Shri Asthavakara Geeta 3.12

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S R I A S H T A V A K R A G E E T A 3.




तस्यात्मज्ञानतृप्तस्यतुलनाके नजायते॥

नैराश्ये अपि यस्य मानसम् निःस्पृहम् (भवति तस्य) आत्मज्ञानतृप्तस्य महात्मन: के न

(समम्) तुलना जायते?॥

अर्थ: जिस महात्मा का मन नैराश्य (निराशा) की स्थिति में भी निःस्पृह (असंपृक्त) रहता
है, उस आत्मज्ञान से तृप्त महात्मा की तुलना किससे की जा सकती है?


स्वयं ब्रह्मा स्वयं विष्णुः स्वयमिन्द्रः स्वयं शिवः।

स्वयं विश्वमिदं सर्वं स्वस्मादन्यन्न किं चन॥
स्वात्मन्यारोपिता शेषाभासवस्तुनिरासतः।
स्वयमेव परंब्रह्म पूर्णमद्वयमक्रियम्॥
अर्थ: वह स्वयं ब्रह्मा, स्वयं विष्णु, स्वयं इन्द्र और स्वयं शिव है। वह स्वयं ही यह सम्पूर्ण
विश्व है, उसके अतिरिक्त और कु छ नहीं है।

अपने आत्मा में आरोपित शेष अभास वस्तुओं के निरास (अस्वीकार) के बाद, वह स्वयं ही
परब्रह्म है, जो पूर्ण, अद्वैत (अद्वितीय) और अक्रिय (निर्विकार) है।
A S H T A V A K R A G I T A (S H L O K A 3.12):

निस्तहं मानसं यस्य नैराश्येऽपि महात्मनः।

तस्य आत्मज्ञानतृप्तस्य तुलना के न जायते?॥

Translation: Whose mind remains unattached even in adversity, and who

is content in the knowledge of the Self, how can such a great soul be
compared to anyone?

Explanation: This verse highlights the unique attributes of a realized

sage. Such a sage's mind remains unaffected and unattached even in the
face of despair. Fully content with the knowledge of the Self, they stand
incomparable, transcending all mundane comparisons.

स्वयं ब्रह्मा स्वयं विष्णुः स्वयमिन्द्रः स्वयं शिवः।

स्वयं विश्वमिदं सर्वं स्वस्मादन्यन्न किं चन॥

Translation: He is himself Brahma, himself Vishnu, himself Indra, and himself

Shiva. He is the entire universe; there is nothing beyond him.

स्वात्मन्यारोपिता शेषाभासवस्तुनिरासतः।
स्वयमेव परंब्रह्म पूर्णमद्वयमक्रियम्॥

Translation: Upon the rejection of all superimposed illusory objects in

the Self, he remains as the supreme Brahman, which is complete, non-
dual, and actionless.

