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S H R I A S H T A V A K R A G E E T A ॥ 3.

14 ॥

अन्तस्त्यक्तकषायस्य निईन्द्रस्य निराशिषः।

यदृच्छयागतो भोगो न दुःखाय नतुष्टये॥

Translation: For one who has abandoned inner cravings, who is

indifferent and free of desires, an experience that comes by
chance neither causes sorrow nor joy.

For an individual who has relinquished internal attachments and

is free from desires, the Ashtavakra Geeta's verse 3.14 offers
timeless wisdom on the benefits of relinquishing inner cravings
and achieving equanimity. In a world often driven by desires
and external validation, this teaching provides a pathway to
lasting inner peace and balance. By adopting a mindset of
detachment and observing our desires without becoming
ensnared by them, we can cultivate a profound sense of
tranquility and freedom. This state of equanimity not only
enhances personal well-being but also has the potential to
positively influence our professional and social lives,
contributing to a more harmonious and compassionate world.

any pleasure or pain that comes by chance does not lead to

suffering or elation. This implies a state of equanimity where
external circumstances do not disturb one's inner peace.

The concept you're describing highlights a state of equanimity

and inner peace that can be achieved through detachment from
cravings and desires. When someone reaches this state, they
become indifferent to external circumstances, which means
they don't experience suffering or elation based on what
happens around them. This perspective can indeed help in
removing obstacles in daily life, promoting a healthier and
more balanced lifestyle, and fostering a calm and rational

For one who has abandoned inner cravings and is indifferent to

desires, experiences that come by chance neither cause sorrow
nor joy. Such an individual, having relinquished internal
attachments, remains unaffected by pleasure or pain that occurs
unexpectedly. This state of equanimity ensures that external
circumstances do not disturb one's inner peace. Achieving this
mindset helps in overcoming obstacles in daily life, leading to a
more balanced and healthy existence, free from the turmoil of
fluctuating emotions and thoughts.

तेजसीव तमो यत्र विलीनं भ्रान्तिकारणम्।
अद्वितीये परे तत्त्वे निर्विशेषे भिदा कु तः॥

Translation: Where darkness (ignorance) merges into the light

(knowledge), which is the cause of delusion, in the non-dual
supreme truth, how can there be any distinction?
Explanation: In the supreme, non-dual truth where ignorance is
dissolved by the light of knowledge, there is no room for
distinctions or differences. It signifies the realization of
oneness, where all dualities vanish.

एकात्मके परे तत्त्वे भेदकर्ता कथं वसेत्।

सुषुप्तौ सुखमात्रायां भेदः के नावलोकितः॥

Translation: In the supreme, singular essence, how can the

creator of distinctions (mind) exist? In deep sleep, where there
is only bliss, who perceives any differences?
Explanation: In the ultimate, singular reality, the mind, which
creates distinctions, cannot exist. Just as in deep sleep, where
one experiences only bliss and no distinctions or separations are
perceived, similarly, in the realization of the highest truth, there
are no divisions or dualities.



In a world driven by constant desires and endless cravings,

achieving a state of equanimity remains an elusive goal for
many. The Ashtavakra Geeta, an ancient spiritual text, offers
profound wisdom on attaining this state of inner peace and
balance. Specifically, in verse 3.14, it elucidates that for one
who has abandoned inner cravings and is free from desires, any
experience that comes by chance neither causes sorrow nor joy.
This essay explores the profound implications of relinquishing
internal attachments and attaining equanimity, highlighting the
freedom and tranquility that arise from this state of being. In a
world driven by constant desires and endless cravings,
achieving a state of equanimity remains an elusive goal for
many. The Ashtavakra Geeta, an ancient spiritual text, offers
profound wisdom on attaining this state of inner peace and
balance. Specifically, in verse 3.14, it elucidates that for one
who has abandoned inner cravings and is free from desires, any
experience that comes by chance neither causes sorrow nor joy.
This essay explores the profound implications of relinquishing
internal attachments and attaining equanimity, highlighting the
freedom and tranquility that arise from this state of being.

