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Term 2 - 2024



Time: 2 Hours

Name: …………………………………………………………. Adm No: ……………….

School: ……………………………………………………….. Class: …………………..

Signature: …………………………………………………….. Date: …………………...


(a) Write your name, admission number and school in the spaces provided above

(b) Sign and write the date of the examination in the spaces provided above

(c) Answer ALL the questions in the spaces provided on the question paper

(d) Candidates should check the question paper to ascertain that all the pages are printed as

indicated and that no questions are missing.

(e) Candidates should answer the questions in English

Max Score Student’s Score


Answer all the questions provided.
1. Why does the fluid of transport in insects loosely called blood lack of pigment equivalent to
haemoglobin? (2 marks)
 Pigments in blood are meant to transport O2 and CO2
 O2 is conducted directly to tissues by the tracheoles.
2. Study the diagram below to answer the questions that follow.

(a) What is the role of sino atrio node of the heart? (2 marks)

- cardiac muscles has SAN/sino-artrio node; that initiate heart beat/contraction of

heart muscles/cardiac muscles;

(b) Differentiate between components of part labelled U and V. (2 marks)

U - Aorta V- Pulmonary artery
- Blood flow at higher pressure - Blood flows at lower pressure;
- Oxygenated blood - Deoxygenated blood;

(c) Identify part labeled R. (1 mark)


3. The diagram below represents a structure of xylem vessel. Study it to answer the
questions that follow.

(a) Name substance Q. (1 mark)

(b) How is the above structure adapted to its function? (1 marks)
- They are hollow tubes;
- They are made of dead cells placed end to end.;
- Walls thickened with lignin to prevent them from collapsing as water is being
transported up the plant;

(c) State two functions of roots in plants. (2 marks)

- Storage; anchorage of plants onto the soil; - perennation; - gaseous exchange;
(d) Name another cell that forms the Xylem tissue other than xylem vessel. (1 mark)

4. The diagram below shows single circulation in a fish.

(a) Name the parts labeled T, U and V. (3 marks)

T Gills
U ventricle
V auricle
(b) How is the type of circulation different from that found in man? (1 mark)
- In human, they exhibit double circulatory system;
5. Name the parts of the light microscope shown below. (4 marks)

A Eyepiece B coarse adjustment knob

E Arm F Stage
F Stage G Mirror

D Objective lens H Base

6. (a) Give a summary of the following processes of photosynthesis.

(i) Light stage. (4 marks) - it - ---
takes place in grana; when chlorophyll molecules absorbs light; it is used to
split up water molecules into hydrogen ions; and oxygen gas; This is known
as photolysis; max 4 marks
(ii) Dark stage. (1 marks)
- Carbon (IV) oxide combines with Hydrogen ions from the light stage forming

7. What do you understand by the following terminologies?

Open circulatory system (1 mark)
- The transport fluid is contained in the general body cavity/ coelom/ sinuses
(a) Closed circulatory system (1 mark)
- The transporting fluid (blood) is conveyed in special tubes referred to as blood
8. The diagram below represents a transverse section through a plant organ.

(a) From which plant organ was the section obtained? (1 mark)
- Roots
(b) Give two reasons for your answer in (a) above. (2 marks)
- Star-shaped xylem; root hairs resent; absence of pith;
(c) Name the labeled parts J, K, L and M. (4 marks)
J – Epidermis;
K – Phloem;
L – Xylem;
M – Root hair; rej root hairs

9. State the three theories that explain the mechanisms of opening and closing the stomata
 Photosynthetic theory
 pH/ starch-sugar interconversion theory
 Potassium ion theory

10. Name three forces responsible for movements of water and mineral ions in a stem of a
tall plant. (3 marks)
Cohesion; adhesion; root pressure;
11. Name three sites where gaseous exchange takes place in terrestrial plants. (2 marks)
Leaves, stems and pneumatophores
12. Name two gaseous exchange structures in higher plants. (2 marks)
Stomata- on the leaves.
Lenticels- on woody stem and root.
Epidermis – in roots.
Pneumatophores – in roots.
13. State two ways in which floating leaves of aquatic plants are adapted to gaseous
exchange. (2 marks)
 Stomata found on upper epidermis to allow efficient gaseous exchange
 Presence of large air spaces/Aerenchyma tissues to enable it float/for buoyancy/
storage of air/gaseous exchange.
 Absence of cuticle to enhance gaseous exchange.
14. The set below shows an experiment used to investigate a certain gas.

a) Why was the set up placed in the sunlight? (2 marks)

To allow photosynthesis to take place
b) Identify the gas collected (1 mark)
Oxygen gas
c) What is the role of sodium hydrogen carbonate? (2 marks)
To add/ enrich water with carbon (IV) oxide.
d) Identify the gas produced above and explain how the plants produce it. (2 marks)
The gas is oxygen which is produced from the process of photosynthesis after
photolysis of water.
15. Name the reagent used for testing presence of (3 marks)
(a)Starch iodine solution
(b)Reducing sugars Benedict’s solution
(c)Vitamin c DCPIP

16. State how xylem vessel is adapted to its function (3mks)
 Lignified walls to prevent them from collapsing/offer support
 Hollow and tubular for continuous flow of water
 Narrow to enhance capillarity
 Made of dead cells to reduce water demand
17. a) Define the term immunity. (1mk)
 Is the ability of the body to identify/recognize foreign antigens and develop
mechanism of destroying them.
b) Distinguish between natural immunity and acquired immunity. (1mk)
 Natural immunity is inborn/inherited/passed from parents to offspring while
acquired immunity is obtained in life.

c) Identify one immunizable disease in Kenya. (1mk)

 Poliomyelitis
 Diphtheria
 Whooping cough
 Measles
 Hepatitis B
 Covid-19

18. Give a reason why each of the following steps are followed when preparing cross
sections of a leaf for examination under a microscope.
i) Cutting thin sections. (2mks)
- To allow light to pass through or make them transparent
ii) Placing the sections in water. (1mk)
- To keep the cells turgid and prevent dehydration.
19. The number and distribution of stomata on three different leaves are shown in the table

Suggest the possible habitats of the plants from which the leaves were obtained (3mks) A

A - aquatic
B - Terrestrial
C - Arid

20. State three importance of osmosis in plants. (3mks)
 Helps in absorption of water from the soil
 Enables opening and closing of stomata to facilitate gaseous exchange
 It helps in feeding in insectivorous plants.
 Support in leaves/flowers/seedlings through turgidity.
21. State two characteristics of organisms that are easily observed in both animals and plants.
Growth and development, gaseous exchange, excretion, irritability, locomotion and

22. State three factors that increase the rate of traspiration. (3 marks)
High temperature, high light intensity, wind, low humidity

23. State three structural differences between arteries and veins (3marks)

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