SWOT Analysis France

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The social and cultural history of France portrays the country as one of the most relevant

nations in the Western world. The Napoleonic history as well as France’s involvement in World

War II are some of the major periodic events that reflect the country’s importance to the Western

world.1 In both periods, France faced a notable shift in its social, cultural, and political state, all

of which contributed to the eventual adoption of the country’s current state. With its major

bounds being the Mediterranean Sea, the Atlantic Ocean, the Pyrenees, and the Alps, France has

attained its beauty and attraction from the developed geographic, economic, and cultural

interconnections of Southern and the Northern parts of Europe. The country is among Europe’s

most relevant industrial powers as well as agricultural producers.2 France has citizens who have a

proper understanding, and portray intense pride, in the history and the general accomplishments

of the country. It is important to identify that France’s presence, and influence, in international

affairs make the country an important figure, not only in Europe but also in the other dependent

parts of the world. However, there are major threats and surprising issues that the French citizens

have encountered in the modern period. To fully identify these regional strengths, weaknesses,

opportunities, and threats, this SWOT analysis will be guided by two major questions. First, how

has France advanced over the past years to attain its current political, social, and economic

relevance? Secondly, with its relevance in Europe, how is France’s future portrayed in both

regional and international influence?

Bonura, Michael. Under the Shadow of Napoleon: French Influence on the American Way of
Warfare from Independence to the Eve of World War II. Vol. 3. NYU Press, 2012. ISBN-13:
Barham, Elizabeth. "Social movements for sustainable agriculture in France: A polanyian
perspective." Society & Natural Resources 10, no. 3 (1997), 239-249.

SWOT analysis


France’s major strengths have been identified as the unique factors that enable the

country to stand out and gain relevance in Europe. Among other factors, France is well-known

for its advanced tourism, weapons, telecommunication, and agriculture industries, which play a

critical role in enhancing the country’s economic state. In terms of Agriculture, France is among

the topmost producers in Europe. The country’s high production of soybeans, nuts, and seafood

contributes to approximately $700 million of the annual agricultural exports.3 Together with the

country’s top position in agricultural production, France has some of the world’s largest weapon

development industries. Its high production and distribution of weapons, including guns and

warships, has a historic connection to the country’s early events such as the occurrence of the

Napoleonic wars and the involvement in World War II.

France’s property market is ranked among the most stable in Europe, including in high-

tourism and populated regions such as Paris and the French Rivera.4 The intense security and

negotiability present in the market regions are relevant and attractive for both the locals and the

tourists who want to acquire property in France. With this, France has emerged as a relevant hub

for advanced business and innovation. The country’s government has been involved in actual

funding of business startups as well as tax reductions, which has contributed to the eventual

distribution of jobs for the citizens and the expats. Finally, France has an exquisite healthcare

distribution service that is not only efficient but also accessible to citizens of different social

Ibid, 1997.
Kneafsey, Moya. "Rural cultural economy: Tourism and social relations." Annals of Tourism
Research 28, no. 3 (2001), 762-783. doi:10.1016/s0160-7383(00)00077-3.

classes. The country’s healthcare rank is not issued in terms of regional relevance, in Europe, but

identified among the best and most beneficial in global rankings.


Regardless of the identified strengths, France’s major weaknesses have been aligned with

operational barriers that tend to affect local business operationalization. Among other

weaknesses is the great use of French within the country, which has led to language barriers

among the non-speakers. Most of the country’s business dealings and contracts are conducted in

French, which is the country’s primary language. Moreover, the living costs in France are very

high when compared to that of other Western nations. Both the language barriers and the costs of

living have emerged as the major scares against visiting, conducting business and living in


Moreover, French employees have been identified as the most straightforward and direct

in all of Europe.5 The business operational mantra “the customer is always right” that runs in the

Western nations do not, necessarily, apply in France. Based on their directness, most visitors

have confused the French employees’ behavior with rudeness and indifference. This has led to

minimal indulgence and cohesiveness that leads to operational diversity. Finally, France’s

administration is a notable weakness that affects the country’s civilians, visitors, and expats.

