
delivered by extraordinary speakers, and for the audience we are both
Sarima (MC) : Thank you very much Miss Ika Setiawati for your delightful speech.
Ladies and gentlemen, Now we proceed to the seminar agenda. This
presentation will be guidedby Miss Usnul Khotimah.
We invite all the distinguished the moderator to come to the stage, please.
Usnul (Moderator) : Thank you to the MC, and immediately the next event was the main
event,namely the delivery of material as well as a discussion which
later there would also be a question and answer session after the two
presenters delivered the material. But first, I want to say hello to the
Lecturer and theparticipants first. We respect Ms Youna Chatrine
Bachtiar, S.S,M.Ikom as a Lecturer in Public speaking Courses and
friends in arms.
Usnul (Moderator) : Good morning, greetings…..

Dear friends, on this occasion our group will discuss about 'Healthy
Living' for that all of course really need information as well as an effort
toadd knowledge about healthy living. Before presenting the material, I
willgive a little introduction related to the material that will be
delivered by the presenter. Basically, this material is very important
and interesting forus to follow, because there is a lot of important
information presented bythe presenter that we can get. However, in
general the delivery of information will be easier to understand if the
discussion is carried out effectively. Therefore, it is hoped that all of us
will be able to pay attentionand listen to what is explained by the
speaker. Well, before the presentersdeliver the material, I will convey
some of the provisions of our main event, as follows: Our presenters
give time for delivering the material for 10 minutes. As long as the
presenter explains the material there are no interruptions. After 2
presenters have delivered their material, a question and answer session
will be opened, that's all the rules we use. Next, I invitethe first speaker,
Mrs. Dwi Putri Anggraini, to her I invite. Thank you mom. Before
arriving at the question and answer session, then I invite Mrs. Putri
Angelina to convey the second material, to her I invite. Thank you

Dwi (speaker one) : Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,

Good Morning Everyone.

First of all, i’d like to thank the MC and moderator for inviting me to
this seminar and giving me the opportunity as a speaker of "Healthy
and Nutritious Food for Children Aged 6-9 Years Old".

Now we talk about healthy and nutritious food. What is that? It is a

kind of food that contains balanced nutritional values needed by the
body, such as carbohydrates, protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals,
and water.
Parents play an important role in providing healthy food to children
since childhood because it is very good for their growth and
development. If you want nutritional needs to be met properly, then as
parents we must be able to understand about nutritious food for
children that should be presented in the daily menu. Busy work or
other activities sometimes make most parents pay less attention in
choosing healthy food sources for their children.

Therefore, many children are very fond of buying unhealthy foods.

Children prefer sweet and colorful foods. If this is allowed to
continue, it will have a bad impact on their health in the future.
Starting from diabetes, cancer, obesity and so on. Besides being able
to prevent various diseases, healthy and nutritious food provides many
benefits like.
• Helping children have a better cognitive and brain development,

• Improving their moods

• And help them to maintain their weight.

To fulfill the nutritional needs, especially in the development of 6-

9 years old children, there are several types of healthy and
nutritious foods like:
A. Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates are a major source of energy of our body, and they
come mainly from grains, such as rice and noodles. Besides, fruit,
root vegetables, dry beans and dairy products also contain
B. Protein
Meat, fish, seafood, eggs, dairy products, dry beans and bean
productsare good sources of protein. Its major functions include
building, repairing and maintaining healthy body tissues.
C. Fats
Fats can be found in foods such as meat, fish, seafood, dairy
products,nuts, seeds and oils. Fats serve as an energy source. They
prevent heatloss in extreme cold weather and protect organs
against shock. They are responsible for making up part of our
body cells and transportingfat-soluble vitamins such as vitamin A,
D, E and K.
D. Vitamins
There are many kinds of vitamins from various food groups and
theyparticipate in different body metabolism such as maintaining
healthy skin and hair, building bones and releasing and utilizing
energy fromfoods. Vitamins can be classified into water-soluble
and fat-soluble vitamins.

