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Jalan Raya Kebon Jeruk No. 39 Jakarta Barat
Telp (021).5303652 Kode Pos 11530




Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kurikulum : Merdeka DOKUMEN
Hari : Jum’at RAHASIA
Tanggal : 7 Juni 2024
Kelas : VII ( tujuh )
Waktu/Durasi : 120 menit

1. Nabila : ………………………….?
Aditya : It is a half past twelve
A. What time is it ?
B. Is the month June?
C. What month is this month?
D. What day is to day?
2. Look at the picture ! What time is it?
A. It is eight o’clock
B. It is nine o’clock
C. It is seven o’clock
D. It is ten o’clock
3. A : What time is it now ?
B : It is a quarter past four.
Show the picture !
A. B. C. D.

4. What time is it?

A. half past two
B. quarter to two
C. quarter past two
D. three o'clock
5. What time is it?
A. half past seven
B. quarter past seven
C. seven o´clock
D. quarter to seven
6. Choose the correct description !
A. He is old with short, gray hair
B. He is old with short, curly hair
C. He is young with blond hair.
D. He is young with short, white hair
7. There . . . a beach near downtown.
A. are
B. Is
C. am
D. be
8. There . . . a lot of children in the hall.
A. are
B. is
C. am
D. be
9. ....there a train to Makassar?
A. are
B. is
C. am
D. be
10. There . . . a little milk in the bottle
A. are
B. is
C. am
D. be
11. Heru : Can you tell me the way to the hospital, please?
Krisna: . . .two hospitals in this town.
Which one do you want to go to?
A. are there
B. is there
C. there are
D. there is
12. " I have a new backpack. Its colour is light green. I always take it when I go to
school. It is made of strong fabric. My backpack has several parts. The first part is the
pocket where I put my money and library card. The second part is the main part. I
always put my books and pencil case in it. The third part is a small pocket at the left
side of the backpack. I keep a bottle of water in this pocket.
What does the text tell us about?"
A. The writer’s favorite color.
B. The writer’s new backpack.
C. The backpack material
D. The parts of the backpack
13. How many parts does the backpack have?"
A. Three parts
B. two parts
C. one part
D. four parts
14. Where does the writer put his bottle? In the . . . part of the backpack.
A. first
B. second
C. third
D. fourth
15. " Let me tell you about my bedroom. There are many kinds of furniture in my
bedroom. In the center of my room, there is my bed. The bed is made of wood. There is
a nice bed cover and a warm blanket on my bed. On the right side of my bed, there is a
wardrobe. I put my clothes in it. On the left side of my bed, there is a bookshelf. I put my
books there. There is a table and a chair next to the shelf. I usually sit there to study. On
the table, there is a desk lamp. When I study in the evening, I always turn on the lamp.
There is also an alarm clock on my table. I set the alarm in the evening before I go to
bed. It wakes me up in the morning. I always clean my bedroom every day. I arrange
things neatly to make my bedroom comfortable to live in.
the text mainly tells us about?"
A. The bed in the writer’s bedroom.
B. The furniture in the writer’s bedroom
C. The kinds of furniture in a bedroom.
D. The writer’s bedroom.
16. What is the bed like?"
A. Nice and large
B. A cozy wooden bed
C. Small but nice
D. In the center of the room
17. where is the location of the desk lamp?"
A. Next to the table
B. On the table
C. Next to the bed
D. Behind the alarm
18. What is the function of the alarm clock?"
A. To tell the time to sleep
B. To give information about the weather.
C. To make the writer sleep.
D. To wake the writer up in the morning
19. " Milo is my pet. He is my lovely cat. He is not an expensive cat. I found him in front
of my house. Though he is not a pricey cat, I love him so much. Milo has long whiskers
and green eyes. He is orange with two gradations of colours. He is not fat though he
eats a lot because he is very active. He likes to play with balls, but his favorite toy is a
ball of yarn. He likes to roll it and then chase it. Once he catches it, he throws it from
one of his front paws to the other one. At night, he always sleeps with me.
How many gradations of colours does the cat have?"
A. one
B. two
C. three
D. four
20. What does Milo do if he catches the yarn?
A. He kicks it
B. He throws it
C. He eats it
D. He gets on the yarn
21. What is the text about?
A. Instructions to have a cat.
B. A description of the writer’s cat
C. A story about cat adventure
D. A description of cats in general
22. Choose the correct description !
A. playground
B. computer room
C. art room
D. school yard
23. What is in front of her school building?
A. locker rooms
B. a lobby
C. a wide yard
D. classrooms
24. We learn about athletic in the ... subject
A. social studies
B. physical education
C. Math
D. religion
25. How do I go to the hospital?
A. Turn right into King's street first.
B. Go straight ahead