From the government to the organizational levels, the French administration has been known for

periodic delays and lack of focus on some of the important individual inquiries.

Grandey, Alicia A., Glenda M. Fisk, and Dirk D. Steiner. "Must "Service With a Smile" Be
Stressful? The Moderating Role of Personal Control for American and French Employees."
Journal of Applied Psychology 90, no. 5 (2005), 893-904. doi:10.1037/0021-9010.90.5.893.


France’s major opportunities are reflective of the country’s future in terms of social,

economic, and political growth. One of the major opportunities is the country’s great technical

adoption that allows for the growth of operational industries.6 Currently, France is the leader in

terms of aerospace and pharmaceutical developments. Other industries, including the travel

industry, education, telecommunication, and digital development are continuing to advance as

the country sees a growth in its infrastructure networks. Moreover, France’s involvement with

the United States enables the country to gain from the United States’ periodic growth. France’s

current connection with the United States emerged from the friendly ties that formed out of the

countries’ involvement in historic events. One major example was the United States’ indulgence

and support of both Britain and France in the two World Wars.7 These ties emerged further, in

terms of economic and social adoptions, thus leading to France’s current state as a hub of local

and international businesses. Together with the historic events, France’s presence in the United

Nations’ permanent member states is a great opportunity that emerges from its global relevance

and influence. With the position, the country gets involved in major international decision

making aspects that enable it to attain the utmost global recognition.


While France continues to grow out of its presented opportunities, it still faces a huge

threat from its advanced international state. Over the past years, France has encountered several

Juhász, Réka, Mara Squicciarini, and Nico Voigtländer. "Technology Adoption and
Productivity Growth During the Industrial Revolution: Evidence from France." SSRN Electronic
Journal, 2019. doi:10.2139/ssrn.3507694.
Huntington, Samuel P. The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order. New
York: Simon & Schuster, 2011: p. 315. ISBN-10: 1-4516-2897-8.

cases of terrorism attacks, most of which have emerged from the Islamic terrorist groups. 8 Cases

such as the Notre Dame fires and other advanced attacks, since the year 2015, have led to a great

loss of individual lives and property.9 The French government should revisit its counter-terrorism

structure to ensure that it minimizes the adversity of such occurrences. Moreover, France has

registered growth in its crime rates, with a multitude of cases being connected with vehicle

break-ins, violence, robbery, and cyber-attacks. Regardless of the country’s good reputation,

these occurrences have emerged as huge threats against the internal operational framework and

its tourism strategies.


France is one of the highly developed European nations that have adopted modernity and

retained its perspective of traditional governance. The country’s president, Macron Emmanuel, is

the core founder of the country’s leading party, the center-left Forward Party. Selecting France as

the primary locale for this project was based on its highly developed economic, social, and

political structures that, based on its traditional outlook, are intense and contradictory to those of

other European Union member nations. One of the main contradictory outlooks is the country’s

great adoption of diversity that has raised internal conflicts against the historical directives and

its intense consideration of French cultures. While the country stands as the second most

populated and second-largest economy in the European Union, it still struggles with high rates of

unemployment, lack of a competitive framework, and stagnant economic growth. In a recent

report, the Banque de France stated that the general 2019 economic growth in the country stood

Gregory, Shaun. "France and the war on terrorism." Terrorism and Political Violence 15, no. 1
(2003), 124-147. doi:10.1080/09546550312331292987.
Filiu, Jean-Pierre. "The French" Iraqi Networks" of the 2000s: Matrix of the 2015 Terrorist
Attacks?" Perspectives on terrorism 10, no. 6 (2016): 97-101.

at 1.3%, and might be expected to drop to 6.0% in 2020 before an upward turn in 2021 and

2022.10 With these statistics, the French political system has to reconsider and replace some of its

traditional initiatives with modern concepts that will aid periodic growth.