E. Minerals
Minerals are a group of essential nutrients which regulate many
bodyfunctions such as fluid balance, muscle contraction and
transmissionof nerve impulses. Some minerals also contribute to
body structure and build strong and healthy bones, such as
F. Dietary fibre
Dietary fibre is the indigestible part found in plant. It helps
stablise blood sugar, promote gastrointestinal health and prevent
constipation.Dietary fibre can be classified into soluble and
insoluble fibre.
G. Water
Water is the most abundant substance in human body and is also
an essential nutrient to maintain our health. The major functions of
waterinclude regulation of body temperature, production of body
fluids, transportation of nutrients and removal of waste products.
Angel (speaker) : How to teach healthy eating habits to children
1. Increase mealtime with family
Eating with family can be the first step to teaching children to eat
healthy foods. Because in this way, children can pay attention to
theireating habits and the types of food eaten by other family
2. Give healthy snacks
Do not be careless when providing a source of healthy snacks for
children. Make sure the snack is healthy without being high in
salt, sugar and fat.
3. Avoid eating while dealing with gadgets
4. Don't use certain foods as gifts
You should avoid the lure of gifts of candy, chocolate, or certain
otherfoods to children. This method is not the right step to teach
healthy eating habits to children.
5. Set a good example
For example, by eating more fruit after eating, eating less
processed snacks, or trying new types of vegetables.
6. Take the kids shopping and cooking together
Besides children understand more about the many types of side
dishes, vegetables, and fruits, children's minds can also become
moreopen. Children become more aware of the importance of
eatingvarious types of food in order to meet their daily nutritional
Explane of a healty food menu for children in a day.
➢ Lunch
The lunch menu fulfills about a third of the amount of energy,
vitamins, and minerals for children. Examples of lunch menus
such as:
• White rice
• Pepes carp
• Tempe bacem
• Sauteed spinac
➢ Dinner
Meet the energy needs of children by providing a variety of sources
of macro and micro nutrients. Examples of meal menus such as:
• White rice
• Stir-fried beef with paprika
• Tofu soup
• Stir-fry long beans
The material presented by the two presenters was about healthy
living by not eating junk food too often and also discussing how to
regulate a healthy diet. The two presenters have presented their
material and then we will open a question and answer session. Those
who want to ask are welcome to mention the group and name.
The questioner may ask a question briefly, concisely, and clearly
and one question is enough, either directly.
Sarima (MC) : Ladies and gentlemen, we finally come to the end of today’s agenda.
Let us close the seminar by reciting hamdallah. Thank you so much for
your attention. See you on the next occasion.
Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. Have a good day,
Materi Seminar

Healthy food is a nutrient-rich food that contains macronutrients (carbohydrates,

proteins, and healthy fats) as well as micronutrients (vitamins and minerals), but is not too
calorie-dense or does not exceed the body's need for daily calories. Healthy eating aims to
make the body feel comfortable, have more energy to do activities and avoid disease. If a
person eats foods rich in nutrients correctly and balanced, then one should not go on a diet to
reduce or gain weight, since the body will adjust to the most ideal weight. All of that can be
achieved by studying the types of healthy foods and consuming them in an appropriate way
(Oetoro, Parengkuam, & Parengkuam, 2012).

In providing healthy food, parents play an important role in the health of children.
Children's health is very influential in children's growth and development, because children's
growth and development are seen from the food consumed by children. Food health is seen
from the balance of food and meets the principle of "4 healthy 5 perfect", (rice, side dishes,
vegetables, fruits and milk). But children's growth and development are not only seen from
the balance of food, because by exercising, resting, living regularly, and free from
contamination of air, food and water, the growth and development of children is healthier.

Children who are in the growth phase are in dire need of food in sufficient quantities
and balanced nutrition. To meet this need, in general all parents provide or buy food that is
nutritious and according to the choice or taste of the child. The role of parents in providing
healthy food is very important, because parents are very concerned about the growth and
development of the child. Providing understanding to children so that children can understand
the true meaning of a healthy lifestyle, because food has many influences on body health. In
addition, parents introduce the types and content of healthy foods such as: carbohydrates,
proteins, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.

The selection of food ingredients that will be used for proper processing of food
supplies (Lunch Box) is able to save children from malnutrition. This is because the provision
of food can increase the energy, endurance and concentration of children as well as the ability
to learn while at school. Foods that are not allowed include foods that contain artificial
flavoring substances (Monosodium Glutamate), glutamate sweeteners to harmful food
coloring. This is done so that the fulfillment of balanced nutrition can be monitored

From the above statement

Healthy food is a nutritious food and free of harmful ingredients and beneficial for our body.
What is meant by hazardous materials such as food coloring, preservatives and artificial
sweeteners. While nutrients that are beneficial to our body for example contain proteins,
carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, water, and minerals.
Because, humans need complete nutrients as their constituents, such as proteins,
carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, water, and minerals. Nutritious foods that do not need to be
expensive but must be healthy and nutritious that also contain different substances beneficial
to our body.
Theoretically, parents' understanding of the fulfillment of nutrition in children's food
provisions is good, from the understanding they have had, parents have not been able to apply
in the food provisions brought to children to school. Factors that influence parents in
providing nutritional needs through food provisions desire to be better at cooking and serving
food, lack of creativity and innovation in serving food that attracts children's attention,
limited time owned and communication between parents and teachers.

Children who are in the growth phase are in dire need of food in sufficient quantities
and balanced nutrition. To meet this need, in general all parents provide or buy food that is
nutritious and according to the choice or taste of the child. The role of parents in providing
healthy food is very important, because parents are very concerned about the growth and
development of the child. Providing understanding to children so that children can understand
the true meaning of a healthy lifestyle, because food has many influences on body health. In
addition, parents introduce the types and content of healthy foods such as: carbohydrates,
proteins, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.


Health is the most precious treasure of life, all activities can only be carried out when
the body condition is healthy. Living a healthy diet is the easiest way to maintain fitness and
prevent the body from developing diseases. Maintaining food intake and doing physical
activity is the foundation for having a healthy body.

Humans need sufficient energy intake and maintain stamina to continue to be able to
do activities, so that humans realize the importance of carrying out a healthy diet in one way
by consuming healthy foods and carrying out a healthy lifestyle needs to be applied from the
beginning in order to have a positive impact on the body.

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