Explanation: These verses from the Adhyatma Upanishad describe the

ultimate realization of the Self. One who perceives their essence as the
entire universe, encompassing all divine forms like Brahma, Vishnu,
Indra, and Shiva, recognizes that nothing exists beyond this unity. This
realization comes from discarding all illusory projections on the Self,
leading to the understanding of one's true nature as the supreme Brahman
—complete, non-dual, and beyond all actions.
The defining attribute of a sage is the unwavering nature
of their mind. Imagine a raging storm tossing a ship at
sea. While the waves may crash and the vessel may
groan, a skilled captain remains calm and collected,
navigating the chaos with a steady hand. Similarly, a
sage's mind remains unattached and untroubled by the
vicissitudes of life. Joy and sorrow, success and failure,
all are seen as passing phenomena, unable to disturb the
inner peace cultivated through self-realization.
In today's fast-paced and often chaotic world, the need
for an unwavering mind is more critical than ever. Stress,
anxiety, and uncertainty have become pervasive elements
of modern life. The ability to maintain inner peace and
equanimity amidst external turmoil is not just a spiritual
ideal but a practical necessity for mental and emotional
well-being. An unwavering mind allows individuals to
navigate challenges with resilience and clarity, making
better decisions and maintaining harmonious
A sage's mind is characterized by several key attributes
that distinguish it from the average person's mental state:
1. Detachment: Detachment is not indifference but a state of being
where one is not overly influenced by external events. This allows
the sage to remain centered and composed, regardless of
2. Equanimity: Equanimity is the hallmark of a sage's mind. It is the
ability to remain balanced and unshaken, experiencing emotions
fully without being overwhelmed or controlled by them.
3. Clarity: A sage's mind is clear and free from the distortions of ego
and personal bias. This clarity enables them to see things as they
are and respond appropriately.
4. Compassion: Despite their detachment, sages are deeply
compassionate. Their understanding of the interconnectedness of
all beings fosters empathy and kindness.
The journey to cultivate an unwavering mind involves
several practices and disciplines:
1. Meditation: Regular meditation helps in quieting the mind and
developing inner stillness. It trains the mind to remain focused and
calm, even in stressful situations.
2. Self-Inquiry: Engaging in self-inquiry allows individuals to
explore the nature of the Self, leading to a deeper understanding of
one's true essence beyond the ego and transient experiences.
3. Mindfulness: Practicing mindfulness cultivates present-moment
awareness, helping individuals to stay grounded and attentive to
their thoughts and emotions without getting entangled in them.
4. Detachment Practices: Learning to let go of attachments and
expectations can free the mind from unnecessary suffering. This
involves recognizing the impermanent nature of all things and not
clinging to them.
The impact of cultivating an unwavering mind extends
beyond personal well-being. It influences various aspects
of life and society:
1. Improved Relationships: An unwavering mind fosters better
communication and understanding, leading to more harmonious
2. Effective Leadership: Leaders with equanimity and clarity can
make more informed and balanced decisions, benefiting
organizations and communities.
3. Societal Harmony: As more individuals cultivate inner peace, the
collective consciousness of society can shift towards greater
harmony and cooperation.
4. Resilience in Adversity: An unwavering mind provides the
resilience needed to face life's challenges with courage and
The unwavering mind of a sage is a profound ideal,
embodying the ultimate goal of self-realization. It
represents a state of being where one is no longer tossed
by the storms of life but navigates them with calm and
clarity. In a world fraught with stress and uncertainty, the
cultivation of such a mind is not only a spiritual
aspiration but a practical necessity. Through meditation,
self-inquiry, mindfulness, and detachment, individuals
can develop an unwavering mind, leading to greater
personal well-being and a more harmonious society. The
sage's mind serves as a beacon, illuminating the path
toward inner peace and resilience, guiding us to live from
a place of deep wisdom and compassion.


The pursuit of self-realization stands as a cornerstone in many
spiritual traditions, representing the profound journey to
uncover the very essence of our being. This journey is not
merely about intellectual understanding but involves delving
deep into the unchanging truth that lies beneath the ever-
shifting sands of our daily experiences. At its core, self-
realization is about discovering the eternal, unalterable aspect
of ourselves, the essence that remains constant despite the
inevitable changes and challenges life presents.

A realized sage epitomizes the culmination of this journey.

Such a sage has achieved a profound state of self-knowledge
and inner peace, transcending the ordinary perceptions and
reactions that characterize human existence. The sage's mind
remains unwavering and detached, maintaining tranquility
amidst the turbulence of life. Joy and sorrow, success and
failure – these dualities of existence pass through them without
leaving a trace, much like waves crashing against a rock that
stands firm and unshaken.

The unique characteristics of a realized sage go beyond mere

detachment. They embody a state of equanimity, experiencing
emotions fully yet not being controlled by them. This balanced
state allows them to engage with the world compassionately
and empathetically while remaining rooted in their inner
serenity. Their actions are guided by wisdom and a deep
understanding of the Self, which they have uncovered by
peeling back the layers of ego and false identities.

The Self, as realized by the sage, is not the transient collection

of thoughts, emotions, and experiences that form our everyday
personality. It is the eternal spark, the unchanging truth that
exists beyond the impermanent world. This profound self-
knowledge fosters an intrinsic contentment that is not swayed
by external circumstances. The sage finds fulfillment within,
independent of external validations or achievements.

In essence, the realized sage represents the ultimate potential

within each of us – to find and live from a place of deep inner
peace and unshakeable knowledge of the Self. Their lives and
teachings serve as a beacon, guiding us on our own paths
toward self-realization and a life less affected by the external
world's tumult.


