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Đáp án Buổi 02

1. (A) He’s writing a letter. write /raɪt/

(B) He’s reading a book. read /riːd/ book /bʊk/
(C) He’s serving some food. serve /sɜːrv/ food /fuːd/
(D) He’s holding a piece of paper. hold /həʊld/ piece /piːs/

2. (A) A woman is arranging the shelves. arrange /əˈreɪndʒ/ shelves /ʃelvz/

(B) A woman is standing at the board. board /bɔːrd/
(C) A woman is watering a plant. water /ˈwɔːtər/ plant /plænt/
(D) A woman is washing a window. wash /wɑːʃ/

3. (A) He’s looking at his watch. watch /wɑːtʃ/

(B) He’s talking on the phone. phone /fəʊn/
(C) He’s walking outside. outside /ˌaʊtˈsaɪd/
(D) He’s opening a box. box /bɑːks/

4. (A) She’s tidying her room.

(B) She’s brushing her teeth. brush /brʌʃ/ teeth /tiːθ/
(C) She’s sweeping the deck. sweep /swiːp/
(D) She’s scrubbing the pots. scrub /skrʌb/ pot /pɑːt/

5. (A) The women are in a parking lot. women /ˈwɪmɪn/

(B) The women are shopping for clothes. clothes /kləʊz/
(C) The women are in a supermarket. supermarket /ˈsuːpərmɑːrkɪt/
(D) The women are paying for food. pay /peɪ/

6. (A) They’re resting in a waiting area. area /ˈeriə/

(B) They’re boarding an airplane. airplane /ˈerpleɪn/
(C) They’re waiting in line. wait /weɪt/
(D) They’re packing a suitcase. suitcase /ˈsuːtkeɪs/

7. (A) A painting is hanging on the wall. wall /wɔːl/

(B) Some people are eating a meal. eat /iːt/ meal /miːl/
(C) The table is being cleared. clear /klɪə(r)/
(D) A lamp is being turned off. lamp /læmp/

8. (A) The woman is taking a picture. picture /ˈpɪktʃər/

(B) The woman is reading as she walks. she /ʃiː/
(C) The boy is holding the woman’s hand.
(D) The boy is playing in the bushes. bush /bʊʃ/

9. (A) The motorcycle has been parked. motorcycle /ˈməʊtərsaɪkl/

(B) The motorcycle is being ridden. ridden /ˈrɪdn/
(C) A tire has been removed from the motorcycle. tire /ˈtaɪər/ remove /rɪˈmuːv/
(D) The seat of the motorcycle is being repaired. seat /siːt/ repair /rɪˈper/

10. (A) They’re delivering a presentation. deliver /dɪˈlɪvər/ presentation /ˌpriːznˈteɪʃn/

(B) They’re moving a piece of furniture. furniture /ˈfɜːrnɪtʃər/
(C) They’re adjusting a pull-down screen. adjust /əˈdʒʌst/ screen /skriːn/
(D) They’re connecting a computer cable. computer /kəmˈpjuːtər/
Đáp án Buổi 02

1. (A) She’s cooking a meal. cook /kʊk/

(B) She’s walking around a farm. farm /fɑːrm/
(C) She’s shopping for food. shop /ʃɑːp/
(D) She’s eating a salad. salad /ˈsæləd/

2. (A) They’re talking on the phone.

(B) They’re moving some furniture.
(C) They’re reading some books.
(D) They’re standing by a table. stand /stænd/

3. (A) He’s climbing into a truck. climb /klaɪm/ truck /trʌk/

(B) He’s entering a store. enter /ˈentər/
(C) He’s getting on a train. train /treɪn/
(D) He’s locking up a drawer. lock /lɑːk/ drawer /drɔːr/

4. (A) She’s opening a box.

(B) She’s putting on boots. boot/ buːt/
(C) She’s folding some paper. fold /fəʊld/
(D) She’s holding a book.

5. (A) They’re meeting in a restaurant. restaurant /ˈrestrɑːnt/

(B) They’re looking at the computer.
(C) They’re examining a document. examine /ɪɡˈzæmɪn/ document /ˈdɑːkjumənt/
(D) They’re filing some forms. file: /faɪl/ form /fɔːrm/

6. (A) The man is pushing a cart. push /pʊʃ/ cart /kɑːrt/

(B) The man is taking a break. break /breɪk/
(C) The man is leaving the store. leave /liːv/
(D) The man is closing the door.

7. (A) Some people are sitting outside.

(B) Some people are watching a movie. movie /ˈmuːvi/
(C) Some people are cutting the grass. grass /ɡræs/
(D) Some people are planting trees.

8. (A) The men are adjusting microphones. microphones /ˈmaɪkrəfəʊn/

(B) The men are playing music together. together /təˈɡeðər/
(C) The men are listening to a lecture. lecture /ˈlektʃər/
(D) The men are working in the garden. garden /ˈɡɑːrdn/

9. (A) There are pictures on the wall.

(B) The tables are covered with tablecloths. cover /ˈkʌvər/ tablecloth /ˈteɪblklɔːθ/
(C) The chairs are being put away.
(D) The piano is being played. piano /piˈænəʊ/

10. (A) The baskets are empty. basket /ˈbæskɪt/ empty /ˈempti/
(B) There are baked goods on shelves.
(C) The cabinets are being repaired. cabinet /ˈkæbɪnət/
(D) They’re buying some bread. bread /bred/

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