The relentless pursuit of desires often leads to a cycle of

transient pleasures and inevitable disappointments. In modern
society, where success is frequently measured by material gains
and sensory gratification, this cycle can trap individuals in a
perpetual state of dissatisfaction. The Ashtavakra Geeta's
wisdom presents a compelling alternative: by relinquishing
internal attachments and desires, one can transcend the
fluctuating emotions associated with external circumstances.
This concept of detachment does not advocate for a life devoid
of joy or engagement but rather promotes a balanced approach
where one's inner peace is not contingent upon external
Detachment, as suggested by the Ashtavakra Geeta, involves a
profound shift in perspective. It encourages individuals to
observe their thoughts and desires without becoming entangled
in them. This practice fosters a sense of inner stability and
resilience. When one is no longer swayed by every whim or
external event, a deeper sense of contentment and tranquility
emerges. This state of equanimity is marked by an evenness of
mind that remains unshaken by the highs and lows of life. The
ability to maintain such a mindset can lead to significant
improvements in mental health, as it reduces anxiety and stress
related to the unpredictability of life.

The implications of this teaching extend beyond personal well-

being. In professional and social contexts, equanimity can
enhance decision-making and interpersonal relationships. When
individuals are not driven by personal cravings or aversions,
they can approach situations with greater clarity and objectivity.
This detachment allows for more thoughtful and compassionate
interactions, as one's actions are not clouded by self-centered
desires or fears. Leaders who embody equanimity can inspire
trust and respect, creating environments that foster
collaboration and mutual support.

Moreover, the practice of relinquishing attachments aligns with

many contemporary mindfulness and meditation practices.
Techniques such as mindfulness meditation encourage
individuals to focus on the present moment and observe their
thoughts without judgment. This practice can cultivate the very
detachment and equanimity described in the Ashtavakra Geeta.
As more people integrate these practices into their daily lives,
the collective impact on society could be profound, leading to
communities characterized by greater empathy, understanding,
and resilience.

To comprehend the essence of equanimity, it is essential to

understand the nature of cravings and desires. Inner cravings
are the incessant urges and attachments that drive individuals to
seek external validation, material possessions, and sensory
pleasures. These desires often lead to a perpetual cycle of
seeking and dissatisfaction, where the fulfillment of one desire
only gives rise to another. Consequently, individuals find
themselves trapped in a relentless pursuit of happiness,
mistaking fleeting moments of pleasure for genuine

In contrast, the state of equanimity is characterized by the

absence of these inner cravings. It is a state where an individual
is indifferent to the fluctuations of external circumstances,
neither elated by pleasure nor distressed by pain. This
indifference does not imply apathy or lack of engagement with
life; rather, it signifies a profound inner stability and resilience.
For such an individual, experiences that come by chance do not
sway their emotional equilibrium. Whether faced with success
or failure, praise or criticism, they remain undisturbed, rooted
in a deeper understanding of the transient nature of worldly

The Ashtavakra Geeta underscores that relinquishing internal

attachments and desires is the key to achieving this state of
equanimity. When one is free from the constant pull of desires,
they are no longer enslaved by external circumstances. This
freedom allows them to experience life with a sense of
detachment, viewing each moment as it is, without the
distortions of personal biases and expectations. In this state,
pleasure and pain lose their power to evoke strong emotional
reactions. Instead, they are perceived as natural occurrences,
neither inherently good nor bad, but simply as aspects of the
human experience.

