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Neuroimaging Part I Joseph C. Masdeu And R. Gilberto

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Handbook of Clinical Neurology 3rd Series

Available titles
Vol. 79, The human hypothalamus: basic and clinical aspects, Part I, D.F. Swaab, ed. ISBN 9780444513571
Vol. 80, The human hypothalamus: basic and clinical aspects, Part II, D.F. Swaab, ed. ISBN 9780444514905
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Vol. 84, Parkinson’s disease and related disorders, Part II, W.C. Koller and E. Melamed, eds. ISBN 9780444528933
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Vol. 88, Neuropsychology and behavioural neurology, G. Goldenberg and B.C. Miller, eds. ISBN 9780444518972
Vol. 89, Dementias, C. Duyckaerts and I. Litvan, eds. ISBN 9780444518989
Vol. 90, Disorders of consciousness, G.B. Young and E.F.M. Wijdicks, eds. ISBN 9780444518958
Vol. 91, Neuromuscular junction disorders, A.G. Engel, ed. ISBN 9780444520081
Vol. 92, Stroke – Part I: Basic and epidemiological aspects, M. Fisher, ed. ISBN 9780444520036
Vol. 93, Stroke – Part II: Clinical manifestations and pathogenesis, M. Fisher, ed. ISBN 9780444520043
Vol. 94, Stroke – Part III: Investigations and management, M. Fisher, ed. ISBN 9780444520050
Vol. 95, History of neurology, S. Finger, F. Boller and K.L. Tyler, eds. ISBN 9780444520081
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Vol. 103, Ataxic disorders, S.H. Subramony and A. Durr, eds. ISBN 9780444518927
Vol. 104, Neuro-oncology Part I, W. Grisold and R. Sofietti, eds. ISBN 9780444521385
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Vol. 109, Spinal cord injury, J. Verhaagen and J.W. McDonald III, eds. ISBN 9780444521378
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Vol. 111, Pediatric neurology Part I, O. Dulac, M. Lassonde and H.B. Sarnat, eds. ISBN 9780444528919
Vol. 112, Pediatric neurology Part II, O. Dulac, M. Lassonde and H.B. Sarnat, eds. ISBN 9780444529107
Vol. 113, Pediatric neurology Part III, O. Dulac, M. Lassonde and H.B. Sarnat, eds. ISBN 9780444595652
Vol. 114, Neuroparasitology and tropical neurology, H.H. Garcia, H.B. Tanowitz and O.H. Del Brutto, eds.
ISBN 9780444534903
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Vol. 116, Brain stimulation, A.M. Lozano and M. Hallett, eds. ISBN 9780444534972
Vol. 117, Autonomic nervous system, R.M. Buijs and D.F. Swaab, eds. ISBN 9780444534910
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Vol. 120, Neurologic aspects of systemic disease Part II, J. Biller and J.M. Ferro, eds. ISBN 9780702040870
Vol. 121, Neurologic aspects of systemic disease Part III, J. Biller and J.M. Ferro, eds. ISBN 9780702040887
Vol. 122, Multiple sclerosis and related disorders, D.S. Goodin, ed. ISBN 9780444520012
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Vol. 128, Traumatic brain injury Part II, J.H. Grafman and A.M. Salazar, eds. ISBN 9780444635211
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Vol. 134, Gliomas, M.S. Berger and M. Weller, eds. ISBN 9780128029978
Vol. 135, Neuroimaging Part I, J.C. Masdeu and R.G. González, eds. ISBN 9780444534859

We are proud to present the first volumes dedicated to neuroimaging in the Handbook of Clinical Neurology series.
Neurologists, not just those in training, may wonder at the kind of medical world that existed before modern imaging.
Indeed, the neuroscience community has since its beginning attempted to understand the human mind and brain
through imaging. As far back as 1880, the Italian physiologist Angelo Mosso introduced the “human circulation
balance,” which could noninvasively measure the redistribution of blood during emotional and intellectual activity.
More recently, semi-invasive techniques such as pneumoencephalography (introduced by Dandy in 1918) and arteri-
ography (pioneered by Moniz in 1927) allowed partial visualization of the brain and its surrounding structures. New
methods enabling easier, safer, noninvasive, painless, and repeatable imaging have only been developed in the past
50 years or so, starting with computed tomography, some of whose developers won the 1979 Nobel Prize for medicine
or physiology. The many subsequent developments in neuroimaging are masterfully presented in these two volumes.
The volumes deal with a variety of neuroimaging-related topics. They include thorough descriptions of the involved
methods and their application to specific diseases of the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nervous system. Emphasis is
given to the most common disorders, such as tumors, strokes, multiple sclerosis, movement disorders, infections,
dementia, and trauma, but less common conditions such as neurocutaneous syndromes are also discussed. The impor-
tant questions of when and where to image, as well as the differential diagnosis of imaging findings, are discussed in
the light of specific syndromes. A separate section covers pediatric neuroimaging. The volumes conclude with sections
dedicated to interventional neuroimaging as well as to postmortem imaging and neuropathologic correlations.
We have been fortunate to have as volume editors two distinguished scholars, Dr. Joseph C. Masdeu, of the Depart-
ment of Neurology, Methodist Hospital, Houston, Texas, and Dr. R. Gilberto González, from the Department of Radi-
ology, Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. Both have been at the forefront of neuroimaging research for many
years. They have assembled a truly international group of authors with acknowledged expertise to contribute to the
texts and have produced two authoritative, comprehensive, and up-to-date volumes. Their availability electronically on
Elsevier’s Science Direct site as well as in print format should ensure their ready accessibility and facilitate searches for
specific information.
We are grateful to the volume editors and to all the contributors for their efforts in creating such an invaluable
resource. As series editors we read and commented on each of the chapters with great interest. We are therefore con-
fident that both clinicians and researchers in many different medical disciplines will find much in these volumes to
appeal to them.
And last, but not least, it is always a pleasure to acknowledge and thank Elsevier, our publisher – and, in particular,
Michael Parkinson in Scotland, and Mara Conner and Kristi Anderson in San Diego – for their unfailing and expert
assistance in the development and production of these volumes.
Michael J. Aminoff
François Boller
Dick F. Swaab