At the heart of a sage's essence lies the unwavering nature of

their mind, akin to a skilled captain navigating a ship through a
raging storm. Amidst the tumultuous waves that crash and roar,
the captain remains calm and collected, steering with precision
and composure. Similarly, the sage's mind remains serene and
detached amidst the chaotic ebbs and flows of life's
circumstances. Joy and sorrow, success and failure, are
transient ripples on the surface of their inner peace, unable to
disturb the profound tranquility cultivated through self-

This unwavering quality of mind is not indifference or

aloofness but a deep-seated equanimity rooted in spiritual
insight. The sage perceives the impermanence of worldly
phenomena and recognizes the unchanging nature of their inner
Self. This understanding frees them from being swept away by
the fleeting emotions and external events that affect most
people. They witness life's highs and lows with clarity and
acceptance, responding with wisdom rather than reactive

Through practices such as meditation, introspection, and self-

inquiry, sages attain a profound awareness of their true essence
beyond the transient fluctuations of the ego. They cultivate a
deep-seated peace that serves as an anchor amidst life's storms,
offering stability and clarity in the face of uncertainty. This
inner stability enables them to navigate challenges with
resilience and grace, inspiring others with their serene presence
and compassionate wisdom.

In essence, the unwavering mind of the sage represents a

pinnacle of spiritual attainment—a state of being where inner
peace is not contingent upon external conditions but arises from
a profound understanding of one's true nature. Their example
reminds us of the possibility of transcending the turmoil of
everyday life and discovering a lasting peace that resides within
each of us, waiting to be awakened through diligent practice
and spiritual growth.


Detachment, as embodied by a sage, transcends mere apathy or

indifference. It is a profound state of equanimity—a balanced
inner stance where emotions are fully experienced yet not
allowed to dictate one's responses. Imagine a skilled dancer
moving gracefully through a performance, feeling every beat
and rhythm without losing their poise. Similarly, a sage
navigates life's complexities with a deep sense of compassion
and empathy, fully engaging in the human experience while
remaining rooted in unshakeable inner peace.

This detachment does not mean emotional detachment but

rather a freedom from being overwhelmed or controlled by
transient feelings and external circumstances. Sages possess a
keen awareness of the impermanent nature of emotions and
external events, which allows them to maintain clarity and
stability amidst life's ups and downs. They cultivate a serene
center that acts as a steadfast anchor, enabling them to respond
to life's challenges with discernment and grace.
Through practices such as meditation and self-reflection, sages
develop a profound understanding of their true Self beyond the
fluctuations of the ego. This self-awareness fosters a deep-
seated contentment that is independent of external validations
or achievements. They experience joy without clinging, sorrow
without despair, and success without egoic pride—each
experience enriching their inner journey rather than defining
their sense of self-worth.

In essence, detachment without indifference exemplifies a

harmonious integration of emotional depth and spiritual
wisdom. It allows sages to engage authentically in relationships
and societal interactions, offering genuine empathy and support
while remaining steadfast in their inner equilibrium. Their
ability to navigate life's complexities with wisdom and grace
serves as a profound inspiration, inviting others to explore the
transformative potential of inner peace and compassionate


The foundation of an unwavering mental state in a sage rests

upon a profound understanding of the Self. Imagine peeling
away layers of an onion to reveal its core essence—similarly,
the realized sage delves deep within, stripping away the veils of
ego and identity. Through introspection and spiritual inquiry,
they unearth the timeless essence that lies beyond the transient
fluctuations of thoughts, emotions, and external experiences.

This Self is not confined to the limitations of individuality or

the fleeting nature of worldly phenomena. It is likened to an
eternal spark, the unchanging truth that animates all existence.
This realization transcends intellectual understanding; it is a
direct experience of unity with the universal consciousness that
pervades every aspect of life.
The journey to uncover this deep knowledge of the Self
involves shedding attachments to fleeting identities and desires.
The sage recognizes that true fulfillment does not arise from
external achievements or accolades but from aligning with the
inherent harmony of existence itself. This alignment brings
about a profound sense of contentment and inner peace that
remains unshaken by external circumstances.

Through practices such as meditation, self-inquiry, and

contemplation, sages deepen their connection to this eternal
essence. They cultivate a state of awareness that is not clouded
by the fluctuations of the mind or the transient nature of
worldly pursuits. Instead, they abide in a timeless presence that
transcends dualities and embodies the essence of unconditional
love and wisdom.