Economic situation

Based on current data and regional comparisons, France is doing very well in terms of

economic recovery and periodic growth. Currently, the country’s economy is positioned as the

fifth in global rankings and represents approximately a fifth of the Euro region’s GDP.11 France’s

economic history is inclusive of several decisions that account for the current state of the

country’s economic structure. During the World War II period, Charles De Gaulle’s government

enacted an economic policy of dirigisme, which was aimed at redeveloping the country from the

noted struggles. This approach was aligned with the development of welfare states in France,

followed by primary regional institutions such as council works and social security that are still

present today.

Following the occurrence of World War II, France engaged the “Les Trente Glorieuses”

period where its main focus was the acceleration of its economic growth, increasing regional

productivity, and maintaining growth in its GDP. Nevertheless, the country’s continued to

encounter struggling period that led to the 1983 shift from the dirigisme strategy to the “de la

rigueur” period of privatization.12 Similar struggles and strategies have continued to affect

King, Rachael. "Banque De France Predicts 6% Economic Contraction." Central Banking. Last
modified April 8, 2020.
Boulhol, Herve. "Improving the economic situation of young people." OECD Economic
Surveys: France, 2013, 103-152. doi:10.1787/eco_surveys-fra-2013-5-en.
FocusEconomics. "France Economy - GDP, Inflation, CPI and Interest Rate." FocusEconomics
| Economic Forecasts from the World's Leading Economists. Last modified 2020.

France’s economic state in the modern period. In the recent period, France’s engagement in the

economic shift led to a notable stagnation as it was noted in most of the other European nations.

Under the governance of President Sarkozy, the country enacted some austerity strategies that

were meant to tackle the growing public debt and budget deficit. However, the country’s GDP

has remained at a constant rate since the year 2011, with a notable rise in its unemployment


France’s presence in the European Union has enabled it to regain a detailed and

promising structure that might elevate its economic state. As a member of the European Union,

France has a developed trade policy that is similar to that of other member states that have a

common EU weighted average tariff rate. Notably, France and other members of the EU operate

through the defined bilateral and regional trade agreements that enable them to remain members

of the World Trade Organization. Currently, France operates through an open economic

framework, regardless of the notable trade barriers. Based on current economic ratings, France’s

export-to-GDP ratios stood at 32% with most of the valued export goods being electronic

equipment, machinery, agricultural products, and pharmaceutical goods.13

The country’s major imports and exports are conducted within European nations.

France’s major export partners include Germany, Belgium, the United Kingdom, Spain, and

Italy. On the other hand, more than 68% of the country’s imports come from European nations

with the remaining percentage coming from external nations such as China. Notably, the

country’s imports and exports are guarded by strict economic, financial, and exchange rate

policies. Since the mid-1980s, France has always favored the supported and practices the

concepts of capitalism and market-oriented policies.14 Market privatization has led to the growth
Ibid, 2020.
Ibid, 2020.

and periodic establishment of major French industries. On the other hand, the French

government has implemented strict laws that aid tax increases and budget as it aims at

minimizing the country’s increased public debt. While the country’s economic state is identified

to have stagnated over the past few years, the stated policies and current focus on capitalism are

approached as a promising move that will revive its periodic growth rate.

The cultural and social situation

With the largest population among the European nations, France has a great composition

of cultures that have contributed to its highly developed social structure. Some of the well-

developed aspects of the French culture includes its language, religion that is predominantly

comprised of Catholicism, and historic arts, clothing, and food. However, as identified under the

SWOT analysis, France’s overindulgence in their language and the intense focus of its workers

has emerged as a great issue that affects both the tourists and people who want to conduct

business as well as live in the country. In France, more than 83% of the residents portray intense

value in their language, which emerges as a barrier when conducting business or engaging

people from other nationalities.15 Further, most tourists have portrayed a degree of dislike and

dissatisfaction towards the French employees, who are portrayed as rude and straightforward.

These cultural and social issues have, over the past years, been identified as the barriers that have

minimized the range of diversity in French schools, industries, and organizations.