Neuroimaging has become one of the most useful set of tools for understanding and diagnosing diseases of the ner-
vous system. Fittingly, the present two volumes of the Handbook of Clinical Neurology review the extensive advances
in the field. In the first volume, discussions of the various techniques used in neuroimaging are followed by reviews of
the imaging findings caused by brain diseases. We have chosen not to include a chapter on brain anatomy because it
would be quite long and extant atlases are excellent. The second volume begins with a description of the functional
anatomy of the spine and of the imaging findings in diseases of the spine and spinal cord. Imaging of peripheral nerve
and muscle follows. Then, there is a section on when and how to image the various clinical syndromes produced by
diseases of the nervous system. Adequacy in the use of expensive neuroimaging tools has always been a priority, but it
is becoming more acute as the application of neuroimaging expands more rapidly than the available resources. The
next section is unusual in a book of this type: a description of the various imaging findings that should lead to con-
sideration of the diseases causing them. Such information is particularly important when using techniques like com-
puted tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, which offer a panoply of findings and are extensively used in
clinical practice. Next is a section on pediatric neuroimaging, led by a chapter on imaging findings during normal
development. After three chapters on the therapeutic use of endovascular imaging, the second volume concludes with
a chapter on postmortem imaging as a tool to better define normal brain structure on imaging and its alteration by
some disorders.
We hope that this book will be useful to all those who work with clinical imaging of the nervous system, such as
neurologists, neuroradiologists, neurosurgeons, and nuclear medicine physicians. Some sections, for instance, the sec-
tions on the spine, peripheral nerve, and muscle, may be helpful to orthopedic surgeons and rehabilitation specialists.
Neuropsychologists may find helpful the chapters on neurodegenerative disorders leading to cognitive impairment.
Neuroimaging is used not only clinically, but also by those interested in clarifying the still largely undiscovered
landscape and functional intricacy of the brain. While the clinical literature of neuroimaging is extensive, even more
extensive and more widely cited is the literature of neuroimaging applied to the study of the healthy human nervous
system. Although human disease has traditionally led to a better understanding of normal structure and function,
researchers looking primarily for information on the normal nervous system should look elsewhere.
We are most thankful to the authors, who have distilled their expertise in superbly written and illustrated chapters.
Mr. Michael Parkinson, from Elsevier, has skillfully coordinated the gathering of information for these two volumes.
We are also thankful to the three series editors and, particularly, to Dr. François Boller, for their excellent suggestions.
Joseph C. Masdeu
R. Gilberto González

F. Agosta H. Brunel
Neuroimaging Research Unit, Institute of Experimental Neuroradiology Service, H^opital la Timone, Marseille,
Neurology, Division of Neuroscience, San Raffaele France
Scientific Institute, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University,
Milan, Italy N.D. Bryant
Vanderbilt University Institute of Imaging Science and
C. Amlie-Lefond the Department of Radiology and Radiological Sciences,
Department of Neurology, Seattle Children’s Hospital, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA
Seattle, WA, USA
P.M. Capone
A. Atri Medical Imaging and Neurology, Winchester Medical
Ray Dolby Brain Health Center, California Pacific Center, Winchester and Department of Neurology,
Medical Center Research Institute, Sutter Health, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, USA
San Francisco, CA, USA
G.D. Cascino
Division of Epilepsy, Department of Neurology, Mayo
J.C. Augustinack
Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA
Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging,
Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General
M. Castillo
Hospital, Charlestown, MA, USA
Division of Neuroradiology, Department of Radiology,
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
A. Bali
Department of Radiology, Antwerp University Hospital F. Cendes
and University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium University of Campinas, Department of Neurology,
Campinas, SP, Brazil
A.M. Blitz
Neuro-radiology Division, Johns Hopkins University C.T. Chin
School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA Department of Radiology, University of California,
San Francisco, CA, USA
N. Bogduk
Newcastle Bone and Joint Institute, University of H.M. Dahmoush
Newcastle, Newcastle, Australia Department of Radiology, Children’s Hospital of
Philadelphia and University of Pennsylvania,
A. Boon Philadelphia, PA, USA
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and
Department of Neurology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, B.M. Damon
USA Vanderbilt University Institute of Imaging Science and
the Department of Radiology and Radiological Sciences,
B.H. Brinkmann Departments of Biomedical Engineering and Molecular
Division of Epilepsy, Department of Neurology, Mayo Physiology and Biophysics, Vanderbilt University,
Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA Nashville, TN, USA
C.C. Della Santina P. Hedera
Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Department of Neurology, Vanderbilt University,
Surgery, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Nashville, TN, USA
Baltimore, MD, USA
J.A. Hirsch
O. Diaz Neuroendovascular Service, Massachusetts General
Neurovascular Center, Methodist Hospital, Houston, Hospital, Boston, MA, USA
T.A.G.M. Huisman
C. Ellenberger Division of Pediatric Radiology, Johns Hopkins
Lebanon Magnetic Imaging, Lebanon, Pennsylvania, Hospital, Baltimore, MD, USA
J.V. Hunter
Department of Pediatric Radiology, Texas Children’s
A. Faje
Hospital and Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX,
Neuroendocrine Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital
and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA
M. Kellogg
A. Faridar Department of Neurology, Oregon Health and Science
Department of Neurology, Houston Methodist Hospital, University, Portland, OR, USA
Houston, TX, USA
F.J. Kirkham
M. Filippi Neurosciences Unit, UCL Institute of Child Health,
Neuroimaging Research Unit, Institute of Experimental London; Southampton Children’s Hospital and Clinical
Neurology, Division of Neuroscience, San Raffaele and Experimental Sciences, University of Southampton,
Scientific Institute, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Southampton, UK
Milan, Italy
J.P. Klein
C.R. Fitz Departments of Neurology and Radiology, Brigham and
Department of Radiology, Children’s Hospital of Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School,
Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA Boston, MA, USA

A.E. Flanders A. Klibanski

Department of Radiology, Thomas Jefferson University Neuroendocrine Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital
Hospital, Philadelphia, PA, USA and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA

A.D. Furtado M. Kliot

Department of Radiology, Children’s Hospital of Department of Neurological Surgery, Northwestern
Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, USA

R. Gadhia M. Koob
Department of Neurology, Houston Methodist Hospital, Pediatric Radiology Imaging Service, Centre Hospitalier
Houston, TX, USA Universitaire de Strasbourg, H^opital de Hautepierre and
Laboratoire ICube, Universite de Strasbourg-CNRS,
N. Girard Strasbourg, France
Neuroradiology Service, H^ opital la Timone and Aix
Marseille Universite, Marseille, France T. Krings
Division of Neuroradiology and Neurosurgery,
L. Goerner University of Toronto, Toronto Western Hospital and
The Radiology Group, Honolulu, HI, USA University Health Network, Toronto, ON, Canada

