Đáp án Buổi 05

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Đáp án Buổi 05

1. (A) The signs are being painted. sign /saɪn/

(B) The building is under construction. construction /kənˈstrʌkʃn/
(G) The bicyclists are riding through the streets. bicyclist /ˈbaɪsɪklɪst/
(D) Some cars are parked on the street.

2. (A) They’re waiting in line together. together /təˈɡeðər/

(B) They’re playing a game outdoors. outdoors /ˌaʊtˈdɔːrz/
(C) They’re sitting at the dentist’s office. dentist /ˈdentɪst/ office /ˈɑːfɪs/
(D) They’re opening the gate. gate /ɡeɪt/

3. (A) A man is fishing from the shore. fish /fɪʃ/

(B) The beach is crowded with swimmers. crowded /ˈkraʊdɪd/
(C) The fishermen are pulling in their nets. pull /pʊl/
(D) The man is cooking a fish.

4. (A) The woman has left her seat. seat /siːt/

(B) The men are leaning across the table. across /əˈkrɔːs/
(C) There is a pair of sunglasses on the table. sunglasses /ˈsʌnɡlæsɪz/
(D) The woman is putting some flowers in a vase. flower /ˈflaʊər/ vase /veɪz/ /vɑːz/

5. (A) There’s a chair next to the beds.

(B) There are no pillows on the bed. pillow /ˈpɪləʊ/
(C) There’s a stack of sheets on the shelf. shelf /ʃelf/
(D) There’s a picture above the beds. above /əˈbʌv/

6. (A) The handrails are being polished. polished /ˈpɑːlɪʃt/

(B) The people are seated on the steps.
(C) The people are going up to the next floor.
(D) The workers are cleaning the walkway.
walkway /ˈwɔːkweɪ/

7. (A) The man is throwing away some posters. throw /θrəʊ/

(B) A picture is being hung on the wall. hung /hʌŋ/
(C) The man is reaching down to pick up some tape.
(D) A railing has been placed along the street. railing /ˈreɪlɪŋ/

8. (A) She’s stapling some documents staple /ˈsteɪpl/

(B) She’s doing some paperwork. paperwork /ˈpeɪpərwɜːrk/
(C) She’s looking over her shoulder. shoulder /ˈʃəʊldər/
(D) She’s riding to the office.

9. (A) The taller ladder is propped up against the building. ladder /ˈlædər/
(B) The man is putting away the ladder. weather /ˈweðər/
(C) The windows are closed because of the cold weather. garden /ˈɡɑːrdn/
(D) The man is planting a flower garden in front of the house.

10. (A) The waiter is setting up some chairs at each table. waiter /ˈweɪtər/
(B) Potted plants have been arranged along the border of patio /ˈpætiəʊ/
the patio.
(C) Some customers are sharing a seat on a bench. customer /ˈkʌstəmər/
(D) The tablecloths have been removed for the evening. tablecloth /ˈteɪblklɔːθ/
Đáp án Buổi 05

1. (A) He’s talking on the telephone. telephone /ˈtelɪfəʊn/

(B) He’s drinking from a cup. laptop /ˈlæptɑːp/
(C) He’s typing on a laptop.
(D) He’s reading a newspaper. newspaper /ˈnuːzpeɪpər/

2. (A) A vehicle is stopped on the street. vehicle /ˈviːəkl/

(B) People are crossing a road. cross /krɔːs/
(C) A woman is riding a bicycle through a park. bicycle /ˈbaɪsɪkl/ through /θruː/
(D) A vendor is selling flowers near a bus stop. vendor /ˈvendər/

3. (A) A man’s folding a napkin. fold /fəʊld/ napkin /ˈnæpkɪn/

(B) A man’s putting silverware on a plate. silverware /ˈsɪlvərwer/ plate /pleɪt/
(C) A man’s holding a menu. menu /ˈmenjuː/
(D) A man’s sitting in a restaurant. restaurant /ˈrestrɑːnt/

4. (A) One of the women has a water bottle in her hand. bottle /ˈbɑːtl/
(B) One of the women has a briefcase on her lap. briefcase /ˈbriːfkeɪs/
(C) The women are sitting next to each other on a sofa. sofa /ˈsəʊfə/
(D) The women are watching a presentation. presentation /ˌpriːznˈteɪʃn/

5. (A) Food is being served to some customers. serve /sɜːrv/

(B) A woman is handing money to a cashier. cashier /kæˈʃɪr/
(C) Trays are being carried to a sink. sink /sɪŋk/
(D) A man is putting on an apron. apron /ˈeɪprən/

6. (A) A cart is being wheeled across the room. wheel /wiːl/ (v) đẩy
(B) Some stools have been placed upside down. stool /stuːl/
(C) A television is attached to the wall. upside down /ˌʌpsaɪd ˈdaʊn/
(D) Some chairs are arranged in a circle. television /ˈtelɪvɪʒn/
circle /ˈsɜːrkl/
7. (A) A wooden fence is being repaired. fence /fens/
(B) Bushes line a walkway. bush /bʊʃ/
(C) A man is planting some seeds in a garden.
(D) A man is cutting a tree into pieces.

piece /piːs/
8. (A) A model of a house has been set up on a table. model /ˈmɑːdl/
(B) A woman is removing books from a shelf.
(C) Some people are looking at a painting. remove /rɪˈmuːv/
(D) Shoppers are lining up at a cash register. cash register /ˈkæʃ redʒɪstər/

9. (A) A man is installing a video camera. install /ɪnˈstɔːl/ camera /ˈkæmrə/

(B) A cabinet door has been left open. cabinet /ˈkæbɪnət/
(C) The people are watching some monitors. monitor /ˈmɑːnɪtər/
(D) Electronics are being sold in a store. electronics /ɪˌlekˈtrɑːnɪks/

10. (A) A salesperson is reaching into a display case. case /keɪs/

(B) Merchandise is being packed into boxes. merchandise /ˈmɜːrtʃəndaɪs/
(C) A customer is taking a hat off a counter. counter /ˈkaʊntər/
(D) Tags have been attached to some hats. attach /əˈtætʃ/

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