However, the French government’s response to these cultural and social barriers has been

adverse and highly effective. From the late 1980s, the French government invested largely in the

development of international learning institutions and technical infrastructure that enables it to

Mamadouh, Virginie, and Gertjan Dijkink. "Geopolitics, International Relations and Political

Geography: The Politics of Geopolitical Discourse." Geopolitics 11, no. 3 (2006), 349-366.

broaden its global reach. These initiatives were grounded on the country’s involvement in

international affairs through its presence and influence in the United Nation’s Security Council,

the European Union, and the World Trade Organization. In a current report, France was

identified among the leading countries that have grown in terms of diversity and cultural

adoption.16 It is important to identify that France’s periodic adoption of diversity has not been a

basis for dismissal of its historical outlook. While the country has been involved in alteration of

its policies to reach the new international and diverse structures, it has also retained its historic

sites and values. This has encouraged the country’s adoption of modernity that is reflective of

traditional values and operational directive.

Legal and geopolitical issues

One of the major legal issues that the French officials are facing aligned with internal

cases of hate crime and moral harassment. In a current report, several leaders and judges in

France were arraigned in court due to their contribution in an occurrence that, initially, led to the

death of the French Telecommunication workers. Based on the reports, the leaders were involved

in general aiding of activities that led to psychological harassment in line with the great

restructuring plan that took place between the years 2008 and 2010.17 Based on the case, the

officials’ conduct forced 19 workers to engage in suicide while 12 attempted and 8 others ended

up suffering in adverse cases of depression.18 While the case is still under trial, the French

officials have portrayed immense expertise and competence in ensuring that the perpetrators are

Friedman, George. The Next 100 Years: A Forecast for the 21st Century. Anchor; Reprint
edition, 2009.
McGregor, Jena. "French executives to stand trial for ‘moral harassment’ a decade after
employee suicides." The Washington Post. Last modified June 18, 2018.
Ibid, 2018.

taken to court and the affected members are compensated. The French constitution is inclusive of

detailed laws and policies that focus on the protection of human rights and freedoms against any

form of abuse.19 The court has taken to account these laws and ensuring that they are utilized in

handling the presented case.

While France continues to battle the internal legal crisis that its leaders are facing, it is

also faced with cases of crime against humanity at the international court. In a current reporting,

the leaders of French Polynesia cited more than 200 nuclear tests that France undertook in the

South Pacific, which led to health complications among thousands of citizens due to the rising

range of radioactivity.20 Together with the presentation that took part on the international

platform, more than 1000 affected individuals have filed official complaints against the French

government, while only 20 have been issued satisfactory compensations.21 While France

continues to advance its focus towards attaining international recognition, this case has portrayed

a negative image towards the country’s political structure. The occurrence has led to minimal

international investments and, together with the initial case, led to reduced growth, or rather a

noted stagnation, in its economic state.

Further, France’s attachment to the Syrian government and the rising cases of terrorism

have led to major geopolitical issues. Following the recent terrorist attack in Paris, France’s

Prime Minister, Manuel Valls, declared a non-interventionism strategy against the situation in

Lévy, Jacques. "A twilight zone: Identity crisis in French geopolitics." GeoJournal 46, no. 4
(1998): 279-283.
Lemon, Jason. "More Trouble for Macron? France Sued for 'Crimes Against Humanity' at
International Court." NewsWeek. Last modified November 10, 2018.
Ibid, 2018.

Syria.22 In his statement, the French Prime Minister stated, “Sending tens of thousands of

soldiers… would be the trap that the Jihadists have set for us”.23 The terrorist attack in Paris led

to major regional destruction and a general deterioration of France’s social and economic status.

Among other effects was the abolition of regional tourism where thousands of tourists were

denied entry to the country due to the attack.24 Regardless of these occurrences, France has made

major strides that have aided the periodic recovery in terms of its economic and social states. The

country’s response strategy has not only led to advanced recovery but has also beautified the

regions and presented them as tourist attraction sites and economic acquisition regions.

Government atmosphere

The government of France is inclusive of the legislative branch, the executive branch,

and the judicial branch. The system, as adopted in France, issues most of the powers to the

president who operates in line with the constitution and the in satisfaction of the citizen's needs.