R.G. González T. Leslie-Mazwi

Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General Neuroendovascular Service, Massachusetts General
Hospital, Boston, MA, USA Hospital, Boston, MA, USA
K. Li P.M. Parizel
Vanderbilt University Institute of Imaging Science and Department of Radiology, Antwerp University Hospital
the Department of Radiology and Radiological Sciences, and University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA
T.J. Pfiffner
C.W. Liang Dent Neurologic Institute, Amherst, NY, USA
Neurovascular Imaging Research Core and Department
of Neurology, University of California Los Angeles, S. Pillen
Los Angeles, CA, USA Department of Sleep Medicine, Kempenhaeghe
Expertise Center for Epileptology, Sleep Medicine and
D.S. Liebeskind Neurocognition, Heeze, The Netherlands
Neurovascular Imaging Research Core and Department
N.K. Pinter
of Neurology, University of California Los Angeles,
Dent Neurologic Institute, Amherst, NY, USA
Los Angeles, CA, USA
A. Poretti
B.O. Marquis
Division of Pediatric Radiology, Johns Hopkins
Division of Epilepsy, Department of Neurology, State
Hospital, Baltimore, MD, USA
University of New York Downstate Medical Center,
Brooklyn, NY, USA
J. Rabinov
Neuroendovascular Service, Massachusetts General
J.C. Masdeu
Hospital, Boston, MA, USA
Department of Neurology, Houston Methodist Hospital,
Houston, TX, USA
L. Rangel-Castilla
Neuroendovascular Surgery, University of Buffalo
M.J. McKeown
Neurosurgery, State University of New York, Buffalo,
Pacific Parkinson’s Research Centre and Division of
Neurology, Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain
Health, University of British Columbia and Vancouver
H.L. Rekate
Coastal Health, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Department of Neurosurgery, Hofstra Northshore LIJ
School of Medicine, Manhasset, and The Chiari
L.L. Mechtler
Institute, Great Neck, NY, USA
Dent Neurologic Institute, Amherst, NY, USA
D. Rodriguez-Luna
E.R. Melhem
Stroke Unit, Department of Neurology, Vall d’Hebron
Department of Diagnostic Radiology and Nuclear
University Hospital, Vall d’Hebron Research Institute,
Medicine, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD, USA
Autonomous University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
C.A. Molina
R. Ruff
Stroke Unit, Department of Neurology, Vall d’Hebron
Department of Neurology, Case Western Reserve
University Hospital, Vall d’Hebron Research Institute,
University School of Medicine, Cleveland, OH, USA
Autonomous University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
G. Saliou
D.E. Newman-Toker Neuroradiology Service, Centre Hospitalier
Department of Neurology and Department of Universitaire Bic^etre, Le Kremlin Bic^etre, France
Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Johns Hopkins
University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA R. Scranton
Department of Neurosurgery, Methodist Hospital,
R.B. Olatunji Houston, TX, USA
Department of Radiology, University Hospital Vienna,
Vienna, Austria S.M. Selkirk
Spinal Cord Injury Division, Louis Stokes Cleveland
A. Panigrahy Veterans Affairs Medical Center and Department of
Department of Radiology, Children’s Hospital of Neurology, Case Western Reserve University School of
Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA Medicine, Cleveland, OH, USA
P. Shankar N.A. Tritos
Division of Neuroradiology, Department of Radiology, Neuroendocrine Unit, Massachusetts General
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, USA Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA,
D. Shaw
Department of Radiology, Seattle Children’s Hospital, N. van Alfen
Seattle, WA, USA Department of Neurology, Radboud University Medical
Center, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
N.G. Simon
St Vincent’s Clinical School, University of New South L. van den Hauwe
Wales, Sydney, Australia Department of Radiology, Antwerp University Hospital
and University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium
A.J. Stoessl
Pacific Parkinson’s Research Centre and Division of A.J.W. van der Kouwe
Neurology, Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging,
Health, University of British Columbia and Vancouver Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General
Coastal Health, Vancouver, BC, Canada Hospital, Charlestown, MA, USA

V. Sulc J. Van Goethem

Department of Neurology, 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Department of Radiology, Antwerp University Hospital
Charles University in Prague and Motol University and University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium
Hospital, Czech Republic
A.J.L. Van Hoyweghen
B. Swearingen Department of Radiology, Antwerp University Hospital
Department of Neurosurgery, Massachusetts General and University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium
Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA
A. Vossough
J. Talbott Department of Radiology, Children’s Hospital of
Department of Radiology, University of California, Philadelphia and University of Pennsylvania,
San Francisco, CA, USA Philadelphia, PA, USA

W.H. Theodore C. Zamora

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, Division of Neuroradiology, Department of Radiology,
Bethesda, MD, USA University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, USA

M.M. Thurnher V.M. Zohrabian

Department of Radiology, University Hospital Vienna, Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Yale University
Vienna, Austria School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA
Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Vol. 136 (3rd series)
Neuroimaging, Part II
J.C. Masdeu and R.G. González, Editors
© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

Chapter 32

Functional anatomy of the spine

Newcastle Bone and Joint Institute, University of Newcastle, Newcastle, Australia

Among other important features of the functional anatomy of the spine, described in this chapter, is the
remarkable difference between the design and function of the cervical spine and that of the lumbar spine.
In the cervical spine, the atlas serves to transmit the load of the head to the typical cervical vertebrae. The
axis adapts the suboccipital region to the typical cervical spine. In cervical intervertebrtal discs the anulus
fibrosus is not circumferential but is crescentic, and serves as an interosseous ligament in the saddle joint
between vertebral bodies. Cervical vertebrae rotate and translate in the sagittal plane, and rotate in the
manner of an inverted cone, across an oblique coronal plane. The cervical zygapophysial joints are the
most common source of chronic neck pain. By contrast, lumbar discs are well designed to sustain com-
pression loads, but rely on posterior elements to limit axial rotation. Internal disc disruption is the most
common basis for chronic low-back pain. Spinal muscles are arranged systematically in prevertebral and
postvertebral groups. The intrinsic elements of the spine are innervated by the dorsal rami of the spinal
nerves, and by the sinuvertebral nerves. Little modern research has been conducted into the structure of
the thoracic spine, or the causes of thoracic spinal pain.