Achieving equanimity requires a deep commitment to self-

awareness and inner discipline. It involves recognizing the
impermanent nature of all things and cultivating a mindset that
is not easily swayed by external events. Meditation,
mindfulness, and reflective practices are instrumental in this
journey. They enable individuals to observe their thoughts and
emotions without becoming entangled in them, fostering a
sense of detachment and inner calm. Through these practices,
one learns to respond to life’s challenges with composure and
clarity, rather than reacting impulsively out of habit or
The state of equanimity also brings about profound
psychological and emotional benefits. Free from the constant
turmoil of desires and attachments, individuals experience a
heightened sense of peace and well-being. Their minds are no
longer clouded by anxiety or fear, allowing them to engage with
life more fully and authentically. Relationships improve as they
become more compassionate and understanding, no longer
projecting their unmet needs and expectations onto others.
Moreover, they develop a deeper connection with their true
selves, discovering an inner reservoir of strength and wisdom
that guides them through life’s ups and downs.

In conclusion, the wisdom of the Ashtavakra Geeta offers

timeless insights into the nature of equanimity and the path to
achieving it. By abandoning inner cravings and desires,
individuals can attain a state of inner balance where external
circumstances no longer dictate their emotional state. This state
of equanimity fosters a profound sense of peace, resilience, and
freedom, allowing one to navigate life’s complexities with
grace and clarity. In a world constantly in flux, equanimity
stands as a beacon of inner stability, guiding us towards a more
harmonious and fulfilling existence.



Life is a constant ebb and flow of experiences, a tapestry woven

with threads of joy and sorrow. The pursuit of happiness often
leads us to chase after pleasures and avoid pain, creating a cycle
of attachment and aversion that fuels our anxieties. However,
the ancient wisdom of the Ashtavakra Geeta offers a path to
inner peace through the concept of equanimity. This essay
explores how equanimity, as described in the Ashtavakra Geeta,
allows one to transcend the rollercoaster of emotions and
achieve a state of inner tranquility, unruffled by the vicissitudes
of life.

The Ashtavakra Geeta suggests that a core source of our

suffering lies in our attachment to the external world. We crave
pleasurable experiences and seek to avoid pain. This attachment
generates a sense of dependence on external circumstances for
our happiness. The verse, "For one who has abandoned inner
cravings, who is indifferent and free of desires, an experience
that comes by chance neither causes sorrow nor joy,"
beautifully encapsulates the essence of equanimity. It describes
a state where one has relinquished internal desires and
attachments. Here, "indifferent" does not imply apathy, but
rather a detachment from the outcomes of experience.

Imagine a tranquil lake reflecting the vast expanse of the sky. A

gentle breeze ruffles the surface, creating ripples that
momentarily distort the reflection. However, the lake itself
remains undisturbed, its stillness mirroring the underlying calm.
Similarly, for an individual who has attained equanimity,
external experiences are like the ripples on the lake. They may
cause a temporary disturbance, but they do not affect the
underlying stillness of the mind.

This detachment from desires fosters a state of equanimity – a

balanced mind that remains unmoved by the fluctuations of
fortune. Pleasure and pain, success and failure, are all seen as
transient experiences, part of the ever-changing nature of the
world. One does not become elated by good fortune or
despondent by misfortune. Instead, one responds to life's events
with calmness, clarity, and wisdom.

The path to equanimity outlined in the Ashtavakra Geeta

involves self-inquiry and meditation. By exploring the nature of
our thoughts and emotions, we can begin to detach from the
incessant chatter of the mind and connect with the stillness
within. Meditation practices deepen this connection, fostering a
sense of inner peace and clarity that translates into our actions
in the world.

Equanimity is not a state of passive indifference, but rather a

state of active engagement with the world. However, this
engagement is not driven by desires or aversions, but by a sense
of service and fulfillment. Our actions become expressions of
our inherent nature, rather than desperate attempts to control an

In today's fast-paced, hyper-connected world, the need for

equanimity is more urgent than ever. Modern society is
characterized by constant stimulation and information overload,
leading to heightened stress levels and mental health
challenges. Social media, while offering connectivity, often
exacerbates feelings of inadequacy and comparison, driving
individuals further into the cycle of desire and attachment. The
relentless pursuit of success and material wealth can lead to
burnout, anxiety, and a profound sense of emptiness.

Mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and stress-

related disorders are on the rise globally. These conditions are
often rooted in the inability to cope with life's uncertainties and
the emotional turbulence that accompanies them. The principles
of equanimity, as taught in the Ashtavakra Geeta, offer a
timeless remedy for these modern ailments. By cultivating a
balanced mind that remains unaffected by external
circumstances, individuals can develop resilience and find
solace amidst the chaos of contemporary life.

Equanimity enables individuals to navigate life's challenges

with grace and composure. It fosters a mindset that is not
swayed by temporary setbacks or inflated by fleeting successes.
This stability of mind is crucial for maintaining mental well-
being and fostering a sense of fulfillment that transcends
material accomplishments. Furthermore, equanimity
encourages a deeper connection with the self, promoting self-
awareness and emotional intelligence, which are essential for
healthy relationships and personal growth.

In conclusion, the Ashtavakra Geeta's concept of equanimity

offers a transformative approach to life. It is not about
withdrawing from the world, but rather cultivating a mind that
is unruffled by its joys and sorrows. By detaching from desires
and identifying with the unchanging Self, we can achieve a
state of inner peace and find true happiness, regardless of the
circumstances life throws our way. In a world characterized by
constant change, equanimity serves as a guiding light, leading
us towards a life of serenity and wisdom. Embracing this
ancient wisdom can provide modern society with the tools
needed to foster mental health, resilience, and enduring inner


In a world driven by constant desires and the relentless pursuit of external

validation, achieving a state of equanimity remains an elusive goal for many. The
Ashtavakra Geeta, an ancient spiritual text, offers profound wisdom on attaining
inner peace and balance through the relinquishment of inner cravings and desires.
Specifically, verse 3.14 of the Ashtavakra Geeta provides timeless guidance on how to
cultivate equanimity by abandoning internal attachments.

For one who has abandoned inner cravings and is indifferent and free of desires, an
experience that comes by chance neither causes sorrow nor joy. This state of being
implies a profound equanimity where external circumstances do not disturb one's
inner peace. By adopting a mindset of detachment and observing our desires
without becoming ensnared by them, we can achieve a profound sense of tranquility
and freedom.

This state of equanimity not only enhances personal well-being but also has the
potential to positively influence our professional and social lives, contributing to a
more harmonious and compassionate world. In the pages that follow, we will
explore the implications of this teaching and its relevance to contemporary life,
offering insights into how we can integrate these ancient principles into our modern

For one who has abandoned inner cravings and is free from desires, an
experience that comes by chance neither causes sorrow nor joy. The
wisdom of the Ashtavakra Geeta teaches us the power of equanimity and
inner peace. 🌿✨

#InnerPeace #Equanimity #AshtavakraGeeta #SpiritualWisdom

#Mindfulness #DetachFromDesires #MentalWellbeing #Tranquility
#BalanceInLife #SpiritualGrowth

Discover the timeless wisdom of the Ashtavakra Geeta! Relinquishing

internal attachments and observing our desires without becoming ensnared
by them can lead to profound tranquility and freedom.

: #SpiritualJourney #AshtavakraGeeta #Detachment #InnerCalm

#Equanimity #Mindfulness #MentalHealth #InnerFreedom #BalancedLife

In a world driven by desires and external validation, the Ashtavakra

Geeta's verse 3.14 offers a pathway to lasting inner peace and balance.
Embrace a mindset of detachment and transform your life. 🌸💫

#AshtavakraGeeta #InnerPeace #Detachment #Equanimity

#SpiritualWellness #MindfulLiving #EmotionalBalance #TranquilMind
#Harmony #Compassion

Any pleasure or pain that comes by chance does not lead to suffering or
elation for one who has relinquished internal cravings. Achieve
equanimity and let external circumstances not disturb your inner peace. 🌿

#InnerPeace #Equanimity #AshtavakraGeeta #SpiritualWisdom

#Detachment #Mindfulness #InnerStrength #EmotionalResilience
#Tranquility #BalancedLife

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