In the locale, the role of the president and its powers are unique as it is issued the power to

bypass the parliamentary outlook, and even to dissolve the parliament, through submission of a

referendum to the citizens.25 Until recently, France’s government has largely alternated between

two stable political coalitions that include the Socialist Party, which had a Centre-left alignment,

and the minor members of the Radical party and the Greens, who lean towards the left.

Nevertheless, the continuous growth within the nation as well as the advancing range of diversity

Platiau, Charles. "French PM Valls Says No Compromise with Syria's Assad Possible." U.S.
Last modified September 15, 2015. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast-crisis-syria-
Ibid, 2015.
Gaillard, Eric. "Nearly 1000 People Denied Entry to France Since Attacks: Minister." U.S. Last
modified November 28, 2015. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-france-shooting-border/nearly-
Passarelli, Gianluca. "The government in two semi-presidential systems: France and Portugal
in a comparative perspective." French Politics 8, no. 4 (2010), 402-428. doi:10.1057/fp.2010.21.

led to a direct political focus on the specific needs of the citizens. With this, the current President

Macron’s administration has adopted a rather decentralized form of policy-making and

governance, which has been adopted in both the federal and local platforms.

Central Government

Legislation: Senate and Executive: President Judiciary (Independent

the National Assembly and the Government courts)
(Prime minister and

Municipality: Mayor, Provinces: Parliament

Municipal Assembly, speakers and Provincial
Local administrations: Chairman
and deputies
Speakers and Regional

Fig 1: Organization Structure of France’s government structure

France’s government structure portrays its general state as a unitary semi-presidential

representative and democratic structure that is largely aligned with its traditional system. The

general statement of the constitution is presented as a guide that strengthens the general powers

of the executive branch. The general structure of the executive branch is inclusive of the

country’s president, who is elected by the people as the head of state to serve for 5 years, and the

government, which is headed by the Prime Minister who is appointed by the President.26 The

country’s government is, also, inclusive of the bicameral legislature, which comprises of the

National Assembly as well as the Senate. In France, the defined roles of each individual within

the parliament is a portrayal of the country’s focus on establishing its geopolitical framework.

Manjavidze, Giorgi. "Comparison of Appointment and Dismissal Powers of the Executive
Branch in Germany, France and Georgia." Budapest: Central European University (Department
of Legal Studies) (2009).

With the decentralized and democratic structures, the National Assembly deputies act as the

representatives of the people and the local constituencies. The Assembly is issued the utmost

authority of dismissing the government, which gives it most of the power in terms of decision

making. Unlike the National Assembly, the Senate is elected by the Electoral College to serve

for an average of 6-year-terms. The Senate does not have the utmost power as compared to the

National Assembly. Further, the country relies on its civil legal system where the laws are

presented in statutes. The Judicial system does not formulate the law but has been warranted the

primary role of interpreting it.27 Relevant and definitive outlooks and interpretations of the

judicial body are relevant for the breakdown of the French Laws to common laws and case laws.

The country’s fundamental principles of the role of law are directly reflective of the

initially stated Napoleonic Codes. The general statements of the law can be seen as basic

interpretations of the past geopolitical codes to create the current Declaration of the Rights of

Man and the Citizens. With this, as well as the utmost consideration of Capitalism, the French

government considers the relevance of the private business as the basis of social continuity and

economic development. While most of the country’s geopolitical policies are driven by the

government, their enactment is based on the evaluated information that is collected from social

institutions, including the private businesses. This structure, and relevance that is directed to

people, is of great relevance as it enables the French government to operate in the satisfaction of

the citizens. In Romans 13:4, the Bible tells us, “For he is God’s servant for your good. But is

you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an

avenger who carries out God’s wrath on the wrongdoer” (ESV). Notably, the French government

relies on its political history as the basis of legislative and policy development. The country does

Expert-Foulquier, Caroline. "The Financial Independence of the Judiciary in France."
International Journal for Court Administration 11, no. 1 (2020). doi:10.36745/ijca.300.

not consider religious directives as great motivations towards its political undertakings.