In writing a chapter on anatomy for neurologists the risk The cervical spine serves as a mobile support for the sen-
arises of being arcane or banal. Neurologists will already sory platform of the head. It allows the sensory apparatus
be familiar with the precepts of classic anatomy, and for vision, hearing, and smell to be elevated or depressed
would not be inclined to read a chapter that repeats bor- in the sagittal plane, and to scan the environment in the
ing, undergraduate material. For these reasons, the pre- horizontal plane. In order to subserve these functions,
sent chapter has been cast in a different manner. the cervical spine has to be mobile, yet sufficiently strong
Although conventional elements of anatomy are to support the weight of the head. Its vulnerability, to
reprised, they are permeated by several themes. New either minor or major injuries, lies in being long, slender,
facts are provided, stemming from modern research into and carrying the large mass of the head at its summit.
the structure of the spine, along with new perceptions Both for descriptive purposes and functionally, the
about design and function. Throughout, the focus is cervical spine can be divided into three zones: the suboc-
on clinical relevance, particularly with respect to the cipital zone, centered on the C1 vertebra; a transitional
mechanisms of spinal injury and spinal pain. In that zone formed by the C2 vertebra; and the typical zone,
regard, certain structures – ignored in conventional encompassing the C–7 vertebrae (Bogduk and Mercer,
undergraduate curricula – are promoted to epidemiolog- 2000) (Fig. 32.1). These zones differ both in structure
ically significant, clinical importance. and in function.

*Correspondence to: Nikolai Bogduk, PO Box 128, The Junction, New South Wales 2291, Australia. E-mail: nbogduk@bigpond.

Fig. 32.1. Sagittal magnetic resonance images of the cervical spine, showing its structure and zones. (A) Median scan, showing
the vertebral bodies and interverterbral discs. The white dots mark the mean location of the axes of rotation for flexion-extension of
the vertebra above. The odontoid process (op) projects rostrally from the body of C2, to lie behind the anterior arch of the atlas (C1).
(B) Lateral scan, showing the occipital condyle (oc), the lateral mass (lm) of the atlas (C1), the articular pillars (ap), and the zyga-
pophysial joints (zj) that they form, at the segments labeled. (Courtesy of Dr. Tim Maus, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN.)

Suboccipital zone Upper transition zone

The C1 vertebra (the atlas) shares none of the features of The upper half of the C2 vertebra (the axis) is designed to
typical cervical vertebrae, and should never have been support the atlas. Superiorly and laterally, it presents
considered cervical. In structure and in function it is superior articular processes that slope caudally and lat-
more like an occipital vertebra. In structure it resembles erally, and act like sloping shoulders on which the lateral
the occipital bone, as can be seen in axial scans. In func- masses of the atlas rest (Fig. 32.2). The inferior articular
tion, it more closely operates with the head, rather than processes of the atlas have a reciprocal, caudal and lat-
with the remainder of the cervical spine. eral slope. The apposed articular processes on each side
The classic description of the atlas as a ring vertebra form the lateral atlantoaxial joint (Figs 32.2 and 32.3).
belies its design and function. The critical components of The caudolateral slope of the lateral atlantoaxial joint
the atlas are its two lateral masses (Fig. 32.2). Superiorly, helps stabilize the atlas in the coronal plane, but also
these present superior articular processes that receive the underlies the mechanism of Jefferson fractures. Severe
occipital condyles, and thereby cradle the skull. Inferi- axial loads, applied to the skull, will drive the atlas cau-
orly, the lateral masses present inferior articular pro- dally, but its lateral masses will also spread laterally
cesses that rest on the C2 vertebra, and thereby down the lateral slope of the lateral atlantoaxial joints,
transmit the load of the head to the remainder of the cer- resulting in burst fractures of the anterior and posterior
vical spine. The anterior and posterior arches of the atlas arches.
serve little function other than holding the two lateral Centrally, the axis presents a long odontoid process
masses both apart and together, while the latter do the (the dens) that projects behind the anterior arch of the
mechanical work of the atlas. atlas, with which it forms the median atlantoaxial joint
Upon receiving the occipital condyles into their deep (Figs 32.1, 32.3, and 32.4). The anterior arch is held against
sockets, the superior articular processes of each lateral the odontoid process by the transverse ligament, which
mass form the atlanto-occipital joints (Figs 32.2 and spans like a belt between the two lateral masses of the
32.3). These synovial joints constitute the only direct con- atlas, behind the odontoid process (Figs 32.4 and 32.5).
nection between the skull and C1. They allow a small Posterior displacement of the atlas is prevented by
range of flexion-extension, but the depth of their sockets impaction of the anterior arch against the odontoid pro-
precludes axial rotation. Therefore, as the head rotates cess, at the median atlantoaxial joint. Anterior displace-
(in the transverse plane) the atlas is obliged to move with ment is prevented by tension in the transverse ligament
it. In that respect, the atlas behaves like a passive washer, (Fielding et al., 1974). The ligament allows up to 3 mm
between the skull and C2. normal range of separation between the odontoid

Fig. 32.2. Coronal magnetic resonance images of the cervical spine, showing the structure of its components. (A) Anterior scan,
showing the occipital condyles (oc) resting in the sockets of the lateral masses (lm) of the atlas, and forming the atlanto-occipital
joints (aoj); and the lateral masses bracketing the odontoid process (op), and resting on the “shoulders” of the axis (C2), where they
form the lateral atlantoaxial joints (laaj). The vertebral bodies of C2–7 form the anterior column of the cervical spine. (B) Posterior
scan, through the synovial joints of the cervical spine. Note the wedge shape of the lateral mass (lm) between the atlanto-occipital
joint (aoj) and the lateral atlantoaxial joint (laaj). The zygapophysial joint at C2–3 slopes caudally and medially, but those at suc-
cessive levels are essentially horizontal. The dotted line illustrates the ellipsoid shape depicted by the C2–3 zygapophysial joints
and the C2–3 disc, into which the atlas (C2) nestles on to the typical cervical spine.

process and the anterior arch in adults, and 5 mm in chil- Severe forces delivered anteriorly to the head can frac-
dren. In the past, the magnitude of the interval between ture the odontoid process. Such fractures threaten the sag-
the anterior arch and the odontoid process has been used ittal stability of the atlas. In turn, anterior or posterior
as a measure of atlantoaxial instability, but as a predictor displacement of the atlas can threaten the spinal cord.
of neurologic compromise the posterior atlantodental Rheumatoid arthritis of the atlantoaxial joints can weaken
interval (Fig. 32.3) has greater sensitivity and specificity the transverse ligament of the atlas, resulting in anterior
(Wasserman et al., 2011). subluxation of the atlas (Wasserman et al., 2011).