In essence, the deep knowledge of the Self attained by sages

serves as a guiding light for humanity's spiritual evolution. It
offers a profound invitation to look beyond the surface of
existence and discover the profound truth that underlies all
creation. By aligning with this eternal essence, individuals can
awaken to their true nature and live in harmony with the
inherent wisdom and unity that permeate the universe.


This deep knowledge of the Self fosters a sense of contentment

that transcends external circumstances. Imagine a traveler with
a well-stocked pack, prepared for any journey. They are not
dependent on the availability of resources at any particular stop
because they carry their own sustenance. Similarly, a sage,
satiated by the knowledge of the Self, finds fulfillment from
within. They are not driven by external desires or the pursuit of
happiness, for they have discovered a wellspring of
contentment within.

The essence of a realized sage is marked by an unparalleled

blend of mental equanimity and profound self-knowledge.
Unlike ordinary individuals, sages have transcended the
confines of egoic limitations and the attachments that tether
humanity to the material world.

Imagine a majestic eagle soaring high above the clouds,

unaffected by the commotions of the earth below. Similarly,
sages rise above the mundane concerns of everyday life,
attaining a state of inner tranquility that remains undisturbed by
external circumstances. They have liberated themselves from
the chains of desire and ego, experiencing life from a vantage
point that sees beyond the transient and superficial.

In this elevated state, comparisons between sages and ordinary

individuals lose their relevance. It is not a matter of being better
or worse; rather, sages inhabit a realm of consciousness where
the criteria for comparison cease to apply. Their existence
transcends dualities and judgments, embodying a profound
acceptance and understanding of the interconnectedness of all

Through rigorous self-inquiry and spiritual practice, sages have

uncovered the timeless truth of their own existence—the
essence that transcends birth and death, pleasure and pain. This
realization fosters a deep sense of compassion and empathy, as
they recognize the universal nature of human experience.

Sages do not seek superiority or recognition; their presence

serves as a silent reminder of the potential within each
individual to awaken to their true nature. They offer a beacon of
light amidst the complexities of life, inviting others to embark
on their own journey of self-discovery and spiritual evolution.
In conclusion, the incomparable nature of sages stems from
their profound inner peace and expanded consciousness. They
embody a state of being that is beyond comparison, inviting
humanity to transcend the limitations of ego and embrace the
boundless potential of the human spirit. Through their example,
sages illuminate a path of wisdom and liberation, inspiring
others to explore the depths of their own existence and awaken
to the timeless truth that unites all beings.


The realized sage stands as the epitome of spiritual attainment

across diverse traditions. Their unwavering mind and profound
self-knowledge illuminate a path of profound insight and
liberation that inspires countless seekers. By delving into the
essence of their lives and teachings, we uncover a profound
guidance system, lighting our own journey toward inner peace,
self-discovery, and resilience in the face of life's challenges.

The sage's unwavering mind serves as a steadfast anchor amidst

the turbulence of existence. Imagine a towering lighthouse on a
stormy shore, its light cutting through the darkness, guiding
ships safely to harbor. Similarly, the sage's clarity and
equanimity enable them to navigate life's storms with grace and
wisdom. They have transcended the fluctuations of worldly
concerns, finding stability in the unchanging truth of their inner

Central to the sage's essence is their profound self-knowledge—

the deep understanding of the Self that transcends mere
intellectual knowing. Through rigorous introspection and
spiritual practice, they have peeled away the layers of ego and
identity, revealing the eternal essence that underlies all
existence. This Self is not bound by time or circumstance; it is
the timeless reality that connects all beings in a web of
universal consciousness.
Studying the lives and teachings of sages offers us more than
historical or philosophical insights; it provides a transformative
roadmap for our own spiritual evolution. Their example invites
us to cultivate a deeper understanding of ourselves and the
world around us, fostering a sense of interconnectedness and
compassion that transcends boundaries. By emulating their
dedication to inner growth and self-awareness, we can embark
on a journey of self-discovery that leads to profound inner
peace and fulfillment.

In the face of life's challenges and uncertainties, sages

demonstrate a way of being that is less susceptible to external
upheavals. They embody resilience born of inner strength,
showing us that true peace is not contingent upon favorable
conditions but arises from within. Their teachings encourage us
to cultivate mindfulness and presence, enabling us to respond to
life with clarity and compassion rather than reactive emotion.