C. Turn left into the King's street first
D. Go out of the cinema
26. What rooms does she have on every floor?
A. bathrooms
B. a music room
C. a cafeteria
D. a prayer room
27. What rooms is this?
A. science room
B. canteen
C. computer room
D. classrooms
28. What is between the music room and the gym?
A. Ms. Grey's room
B. main office
C. cafetaria
D. school garden
29. How do I go to the bus station?
A. Go out of the shop
B. Turn left into the King's street first
C. Turn right into the King's street first
D. Go straight ahead
30. the bookstore is … the supermarket
A. next to
B. between
C. at the corner of
D. opposite
31. where in the school the students do the extracurricular activities based on the
A. canteen
B. laboratory
C. indoor
D. yard
32. I want to swim. Which club can I join?
A. swimming club
B. art club
C. cookery club
D. chair
33. What activities do the students do in the science club?
A. sing, listen, rehearse
B. experiment, try, compare
C. camp, explore, track
D. read, speak, present
34. She wants to play an instrument. Which club can you join?
A. art club
B. soccer club
C. science club
D. music club
35. students play for the school team
A. english club
B. computer club
C. drama club
D. basket club
36. "Clearly there are lots of options when it comes to extracurricular activities. So how
do you find the best ones for you? Sadly, there’s no perfect formula that will spit out
your answer. However, if you follow some simple guidelines, you can narrow down your
choices. The most important thing is to focus on your interests. Any activity you choose
should be something you are passionate about and that you will be invested in for a
long time. Once you know what you enjoy, find the best fit for you:
(1) Ask your guidance counselor or teachers. (2) Ask your friends and family. (3) Check
school and/or community bulletin boards and websites. (4) Research national
organizations. (5) Start your own group!
Question: If you want to join a club, what should you do?"
A. Focus on your interests.
B. Join your best friend's club
C. Use the formula
D. Sadly everyday
37. During a fashion festival, what can be held?
A. fashion show
B. dancing womens
C. fashion
D. buy cake
38. What is Andre going to do?
A. Watch the basketball competition
B. Join the painting competition
C. Register for the art exhibition
D. Buy a handicraft
39. "To All Members of Rizana's Club
Please be informed that Rizna Regional Games 2013 will be on May 5 – 12, 2023 at
Tangerang City. Please pay your 2nd semester contributions on or before April 30,
All checks will be paid to the order of Rizana's Club with account # 02051527. Thank
you for your attention. Management of Rizana's Club.
When do the members have to pay the contributions?"
A. after April 30
B. before May 5
C. after May 5
D. before April 30
40.what is the name of this place?
A. stadion
B. market
C. office
D. art gallery
41. What is Andre going to do?
A. join the painting competition
B. buy a handicraft
C. watch the basketball competition
D. register for the art exhibition
42. How long did the school festival last?
A. seven hours
B. eight hours
C. five hours
D. six hours
43. "Today, there is a school event in SMPN 29 Tangerang. There are many
competitions to join in. There is a basketball competition in the school field. There are
also other competitions that are held in some classes. Gilang and his friends want to
join the basketball competitions. They will compete against another class. Shinta likes to
sing. She wants to join the singing competition. Her voice is so beautiful. Monica wants
to join the storytelling competition. She is registering for it in the library. There is also an
art exhibition. There are many handicrafts like keyrings and paintings to sell. Andre
wants to buy a painting. He is going to the art exhibition now.
Why does Shinta want to join the singing competition?"
A. Singing is her hobby
B. The competition is held in the class
C. The competition is held in the field
D. Sinta is registering for it in the library
44. What is the definition of a School Festival?
A. Unpleasant Festival
B. Festivals that are prohibited by the school
C. Festival held in the hall
D. An activity organized by School
45. The students dance during the festival?
A. Fashion Festival
B. Cultural Festival
C. Literacy Festival
D. All answers are wrong
46. Based on the picture,what is the name of this musical instrument?
47. What extracurricular is this?
A. science club
B. basketball club
C. school newspaper
D. gymnastics club
48. What is the name of the extracurricular activities based on the picture above?
A. pencak silat
B. choir
C. marching band
D. photography
49. What sport is this ?
A. math club
B. soccer club
C. science club
D. baseball club
50. Choose the correct description !
A. playground
B. computer room
C. school yard
D. science room

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