Fig. 32.3. Close-up views of sagittal magnetic resonance images of the suboccipital joints. (A) Median scan through the odon-
toid process (op) and vertebral body of C2. With the front of the odontoid process, the anterior arch (aa) of the atlas forms the
median atlantoaxial joint (maaj). The transverse arrow marks the posterior atlantodental (pa) interval. (B) Lateral scan through
the lateral mass (lm) of the atlas. With the superior sockets of the lateral mass of the atlas, the occipital condyle (oc) forms the
atlanto-occipital joint (aoj). With C2, the lateral mass forms the lateral atlantoaxial joint (laaj). Note the bi-convex shape of
the lateral atlantoaxial joint. The triangular, white signals anteriorly and posteriorly within the joint are the fibroadipose meniscoids
that it contains. (Courtesy of Dr. Tim Maus, Mayo Clinic, Rochester MN.)

Fig. 32.4. A sketch of an axial (top) view of the atlas sitting on

the axis. The lateral masses of the atlas bracket the odontoid
process (op) of the axis, and are themselves joined by the ante-
rior (aa) and posterior (pa) arches of the atlas. With the anterior
Fig. 32.5. A sketch of the suboccipital joints and ligaments, as
arch, the odontoid process forms the median atlantoaxial joint
view from behind with the posterior arch of the atlas resected.
(maaj). The transverse ligament (tl) spans like a belt behind the
The lateral mass (lm) of the atlas supports the occipital bone,
odontoid processes, between the two lateral masses.
and rests of the axis, forming the atlanto-occipital joint (aoj)
above, and the lateral atlantoaxial joint (laaj) below. The trans-
verse ligament (tl) holds the atlas (al) against the odontoid pro-
Although the osseous articular processes of the lat- cess (op). The alar ligaments bind the odontoid process to the
eral atlantoaxial joint are flat, their articular cartilages margins of the foramen magnum, thereby connecting the skull
are convex (along the sagittal plane) (Koebke and to C2 but bypassing C1.
Brade, 1982) (Fig. 32.3). As a result, the atlas perches
somewhat precariously on the axis, with its convex infe-
rior articular cartilages balancing on the convexities of cartilages of the lateral atlantoaxial joints remain
the superior articular cartilages of the axis. The spaces opposed; the joint is almost dislocated.
anteriorly and posteriorly between the convex cartilages In order to accommodate this large range of motion,
are filled by wedge-shaped fibrocartilaginous menis- the capsules of the lateral atlantoaxial joint are loose,
coids (Mercer and Bogduk, 1993). and serve little to hold the atlas on the axis. That service
Although a small degree of flexion and extension is is provided by the alar ligaments. On each side, these lig-
possible between the atlas and the axis (Bogduk and aments pass essentially transversely from the upper end
Mercer, 2000), the cardinal movement between these of the odontoid process to the margin of the foramen
two vertebrae is axial rotation. During this movement magnum (Fig. 32.5). In doing so, they bypass the atlas,
the atlas pivots at the median atlantoaxial joint, while and lock the head into place on the axis, effectively clamp-
its lateral masses slide backwards or forwards, circum- ing the atlas between the skull and C2. The alar ligaments
ferentially, at the lateral atlantoaxial joints. However, are the cardinal restraint to axial rotation of the head
because of the convexity of the articular cartilages in (Dvorak et al., 1987). They are sufficiently strong to pre-
these joints, the lateral masses also descend, down the vent anterior dislocation of the head even if the transverse
posterior or anterior slope of the cartilages, as they move ligament is completely severed (Fielding et al., 1974). Dis-
backwards or forwards, respectively. As a result, the ruption of an alar ligament can result in rotatory instabil-
atlas settles (lowers or screws down) during axial rota- ity of the head and atlas (Dvorak et al., 1987).
tion, and rises when the movement is reversed Excessive axial rotation of the atlas can result in a lat-
(Bogduk and Mercer, 2000). During these displace- eral mass dislocating at the lateral atlantoaxial joint,
ments, the meniscoids of the joints cover the exposed causing fixed atlantoaxial deformity (Wortzman and
surfaces of the subluxating articular cartilages. Dewar, 1968). A less dramatic form of torticollis can
The total range of axial rotation of the atlas is consid- arise if, after rotation of the head and atlas, a meniscoid
erably large. It has been measured as 43  5.5° which of the lateral atlantoaxial joint fails to re-enter the joint
effectively amounts to 50% of the range of axial rotation space, catches under the capsule of the joint, and acts like
of the head and neck (Bogduk and Mercer, 2000). At the a loose body to prevent derotation of the joint (Mercer
extremes of this range, very little of the articular and Bogduk, 1993).
and 32.2). Secondarily, transverse processes project lat-
erally from the articular pillars, and posteriorly the two
pillars are united by a pair of laminae, which support a
midline spinous process at their junction. The transverse
processes and spinous processes serve as levers upon
which act the muscles that control the position of the cer-
vical vertebrae. Along its superior, posterolateral margin
on each side, each vertebral body bears uncinate pro-
cesses. Previously enigmatic, the uncinate processes
underlie the nature of the joints between the cervical ver-
tebral bodies and how they operate.
Consecutive articular pillars are united by the zy-
gapophysial joints (Figs 32.1 and 32.2), which are synovial
joints formed by the inferior articular process of the
vertebra above and the superior articular process of
the vertebra below. Fibroadipose meniscoids intervene
between the articular cartilages of these joints (Mercer
and Bogduk, 1993). The zygapophysial joints are planar,
and at typical cervical levels are oriented at about 40° to
the coronal and transverse planes, so that they face back-
wards and upwards (Nowitzke et al., 1994). At the C2–3
Fig. 32.6. A sketch of a coronal view of how forces from the level, however, the joints also face medially, such that the
head are transmitted into the cervical spine. On each side, the pair of joints depict an ellipsoid socket into which nestles
weight of the head passes through the occipital condyle (oc), the weight of the axis, and the load that it carries from
into the lateral mass (lm) of the atlas, and into the axis the head (Figs 32.2 and 32.6).
(C2) through the lateral atlantoaxial joint. From there, the forces Consecutive vertebral bodies are united by interverteb-
diverge, partly into the posterior column of zygapophysial
ral discs, and by the anterior and posterior longitudinal lig-
joints, and partly into the anterior column of vertebral bodies
and discs. Half the load passes anteriorly and half posteriorly.
aments (Mercer and Bogduk, 1999). The anterior ligament
connects only the typical cervical vertebrae, from C2 cau-
dally. The posterior longitudinal ligament forms a
Increasing interest has been focused on the lateral carpet along the floor of the vertebral canal at typical cer-
atlantoaxial joints as a possible source of cervicogenic vical levels, but expands into the membrana tectoria to
headache. This contention can be tested by controlled, cover the back of the atlantoaxial region. In doing so,
intra-articular, diagnostic blocks of the putatively pain- the ligament separates the dural sac and spinal cord from
ful joint (Bogduk and Bartsch, 2008; Bogduk and the mechanics of the median atlantoaxial joint.
Govind, 2009; Bogduk, 2014). Posterior ligaments are lacking in the cervical spine.
Interspinous ligaments are represented by only a sagittal
Lower transition zone layer of fascia (Mercer and Bogduk, 2003). The ligamen-
The lower half of the C2 vertebra has the structure of a tum nuchae lacks the structure of a ligament. It consists
typical cervical vertebra (Figs 32.1 and 32.2). Centrally it largely of a narrow, coronal raphe, anchored to the C7
presents a vertebral body, and laterally it presents paired spinous process, and formed by interlacing tendons of
inferior articular processes. Having received the lateral the splenius muscles and trapezius (Mercer and
masses of the atlas, the axis transmits the load of the Bogduk, 2003).
head along an anterior channel, through its vertebral The intrinsic structure of the cervical intervertebral
body to the vertebral bodies below, and along paired pos- discs is unlike that of lumbar discs, and differs with
terior channels, through the zygapophysial joints age (Oda et al., 1988; Mercer and Bogduk, 1999). The
(Fig. 32.6). Approximately half of the axial load is trans- nucleus pulposus of cervical discs is gelatinous only in
mitted through the anterior channel, and half through the children and young adults. By the age of 30 it dries
two posterior channels. out to form a fibrocartilaginous plate (Oda et al.,
1988). Moreover, the nucleus is not surrounded by con-
centric lamellae of the anulus fibrosus (Mercer and
Typical cervical vertebrae
Bogduk, 1999). The anulus fibrosus is largely deficient
The cardinal elements of a typical cervical vertebra are posteriorly, and consists of a thin, paramedian band of
its vertebral body and two articular pillars (Figs 32.1 collagen fibers that run longitudinally between the

