Social Media A Poem

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Social Media

The price is free, We’ll keep this brief

We will show you wonders of the world or others blunders
We will show you information that you have always yearned to learn
We will show you ways of transformation we know you will never truly follow
Swallow all our content like the acts of love around the world, acts of war, the tragedies, comedies
the hungry and needy, and the Rich and filthy. There is no finite number for the possibilities you can interact
We will cater everything to your taste, no extra necessities from you that counteracts our goods and services for you,
Except for one small miniscule detail It is your call, your will
Lots of jargon in the what's of the info so allow us simplify that:
click accept, it won’t hurt

Your friends have been waiting for you as they were

Dating, Judging,
Watching, Consuming,
Enjoying The Content,
Fitting in, Fighting
Remember the Price is Free
Be a member join the group
It is up to You to live alone
Or to be alive with us
We know you want this
We know everything about you to make this perfect
We suggest you don’t Waste
this offer as your youth
will always find a way to us. Only a matter of time. You
Control you, we promise you that.

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