However, the great relationship between the political and social institutions, including the private

businesses, emerges as the main aspect of periodic growth as well as social and political


Action Plan

Based on the SWOT analysis, France’s intense focus on its historical framework can be

interpreted as the leading reason behind the country’s lack of diversity. One of the major

weaknesses that the country is experiencing is the lack of a diverse workforce that is considerate

of the tourists and citizens from other nations who work or live in the country. The fact that this

aspect continues to affect the country’s stability, in terms of the tourism economy, means that

proper measures have to be implemented, in line with the initiatives that are already undertaken

to foster diversity. Most of the economic strategies and initiatives that drive France’s economy,

including farm protection and preservation, are relatively practiced in Italy, Spain, Japan, and the

United States.28 With this, the country’s governing framework should reformulate its focus from

traditional politics to incorporate newer and modernized concepts. This can include the

enactment of newer and accommodative policies, strengthening of diversity-specific laws on the

organizational structures, and presentation of newer opportunities that will accommodate the

upcoming generation.

Further, France has, over the past few years, continued to experience an advanced period

of economic stagnation, regardless of the business strategies that are implemented on the local

levels. Nevertheless, the general structure of economic networks in any given nation is

interconnected in a way that the ideas and policies that are implemented at the federal level will

Cohen, Saul B. Geopolitics: The Geography of International Relations, 3rd ed. Lanham:

Rowman & Littlefield, 2014.


have a rippling impact on the local levels. One of the main outlooks that France needs to

consider is the broadening of its trade links to countries that are outside the European Union.

Currently, France is making notable strides in the development of its economic ties with external

nations such as China and the United States. However, having over 68% of its exports and

imports rotating within the European Union is a critical issue due to the emerging range of

regional and organizational competitiveness. While France continues to focus on compliance

with the European Union laws and policies, it should also develop independent channels, similar

to the case of China and the United States, to ensure that it captures the growing economies.

Finally, France should, like the current concepts adopted in the United States, consider

the implementation of non-interventionism strategies against some of the rivaling nations. One of

the country’s major threats is the constant rise of terrorism, which has halted tourism and the

general rise of its economy. Further, France has currently been involved in several regional and

geopolitical conflicts against Syria, which have their basis on the adverse interventionism

concepts.29 While countries might be tied through their economic and social relations, it is

relevant for them to consider their military relations as it might be the basis of regional

conflicts.30 With its current system, France can hardly alter its mode of governance to adapt

sovereignty. However, the country should place a concise focus on its internal systems over

external relations. The country should focus on the development of its internal relations and

operational structures as it focuses on gaining competence over the rivaling nations. This non-

compromise strategy will not only aid the reduction of external conflicts and cases of terrorism

Mustafayev, Elmar. "Challenges of France in International Politics." Geopolitica.info. Last
modified October 22, 2014. https://www.geopolitica.info/france-in-international-politics/.
Simons, Anna, et al. The Sovereignty Solution: A Commonsense Approach to Global Security.
Naval Inst P, 2011. ISBN-10: 1612510507

but will also issue an opportunity to solve some of the overarching internal challenges such as

the ongoing legal and geopolitical issues.


The Napoleonic history and involvement in World War II are some of the relevant

historical aspects that shaped the general outlook of France. The relevance of these periods are

not only identified in the country’s political strategies and policies but also in the country’s

economic and social structures. France’s main strengths are aligned with the country’s economic

channels that make it the second-largest in the European Union. Further, France has some of the

greatest and highly growing industries that have a likelihood of serving the nation’s future,

regardless of the predicted struggles. On the other hand, the country’s social and cultural

perspectives are aligned with the traditional outlooks, which do not favor the modern idea of

diversity. This weakness forms one of the major concepts that have halted the general growth of

the country’s economy. Based on a detailed outlook, France has to consider the concept of non-

interventionism as a solution to its overarching threats, which is the rising scares of terrorist

attacks. The country should create a concise focus on the establishment of its internal structure as

it finds a solution to some of the overarching issues that it is facing. With consideration of the

stated action plans, France has a great likelihood of regaining its powerful and influential

position in the European Union and the world, based on its position at the United Nations

Security Council.