Fig. 32.7. Sketches of various views of the internal structure

of the cervical disc. In a front view, all fibers of the anterior
anulus fibrosus pass towards a point on the inferior anterior
surface of the vertebral body above. In a top view, the anulus
fibrosus (af) is crescentic in shape, thick anteriorly but tapering
at the uncinate processes (u). The nucleus pulposus (np) is a
fibrocartilaginous plate. Posteriorly the anulus is restricted
to a small bundle of paramedian, longitudinal fibers. A side
view shows the fibers of the anulus fibrosus passing upwards
and forwards. A transverse cleft runs from one uncinate pro-
cess to the other.

vertebral bodies (Fig. 32.7). Posterolaterally, the nucleus

is covered by the posterior longitudinal ligament, rather
than by anulus fibrosus. Anteriorly, the anulus fibrosus
is crescentic in shape, thin posteriorly near the uncinate
processes, but thicker anteriorly towards the midline. All Fig. 32.8. Sketches of a posterolateral view of a typical cervi-
of its collagen fibers pass in a similar direction, effec- cal vertebral body, showing the two curvatures of its superior
tively aiming to a median point on the lower anterior sur- surface: a downward concavity along the sagittal plane, and a
face of the vertebral body above. This configuration second concavity, facing upwards and forwards, between the
endows the anulus fibrosus with the structure of a thick uncinate processes (u). These two concavities endow the inter-
interosseous ligament that binds the anterior edges of vertebral disc with the features of a saddle joint.
consecutive vertebral bodies.
The superior surface of each cervical vertebral body
presents two curvatures: a slight convex curvature along lie in the vertebral body below the moving vertebra,
the sagittal plane, and a deep concave curvature trans- but are progressively closer to their intervertebral disc
versely between the uncinate processes (Fig. 32.8). These at lower levels (Amevo et al., 1991) (Fig. 32.1). These dif-
curvatures endow the vertebral body with the configura- ferences correlate strongly with the height of the articu-
tion of a saddle joint (Bogduk and Mercer, 2000). Con- lar pillar at each segment (Nowitzke et al., 1994). Taller
sequently, the cervical interbody joints operate like a pillars provide less space into which the vertebra can
saddle joint, with motion restricted to two planes: the translate once it has commenced sagittal rotation. Con-
sagittal plane and an oblique coronal plane. versely, at segments with shorter pillars, sagittal rotation
In the sagittal plane, the vertebral bodies can rock and lifts the inferior articular processes of the moving verte-
slide (rotate and translate), to provide for flexion and bra off the supporting articular pillar, and provides a
extension of the neck. From above downwards, the typ- greater gap into which it can translate (Nowitzke
ical cervical vertebrae exhibit progressively less transla- et al., 1994).
tion for each degree of rotation, during flexion or The second plane of movement of typical cervical
extension. This is reflected by the different locations vertebrae is set at 40° forwards of the coronal plane,
of their axes of movement. At higher levels the axes and lies parallel to the plane of the zygapophysial joints

Fig. 32.9. A sketch of a typical cervical intervertebral joint, Fig. 32.10. The mechanics of the early phase of whiplash
illustrating the mechanics of rotation of the vertebral body, injury. As a result of a thrust from below, the cervical spine
across the oblique concavity of the uncinate processes, and undergoes a sigmoid deformation. Lowe segments, e.g.,
around an oblique axis through the vertebral body. The motion C5–6, undergo a posterior sagittal rotation around an abnor-
is like that of a cone whose apex is fixed but whose bases nev- mally high instantaneous axis of rotation (iar), which results
ertheless free to twist and spin, in the direction and plane indi- in posterior elements being impacted and anterior elements
cated by the arrow. being stretched.

