Passion Project Guide

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Passion Project Guide (bonus included at the end…)

Step 1: Identify a Meaningful Issue in Your Community

Research and Observation:

Start by immersing yourself in your community. Attend local events, join community groups, and
engage with people to understand the pressing issues they face. Keep an open mind and be

Personal Connection:
Choose a problem that resonates with you personally. Your passion will sustain you through the
challenges of the project and demonstrate your commitment to the cause.

Let's say you're passionate about environmental conservation. After researching, you notice a
lack of recycling infrastructure in your neighborhood, leading to excessive waste.

Step 2: Develop a Sustainable Solution

Brainstorming and Collaboration:

Brainstorm potential solutions to the problem you've identified. Consider long-term strategies
that address the root cause rather than offering temporary fixes. Collaborate with peers,
community leaders, and experts to refine your ideas.

Implementation Plan:
Create a detailed plan outlining how you'll execute your solution. Set measurable goals and
milestones to track your progress. Consider partnering with local organizations or starting a
grassroots movement to amplify your impact.

In response to the recycling issue, you decide to launch a community-wide recycling initiative.
You collaborate with local businesses, schools, and government agencies to establish recycling
bins, educate residents on proper recycling practices, and implement a waste reduction

Step 3: Document and Showcase Your Impact

Data Collection:
Track quantitative data, such as the number of households participating in your initiative,
amount of waste recycled, or funds raised. Additionally, collect qualitative data through
testimonials, success stories, and feedback from community members.

Craft compelling narratives that highlight the tangible impact of your project. Share anecdotes,
testimonials, and before-and-after stories to illustrate how your efforts have made a difference in
people's lives.

You keep meticulous records of the recycling initiative's progress, including the tonnage of
recyclables diverted from landfills and testimonials from community members expressing
gratitude for the cleaner environment. You compile this data into a comprehensive impact report.

Remember Your Ultimate Goal: Making a Difference

Focus on Impact:
Throughout your passion project journey, prioritize making a meaningful difference in your
community. Celebrate small victories and learn from setbacks, staying focused on your
overarching goal of effecting positive change.

Amplify Recognition:
While national awards are prestigious, don't underestimate the power of local recognition.
Approach local media outlets to share your story and showcase your project's impact. Leverage
social media platforms to amplify your message and inspire others to join your cause.

Your Ivy League passion project is not about flashy accolades but rather about genuine
engagement, perseverance, and impact. By identifying a meaningful issue, developing a
sustainable solution, and documenting your impact, you can create a project that stands out
while making a lasting difference in your community.
While learning this framework will put you ahead, keep in mind that you’re
only a fraction of the way through Creating an Outstanding Application.

BONUS: Read this letter if you take being college ready


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