Barham, Elizabeth. "Social movements for sustainable agriculture in France: A polanyian

perspective." Society & Natural Resources 10, no. 3 (1997), 239-249.


Bonura, Michael. Under the Shadow of Napoleon: French Influence on the American Way of

Warfare from Independence to the Eve of World War II. Vol. 3. NYU Press, 2012.

Boulhol, Herve. "Improving the economic situation of young people." OECD Economic

Surveys: France, 2013, 103-152. doi:10.1787/eco_surveys-fra-2013-5-en.

Cohen, Saul B. Geopolitics: The Geography of International Relations, 3rd ed. Lanham:

Rowman & Littlefield, 2014: p. 91.

Expert-Foulquier, Caroline. "The Financial Independence of the Judiciary in France."

International Journal for Court Administration 11, no. 1 (2020). doi:10.36745/ijca.300.

Filiu, Jean-Pierre. "The French" Iraqi Networks" of the 2000s: Matrix of the 2015 Terrorist

Attacks?." Perspectives on terrorism 10, no. 6 (2016): 97-101.

FocusEconomics. "France Economy - GDP, Inflation, CPI and Interest Rate." FocusEconomics |

Economic Forecasts from the World's Leading Economists. Last modified 2020.


Friedman, George. The Next 100 Years: A Forecast for the 21st Century. Anchor; Reprint

edition, 2009.

Gaillard, Eric. "Nearly 1000 People Denied Entry to France Since Attacks: Minister." U.S. Last

modified November 28, 2015. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-france-shooting-



Grandey, Alicia A., Glenda M. Fisk, and Dirk D. Steiner. "Must "Service With a Smile" Be

Stressful? The Moderating Role of Personal Control for American and French

Employees." Journal of Applied Psychology 90, no. 5 (2005), 893-904.


Gregory, Shaun. "France and the war on terrorism." Terrorism and Political Violence 15, no. 1

(2003), 124-147. doi:10.1080/09546550312331292987.

Huntington, Samuel P. The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order. New York:

Simon & Schuster, 2011. ISBN-10: 1-4516-2897-8.

Juhász, Réka, Mara Squicciarini, and Nico Voigtländer. "Technology Adoption and Productivity

Growth During the Industrial Revolution: Evidence from France." SSRN Electronic

Journal, 2019. doi:10.2139/ssrn.3507694.

King, Rachael. "Banque De France Predicts 6% Economic Contraction." Central Banking. Last

modified April 8, 2020.



Kneafsey, Moya. "Rural cultural economy: Tourism and social relations." Annals of Tourism

Research 28, no. 3 (2001), 762-783. doi:10.1016/s0160-7383(00)00077-3.

Lemon, Jason. "More Trouble for Macron? France Sued for 'Crimes Against Humanity' at

International Court." NewsWeek. Last modified November 10, 2018.



Lévy, Jacques. "A twilight zone: Identity crisis in French geopolitics." GeoJournal 46, no. 4

(1998): 279-283.

Mamadouh, Virginie, and Gertjan Dijkink. "Geopolitics, International Relations and Political

Geography: The Politics of Geopolitical Discourse." Geopolitics 11, no. 3 (2006), 349-

366. doi:10.1080/14650040600767859.

Manjavidze, Giorgi. "Comparison of Appointment and Dismissal Powers of the Executive

Branch in Germany, France and Georgia." Budapest: Central European University

(Department of Legal Studies) (2009).

McGregor, Jena. "French executives to stand trial for ‘moral harassment’ a decade after

employee suicides." The Washington Post. Last modified June 18, 2018.



Mustafayev, Elmar. "Challenges of France in International Politics." Geopolitica.info. Last

modified October 22, 2014. https://www.geopolitica.info/france-in-international-politics/.

Passarelli, Gianluca. "The government in two semi-presidential systems: France and Portugal in

a comparative perspective." French Politics 8, no. 4 (2010), 402-428.


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