(Bogduk and Mercer, 2000). Across this plane, each ver- process to the other. This cleft is not a degenerative
tebra rotates like an inverted cone whose apex is fixed, change but a normal age change. The cleft effectively
but whose base can twist (Fig. 32.9). The apex of the cone forms the “joint space” across the posterior interverteb-
corresponds to the anterior, median point on the verte- ral disc that allows axial rotation of the head to be accom-
bral body to which the fibers of the anulus fibrosus modated and amplified in range by the typical cervical
are directed; and the anulus fibrosus serves to hold this vertebrae.
apex in place. Meanwhile the posterior, inferior edge of This structure and mechanics of the cervical spine are
the vertebral body presents a convex surface that is of relevance to the mechanisms of injury in whiplash.
cupped by the concave surface between the uncinate pro- The early phase of whiplash injury involves a thrust from
cesses of the vertebra below. This latter geometry is that below (Bogduk and Yoganandan, 2001; Bogduk, 2006).
of an ellipsoid joint, and the posterior inferior margin of This upward thrust deforms the cervical spine into a sig-
the vertebral body is free to spin, or swing, across this moid shape, within which the lower cervical vertebrae –
ellipsoid surface. Thus, while the anterior end of the ver- typically C5 and C6 – undergo an abnormal extension
tebral body is fixed, its posterior end and its posterior (Fig. 32.10). The vertebra rocks backwards but without
elements are free to spin clockwise or counterclockwise translating. As a result, it rotates about an abnormally
across the oblique coronal plane. During this motion, the high axis of rotation (Kaneoka et al., 1999). During this
inferior articular processes of the zygapophysial joints motion, anterior elements are stretched while posterior
simply glide laterally across the surfaces of their sup- elements are impacted. The anterior anulus fibrosus
porting superior articular processes. can be torn or avulsed, resulting in so-called rim lesions.
A consequence of this mode of operation is that the Impaction in the zygapophysial joints can cause impac-
interbody joints of typical cervical vertebrae cannot tol- tion fractures of the articular cartilages, or contusions
erate a posterolateral anulus fibrosus, for it would of the intra-articular meniscoids. During later phases,
impede the spin of the posterior vertebral body across the cervical spine rebounds into flexion, which can exces-
the oblique coronal plane. Consequently, although a pos- sively strain the capsules of the zygapophysial joints
terior anulus is present at birth and in young children, it (Curatolo et al., 2011).
gradually disappears as neck movements increase Physiologic studies in laboratory animals have shown
(Tondury, 1972). By about the age of 9 years, the postero- that the capsule strains induced by whiplash injury result
lateral anulus tears, and clefts appear in the region of the in persistent nociception from the injured joint, and per-
uncinate processes. Progressively these clefts enlarge sistent changes within the central nervous system charac-
centrally, until they meet in the midline, at about the teristic of chronic pain (Winkelstein, 2011). Clinical
age of 30, to form a transverse cleft from one uncinate studies have shown that the cervical zygapophysial joints
are the single most common source of chronic neck and by the anterior and posterior longitudinal ligaments
pain after whiplash, accounting for between 50% and (Bogduk, 2012a). Bowing the column into a lordosis
60% of cases (Bogduk, 2011). Most commonly, neck endows the lumbar spine with the ability to absorb
pain – with referred pain to the shoulder girdle – stems dynamic axial loads (bouncing). Axial impulses deform
from the C5–6 joint, while headache stems from the the lordotic curve; the energy is absorbed by the elastic
C2–3 zygapophysial joint. discs and longitudinal ligaments; and is returned to
Less well understood is pain from the cervical interver- restore the more upright curve, once the axial impulse
tebral discs. Conspicuously, degenerative disc disease is has passed (Bogduk, 2012a).
not associated with neck pain. Furthermore, discogenic The lumbar intervertebral discs are well designed to
pain appears to be uncommon, once zygapophysial joint accommodate compression loads (Hickey and Hukins,
pain is taken into account (Yin and Bogduk, 2008). Per- 1980). Each consists of hydrated nucleus pulposus, sur-
haps discogenic pain is caused by strains of the inteross- rounded by an anulus fibrosus, and capped superiorly
eous ligament formed by the anterior anulus fibrosus, but and inferiorly by a vertebral endplate that joins the disc
diagnostic techniques by which to test this proposition to the adjacent vertebral body (Fig. 32.12). The anulus
have not been developed. fibrosus is formed by concentric layers of collagen
fibers, in which the fibers in any one layer run in parallel,
at about 60° to the long axis of the spine, but in succes-
sive layers that orientation alternates.
The cardinal role of the lumbar spine is to support the Axial compression is resisted primarily by the concen-
thorax and upper limbs – and any loads that they tric layers of the anulus fibrosus (Markolf and Morris,
carry – and to transmit those loads to the pelvis and lower 1974) (Fig. 32.12). However, the tendency of the anulus
limbs (Bogduk, 2012a). Secondarily, the lumbar spine under load is to buckle, both outwards and inwards. This
accommodates a modest range of movement between buckling is resisted by the hydrostatic nucleus pulposus.
the thorax and pelvis. When the nucleus is compressed it exerts a radial pressure
In order to subserve these functions, the essential ele- that braces, and stiffens, the anulus, thereby preventing it
ments of the lumbar spine are the vertebral bodies of the from buckling. A small range of flexion-extension is
five lumbar vertebrae (Fig. 32.11). These are stacked into accommodated by the discs (about 13° per segment), dur-
a strong column, and are united by intervertebral discs ing which the anulus fibrosus on the side to which

Fig. 32.11. Sagittal magnetic resonance images of the lumbar spine. (A) Median scan showing the vertebral bodies and spinous
processes (sp). The white dots mark the location of the axes of rotation of the vertebra above. (B) Lateral scan through the inter-
vertebral foramina and the L3–4 to L5–S1 zygapophysial joints. ped, pedicle of L3; sap, superior articular process of L4; iap,
inferior articular process of L5.

Fig. 32.12. Close-up views of a sagittal magnetic resonance image of an L3–4 intervertebral disc. (A) The components of the disc.
np, nucleus pulposus; af, anulus fibrosus; vep, vertebral endplate. (B) The mechanics of the disc. Axial compression loads are
primarily borne by the lamellae of collagen in the anulus fibrosus. When compressed, the nucleus pulposus exerts radial pressure
to brace the anulus, and prevent it from buckling under load.

