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Introduction to

Advertising II

Prof. Joydeep Mukherjee

5 M’s Of
Mission: What are the advertising objectives?

Money: How much can be spent?

Message: What message should be sent?

Media: What media should be used?

Measurement: How should the results be


Prof. Joydeep Mukherjee

Advertising Objectives

An advertising objective is a specific communications task and

achievement level to be accomplished with a specific audience in a
specific period of time.

Prof. Joydeep Mukherjee

Advertising Objectives

Informing Persuading Reminding Reinforcing

1.Introduction of new 1.Reminding Consumers
1.Countering Competition 1.Removing
product 2. Stimulating impulse
2.Building brand image Dissonance
2.Expansion of market buying
3.Supporting other
promotional activities

Prof. Joydeep Mukherjee

Types of Advertising
According to Advertising Objective
(according to Advertising Objective)

Informative Advertising Persuasive Advertising

Informative advertising aims to create brand Persuasive advertising aims to create liking,

awareness and knowledge of new products or new preference, conviction, and purchase of a product or

features of existing products service.

Prof. Joydeep Mukherjee

Types of Advertising
According to Advertising Objective
(according to Advertising Objective)

Reminder Advertising Reinforcement Advertising

Reinforcement advertising aims to convince current

Reminder advertising aims to stimulate purchasers that they made the right choice
repeat purchase of products and Automobile ads often depict satisfied customers

services. enjoying special features of their new car.

Prof. Joydeep Mukherjee

Types of Advertising Primary V/s Selective Demand
(According to Fundamental Approaches to Communication) 1 Stimulating Advertisement

Direct v/s Delayed Response


Corporate v/s Brand Advertising


Prof. Joydeep Mukherjee

Types of Advertising
1 2
Primary V/s Selective Demand Stimulating Direct v/s Delayed Response
Direct response advertisement asks consumers to
In primary demand stimulation, a company is act immediately.
trying to create demand for an entire product
category. Delayed response ad relies on imagery and
message themes that emphasizes the benefits
Th e purpose of selective demand stimulation and satisfying features of a brand rather than
advertising is to point out a brand’s unique trying to stimulate an immediate action.
benefits compared to the competition.

Prof. Joydeep Mukherjee

Types of Advertising
Corporate v/s Brand Advertising

Corporate advertising is not designed to

promote a specific brand, but is meant to create
a favorable attitude towards a company.

Brand Advertising communicates the specific

features and benefits of a particular brand offered
for sale by a particular organization.

Prof. Joydeep Mukherjee

Types of Advertising
(According to Geographical Spread) 1 National Advertising

2 Local Advertising

3 Global Advertising

Prof. Joydeep Mukherjee

Types of Advertising Consumer Advertising
(According to Target Audience) 1 An advertisement that is directed towards the end

Trade Advertising
2 Consumer product advertisements designed to
stimulate wholesalers or retailers to stock products for

Industrial Advertising
3 Industrial advertising is directed at business firms that
purchase industrial products like raw materials or

Prof. Joydeep Mukherjee

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