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Merryland International School

UAE Social Studies- Revision

Name: _____________________________ Grade: 9 Sec: _________

1. The UAE focuses on the activities that aim to improve the country’s business environment
and increase its attractiveness to foreign investment. List the activities.





2. What does National Agenda seek for?


3. What does the UAE Vision 2021 prioritize for?


4. Why is Emiratization an important of the national economic expansion phase?


5. In the boxes list two examples of what may be developed for each of the categories. Use
your imagination and explain.

Innovation Research Development

6. Discuss an area in which innovation, new inventions or services may improve the daily
lives of people. Fill your choice for each of the categories and provide a reason.

Medicine Food Production Transport

7. What role does education have in fulfilling the plan for Emiratization? How would
education allow Emiratis to prepare for employment as entrepreneurs and other professions?


8. Define sustainability.


9. Express your thoughts and understandings of the visuals.


10. What are the current issues of Co2 emission? What measures are being taken in the UAE
to create energy with fewer Co2 emissions?

11. Three pillars of sustainability are:

12. In what terms sustainability is important and as a responsible resident of the UAE what
steps must be taken.


13. The UAE relies heavily on the export of oil and gas. UAE residents have a high carbon
ecological footprint. Write a few steps we should do to reduce carbon footprints.

14. What developments led to constructing the modern medical system in the UAE?

15. List three significant improvements to the UAE’s healthcare system.


16. What is the expected rate for diabetes in 2040? Give your reasons in at least three


17. What type of social services are provided in the UAE?


18. What other trends in education are important for developing the knowledge economy?


19. As a country with a long-lasting history with international trade, the United Arb Emirates
has benefitted from its connections to other countries. Why is fairness and good business
reputation important to maintain a good economy and establish a reputation for international


20. For human air travel, the top five international tourist arrivals are from the countries:

21. For the imports and exports of goods, the top five busiest air cargo routes are:

22. What are re-exports and which countries are these products shipped to?



Complete the table:

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