movement occurs is compressed slightly, while the anulus vertebra. As the inferior articular processes move, they
on the opposite side is stretched (Bogduk, 2012a). lift away from the superior articular process, tanta-
While strongly designed to resist compression, the mount to partially subluxating the joint. Fibroadipose
lumbar discs are poorly designed to resist axial rotation. meniscoids protect the exposed surfaces of the articular
Because the collagen fibers of the anulus fibrosus alter- cartilages during this displacement (Engel and Bogduk,
nate in direction in successive layers, only half are avail- 1982; Bogduk and Engel, 1984).
able to resist axial rotation in one direction or the other. In axial views, the lumbar zygapophysial joints vari-
For stability in axial rotation, the lumbar vertebral bodies ously present flat, C-shaped, or J-shaped appearances,
and intervertebral discs rely on the posterior elements of which correspond to the primary functions of these
the lumbar vertebrae (Bogduk, 2012a). joints (Horwitz and Smith, 1940). Flat joints essentially
The posterior elements are based on an arch (Bogduk, face medially and posteriorly. C-shaped joints have an
2012a) (Fig. 32.13). The arch is supported by stout pedi- anterior end that faces posteriorly, and a posterior end
cles that emanate from the upper posterior surface of that faces medially. J-shaped joints have a small anterior
each vertebral body. The pedicles serve to transmit lip facing posteriorly, and a larger surface facing medi-
forces from the succeeding posterior elements to the ver- ally. The medially facing surfaces serve to resist axial
tebral bodies, which control the position or movements rotation of the vertebrae. Attempted axial rotation
of the vertebral bodies. The arch is completed by left swings the inferior articular process laterally, but this
and right laminae that join in the midline. From the junc- movement is arrested by the opposing superior articular
tion of the two laminae springs a large spinous process, process. The range of motion is limited to about 2° or less
and from the junction between the pedicle and lamina on per segment (Pearcy and Tibrewal, 1984), and is accom-
each side arises a long transverse process. These pro- modated only by compression of the articular cartilage.
cesses serve as levers to which attach the muscles that The surfaces that face posteriorly serve to resist forward
control the movements of the lumbar vertebrae. displacement (listhesis) of the vertebra.
At its superior and inferior lateral corners respec- Impaction of an inferior articular process against its
tively, each lamina bears a superior and inferior articular superior articular process tends to force the inferior pro-
process. Like large mittens, the paired superior articular cess backwards, and lift the lamina from which it arises
processes reach cranially to grasp the inferior articular (like opening a hatchback). In turn this tendency stresses
processes of the vertebra above, and form the zygapo- the junction between the lamina and its pedicle. Repeated
physial joints. The plane of these joints is parallel to impactions – particularly during repeated axial
the longitudinal axis of the lumbar spine. Consequently, rotation – can cause stress fractures at this point, result-
during flexion of the vertebral bodies, the inferior artic- ing in pars interarticularis defects.
ular processes glide freely out of the sockets formed by The lumbar zygapophysial joints can be a source of
the superior articular processes, until movement is low-back pain, but its prevalence is uncertain. It appears
arrested by tension in the joint capsules (Bogduk, to be uncommon or rare in injured workers, but is com-
2012a). The axis of this movement typically lies in the mon in elderly patients (Bogduk, 2008, 2012b).
disc below the moving vertebra (Pearcy and Bogduk, The most common cause of chronic low-back pain is
1988) (Fig. 32.11A), which indicates only a small amount internal disc disruption (Bogduk et al., 2013). This condi-
of translation for every degree of rotation of the moving tion is characterized by degradation of the nucleus

Fig. 32.13. Sketches of the posterior elements of a lumbar vertebra. (A) Posterior view. The two laminae (la) form a quadrangular
plate, from whose corners project the superior (sap) and inferior (iap) processes. From the junction of the two laminae projects the
spinous process (sp). On each side, the inferior and superior articular processes of consecutive vertebrae form the zygapophysial
joint (zj) (B) Axial (top) view. The posterior elements are connected to the vertebral body (vb) by the pedicles (p). The transverse
process (tp) projects from the junction of the pedicle and lamina, on each side.

pulposus of the affected disc and the development of Small muscles connect consecutive spinous processes
radial fissures into the posterior or posterolateral anulus. and transverse processes. Too small to move their verte-
The condition has been produced in laboratory animals, brae effectively, these muscles serve as proprioceptors
and pursued in numerous clinical studies. Its cause is for the spine (Bastide et al., 1989).
compression injuries that produce small fractures of Prevertebral muscles are represented only in the cer-
the vertebral endplate. These result in degradation of vical spine (Standring, 2008). The longus cervicis con-
the matrix of the nucleus pulposus. As the nucleus nects the vertebral bodies and transverse processes of
becomes less able to retain water, it is no longer able the cervical vertebrae. It is covered by the longus capitis
to pressurize and brace the anulus. Pressures in the which anchors the skull to the cervical vertebrae. These
nucleus drop, but rise in the posterior anulus. The muscles are weak flexors of the head and neck.
unbraced anulus progressively delaminates, particularly Various suboccipital muscles control movements
in regions of high stress where the laminae are curved: at of the head in relation to the atlas and the axis. They
the posterolateral corners or the posterior paramedian are the rectus anterior and rectus lateralis anteriorly,
sector. Pain arises as a result of chemical irritation of and the rectus capitis posterior major and minor acc-
nociceptors in the anulus by degradation products from ompanied by obliquus inferior and obliquus superior,
the nucleus, and as a result of the increased mechanical posteriorly (Standring, 2008). Collectively these muscles
stresses on the surviving, intact laminae of anulus control the orientation of the head on the atlas and axis.
(Bogduk et al., 2013). To various degrees of certainty The postvertebral muscles are aligned systematically,
the condition can be diagnosed by characteristic features side by side and by layers (Standring, 2008). Multifidus
on magnetic resonance imaging, such as Modic lesions in is the deepest and most medial muscle. Its fascicles arise
the vertebral body or high-intensity zones in the anulus from a spinous process and descend to various insertions
fibrosus, and by provocation discography (Bogduk on articular processes and transverses processes one to
et al., 2013). No treatment has been vindicated, but sev- several segments caudally. It is flanked by the longissi-
eral minimally invasive interventions are being pursued, mus system of muscles, which attach to transverse pro-
which encompass ablating nociceptors in the disc, inject- cesses near their bases, and whose components are large
ing restorative agents such as stem cells, or injecting at lumbar levels, but virtually miniscule at cervical levels.
antagonists of inflammation. Further laterally runs the iliocostalis system, which
attaches to transverse processes near their tips, and
whose components are, likewise, large at lumbar levels
but miniscule at cervical levels. A semispinalis system
is vestigial at lumbar levels but well developed at cervical
The anatomy of muscles of the cervical and lumbar spine levels. Semispinalis cervicis arises from the cervical spi-
is made complex by the diversity of their numerous nous processes, and covers the multifidus with fascicles
attachments. If those specifics are ignored, the anatomy longer than those of the latter muscle. Semispinalis capi-
becomes simpler. tis arises from the occiput, and is anchored to the cervical
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of cerebral hemorrhage and apoplexy,


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et seq.

Psycho-neuroses (see

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