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Health and Diseases

1. Classification of diseases on the basis of duration :-

Acute :- Some diseases that last for only very short period of time.
Example - cold
Chronic :- Diseases that last for a long time or life time.
Example – Diabetes, arthritis, cancer.

2. On the basis of infection :-

Infectious :- Such diseases are transmitted from person to person through the transfer of pathogen
(virus, bacteria, fungi).
Example – Cold, chicken pox, small pox.
Non – Infectious :- Such diseases are not caused by pathogen caused due to genetic, environmental
factors or unhealthy life choices .
Example – Diabetes, cancer.

Infectious – communicable diseases.

Non- Infectious – Non- communicable diseases.
Zoonotic diseases- are those which transmit through animals.

1. SARS Corona Virus Air borne
(Severe (Retro virus – RNA, genetic  Respiratory disorders.
Acute Respiratory Syndrome) material)  Affects whole body
Type – Covid
(sea food)
2. Influenza / Flu Haemophilus influenza  Respiratory
Common cold Myxovirus influenzae  Affects whole body
Rhino virus
3. Swine flu (zoonotic) N1H1 virus  Air borne
 (Risk of this disease is
higher in those who
consume pork)
4. Bird flu (Avian influenza) H5N1 virus
5. Dengue (breakbone fever) Caused by DEN 1- 4 virus Platelets count
6. Chikungunya Vector – decrease
Aedes Mosquito(female)
Alpha virus
Aedes Mosquito.(female)
7. Yellow fever Caused by Flavi virus Not prevalent in India common
Vector- Aedes mosquito to areas of Africa and South
8. Rabies/Hydrophobia Rhabdo virus  Transmitted to human
beings through rabid
(mad) dog,cat,jackals,
9. Polio Polio virus/ Entero virus  Inflammation of nervous
system (paralysis)
 Infections disease of
infants and children.
10. AIDS (Acquired Immuno HIV( Retro virus )  Affects – WBC-
deficiency syndrome) Genetic material-  T- lymphocytes
(RNA – Single stranded)  Test :- ELISA
 1 December – observed
as AIDS Day
11. Hepatitis (A, E) Viral  Food and water borne.
(Jaundice)  Affected organ liver.
(results due to incomplete
metabolism of bilirubin
12. Measles (Khasra) Rubeola virus
13. Smallpox (Chechuk) Variola virus
14. Chickenpox Varicella virus

Viruses :- These are non-cellular/ acellular organism that are having inert crystalline structure
outside the living cell.

i.e. – They are living inside the body non-living outside the body.
 Body of virus is made up of protein coat and they have genetic material.
 Virus that infects plants have single strand RNA as genetic material and virus that infect
animals have either single stranded RNA or ds RNA and ds. DNA as genetic material.
 Viruses having RNA as their genetic material are known as Retro virus.
 Viruses are obligate parasites.
 Associated Scientists :-
 D.J Ivanowsky – Term virus was coined by him.
 Beijerinck – He called viruses as Infectious living fluid.
 Stanely – He stated that viruses are Inert outside the specific host cell.

Viroids :- Discovery – T.O Diener.

 These are infectious agents smaller than viruses.
 They lacked the protein coat.
 Genetic material- free RNA.
Protozoan Diseases :-
Malaria Plasmodium species Vector –
Female Anopheles
Affects – Liver, RBCs,
kidney (Primary site of
Pyorrhoea Entamoeba gingivalis Bleeding gums
Sleeping sickness Trypanosoma  Tse – Tse fly
 Affects brain
Diarrhoea Entamoeba  Intestinal
(Amoebiasis/Amoebic Histolytica disorders
Leishmaniasis (Kala azar) Leishmania  Vector – Sand fly
(Black fever) donovani  Liver and spleen

Fungal Diseases :-

1. Ringworm Microsporum  Skin disorder

Trycophyton  Reddish and
Epidermophyton white patches on
2. Ringworm of scalp Tinea capitis  Baldness
3. Athlete’s foot Tinea pedis  Cracking of feet
(Ringworm of feets)
4. Asthma Aspergillus  Respiratory
fumigatus disoders.
Bacteria :-
1. Tetanus Clostridium tetani Nervous System
(lock jaw)
2. Cholera Vibrio cholerae Water borne
(affects intestine)
3. Typhoid Salmonella typhi  Water borne
 WIDAL Test
4. Tuberculosis (T.B) Mycobacterium tuberculosis  White plague
Respiratory disorder
(TB control strategy
recommended by WHO)
5. Diptheria Corneybacterium diphtheria  Respiratory disorder
6. Whooping cough Haemophilus pertussis  Respiratory disorder
7. Plague Yersinia pestis  Zoonatic disease
Pasteurella pestis (Transmitted through
8. Pneumonia Diplococcus pneumonia  Affects - Alveoli
Streptococcus pneumonia
Haemophilus influenzae
9. Leprosy Mycobacterium leprae  Hansen’s disease
10.Gonorrhoea Neisseria gonorrhoeae  Urinary path (STD)
11.Syphilis Treponema pallidum  Urinary path (STD)
12.Peptic ulcers Helicobacter pylori  Acidity related pain
 Bleeding in stomach
13.Anthrax Bacillus anthracis Zoonotic
14.Skin infectious Staphyococcus
15.Trachoma Chlamydia trachomatis  Eye irritation
 Redness
STDs – sexually transmitted diseases.

Diseases caused by Helminths (worms)

1. Elephantiasis / Filariasis
 Wuchereria bancrofti
 Wuchereria malayi
It is a chronic inflammation of the organs usually lower limb.
Culex mosquito – vector

2. Ascariasis
 Ascaris – Round worm
 Intestinal disorders.
 Vaccination:-

Father of vaccination – Edward Jenner (Small Pox)

 Vaccine provides acquired immunity to human beings.
 Important vaccine :-

DPT – Diphtheria Pertussis Tetanus

BCG – Bacillus Calmette Guerin-Vaccine against TB
OPV – Oral Polio Vaccine

Classification of Drugs :-
 Antibiotics:- Are antibacterials produced by microbes like fungi or bacteria.
 Discovery – Alexender Fleming
 first antibiotic – Penicillin.

Tranquilizers/ Analgesics – Pain killers / Neurologically active drugs/ Sleeping pills

Antiseptic – kill or arrest the growth of microbes.
Antihistamine – Anti inflammatory (cure swelling )and Antiallergic
Antipyretic – Reduce fever

Probiotics :- These are products which contain active bacteria. Which have health benefits.
Example – Yakult and yogurt.
 Certain healthy bacteria in our body became inactive due to antibiotics and probiotic make them
active again.

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