Ultimately, the sage serves as a beacon for humanity—a

guiding light that beckons us toward a life of spiritual depth and
authenticity. Their wisdom invites us to explore the depths of
our own consciousness, transcending the superficialities of
material existence in search of lasting fulfillment. Through their
example, we are inspired to forge our own path to the
untethered soul—a journey of self-discovery and spiritual
awakening that leads us to align with the eternal truth that
unites all beings.

In conclusion, the sage's legacy resonates through the ages,

offering us a timeless invitation to awaken to our highest
potential and embrace the inherent wisdom that lies within. As
we integrate their teachings into our lives, we step closer
toward realizing our own capacity for inner peace, self-
understanding, and profound spiritual growth. Let us heed the
call of the sage and embark on a journey of transformation,
guided by their luminous example toward a life of purpose,
authenticity, and spiritual fulfillment.

🌟 Embrace the essence of inner peace and self-discovery. A great soul

transcends adversity with unwavering serenity. #InnerPeace #SelfDiscovery

🌿 In the calm of self-awareness, comparisons fade. Discover the beauty of a

soul content in its own truth. #SpiritualWisdom #Contentment #GreatSoul

🌌 Beyond the storms of life, a great soul shines with clarity and resilience.
Explore the path to untethered wisdom. #Resilience #Clarity #GreatSoul

🌟 Let the radiance of self-knowledge guide your journey. Embrace the

peace that comes from within. #SelfRealization #PeaceWithin #GreatSoul

🌿 Discover the art of being unattached yet deeply engaged. A great soul
navigates life's challenges with grace and wisdom. #GracefulLiving
#Wisdom #GreatSoul

🌌 Reflect on the wisdom of those who find solace in the knowledge of the
Self. Their path illuminates possibilities for all. #Inspiration #PathToPeace

🌿 Let the wisdom of great souls inspire your journey. Embrace the path to
self-discovery and inner tranquility. #Inspiration #Wisdom #GreatSoul

In the depths of adversity's roar,

A great soul remains evermore,
Untethered by the world's sway,
In self-knowledge, finding its way.
Contentment blooms like a gentle flower,
Beyond the reach of transient hour,
Comparisons fade in its eternal glow,
For such a soul, none can truly know.

🌌 Discover the untold depths of inner peace and wisdom. A great soul
shines bright amidst life's challenges. #SpiritualGrowth #UnwaveringMind

🌟 Embrace the serenity within! A great soul remains unshaken by life's

storms, finding solace in self-knowledge. #SoulfulWisdom #InnerPeace

Amidst life's ever-changing tide,

A great soul's peace does abide,

In the knowledge of the Self profound,

True joy and contentment are found.

In the depths of adversity's roar,

A great soul remains evermore,

Untethered by the world's sway,

In self-knowledge, finding its way.

Contentment blooms like a gentle flower,

Beyond the reach of transient hour,

Comparisons fade in its eternal glow,

For such a soul, none can truly know.

Amidst life's tumultuous sea,

A great soul stands serene and free,

Unattached to joys or woe,

In self-knowledge, they choose to grow.

Comparisons falter in their light,

For they embody truth so bright,

In the silence of their gaze,

Lies wisdom's eternal maze.

Amidst life's ever-changing tide,

A great soul's peace does abide,

In the knowledge of the Self profound,

True joy and contentment are found.

No comparison can dim their glow,

As through life's ebb and flow they grow,

In the heart of stillness, they see,

The beauty of what truly can be.

No comparison can dim their glow,

As through life's ebb and flow they grow,

In the heart of stillness, they see,

The beauty of what truly can be.

Amidst life's tumultuous sea,

A great soul stands serene and free,

Unattached to joys or woe,

In self-knowledge, they choose to grow.

In the depths of adversity's roar,

A great soul remains evermore,

Untethered by the world's sway,

In self-knowledge, finding its way.

Contentment blooms like a gentle flower,

Beyond the reach of transient hour,

Comparisons fade in its eternal glow,

For such a soul, none can truly know.

Comparisons falter in their light,

For they embody truth so bright,

In the silence of their gaze,

Lies wisdom's eternal maze.

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